Telangana Tempest: Sid Harth
(too old to reply)
2009-12-11 00:06:32 UTC
Telangana unlocks tempest
98 MLAs ‘quit’ in backlash

Hyderabad, Dec. 10: The Congress’s midnight gift to the people of
Telangana demanding a separate state today triggered a political
mutiny in the rest of Andhra Pradesh with as many as 98 lawmakers,
including 56 from the ruling party, submitting their resignations from
the legislature.

The backlash prevented the statehood resolution from being tabled in
the Assembly today.

All these MLAs are from the Rayalaseema and coastal regions, which
account for 13 of the state’s 23 districts. Speaker Kiran Kumar Reddy
said he had received the resignations but was yet to decide whether to
accept them.

The Congress has 155 MLAs, 51 of them from Telangana, in the House of
294. The Telugu Desam, once an opponent of statehood but now a backer,
has 92 MLAs, 29 of whom have given quit letters. Superstar
Chiranjeevi’s Praja Rajyam has 18, of whom 13 have resigned. Besides,
some 30 members of the legislative council and at least one MP have
also submitted resignation letters.

All MLAs from non-Telangana regions, cutting across party lines, will
boycott the Assembly session tomorrow.

The rebellion forced the Congress to put off tabling the statehood
resolution necessary for introducing a bill in Parliament. For the
resolution to be passed, the Congress will require a two-thirds
majority of the House, which means the support of at least 196 MLAs.
The Telangana Rashtra Samiti (TRS), the flag-bearer of the agitation,
has only 10 seats.

The government sought to play down the resignations. “The session is
on till end-December. You need not hurry or worry,” Speaker Reddy
said. He plans to meet the MLAs individually before taking a decision.
A political source said some of the resignations could have been
“orchestrated” by the Congress to buy time after its knee-jerk
reaction yesterday.

The mass show of defiance came hours after Union home minister P.
Chidambaram’s announcement around midnight yesterday that the Centre
was ready to initiate the process of forming a state of Telangana,
which includes prized Hyderabad. The decision was aimed at persuading
statehood spearhead and TRS chief K. Chandrasekhar Rao to call off his
10-day fast.

TRS leaders were smug from the success of their agitation. “You should
count your days from now on as you are on our land,” party leader
Etela Rajender cautioned other legislators.

The provocation touched a raw nerve among non-Telangana leaders. “For
generations, people from all regions have invested crores in
developing the state, particularly Hyderabad, and now we have to get
out,” said a Congress MLA from Rayalaseema.

The struggle for Telangana has become a fight for Hyderabad, the most
prosperous of the Andhra districts.

Industrialist T.G. Venkatesh, a Congress legislator from Kurnool, one
of the Rayalaseema districts, said if Hyderabad had to be given to
Telangana, the people of other regions, who have heavily invested in
infrastructure, hospitality, the film industry as well as land, should
get a compensation of over Rs 2 lakh crore.

The city, once notorious for communal riots and the land and
construction mafia, was opened up for non-Telangana people during the
Desam regimes of N.T. Rama Rao and Chandrababu Naidu, who said today
his party would oppose bifurcation of Hyderabad.

Among the major non-Telangana investors in Hyderabad are GMR, which
built the dazzling Rajiv Gandhi International Airport at Shamshabad,
and GVK, which has several infrastructure projects lined up.

The Majlis-e-Ittehadul Muslimeen, which represents the city in the Lok
Sabha, said Hyderabad should be turned into a Union Territory.

Chief minister K. Rosaiah, himself from outside Telangana, held an
emergency cabinet meeting where he urged ministers to pacify the
rebellious MLAs. Congress president Sonia Gandhi met disgruntled party
MPs in New Delhi.


...and I am Sid Harth
2009-12-11 00:08:20 UTC
Telangana eye-opener for Darjeeling party

Darjeeling, Dec. 10: The Gorkha Janmukti Morcha today announced a four-
day strike in the Darjeeling hills from December 14, demanding that
Gorkhaland be dealt simultaneously with Telangana and going back on
its word that there would be no bandhs till the scheduled tripartite
talks in the third week of this month.

The general strike is part of the series of agitation programmes (see
chart) lined up by the Morcha which has lost faith in the tripartite
talks between the Centre, state and its own leaders. Till date, the
party had attached much importance to the talks and had even agreed to
maintain congenial atmosphere before the fourth rounds on December 21.

“Given the developments that have taken place…the tripartite meeting
is no longer important for us. We want Gorkhaland to be created along
with the state of Telangana,” said Morcha president Bimal Gurung at a
media conference in Singhmari. The party has decided to launch an
indefinite hunger strike from tomorrow in Darjeeling, Kurseong,
Kalimpong, Siliguri and the Dooars as well.

Determined to go ahead with the agitation, Gurung said: “During the
bandh, we will not allow even police vehicles to ply.”

Many hotels have already started advising tourists to cancel their
trips. “Although it is not a peak season, we did have some bookings.
Given the fact that the situation is definitely going to deteriorate
in the days to come we are advising tourists to change their plans,”
said a hotelier here.

More people will be inducted in the hunger strike from December 18
onwards. Till then, regular rallies by various frontal organisations
of the party have been lined up.

With the Congress government at the Centre asking its counterparts in
Andhra Pradesh to table a resolution on Telangana, the Morcha
leadership is confused. “This means f the Centre is honest and
willing, there is no need for tripartite talks and an interlocutor,
you can get down to brass tacks and settle the matter,” said Morcha
media and publicity secretary Harka Bahadur Chhetri.

The Telangana development is worrying the CPM too. “We opposed the
Centre (on formation of smaller states) since we knew that it would
open a Pandora’s box. It will instigate the separatist forces in
Bengal including those asking for Gorkhaland, Greater Cooch Behar and
Kamtapur,” said CPM politburo member and industry minister Nirupam Sen
after a state secretariat meeting in Calcutta this evening. The
communists are divided on Telangana as the CPI supported its formation
in Parliament.


...and I am Sid Harth
2009-12-11 00:10:54 UTC
Gorkhaland not part of talks

Jaigaon, Dec. 1: Leaders of the Gorkha Janmukti Morcha and the Akhil
Bharatiya Adivasi Vikas Parishad today penned an agreement that aims
at reducing tensions between the supporters of both the parties in the
Terai and Dooars area of north Bengal.

Morcha spokesperson and central committee member Harka Bahadur Chhetri
and adviser to the Parishad Kiron Kalindi inked the deal at the
Agrasan Bhavan in Madarihat today.

“We have agreed to reduce tensions between our supporters in the
region and it has been decided that leaders of both the sides should
meet regularly in order review the situation. Rumours that are spread
and baseless allegations that are levelled are to be dealt with speed
and it should be ensured that things do not go out of hand. We are
here to live in harmony and there should be no room for
misunderstandings between us,” Chhetri said after the meeting.

On several occasions the supporters of the two outfits had come to
blows especially with a section of tea garden workers joining the
Morcha bandwagon in recent times.

The latest violence was on November 9, when alleged Parishad
supporters attacked the house of the vice-president of the Morcha’s
Jaigaon branch, Indra Bahadur Chhetri in Bharnobari tea estate for
campaigning for the party-backed candidate for the Kalchini
byelections. The houses of two other Morcha supporters, Bharat Chhetri
and Asit Thapa in the same garden, were also ransacked.

Raju Bara, a Parishad leader and seven others were arrested by the
Hasimara police for the ransacks, sparking protests by the Adivasi

Incidentally, the Morcha had tasted its first success in electoral
politics in the plains and not the hills with the victory of the
Independent it had backed in Kalchini, which is part of the Dooars. “I
remember chief minister Buddhadeb Bhattacharjee challenging me to win
an election when I raised the issue of the (inclusion of the) Dooars
(in Gorkhaland) at one of our meetings in Calcutta. He had snubbed us
on Dooars and I had staged a walkout. The vic-tory in Kalchini is a
slap in Bhattacharjee’s face,” Morcha president Bimal Gurung had said
on the day the results were announced. “We will now say there is a
mandate for Gorkhaland even in the Dooars and this stand will figure
prominently in the next round of talks,” he had added.

However, neither Gorkhaland nor the inclusion of the Dooars and the
Terai in the state was discussed at today’s meeting.

Rajesh Lakra, the secretary of the Dooars-Terai committee’s of the
Parishad, said on November 15, the Morcha’s organising secretary for
the region Samuel Gurung had written to the Adivasi outfit, asking for
a meeting.

“We held a meeting at Banarhat on Sunday to decide on a response and
it was decided that we would sit today and sort out matters. We
thought we would talk about bringing tensions down and the development
of the region for common good,” Lakra said.

The state committee secretary of the Parishad, Birsa Tirkey, however,
said the issue of the demand for Gorkhaland was unimportant. “Today’s
meeting was for peace and progress, but the demand for a separate
state or Gorkhaland cannot be accepted at any cost,” he said.


...and I am Sid Harth
2009-12-11 00:12:31 UTC
Gorkhaland: ‘Challenge to statecraft’

In an exclusive chat with The Telegraph’s Meghdeep Bhattacharyya in
Darjeeling, Jaswant Singh spoke on Gorkhaland and the political crisis
in Bengal. Excerpts follow:

Q: What’s on your agenda, with regard to Gorkhaland, on this trip?

A: This visit is essentially about the ex-servicemen’s gathering. Ex-
servicemen from all over the country up to the rank of generals are
here to attend the seminar. Naturally, the legitimate aspirations
(with regard to Gorkhaland) of the people of Darjeeling will be in
focus in the seminar. The organisers are seeking the support of the
entire community of servicemen which has fought side by side in the
battlefield with the valiant Gorkhas. I, Jaswant Singh, an ex-
serviceman, am no exception.

Q: How do you propose to take forward the issue of Gorkhaland, now
that you are no longer with the BJP?

A: I believe in the cause, in the aspirations of the people of
Darjeeling. I appeal to everybody, don’t treat the issue as a problem,
treat it as a challenge to statecraft — how best to meet the hopes and
aspirations of India’s valiant citizens who have, for centuries, given
their lives to the protection of their motherland.

Q: Rephrasing the previous question — how, after the BJP has been
relegated to much lesser significance in Parliament and after your
expulsion from the party, do you expect to make progress on the issue
as the sole crusader for your cause in Parliament?

A: (Laughs) I really like the term “sole crusader”. Sometimes, my dear
friend, it takes a sole crusader to make a difference. The strength of
the demand for Gorkhaland is in the relevance and legitimacy of the
ideas. With or without the BJP, I will continue to voice the demand,
even as the sole crusader.

Q: Do you support the forms of agitation adopted by the Gorkha
Janmukti Morcha, from barring administrative work, not paying
electricity bills, land revenue and motor vehicles taxes to the
banning of licensed liquor sale in the hills?

A: No! I do not support this. I certainly don’t. But understand that
such steps sometimes become necessary when the government stops
hearing the voice of legitimate demands and aspirations of a people.
Bengal, over the last three-and-a-half decade, has turned illegal
forms of agitation into a political art form. The Left Front
government cannot preach restraint now, something which it has hardly
shown during its tenure in power. Kehtey hain na - saw chuhey khaakey
billi Haj ko chali! (As the saying goes — after devouring a hundred
mice the cat embarks on a pilgrimage!)

Q: What’s your opinion on the way the Morcha leadership, self-declared
Gandhians, silences all opposition, even from within the hills, be it
Madan Tamang or Subhas Ghising?

A: You're referring to a local disputation of an individual nature. I
cannot comment on this.

Q: The last time we asked you this question (October 21), you had
declined comment. What’s your opinion on the present political crisis
in Bengal and Mamata Banerjee's brand of politics?

A: It is a matter of great sadness, my friend, that Bengal today has
sunk into the kind of non-governance, not just mis-governance, mind
you, non-governance. The Left Front has obliterated the difference
between party and government, a fundamental of democracy. It has
turned election engineering into an art and now cries foul when others
do the same. The Left Front government introduced in India's political
lexicon, the bandh. Now, Mamataji is doing exactly what the Left Front
has mastered for so long.

Q: You've told us earlier that the question of your rejoining the BJP
“is really of academic interest”. Given the choice, would you join any
other political party?

A: (Laughs) I've become a veteran of attempting to answer this
question. I leave it to you, show me a party, which you think I should
join and then I'll think and answer.


...and I am Sid Harth
2009-12-11 05:09:41 UTC
BJP favours inclusion of Hyderabad in Telengana

New Delhi, Dec 10 (PTI) BJP today said it favoured the inclusion of
rpt of Hyderabad in the proposed state of Telangana.

Asked if BJP supported the demand that Andhra Pradesh capital
Hyderabad be a part of Telengana, senior party leader M Venkaiah Naidu
said "when the central government will bring the Bill, we will react."

Later, Naidu endorsed his party spokesperson Prakash Javadekar's view
that Hyderabad will be part of Telangana, saying "he (Javadekar) is in-
charge of the state, I support what he said."

"BJP welcomes the announcment made by the UPA government with regard
to starting the process of creation of a separate state of Telengana.
Though late, we welcome the announcement," he said.

However, he was critical of the government for not sharing details of
how it planned to carve out the new state.


...and I am Sid Harth
2009-12-11 05:11:25 UTC
TRS chief discharged from hospital

Hyderabad, Dec 11 (PTI) TRS chief K Chandrasekhar Rao was today
discharged from a hospital here after being admitted for 13 days
during his fast for a separate Telangana state.

A huge crowd of fans greeted him when he came out of the Nizam's
Institute of Medical Sciences and got into his car.

The 55-year-old leader broke his fast on Wednesday night after the
Centre bowed to his demand for creation of a separate Telangana state.


...and I am Sid Harth
2009-12-11 05:12:55 UTC
Minister Pallam Raju opposes Telengana statehood

New Delhi, Dec 11 (PTI) Senior Congress leader and Union Minister
Pallam Raju has voiced his opposition over carving a separate
Telangana state from Andhra Pradesh and said it was becoming apparent
there was no unanimity among MPs and MLAs in the state.

After a meeting with Union Law Minister Veerappa Moily along with some
MPs from Andhra and Rayalseema regions, Raju, the Minister of State
for Defence, said he hoped that Andhra Pradesh will remain united.
Moily is the AICC general secretary in-charge of AP affairs.

"Our hope is that Andhra remains united and we think that the Centre
was compelled to make the announcement (to form Telangana). We have
strongly expressed our views," he told reporters last night.

"We are seeing how MLAs are resigning across party lines. And
similarly MPs from the Andhra region and Rayalseema region have
conveyed the wish that Andhra Pradesh is united.


...and I am Sid Harth
2009-12-11 05:14:41 UTC
Over 200 taken into preventive custody in AP

Hyderabad, Dec 10 (PTI) Even as TRS and others celebrated the Centre's
announcement to initiate the process for carving out a separate
Telangana State, over 200 persons were today taken into preventive
custody after widespread protests in Rayalaseema and coastal Andhra
regions of the state.

Opposing a separate Telangana and favouring a united Andhra Pradesh,
political parties, students and others, intensified their agitations
and took to streets in the coastal districts of Visakhapatnam, Guntur,
Krishna and Anantapur and Chittoor districts in the Rayalaseema

Following the protests, police took over 200 persons into preventive
custody from these regions, who may resort to violent activities, a
release from the Andhra Pradesh DGP office said tonight.

As part of the protests opposing separate Telangana, students of
Srikrishna Devaraya University in Anantapur district damaged seven
APSRTC buses and blocked roads, while TDP activists resorted to road
blockades in Guntur district.


...and I am Sid Harth
2009-12-11 05:15:59 UTC
No going back on tabling of resolution: AP govt

Hyderabad, Dec 10 (PTI) The Andhra Pradesh government today asserted
that there would be no going back on the issue of tabling a resolution
in the State Assembly seeking formation of Telangana State.

Briefing newsmen after an emergency meeting of the State cabinet late
tonight, chaired by Chief Minister M K Rosaiah, Information Minister J
Geeta Reddy said they would abide by the decision of the Congress high
command on the Telangana resolution.

However, no date has been fixed for tabling the resolution in the
house, she said.

The Chief Minister, meanwhile, asked his cabinet colleagues to prevail
upon the MLAs in their respective districts to withdraw their
resignations, sources said.

The resignations would show that they were violating the party high
command's directive even after a resolution was adopted in the recent
CLP meeting authorising AICC President Sonia Gandhi to take decision
on the Telangana statehood demand, Rosaiah reportedly said.


...and I am Sid Harth
2009-12-11 05:28:15 UTC
BJP renews demand for Gorkhaland statehood

Ranchi,Dec 10 (PTI) The BJP today threw its weight behind the demand
for a separate 'Gorkhaland' in Darjeeling, saying the region lies
along the border and a separate statehood would help "prevent
infiltration and protect the border better".

The comments came in the wake of the Centre's move to grant statehood
to Telangana bifurcating Andhra Pradesh.

"The BJP has always favoured small states. We also demand a separate
statehood for Gorkhaland along with Telangana," BJP national spokesman
Rajiv Pratap Rudy told reporters here.

The statehood for Jharkhand, Uttarakhand and Chhatisgarh were granted
on BJP's initiation, Rudy claimed, adding it a "important "to carve
out Gorkhaland from West Bengal.

"Gorkhaland shares borders with other countries and a statehood to it
would help it to prevent infiltration and protect the shape of our
borders better," Rudy argued.


...and I am Sid Harth
2009-12-11 05:32:04 UTC
Protests over Telangana creation continue

Hyderabad, Dec 11 (PTI) Non-Telangana regions of Andhra Pradesh today
reported protests and bandhs opposing creation of Telangana against
which 103 MLAs of Congress, TDP and PRP have resigned.

Incidents of violence and stoning of buses were reported in towns of
coastal Andhra and Rayasaleema against the Centre's decision to carve
out Telangana state.

Speaker Kiran Kumar Reddy announced in the Assembly today that 103
MLAs of Congress, TDP and PRP have resigned and that he will go by the
rule book while taking a decision on them.

He said he will have to ascertain if the members resigned due to their
own volition or due to any compulsion.

Members including PRP Chief Chiranjeevi raised the issue in the house
and felt the decision on a separate Telangana should have been taken
through consensus.


...and I am Sid Harth
2009-12-11 05:40:01 UTC
When brawls in Parl and Lalu's theatrics marked birth of 3 states
10 Dec 2009, 1908 hrs IST

The Centre's decision to initiate the process for creating a Telangana
state comes nine years after the last exercise to form three new
states whose journey was marked by brawls in Parliament and theatrics
by Lalu Yadav who said Jharkand will only take birth on his "dead
body." The last time when three statehood bills came up in Parliament--
August 2000-- during the BJP-led NDA rule, a woman MP was pushed
around by a RJD member; Home Minister L K Advani just about escaped
being assaulted; two adjournments preceded by unruly scenes and an
equal number of walkouts.

There were also protests on the streets in the run-up to the creation
of the three new states. The Madhya Pradesh Reorganisation Bill, Uttar
Pradesh Reorganisation Bill and Bihar Reorganisation Bill were
approved by Parliament in August 2000 to clear the decks for creation
of the new states of Chattisgarh, Uttarakhand and Jharkand in November
that year. A day after the Centre announced that it will initiate the
process for Telangana statehood, speculation was how much time it
would take for it to be a reality with Home Ministry officials saying
it could be one to two years.

The Andhra Pradesh assembly has to pass a resolution for a separate
Telangana state followed by introduction of a Constitution Amendment
Bill which is required when a new state is created. This Bill has to
be passed by a two-third majority in Parliament after which a new
state would be created after the approval by the President. While
angry RJD MPs forced the Government to defer the introduction of the
Vananchal bill (Jharkand is popularly known as Vananchal) in the Lok
Sabha, the legislation on the creation of Uttarakhand was tabled in
the House by Advani after brushing aside the objections raised by
Akali Dal's Prem Singh Chandumajra, Mamata Banerjee of the Trinamool
Congress (both allies of the Government) and the BSP.

Only the Chattisgarh Bill was moved without any hitch. Belligerent MPs
of the RJD and its ally Samajwadi Party forced two adjournments in the
House on the Bill for creation of Jharkand. Shouting slogans such as
Bihar Vibhajan band karo (Stop the division of Bihar) and Vananchal
bill wapas karo (withdraw the bill), they moved to the well of the
House. Interestingly, Congress MP Rajo Singh too jumped to their
support disregarding his party's views on the bill. Lalu, the
strongman from Bihar who led the opposition to the formation of
Jharkand, had declared on the floor of the state Assembly that the new
state will be formed only on his dead body.

In the Lok Sabha, as angry RJD members led by former Union Minister
Raghuvansh Prasad Singh and Jhanjharpur MP Surendra Prasad Yadav moved
towards Advani after jumping over the secretary-general's chair, BJP
MPs Rita Verma and Abha Mahto (both hailing from the Vananchal region)
formed a protective cordon around him. But this failed to deter Yadav,
who tried to push Verma out of his way. The Bihar reorganisation bill
finally was approved after Lok Sabha rejected amendments moved by some
members from RJD, Congress and BJD, an NDA partner. With the approval
of the three Reorganisation Bills, the NDA Government had fulfilled
its promise to carve three new states of Chhattisgarh, Uttara and
Jharkhand out of Madhya Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh and Bihar.


...and I am Sid Harth
2009-12-11 05:42:37 UTC

Telengana crisis deepens
11 Dec 2009, 0921 hrs IST

A major crisis seems to be brewing in Major Andhra Pradesh over the
formation of Telengana state, with Congress leaders calling for a
bandh in coastal Andhra Pradesh even as 100 MLAs tender resignations.
Meanwhile Telengana Rashtra Samiti chief K Chandrasekhara Rao
reportedly cancelled his victory march back home from the hospital on
Friday morning (December 11). Though his family said this is because
of his still weakened state of health, party sources say the TRS chief
is reluctant to go in for a premature victory celebration when
separate statehood is yet to be made official in the assembly.

A day after the Centre gave in to the Telangana Rashtra Samiti, a
massive political crisis within Andra Pradesh looked to have begun
when 100 Andhra Pradesh MLAs from Congress, TDP, and Praja Rajyam
tendered their resignation in an expression of outrage over the move
to divide AP.

Protesting against the sudden decision of the Congress leadership to
initiate the process for formation of a Telangana State, nearly 100
MLAs and other elected representatives from the Rayalaseema and Andhra
regions submitted their resignations. The MLAs include 58 from the
Congress, 29 from the Telugu Desam and 13 from the Praja Rajyam.

Amid the heightened political crisis, the State Cabinet held an
emergency meeting under Chief Minister K Rosaiah - but the government
has asserted that there would be no going back on tabling a resolution
on Telangana in the Assembly.

Minister of State for Defence and senior Congress leader, Pallam Raju,
however commented that the earlier impression of unity in the AP
government over the idea of Telengana had been belied by subsequent
developments. Raju voiced his opposition over carving a separate
Telangana state from Andhra Pradesh and said it was becoming apparent
there was no unanimity among MPs and MLAs in the state.

“The central government probably made a decision based on the opinion
that was obtained from all the parties. And then, it looked like
everyone was for a separate state. They said if a resolution was
brought in they would support the cause. But as soon as the
announcement was made, we are seeing how MLAs are resigning across
party lines. And similarly MPs from Andhra region and Rayalseema
region have conveyed that we want a united Andhra Pradesh. So now it
is apparent that there is no unanimity,” he said yesterday.

After a meeting with Union Law Minister Veerappa Moily along with some
MPs from Andhra and Rayalseema regions, Raju, the Minister of State
for Defence, said he hoped that Andhra Pradesh will remain united.
Moily is the AICC general secretary in-charge of AP affairs.

A very resigned K Rosaiah meanwhile refused to confirm whether a
resolution for separate statehood would be moved in the assembly,
saying the issue had to be looked at “not in haste but very

While the action in Hyderabad centres around developments in the
assembly with no official statement made by the government in the
house over Telengana in the backdrop of the mass resignations, a bandh
has been called in coastal Andhra and Rayalseema region by locals
demanding further bifurcations of the state. Sporadic incidents of
violence were being reported in these regions since Friday morning.


...and I am Sid Harth
2009-12-11 11:23:21 UTC
Rosaiah blames Centre for Telangana fire
Mridula Chunduri
Hyderabad, December 11, 2009

Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister K. Rosaiah is in no mood to take flak
for the violent agitation across the state against the Centre's nod
for a Telangana state.

Addressing the media on Friday, Rosaiah blamed the Centre for the
decision to create Telangana. He said that one announcement from the
Centre had caused a lot of repercussions - an indication that the
chief minister probably had no idea that the UPA government would give
an okay for Telangana.

Rosaiah insisted it was the top Congress leaders in Delhi who were
taking all decisions. He said he had apprised them of the situation
arising out of Union Home Minister P. Chidambaram's statement on

The chief minister said he was not the one to give solutions as the
Congress high command was fully aware of the situation in the state.

"Chidambaram said a resolution in the assembly would be moved at an
appropriate time. The process will be started now," Rosaiah said.


...and I am Sid Harth
2009-12-11 11:31:52 UTC
India TodayStory

Don't you think India is being divided into pieces by forming more
states? Recent one is Telangana. Is it because everyone wants to rule
and run their own corruption practices? Whats the need for a new
December 11, 2009

Prabhu Chawla Answers...

I am in favour of smaller states. We should have at least 50 states as
against just 30 odd now. Big states with huge population are difficult
to govern and encourage caste politics. Smaller states will be stable
and easy to administer.



...and I am Sid Harth
2009-12-11 11:38:31 UTC
Telangana resolution blocked in Assembly; 128 MLAs resign
Mridula Chunduri
Hyderabad, December 11, 2009

Protests by MLAs on Friday prevented a resolution in favour of
Telangana statehood from being introduced in the Andhra Pradesh
Assembly even as the number of resignations offered by legislators
rose to 128.

Of the 128 MLAs who have offered to resign, 76 are from the Congress,
38 from the TDP and 14 from the PRP. The MLAs are against the
formation of Telangana. The resignations are, however, yet to be
accepted by the assembly speaker.

The assembly was adjourned for 15 minutes shortly after opening as
Congress MLAs trooped to the well of the House and shouted slogans.
TDP MLAs too boycotted the proceedings. When the House reconvened,
Congress MLAs again created a bedlam, forcing the speaker to adjourn
the House till Monday.

After the House was adjourned, legislators of the Congress, TDP and
PRP staged a protest in front of Mahatma Gandhi's statue in the
assembly complex.

Chaos in the assembly ensured that the resolution on Telangana could
not be introduced. The speaker said it is impossible to run a House
with 128 members wanting to resign.

Chief Minister K. Rosaiah appealed for calm inside and outside the
assembly. He urged political parties to take collective responsibility
for the situation and help restore order across the state.


...and I am Sid Harth
2009-12-11 11:58:11 UTC
Centre won't act in haste: PM

2009-12-11 15:20:00
Last Updated: 2009-12-11 15:36:54

New Delhi: Prime Minister Manmohan Singh on Friday assured lawmakers
of coastal Andhra and Rayalaseema that the Central Government would
not do anything in haste on the Telangana issue.

The MLAs belonging to coastal Andhra and Rayalaseema met the Prime
Minister this afternoon and expressed their disagreement over the
Telangana statehood issue.

Meanwhile, a shutdown has been called in coastal Andhra and Rayalseema
districts in protest against the Centre's decision to give its nod for
initiating the process for the formation of a Telangana State.

No directions to move Telangana resolution: Rosaiah

The protestors are reported to have turned violent in some of the
areas. The protestors have blocked the roads in Anantpur expressing
their disappointment over the government's stand on the Telangana
issue. The protestors in Tirupati have also stopped a train.

Earlier on Thursday, Students from coastal Andhra and Rayalaseema had
launched a counter agitation and staged demonstrations over the
Telangana issue.

Cutting across party lines, 128 MLAs belonging to different political
parties handed over their resignation letters to the State Assembly
Speaker N Kiran Kumar Reddy today in protest against the Centre's
decision to initiate the process for the formation of the Telangana

Images: The regional drive!

The announcement sanctioning a new State has backfired colossally for
the Centre.

The Andhra Pradesh assembly has been adjourned till Monday following
the protests.

Latest Comments

Posted by Anna on Dec 11,2009 17:08 PM

Why does the governent always gives in to such "ransom" demands?
Something that we all fail to understand. Will they be equally
sensitive to such demands if their own standing was at stake? No, I
guess. Why couldn't the center just put it's put down and say" you can
go on as many hunger strikes as you like but the the state shall not
be divided". Now that, would have made sense. Will making Telangana
solve the very issue for which it is being created? I don't think so.
It will become more convenient for the politicians now to fill their
coffers rather than solving the problem. Don't forget, to begin with
we were small kingdoms and what happened we all know. And if we repeat
the same now you may very guess what will happen. It is said, if you
forget history you are bound to repeat it. Just wait and watch..


...and I am Sid Harth
2009-12-11 12:00:28 UTC
Hyderabad will be Telangana`s capital: Home Secretary

2009-12-11 17:15:11
Last Updated: 2009-12-11 17:26:24

New Delhi: Union Home Secretary G.K. Pillai on Friday said that
Hyderabad would be the capital of the new state of Telangana after it
is carved out from Andhra Pradesh.

"I think Hyderabad will always be the capital of Telangana," Pillai
told reporters here.

Pillai said that dialogue was a way out for resolving most conflicts.

"Everybody agrees that we can resolve problems only through dialogue
and understanding of everybody's position. The Home Minister has
stated that he is willing to talk to everybody and that the dialogues
will continue," he said.

Pillai said he felt that the continuing agitation in Andhra Pradesh
would die down once everybody understood the process of formation of a
new state.

Why KCR`s blackmail became successful

Hyderabad, geographically in the Telangana region, has become a hot
issue with some parliamentarians from Andhra Pradesh suggesting that
the city, known for its information technology sector, should be
turned into a union territory.


...and I am Sid Harth
2009-12-11 12:02:37 UTC
Why KCR`s blackmail became successful

2009-12-11 16:56:25
Last Updated: 2009-12-11 17:00:04

Amulya Ganguli

​The recourse to emotional blackmail by Potti Sriramulu in the 1950s
to carve out Andhra Pradesh from the Madras Presidency has been
successfully emulated by another politician in the state.

It is possibly Sriramulu's death from his hunger strike in 1952 which
persuaded the ruling Congress in the state and at the Centre to
concede K. Chandrasekhara Rao's plea to create a separate Telangana
state by dividing Andhra Pradesh before his condition became any worse
during his fast unto death.

The consequences of Rao's demise would have been too fearful to
contemplate. Hence, the panicky reaction. However, the desperate
examples of these two Andhraites have shown that if anyone can summon
the courage to court death, it is virtually impossible for a
government to reject his demand.

Someone like Irom Sharmila in distant Manipur can be kept alive by
forced feeding through the nose. But to undertake such a step in the
heart of the country is not easy, especially to counter a demand which
has some validity since the issue of a separate Telangana had the
approval of the States Reorganization Committee in 1955. There was
hardly any alternative for the government, therefore, to backing down
in the context of the violence that broke out in Andhra Pradesh.

However, while the state created by Sriramulu has stood the test of
time, the fallout from the acceptance of Rao's demand will be a lot of
more messy. Even if the current turmoil over the vivisection subsides
in course of time and the contours of the new state are settled, the
nettlesome issue will be the future of Hyderabad.

Since both Andhra Pradesh and Telangana (which, incidentally, joined
Andhra Pradesh in 1956 - three years after its formation) are claiming
the city - one of South India's major metropolises - the suggestion to
make it a Union territory has already been mooted and rejected by

Although Chandigarh, which is a Union territory, is shared as a
capital by Punjab and Haryana, it is a new city. Hyderabad, on the
other hand, is 500 years old and has far greater emotional value,
therefore, for the people of the region. Reaching a consensus on its
future is bound to prove to be more contentious than the government's
convenient retreat over dividing the state.

At the moment, however, it is the bifurcation which has set off a
furore as the resignation of the MPs and MLAs of the Congress and the
other parties show. The Congress is in a dilemma because of the
divisions within the party. It does not seem to know at present
whether to advance or to retreat.

Few can predict how calm will be restored, especially in the absence
of Y.S. Rajashekhara Reddy. Had the popular former chief minister been
alive, he might have been able to defuse the situation. Perhaps he
would have persuaded Rao not to resort to such a desperate measure,
which was obviously aimed at inflaming passions and thereby negating a
rational approach.

But now, the far less charismatic Congress leaders of the state will
have to bank on Sonia Gandhi to resolve the crisis. Needless to say,
this is possibly the sternest test the Congress president has had to
face so far. It will involve pacifying the people and politicians of
Andhra Pradesh, who are aggrieved over the loss of territory, and also
help the new state find its bearings in the midst of a storm, which
will continue to rage for quite some time.

The squally weather will not be confined only to Andhra Pradesh and
Telangana. The formation of a new state will revive the demands for
more of its kind. The longstanding call for separating the Vidharba
region from Maharashtra will come to the fore along with similar
claims for Gorkhaland in West Bengal's Darjeeling area and Bundelkhand
and Harit Pradesh in Uttar Pradesh.

Since Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand and Uttarakhand have already been carved
out of Madhya Pradesh, Bihar and Uttar Pradesh, it will not be easy to
deflect the demands for more such divisions. The claim that smaller
states lead to better administrations will again be made although the
jury is still out on the issue if only because two of these states -
Chhattisgarh and Jharkhand - have fallen prey to the Maoist virus.

Since the demands of this nature are invariably accompanied by
violence, the possibility of disturbances in areas like Darjeeling is
very much on the cards. Already, the Gorkha Janmukti Morcha (GJM) is
planning copycat fasts-unto-death by its activists. Protests and
demonstrations are all the more likely because the centre's standard
response of playing for time no longer carries much credibility.

Should the govt heed to their demands and form new states?

It is this tactic which failed miserably for the Congress and the
Manmohan Singh government over the Telangana issue. The ruling party
must now be regretting that it did not utilize the time when Rao was
its ally to hammer out a solution. Instead, its dilly-dallying
compelled the Telangana Rashtra Samiti (TRS) leader to leave the
United Progressive Alliance (UPA) and start considering an extreme

There is little doubt that the Congress had underestimated Rao's
determination. It may be that the poor performance of his party in the
recent elections persuaded Rao to take what was virtually a suicidal

Now that he has pulled it off with some risk to his life, he will
become a hero in Telangana, but not in Andhra Pradesh, where he will
be excoriated. Arguably, a similar fate awaits people like the GJM's
Bimal Gurung if he ever succeeds in separating the Darjeeling area
from West Bengal. Even he becomes the darling of the people of the
hills, he will be persona non grata in West Bengal.

This is a possibility which separatist leaders within the Indian Union
will have to keep in mind since the break-up of the states will create
a set of heroes and villains.


...and I am Sid Harth
2009-12-11 12:06:22 UTC
'Telangana can open Pandora's box'

2009-12-10 18:50:00

The government's nod to a separate Telangana state while being a good
thing democratically in meeting regional aspirations could also open a
'Pandora's box' of political problems, say experts and politicians.

'Pandora's box has been opened,' said N. Bhaskara Rao, chairman of
Centre for Media Studies. 'For six years, the Congress government has
slept. Now, it took an overnight decision on Telangana. This will lead
to a bigger battle,' Rao told IANS.

According to Kamal Mitra Chenoy, a political analyst of Jawaharlal
Nehru University, the 'fear' of collapse of the Indian state had been
raised innumerable times at the formation of every new state.

'When PEPSU (Patiala and East Punjab States Union) was broken up,
there was a fear that more would happen. When greater Assam was broken
up, there was again that fear. With the creation of Chhattisgarh and
Uttarakhand, there were similar sentiments,' he said.

He felt the decision to allow formation of Telangana state was a
'democratic move'. 'Clearly, it was a mass movement,' said Chenoy,
noting that the Telangana demand was a historical one which began even
before independence.

Even Rao said that 'theoretically, smaller states is not a bad thing
administratively', but said the issue will be how to divide the

Home Minister P. Chidambaram noted that the Telangana debate was
symptomatic of a demand for greater autonomy of economic rights.

'That debate again exposes how people of a region feel that they have
been neglected despite speaking the same language by the governments
that have ruled that state for many years. The undercurrent in every
debate is the violation of someone's rights or the perceived
violations of someone's rights,' the minister said outside

Shahid Siddiqui, general secretary of Bahujan Samaj Party, told IANS:
'Once the central government has conceded the Telangana demand, it is
bound to consider lots of other similar demands. And the first would
be to give separate statehood to Harit Pradesh in western Uttar

He cited the economic backwardness of the Telangana region as the main
reason for the demand. 'The Uttar Pradesh assembly has passed a
resolution over that and the bill is with the central government now.
They have to concede to that demand as well,' he said.

The opposition Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP has welcomed the Telangana
move with open arms. BJP senior leader L.K. Advani said: 'We wanted
that, according to the aspirations of the people, the state of
Telangana is created.'

But there were also nay-sayers, like Samajwadi Party's Amar Singh. 'I
don't agree with the decision of the centre. It is not good for the
unity of the country,' said Singh, who pointed to the separation of
the hill state of Uttarakhand from Uttar Pradesh. 'There are a lot of
problems and concerns consequently,' he said.

The movements for creation of separate Gorkhaland, Coorg, Bundelkhand
and other similar demands are expected to get a boost with the success
of the Telangana movement.

But according to Bhaskara Rao most of these demands are 'not immediate

'The state assemblies have to pass the resolution. Uttar Pradesh,
Maharashtra or West Bengal will not pass such resolutions, while
Andhra is in the position to pass the resolution,' he said.

Latest Comments

Posted by RB on Dec 11,2009 11:26 AM

You can't compare Telangana with other issues, telangana state got 400
yrs history and got freed from nizam rule in 19481year after India's
independence. 1948-1956 it was a seperate state untill andhra merged
conditinally in 1956. how can you say "open pandora's box"? there is
no comparison to telangana with other demanding states or issues.

Posted by periyar Pundai on Dec 11,2009 10:40 AM

I would like a separate state for Tamilnadu Brahmins - for 5 decades
DMK rowdies have raped Brahmin women, and thrown acid on brhamin men's
faces - rowdyism is rampant in Karunanidhi's party who himself is a
rowdy - let us also create a state for nadars, a state for Thevars, a
satet for christians, one for muslims and one for SC/ST in Tamilnadu -
each state must have itws own intl. airport, consulate, port, train
system and language P chidambaram is committed to full secularism to
India and its 1000s of states

Posted by sravan on Dec 11,2009 08:16 AM

This is a ridiculous statement. if this is true then why this did not
happen after the formation of three states in North India recently?
WHy dont you just say that andhra people will lose their advantages of
being in a single state? Why do you sideline things with false
reasons? The only reason Andhra do not want to separate is just to
safeguard their economic interests by bargaining the development of
telangana and exploit its resources. And the demand for telangana is
present before the unification which was done by an unconstitutional
agreement and not on legislative procedures to hush up Communist party
that was dominant in then hyd state.

Posted by Bhanu on Dec 10,2009 23:06 PM

Telangana has had so many CMs from that region leading AP. But they
never bothered about the development of the region other than to fill
their pockets. How will things change with a separate state? And,
there are other areas in AP which are as backward as Telangana if not
more, like North East Andhra (Srikakulam), Rayalaseema etc. Plus the
development of Hyderabad in the last 20 years or so has ensured the
city and the surrounding areas of Telangana have prospered. So it is
factually incorrect to say Telangana is the most backward area in

Posted by Kiran on Dec 10,2009 21:16 PM

Mr Chenoy's analysis is a shallow one. It's not the integrity of the
Indian Union that's at stake here - it's the weakening of law and
order that will inevitably result from the over bearing infulence of
Maoist presence in the new state of Telangana and the collosal
expenditure that will result from the necessity to create a whole new
infrastructure for a new capital - either for Telangana or for what's
left of the old Andhra Pradesh - but clearly, the landsharks ,
contractors and politicians aren't complaining - it's another
opportunity for them to dip their snouts into the bottomless trough


...and I am Sid Harth
2009-12-11 12:09:21 UTC
BJP concerned over Centre`s handling of Telangana issue

2009-12-11 15:45:04
Last Updated: 2009-12-11 15:47:32

Hyderabad: BJP on Friday voiced concern over the Centre’s handling of
Telangana issue accusing it of going ahead with the announcement of a
separate state without preparing a roadmap and consulting political

Senior party leader M Venkaiah Naidu said in the Rajya Sabha that the
government should explain the status of Hyderabad, and whether it will
remain with Andhra Pradesh.

Terming the unfolding situation in the state as “painful”, he said it
should not be allowed to deteriorate further and the House should be
taken into confidence.

Centre won't act in haste: PM

“Don’t allow it to be messed up further. We do not want to complicate
the matter,” he said.

Naidu said Congress should have consulted at least their own MLAs and
MPs before the government announced the decision.

He said students opposed to Telangana have also come out on the street
adding there are aspirations in other regions also.

No directions to move Telangana resolution: Rosaiah

Naidu said while Home Minister said something else, Chief Minister of
Andhra Pradesh K Rosaiah later said there will be no consensus unless
there is a consensus on Telangana.

Minister of State for Parliamentary Affairs, Prithviraj Chavan said he
would convey the sentiments of the House to the Home Minister.

Even as tempers ran high on Telangana issue, Rajiv Pratap Rudy (BJP)
raised the issue of creation of Gorkhaland for the people of
Darjeeling region.

A bandh has been announced in the region and the Sikkim region will
also get affected.

Congress MPs meet PM on Telangana

He said the topography of the region having international border on
three sides would have to be kept in mind and the 100-year-old demand
for Gorkhaland should be considered.


...and I am Sid Harth
2009-12-11 12:12:14 UTC
AP Opposition critical over creation of Telangana

Hyderabad, December 11(ANI): The regional Telugu Desam Party (TDP)
which is the main opposition party in the state's legislature of
Andhra Pradesh criticised the central ruling Congress Party's decision
to moot a bill on the creation of a separate Telangana state. Speaking
to the media persons at Hyderabad on Thursday, K Chandrababu Naidu,
chief of TDP hit out at the Congress party for declaring the intention
of forming Telangana sans public opinion and reaction.


...and I am Sid Harth
2009-12-11 12:14:54 UTC
Locals welcome,leaders oppose Centre's decision over Telangana

Hyderabad,December 10(ANI):Locals supporting the demand of regional
Telangana Rashtriya Samiti for a separate state in Andhra Pradesh
celebrated after the central government gave in,and promised on
Thursday that a motion for the creation of a new province would be
brought up before the state assembly soon. On other hand,Home minister
Chidambaram gave his clarifications over the accusation by India's
opposition Bharatiya Janata party leader, Venkiah Naidu,in the Rajya
Sabha on Thursday that he made the statement outside the parliament on
Wednesday even after knowing that the session was supposed to happen
the next day.


...and I am Sid Harth
2009-12-11 12:17:35 UTC
Bill to carve out new Telangana state soon: Chidambaram

New Delhi, December 10 (ANI): In an effort to stem the deteriorating
law and order situation in Hyderabad in the face of the aggravating
agitation for a separate Telangana state, India's Home Minister P
Chidambaram on Wednesday said a resolution to create a new province,
would soon be placed before the state assembly.


...and I am Sid Harth
Sid Harth
2009-12-11 13:36:52 UTC
Tourists leave Darjeeling as Gorkhaland movement gains momentum
IANS 11 December 2009, 05:41pm IST

SILIGURI (West Bengal): Hundreds of visitors scrambled to leave the
tourist resort of Darjeeling on Friday as pro-Gorkhaland activists
began a hunger strike and took out rallies in northern West Bengal to
push for creation of a separate state.

Youth activists of the Gorkha Janamukti Morcha (GJM) began a hunger
strike for what they called indefinite period in the hills and plains
of Darjeeling district Friday demanding the creation of a separate
Gorkhaland state.

Their action came a day after the GJM announced massive protests to
push for their goal. The activists were spurred with the central nod
to a separate Telangana state in Andhra Pradesh.

The activists are demanding Gorkhaland - to be carved out of
Darjeeling district and the contiguous areas of the Dooars (foothills)
in Jalpaiguri district.

Tourists began winding their way down the hill resort in cars, jeeps,
trekkers and buses and long lines of vehicles could be seen on
National Highway 55 that connects Siliguri with Darjeeling.

The GJM has announced a four-day shutdown in the hills Dec 14-17. Its
youth activists staged sit-in at five separate spots in Darjeeling,
Kalimpong and Kurseong in the hills, in Siliguri in the plains and
Matigara in the Dooars (foothills).

The protests come as a four-member GJM delegation, led by its general
secretary Roshan Giri, arrived in New Delhi to meet Prime Minister
Manmohan Singh, United Progressive Alliance (UPA) chairperson Sonia
Gandhi, union home minister P. Chidambaram, and opposition leaders
L.K. Advani and Rajnath Singh of the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP).

Gorkhaland activists also took out rallies in the hill subdivisions of
West Bengal, raising slogans and holding aloft posters saying "We want

Overnight, maps of the proposed state have appeared on the walls of
the hills, alongside big cut-outs of GJM president Bimal Gurung and
graffiti pressing for immediate granting of Gorkhaland.

However, Inspector General of police (North Bengal) Kundan Lal Tamta
told IANS that the situation was peaceful. "They are holding hunger
strikes. But there has been no law and order problem," Tamta said.

The central government in 2005 offered Sixth Schedule status to the
Gorkha National Liberation Front (GNLF)-led Darjeeling Gorkha Hill
Council (DGHC), ensuring greater autonomy to the governing body.

The GJM organised indefinite shutdowns twice in the hills last year
and once in the run-up to the Lok Sabha polls this year, severely
hitting tea, timber and tourism - the bread and butter of the region.


...and I am Sid Harth
Sid Harth
2009-12-11 13:39:11 UTC
Manmohan govt blinks, signals splitting Andhra for Telangana
TNN 10 December 2009, 12:44am IST

NEW DELHI/HYDERABAD: Eleven days after TRS chief K Chandrasekhar Rao
began an indefinite fast for Telangana, the Centre on Wednesday
announced that the process of formation of a separate state was being
set into motion and that a resolution to this effect would be moved in
the Andhra Pradesh assembly shortly. Though he did not specify the
timing, there is speculation that it may be tabled as early as
Thursday. ( Watch Video )

Life has thus come full circle: the state of Andhra Pradesh was carved
out of the erstwhile Madras Principality in 1953 following a fast-unto-
death of Potti Sreeramulu in 1952, another fast that has endangered
the life of KCR is set to result in the state being split up.

Emerging after a late-night meeting at Prime Minister Manmohan Singh’s
residence, Union home minister P Chidambaram made the announcement,
adding that the Centre had requested Andhra Pradesh chief minister K
Rosaiah to withdraw cases against leaders, students and those
associated with the separate Telangana agitation. He also appealed to
KCR to call off his fast.

There was no announcement on what would happen to Hyderabad, but KCR’s
son, K T Rama Rao, told Times Now that Telangana without Hyderabad was
unimaginable. However, he said that KCR would end his fast shortly.

Earlier, the deteriorating health condition of the TRS chief as well
as the worsening law and order situation in Andhra Pradesh mounted
pressure on Congress president Sonia Gandhi and PM Manmohan Singh. A
Congress core group that reviewed the situation claimed Maoists and
those keen on dislodging the Rosaiah government may be fanning the

The Congress was also vertically split on the issue, with those
opposed to the division of Andhra Pradesh stepping up their
resistance. Sources said 24 Congress MPs from coastal and Rayalaseema
regions wrote to Sonia for a "united Andhra". But ultimately, it was
decided that the decades-old movement should not be ignored any

Telangana region accounts for 119 of the 294 assembly seats in Andhra
Pradesh and 17 of the 42 Lok Sabha seats.

TRS, which was formed in 2001 on the plank of a separate Telangana by
Rao after he quit TDP, was part of the UPA after the 2004 elections.
It parted ways with the Congress in 2006, saying the UPA was doing
nothing on its demand.

While in the 2004 elections his party won 5 Lok Sabha seats, in 2009
it managed only two seats and suffered severe erosion in the Assembly
elections too.

The decision came on a day when in Lok Sabha leaders cutting across
party lines expressed concern over the health of Rao and urged for
immediate intervention by the Centre.

With the fast entering 11th day, 55-year-old Chandrasekhara Rao's
health developed protein malfunction after he refused even intravenous
fluids. But in the afternoon doctors said there was a "marginal
improvement" in his condition after he agreed to have intravenous
fluids and to be put on saline drips.

Tension mounted in the state capital and Telangana region ahead of the
"march to Hyderabad" which resembled a fortress as additional police
forces were deployed and hundreds of activists were rounded up to
prevent any protests.

Now that the Centre has agreed for a separate Telangana state, will it
set the trend for other's demands for Gorkhaland, Bodoland, Vidarbha,
Rayalseema. etc?

What will be economic benefit to India & investors in Telengana?

Should smaller states be created for easier and better


...and I am Sid Harth
Sid Harth
2009-12-11 13:44:35 UTC
A Million Mutinies Now: 60 Andhra MLAs resign en masse protesting
Telangana decision
Kingshuk Nag, TNN 10 December 2009, 02:30pm IST

HYDERABAD: A million mutinies now. This is what the knee jerk reaction
of the Congress high command to concede Telangana will lead to, say

"I am in shock and awe. What was the need for blinking. Soniaji's
birthday gift to Telangana on her birthday will destroy the party in
Andhra Pradesh. It’s like shooting yourself on the foot," said a
Congress MP on conditions of anonymity. "I don’t think a resolution
for creation of Telangana state can be passed in the AP assembly. MLAs
will resign rather than be a party to this decision," he asserted.
( Watch Video )

"There will be revolt in the Congress in the Andhra region and in
Telangana, K Chandrasekhar Rao will take the political advantage of
Telangana. Don’t forget he joined Advani's rally in Amritsar even
before the election results were announced. So what do we gain?" the
Congressman pointed out.

Though there has been a popular demand for a separate state of
Telangana in the region (which accounts for 10 districts in Andhra
Pradesh) in the rest of the state there has been equal opposition to
the idea. "This is one state speaking one language. States in India
were formed on linguistic basis so why does anybody want to break up a
Telugu speaking state? Why don't they break up a Marathi speaking
state or a Kannada speaking state. This is a conspiracy against the
prosperous and rapidly developing state of Andhra Pradesh," asked
Harish D, an incensed student from Vishakapatnam?" Reports indicate
that large scale protest rallies are being planned in the coastal
Andhra region.

Political analysts point out that the sudden reaction of the Congress
high command was to prempt the possibility of large scale violence
breaking out in the streets of Hyderabad during the course of the
Chalo Assembly rally that was slated for Thursday. Though there was
massive police bandabost, intelligence reports had suggested that
extreme left ultras and goondas from the badlands of Rayalaseema had
infiltrated the ranks of agitators and that they could create
disturbances. "This would force the police to open fire in which lives
would be lost. Ultimately this was the perception that made the high
command agree to Telangana. But Andhra Pradesh chief minister K
Rosaiah who is more in touch with the realities on the ground opposed
the move tooth and nail But he was over ridden," an inside Congress
source told TOI.

Analysts said that though the demand for Telangana was fast acquiring
the hue of a backward class movement, the sane way would have been to
co-opt them into the political process. "The tragedy of Andhra Pradesh
is that it is a bipolar polity with two main parties - the Congress
and the Telugu Desam Party. Both of them represent higher caste
interests viz that of Reddys and Kammas. The interest of the backward
castes is represented nowhere. Chiranjeevi tried to form a backward
caste party through Prajarajyam but it is yet to be a formidable
force," a political analyst said.

Major trouble is expected to ensue about the future of Hyderabad, the
capital of Andhra Pradesh, which is technically in the Telangana
region. "In the past Bihar, Madhya Pradesh and Uttar Pradesh have also
been divided. But never was the fate of Patna, Bhopal or Lucknow in
contention. Here the state capital will be part of the breakaway
state. This is a totally new situation," a political analyst said.
What is going to further complicate the matter now is the fact that
people from rest of Andhra have made huge investments in Hyderabad and
made their city their home. They will be apprehensive about their well
being in the new state. Yet they would not be able to go back because
they have moved lock stock and barrel to Hyderabad. "Yet you cannot
deny Hyderabad to Telangana because Telangana will be nothing without
Hyderabad. It will be like offering mutton biryani to a hungry man and
telling him that you can eat the rice but not the mutton," an analyst
pointed out.

Venu,bangalore,says:As this is not unexpected , business mans like
lagadapati ,Galli they can do any thing to fulfill the their business
needs as these people cant single rupee with bad business practice and
to cover up these thing they went be in politics
[11 Dec, 2009 1231hrs IST]

vikram,hyderabad,says:Iam just commenting on a paragraph of your
article. This paragraph says Analysts said that though the demand for
Telangana was fast acquiring the hue of a backward class movement, the
sane way would have been to co-opt them into the political process.
"The tragedy of Andhra Pradesh is that it is a bipolar polity with two
main parties - the Congress and the Telugu Desam Party. Both of them
represent higher caste interests viz that of Reddys and Kammas. I dont
know who are those analysts. But this analyst talks about politics not
representing backward classes. But this analyst might not have any
idea about KCR. KCR is also from upward class namely velma. Moreover
congress and TDP chief leaders are from upward class,but not all MLA's
and all leaders.It is wellknown that TDP leaders from Telangana are
from backward classes. The party's chief leader Devender goud(party's
chief leader after Chandra babu naidu) is from backward class.
Politics are representing backward classes and backward classes now
are econamically forward too. so a good intellectual should not
encourage politics based on castes. Now the only most considerable
issue is ECONOMICALLY BACKWARD CLASSES. so help poor and educate poor,
but not upliftment of casteism.
[11 Dec, 2009 1230hrs IST]

sridhar kumar chinchili,Gurgaon,says:TRS party established with aim of
separate Telangana State, but the people from Telangana already
rejected TRS in the this election that means they want to be as united
state.Even Govt not considering all the other non Telangana area MLA's
amd MP's opinion its very sensitive issue, but Govt taken very bad
decision. After election KCR situation is very bad, every one
forgetting him, so he wants to be the news so that he is doing this
kind bloody politics. I agreed that Telangana is backward due to bad
politics but separation Telangana is not a solution for that.Its very
good to be as one state for all the Telugu speaking people. This
separate state Telangana virus attacking other separate state
[11 Dec, 2009 1040hrs IST]

B.V.RAO,HYDERABAD,says:For the first time the Congress party MPs and
MLAs has rejected the high command.Congrats.Madam Sonia and Her Son
seem to dictate the entire nation.Whenever we see all the MPs seem to
bend down and do not have guts to speak and put forward the
point.After all these MPs are elected by the people and without their
consultation these decisions are taken.Mr Chidambaram wanted to see
that AP is de-stabilised all the investments are routed to
Tamilnadu.Let him first see that as a home minister kasab is hanged in
the national interest otherwise all the tamilians will be kicked out
from AP.
[11 Dec, 2009 1024hrs IST]

ANGRY INDIAN,Chennai, India,says:I want my house to be declared as an
independent state or else I will go on an indefinite fast. I also
encourage all the other readers to do so as there are very good
chances that your demand will be met by this weak spineless
government. I personally foresee 100 states within the next 15 years,
even more if we try blackmailing the government. - an absolutely ANGRY
[11 Dec, 2009 0650hrs IST]

sridhar,Batam,says:At first i say we all are still stupid and
idots,after 60 plus years of independense we all still want to follow
divident rules which British used as tool to split us all,Now we All
are Teaching Our Neibours country to take advantage of this kind of
matters into thier devlopments to split us,yet now we all are far far
behind everything,see how many people are richer in our total
population,how many are poorer ,at this stage does we all need to
think for splits or at this stage all we need to think as united and
fight against all odds all our country is facing,pls pls all i request
you all to think for betterment of our country,rather than a stupid
KSR goes for hunger strike,just because we are a democratic country
all these are happening,and our political or our money looters of
contry taking advantage of all these uncertainity in our country,
there was call from our expatriate collegues from USA who are from
Telangana doing demos for separate Telangana,are you the guys suppose
to do this kind of demos in overseas ? Does you all Have any Sense
where we Doing Demos? Do you all think your Smart? For Me you all R
Stupids And no BACk up Thinking That This is how we all are splitting
our country !!!!!!! pls do not think wrongly,just think positively and
forget the past let us fight as united HINDUSTAN not as you fight
individually,after all we are Telugu Beddallu for better Telugu and
Better INDIA, Do not Create A Bad Image for our Telugu If you all
(Overseas telangana) Thk that to Split Telangana,Then Why did you
Idiots Went overseas to Work ? Under What Rights You all Have to Demo?
First you Have not done anything for your home town ? Think what you
have done except you and your family,then thk for many more you
[11 Dec, 2009 0611hrs IST]

Vijay,USA,says:There is nothing to be gained by seperating Telengana.
It is the same old story of Uttranchal, Jharkhand and Chattisgarh.
Smaller states are only to create CMs and Ministers. I sincerely hope
people of Telangana will realise this and come out of the ride which
KCR is taking them. Its a useless argument that people from Andhra are
stealing Telengana lands and depriving of their rights. People not
only from Andhra region but the entire country came to Hyderabad (not
the rest of Telangana)and made it their home, just because it offers
livelihood. Nonbody stopped these people from competing with others.
Every citizen has a right to buy land anywhere in India.
[11 Dec, 2009 0404hrs IST]

Meher,Calgary,says:Hyderabad is the bone of contention. Who will get
it?! If Hyderabad is made UT or independent state,there will be no hue
and cry.All that telugu pride is big bullshit. None of these people
whoever fighting for or against the seperation is really worried about
their respective regions. All they are interested in is Hyderabad!.
Too much development in Hyderabad and too little in the rest of the
state. Very bad planning!!!
[11 Dec, 2009 0333hrs IST]

ramakanth,hyderabad,says:Please go thru the first SRC report. The
States Reorganization Commission (SRC) was not in favour of merging
the Telangana region with the then Andhra state. Para 382 of States
Reorganization Commission Report (SRC) said....
[11 Dec, 2009 0258hrs IST]

ramakanth,Hyderabad,says:I don't understand so called MLA's have not
resigned(revolt) when they had Alliance with TRS and KCR.This not fair
if its hurting MLA's or MPS investments in Hyderabad.
[11 Dec, 2009 0241hrs IST]

Sarath1,UK,says:TRS fooled even entire Congress party with his street
smartness, even Sonia and her coterie failed. KCR clearly said 2 weeks
back before starting hunger strike, you;ll see different movement,
with confidence. Such confidence he got from anti-national forces he
bribed before starting hunger strike, finally these forces came know
that those are former and current naxalites operating from Usmania &
Kakateeya universities campus in Hyderabad and warangal, who ransacked
Hyderabad to create panic situation in Hyderabad, this is one of the
factor Sonia also shivered and forces her decision infavor of seperate
Telangana. Sonia aides like Karnataka based Moily and Chidambaram from
TN clandestinely and cunningly influenced her decision, for getting
projects to TN and karnataka if AP divides and state politicians busy
with internal fighting to share resources. KCR cameout victorious out
of all these sudden luck infavour of him by Sonia. Some disgruntled
Telangana politicians who're heartburn for not getting any political
posts anger on Andhra, rayalaseema polticians, these Telangana
politicians started Gobels propaganda every day infront of Sonia also
changed her decision, so just want to stop this nuisance (that created
by Telangana MP's). Who're Andhra, Rayalaseema MP's who are not aware
of change of politics after YSR (YSR single handedly managed these
lumphen politicians to create Telangana) they're dump folded and today
they shocked to hear Telangana, whose public invested billions of
dollars in Hyderabad no. of industries. For Telangana youth this is
quick goldmine to grab opportunities, who started supported this
agitation. So Still sonia and her Coterie (Abhishek ) thinking that
Andhra also like chattisgarh and Jharkand this resentment will
disappear in few days, but they're not realising that Andhra issue is
far far different than Jharkand and Chattisgarh seperation from MP &
Bihar. There no resentment when they seperated, but in Andhra, most of
youth jobs, education, all types opportunities strongly bonded, so
their resentment will grow but not going down in future, if Sonia
failed to withdraw her foolish decision.
[11 Dec, 2009 0222hrs IST]

kiran,Hyderabad,says:I am from Telangana.I have seen many messages abt
the debacle of TRS in the recent elections. Poor showing of TRS in the
recent elections doesnot mean that Telanganites are against creation
of Telangana. If you want to know the aspirations of telanaga
region..pls do one thing. As Chandrababu Naidu , YSR ,Chirnajeevi,
JayaPrakash Narayana, Raghavulu, Narayana to contest in the Telanagna
saying that they are for UNITED ANDHRA . I am 100% sure these leaders,
even if they form coalation and participate in the elections on UNITED
ANDHRA plank, they will lose. And about Hyderabad,though Hyderabad is
part of telanagna, I fail to understand one thing...How come ppl from
Andhra and Rayalaseema comprise the majority population and
Telanagnites the minority? This itself shows the discrimination
against Telnagna ppl by the Andhra rulers.
[11 Dec, 2009 0222hrs IST]

Sanjay,USA,says:This Congress government in the Center is weak, very
weak. they don't have any guts. Sonia and Manmohan Singh are weak
leaders. Why are they so afraid of goondas and naxalites? You have
police force and army to deal with such forces. Just a threat of
violence made them blink. No wonder we can't punish Afzal Guru and
Qasab. Shame on us for electing such a weak government.
[11 Dec, 2009 0203hrs IST]

LESS MP The above comment is disgusting. Why don't you look at it as
INDIA and not Andhra, Telangana and Karnataka. As some people pointed
out, try to go on a hunger strike to keep the state united at the
sametime making sure underdeveloped areas get funds (be it Telengana,
Andhra or Seema). Did Jharkand improve. Focus should be on development
rather than splitting the states. I like another comment from someone
who said its a shame for India when one person can hold everyone for
ransom. Hyderabad is a cosmo city and different from Telengana or
Andhra. May be those who want the state split should ask for Hyd,
Telangana, Andhra and Seema. Latest news, there is a hunger strike for
Gorkhaland. Some demanding split of Rajasthan. We will end up with 100
states and when the next generation studies history, they won't know
the names of the states. Tomorrow, there will be another KCR who wants
to become CM of a state and will start agitation for North or South
Telangana. If he is truly for Telangana, he should have asked his
supporters not to destroy their own public property. Guys, We should
ask these guys to be united as Indians, and not destroy India by
resorting to violence. Everyone is selfish, Congress gives citizenship
to illegal Bangladeshis for votes Thackerays want non Marathis out of
Mumbai KCRs want to become chief ministers Naxalism on the rise. So
much machinery was used to search YSR but nothing to hunt down Naxals.
I'm not against the search of YSR but just a point. Poverty. Kashmiri
pundits chased away from their land. Mayawathi using backward caste
names for political survival Crapy neighborhood around India. List
continues. Seperate Telangana means what happens to Hyd .....
Telangana issue should not be blown out of proportions.
[11 Dec, 2009 0147hrs IST]

[11 Dec, 2009 0124hrs IST]

Jim,Kargur,says:This is going to cost Congress dear. However too much
is being made of the farce of Cong MLAs resigning. Didn't the same set
resign during Jagan Bhajan? What happened? One rebuke from the ma'am
of delhi, these fools scampered back to their corners. This is just
posturing guys, these shameless people won't resign that easily. After
all they are congress :)
[11 Dec, 2009 0047hrs IST]

Sudheer,USA,says:I really wonder how many in Telengana wants to be
separate, 20%, 30%... but I think more than 50% of them would want to
be unite... If there is way i would say lets have a poll on this issue
and let poll results decide it.
[10 Dec, 2009 2358hrs IST]

Niranjan kumar.p,USA,says:I think the present congress govt has no
idea about Andhra pradesh, basic problem is Hyderabad & all these
years no body agreed for division of Andhra pradesh, every body speaks
same language & have basic religion, why in the world would you
divide!! The next state to divide is Tamil nadu, karnataka, kerala. If
you really want to help telangana, just make it teritorial state with
Hyderabad as its capital with deputy Chief minister.Congress should
rethink before making final decision.
[10 Dec, 2009 2258hrs IST]

Sridhar,USA - Florida,says:If all TELENGANA MLAs will resign and ask
for Thirupathi Thirumala, do they accept? If all TELENGANA MLAs will
resign and ask for Vijayawada, do they accept? Please think about
these before this kind of black mailings. People of TELENAGANA never
accepted to merge with then andhra state. And since merging(formation
of andhrapradesh, 1956), Telenagana people are fighting for separate
state. TELENGANA state demand has not come in one mid night or from
black mail tactics. Why these so called politicians and people
supporting united andhra, are not saying anything about the problems
of TELENGANA people?
[10 Dec, 2009 2222hrs IST]

subrahmanyam jamisetty,Texas USA,says:KCR or TRS is badly defeated in
just held eleactions, he did not have guts to run for the elections
for Greater municipal elections for Hyderbad, he will be nailed
forever, this loser was so desperate for power that he instigated
tensions, TV channels like TV9 played their part too, TV 9 kept the
topic burning everyday, on the pretext of helping recent floods TV 9
gained immense viewership, and now we know why people do these extreme
helps, people are mesmerised by their help and held to the tubes even
after the floods and the nexus of devils brought this ill fate. The
Students were being used as pawns..any student needs development, why
didnt this so called concerned person do one single favour..not even
one project, why didnt they show this zeal for the development of the
region. We are a democratic country, if you want to do something for
Telengana, take up an Agenda and work for it, dont instigate like
Jinnah did in 1940's. Work on forest cover, it will reduce the
temperature, and make farmers life at ease, work on lake development,
arid land development, put effort on alternate energy, we have
abundant sunshine. have you guys ever volunteered on these
activities...first do your part for your village, town or city and
inspire people. It took a heroic Sardar to bring close to 22 states,
if they had a weak agenda and a weak will they would have come up with
60 states right? why the freedom fighters wanted limited states? to
avoid 1000 princely states which brought the 1000 invasions, why cant
we give Jammu and Kashmir,Why cant we give away Sikkim, Arunachal
Pradesh, whole of North east freedom from India. Until the British
came there is no Country called India, they were 1000 princely states
and a falling Mughal Empire always fighting with eachother. We are
fighting with eachother from time immemorial, it is very easy to
divide and rule a country like India. from 1857 to 1947 freedom
figthers want to die for the sake of being called an Indian. Some
illetrates do not realise this, with our large poppulation we have
enough problems to tackle. Divide we are not a force, see what
happened after Jarkhand is formed, highly infested for Naxalism. Our
fore fathers have divided the states on language basis, will these so
called supporters guarantee that Telengana wont get divided into
North, South, West or East on some pretext in future, what does that
boil to...it's going to take us to 2000 years back, who are the
loosers, the common man who cant blog on internet. When you are trying
to divide think of the greater implications, is hyderbad not part of
Telengana, people Uttar Kannada in Karnataka speak Konkanese and they
should have a seperate state..why are they not asking..isn't there
disparties in all states not just Andhra?. Telengana people sent KCR
in 2004 for bringing a change, Tell me what he did? He was a Union
minister, he could have lobbied his way in Center and could have got
lot of projects for Telengana region, if you want to get some work
done he should have put his ego and should have worked in Center and
State in tandem and should have created some projects. What did
Telengana CM's Channa Reddy, Narshima Rao, Vengala Rao did...nothing
so politicians are all alike, it is the responsibilty of the people to
send good leaders and see that they work. If you are cribbing you are
to be blamed, these politicians did not work nor will the future
leaders do, and if we keep on dividing the Union it will be another
failed state, As an Indian i do not want this to happen. I want a
strong government at Center and State.And i do not want weak 100
governments. do you guarantee that telengana wont get divided in the
future? do you guarantee a single party wins and becomes a force that
it will develop the state? boss it was 50 years back, things are
changing even for a year, what will happen for a country with so much
complexity if another 15 states want to divide its states in future.
you know where are we going 1000 princely states, who is going to take
over.....Naxalism, climate change, disease, water shortage, basic
hygene. i'am not in favour of Andhra or Telengana...i want to live my
life spreading awareness on Greening, Lake development, Strong
Military, and an efficient Internal Security system rather than, why
you need to stay as one state. when you are sending 42 MP's means you
are a force and you getting due share in policy formulations. Send
efficient MP's from your region and develop the region, dont dent the
Union, it is going to create spiraling effect, A Great king abandoned
military, which lead us to downfall, forming 10000 countries, Some
Opportunists Instigated religion, we payed the price, It is a blessing
to have diversity, and it is lucky to be born in a democratic counrty
which has this richness spend you ink on matters very urgent to your
family, village, city, Country and the world. Our generation has so
much work to do, we have cleanup the planet, plan for our water and
food shortages.
[10 Dec, 2009 2206hrs IST]

gautam,usa,says:Congrates to congress for taking bold
decision.Everything should not have political consideration and
implications. What is good for the overall development of the region
is of paramount importance.Big states should be bifurcated or
trifurcated. In India as everybody knows there is lot of regionalism
and cast consideration and dominant cast tends to neglect the weaker
section and region.There is lopsided development of the
regions.Maharashtra is an example where Marathas have monopolised
their rule.Decission of congress to divide AP is justified.New
elections can be held and winner or losser is immaterial.Next in line
could be Bengal,Gujarat and Maharashtra. How long you can overlook the
regional aspirations of your own people. Dividing state doesnot mean
that part ceases to be part of Mother India.
[10 Dec, 2009 2153hrs IST]

Legislators and many MPs from coastal Andhra and Rayaseema districts
resigned and many other leaders are reported to follow them.This is
the knee jerk raction following the central govt's decision to
initiate the process for the formaton of separate Telangana state.The
centre took the decision following the deteriorating health of TRS
leader Mr.Chnadrasekhara rao and the arson and violence in Hyderabad
city and some Telangana distrits. I understand that 7 separate state
demands are pending with the centre.Will the centre concede the demand
for separate state if any leader from that region go on fast unto
death and create law and order problem,arson and violence? If it is
the policy where is the end for separate states?Centre should follow
the guide lines as per the laid down procedure.Centre should
constitute a SRC, after obtaining the majority opinion of the people
of all the regions of that state,it should initiate the process for
separate state.The centre ordered the state govt to table the
resolution in the floor of the assembly for separate Telangana state
and the resolution will be passed when the majority voted for it.So
let us wait and see.Meanwhile the instigating and irritating
statements by anyone from either of the regions results in further
aggravation of the regional feelings not good in the interest of the
[10 Dec, 2009 2133hrs IST]

Siddhartha Dey,Mumbai,says:It is a good example of how one person in
India can hold the whole country to ransom. Whether the demand for
Telangana is justified or not can be debated. But "can a country of so
many billions be allowed to be held to ransom by one person?" should
not be debated and directly termed criminal. KCR should be lodged in
jail for the rest of his life as a murderer and criminal for causing
deaths, holding the country to ransom and instigating turmoil in a
state. Wah re India!!!!
[10 Dec, 2009 2105hrs IST]

A.P.MISRA,HYDERABAD,says:The decision to create Telangana is another
Himalyan Blunder being committed by the Govt. of India.After
Independence Sardar Patel was instrumental in integrating the small
states for better Governance and had integrated the then Hyderabad
State with the Indian Union, which was a big state at that time. After
Potti Sriramulu's death Andhra Pradesh came in existence and many of
its earlier districts were given to Maharashtra & Karnatka. This
decision is not going to help the people of the region but is going to
harm them only beneficiaries will be the opportunist politicians who
will become overnight rich. More bad times to come.
[10 Dec, 2009 2024hrs IST]

sudheer,UK,says:It is sad to see how leaders are fighting to divide
the state rather how to develop it by keeping it together.Moreover
they used students as weapons which is even more pathetic.Thought
Sonia Gandhi is best leader and now she proved me wrong.Accepting the
division at this stage (after these guyz break shopping malls , cars,
burning buses and creating trouble to people, etc etc) telling them
they can achieve anything with violence.Nobody can change fate of
Indians under two faced , ignorant , pathetic leaders.Sorry if I hurt
anyone with my writings, but this is the truth.
[10 Dec, 2009 2010hrs IST]

Veekay,USA,says:Agitation for a seperate telangana started long back
and the time has come to see a seperate telangana state. All these
movements started because of the oppressive and biased behaviour of
the political leaders of the other regions. Some people commented that
Telangana people are dumb fellows and andhra people are educated and
compared andharites to nawabs. If the andhra people are so proud of
their education, their lifestyle and their capability of developing a
region, they can well be better in their seperate andhra state and
show their ability. Poor you and your knowledge! they robbed telangana
region, they migrated to telangana to get jobs that were meant for the
telangana people. All the funds from the telangana region were
utilized to develop andhra region. In any case some of the reviews
cried that andhra people are capable and they developed andhra
pradesh, and I did not understand why are they crying if telangana
becomes a seperate state. It is better for those andhrites to live in
a seperate andhra state where their are more educated people and
development will be faster in a smaller state.
[10 Dec, 2009 2009hrs IST]

Narender ,New Delhi,says:I belong to Telangana and live in Delhi. I do
understand that Telangana was backward and part of the blame is
certainly on the policies adopted by state government often dominated
by people belogining to Coastal Areas. But that is only half story.
But even this half story would not be altered by the creation of
Telangana. The creation of Telangana may weaken Telangana it self.
Therefore I humbly request all my Telanganites to fight for united
Andhra Pradesh certainly with dignity of a Telanganite.
[10 Dec, 2009 2004hrs IST]

Kumaraswamy,chennai,says:Separate Telangana is not a demand of any
caste or religion.It is raised by all the people from Telengana region
(Including Reddy's,Kammas,Velama's,BC's,SC,s...) and particularly from
Northern telangana region.Analysis of this article is one
sided.Chiranjeevi community is "Kapu" and it is higher caste.Without
knowing basics about AP politics writing this kind of article is very
bad. First know the basics of AP politics and analyse. If you want to
prove me chiranjeevi caste ,i am ready to that. If you want prove me
about Reddys,Velamas...other upper caste people involvement in
Telenagana i will come with proof. I am waiting your reply. Thanks
M.Kumaraswamy 09962183888 Chennai
[10 Dec, 2009 1953hrs IST]

kristalsoldier,mumbai,says:Some people like Vijay (from Singapore) and
Ajay (from Doha) claim that smaller states are easier to govern. It
maybe true of autocratic city-states like Singapore and Dubai, but in
the context of India, this is another step towards the balkanization
of the country. Smaller states mean a building consensus in with a
democratic setup becomes more difficult and we all know how decision-
making happens in India. All that this 'division of states' into
smaller and smaller entities is going to result in is a stasis that
will hurt the country, India, in the future. As of now the pot is
boiling over with the Gorkhaland issue and there is always Kashmir.
This progressive disintegration of the Indian nation-state MUST stop
and it must stop NOW. And, as usual, all political parties across the
spectrum have showed themselves insensitive to the concept of a
unified India and have only their petty local and short-term interests
at heart. But sadly, this is not going to change very quickly, is it?
I wonder what options do we have left?
[10 Dec, 2009 1952hrs IST]

Murali,USA,says:I think the smaller states are better for the country.
Since India has 100 crore population, it is better to divide the
country into 100 states each state housing 1 crore on average.
Further, this process can be made automatic so that when ever a state
reaches a limit of 1.5 crores, it gets divided into two separate
states. And it should be done purely for administrative reasons. An
independent commission, on a permanent basis, can be created for this
purpose. The scheme described above gives more opportunities for many
more persons to enter politics and may become an attractive profession
for educated class too. Even if half of the state leaders do a good
job, the country will progress immensely. However, I think the
Congress made a hasty decision in the Telangana case. It was done save
a crook and few goondas. His party never won the elections handsomely,
and he had no support from the people. It is wrong for the media to
say that the movement is a popular movement from the people. Where is
the proof? Was there a referendum to ascertain this claim? UPA
government should have agreed to conduct a referendum, may be six
months from now, to see how many Telangana people really want a new
state. This is how democracy works. In Canada, the French speaking
Quebec wanted to separate . They conducted a referendum and the
separatist lost. Hence, Canada did not breakup.
[10 Dec, 2009 1946hrs IST]

hameduddin ahmed,hyderabad,says:Its totally unjustifiable to bifurcate
the state.KCR and his goons cannot hold the city for ransom.He just
want to reap the fruits sown by NTR,YSR,Naidu.If the separate state
sentiment was strong his would not have received the drubbing in
general election and the municipal elections.The people of Andhra
Pradesh does not want division of the state.The reason for division
said by KCR is underdevelopment of the region.If it was true than
Hyderabad would not be the most preferred destination for IT giants.If
the separatists of Kashmir do the same will Sonia Gandhi part with
[10 Dec, 2009 1943hrs IST]

AK,INDIAN IN BAHRAIN,says:It is high time centre should pass a
resolution in parliament to stop breaking states into pieces or any
Tom, Dick, & Harry will start forming parties to divide states for
selfish motives. We are not dividing states, but dividing unity. This
will pose a serious threat to national security. Congress is disgrace.
[10 Dec, 2009 1932hrs IST]

shaiku,hyderabad,says:hyderabad city was built by qutub shahi dynasti
and the nawabs. so they are the actual people to keep hyderabad. but
since the time hyd became the capital of andhra pradesh i would
sincierely say that many andhra and rayalseema people put thier hands
together to develop this lovely city to lovely hitech city...the only
dumb fellows are the telangana region people crying over the high
lifestyle of nawabs and educated andhra people. one such example is
this bulshit KCR.. telangana region has standard schools and big
universities built by andhra pradesh state govt...so my request to
these morons is to educate themselves properly and face the
competition from andhrites and local hyderabadis... hate
division...luv hyderabad..luv one complete state..Andhra Pradesh
[10 Dec, 2009 1901hrs IST]

jotendra,India,says:If person is really hungry you can give him or her
biryani without the chicken or mutton pieces and the hunger would
subside understand.
[10 Dec, 2009 1845hrs IST]

Vijeta,Pune,says:The analysis is true, except that the roots of the
agitation has not come from the backwardness of telangana part of the
state but from the enviousness of the politicians belonging to
telangana part and their inefficiency in getting the telangana
developed.They only know how to fan the sentiments to their benefit
and ensuring that there will not be any economical growth.If there is
proper commitment on the part of the politicians combined or
bifurcated they can develop Telangana.
[10 Dec, 2009 1842hrs IST]

Ramya Ravi,Hyderabad,says:If Hunger strike was the answer to a state's
problems, then in the days to come we will see a plethora of such
strikes associated with equally weak causes. Yesterdays's decision is
a clear exhibition of the immaturity that exists in Indian politics.
That we still live in a country, where politicians behaving in un-
statesman like manner triggers a decision that can suggest dividing a
state is not only ludicrous but also stealing away the essence that
exists in Democracy. Our Democracy was designed to liberate minds into
thinking bigger and not be stuck in smaller thoughts resulting in
smaller states. I am amazed and surprised, that we still live in a
country where boundaries alone can decide who or what we are and lend
us identity that we can be "proud" of. Boundaries were only meant to
keep people out and us safe, it seems to have assumed a whole new
definition, where Boundaries are caging us in. This decision has
catapulted into focus the fact that Secularism only exists on paper
now, and the so called "Democratic" means to acheiving "causes" is
turning the equation entirely in mutiny's favour.
[10 Dec, 2009 1822hrs IST]

bharath,hyderabad,says:now who will assure the security of andhra
people in telangana region.. KCR ....the worest politician. i wish he
would rather die than dividing andhra...
[10 Dec, 2009 1819hrs IST]

Kumar,Singapore,says:This is a very good news. Smaller states will be
easier to administer.
[10 Dec, 2009 1816hrs IST]

kumar,hyderabad,says:these politicians should concentrate on
development rather than dividing. a group of people blindly following
selfish politicians..great...longlive democracy
[10 Dec, 2009 1816hrs IST]

Ravi,Hyderabad,says:Hello Dinesh, you cannot challenge telangana
people to survive with out HYD.let me remind you one thing Hyd is part
of the telangana.so i think it is andhra people who came to Hyd to
survive their lifes.
[10 Dec, 2009 1811hrs IST]

Rajesh kumar bomma,Surat,says:Central governament has to consider
voice from all the regions.High command responded very fast for this
sensitive issue which they r not suppose to do.Telengana is property
of all telugu people.jai andhra pradesh..jai telugu thalli
[10 Dec, 2009 1809hrs IST]

sudheer reddy,bangalore,says:whatthe hell they going to gain by
creating this mess ,every body knows ,how capable chandrashker rao
is ,and at the end it going to become a next bihar if this bill
passes ,wake up andra .think big allthis is a political game .
[10 Dec, 2009 1749hrs IST]

P.G.Rajagopal,Abu Dhabi,says:I immensely liked Kingsshuk Nag's comment
'A million mutinies now'; but when it comes to the reality shows the
Congress MLA rebellions are like the proverbial tempests in the tea
cups. The congress men are very obedient lambs; their vertebras bend
like the willows and they will not dare to move against the dictates
of the high command. Like the primary school children awe their
headmistress they revere Sonia Gandhi; her wishes are their commands;
very rarely and anonymously they dare to make public statements. If
the situation worsens like en masse protests and resignations, the
Manmohan government might gracefully reverse the decision. Let us give
the central government more time to assess the situation and to see
how many more MLAs resign. We need such funny stories to bring
laughter to our funture generations when they study Indian history;
otherwise history is bore with many years and eras. Muhammad bin
Tughlug(1300-1351) decided to shift his capital from Delhi to Devagiri
(Daultatabad)and then again back to Delhi. Years passed, still Tughlug
stories bring smiles to our lips, we feel animated, even though many
multitudes died during the two moves.
[10 Dec, 2009 1744hrs IST]

Chakri,USA,says:I know I am speaking different things to put forth my
point of view: We hate to admit but perhaps we became too selfish and
lazy that we no longer care what happens to US as a community or may
be we like being spectators and just talk about stuff. We are proud to
be Indians for whatever reasons, but very few of us act like Indians.
We always lamented over our billion population starving for an Olympic
medal. How of us really dreamt and won a medal. Guys, this is a saga
of us (not USA) Indians. We live and die in philosophy, not to forget,
[10 Dec, 2009 1743hrs IST]

Chakri,USA,says:To your point Shravan, its no big deal another state
is created, if WE, the people of AP together wanted a split, not a
bunch of thugs and power hungry politicians blackmail and threaten the
Govt with violence to force the split. History is the proof the scape
goat is always the common man. God forbid if the state is split, the
woes of the common man of whether telanga or andhra remain the same.
We let the thugs take over to govern us and we have to live with it.
We are very used to it aren't we? We are good,kind and compassionate
but honestly thinking, how many of us have the will if not time to
fight back ?!!
[10 Dec, 2009 1732hrs IST]

ajay,doha,says:Looking at it as an Indian, away from the eye of the
storm, not connected to any party, never worked for a political
outfit, never carried a party flag, have read a lot on India, and
travelled around including Andhra. I feel we should look at our states
as only adminstrative areas. Delopmental activities can be better
accomplished and progress to its people ensured if only states are
made smaller and boundaries are defined as administrtive limits. The
smaller the state, the easier to govern it. Why the hue and cry and
blood shed, and in who's interest are you all marching the streets and
getting killed? think raionally, think as a nation.
[10 Dec, 2009 1725hrs IST]

ajay,doha,says:Looking at it as an Indian, away from the eye of the
storm, not connected to any party, never worked for a political
outfit, never carried a party flag, have read a lot on India, and
travelled around including Andhra. I feel we should look at our states
as only adminstrative areas. Delopmental activities can be better
accomplished and progress to its people ensured if only states are
made smaller and boundaries are defined as administrtive limits. The
smaller the state, the easier to govern it. Why the hue and cry and
blood shed, and in who's interest are you all marching the streets and
getting killed? think raionally, think as a nation.
[10 Dec, 2009 1725hrs IST]

Raju,Chirala,says:Why we need to divide the land of telugu speaking
just because a person went on hunger stike for 10 days. It means is it
right to justify that any issue can be resolved if a politician goes
on hunger stike. Please activate your cells in your brain to think why
it is required. Who said telangana is undeveloped. What does it mean.
Is it in the same way it was to be when we got independence. So much
dev. happed in that region. Still the development will happen. May be
the process is slow but not halted. Will you cut a peice of your body
just because it is not equally developed with others parts. Medicine
should be given. Similarly for telengana, development is the medicine
that has to be given. For people from telangana, i request you only
one thing that is we can do it and we can win it unitedly.
[10 Dec, 2009 1723hrs IST]

Lavanya,India,says:@Vijay,Telangana and Shravan,Hyderabad R u guys
sure that telangana will prosper after the split?? Do u believe in the
cheap politics being played now. All these years as quoted in the
article lots of money was invested on the development of Hyderabad ,
which is alloted to the whole of AP state not the telangana region
alone.. And now how mean it is to seperate. Yes if u believe in so
called politician chief why was his last election a failure.He would
have done the same hunger strike to bring the development activities
in the region. But asking for a separate state instead.After reading
ur posts i understood that there r even educated brains who support
the split. Cant u guys stand for developing telangana instead??
[10 Dec, 2009 1722hrs IST]

Prakash,Chennai,says:Hey "vijay,Telangana", Why should Telengana be
given as Sonia's Birthday gift? Nonsense. Who is Sonia to divide
Andhra? She came just 25years ago to India. Let her not dictate terms.
I do not understand why Congress (any party for that matter) has no
strong political leader that can command respect. Why beg Sonia (a
foreigner) to take action. Nothing against Sonia's living in India, I
hate it when she can command so much respect being a foriegner. I
respect her becoming an Indian, but all said she is not a born-
citizen of India.
[10 Dec, 2009 1712hrs IST]

BPRao, ,Melbourne,says:Telengana proximity to Hyderabad has brought
immense benefits and changes the aspirations of Telengana people
beyond any expectations, no more is Medak a sleeping town when
compared to other under developed towns in Rayalaseema or Andhra.
Potti Sriramulu united and brought a united Andhra and now we are
brothers fighting for the inherited property dividing this into
pieces. There would more self styled political game ship and small
town politics which will come into the fore and development will take
the state backward. KCR and his men will have hay days and we will
soon start hearing separate Andhra, Rayalaseema and costal region. We
will have more issues as where the 70% of tax collections that would
emanate from Hyderabad go .. to Andhra or Telangana.. this would be
start of big war which will bring another ethic divide shattering the
cosmopolitan image Hyderabad has been groomed up. Hope Congress takes
mature decisions in the interest of all telugu speaking people.
[10 Dec, 2009 1710hrs IST]

Hari Kumar,Indonesia,says:It is not a Foolish thing the fight for
Telangana is not from last year or last month or last 11 days after
KCR started his fast to death - is it from 1956 they started
complaining - KCR used the FAST TO DEATH as final episode since it is
his climax of his career Why no LEADER from Andhra could do a FAST to
DEATH for Samaikya ANDHRA let us be cautious we may have to see many
this kind of things for more seperations of districts
[10 Dec, 2009 1657hrs IST]

Javeed Ahmed M,Hyderabad,says:Well the Hungry Mongrel is KCR and His
Goons, So why Give him Biryani When He is Happy with the Bones. The
Congress at centre blinked first and will Pay the Price. Jagan and His
Cronies are no less culprits in this agitation, giving silent support,
esp the Home Minister Mrs. Sabitha Reddy. KCR in no time will turn
into the Koda of AP and I am afraid that Telangana Will suffer the
same fate as Jharakhand.
[10 Dec, 2009 1655hrs IST]

Hidayath Shaik,Baroda,says:Had YSR been there, this situation would
have never been arised.. There is definitely a vacuum in leadership of
AP Congress. Only Jagan can fill that vacuum with able support from
KVP and Rosaiah.
[10 Dec, 2009 1653hrs IST]

Dileep,Bangalore, India,says:This is absolutely pathetic. Just imagine
the kind of message this sends out to all the anti-national and
divisive forces in the country. In no time will you have all kinds of
demands for more independant states. We need strong leaders to resolve
this issue. Politicians are the scum of the country and people need to
stand up and oppose this tooth and nail. I still cant believe how
easily the indian govt bowed down to the pressure, i can imagine how
India gets pushed arounf in international affairs when we such
incompetent and spineless leaders !! STRONG LEADERSHIP is the need of
the hour and this can only be obtained by a change in mindset.
[10 Dec, 2009 1647hrs IST]

[10 Dec, 2009 1645hrs IST]

sravan,kumar,says:Well Mr. Ravi, Learn the facts first. Rice from
Coastal Andhra is little sold in telengana and on the contrast rice
from telengana and Rayalseema is sold in Coastal ANdhra. Paddy
cutivated in Coastal andhra most of it is exported and deemed to be
large grain and known for quantity rather than quality. Try to do more
research in this matter and come up with a some other reason. Can you
deny your or your dearest ones self interests (economic perspective)
in hyderabad to form such a anti-telengana notion?
[10 Dec, 2009 1644hrs IST]

Kareem,Hyderabad,says:Great News. Congress party can forget Andhra
Pradesh, telangana or for the matter hyderabad. They will never will
any election. I have been voting for congress but after this decision
I will never ever support congress. Andhra's capital will be
Vijayawada, Telangana's Khammam and Hyderabad and Secunderabad a union
territory. So many people are dying of hunger everyday in India. Is
the government fulfilling all that they wanted
[10 Dec, 2009 1643hrs IST]

sravan,NYC,says:Why did andhra oppose telengana formation back in
1968? The political suppression of Telengana peaked since the movement
endend in 1971. Now few people from telengana have little political
awareness and now is the time they would learn from self governance.
Telengana once known for revolutionary political movements has been
branded terrorist infested(even though more naxalites especially the
elite persona are from andhra, most of the recruitment was from
backward villages in rural telengana) and is completely considered
illiterate nowadays. Do you know hyderabad state before 1948 was known
to be very culturally and educationally competent with andhra
counterpart. The only difference being english medium. Among other
things the first news paper in telugu was published from telengana and
not in andhra thats way beyond 1920's. It only as a united AP, that
telengana became backward and illiterate.
[10 Dec, 2009 1640hrs IST]

synergy,hyderabad,says:I agree with sravan and would like to tell
dinesh and naveen that we may be telangana, andhra and rayalaseema but
we are Indians only. really now coastal andhra politicians are playing
politics only for hyderabad.but i am asking each and every coastal
andhra politicians who came here for their livelihood and now saying
it is their home. we are not telling to go away from here...now they
are trying to take as much as possible before every thing happens.
[10 Dec, 2009 1632hrs IST]

sravan,NY,says:Well Mr. Ravi, Learn the facts first. Rice from Coastal
Andhra is little sold in telengana and on the contrast rice from
telengana and Rayalseema is sold in Coastal ANdhra. Paddy cutivated in
Coastal andhra most of it is exported and deemed to be large grain and
known for quantity rather than quality. Try to do more research in
this matter and come up with a some other reason. Can you deny your or
your dearest ones self interests (economic perspective) in hyderabad
to form such a anti-telengana notion?
[10 Dec, 2009 1631hrs IST]

somesh,***@hotm.com,says:Excuse dinesh, why you think we would ever
think of telangana without hyd. what kind of foolish statement is
that. It is like asking you to forget your mother. What kind of
history are you connected to hyderabad?
[10 Dec, 2009 1630hrs IST]

anurag,hyderabad,says:This is in response to Mr Naveen,why are you
naming Bihar here,it is far better than AP.
[10 Dec, 2009 1630hrs IST]

suresh,tirupathi,says:dont split the AP to two, split it to three
[10 Dec, 2009 1628hrs IST]

Yesubabu,Mumbai,says:KCR wants Power nothing else....Remember, The
people from Telangana already rejected TRS in the last election, this
clearly resembles there is NO need of Separate state. If i start
fasting for seperate DISTRICT, will central Govt agrees for the
same!!!??..on What basis central Govt agree for splitting? its just
Sonia B day gift!!! How funny it is>>??? Its a STATE not a Cake to
split easily..
[10 Dec, 2009 1627hrs IST]

g.venkataraman,delhi,says:This is a classic example of the dangers of
procrastinative politics widely practiced in this country.
Reorganisation of a state is a very very serious business and should
not be solely left to the whims, emotions as also inactions of a
scheming political class for whom self interest always precedes
national interest. The sincerity of purpose for addressing the issue
was simply not there. It was treated like a baton to be passed over in
every political race. while backwardness is a genuine issue , it
certainly cannot be solved through mere geographic redistribution of
political power. By that yardstick we may have to add another fifty
states. Our political system needs to be radically transformed .
political parties have to move beyond the present "individual fiefdom"
state where sychophancy is the moola mantra - where "so called
solutions" don't solve but create more problems .we need national
political movements which captures the pulse of the people , which can
identify an OBAMA in each one of us. God bless our Nation
G.Venkataraman if we don't act our future generation would pay for our
[10 Dec, 2009 1627hrs IST]

rama krishna,hyderabad,says:Overzealous politicians playing with the
lives & sentiments of people to achieve their petty political gains.
How can one person's so called fast in the comforts of AC hospital
decide the fate of 8 crore people. Wake up. Fight for Justice.
[10 Dec, 2009 1626hrs IST]

Narasimha Rao,Oman,says:Its Most unfortunate in the indian history
that the Intellectuals ruling in central bowed their heads to a
CARTOON CHARACTER CALLED KCR. Without analysing the KCR Character and
His partie's policies how can any body, from central can express the
posibilities & formation of Telangana State. Also they have to analyse
the decisions Mr.KCR took in the last 9-10years like what joining
Advaniji, comming out form TDP for the selfish cause of not getting
Minister post and forming TRS Party, joining hands with Congress,
again deceiving congress and joining hands with TDP in the last
elections making high drama in the last moment. There are many
situations like this which are to be considered before giving decision
on TRS issue. The most important point to be understood is with the
kind of his nature and personality, attitude of going to any extent,
disturbing states development and progress, how can we put 10districts
fate in his hands. Also to be thought is he is a dihard fan of NTR and
was with TDP in a good position worked as right hand to Mr.Naidu he
could not workout the development projects of telangana districts. TDP
got best opportunity during BJP's cental rule. During that Best period
also KCR has no thought of developing Telangana districts he got best
opportunity at that time and did not perform. Now how can we trust his
capabilities and abaility to develop telangana districts. Its now
manadatory to one and all of AP Population to think properly and not
allow central to put the fate of telangana states in KCR hands.
[10 Dec, 2009 1626hrs IST]

Dr adi,Mumbai,says:I am on an indefinite hunger strike to make South
Mumbai a speacial state! I want it or I will fast and create a ruckus!
Do you know why I want it to be a separate state? Because then I will
earn a lot of money out of the government contracts I will issue.
YAhoooo! I' gonna be a billionaire in a white kurta soon (keep it a
secret btw you and me)!
[10 Dec, 2009 1619hrs IST]

santhosh,hyderabad(Nalgonda),says:Who Said Congress will divide into 5
segments...y people are getting worried about telangana seperation. go
and walk through telangana roads you will know the facts y people are
asking seperate telagana... BEING HIGHEST TAX pAYERS IN ANDRA PRADESH
leader from this region.And More over the transparency will increase
if it divided there vud b more scope for finding flaws that are really
done by worst politicians.
[10 Dec, 2009 1617hrs IST]

santhosh,hyderabad(Nalgonda),says:Who Said Congress will divide into 5
segments...y people are getting worried about telangana seperation. go
and walk through telangana roads you will know the facts y people are
asking seperate telagana... BEING HIGHEST TAX pAYERS IN ANDRA PRADESH
leader from this region.And More over the transparency will increase
if it divided there vud b more scope for finding flaws that are really
done by worst politicians.
[10 Dec, 2009 1616hrs IST]

RAJ,UK,says:there is nothing like Telangana and Hyderabad. you need to
correct that its just Telangana as always.
[10 Dec, 2009 1616hrs IST]

MARLA BHASKAR,UAE,says:Telangane indeed has 9 districts which are
totally poverty ridden, barring for Hyderabad. Separating Telangana,
from the rest of the Andhra is a welcome measure, provided, people of
Andhra and Rayalseema are happy with it. The people of Andhra and
Rayalaseema are probably disturbed because of a feeling that their
investments in Hyderabad go waste. The point to be noted here is that
all of them invested in Hyderabad alone ( as it is the capital city)
and no where else in Telangana( What will happen to people of India
investing in America?). The politicians of Telangana are spineless in
getting funds granted, selfish in gobbling the available funds, and
not doing any good to the state of Telangana. Now Congress I, TDP,TRS
and BJP needs to be blamed for throwing the state into chaos by
eternally echoing along with the sentiment of separate Telangana. Why
in all their election manifestos they said they are for Separate
Telangana. They wanted to garner telangana votes, and tried to chew
more than what they can digest. Now instead of all these gimmicks,
they should appoint separate councils, to understand where and all the
Tealangan lacks financially/economically and bridge the loop holes at
the earliest to make it compete equally with Andhra and Rayalseema,
rather than isolating it and separating it. I think investors of
Andhra and Rayalseema shall make a note of this.
[10 Dec, 2009 1616hrs IST]

N Kumar,Chennai,says:Now each province which has a grouse will ask for
a separate state. They have set a bad precedent. This will pave way
for disintegration of countries back to Kingdom era and we will even
fight each other one day with enemy armies...
[10 Dec, 2009 1616hrs IST]

synergy,hyderabad,says:Separate telangana is needed because people
commenting here dont know that every higher official is coastal andhra
people and every worker is telangana . Coastal andhra politicials are
big thread to telangana. if we are comparing habits KCR habits are
atleast personal but coastal andhra ministers habits are like British
rule on telangana people. The proof for thier behaviour is they are
only 4 years old living in hyd but they want to take hyd(heart)from
telangana people. so they are behaving like british but we are not
telling them " go back". IF IT IS MATTER OF ONENESS WE ARE NOT
MENTALLY ONE. It purely about development of all.
[10 Dec, 2009 1615hrs IST]

Krishna rao,Hyderabad,says:Telangana and anti telangana agitations are
raising the question mark in the minds of investors saying A.P. on the
whole is not safezone to invest and progress.
[10 Dec, 2009 1615hrs IST]

itsnotgovt,new delhi,says:Its the politics stupid! All political
parties to position themselves to gain from this are party to this
split. They dont understand one thing, as a divided state they get
even less revenue allocation and less influence on policies effecting
their state
[10 Dec, 2009 1615hrs IST]

Krish,India,says:Some people are desperate to become netas - chief
minister and other ministers, and for that sake they agitate to form
new states so that they can become rulers. What can you expect from
Congress Party, a party without spine?
[10 Dec, 2009 1602hrs IST]

Naveen,Hyderabad,says:It is foolish thing to anounce telangana state
as seperate. Telangana people have to wake up and need to know these
politicians are playing with their lives. If seperate then it will
become another Bihar which is last rankings in literature. I am
requesting all the politicians try to concentrate on people issues
which is causing telanga backwards instead of seperate state. Even KCR
is in minister's time he didnt done any thing to telangana (even his
own legislature) then how can we trust these guy will rule telangana?
same for other politcians also? Common guys wake up these all are
[10 Dec, 2009 1602hrs IST]

dinesh,vijayawada,says:I challenge telangana people to survive their
lifes without hyd.Kcr nd congress is just playing a polyTRICKS for
dividing d state.this situation remainds us to think about YSR.
[10 Dec, 2009 1602hrs IST]

shivacharan,Hyderabd,says:Absolute stupidity,All the need for a
separate statehood was demanded by the selfish politicians for their
poloitical advantages.If they really need to develop people,they
should do that by developing such areas by providing infrastructure
and setting up the industries promoting employment and better
lifestyle.I am from telengana but oppose it to be divided from my
fellow telugu speaking people.We wil be strong only whenwe are
united.People should understand UNITY is OUR "strength".
[10 Dec, 2009 1602hrs IST]

dinesh,vijayawada,says:I challenge telangana people to survive their
lifes without hyd.Kcr nd congress is just playing a polyTRICKS for
dividing d state.this situation remainds us to think about YSR.
[10 Dec, 2009 1601hrs IST]

KUMAR,HYDERBAD,says:Enjoy.. divide and rule like British. Now its
congress turn. Let them split Andhra..
[10 Dec, 2009 1601hrs IST]

Siva,UK,says:Dividing the state is a big blunder. Hyderabad has been
developed by all parts of Andhara Pradesh, so, how can Hyderabad go to
Telangana? This is not fair. Hyderabad should remain on its own as UT.
[10 Dec, 2009 1600hrs IST]

Himanshu,Manila,says:I want to go on a fast to declare my 200 sq. yd.
house as an independent state. My drawing room will be my state
capital - My house lingo will be my state language. I hope my kids
don't want their room to be separate states within my house.
[10 Dec, 2009 1558hrs IST]

K M Rao,Hyderabad,says:Sure recipie for destabilisaiton of the country
[10 Dec, 2009 1558hrs IST]

ajith nair,bangalore,says:Today it is Telegana...Tomorrow it is going
to be Kashmir, Tamil Nadu, Konkan Region. And Congress party is at it
[10 Dec, 2009 1514hrs IST]

krishnamurthy acharya,malaysia,says:No point in deviding the states,
unless we indians change our mindset to become a efficient global
power.Congress should have tried to convince the people with efficient
adminstration despite devide and rule.
[10 Dec, 2009 1514hrs IST]

Ishwar Rao,Hyderabad,says:The state will be bifurcated into 5 parts
( North Andhra, South Andhra, Rayelseema, Telangana & Hyderabad ) and
god knows how many more to come in the future if the Government
continue its attitude in handling this kind of issue. Now people will
surely miss YSR
[10 Dec, 2009 1514hrs IST]

Ishwar Rao,Hyderabad,says:The state will be bifurcated into 5 parts
( North Andhra, South Andhra, Rayelseema, Telangana & Hyderabad ) and
god knows how many more to come in the future if the Government
continue its attitude in handling this kind of issue. Now people will
surely miss YSR
[10 Dec, 2009 1514hrs IST]

SHOUKAT FIRFIRAY,KUWAIT,says:As long as situation calm with law and
order in place, AP can split into 2 provinces similar to other states
to implement proper reform program and good governance. Also, it will
help to defuse naxal attacks on the civil society.
[10 Dec, 2009 1514hrs IST]

Natasha Coutinho,Dubai,says:What is wrong with the unity of India &
indians.why do you need a seprate state.There would be bo benifits for
sure & once you get your seperate state this is a request to the
government please do not fund them,coz it is on their demand that they
are getting a free state.NO FUND NO SUPPORT NOTHING !!!! thats how
India should work now.You all are showing the world how weak Indian
are by what your doing. Jai Hind
[10 Dec, 2009 1513hrs IST]

Krishna Rao,Hyderabad,says:Many more MLA and MP will resign, Entire
state will be uncertain. Please remove hyderabad from any state and
make it as union territory.
[10 Dec, 2009 1512hrs IST]

abdul khadar,karimnagar,says:Giving Telangana is totally a stupid
decision made by congress govt. TRS wanna make money out of this by
accuring the telengana states and Hyderabad.As they dont have that
support and image in whole AP.Its better to make HYD as UT so that
telangana will never be telangana without HYD.
[10 Dec, 2009 1512hrs IST]

raaghaav,usa,says:Once again congress high command has proved that it
is a bunch of jokers people like chidambaram,pranab,antony,ahmed patel
and sonia gandhi have degraded the reputation of nation. it is
disgusting these people who do not hail from Andhra Pradesh decide the
fate of that state. People who are born and brought up from that state
like me are astonished by the way how these stupid congress high
command people acts. it is a shame that we are being ruled by such
fools. god save andhra pradesh
[10 Dec, 2009 1512hrs IST]

moksh,Mumbai,says:Tomorrow people will start going on hunger strikes
for creation of seperate states . Would govt still form a state then ?
If states are formed with such frequency, Our country should have
maintained the 623 states in India. Y unite them if after so many
years you wanna divide it. Every single caste will demand a separate
state, they are already doing that. What will this lead to I wonder.?
More kodha like CMs.
[10 Dec, 2009 1511hrs IST]

dude,hyd,says:UT! Are you guys kidding? Gone are the days of Union
Territories. India just converted all its UTs into states. You want to
go back to that now? Joint capital doesn't work too. Hyderabad is a
traffic nightmare as it is, with all those extra souls visiting the
capital on various errands and jamming the streets running between
various govt offices. By turning Hyd into a capital for 2 states,
you're only going to multiply those problems by 2.
[10 Dec, 2009 1509hrs IST]

Ananth,Singapore,says:Some points for those rejoicing the news of
Separate Telangana. What's the guarantee that Telangana will progress
if it's made a separate state ? Development of a region comes through
Political will and hardwork from people. The same legislators and
parliament members will get elected in separate Telangana. The MLAs
and MPs from Telanga (from TRS and Congress) say that Telangana is
backward region, then what the hell were these people doing ? Are they
not be held accountable for the backwardness of the region ? What
progress did Jarkhand make after breaking from Bihar except the
personal development of Madhu Koda and a few politicians ? Same fate
hangs for Telangana. 10 years hence, if Telangana state is formed, can
some one vouch that there will be no drinking water, electricity, food
and employment problems in Telangana ? How many projects did KCR bring
to Telangana region when he was Central Minister for 2 years ?
Telangana people were fooled in the past by landlords (Doralu) and now
again, I saw it live !!!
[10 Dec, 2009 1508hrs IST]

vijay,Telangana,says:people of telangana have given their mandate
regarding the sperate state long back and they still continue with
their stand for the separate state which will be the reality soon and
the author he himself has made a point saying that hyderabad will be
part and parcel of telangana. The Andhra MLA's and MP who are
resigning their seats should understand that they are not the local
people of Telangana espicially Lagadapati who is from vijayawada which
come in Andhra therefore obviosly he or they will oppose since they
still want to exploit the resources and people of Telangana. If the
Congress doesn't stick to their stand which has already announced that
the process of separate satate has started will be defeated in
telangana horriably with not even gaining single seat and the gift on
the birthday of MRS Sonia Ghandhi to the people of telangana would be
like makeing the people of telangana fools and she will loose the
[10 Dec, 2009 1508hrs IST]

vijay,Telangana,says:people of telangana have given their mandate
regarding the sperate state long back and they still continue with
their stand for the separate state which will be the reality soon and
the author he himself has made a point saying that hyderabad will be
part and parcel of telangana. The Andhra MLA's and MP who are
resigning their seats should understand that they are not the local
people of Telangana espicially Lagadapati who is from vijayawada which
come in Andhra therefore obviosly he or they will oppose since they
still want to exploit the resources and people of Telangana. If the
Congress doesn't stick to their stand which has already announced that
the process of separate satate has started will be defeated in
telangana horriably with not even gaining single seat and the gift on
the birthday of MRS Sonia Ghandhi to the people of telangana would be
like makeing the people of telangana fools and she will loose the
[10 Dec, 2009 1508hrs IST]

vijay,Telangana,says:people of telangana have given their mandate
regarding the sperate state long back and they still continue with
their stand for the separate state which will be the reality soon and
the author he himself has made a point saying that hyderabad will be
part and parcel of telangana. The Andhra MLA's and MP who are
resigning their seats should understand that they are not the local
people of Telangana espicially Lagadapati who is from vijayawada which
come in Andhra therefore obviosly he or they will oppose since they
still want to exploit the resources and people of Telangana. If the
Congress doesn't stick to their stand which has already announced that
the process of separate satate has started will be defeated in
telangana horriably with not even gaining single seat and the gift on
the birthday of MRS Sonia Ghandhi to the people of telangana would be
like makeing the people of telangana fools and she will loose the
[10 Dec, 2009 1508hrs IST]

Vijay,Hyderabad,says:Congress Party under the leadership of the most
admired PM and their Madam has invited a very big problem by deciding
to split Andhra Pradesh. They should now be prepared to receive the
applications for Northern Karnataka, Vidarbha, Goorkhaland, Greater
Rayalaseema, may be tomorrow northern Telangana, North Coastal Andhra
Pradesh, South Coastal Andhra Pradesh and I do not see an end to
these. There can be at least one Rao who can certainly go on fast unto
death in each of these regions. Are we ready to split mother India
into so many pieces.
[10 Dec, 2009 1507hrs IST]

Srinivasan,Salem,says:The Congress should have thought of this when
they formed alliance with TRS five years back and towed his line at
that time and ditched him afterwards
[10 Dec, 2009 1505hrs IST]

Shravan,Hyderabad,says:Guys.. Lets not getting in to a politically
over ridden thinking. I would request a lil thought. I agree that AP
is a prospering state, and has very high yields of crops, highly
educated & skilled populace and huge Loans to be paid to IMF and world
bank. But, Telangana region is poor, illitarate and drought hit. The
whole moment is to signify the issues which they have been facing
which were never taken care of. A Separate state by itself would mean
its own funds, responsibilities and actions, which would mean a better
administration. I find no reason why we are getting so emotional about
language centric when we keep talking about globalization and growth
in every aspect. If Telangana is left the way it is., it would make
the disparities wider and on a longer term would be a great blunder.
If not now., this Tide would lay back to come back again with a
greater and more dedicated force. Let their be homogenous development
in the country. Dont look, think or behave as individuals of a
locality, stand as a country. We are 30 odd states, but Indians, if we
are to have another smaller state, whats the issue in it.
[10 Dec, 2009 1457hrs IST]

TR Rao,Los Angeles,says:The facts have been mis-represented here (why
the center blinked, rayalseema folks inflitrating the masses etc.,).
Why doesn't TOI stick to Shilpa Shetty news and avoid mis-
communicating to the masses.
[10 Dec, 2009 1456hrs IST]

James.Cheriyan,U.A.E.,says:It is only the Politicians who will be
gaining by these kinds creation of smaller states.No one else and not
even the country as a whole.The new generation of politicians have to
learn from the past experiences and how Mrs. Gandhi dealt with this
uprising in 1969.Our new generation politicians will say that times
have changed and so solutions have to be different.so has the country
by leaps and bounds.
[10 Dec, 2009 1454hrs IST]

Sanjay,Hyderabad,says:A really hungry man will eat the Rice even
without the Mutton. Better make Hyderbad a UT and a Joint capital of
both states (Just Like Chandigarh). Sanjay
[10 Dec, 2009 1438hrs IST]

Siddharth Sharma,Delhi,says:Hyderabad should be made to U.T just like
chandigarh and both the state share it .
[10 Dec, 2009 1434hrs IST]

Aslam,Hyderabad,says:This shows the political immaturity of Congress
which has meekly submitted itself to blackmail. Accepted that it
cannot contriol Law and order. Dilution of Democarcy
[10 Dec, 2009 1434hrs IST]

ravi,bangalore,says:I am happy that the author ended the page
comparing the Rice with Mutton.. Because if rice is stopped from Costa
Zillas of AP to Telangana than the mutton will be available without
rice. Everyone know that a biryani will taste good only if both rice
and mutton are together. If politicians put their evil thought behind
and work for the unity of the state instead of dividing it than it
will be more beneficial.
[10 Dec, 2009 1431hrs IST]

Sant2020,Delhi,says:The Telengana decision is more driven by local
politics and to weaken the regional parties like TDP etc by Congress
so that their share at centre remains un-influential. If Development
was the key, then why is UP still such large state, why we don't have
East UP or West UP or Bundelkhand........Such political decisions have
long costs in terms of unity and integrity of India.
[10 Dec, 2009 1414hrs IST]

Murli,London,says:Instead of solving more burning issues like the
Maoist movement and violence, the government decided to do the divide
and rule policy. It is so clearly spineless and shameless of the
Congress to divide the country for its personal gain. I am from Andhra
and I am ashamed that my people have been divided. And we are same
people, same language, same background. So, we are creating new
opportunities for people to exploit and loot as Madhu Koda and co. Wah
re India. wah re Congress.
[10 Dec, 2009 1413hrs IST]


...and I am Sid Harth
Sid Harth
2009-12-11 13:47:18 UTC
HC lawyers enter into a scuffle over division of Andhra
PTI 11 December 2009, 02:03pm IST

HYDERABAD: Lawyers of the Andhra Pradesh High Court were involved in a
scuffle today over the Centre's decision to initiate the process for
formation of separate Telangana.

The lawyers of Telangana and other regions -- Rayalaseema and coastal
Andhra -- entered into an altercation over the division of the state.

While Telangana advocates favoured separate statehood to the region,
those from coastal Andhra and Rayalaseema regions insisted on a
integrated state.

Slogans like 'Jai Telangana' and 'Jai Andhra' rant the air as the
scuffle began.

Later, the lawyers assembled in front of the Chief Justice A R Dave's
chamber and raised slogans.


...and I am Sid Harth
Sid Harth
2009-12-11 13:49:33 UTC
Next AP capital: Vijayawada, Vizag or Tirupati?
TNN 11 December 2009, 03:55am IST

VIJAYAWADA: A commercial hub, it is also politically active,
sociologically dominant and agriculturally rich round the year with
crops like paddy, tobacco, cotton, chilli and sugarcane. Other
contenders like Visakhapatnam, Tirupati and Vishakaptnam are scattered
but Vijayawada is centrally located for both regions. It has an
airport at Gannavaram, which could be expanded into an international
one. It has a HC bench and the city is close to Machilipatnam port,
making it well connected by land, air and sea with road/rail
connection to all metros in the country. Availability of land between
Vijayawada and Guntur could come in handy.

VISAKHAPATNAM : With industrial investments touching Rs 1.6 lakh
crores involving steel, petroleum, fertilizer, zinc smelting, heavy
industry, ship building, it has also three major ports along with
atomic energy, naval establishments, three universities. The new world
business IT hub was a feather in the city's cap and the port city
could emerge as a frontrunner. It is the one of the fastest growing
cities in the world and occupies a pivotal place on the East Coast
corridor between Kolkata and Chennai. No city in the coastal Andhra
has as many public sector units as Vizag has. Besides, it is well
connected by land, air and sea. The city's stock is set to go up with
the coming up of defence establishments like BARC and DRDA projects
and PCPIR industrial corridor project. It also has many educational
institutions offering management, technical and engineering courses —
Andhra University, GITAM University and Law University to name a few
and there's a proposal to build a world university here. It has Pharma
city and many more industries are also in the pipeline.

TIRUPATI: They say you get salvation at the feet of Lord Balaji and in
Andhra Pradesh all good work is begun in the Lord's abode. It's the
most visited pilgrim centre in the country and most sought after
pilgrimage centre on a par with the Vatican city. Not only the rich
and mighty frequent Tirumala for a darshan of Lord Venkateswara but
Tirupati's prominence is doubled by the visits of international
leadersand influential people. With the international airport and
international railway station in the offing, the chances of Tirupati
emerging as the capital of Andhra state cannot be ruled out. What
more, the Tirumala temple administration is the richest religious
corporate in the country with an annual turnover of Rs 1,000 crore
which could come in handy for the development of the city, which has a
population of three lakhs. The also has six universities.


...and I am Sid Harth
Sid Harth
2009-12-11 14:00:44 UTC
From 'Dubai Shekhar' to mover and shaker
Kingshuk Nag, TNN 11 December 2009, 03:34am IST

HYDERABAD: He may go down in history as the creator of Telangana or
the destroyer of Andhra Pradesh. But regardless of how future
historians describe him, until recently, there was nothing to
distinguish Kalvakuntla Chandrasekhar Rao (55) from the rest of the
tribe of politicians.

Son of an agriculturist from the high caste Velama family of
Telangana, KCR, as he is called, began as an immigration consultant
after an MA in Telugu literature. He sent enough people to the Gulf to
earn the epithet of ‘Dubai Shekhar'. By 1984, he was in politics,
jumping on to the bandwagon of N T Rama Rao who was preparing a new
paradigm in state politics. KCR was a callow 31 then.

After Chandrababu Naidu began his second term as CM in 1999, KCR ran
into trouble. He wanted to become a minister but Naidu made him the
deputy speaker. A miffed KCR quit the party and floated his Telangana
Rashtra Samithi (TRS) in 2001.

KCR found an unlikely ally in Y S Rajasekhara Reddy, who, as Andhra
Congress chief, was making a herculean effort to dislodge Naidu. The
two combined forces and went to the electorate in 2004 on the plank of
a separate Telangana state. The Congress-TRS combine swept to power
and, even as YSR became the CM, KCR joined the Union cabinet.

YSR had no intention to create Telangana and he made no bones about
his opposition to it. YSR convinced the Congress high command that
statehood for Telangana would be disastrous for Congress. Regardless,
KCR made numerous efforts to nudge New Delhi — he resigned his
ministership, his Lok Sabha seat and even withdrew his ministers from
the YSR cabinet. But to no avail.

Around 2006, YSR began another trick: Breaking up TRS. Authentic
documents from unknown sources started landing up in newspaper offices
that proved involvement of some TRS MLAs in the illegal human export

The party was virtually disintegrated and people stopped believing
that KCR could deliver them a new state. Just then help came from
unexpected quarters. His bete noire, Chandrababu Naidu proposed an
alliance. So TRS and TDP went to elections jointly this year. But it
was a decision that Naidu was to rue soon. A TRS LS candidate from
Secunderabad boasted that he paid Rs 10 crore for the ticket. TRS got
routed and the party was well on its way to oblivion when fate knocked
on KCR's door again, this time in the shape of the political vacuum
created by YSR's death. KCR saw a chance to regain his political
relevance. That's how he began his fast.

If sources are to be believed, he neither expected the fast to go on
for 10 days nor did he believe in his wildest dreams that the Congress
high command would agree to forming Telangana. It's learnt that KCR
still believes New Delhi would back-stab him. But then the man has
just risen, phoenix-like, from the ashes.


...and I am Sid Harth
Sid Harth
2009-12-11 14:03:37 UTC
Will TRS now join Congress?
TNN 11 December 2009, 03:58am IST

NEW DELHI: A merger of TRS with Congress has emerged a strong
possibility as the Centre's decision to carve out Telangana from
Andhra Pradesh moves forward in the coming days.

The view in favour of merger is shared by both parties with strong
indications that talks between K Chandrasekhar Rao with Congress
leadership could set the ball rolling in this direction.

Sources said TRS chief Rao, whose fast for statehood forced Congress's
hand over Telangana, had agreed in 2004 to merge with Congress if it
agreed to fulfill the mandate of the fledgling party.

The TRS and Congress contested the 2004 simultaneous polls to assembly
and Centre in alliance after Congress came out with a pro-Telangana
statement. While they swept both the polls in what was an anti-TDP and
pro-statehood wave, Congress could not fulfil its promise.

A UPA panel with Pranab Mukherjee, Raghuvansh Prasad Singh and
Dayanidhi Maran could not bring out its verdict, leading to TRS
pulling out of the ruling coalition.

With Congress conceding the statehood demand at the cost of giving the
credit for historical decision to rival KCR, there are talks on how
things would shape up in future.

TRS's raison d'etre — statehood — would be nearly over once the
process of formation of the new state kicks off. At the same time, for
a regional force like TRS to survive would be a big task as it would
be up against a resourceful and ruling Congress party and without the
promise of Telangana to exploit.

TRS sources said it would not be out of place if the party thinks of
becoming part of Congress. The halo around KCR, which would increase
when he talks to Central leaders as the face of the new state, could
make him amenable to overtures from Congress.


...and I am Sid Harth
Sid Harth
2009-12-11 14:05:34 UTC
Mayawati for trifurcation of Uttar Pradesh
IANS 11 December 2009, 06:15pm IST

LUCKNOW: Uttar Pradesh chief minister Mayawati on Friday said she is
for creation of independent states of Bundelkhand and Harit Pradesh
out of an "unmanageable Uttar Pradesh". ( Watch Video )

"I have written to Prime Minister Manmohan Singh urging him to give us
clearance for creating independent states of Budelkhand and Harit
Pradesh out of a giant-sized and unmanageable Uttar Pradesh," Mayawati
told a hurriedly convened press conference here Friday evening.

She said her move follows the central government's nod for carving the
state of Telangana in Andhra Pradesh.

She said: "I was always in favour of smaller states as they are much
simpler to govern."


...and I am Sid Harth
Sid Harth
2009-12-11 14:09:33 UTC
KCR achieved in 11 days what could not be done in 8yrs
IANS 10 December 2009, 12:00pm IST

HYDERABAD: In June, when then Andhra Pradesh chief minister Y.S.
Rajasekhara Reddy asked Telangana Rashtra Samiti (TRS) president K
Chandrasekhar Rao where he would hide after the humiliating electoral
defeat, few would have thought that the goal of a separate state would
be achieved in just six months.

Through his 11-day fast-unto-death supported by mass protests, the 55-
year-old achieved what other leaders from the region could not in five

For the TRS chief, who called off his fast late Wednesday and broke
down while paying tributes to those who laid down their lives for the
formation of Telangana, the sudden demise of Rajasekhara Reddy in a
helicopter crash in September removed the biggest hurdle in achieving
his goal.

YSR, as Rajasekhara Reddy was popularly known, was belligerent in his
attacks on Rao. With his iron-like grip over the government and
Congress and the kind of rapport he had with the central leadership,
he never allowed Rao to dominate.

In October, when the Supreme Court declared Hyderabad a free zone in
matters of recruitment to police department, KCR, as the TRS chief is
known among his supporters, saw it as a golden opportunity to strike.

The death of YSR and the court order provided much needed oxygen to
TRS reeling under the rout in March-April elections.

The TRS founder gave the slogan of "Telangana waley jago, Andhra waley
bhago (Arise people of Telangana, run away people of Andhra)".

A frail-looking KCR has always been a crowd puller. Known for his
acerbic criticism of his rivals with a mixture of Telugu and Urdu
words, he attracted a huge crowd at the public meeting at Siddipet on
Oct 21, where he threatened civil war for achieving separate state.

It was in 2001 that KCR quit as deputy speaker of the assembly and
resigned from the Telugu Desam Party (TDP) to float the TRS. The
former minister hailing from Medak district revived the decades old
movement, which has almost died after the violent agitation of 1969.

His rallies proved an instant hit and the party made an impressive
electoral debut in local body elections.

In the 2004 elections, which TRS fought in alliance with Congress, the
party had bagged 26 assembly and five Lok Sabha seats. Though he
succeeded in taking the Telangana issue to the centrestage and
extracted promises from Congress-led UPA government, he failed to
achieve his goal.

His flip-flop on the issue, the repeated deadlines he fixed for
achieving the goal, his perceived dictatorial attitude and
controversial decisions disillusioned the party cadre and 10
legislators staged a revolt.

KCR pulled out of coalition governments and threatened to expose the
Congress for betraying the people of Telangana. However, his gamble of
going for byelections last year boomeranged as the TRS could retain
only seven assembly and two Lok Sabha seats.

He found a new ally in TDP after it backed the demand for separate
Telangana before the elections early this year. TRS contested 50 of
the 119 Assembly seats in the Telangana region but won only 10. YSR
interpreted this as the vote against bifurcation of Andhra Pradesh.

KCR's critics, including revolutionary balladeer Gaddar, said he was
weakening the movement by running after votes instead of launching a
mass movement. Gaddar, who had also announced plans to launch his own
party, was proved right as KCR succeeded in achieving through
agitation what he could not through votes.

An indian,India,says:India will be super power with the divided
parts...we proud 2 b Indian.. well come Telengana .wht a decission
UPA.. I wll nt vote for the divider in my whole lyf
[10 Dec, 2009 1451hrs IST]

N. Sridharan,Chennai,says:If separate Telengana is a legitimate claim
why was it not conceded earlier as soon as the proposal was mooted?
Should someone go on fast to get a legitimate demand accepted? Else it
means that the Govt has succumbed to pressure tactics. It is too bad.
If Ramalinga Raju goes on fast demanding that he should be declared
innocent and Satyam must be handed back to him with his earlier status
in the company re-instated will the same Govt buckle under pressure,
esp if the Raju community backs him? The Govt is setting yet another
bad precedent. Now Ajmal Kasab can think of going on fast to be
declared innocent!!
[10 Dec, 2009 1438hrs IST]

sreejith,Bangalore,says:It was only a couple of days back that you
called him raju guide!!
[10 Dec, 2009 1433hrs IST]

Prakash rao,HYderabad,says:Ever since KCR took the cause of Telangana
(2001), he highlighted the exploitations by Non-Telanganites. This
went deep into the mindset of people here. Now every school student of
6 yrs to 60yrs old talk of it the way KCR talks and much more of such
exploitations. Now he took the Gandhian way, and it aroused every one
for the cause. Crooked ways ofGovt. to stall the Gandhian way was
observed by the masses. Finally victory to Gandhian way. The crooked
ways are still around T.
[10 Dec, 2009 1429hrs IST]

xyz,pune,says:he is a waste he should pay for the damage done rtc and
individual people what people gain nothing but kcr is mp he is getting
everthing even in hospital his son is mla he is getting publicity.
[10 Dec, 2009 1409hrs IST]

DeepS,Singapore,says:who needs terrorists to hijack planes...we can so
easily be blackmailed by our own selves. I am sure next it would be
gujjar, demanding a separate state or some place else people going on
fast unto death... what a pity, soem time ago fast unto death was done
by a man, Mahatma Gandhi, to curb violance and bring peace and unity -
ironically same tactics are now employed to split the nation and bring
[10 Dec, 2009 1358hrs IST]

DeepS,Singapore,says:who needs terrorists to hijack planes...we can so
easily be blackmailed by our own selves. I am sure next it would be
gujjar, demanding a separate state or some place else people going on
fast unto death... what a pity, soem time ago fast unto death was done
by a man, Mahatma Gandhi, to curb violance and bring peace and unity -
ironically same tactics are now employed to split the nation and bring
[10 Dec, 2009 1358hrs IST]

Swathy,Hyderabad,says:Why should such decisions be taken without the
public opinion? Is the state made of parties or public?
[10 Dec, 2009 1342hrs IST]

Nisha,pune,says:Does india needs this kind of leader who divide states
for there own popularity and benefits. Wait friends he will be the
next MADHU KODA. hehehehe
[10 Dec, 2009 1338hrs IST]

Phani,seattle, WA,says:Why is TimesOfIndia portraying this Selfish-
Drunkard KCR as a leader here?
[10 Dec, 2009 1321hrs IST]

Nirmala Patwari,Ahmedabad,says:Kudoes to KCR! That eight years of
political process and talks with Congress came to nought testifies to
the Congress' belligerence. Sonia after promising Telangana statehod
to voters during 2004 Lok Sabha poll rode roughtshod over the issue
and humiliated and insulted not only KCR personally, but Telangana
populace. Even during KCR's 11-day fast, all Congress stalwarts made
fun of Telangana. This proves how far removed is the century-old
Congress party from the citizenry and people's aspirations and
[10 Dec, 2009 1305hrs IST]

madan,hyderabad,says:i am a mulki &a telanganite.i donot any reason
for telangana.i am surprised telangana was announced under black
mail&over insults to sonia gandhi.it has proved beyond reason the
theory of small states is a failure.one cm has eaten 4000 crs & others
are corrupt&naxlite riddin.how can you split telugu people.rideculous
[10 Dec, 2009 1259hrs IST]

rajesh,Bangalore,says:"Telangana waley jago, Andhra waley bhago", KCR
now joins the ranks of Bal thackrey and its likes...and see what they
got...central government is encouraging these people...it
sucks..really...I want a state too...is someone listening if yes..i
will start my fast from today!!
[10 Dec, 2009 1236hrs IST]

rajesh,Bangalore,says:"Telangana waley jago, Andhra waley bhago", KCR
now joins the ranks of Bal thackrey and its likes...and see what they
got...central government is encouraging these people...it
sucks..really...I want a state too...is someone listening if yes..i
will start my fast from today!!
[10 Dec, 2009 1235hrs IST]


...and I am Sid Harth
Sid Harth
2009-12-11 14:12:14 UTC
Hyderabad blues
Ganesh S Lakshman, TNN 11 December 2009, 03:51am IST

HYDERABAD: Even before Telangana supporters could light sparklers, the
fight began for Hyderabad. While Telangana votaries insisted there is
no question of a Telangana without Hyderabad, those from Andhra and
Rayalaseema declared the current state capital was common property and
should be declared an Union Territory.

The demands are based on a complex mix of political, emotional and
material logic. Many politicians from the other two regions have
invested heavily in property in and around Hyderabad including the
ritzy Jubilee Hills, Hi-tec City and Shamshabad, areas where the outer
Ring Road and new international airport have come up and jacked up

Of the 23 AP districts, 10 are in Telangana, nine in Andhra and four
in Rayalaseema. For the Telangana supporters, Hyderabad is the heart
of the region and can never be given UT status.

"By right, Hyderabad deserves to be the capital of the new Telangana
state. Historically, all the Telangana districts have actually been
part of the erstwhile Nizam-ruled state of Hyderabad of which the
current city was the epicentre. If Hyderabad is shared with people of
the other region, then the heart of Telangana is will be taken away,"
said one Congress leader from the region.

Another reason for the Telanganites' opposition to Hyderabad being
made a UT is lack of contiguity with other regions. "The state capital
is surrounded completely by the Telangana districts. Therefore, for
the people of Andhra and Rayalaseema regions, Hyderabad can never
function as an administrative capital," said the leader.

Those clamouring for UT status for Hyderabad base it on the
cosmopolitan nature of the city. "To preserve its cosmopolitan
character and accelerate its growth as an hub of IT, biotech, pharma
and other emerging technologies, it has to be made union
territory....The demographic profile of the city has changed
tremendously over the years and today the native inhabitants
constitute only a modest percentage with those from the other two
regions, different states of India and abroad forming the majority,"
said BC welfare minister M Mukesh Goud in a letter to Congress
president Sonia Gandhi on Wednesday, in which he urged her to declare
Hyderabad as UT.

But there are more material reasons for seeking UT status. Goud, who
wrote the letter, is from Hyderabad. Health minister Danam Nagender,
who also is an advocate of Hyderabad as Union Territory, is also from
Hyderabad. According to sources, several ministers from the Andhra and
Rayalaseema regions have invested in property worth crores of rupees
over the last decade or so in and around Hyderabad. "They stand to
lose heavily in case Hyderabad is retained with Telangana as property
values are bound to fall," said an observer.

Interestingly, when the Telangana issue was raging three years ago
after TRS president K Chandrasekhar Rao parted ways with the Congress
and launched an agitation, there was not much of a demand for
Hyderabad as Union Territory. "That was because the real estate
business was booming in the state and efforts were on to build a new
capital for the divided Andhra state in the Mangalagiri-Guntur-
Vijayawada region. Therefore, leaders of these regions had no
objection to Hyderabad remaining part of Telangana. But after the real
estate bust, the Andhra and Rayalaseema leaders re-invested heavily in
and around Hyderabad. Their total investments here would be more than
Rs 20,000 crore," said one politician in the know.

As a result, the fight for Hyderabad is set to be fiercely contested.
But with the Andhra regions up in arms a day after the Congress gave
the green signal for Telangana, the Rosaiah regime tottering and the
possibility of the assembly passing the resolution on Telangana
becoming difficult, the fight for Hyderabad may just recede into the
background for the time being. But it is sure to be raked up when
Telangana inches towards becoming a reality.


...and I am Sid Harth
2009-12-12 00:04:55 UTC
State chorus rocks Delhi

New Delhi, Dec. 11: A flustered Congress leadership tonight began
mulling a second states reorganisation commission (SRC) to put a lid
on the cascading demand for new states triggered by Telangana.

The party hopes a new SRC — mandated to consider all demands — will
become an instrument to defuse Telangana’s domino effect which has
begun to echo loud from many parts of the country, including
Darjeeling, Assam, Uttar Pradesh and Bihar.

Uttar Pradesh chief minister Mayavati dropped an opportunist tackle in
the troubled waters today with a suo motu announcement she was ready
to carve out Bundelkhand and a Harit Pradesh out of her state.

RJD leader Lalu Prasad revived the demand for a new Poorvanchal
comprising the Bhojpuri-speaking districts of Uttar Pradesh and Bihar.
There is a palpable fear that older small-state demands like Vidarbha
and Bodoland may resurface and force a drastic redrawing of the Indian

In Andhra Pradesh, the eye of the current storm, the Centre’s
announcement on Telangana has unleashed a huge counter-tide. More than
135 members of the Assembly have resigned in protest and chief
minister K. Rosaiah has been left to field an anti-Telangana surge
many in the Congress had not expected.

“I have not been asked either orally or in writing to move a
resolution for Telangana in the state Assembly,” Rosaiah said today in
an effort to placate anti-division anger. Congress MPs from Andhra
Pradesh have been tasked by the central leadership to persuade party
MLAs not to resign and instead to “defeat the Telangana resolution” on
the Assembly floor should it come about.

Congress leaders privately conceded that they had not foreseen the
“violent repercussions” of the announcement on Telangana and argued
that the Centre had moved only to prevent an ugly turn in the face of
fasting TRS leader K. Chandrasekhar Rao’s deteriorating health.

The ruling party has suddenly realised its “defensive move” has
unleashed offensive posturing from the protagonists of smaller states,
like the sudden eruption of Gorkhaland agitators in Darjeeling.
Mayavati’s political adventurism too has pushed the Centre into
thinking of instituting a second SRC.

Some leaders, however, said no formal decision had been taken on the
second SRC and the posturing by Mayavati was little else than a
“political joke”. But they conceded that the government would have to
create an institutional mechanism to study the demands instead of
taking arbitrary decisions.

“The Telangana announcement was made under an extraordinary situation.
Every decision cannot be taken by the Congress core committee. A
second SRC is very much an option being considered,” a minister said.

On Telangana, too, there were very tangible signs of a slowdown.
Congress leaders said the premise on which the government had
suggested a resolution in the Assembly was apparent consensus among
the key political players, which seems to have broken.

In the circumstances, passing a resolution appears impossible and that
will make it incumbent on the government to take a fresh look at the
entire situation and try to evolve a consensus first.

There is definitely some unease among a section of leaders who feel
the door is being closed after the horse has bolted. “Somebody
obviously was misleading the leadership. We could have shown similar
caution before committing that midnight blunder. The party could have
announced a second SRC at that time instead of making Rao the father
of Telangana and injecting life into other such demands,” an AICC
functionary said.

Many leaders believe the midnight declaration was “political

Agitated Congress MPs from non-Telangana regions met Prime Minister
Manmohan Singh, home minister P. Chidambaram and the party’s main
troubleshooter Pranab Mukherjee to lodge their protest.

After these meetings, the MPs appeared pacified to some extent and
expressed the hope that Telangana hadn’t become a reality yet.


...and I am Sid Harth
2009-12-12 00:08:21 UTC
Paresh Barua calls for plebiscite

Guwahati, Dec. 11: Ulfa commander-in-chief Paresh Barua today offered
a Hobson’s choice to the government — either include sovereignty in
the talks or conduct a plebiscite among the indigenous people of the

New Assam Governor J.B. Patnaik, however, tried to keep the peace
process on track by inviting Ulfa for unconditional talks.

Barua, in an e-mailed statement, said his option was the “last word”
of those who were still not in the “enemy’s” clutches.

A source said while Barua’s statement allowed the leaders in custody,
including Ulfa chairman Arabinda Rajkhowa, to have their views, “talks
with these captive leaders are unlikely to restore peace in the state
given that the Ulfa’s strength lies in its military, which Barua
controls.” He said the government could not accept either of the

Barua said Indian democracy did not practice peoples’ democracy.
“India’s claim about being the biggest democracy in the world is
nothing but a propaganda. In reality there are no democratic rights.
People of Assam are being suppressed by the Indian occupational forces
and for the people of Assam democracy has no meaning.”

He said since plebiscite was a part of people’s democracy, it was the
duty of the occupation forces to consider a people’s referendum for

“We will continue to fight against the Indian occupational forces
unless they agree to hold discussion on sovereignty or conduct a
plebiscite,” the statement said.

The statement said Indian democracy had turned into a “party
democracy” with political parties in power working only in their

Within an hour of being sworn in this evening, Governor J.B. Patnaik
said, “The home minister has invited them (Ulfa) to come to the
negotiating table. I have also invited them today. They should come
for talks unconditionally. I don’t believe in violent methods. There
is enough scope in the Constitution to settle any problem without
resorting to violence,” he told reporters at the Raj Bhavan.


...and I am Sid Harth
2009-12-12 00:16:14 UTC
Peace on Rosaiah lips, ball in Centre court
CM says Delhi will ‘advise’

Hyderabad, Dec. 11: Stunned by the severity of the statehood backlash,
Andhra Pradesh chief minister K. Rosaiah today sought to placate
political mutineers by saying he was under no obligation to move an
Assembly resolution on Telangana and any such move would only be by

“I have not been asked either orally or in writing to move the
resolution on Telangana in the Assembly,” Rosaiah said in the morning
as part of his appeal to the 136 MLAs who have submitted their
resignations in protest against the Centre’s announcement on Wednesday

“All they (the Congress high command) told me is that they will advise
me (about the resolution) at an appropriate time,” he added.

As the protests refused to subside and the resignation letters
continued to pour in, Rosaiah went a step further later in the day.

In a statement issued late tonight, the chief minister said it would
be difficult to get the resolution passed even if it was moved in the
current session. “Any process relating to the formation of a Telangana
state will be done only through consensus,” he said in the statement.

The protests spread with anti-Telangana activists, who had called a
bandh in Rayalaseema and coastal Andhra, blocking roads and highways
and damaging public property. Two persons committed suicide in coastal
Andhra, saying they hoped their sacrifice would lead to a “samaikya
Andhra (integrated Andhra)”.

As of Friday evening, as many as 136 legislators had sent their
resignations to Speaker Kiran Kumar Reddy. Among them are 79 of the
Congress, 43 from the Telugu Desam and 14 from actor Chiranjeevi’s
Praja Rajyam. All the MLAs are from Rayalaseema and coastal Andhra,
which together account for 175 Assembly seats.

Among the MLAs who resigned was D. Venkateswara Rao, husband of Union
minister Purandeswari.

The Speaker adjourned the Assembly till Monday after some members
entered the House to stage a dharna in the well, seeking a “samaikya
Andhra”. Reddy said he would take legal opinion on the future of the
resignation letters.

Elected members of local bodies also began submitting their

The chief minister, who was just settling down in his job after
weathering an aggressive challenge from Y.S. Jaganmohan, the ambitious
son of the late Y.S. Rajasekhar Reddy, appeared shaken as he asked
floor leaders of Opposition parties and also the Congress to counsel
the disgruntled members.

“If the resignations are accepted, this government will be in a
minority,” he said. The Congress has 155 MLAs in the House of 294.

Asked why they were resigning, Erasu Pratap Reddy, a Congress MLA from
Kurnool, said: “There is no point in remaining legislators when we
cannot protect the rights of our voters. With Telangana as a separate
state, our Rayalaseema will never get its share of water, power, jobs
and funds,” he said.

Former Telugu Desam minister Ashok Gajapathi Raju of Vizianagaram said
they were resigning in protest against the “unilateral decision” of
the Congress.

The political rebellion spread to the high court. Advocates from
Telengana came to blows with those from the two other regions. The
court had to be closed down for the day.


...and I am Sid Harth
2009-12-12 00:18:42 UTC
Fewer takers for Telangana fast model
- Darjeeling fails Morcha

The team of 14 on hunger strike in front of the district magistrate’s
office in Darjeeling on Friday. Picture by Suman Tamang
Darjeeling/Kalimpong, Dec. 11: The Gorkha Janmukti Morcha today failed
to find 21 committed supporters of Gorkhaland who would sit for an
indefinite hunger strike in Darjeeling town, forcing the party to
ultimately settle for 14 for the day.

The Morcha has organised a number of fasts in the past two years for
various reasons — from demanding the scrapping of the Sixth Schedule
bill to permanent job status for contractual workers — but this is the
first time that the number of participants announced by the party
failed to turn up.

The fast is part of the series of agitation programmes lined up by the
party which now wants Gorkhaland to be dealt simultaneously with
Telangana. The Morcha has also announced a four-day general strike
from December 14 in the hills. However, the hunger strike, to be held
by batches of 21, is supposed to be spread across the hills and the
Dooars and the Terai — the areas that the Morcha wants to be part of

In Darjeeling, the reason for poor attendance for the fast is perhaps
the fear that unlike earlier hunger strikes this time there is little
chance of the fast-unto-death being lifted soon. In fact, Morcha
president Bimal Gurung, who visited the participants this morning in
front of the district magistrate’s office, made it clear that it would
not be easy. Telangana Rashtra Samiti chief K. Chandrasekhar Rao’s 11-
day fast seems to have appealed to the Morcha leadership.

“This is our last battle and we have to win this round. You must all
be ready to sacrifice yourselves for the cause for a better future of
the coming generation,” Gurung said before leaving in a hurry for what
he said was to track developments in Delhi where home minister P.
Chidambaram urged a visiting Morcha delegation to withdraw their
agitation. He asked them to concentrate on the December 21 tripartite
talks between the Centre, state and the Morcha leaders.

“He urged us to withdraw the strike and promised to put the issue on
fast track. He also said the Centre was ready for the talks and we
should carry on with the meeting,” Morcha general secretary Roshan
Giri said over the phone from Delhi.

Members of the Janmukti Secondary Teachers’ Organisation, a frontal
unit of the Gorkha Janmukti Morcha, on hunger strike in front of the
subdivisional office in Kalimpong on Friday. (Chinlop Fudong Lepcha)
In the capital, Darjeeling MP Jaswant Singh, who had won on Morcha
support and has promised to represent its cause, said the Telangana
issue “will not be exploited”. The MP said the hunger strike was only
because the government has approved the formation of Telangana and not

Asked about the party stand following Chidambaram’s assurance, Morcha
central committee member Amar Lama said a complete report had been
sought from the delegation and the party would probably react

Justifying today’s low attendance in Darjeeling, Lama said: “The
announcement was made in a very short time. One has to be mentally
prepared for a fast unto death. Also, many schools are having their
annual examinations.” Morcha treasurer Dawa Lama said “more people
would definitely be joining from tomorrow”.

The picture was a contrast in Kalimpong and Kurseong where leaders of
the Janmukti Secondary Teachers’ Organisation (JSTO), Gorkha Primary
Teachers’ Organisation and Janmukti Karmachari Sangatan took the

The majority of the 21-member team drawn from the Morcha’s frontal
organisations in Kalimpong are senior leaders of their respective
units. “We believe leaders should lead from the front,” said Hari
Dahal, the secretary of JSTO’s Kalimpong unit. Dahal apart, the JSTO
contingent includes Tshering Tamang, the chief coordinator of the
Morcha’s Education Monitoring Cell, Bijay Pradhan, the secretary of
the JSTO’s central committee, and Binay Kumar Singh, the president of
JSTO’s Kalimpong unit.

The primary teachers’ organisation representatives include Dataram
Sarma and Dawa Tamang, the two secretaries of the unit. The Karmachari
Sangathan has among others Khadga Bikram Subba, the Kalimpong unit
president, and Arup Lama, the office secretary.

Unlike previous occasions, none of the people on fast underwent
medical tests before beginning their protest. “We refused to take the
test because we didn’t want to be deterred from going on fast under
medical advice,” said Dahal.

The protesters said they would only break the fast once the Gorkhaland
Bill is tabled in the winter session of Parliament along with that of
Telangana. “This time round we are very determined to remain steadfast
in our resolve till we achieve our goal,” said Dahal.

In Kurseong, seven of the 21 protesters taking part in the hunger
strike were women. The president of the JSTO’s Kurseong subdivision,
Kaziman Silal, and secretary Nirmal Kumar Pradhan are among the

The hunger strike also began at Pintail Village on the outskirts of
Siliguri where nine persons have gone on fast. In Kalchini, in the
Dooars, where the Morcha-backed Independent won the recent Assembly
byelection, all 21 supporters turned up to take part in the hunger


The Darjeeling district CPM today trained guns at the Congress and
Trinamul Congress, accusing them of opening a Pandora’s box while
agreeing to the formation of Telangana. The district leadership is
also sending a letter to chief minister Buddhadeb Bhattacharjee,
seeking an all-party meeting at the state-level immediately.

“The announcement made by the Congress government of which Trinamul is
an ally over Telangana has incited the Morcha and other separatist
forces across north Bengal,” state urban development minister Asok
Bhattacharya said here today. “The Congress has to take responsibility
if any deterioration of law and order occurs in this part of the
state,” he warned.


...and I am Sid Harth
2009-12-12 00:55:53 UTC
Congress backtracking on Telangana resolution?

Posted: Friday , Dec 11, 2009 at 1814 hrs


'I have been told by Union Home Minister P Chidambaram that they would
advise me at an appropriate time on moving Telangana resolution.

Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister K Rosaiah on Friday said there was no
time-frame for moving a resolution in the Assembly on the contentious
Telangana statehood demand.

"I have been told by Union Home Minister P Chidambaram that they would
advise me at an appropriate time on moving the Telangana resolution.
So far I haven't got any written or oral communication on moving the
resolution," he told reporters.

The Chief Minister said he was constantly updating the party high
command over the developments in the state in the aftermath of the
Centre's announcement on initiating the process for creation of
Telangana state.

"Our leaders in New Delhi are trying to find out a suitable solution
and resolve the crisis," Rosaiah said.

On the MLAs' resignation, Rosaiah said: "As Chief Minister and a
colleague, I am really worried over it. But the resignations have so
far been not accepted. The Congress party has got a system to deal
with such things. At an appropriate time the party will deal with

Asked whether his government has slipped into a minority with the
resignation of over 70 Congress MLAs, the Chief Minister said such a
situation would arise only if the resignations are accepted.

"Since legislators from other parties like TDP and PRP too have
resigned, I don't think the government will be in a minority," he

Rosaiah said he was thinking about re-constituting the Legislators'
Committee which was constituted by his predecessor Y S Rajasekhara
Reddy to look into the Telangana issue.

The committee headed by Rosaiah was supposed to hold consultations and
elicit the views of all stakeholders on the Telangana statehood

"But that process did not take off due to a variety of reasons. Now
that I have become Chief Minister, I am thinking of re-constituting
the committee," Rosaiah said, adding that the consultation process
would begin soon.


States divided per hunger strike
By: Kumar S,N | Friday , 11 Dec '09 20:23:09 PM

It is appalling to see the Govt buckling to the hunger strike by a
moron leader. How many more states are we gonna create based on
pressure from big and small groups? Once they smell the blood, more
groups are going to jump in and ssk for their own state. There is no
end for this mania. Just allow for these bigots to fast unto death.
National interests are much larger than any individual loss

Smaller states--gateway to gandhian decentralisation.
By: Ravi | Friday , 11 Dec '09 20:10:12 PM

Smaller states is a concept rather just divison of states.It is a good
aproach towards decentralised political system which will streangthen
panchayathi raj system with centres of power more close to
people.India before foreign invasion was a land of such local
institutions and the only benefitters are the people and the only
losers are those who stands for centralised exploitaion of the

Stop playing politics and stop dividing the country further
By: kamal | Friday , 11 Dec '09 19:30:20 PM

Do not let the politicians divide the country any further for their
own political interests. I am from Andhra Pradesh and I can't see my
state divided because some idiot who calls himself whatever has been
on hunger strike. Who the heck is a political party to divide a state
just to gain politically/

Every Andhrite know Telangnites were deprived!
By: indian | Friday , 11 Dec '09 19:24:34 PM

All the Andhra settlers knew that they have deprived Telanganites of
their rightful jobs. I have talked to Andhrite. They openly say that
Telanganites are innocent. So they believe they can deprive the
innocent. Not only this, they have not embraced the local Telugus
because of their different Telugu. They have spread the poison among
themselves. The result is the present situation.

Back tracking on Telangana
By: M.S.Kamath | Friday , 11 Dec '09 18:23:15 PM

Back tracking on Telangana would be the wisest decision if Congress
has such an option now. All the demands based on smaller states are
mostly on relative backwardness or culture-based. So called 'relative
forwardness' as seen by the leaders demanding new states, is hardly
anything compared to developed nations. The country as a whole is
backward as accepted by politicians themselves, when very high
reservation in states like Tamil Nadu is practised.Demand for
reservation is only increasing. There is a need for the politicians in
power to address backwardness on a war-footing. Smaller states will
not address backwardness. It is only an excuse to form a new state
rule. Which culture has remained unaffected?

Subject: Dear honourable leaders of India
By: Mani Ramachandran | Friday , 11 Dec '09 18:20:04 PM

One of our Chinese leader who lives closer to Arunachal is fasting for
the last 5 days. He wants parts of Arunachal to be separated. We
learnt that you have solved a similar issue on Andhra. We also learnt
that you give more importance for regional issues than national
interest. We also learnt that you don't require your MP's and MLA's
vote on these activities. So consider this as our formal request and
do the same for Arunachal. If you can do it for that AP, why not for
this AP. BTW, We are amazed by your problem solving/creation skills.
Hats off.

Who's behind this hasty decision of Telangana?
By: Sarath2 | Friday , 11 Dec '09 17:54:11 PM

The reason behind this foolish decision of granting seperate state of
Telangana it's not only just 10 days of fake hunger strike by KCR,
there is a lobby in high command worked in fast forward mode for
achieving their hidden targets, one is Madhu yashki who's involved in
fake certificates scandal in US but MP from Nizamabad is close to
Rahul Gandhi, who influenced Rahul by Gobels propaganda of Telangana
agitation every day, so Rahul has role in this seperate telangana.
Rahul wants to try his UP's Harithchal or pradesh experiment in Andhra/
Telangana. And also this Telangana decision influenced by Home
minister Chidambaram and Karnataka's Moily's Clandestine, cunning
strategic interest of breaking AP, and diverting projects to Tamilnadu
& Karnataka. That proves today's rubbing salt on Andhra comments from
Home ministry official Pillai declared Hyderabad is capital of
Telangana, this proves how strong this TN cadre trying to breakup
Andhra. AP cong.loser in whole process.

no reversal
By: ananthsagar | Friday , 11 Dec '09 17:34:11 PM

The decision was announced after extended consultations with all
sides. Now there is no going back.If central government takes back
foot then there will be only ashes of andhra pradesh left. Jai

Wait, show is just to begin.
By: YD | Friday , 11 Dec '09 17:13:31 PM

Stop wrenching your intestines, you voted Congress a "secular Islamic"
party. Now wait for the blood bath. It will surpass Sikh genocide by
Congress. In the meantime Chiddu will keep "Babri alive".

Ignorant Non-APs! Stop Blaming Congress!
By: AP | Friday , 11 Dec '09 16:40:27 PM

What do you know? So far, it has only been Sonia who was supposedly
against separate state. All the other leaders, especially BJP has been
agitating for separate state. BJP is so shameless and destructive that
they've also launched separate Andhra agitation. Now that congress
finally says OK, you think Congress is dividing the state? Get out of
your prison. Stop being blind and deaf when you can see and hear!

Stop blaming congress?
By: avinash | Friday , 11 Dec '09 17:55:50 PM

I dont know how hard to laugh at what you have written. Congress
promised separate state in 2004 elections and fought it jointly with
TRS. Then it broke the promise. Now it has said that it will carve
Telangana. And within two days it seems like it wants to backtrack
again! What a party! What a Party!


...and I am Sid Harth
2009-12-12 01:07:47 UTC
Home Secy beats a hasty retreat on his Hyderabad statement

Posted: Friday , Dec 11, 2009 at 2025 hrs


'I think the agitation would die down and the process for formation of
the new state would continue.

Home Secretary G K Pillai on Friday waded into controversy saying
Hyderabad will be the capital of the proposed Telangana state but beat
a hasty retreat when his remarks created a huge flutter in Andhra

"Hyderabad, I think, will always be the capital of Telangana," Pillai,
who is here on an overnight visit to Jammu, told reporters after a
security review meeting.

But immediately his remarks were opposed by political leaders from
coastal Andhra and Rayalaseema who are opposed to creation of
Telangana and more so Hyderabad being its capital.

Shortly later, Pillai issued a clarification saying that he did not
state that Hyderabad would be the Capital of Telangana.

"In response to a question from a journalist that the proponents for
the State of Telangana had wanted Hyderabad to be its Capital, Home
Secretary had stated that this was what they wanted.


By: citizen | Friday , 11 Dec '09 21:17:11 PM

Well,Mr.Secretary,seems you are the ultimate person making the
decisions to separate statehood for every ethnic group based on
language,color,region and what not? Wonderful?Maybe statehood for
punjami,gujarati,marati,madrasi,malayali and all the other languages.
Will make the ill advised politicians and their goons happy in order
for the government to get votes.This is the best opportunity for all
the internal and external terror groups hiding behind the issue of
separate state/country.End result,there may not be an "India". History
repeats - since the 40's,Pakistan,Bangladesh and whatelse? Can we look
for a an "Indian" instead of a marathi/gujarati or the like.It is time
for dismissing all the politicians and declare "presidential rule" -
sorry - the president dont have much powers..Democratic..Divide and
rule.Our slogan. Need to change the system..

Hyderabad is more than Telanagana
By: saigo | Friday , 11 Dec '09 21:16:13 PM

As some one born and raised in Hyderabad,I will be utterly
disappointed if Telangana comes in to being and Hyderabad becomes its
capital. No, I don't want to belong to a fragmented, impoverished and
backward state by whatsoever name it is called. I am an Indian first,
Andhra second and a Hyderabadi, third. Separate state serves the
interests of politicians and no one else. Let us not be narrow minded,
friends. A.P. has its USP which Telangana will not have for many many
decades. Jai Hind; Jai Andhra Pradesh!

Hyderabad willbe
By: ahaank | Friday , 11 Dec '09 20:58:11 PM

Why fight.Let Hyderabad be the joint capital of Andhra as well as
Telangana.This way Two states will not have to 'quibble 'as both will
be happy. Already there are aplenty problems facing the country.So
this will have unity among the states

division of state.
By: ganesh iyer | Friday , 11 Dec '09 20:53:29 PM

All the states should be divided into 3 or 4parts so that that many
new administrative building , and so many building activites and
expense. how much commission , fantastic way to make money. after ten
yrs every district and panchayat should be made into states, great
idea. thank you politicians well done.

Telangana state
By: Dr. Devendra K. Kaushik | Friday , 11 Dec '09 20:28:08 PM

To declare that Hyderabad will be the capital Telangana by the
Secretary, Home of the Government Of India, is a pre-mature decision.
As the people of state have been sharply divided, no decision in
respect of Telangana can be taken. I am sure that being a democrat
Shri Chandrasekhar Rao, Chief of TRS understands that any decision
taken without a public mandate is bound to have serious repurcussions.
So many MLAs, MLCs and MPs have resigned as a protest on the formation
of the new state. If this decision is implemented civil war in the
state may take place. Hence, all sensible persons in authority must
ensure that the situation should not go beyond control.

By: Arvi | Friday , 11 Dec '09 20:24:09 PM

Vivisection of India - more criminals to become Ministers and
politicians for the loot; more Babus for bribes, a spineless
Government determined to destroy the country by salami slicing. Come
on now , anyone for the loot ? - fast unto death and mob rule of
illiterates and subliterates! Wonder who will be the next candidate,
ULFA, BODOS, Gurkhas, Maoists, anyone else ? What a bunch of criminals
now occupying the Ministerial posts and getting the loot.

By: rahul | Friday , 11 Dec '09 19:49:15 PM

I dont see any reason why a seperate state cannot be created within
the federal union. It has its advantages. Smaller states are easier to
govern and the voice of the electorate is better heard and well
represented.It is not like there is a demand for a new country which
would rightly have been intolerable and insidious.Bihar is an
ungovernable state wallowing in poverty,crime and corruption.It needs
to split. UP,Maharsthra and Bengal are large states with disenchanted
populations and new states should be carved out of these three
behemoths.The Central govt should be careful ,considerate and
cautiously approach these statehood issues and not politicise these
divisions to secure voting blocks. A national panel should be
instituted to study statehood demands and make sure that these new
states have the economic strength to be prosperous and viable

By: V. Raju | Friday , 11 Dec '09 20:38:55 PM

Ok, so according to you, a lot more states can be created but I have
news for you. You can divide this nation to the family level and there
still will be disenchantment. A strong nation is not a divided nation
and to proclaim that all problems are solved by panchayat level
states. Anyways, I don't think yours or my opinion is of much
relevence here, but I am hoping the Govt does not buckle to faggots
who will bark in their backyard, but never bite.

By: sharatq | Friday , 11 Dec '09 20:10:20 PM

I don't think the issue is with disenfranchised populations. The
current system can deal with that without the creation of a new state.
What it does is creates an additional new government, ruling eltie and
political class that did not exist. Which means that to do business in
the region, two sets of forms, two sets of civil servants, two sets of
bribes, when previously there was only one. Why demand a separate
state? when you could choose to demand more schools, roads, irrigation
and hospitals. TBH those demands could be met far quicker. More
importantly this is modern day India, fancy saying to everyone that
has migrated, we are creating a new state based on ethnic lines.
You're right, they should send the request to the panel. But the last
thing this country needs is to create new governments more
bureaucracy. The only purpose it serves is to enrich a new elite.

BHAGYANAGAR will be Telangana's Capital
By: Francis Agnelo | Friday , 11 Dec '09 19:28:59 PM

To avoid further loss of time and human lives nothing must be left to
the future and everything must be smoothened out while carving the
state of Telengana, including the change of name from Hyderabad to
BHAGYANAGAR ( which is now gaining momentum ) to avoid future
political dirty games.


...and I am Sid Harth
2009-12-12 01:13:23 UTC
Post Telangana, Maya seeks separate Bundelkhand, West UP

Posted: Friday , Dec 11, 2009 at 2045 hrs

Mayawati sought the Centre's consent for the creation of separate
Bundelkhand and western UP states.

Favouring carving out of smaller states, Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister
Mayawati on Friday sought the Centre's consent for the creation of
separate Bundelkhand and western Uttar Pradesh states on the lines of

"I have renewed the demand for smaller states through a letter to
Prime Minister Manmohan Singh today to give consent to Uttar Pradesh
as it has given to Andhra Pradesh for setting up a separate Telangana
state", Mayawati told reporters here.

"Both the BSP and my government are of the view that smaller districts
and states are conducive to allround development and we have been
making a demand for trifurcation of Uttar Pradesh through letters,"
she said, adding she had also written to the Centre in this regard on
March 15, 2008.

Mayawati stressed that her government would support the demand for
separate states in case the Centre takes an initiative in this
direction as required under Section 3 of the Constitution and would
immediately get a resolution passed by the Uttar Pradesh Vidhan

"The people of Bundelkhand and western Uttar Pradesh have been making
the demand for separate states for a long time and it has gained
momentum ever since the Centre has agreed on Telangana," she said and
added that considering its vast population and size, Uttar Pradesh is
a very big state.

"Smaller states can be managed better from the administrative and
development point of view and it is also necessary to give due
importance to the aspirations of the people," Mayawati said, adding
her party in a BSP rally here as also in the Vidhan Sabha in 2007 has
already expressed its views on the subject.

Trying to win over the people of these regions who had been staging
agitations, Mayawati appealed to them to forcefully raise their demand
before the Centre but cautioned them against taking law in their

"They should raise their demand in a disciplined manner and not take
law in their hands at the instigation of anyone."

To a question, Mayawati clarified that she was not against a separate
Purvanchal comprising eastern districts as demanded by the people of
that region.

To another question whether her demands on the subject were similar to
those of Congress general secretary Rahul Gandhi and Bundelkhand Mukti
Morcha president Raja Bundela, an agitated Mayawati said "they are in
the government and so they have to get the demand implemented rather
than raise it".

comment6 Comments

By: citizen | Friday , 11 Dec '09 21:27:56 PM

Here we go again..This woman wasting the taxpayers money for herself
and her politican goons,now can start another project to divide the
poor state with not much education or infrastructure..Go ahead - make
your day.. Supreme court jurists - sit back and relax.Who is in chage
of the constitution for an independent India preaching equality/
freedom with democratic principles? Mahatma Gandhi and Nehru may
return from their graves...

Maya seeks separate Bundelkhand,
By: Abdulmajeed Khan Advocate | Friday , 11 Dec '09 21:24:24 PM

Dear Sir, I miss today mother Indira Ghandi, has she today, the
demands of separate statehoods have never been accepted. I think, we
are meeting the destructions in the hands of our narrow minded
politicians. Try to understand sir, we people of India requires your
guidance to curb these destructive demands. Demand of these narrow
minded people deserves to be rejected in all aspects.

future of Mayavathi
By: saigo | Friday , 11 Dec '09 21:18:44 PM

I strongly recommend carving out a small part from UP and make it
personal Kingdom of Ms. Mayavatiji. That way, the rest of UP and the
whole of India can sleep easy.

smaller staes--threat to congress.
By: Ravi | Friday , 11 Dec '09 20:16:31 PM

Revolution in communication resulted in the centalisation of
administration at the hands of All India Civil Service cuting the very
root of indian federal system and panchayathiraj institutions making
states just onlookers.The high handedness of union over states is
increasing escaping the constitutional guards radar.Creation of
smaller states will pave the way for more integrated but decentralised
indian polity where Congress,the follower of British, will be the real

By: M.Arun | Friday , 11 Dec '09 19:37:51 PM

Trifurcation will increase the number of criminals in politics,
terrorists & demand for creation of more Pakistan to wipe out the map
of the Indian Republic.

Historic India
By: Kumar | Friday , 11 Dec '09 19:36:44 PM

History repeats itself. After Ashok the great Emperor, India was torn
into small kingdoms. Now same happens. Then we these small states will
fight between each other and we will have external invasion from North
and West. Then another freedom struggle. Indians are good at it.


...and I am Sid Harth
2009-12-12 07:55:09 UTC
BJP misfires on statehood
New Delhi, Dec. 10: When it comes to carving out states, “optics”
rules for the BJP.

In other words, what the public might perceive.

The main Opposition party still bats for carving out smaller states,
holding up the relatively smooth creation of Uttarakhand, Jharkhand
and Chhattisgarh during Atal Bihari Vajpayee’s tenure as “evidence” of
its intent and commitment.

In practice, though, expediency has been the deciding factor.

Rajya Sabha MP M. Venkaiah Naidu, who criticised home minister P.
Chidambaram for making a statement on Telangana outside Parliament
last night “without taking the House into confidence”, was chided for
his “thoughtless” remark by his colleagues.

Especially after Chidambaram had explained he couldn’t defer
announcing the decision as the government could “brook no delay” given
the situation in Andhra Pradesh.

In the 2009 Lok Sabha elections, when the BJP did a deal with the
Gorkha Janmukti Morcha to get Jaswant Singh elected from Darjeeling,
it promptly chanted the Gorkhaland “mantra”.

After Singh’s expulsion — he still remains a Lok Sabha MP — a senior
member insisted there was “no need” to clamber onto the bandwagon
“just like that, for the sake of it”.

Naidu was today told his comment gave an impression the BJP wanted the
Telangana announcement to be put off by a few hours only to score a
“point” over the Con- gress when what was at stake was the life of the
fasting statehood spearhead, K. Chandrasekhar Rao, and the law-and-
order situation in Andhra.

“This is not the time to score brownie points or make prestige issues
out of trivial points,” a colleague of Naidu said.

Naidu, who is from Andhra, was asked to brief the media although he
was at first reluctant for fear that articulating the BJP’s line of
unequivocal support for Telangana might jeopardise his political base
in Nellore in coastal Andhra.

“Although late, we welcome the announcement. The basic issue is that
the government seems to have not done enough groundwork or homework or
taken their own (Congress) MLAs and MPs into confidence,” Naidu said.

Asked if the BJP still backed the demand for Gorkhaland, he replied:
“When such demands come to us, we will look into them. In any case, we
have not raised it and we are not in government.”

The BJP hasn’t yet called off its alliance with the Telangana Rashtra
Samiti, struck before the last Lok Sabha polls.

However, indications were it would have to take a “broader” view of
the Telangana issue without ignoring the “aspirations and interests”
of Rayalseema and coastal Andhra.

Asked if the BJP would endorse the call for a sepa- rate Kutch and
Sauras- htra scooped out of party-ruled Gujarat, Naidu said: “You
better ask Narendra Modi that.”

The Gujarat chief minister has apparently rejected the suggestion out
of hand.


...and I am Sid Harth
2009-12-12 08:07:36 UTC

The speed at which the Centre has conceded to the formation of a
separate Telangana must have come as a surprise even to K.
Chandrasekhar Rao, the founder-leader of the Telangana Rashtra Samiti,
whose fast-unto-death precipitated the current crisis in Andhra
Pradesh. What compelled the government to act was apparently the
desire to forestall bloodshed in the state. The TRS had planned a
mammoth march to the legislature on December 10 which created
apprehensions of more violence. However, violent rallies and prolonged
bloodshed have not worked similar wonders elsewhere when demands for
state formation have been raised. Had the TRS not resorted to such
open blackmail and the handling of the matter by the state government
inspired more confidence at the Centre and in the ruling party, the
events would have unfolded differently. But now that the concession
has been granted, the government cannot hope that the matter will be
resolved by less threat of violence. Already, about 60 MLAs, cutting
across political parties, have resigned or threatened to do so in
protest against the Centre’s decision. This means that the resolution
for a separate Telangana will not have a smooth passage in the
assembly. There are far too many issues hanging in balance to be
resolved by one night’s brainstorming. First, the status of Hyderabad,
which is technically part of Telangana but is also the state capital.
This is an unprecedented problem not confronted when the bifurcations
of Uttar Pradesh, Bihar and Madhya Pradesh had been decided. The
dividing of water and economic resources also promises to be

Even if the dust settles on Telangana, questions will be raised about
the Centre’s hurried decision, and will lead inevitably to the
indecisions over Gorkhaland, Bodoland, Vidarbha, Harit Pradesh and
many other demands. Each of these regions is fighting for the status
of a separate state as a means to ensure better governance. But does
size, per se, ensure that? Is Goa any better governed than Rajasthan?
The political experience in Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand and Uttaranchal
should convincingly dissuade proponents of fragmentation. Since their
formation, many of these new-born states have set a record in
corruption and political instability. The answer to challenges such as
Telangana does not lie in fragmentation, which does not guarantee
efficient administration.


...and I am Sid Harth
2009-12-12 08:16:24 UTC
BONA FIDE - Malvika Singh

Blackmail seems to have become an essential ingredient of politics and
political play in India. Wherever you turn, ‘leaders’ are demanding
responses based on fast-unto-death or gun-to-the-head and suchlike. We
have taken on the rather unfortunate identity of an anarchic, very
‘loosely’ governed, rapidly failing State. For a great and resilient
civilization to have descended to this level because of a selfish
political class is indeed sad.

Where is that dedicated and committed national leadership that India
could, once upon a time, boast of on the international stage? The
tragedy is that the average babu has used this moment of political
weakness to tie up his inappropriate political masters in tight and
complicated knots. In turn, the masters are content to abdicate their
electoral mandate, and hand over responsibility to the babu in return
for a productive personal life. Retired babus living off government
sinecures, old minds carrying the worst bureaucratic baggage, are also
stalling change, blocking all fresh thinking, being unable to operate
outside their failed little boxes.

We need to be led. Committee baazi — a legitimate way of passing the
buck and delaying all decision-making — has killed this country and
poisoned the baton that has to be passed to the next generation. When
the baton was passed in the early Sixties, it was not polluted. Today
it is diseased. Where is the commitment to the national interest? If
our leaders and their manipulating advisers are playing spinmasters
for both sides of the troubled games, making money on the future of
their children, then how can we talk of pride, patriotism and
intelligent nationalism? The legacy we are leaving behind is far worse
than what we had inherited in 1947. Our own people have betrayed

Young leaders

Dialogue and discussion, give and take, intelligent, well-reasoned,
carefully thought-out arguments, and dignified consensus are all
fundamental to policy-making and to good, transparent governance. We
have lost these socio-political values and therefore, clean ethics. We
have become a bungling, crude and corrupt State where probity has no
place. Bureaucrats run amok, exploiting all those who work to generate
wealth for this country. They have legitimized corrupt practices and
their masters — the leaders of modern India — condone their wrong-
doings. Indians have had enough of this humiliation. The despicable
behaviour of some senior elected representatives, who happen to be
sitting in the Opposition benches in Parliament and in some
legislative assemblies, have degraded India in the eyes of all

There has been a generation-shift and Indians do not want to be
embarrassed by the attitude of their ‘leaders’. They want intelligent
action and delivery on the ground. They are sick and tired of the old
and unacceptable politicking that has besieged us for the last 30
years. The ‘play’ of politics has to be reversed if we are to become a
strong global entity.

For India and Indians, the recent speeches in the Lok Sabha on the
Babri Masjid debate by P. Chidambaram, Salman Khurshid and Pranab
Mukherjee, all from the treasury benches, made one proud of the
emphatic and undiluted positions they took. That is contemporary,
emerging India. Small wonder then that parochial posturings lost out
in the last election. There are lessons to be learned by archaic
politicians — India has changed. India wants a leader to bring dignity
back to the public domain. India is humiliated with the ongoing
shenanigans in Andhra Pradesh on the Telangana issue, most of which is
manipulated by operators in Delhi who give warped advice to those who
call the shots. We need a strong leader to transcend self-centred and
manipulative politicians.


...and I am Sid Harth
2009-12-12 08:24:27 UTC
Bandhs, protests paralyse life in Andhra, Rayalseema regions
Press Trust Of India
Hyderabad, December 12, 2009

First Published: 10:50 IST(12/12/2009)
Last Updated: 11:43 IST(12/12/2009)

Bandhs and protests over the Centre's move to create a separate
Telangana state continued for the second day on Saturday, affecting
normal life in coastal Andhra and Rayalseema regions of Andhra

Thousands of passengers had a tough time as Andhra Pradesh State Road
Transport Corporation (APSRTC) suspended its services in the two
regions. Schools, colleges, shops and other business establishments
remained closed.

The fast-unto-death launched by students besides the relay hunger fast
continued in Visakahaptnam. Protesters have also planned
demonstrations in the port city during the day.

Similar hunger fasts were also observed in Kadapa, Kurnool and Chittor
districts in Rayalaseema region.

In Vijayawada, banks, ATMs and business establishments remained

Deputy Traffic Manger of APSRTC in Vijayawada Sudhakar said a decision
on resuming services would be taken around noon after reviewing the

Vijayawada Railway station Manager Bashker said restrictions have been
imposed on the speed of trains in view of the rail blockades and other

Congress, Telugu Desam and Praja Rajyam parties are expected to meet
in the evening to decide the future course of agitation.

ss12:00 am
You should've seen the pompous oaf chidambaram admonishing reporters
when he came out with his imbecilic statement on AP. He is a public
functionary and nothing more. He has no right to show lack of patience
or express his contempt openly. It's a democracy and these guys' egos
too often come in the way of their functioning effectively. They're so
full of themselves. No wonder our country's what it is. His contempt,
impatience and petty anger should be reserved for naxals. That's what
he's paid for.

RajDec 11
who the f* are sonia, chidambaram and moily -all non-Telugu people to
decide the fate of the Andhra state?

jnanskDec 11
Short sighted policy cooked up hastily...now uncooked dish on the back

bvramakrishnaraoDec 11
this is bad situation. buses damaging is loss for us.
ss12:00 am
You should've seen the pompous oaf chidambaram admonishing reporters
when he came out with his imbecilic statement on AP. He is a public
functionary and nothing more. He has no right to show lack of patience
or express his contempt openly. It's a democracy and these guys' egos
too often come in the way of their functioning effectively. They're so
full of themselves. No wonder our country's what it is. His contempt,
impatience and petty anger should be reserved for naxals. That's what
he's paid for.

RajDec 11
who the f* are sonia, chidambaram and moily -all non-Telugu people to
decide the fate of the Andhra state?

jnanskDec 11
Short sighted policy cooked up hastily...now uncooked dish on the back

bvramakrishnaraoDec 11
this is bad situation. buses damaging is loss for us.


...and I am Sid Harth
Sid Harth
2009-12-12 16:29:07 UTC
Rosaiah rules out tabling Telangana resolution, takes on PC

Posted: Saturday , Dec 12, 2009 at 1534 hrs


'To my surprise and anguish, the so-called statement issued by
Chidambaram has created a sort of flutter among the youth of coastal

Ruling out tabling a resolution for creation of separate Telangana in
the Assembly immediately, Andhra Chief Minister K Rosaiah said on
Saturday he was astonished, surprised and anguished by Union Home
Minister P Chidambaram's statement on initiating steps for creation of
a new state.

He said he discussed with the high command the issue of Telangana but
he had told them that to pass a resolution in the assembly was
difficult and he had expressed his "fears".

"There was preparation but to my astonishment, to my surprise and
anguish, the so-called statement issued by Chidambaram has created a
sort of flutter among the youth of coastal areas of Rayalaseema
starting from Srikakulam up to Tirupati to Kadapa," he told a TV

On his discussions with Congress leadership and the Prime Minister on
Wednesday and whether the decision was taken to announce creation of
Telangana, Rosaiah said, "No, we discussed. I said to move a
resolution and to pass it is very difficult.”

"I can't assure you that the resolution will be passed because the
number is most important. Cutting across the party lines, the
agitation will take a turn. So, I expressed my fear to the Congress

Asked whether no resolution will be moved in the assembly, Rosaiah
said, "no, there is no resolution. Nothing has been said to me on
paper. What Chidambaramji has ultimately told me is that we will
discuss at an appropriate time. We will have to initiate moving a step
further on this Telangana issue, perhaps the state legislature may
have to pass a resolution. I said, it is not in my hands."

He said his understanding was even today till this second was that he
had no communication from Chidambaram asking him to move this

On Home Secretary G K Pillai's comment on Hyderabad being the capital
of Telangana, he said he thought the Home Secretary had no proper

"I don't know how a responsible person like him said this. It is
astonishing for me."

The Chief Minister said he would not call Telangana Rashtra Samiti
Chief Chandrasekhar Rao's fast unto death as political blackmail and
similarly he would not bracket the resignation by MPs and MLAs as

He said a resolution would have to be found but with emotions running
high, it would be very difficult.

Asked whether the issue was being put on the back-burner, he said,
"no, no, not like that. It is under consideration, what to do and how
to go about it."


What's happening? Mr hyper Vivek
By: wang ta rong | Saturday , 12 Dec '09 21:10:15 PM

What's happening? Tell u. Mr Vivek. They don't want to be rules by
goons with no rules of law and the useless powerful's. Sooner or
later. Well... U know the scenerio's look like... Great India will be
separated into severals independence state's. Your only hopes now is
to bow and kneel to that Terrorist Dalai Lama and beg's the
Terrorist's Chieftain for black miracles. Hahahah.

Tamilnadu politics behind breaking Andhra? - South Supremacy -2
By: Sarath23 | Saturday , 12 Dec '09 20:30:15 PM

All these silly vested interest politicians. They're thinking Andhra
people not aware of their venemous decisions. This entire process sole
person behind is Chidambaram. Chidambaram is Home minister, he's from
neighbour state of Andhra, he doesn't the sentiments of Linguistic
states sentiments? Even sonia takes decision he has to correct her by
telling sentiments of linquistic states especially first state Andhra,
but he kept mum and cunningly declared midnith for avoiding Sonia to
correct herself next day. Example is Suppose if Sonia says one fine
midnight, Chennai is going to add into Karnataka and she decided, how
he Chidambaram and Tamilnadu people react? such a reaction is showing
current Andhra public, how fooolish Chidambaram and Sonia decision?

Tamilnadu politics behind breaking Andhra? for South supremacy?-1
By: Sarath23 | Saturday , 12 Dec '09 20:26:45 PM

Now PMK in Tamilnadu telling smaller states are good supporting South
Tamilnadu? is there cunning agenda behind Tamilnadu politicians. Every
one knows this demand never heard and weak, and only they want to
encourage breaking of Andhra, then these PMK and other TN leaders
never dare to raise this demand. So entire south Tamilnadu and
Karnataka trying to break Andhra just for sake of dominance in south
india and also projects diversions, what a cruelty of regional
politicians? who's encouraging? vested interest politicians, india
never develops if this type of pulling legs of developing states every
decade after. Now Hyderabad already lost 2000 crore for this silly
Congress Sonia decision, it's going to heart heavily in near future.
So Now Tamilnadu and Karnataka polticians can smiles, they already
destroyed Andhra, when after some period cooldown, first thing in
their mind comes is Chidambaram, Moily, Security advisor Narayanan,
Pillai, Jai Ram, all these silly vested interest politici

who influenced this hasty Telangana decision -2
By: Sarath23 | Saturday , 12 Dec '09 20:16:45 PM

So pillai has to stop this worst comments and he's fueling the
agitation and division of andhra people. How can he become Home
ministry official? it's because of Chidamabara recommendation and
Tamilnadu politics. Chidamabaram instructed Pillai to do this comment
to fuel Andhra agitation? TN has to stop divisive politics and these
are hurting india. India never become world leader, if you encourage
Tamilnadu politics, they want only develop Tamilandu, every one should
suffer. Now PMK in Tamilnadu telling smaller states are good
supporting South Tamilnadu? is there cunning agenda behind Tamilnadu
politicians. Every one knows this demand never heard and weak, and
only they want to encourage breaking of Andhra, then these PMK and
other TN leaders never dare to raise this demand. So entire south
Tamilnadu and Karnataka trying to break Andhra just for sake of
dominance in south india and also projects diversions, what a cruelty
of regional politicians? who's encouraging? vested interest poli

who influenced this Hasty Telangana decision-1
By: Sarath23 | Saturday , 12 Dec '09 20:11:06 PM

Who's pillai to declare Hyderabad belongs to Telangana? This is
cunning hidden agenda by Tamilnadu cent.gov. officials sitting over
there and throwing fuel in to Andhra agitation, which is dividing
Andhra people in regional basis. If pillai wants to divide first he
has to look at his state and divide souther tamilnadu from main TN.
Andhra and rayalaseema people never thought of leaving hyderabad, they
never expected this type of silly and shock decisions by Sonia and her
coterie, which is filled with anti andhra people. Andhra and
rayalaseema people invested billions of dollars and they strongly
bonded with Hyderabad by education, jobs, who's the pillai to say
Hyderabad belongs to Telangana. If cent. gov. breakes tamilnadu in to
two parts and give Madras to one part, how they'll react? they'll
react more voilently than current andhra agitation. So pillai has to
stop this worst comments and he's fueling the agitation and division
of andhra people.How can he become Home ministry official

Who influenced Telanga>?>
By: sarath23 | Saturday , 12 Dec '09 20:09:14 PM

The reason behind this foolish decision of granting seperate state of
Telangana it's not only just 10 days of fake hunger strike by KCR,
there is a lobby in high command worked in fast forward mode for
achieving their hidden targets, one is Madhu yashki who's involved in
fake certificates scandal in US but MP from Nizamabad is close to
Rahul Gandhi, who influenced Rahul by Gobels propaganda of Telangana
agitation every day, so Rahul has role in this seperate telangana.
Rahul wants to try his UP's Harithchal or pradesh experiment in Andhra/
Telangana. And also this Telangana decision influenced by Home
minister Chidambaram and Karnataka's Moily's Clandestine, cunning
strategic interest of breaking AP, and diverting projects to Tamilnadu
& Karnataka. That proves today's rubbing salt on Andhra comments from
Home ministry official Pillai declared Hyderabad is capital of
Telangana, this proves how strong this TN cadre trying to breakup
Andhra with their cunning attitude. loss of AP loss soni

Terrorists and Minister, read Sinister
By: Ashis | Saturday , 12 Dec '09 19:42:14 PM

With our council of ministers ( or sinister), putting the whole
country at turmoil at one stroke, we do not need terrorists to blow up
our country! We need to invoke preventive detention act to take into
preventive custody of these group of persons.

Hasty Minister
By: Indian | Saturday , 12 Dec '09 19:33:02 PM

One more Home Minister with out reason,brain or comeptence what a
bunch of people our great democracy elected to rule us. God Save
India. Jaihind

They are all bunch Of crooks
By: SBK | Saturday , 12 Dec '09 19:12:50 PM

These so called politicians are all bunch of crooks. This guy KCR is
also out there get his power & get rich in the name of Telangana.
Unfortuantely NO Politician ever thinks of making country/State better
for the people. They are all out there fill their bank accounts. This
separate Telangana movement is alos the same. Samething was done by
crooked Chenna Reddy in early 70s & samething is being done now. No
one is thinking what is good for the State. They are all bunch of
Goondas....Low Lives....

By: rishi | Saturday , 12 Dec '09 18:59:36 PM

The Congress policy to devide and rule has show result during the
general election and they come into power in Maharashtra, AP TN and in
Center and same rule they wants to apply here in Telangana to devide
the AP and come in to power in Telangana as well as AP has back fired
and they are burry their heads like ostrich .

By: anil bharali | Saturday , 12 Dec '09 18:35:52 PM

Indian home department is playing a game of its own old agenda. Home
Minster is desperate to bring himself into media and political
limelight it seemsand that is the key factor than the real political
issue behind it.

Bunch os liars
By: avinash | Saturday , 12 Dec '09 18:33:46 PM

This absolutely confirms the fact that everybody knows and the media
glosses over: The congress has always been a bunch of liars. This
dissonance has now exemplified this fact. One can only hope that they
wont harm the country too much.

Andhra Pradesh
By: Mohammed Akheel, Saudia | Saturday , 12 Dec '09 17:45:28 PM

i am from so-called telanga, Telangana or Andhra, the rulling persons
for this state will be those corrupt politicians, if u want develope u
can develope Andhra pradesh, no need to make telangana or andhra.
nothing can KCR do after making telangana, he lost his credibility in
2009 elections, with 2 MP's u want to make telangana. what happend to
the new states like Jharkhand, chathisgarh? see the violence of
naxalites and the developement. these all games are from congress of
making telangana and other things. the violence with occured during
last week is very redaculios, the loss is of telangana people, someone
who loves telangana he will never ever do like this. Please try to
understand politics & politicians, dont do like they want, v all can
understand what we need & what we dont need. thanks.

By: nb | Saturday , 12 Dec '09 17:20:44 PM

Chandrasekhar Rao is following the footstep of Potti ,father and
creator of AP.If fast can create AP why another one can not create
Telangana. Why all this noise by those who laud and worship Potti but
for which they would have remain unemployed.

what is happening
By: vivek | Saturday , 12 Dec '09 16:51:57 PM

where is India is going.Some days before we had a issue of mumbai for
all, now with in a short span of time next one.If the govt is not
solving this problems, we indians are going to be apart...

By: Chandrasekar KK | Saturday , 12 Dec '09 16:16:41 PM

The burnning issue of the capital can be resolved by Andhra by
requesting The Govt of TamilNadu for Chennai as temporary
capital.Incidently a New bldg for the TN assembly is comming up, the
old assembly can be used by the Andhra for the time being.

By: Nitin Narayan Bhatt | Saturday , 12 Dec '09 16:14:25 PM

Chidambram is trying to pull a cover over price rise in foods. He is
deliberately provoking people on Telangana issue. Sharad Pawar who is
maim culprit for food price rise is roaming scot free. He has to be
hanged till death for corruption and putting Indian citizens in
hardship over near non availablity of food due to its high price. At
this rate, blood will be flowing soon on streets of our cities, but
the PM and Sonia appear to burry their heads like ostrich !!

Greed for Hyderabad...nothing else
By: Sampath | Saturday , 12 Dec '09 15:55:23 PM

Andhra MP and MLAs fighting for a united state is not out of any
concern towards the state ....It is all about Hyderabad and money
invested in Hyderabad in various forms ... Ask them to give Telengana
without Hyd ...They will be happily giving it away ...KCR might not be
honest .. But focribly keeping people fighting for a separate state
for more than 50 years is inhuman ...Just for safeguarding the riches
of certain sections of people!!! We need more states without any doubt
for the welfare of the country!

Not greed
By: BK Kumar | Saturday , 12 Dec '09 17:15:27 PM

Please understand that all the central and State Industries that have
come up at Hyderabad, in the last 50 years, are mainly due to the city
being the capital of Andhra Pradesh. What have thus has come up in
Hyderabad has been substantially due to the investments from other
regions. Ask your MPs and MLAs what they have done for Hyderabad in
the last 5 decades. We had Chief Ministers and even a rime Minister
from Telangana. Why they have not done anything to the region? You
cannot expect people to invest at Hyderabad and get out of it easily.
KCR's dream of Hyderabad as capital of Telangana will never
materialise. Do not spiy venom on the people who have developed
Hyderabad into top Industrial and IT Hub. Please note that symbol of
Hyderabad is now High Tech City and not Charminar.

close gmr airport
By: teluguite | Saturday , 12 Dec '09 15:51:38 PM

@ananthsagar : if you want to get telangana under presidents bring
down all the flyovers constructed by andhra peoples tax money..shut
down the airport.close satyam.all andhraites will stop working. then
hyd will become adilabad!! so dony try to steal the progress we
contributed to hyd.before NTR came to hyd..rest of the country use to
call us "madrasis" only NTR gave pride and self respect to telugu
people.IT brand name came to hyd with Satyam...which is started by
andhrite. not by KCR.The only fame TRS got to telugu people is shame
with fake passport scam...

Telangana is must
By: Chowdhury | Saturday , 12 Dec '09 16:34:39 PM

True to al the nature of a typical andhrawalla stayam ramalinga raju
cheated people and is languishing in jail similar is the case of
krushi bank chairman Kosarju. Its a myth that telugu pride was given
by NTR.NTR was medoicre actor and cunning (again true to the nature of
andhrawalla) and his following is limited to his caste.All the
development done in hyderabad is due to combined efforts of all
Indians.There are Sindhis ,Gujarati,Punjabis and other.But only
andhrawallas are complaining. Impose president rule and make telangana
state. Jai Telangana

Congress will lose both Andhra and Telengana
By: Rathisha | Saturday , 12 Dec '09 15:44:57 PM

Congress has really shot itself in the foot. Once Telengana comes into
existence, KCR will gradually start losing ground to BJP.The next
thing we know, it will be the second BJP ruled state in South India!
And Congress has already lost both Rayalseema and Andhra too. It's a
triple whammy for the Congress party.

Are you using Hindu name ?
By: YD | Saturday , 12 Dec '09 16:55:43 PM

Why you are so allergic to BJP ? Only because they are crying to save
Hinduism from Islamic Congress ?

By: S S Kunapuli | Saturday , 12 Dec '09 15:34:32 PM

Who the hell are Chidambaram and Patil think they are, giving
statements right, left and centre, on Telengana and Patil saying in
Kashmir that Hyderabad will be the cappital of Telengana. With leaders
like this, no wonder, even though the country is supposed to be
prospering, the lives of ordinary people never improved. With so many
states and self-styled Rajah's ruling in the name of Chief Mininsters,
are we heading towards repeat of British Raj history? It is shameful.

By: Dr. Santosh | Saturday , 12 Dec '09 15:09:21 PM

If you do not make a ve move towards separate telangana be ready to be
moved to burial. Which constituency do you represent ?

.....Taking on P.C
By: A.VENKAT SREENIVAS | Saturday , 12 Dec '09 15:00:21 PM

Well.Though he is late by 2or 3 days ,this is what is expected of a
C.M who rules the State and ultimately faces the reality.

By: M.N.S.Nampoothiripad | Saturday , 12 Dec '09 14:48:00 PM

Where is the need of an assembly resolution? Read Articles 2,3 and 4
of the constitution. Parliament has full powers to create new states
or alter the boundaries of existing states. Only a consultation with
the affected state is called for.

Jai Telangana
By: ananthsagar | Saturday , 12 Dec '09 14:41:09 PM

President rule should be imposed and bill regarding formation of
Telangana state should be passed directly in Parliamnet. The
legitimate aspirations of telangana cannot be held hostage to cyinical
and poisonous nature od andhra legislators. Jai Telangana


...and I am Sid Harth
Sid Harth
2009-12-12 16:57:51 UTC
Assam: ULFA seeks referendum
Samudra Gupta Kashyap

Posted: Saturday , Dec 12, 2009 at 1010 hrs


The outlawed United Liberation Front of Assam’s (ULFA) commander-in-
chief Paresh Barua on Friday called upon the government to either hold
dialogue on the issue of sovereignty or hold a “plebiscite” to resolve
the three-decade-old “India-Assam conflict”.

Barua, who e-mailed a statement to newspaper offices here on Friday
said the Government of India must hold talks with the ULFA on the
issue of sovereignty. “The colonial Indian government must hold taks
with ULFA on the issues of sovereignty and independence of Assam.
There is no alternative to this,” he said.

“If the Indian govenment is not capable of doing this, then let the
freedom-aspiring indigenous people of Assam decide their fate through
a plebiscite. The Indian government cannot continue to deprive the
sons of the soil in Assam of their birthright (freedom) on the pretext
of what is written in the so-called Indian Constitution,” he said.


...and I am Sid Harth
Sid Harth
2009-12-12 17:36:45 UTC
Telangana is easier said than done
Sreenivas Janyala
Posted: Dec 10, 2009 at 1004 hrs IST

Hyderabad A day after the Centre agreed to initiate the process for a
separate state of Telangana, Andhra Pradesh plunged into turmoil with
120 MLAs and MPs of the Congress, TDP and Praja Rajyam Party
submitting their resignations in protest against the bifurcation. As
Coastal Andhra and Rayalaseema erupted in fury, Chief Minister K
Rosaiah said a resolution on Telangana would be moved in the state
Assembly only if there was consensus among all parties — a clear
indication that nothing was going to be done in a hurry.

“I don’t think the state will be divided immediately. The Union Home
Minister said the process would be initiated which has been done but
there are several stages in it. We have to consult political parties,
people of different regions and then take a decision... If the need
arises and a resolution is moved, it will be passed only if we get
majority support,” Rosaiah said.

Angry MLAs of the Congress, TDP and PRP told Rosaiah that if he could
go to New Delhi and return with a separate state, they were willing to
sponsor “another return ticket” for him to “get back with four more
states” because they wanted North Coastal Andhra, South Coastal
Andhra, Rayalaseema and Hyderabad as separate states.

Though Rosaiah tried to cool tempers by calling a meeting of MLAs in
the Assembly Hall, they were in no mood to listen. “We are demanding
that the Centre roll back the decision,” said Botcha Satyanarayana,
MLA from Chipuripalle in Vizianagaram district.

District Units of Congress, TDP and PRP have called for a bandh in
Rayalaseema and Coastal Andhra. Expecting a backlash, the state has
rushed paramilitary and special police forces to these areas.

The consensus among parties to support a separate Telangana state was
in disarray after the decision to initiate the process for a separate
state was announced by Union Home Minister P Chidambaram late last
night. Before the May general elections, the Congress, TDP and PRP had
promised to support a separate Telangana but today MLAs of all these
parties were united against bifurcation of the state. The Congress too
split over the issue of Telangana.

Even Speaker N Kiran Kumar Reddy, Congress MLA from Pileru in
Chittoor, threatened to resign. By late night, 76 MLAs of Congress, 29
TDP MLAs, and 12 PRP MLAs had submitted their resignations.

In New Delhi, Laggadabati Rajagopal, Congress MP from Vijayawada, was
ready with his resignation. So were M V Mysoora Reddy, TDP’s Rajya
Sabha MP, Narayana Rao, TDP MP from Machilipatnam, Antanta Venkatarama
Reddy, TDP MP from Narsaraopet, M Venu Gopala Reddy, Congress MP from
Anantapur, and Kotla Suryaprakash Reddy, Congress MP from Kurnool.

The Congress has 156 MLAs, TDP 92 and PRP 18.

Speaker Reddy had not accepted the resignations till late in the
night. “I have received the letters but I am yet to go through them. I
will call all MLAs who have resigned, talk to them individually and
then decide whether to accept the resignation or not. As for Congress
MLAs, until I accept their resignations, the government enjoys their
support,” Reddy said, putting to rest speculation on the fate of the

The resignations came to the aid of the Congress which was forced to
take a decision on Telangana last night as the health of TRS chief K
Chandrasekhara Rao deteriorated and students threatened to march to
the Assembly to press for a separate state.

For Rao, who had been on a fast since November 29, the Centre’s
announcement was a face-saver — it helped him break the fast. He has
been discharged from the Nizam’s Institute of Medical Sciences

TDP president N Chandrababu Naidu, who did a U-turn before the general
elections and changed the party’s 25-year-old stand in favour of
Telangana, blamed the Centre for taking a “hasty” decision.

“The Centre should have consulted everyone before arriving at the
decision so quickly. The state has plunged into crisis due to this.
The TDP will support a separate Telangana provided there is
consensus,” Naidu said. He claimed none of his MLAs who resigned had
consulted him.

Praja Rajyam Party president Chiranjeevi said he was told by his MLAs
about their decision to resign. “There should be consensus, opinion of
everyone should be taken before such a decision,” said Chiranjeevi.

Most MLAs from the coastal areas said they feared for the non-
Telangana people who had made Hyderabad their home. “They are saying
Andhra settlers would be told to leave. What will happen to them? How
can the Congress do this?” said P Raghunath Reddy, TDP MLA from

Congress and TDP MLAs claimed that many others would resign if the
Telangana resolution is moved in the Assembly. This will prevent it
from being passed, they said.

AP Congress Committee president D Srinivas who hails from Nizamabad in
Telangana found himself in a spot. “I don’t know what to say. The
decision on Telangana is welcome but the resignation of MLAs bothers
me,” he said.

Meanwhile, students across Andhra and Rayalaseema, who had been
watching activities of the pro-Telangana students of Osmania
University, took to the streets against the bifurcation.
Demonstrations were held in Andhra University in Vizag, Dravidian
University in Chittoor, Nagarjuna University in Guntur, Srikrishna
Devaraya University in Anantapur and other places.

Comments - 152

by aharon challa on 12 Dec 2009
andhra pradesh should never be divided. because of some political
leaders andhra pradesh is suffering this crisis. no common man is
having the idea to divide. andhra pradesh people should be always
united. let us clear our problems by good discussions. but division is
an insult to all telugu people.

Don't divide
by Kapil Sharma on 12 Dec 2009
The central Govt. decision of dividing AP is the starting of division
of india which will weaken India. Why don't these politician
understand this thing. Just for their personal benefits they do all
these dramas of hunger strike and aal this. Let them die. TCR wnts to
become CM whichis not possible so he decided to divide AP. He did
nothing for Telngana earlier when he was in power and I am pretty sure
he will do nothing in future.

by GADAGONI SARITHA on 12 Dec 2009

Time to stick to basics.....
by velu_ns on 12 Dec 2009
Politicians have to do something different to appear on the front page
every day inorder make their political clock ticking. That doesnt mean
that people from coastal Andhra and rayala seema who have settled down
in Hyderabad for generations would leave immediately. Time for every
one to fetch,read and understand the kinder garden books about UNITY.
Time to stick to basics..........

peoples opinion
by peoples opinion on 12 Dec 2009
i think the opinion of people in telangana, andhra and rayalaseema
should be considered before separating the state. the central govt.
should look more independently and meticuously regarding the unity or
separation matters instead of completely depending on some selfish
political idiots. Regarding hyderabad it is the result of many people
efforts over the centuries and no one region or individual can claim
the responsibility for its development. the best part of it is it's
integral part of telangana and it is also its worst part because other
parts of the state are not as developed as hyderabad.now atleast the
central govt should consider developing the other parts of the state
especially telangana or any other backward regions to maintain proper
economic balances.

Bifurcation - The slogan for development
by Imran on 12 Dec 2009
Its really agonizing to know how easy it is to divide India.
Politicians and their the crooks indulge in such agitations for
political gains. Common man will never benefit from such seperate
states and thier word is never counted. Politicians brain wash the
people of certain region telling that injustice is only done to them
but where as injustice is everywhere. Corruption is deep routed in
India. The government is clearly sending wrong messages by succumbing
to pressure from KCR. Does this mean a popular leaders can go on a
hunger strike and get the government run their way. This will only
kindle the spirits of other seperationists around the nation many of
their demands totally unfair. The government is not considering the
fact that this step will encourage more seperationists across India.
There will be 20 more states seeking separate statehood taking Andhra
as example. This will be definitely not in the interest of the nation
that states are formed by pressure from some leader.

We need Telengana
by Tgite on 12 Dec 2009
The only reason Andra people want to united AP is they want to rob the
telengana resources like water, jobs etc another 100 years.. Why they
don't they agree for seperation like divorce or like brothers in
family. Anyone can live Hyderabad but Hyd belongs to Telangana.. Jai

United we stand, Divided we fall.
by Sahad on 12 Dec 2009
Those support unity, here is a cue to remain united. Prolong the issue
until Congress is unseated from power in New Delhi. Dividing Andhra is
only for political gains. Let that happen only in their (politicians')
dreams. Remain united, Andhra (Telugu) people will be together.

by B S GANESH BANGALORE on 12 Dec 2009
I am of the firm opinion that our politicians instead of ensuring
uniform prosperity of all states/cities are showing a sort of favor
and dis favouor and this has given room for discontent among
politicians and people. this gives room for separate states/ cities/
religions/caste etc. Such divisions only weakens the country. This is
my opinion as sa senior citizen who has participated in freedom
struggle and watching the reports. B S GANESH BANGALORE

by sreedaran on 12 Dec 2009
United we stand. Divided.. .. ?

Are we not mature enough to live together?
by AP on 11 Dec 2009
History is going to repeat again (I WISH AND HOPE NOT) as INDIAN
government is considering redrawing lines that will divide people
which will weaken India. This will be a mistake which will be realized
in times to come. We Indians tend to forget our history as we were
divided into small groups we were easy target for others before
independence. As a result it allowed pretty much anyone to steal the
wealth of our nation. Before intruders robbed our nation then divided
us based on religion and taught the %u201Cdivide and rule policy%u201D
to our political leaders. I am not sure who is running this world
%u2019s largest democracy. The ruling government decided to announce
dividing AP but dividing AP into Telagana. I am not sure how many
minute states we will be dividing our country into based on regional
interests. This will inflate differences among politicians to gain
political advantages. This will result in pushing the states and
districts into anarchy.

Smaller States
by Manjeet Singh Juneja on 11 Dec 2009
Instead of facing fasts unto death and indefinite fasts from all
corners of the country time and again and the centre declaring new
states under pressure, the goverment should announce a second states
reorganization commission and include language, culture and religious/
sectarian minorities in its terms of reference. Hindi should be the
common bond for all these states. If Goa can be a separate state why
can't there be other small states on similar basis. If people with
different language, culture, religion and sect have their own states,
Assam and Bodoland like demands for scession will stop. There is no
use having Tamilnadu and Maharashtra like states where the locals hate
to talk in Hindi making the Hindi speaking people alien in theie own

by Krishna on 12 Dec 2009
Dear Maneet, Here is a dose of your own logic.. "People from Punab and
Delhi hate to speak in Telugu making telugu speaking people alien in
their own country.." I say make telugu the common language of the

Hindi as national language
by Gonu on 12 Dec 2009
Dear Manjeet ! It is not the problem of Tamailnadu and Maharashtra. It
is the problem of State to empower to ensure the progress of the their
people. Not a language can bind us. Only the sprit of motherland could
bind us. This sprit alone can survive. Even tiny states can be created
for effective administrative purpose. Because a state can prosper only
with effective administration not with any language and religion.

by Prasad on 11 Dec 2009
Abolish the state governments.

Should not be separate states!!
by Balu on 11 Dec 2009
Let us have a common city/platform to access Andhra,Telengana and all
regions across country. Hyderabad is best city and nobody wants to
leave. KCR tried to get separate state without getting openions from
all people, even last elections clearly shown that there was no
followup from Telengana regions as well. Since KCR is loosing his
focus these days, He did acted great drama, which is not the correct
way in democratic country.

Do you not remember the the great 1947 divide
by Vishu Kuppaa on 11 Dec 2009
Do not divide AP. There are going to be more deaths making people move
from Telangana to Andhra or other place. A lot of people are going to
loose a lot of kith and Kin during this divide. This is been started
for the personal benefit of some political leaders. There is more
strength when we are united and not when we are divided.

Unity is at stake.
by SURESH S on 11 Dec 2009
The Central Govt's Decision is putting unity of people at stake. Not
all but a few, less than 10% people are actually asking for Telangana
state, then why C.Govt bowed and conceded to coercive demands made by
TRS putting at stake the will of 90% of population of state. This is
certainly a stupidity with no logical reasoning. No survey is done, no
debate or discussion is done at State Assembly or at Parliament, a
decision which we feel hurt and humiliated because of the kind of
leadership our country has. Media played a major devil's role, which
nobody can forget. I am a Hyderabadi, born and brought up in this land
and suddenly feeling I am an orphan as if parents are divorced. I now
do not identify myself to be a Telangana, Andhra or Rayalaseema, I am
a Hyderabadi and I want my due privilege.

KCR wants to become CM
by Kaustubh on 11 Dec 2009
It seems KCR wants to become the CM of a state and he can do so by
dividing Telangana from AP. If he really wanted the benefit of
Telangana people then why doesn't he do atleast something for them
using his MP's and MLA's. If Telangana is divided then it won't be far
India would be having 50 states. And with increase in the number of
states, there will be increase in the regionalism.

We want freedom
by Anil on 11 Dec 2009
Its once again the might of numbers & money of Coastal Andhra playing
foul play in carving a separate Telangana. One of the leaders to
resign, a Coastal MP is said to have investments totaling to more than
50,000 crores in Hyderabad. His response is no surprise!!! Telangana
is still under the clutches of (neo)colonialism, but now by own
neighbors. I ask a simple question to proponents of United Andhra:
have they not seen Employee Unions, RTC workers, doctors, lawyers,
dhobis, teachers, professors, auto drivers participate in the
agitation. Who else they want to see? Its enough!! Its better to be
divided and stay united rather than fighting each other. Leave us to

Pathetic political development in India.
by Josy on 11 Dec 2009
I feel that whatever is happening related to the seperation of
Telangana is purely for the benefit of some politicians. If the
seperation happens, we will have to witness 10 more new states in next
5 years.

political game for telengana
by srikanth on 11 Dec 2009
people should remember that KCR left the TDP as he did not get the
portfolio he wanted.Then he formed TRS for his political survival .Now
he is dividing the state. Kcr says telengana was negleted,that is the
fault of political leaders including him. When he was in power while
in TDP what did he do for telengana? please dont split the state for
one's own purposes

Post Partition experience of states in India is bad
by Kalyan on 11 Dec 2009
Today all the Jharkhand has is a Koda, sans development...why should
we believe that Telangana not have a similar fate. Let us not fool
ourselves that KCR or any other Telangana leader has the ability, or
vision to drive or guide the formation of a state. Telengana is being
formed as a seperate state...with HOPE as a strategy and crooks as
guardians. Is the formation of a different state truly the way to
improve the fortunes of Telangana? My view is that this uprising has
made the most important leaders sit up and take notice of the
problems. Telengana should continue with Andhra Pradesh and exploit
the current platform rather than making efforts in bulding one. Let us
continue this journey together!!! Jai Samikhya Andhra Pradesh!!!!

by B S GANESH BANGALORE on 11 Dec 2009
I am of the firm opinion that our politicians instead of ensuring
uniform prosperity of all states/cities are showing a sort of favor
and dis favouor and this has given room for discontent among
politicians and people. this gives room for separate states/ cities/
religions/caste etc. Such divisions only weakens the country. This is
my opinion as sa senior citizen who has participated in freedom
struggle and watching the reports. B S GANESH BANGALORE

Rename Andhra pradesh as Telangana
by SCAggarwal on 11 Dec 2009
Having regard to the views expressed here in this newspaper, I am of
the opinion that Whole ofAndhra Pradesh should be renamed as

Develop Not Divide.
by INDIAN on 11 Dec 2009
Here is the Problem. ====================== Andhra Region had more
fertile lands compared to Telangana and Rayalaseema. This benifitted
the people of Andhra region economically. Where as people of Telangana
and Rayalasema depends mostly on jobs. Because Hyderabad is the
capital of Andhra Pradesh, people from all the three places come to
hyderabad insearch of jobs, making it a free zone. This is where the
problem lies. Solution to the problem: ====================== Since a
majority of Telangana and Rayalaseema people depend on jobs, develop
two tier cities in these regions, establish industries in these two
tier cities. Since the two tier cities are not free zone and specific
to the regions, peole of each region benifit from it ultimately living
in peace.

Telangana Sieze should end
by Divi on 11 Dec 2009
It is ridiculous that Andhrites want to unite with Telangana. They
have nothing to do with Telangana. Their love is on their properties
in Hyderabad and illegally (against 610GO) obtained jobs and Krishna
Godavari waters. All these years they could enjoy the power, largest
share of the resources and multiplications of their investments in
Hyderabad. Telangana has nothing against the common people who came to
Hyderabad for working, businesses and jobs. But they should remain
part and parcel of Telangana state. It is a mistake if you want to
rule the place where you make your colony. It is good for both Andhra
and Telangana if we devide peacefully.

Dissolve the assembly as Rosaiah
by uday kumar on 11 Dec 2009
Prior to the declaration by Home Minister PC. Mr Rosaiah under his
chairman ship has convened an all party meeting in the state
Secretatiat for which Mr Babu has also sccepted and moreover the CM
has informed the media that all the political parties in the state
have agreed to back the resolution to be moved on Separate Telangana
in the state assembly.But,after declaration by the GOI,the CM and
leader of opposition are backtracking by staging resignation of their
MLAs. To Solve this problem the house should be dissolved (as MLAs &
MPs from telangana may too announce submitting their resignations)and
a fresh mandate should be taken from the people of the state.For this
no politician will be willing to come forward.

To telangana people and others demanding separation
by vicky on 11 Dec 2009
It is true that Telangana is a neglected part of Andhra. But as they
say life is not fair. Think abt it personally. If you share your home
with an evil brother/sister do you divide your house? Put a stone in
between or even when u get a chance beat their kids up or try to
commit suicide just to emotionally blackmail them? The answer to you
struggle lies there. If you think it will be fair to divide your
parental possessions and then fight over some business you own, then
it is well worth to ask for a separate state. And to the person saying
KCR is like father of nation. Wake up. India was an amalgation of 170
states to form 26 states. They way you want one day even a house
colony will demand a separate city in itself cause it is neglected by
the Municipal Corporation.

I can be a CM
by Ramesh V on 11 Dec 2009
I want my village to be a seperate STATE... So that I can become a
Chief Minister. Now, I know.. how I can able to achieve this. Thank
you.... We can have 1000's of state in a country called INDIA. If
possible later I can make my village as a seperate country with the
help of OBAMA. JAI My Village

Telengana issue distilled ...
by Bengali on 11 Dec 2009
Telengana issue is nothing but wanting to enjoy Hyderabad's success
without sharing with other parts of Andhra. If other parts of
Telengana is backward, the people must make their MPs and MLAs

The real culprit ...
by Manoj on 11 Dec 2009
If Telengana is backward, the accountability rests totally with its
MPs and MLAs, besides the bureaucrats. All other reasons are just

Good Luck Telengana
by shyam kishore on 11 Dec 2009
India is essentially a collection of ethnic entitites . Its always
better to have each entity to govern their own affairs within the
broad framework of our constitution .if we dont allow then to do so
now , instead of a seperate state they will aske for a seperate
country . The power to govern should go to the people . I consider
this a good move to seperate Telengans from rest of AP . AP dont have
to worry much about it .The smaller the geography become the more
efficinet the governing mechanism . My best wishes for Telengana

AP Style
by Mani on 11 Dec 2009
If it gets separated cant we get Andhra Style Chilly Chicken in
Karnataka anymore?

Darwin Theory Reversed!!
by Mani on 11 Dec 2009
In another few years, every Tom Dick and Harry would ask for separate
state and more states will separate! One day we all will be back to
how it was 100's of years back.. Like nomad, hunting, wearing jungle
dress and living ancient life.... Now it would be reverse of Darwin
Theory... we would be changing from man to monkey! Thanks to
Politicians! We are so PROUD of you all!!! Now you are inbetween the
Darwins cycle...

by manish rathi on 11 Dec 2009
i want to say in this matter... is now andra government has taken
decision to carve out a separate state ..... they should think twice
befoore doing that because separate state is not the sopution solution
is ...both trs and ap government work betterment of underdevelope
people... many other state also is in the queue to have a separate
state.....vidrbha in maharashtra.... saurashtra in gujarat..... so
think ap government first wiork on prolems like infrastructure,job,

by spandana on 11 Dec 2009
Telangana has always suffered after merging with andhra and
rayalaseema.....this struggle has nt started nw...people are fighting
for separate Telangana from past 40 yrs...after 11days of struggle
these stupid mlas are now talking about samaikya andhra....r they
sleeping all these days when people are striving for separate
telangana....and as per abve comments poor people of telangana want
good education and jobs....then plzz tell us where are the jobs left
for poor telangana people....who the heck said that andhra and
rayalaseema people developed hyderabad....in wich way u thnk that hyd
is developed compared to andhra....thaer r no steelplants,oil
refineries,zinc,alloy industries,ports....only IT based companies are
there here...nothing else..they tdeveloped themselves.....but not
hyderabad.....there is nt even a proper dam for irrigation in
telangana....when we r so deperate to seperate from rest of the
state...why are others acting in such a foolish way...LEAVE TELANGANA

Telangana - Fears
by V. V. Viswanadh on 11 Dec 2009
So far, no one, no politician said why he or she does not want to
bifurcate Andhra Pradesh. Before the announcement of Mr. Chidambaram,
everybody made statement in favor of Telangana, soon after-wards, they
started opposing, reasons - not known to anyone!! These politicians
started counting electrol gains or losses once the intention of
creating Telangana was announced and got perturbed. No one is thinking
in terms of development, naxalite problem, relationship between the
new entity with the old one, River water sharing and so on. These
politicians are thinking only in terms of votes, their investments in
Hyderabad, their future in the new dispensation. So far no one said
why bifurcation is bad - to the region and to the Country. No one has
got guts even to express. Do we have leaders, leaders of any stature?
The answer seems to be a profound no. There is a solid argument why
there should be bifurcation, no argument against- by any one from
coastal area or Rayalaseema!!

by Sudhakaran on 11 Dec 2009
We already have too many number of states divided on basis of
langauges. Instead of getting a new state, I strongly feel that we
should have federal system like in US with four or five states with
names such as southern india, northern india, western india and estern
india, each headed by governors. This system will help us to be away
from mass corruption being done by the political parties and their
leaders, who are the main culprits for non-development as these
political leaders pick pocket a big portion of the funds allotted to
various projects, resulting into undevelopment and finally leading to
uproars for separate states. A step to prevent emergence of new
political parties should also be taken with immediate effect.

People of Andhra Pradesh
by Stan on 11 Dec 2009
I don't understand telugu people. For fifty plus years they have been
taking to streets and killing each other demanding division of their
state into two. Finally now, rest of the country (read Indian
Parliament) told them "yes, you can start the legal process for
dividing your state into two". All of a sudden the very same telugu
people took a U-turn and started taking themselves into the streets
saying "we don't want, we don't want, we don't want to divide our
state". What the heck??

Dont divide states anymore
by Jai Somanath on 11 Dec 2009
After centuries of incessant fighting wars and plunging the world
itself in turmoil,Germany,France and England make a common cause in
Europe whereas despite centuries of amity only because of selfish
politicians,fanatics and weak leaders, India is divided and a
terrorist state Pakistan is granted. Granted Andhra and Telangana do
not belong to same category but the still it is an unnecessary
division supported by short sighted politicians of Congress, BJP.While
the former is no longer Indian national congress of likes of Sardar
Patel, the latter too got digressed far from uncompromising
nationalist stand taken by RSS chief M.S.Golwalkar then who even
opposed dividion of India into linguistic states. But having done
that, is it not high time to stop wasting money on more
bureaucracy,more ministers and their useless entourage and departments
of two states where only one is needed? Instead energies and resources
should be spent in improving people lives with innovative

by Krishna on 11 Dec 2009
The central govt has totally surrendered to the black mailing of KCR
and has sent a wrong signal to the citizens of India saying anything
can be acheived by doing some black mailing or suicides.Because of
this meaningless midnight decision all the other sepearate state
agitations in the country have been started again saying why donot
they give our special state.The government decision shoule be always
in favour of all the people of India.

by BG Subhash on 11 Dec 2009
Telangana concept of KCR is Fratricide.It is an Immense Tragedy not
just for AP but also for India as a whole.Indian polity should not get
handcuffed at gun point for taking decisions to favor the hands &
minds of very very ordinary people like KCR. Andhraites must see
through this game and stop Fratricide by whatever means.

AP Disintegration
by Pullarao on 11 Dec 2009
Death Warrant to AP as well as India written by disastrous KCR signed
by Arbhaka Sresta CM in the presence of doubtfully elected HM with the
grace of foriegn madam supported by disgusted disgruntled dying

Rayalaseema Supremacy
by Rana Joseph on 11 Dec 2009
Nobody questions the nationalism of the Telangana peoples. The truth
of the matter is that the unity of the Telugu Nation was never ever
compromised in the duration of being one of our country's largest
states as well as one of the most populous states. Why is the Central
Goverment acquiescing so uncerebrally to Telengana demands. Andhra was
always united and Andhra will continue to be united. Let us hope that
the central government will execute wisely as we have done with other
separatist movements in India, the eradication of such forces from our

by seagovac emmanual on 11 Dec 2009
why now why not earlier. the desease of not erecognising the
aspirations of people with political establishement who think they r
masters like colonials . a spine less govt people do not want if more
states r to be formed so be it . govt nearer the people is more
responsive than funny folks of delhi darbar . congratulations
telangana and telanganists.

Seperate state of Malabar
by Ramu on 11 Dec 2009
One must agree that the deprivation of oppertunity and development
cause seperatism than any other reasons . If a geography is constantly
ingnored for whatever reasom then revolt is bound to happen . This is
happening in Kerala now . The northern part of keral is grossly
ignored by the goverment . While the souther side is flooded with
Center and State goverment IT and tourism and other employment
generting project the north has no share . Though north kerala is rich
in natural and human resource there is no development plans comming
here unemployement is very high in norht compared to south kerals,
fuelling frustrations and dissapointment among youths here , turning
them to antisocial and destructive political activities . Kerala
political parties consider these belts only for votes . I am sure no
one shoudl be surprised to hear an upsurge here for seperate state for
Malabar. I am fully with the Idea of telengana as people will have
more control over the destiny of their geograp

by Ramesh Talluri - Boston on 11 Dec 2009
Our beloved Late CM Mr. Rajasekhara Reddy contested the elections
without any coalition and won the elections in style. Why are KCR, BJP
& Chandrababu Naidu asking for a separate state right now. TRS didn't
even have the guts to contest in Hyd metro elections and is asking now
for a separate state along with Hyd. Students from Osmania University
should realize that some of the student leaders are getting funding
from big business magnets. I request innocent students not to get into
politics and mess up their careers. Look at at the fate of Jharkhand &
Chattisgarh. Else we will be ruled by the Maoists/Chinese premier and
will be without law and Order. We are so fortunate to have the most
honest and highly educated Prime Minister in the world. Let's support
him and take India forward. United we stand.

by bijay pratap on 11 Dec 2009
The Telangana bifurcation demand acceptance has opened the Pandora's
box wherefrom come out many stinging issues damaging the national
fabrics.In its place,a demand to replace state units with district
ones would have been a better option.District Development Committees
would have replaced assemblies.It will get rid the country of
discarded politicians turned governors saving millions of rupees on
their white elephant like maintenance.Secondly,it will weaken the
demand for new states movements in Assam(Bodoland,WB(Gorkhaland,UP
(Harit Pradesh), Gujrat(Saurashtra)Maharashtra(Vidarbha)and so
on.Thirdly, the centre will be fully accountable for any development
and it would not be in a position to blame state units in case of any
failure as it is done nowadays. Fourthly, the elctorate will be better
placed to appraise the performance of the ruling party.Lastly, the
centre too would be in a better position to complete its projects
without any obstacles.

Master Stroke of Genius Soniaben! She called the bluff of CB Naidu and
by AP on 11 Dec 2009
Non AP people - Get this straight! Sonia and YSR were the only hold
ups so far. Those that said Sonia is dividing and ruling obviously
don't know it! For those Chaddis (I wear one too)! It was BJP who has
been agitating to split AP. Read up Advani statements in LS! Sonia's
understanding of our culture never fails to amaze me. You so-called
Indians don't know AP culture but an Italian born knows it enough to
manipulate born and bread leaders like CB Naidu. Since YSR is now
dead, TRS and BJP have launched the attack. CB Naidu and Chiranjeevi
just endorsed their struggle. It was as if only Sonia Gandhi that's
holding up and boom - She called their bluff. Now CB Naidu's own party
and powerful Brothers-in-law are scolding him for precipitating the
issue. Congress on backfoot? or is it exactly according to plan?

Who is Sonia to take decision ?
by chandrasekhar on 11 Dec 2009
Sonia has no moral right to take decision on Telangana. She is neither
in Central Govt nor Andhra CM to take a decision. She is just a party
head and so how can decide on Telangana. Shame on her.And coming to
separate state, Why do we need Telangana? If it is under developed,
then come up with projects to develop it. Dividing into separate state
is not the solution for underdevelopment.The whole world is worried
about economy, climate,jobs,Infrastructure,Technology and future
prospects and look at us we are worried about forming a separate
state.The poor people or even middle class in Telangana don't need a
separate state they need better life with education, jobs, health,
infrastructure, food and peaceful life.Let me ask a question to pro
telangana people Where will you go to visit Lord Balajai? Where will
you go to visit Goddess Durga? Tirupathi and Vijayawada right and
where are they? They are not in Telangana , so do you stop visiting
them? What we need is Unity and good future.

caste kamma
by svsmanyam on 11 Dec 2009
This is the result of yellow jornalism the caste based media which is
dominating andhra politics has created confusion in people and over
intrest of lands in hyderabad by coastal rich caste who have acqired
lakhs of acres. atleast by know the yellow brigade stop writing gobels
stories and write correct news to the people

Unite India
by Jaswinder Singh Gill on 11 Dec 2009
Telangana should be made part of Punjab state rather independent state
as this will promote brotherhood and will make people live together .
Unite Nation now or reap what you are sowing today. Long live India

by emem on 11 Dec 2009
Though the Constitution created the federal-like set up with three
layer governments, in reality, the bottom layer - so called "Panjayat
Raj" - has already vanished purely because of corrupt political
atmosphere in the country. It means, people lost voices in their own
administration, despite India is technically called a democratic
nation! The unpatriotic political elements at state level are great
burdens to 1 billion people. These unwanted elements, as we all
certainly know, heavily engaged themselves to find a range of avenues
to loot the wealth created by innovative scholars, productive
entrepreneurs and professionals, hardworking poor farmers/weavers/
artisans, dedicated labourers, law-abiding common citizens. These
state level political elements not only routinely amazing the State
wealth but also, without any shame or concern to the nation, firmly
sideline with terrorists, hoarder and anti-nationals. It is now the
right time, by suitably amend the Constitution, to abolish all state
governments. In the place of the state governments, regional
administration provincials to be headed by %u2018tested%u2019
governors and their teams, accountable to a responsible government at
the centre, could be an ideal choice for good governance. Here, the
term %u2018tested%u2019 is to refer acceptable standard of educational
background plus experience, besides true sense of patriotism. Unless,
the Constitution is amended to create a responsible government at the
centre, as seen in most developed nations, India will not be always a
safe country. If state governments are abolished but governed by a
single responsible government at the centre, with equitable wealth
distribution system, India will not only shine in future but also the
corruption will vanish together with state level political elements.

Dividing India
by S. Vatsya on 11 Dec 2009
The only persons to benefit from division are those who will become,
ministers, chief minister DG police, & Chief Secretary & head of other
departments.Rest every body will be loser. It was wrong to devide he
country on the basis of language, religion, or dominance of some
caste. Division should have been purely on the administrative

Do not support splitting of Andhra Pradesh - Unity is Strength
by Mohan on 11 Dec 2009
Separate Telangana state is a great loss to all Telugu speaking
people. Unity is strength. People of all regions of the state should
be able to live and move freely and peacefully in the entire state.
Major portion of revenues from the entire state were poured into the
development of Telangana and the city of Hyderabad for decades, since
this area was under developed due to Nizam%u2019s rule. Hyderabad is
the only large city for the entire state. Now these scumbag
politicians want Hyderabad as capital for Telangana and the jobs in
it, and deprive the rest of the state. Any true Telangana native will
not support such an atrocious demand. The extremist anarchist elements
from Osmania and Kakatiya Universities must be punished for
instigating this agitation. The silent majority of people of all
regions of Andhra Pradesh must open their eyes and should not allow
the breakup of the state. Instead of politicians deciding about the
future of the state, I suggest a public state wide referendum.

by raja on 11 Dec 2009
Telangana state is going to be made on communist ideals.As communists
think every body should be equal.Communists think Hard working and
lazy people should get paid the same amount of money. Growth of
hyderabad and riches of hyderabad are purely brought on by
capitalistic principles.Enterpreneures starting big companies and
creating wealth,jobs in hyderabad and also in the surroundings.Most of
the notable enterpreneurers are from andhra.Movie
makers,industrialists,media barons. kcr says that these people are all
the enemies of telengana.He is going to drive all these people out of
telanagana and re establist the poor ,pathetic nizam state or a
communist state.

It is too late
by Drsrinivasan on 11 Dec 2009
What were all these people doing when Nehru divided the whole nation
which was unified by Sardar into linguistic states?What were these
people doing when Congress gave an election promise of separate
telengana state?Why make a hue and cry when the promises are

Andhra Pradesh
by Pradeep on 11 Dec 2009
It is a shameful act on part of the UPA govt headed by the foreigner
Sonia Gandhi and co to agree for bifurcating the state of Andhra
Pradesh. The people of Andhra Pradesh have clearly expressed their
strong resentment to separation by defeating the TRS and KCR in the
last two successive elections. Infact the Grand Alliance lost the
elections mainly because of its support for Telangana. And Congress
won Handsomely under the dynamic leadership of the late leader YSR
because of his commitment to a united state and development. Therefore
i do not understand the rationale behind this foolish and a dangerous
decision by the centre. I wonder if the Home Minister is fit to for
his job; instead of being firm with the agitators and law breakers he
buckles under pressure and makes deals and we expect India to become a
superpower like China. If madame Soniaji is found of cutting something
up on her birthday, why did she not cut a piece of cake. Shame on you
all sonia,Chidambaram and Congress.

Soniya Ji
by Prof. P.R. Murti on 11 Dec 2009
Sonia Gandhi has no business to be in India and meddling with the
lives of people.

Their main aim is to double up their ILL FORTUNES by separting
by Suryachandra on 11 Dec 2009
Its rediculous..Develop each family living status properly..not by
dividing the state.Today saying telangana..tomorrow start..srikakulam
one state,vizinagaram one state,vizag one state,EG-one state,WG one
state,vja one state,Guntur one state...and so on..Hello political guys
wake up and look at outer world.howlong u all increase ur ill
fortunes???Stop ur gimmicks...we dont want any separate state.One more
thing Ms.Sonia ji, pls dont think that AP is ur own property or any
part of India...Think wise before taking crucial decisions.I hope u

Telangana State
by Prof P.R. Murti on 11 Dec 2009
The division of State is totally un-warranted. The sole motive is that
politicians want to become Chief Ministers, Ministers. This will lead
to fragmentation of the country. Furthermore, it will effect many
lives of people. If the division is inevitable let Hyderabad be the
Union Territory with all its preveleges so that nbdy is driven out of
the city. Intelligence is not the virtue or attribute of any
politician, so keep the fingers crossed for the worse.

divide to destroy
by one telugu on 11 Dec 2009
If people in telangana felt negelcted then central govt should do more
not to neglect it. But to divide a massive state who speak the same
language for political gains without any conideration to peoples lives
and its effects on the whole is unacceptable. We speak the same
language.. born on the same land how can dividing us do anyone good?

by Nri_Indian on 11 Dec 2009
Born in TN, India , I am amazed and proud of the fact the India in all
its glory and warmth can bring/recognize diversity and weave the
nation into one. On this issue of Telungana, however I fail to
understand the logic. Why is important to spit a state into so many
sub states. Don%u2019t we have districts, towns , %u2026 pachayats for
these. Where do we draw the line as a nation ? Does it mean that if a
group with vested interest gang up and force an issue by disrupting
common mans life , Congress ( & any other party) will oblige ? To me
it seems an easy white wash, to show progress . Now a state %u2013
what next divide resources , duplicate administration. fight for
water , fight for border , %u2026 ? At min. as a nation - I don%u2019t
believe the issue was even wetted - Repercussion of this action on all
other so called groups thought India ? - Will common man will be held
at ransom ? - Is this the real progress ?

Adilabad a new state
by Ganesh Naik on 11 Dec 2009
The culture of Adilabad is totally different from Telangana. I am sure
once Telangana is formed, Adilabad will be discriminated. Hence
Adilabad should also be made into another state.

Don't divide Indian People Anymore
by Sashi on 11 Dec 2009
Division of India has been a legacy off Congress....I am not a fan of
any political party. But how can a Political party be allowed to
decide the fate of a state. It should be based on the vote and
decision of people. Resignation of so many MLAs and MPs, shows that
this is not the verdict and decision of the people. I don't know what
political benefits Congress has in its mind while making this move.
But for sure, it will take Andhra Pradesh back and slow down its rapid
development. Politicians in India have always exploited its benefits
by dividing people based on religion, now that was not enough and they
have found this innovative way to divide us further. Please stop

Sonia deceived by KCR and disgruntled Telangana politicians - 3
by Sarath2 on 11 Dec 2009
So Still sonia and her Coterie (Abhishek ) thinking that Andhra also
like chattisgarh and Jharkand this resentment will disappear in few
days, but they're not realising that Andhra issue is far far different
than Jharkand and Chattisgarh seperation from MP & Bihar. There no
resentment when they seperated, but in Andhra, most of youth jobs,
education, all types opportunities strongly bonded, so their
resentment will grow but not going down in future, if Sonia failed to
withdraw her foolish decision.

Sonia deceived by KCR and Disgruntled Telangana politicians -2
by Sarath2 on 11 Dec 2009
Some disgruntled Telangana politicians who're heartburn for not
getting any political posts anger on Andhra, rayalaseema polticians,
these Telangana politicians started Gobels propaganda every day
infront of Sonia also changed her decision, so just want to stop this
nuisance (that created by Telangana MP's). Who're Andhra, Rayalaseema
MP's who are not aware of change of politics after YSR (YSR single
handedly managed these lumphen politicians to create Telangana)
they're dump folded and today they shocked to hear Telangana, whose
public invested billions of dollars in Hyderabad no. of industries.
For Telangana youth this is quick goldmine to grab opportunities, who
started supported this agitation. So Still sonia and her Coterie
(Abhishek ) thinking that Andhra also like chattisgarh and Jharkand
this resentment will disappear in few days, but they're not realising
that Andhra issue is far far different than Jharkand and Chattisgarh
seperation from MP & Bihar. There noresentment

Sonia deceived by KCR and disgrutled Telangana politicians -1
by Sarath2 on 11 Dec 2009
TRS fooled even entire Congress party with his street smartness, even
Sonia and her coterie failed. KCR clearly said 2 weeks back before
starting hunger strike, you;ll see different movement, with
confidence. Such confidence he got from anti-national forces he bribed
before starting hunger strike, finally these forces came know that
those are former and current naxalites operating from Usmania &
Kakateeya universities campus in Hyderabad and warangal, who ransacked
Hyderabad to create panic situation in Hyderabad, this is one of the
factor. Sonia also shivered and forces her decision infavor of
seperate Telangana. Sonia aides like Karnataka based Moily and
Chidambaram from TN clandestinely and cunningly influenced her
decision, for getting projects to TN and karnataka if AP divides and
state politicians busy with internal fighting to share resources. KCR
cameout victorious out of all these sudden luck infavour of him by
Sonia. Some disgruntled Telangana politicians who're heartburn for

Forget Hyderabad! Hello sweet coast!
by Ravi on 11 Dec 2009
What happens, happens for the best. If AP splits, it will be several
good things: 1. The end of Congress in all Andhra and Rayalseema for
decades to come! Congress treachery will not be forgotten! 2. For
Telangana, its uphill all the way. The money, the brains will move
out. Only the brawn will reamin - and they will fight each other into
ghettos. 3. Another (hopefully ) better planned Telugu city will rise
from zero to hero. Andhra and Rayalsaeema people will be able to build
a new powerful technology heavy, well planned, beautiful greener city
than Hyderabad. Every generation has to do soething. Lets make a new
city. Forget Hyderabad!!! We will make a Shambala better than

Andhra bifurcation
by Shadi Katyal on 11 Dec 2009
There never had been a nation as we all are very provincialist as
recently someone asked an American about his visit to India and he
replied I liket it but never met an Indian. How come, he replied they
were either Punjabi,Gujarati,Bengali and what not but no Indian. This
is just the beginning, there are many others who will raise their
heads and there will be more turmoil and blood shedding. India is
being Balkanised and that is our history. I have asked many others
from such lands like Chaitsgarh,Uttarkhand etc if they are better off
with new states but reply is simple we have our own state.What about
the welfare of the nation, that is secondary. Look around how leaders
of these poor uneducated masses are exploiting them and look how
Center inorder to keep in power is sowing seeds of destrucion of
India. Thanks to decapitator of India and his fast unto death, we will
soon have many small states but will it bring progress?

The MLAs and MPs who resigned as a part of communal conspiracy against
Congress Prez
by Hollier Sprit on 11 Dec 2009
These Hindu MLA's and MP's who have resigned do not belong to Congress
only. By this action they have shown their hatred for the greatest
Christian saint ruling Congress and India, on whose birthday such a
great decision was taken. These MLAs and MPs must be charged for not
only treason but also blasphemy. Shame on their antisecular

WHAT THE _____
by Shivdas Nair on 11 Dec 2009
What in gods name is Congress thinking?? How can they be so spineless?
Its not like i am a fan of any political party, but how can ANY party
allow this?? If such requests for separate states by a few vested
interests are granted so easily, I demand a separate state for the
Nairs, Singhs, Guptas, Mohammads and all the different surnames.
Afterall, we all need our separate unique identities and want to
associate ourselves with "our own land"! Who cares about bloody Unity
in Diversity?? I want my own land! Congress high-command, are you

by PRADEEP on 11 Dec 2009

Congrats to Telangana!!
by Alvin on 11 Dec 2009
Atlast, Telengana has become a reality after 50 long years of
Exploitation !! Hyderabad may or maynot be a Union Teritory, but its
sure is the Capital of Telangana!! Now the telengana politicians will
have to work for the Development of the Regions, and cannot pass the
buck on to the Andhra politicians,,

AP Shouldn't split
by UnitedAP on 11 Dec 2009
Govt shouldn't given to black mails of hunger strikes, blasts, etc...
There is a law of non negotiating with ter orists. They should have
one for these so called doctor administered hunger strikes(?). Its a
shame on Congress and to the Italian lady.

Ethical Governance : Seek It Today
by Ethical Governance on 11 Dec 2009
Ethical Governance is built through Ethics-based policymaking and
management that addresses in earnest, performance issues in
Governance, Management, Professional standards, Business, Government,
Politics, International Relations, Health Care and beyond.

I welcome Telungana!
by narayanee on 11 Dec 2009
I am from Tamilnadu.On reading the various pros and cons of this
intending division, I think, it will be otherwise appropriate to
divide this bIG state. Whether Naidu or Reddy , when they
ruled,massive corruption also ruled the state as elsewhere in
India.Now let the corruption also be decentralised to other head. Be
it Naidu or Reddy, who ever rules, it is going to be their kitchen
cabinet like Karunanithi. That is not the issue.Telengana is not
dividing the country.Bigger the state,bigger will be the problem to
administer its complexity, to speak economically. My only concern is,
not based on any emotion or attachment but on economic criteria.Coming
to undivided Bihar, it would have been resigned to the whims and
fancies of Lalu and his patni. At least now, there is Nitish Kumar,
who, I think , is doing well.Like wise, one day Telungana also may
have one better CM. Even I am of the view that,Tamilnadu shall be
divided . After all Telungana is not dividing the country!

by mtg on 11 Dec 2009
another chapter added to sordid divisive tendency among people fuelled
by politics. Telangana will see similar fate as jharkhand and
chattisgarh. once all said and done, it will get mired in corruption
and cheapness. self-determinism among indian people led to british
rule of 150 years and we still have not learnt out lessons. separation
is not going to give properity. clean politics, governance, non-
corruption and desire for quality among people will. so my "Jai" to
indian stupidity and "politics".

Hyderabad is going down????
by sravan on 11 Dec 2009
There is a very wrong notioin that andhra people developed Hyderabad.
Since the unification in 1956 Hyderabad has actually lost its
prominence in india(Evryone in north india consider south indians as
Madrasi and Bangolore is unanimously considered as part of North India
strangely). Several industries set up by Nizam closed after formation
of AP. Not until the liberalization(access to foreign funds) and
chandrababu led gvt's buerocratic handling that sevral IT companies
formed in late 90's. Before that evryone knows how the industries all
ovr telengana closed leaving millions with out jobs. incidentally
chandrababu is from rayalaseema and not from Andhra. Andhra people
only earned from telengana and whtever they earned they invested only
part of it in hyderabad. Due to this several old gardens and lakes in
and around hyd. had been enroached and now gone. Even Musi is turned
into a sewer. So what good Andhra did to hyderabad. H'bad once second
largest in south is now behind blore as 3rd

United We Stand
by SK on 11 Dec 2009
Alot of people have made some great observations here. Every thing
points ot one thing only. It is an extremely bad decision to split up
AP. Connect people through economy and an opportunity for enterprise.
Take the efforts in uniting them by making opporunities available. Any
change will bring about new opportunities ...but this divsion will
definitely have opportunities for the w r o n g kind of people with
the w r o n g intent. This division will definitely not bring about so
many opportunities as a united AP would have of the right kind.
Connect the entire width and breadth of the state with road ways the
way USA has done. Remember, they learnt it from the Germans, who did
it during the WWII. Think of ways to unite people and not divide

Justice delayed but not forsaken
by sravan on 11 Dec 2009
Well the only reason most people of andhra protest the division is not
because they are bothered about telugu, they are just bothered about
the waters they have to share equally eith telengana(may be the goda
dist.would not suffer but Krisna,guntur certainly would,given the
majority of krishna water share provides these two districts). They
are also worried about the chances to find business contracts in
Telangana and the contracts promised by erstwhile politicians are now
vain and lost. And as one person was saying, potti sriramulu fought
because of the injustice anddiscrimination faced by andhra region as
part of madras state. Hyderabad state never had been the part of it.
Now the same discrimination is forcing the state to seperate from AP.
Who would answer for the closure of pre independent industries in
telengana? Once the richest princely state in India before the
unification is now one of the most underdeveloped region in India
after seperation.This is the actual sad story.

by Gautam Naik on 10 Dec 2009
With idiots like these as our leaders, who needs enemies. Our leaders
are a reflection of our society. We have elected idiots to lead us.

My house, my state
by Chandra on 10 Dec 2009
Thinking about it, everyone in my family agrees my house should be a
separate state and I don't understand why the Govt. of India should
object to this genuine demand. In fact, our neighbour works hard and
earns more, which is an atrocity we can not bear. Please make my house
a separate state and send me funds direct; if not, I will smash the
window panes of our neighbours. Jai my house

Telangna Fiasco
by Varind on 10 Dec 2009
Two days back Home Minister was giving sermons to BJP and Sang Parivar
on Authored/Leaked Liberhan Report and today he is giving
clarifications on late night Telangna decision. In both cases
Parliament and nation has been betrayed. HM has proved that "When Rome
was burning, Nero was laughing".

Long live the Queen
by Bhartiya on 10 Dec 2009
They did it in 1947, They did it in 1984, They were equally
responsible for 1992. They are again at its best in 2009. How much are
they going to bleed India.She is becoming Queen & we her slaves.Wake
up Indian from the slumbers Before its late. Its a slow poison thats
gonna spread to each & every corner of India.

How Uttaranchal,Jharkhand and Chhatisgarh created Peacefully?
by Anil Gupta on 10 Dec 2009
Sir, The contrast between the creation of Uttaranchal, Jharkhand and
Chhatisgarh during NDA rule and announcement for the creation of
Telangana present a good case for deep study. The peaceful manner of
creating three state during the NDA regime and the strong anti
reaction now on the announcement of Telangana show the divide and rule
policy pursued by the Congress right from the day they got power from
their British predecessors.Please do not play with fire. Country is
not in a position to afford it at this juncture.

by subrahmanyam jamisetty on 10 Dec 2009
KCR or TRS is badly defeated in just held eleactions, he did not have
guts to run for the elections for Greater municipal elections for
Hyderbad, he will be nailed forever, this loser was so desperate for
power that he instigated tensions, TV channels like TV9 played their
part too, TV 9 kept the topic burning everyday, on the pretext of
helping recent floods TV 9 gained immense viewership, and now we know
why people do these extreme helps, people are mesmerised by their help
and held to the tubes even after the floods and the nexus of devils
brought this ill fate. The Students were being used as pawns..any
student needs development, why didnt this so called concerned person
do one single favour..not even one project, why didnt they show this
zeal for the development of the region. We are a democratic country,
if you want to do something for Telengana, take up an Agenda and work
for it, dont instigate like Jinnah did in 1940's. Work on forest
cover, continued part 2

Very bad decision
by chep on 10 Dec 2009
This is a very bad decision of central government to bifurcate Andhra
Pradesh. Simply some people wants it and protest violently, you give
whatever they ask!! You have to take cognizence of facts,
repercussions and all relevant people's feelings etc., These divisions
are ideas of politicians to gain power and money. Did the center
studied how much progress made in the states like Uttaranchal and
Jarkhand after bifurcation! Look at the example of Jarkhand:
Politicains like Madhu Koda earned enormus money, naxal voilence, no
peace and no progress. In AP, the telangana didn't progressed becuase
of Naxalites and polititians. The Naxalites boycotted poles decades.
No polititian goes to their constituancies beacuse of threat. They
don't know or care the problems in their villages. Whatever progress
made naxalites destroy the infrastructure for their survival. Instead
of asking them, Telangana people blindly follows these vested
interests and thinks bifurcation is panacia for everything.

Bifurcation of AP
by gautam on 10 Dec 2009
Congress needs to be congratulated for taking bold decision. This
should be seen in the light of the fact that though congress is ruling
party and has 27 or so MPs from AP but still has the guts to
concede.New elections can be held and let people decide.Resignations
are wornout strategy. How long you can supress the regional aspiration
of your own people who feels there is utter neglect.Next in the line
should be Bengal,Gujarat and Maharashtra.Whether to win or loose
elections are continuous and evolving process.Moreover if sates are
bifurcated or trifurcated doesnot mean that newly formed state ceases
to be part of Mother India.

by pradeep on 10 Dec 2009
it is nehruvian policy of congress to divide the whole country into
different pieces on religion and linguistic lines. First they divdided
bharath into hindustan and pakistan on religius lines but it is also
unsettled we have a wound on kashmir what nehru created and then
created linguistic states . the delhi politician should know that so
many linguistic minorties in so many state districts they didnt get
any reservations for their mother tongue in their own birth state and
they have to forced to give up their mother tongue

United we stand, Divided we fall
by Sahad on 10 Dec 2009
Whatever Nehru and Indira Gandhi did to India and Srilanka is undone
by their foreign born in-law. All she is doing is dividing our country
and uncaring for our roots in Srilanka. What I mean she doesn't have
the foresight her great family had. So I feel it difficult to see her
in a leadership position and should be ousted from Congress

by N Rao on 10 Dec 2009
There is a strong presence of ISI in the politically sensitive regions
of India & Andhra is no exception. They invoke the ghosts of Jinnah &
Nizams to carve up a Muslim State of Hyderabad where 40% of Andhra
Muslims live to create a Kashmir type of situation in the South just
as Aligarh Muslim University was used by the Muslim extremists in
Uttar Pradesh to create Pakistan. ISI is using Muslim extremists of
Hydra bad & Osmania University to create a Kashmir in the South. Major
political leasers (including BJP) should take much of the blame for
the currents events in Andhra. Politicians should be banned from using
the educational institutions as their platforms as they breed
extremism, violence, separatism & anarchy in the country. The county
doesn%u2019t want any more Kashmir or Punjab type of situation as this
will detrimentally affect all the citizens of the country & the
progress of the country.

India Divide
by Satheesan Kochicheril on 10 Dec 2009
It is the duty of those in power to help people learn to live as
members of one Nation - India. If they go on dividing the country on
the aspirations of the seperatists the game is not goind to end. Pity
the nitwits in power.

Division is dangerious to strong Indian state.
by Nandeswar on 10 Dec 2009
With the division of Andhra, the regionalism will be stronger and
demand for division of more states on ethnic and caste basis will rise
very strongly.If the pattern goes this way, one day there will more
states than present numbers of districts in the country. Division of
states have never fulfilled the aspirations of common people, these
are all politics. Now every one wants to become Chief Minster, nobody
is committed for developement. The divide and rule policy of congress
party is the route cause of the problem, which has weakened the India.
Congrees's discrimenatory policy to the states is the main reason of
resentment amongst the poeple. Congress does not like to develop the
states, which are ruled by other parties.Need of the hour is that the
country should be re-organised in 6 to 8 administrative region,
abolishing the present name & style of states, which were framed on
basis of language, caste and ethnic basis. Caste based exemption of
incometax should be abolished forthwith

It is a sad day for India and Andhra Pradesh
by Ravish Kumar on 10 Dec 2009
It is easy to divide people. It is harder, yet more rewarding to be
together. Tomorrow each district in Telangana can demand a separation
in its own interests. Yet, people who benefit from such divisions are
politicians who can get to power easier this way. This will just start
a can of worms where politicians wanting power can demand a separation
from a particular state by dividing people on caste, religion, region,
or whatever the basis of division could be. Also, remember that this
division can keep going on until the reminder is one (1) i.e every man/
woman for themselves. What is difficult - yet more rewarding - is
working together for common good. It is a pity and I hope common sense
prevails at the end. Gandhi's principles and philisophy are more
relevant today than ever before.

Manage the creation of telangANa carefully for the benefit and growth
of all regions
by Sudhakar on 10 Dec 2009
Now that the the telangANA people's hopes have been ignited the
separation need to be managed carefully. One issue is the investments
everybody made in Hyderabad region and this need to be protected. For
some time at least Hyderabad's status has to be maintained for a
smooth transition. Perhaps after 20 years or so it can be ceded to
telangANa. Hope by that time several other regions will be as
developed as Hyderabad is today and nobody would even notice. Every
citizen should be able to invest any where in India and those
investments need to be protected by the goverments. Hope this way all
regions will develop more sustainably than a concentration which is
eventually unsustainable.

AP should not be divided
by G.Raghuram on 10 Dec 2009
Atleast for once our esteemed MPs and MLAs have spoken in one voice
that they are not for the division of Andhra Pradesh. This is the view
of the people of Andhra Pradesh too. Mr.KCR does not have the good of
the people of AP or Telengana in mind. What he has in mind is his
ambition of becoming the chief minister of a state. Is the division of
AP the only solution to promote the development of Telengana region.
It is not so. The development of Telengana region can be promoted with
it being in AP itself. Let Mr.KCR work in this direction if he has the
good of the Telengana people in mind. If the Telengana state is
created it will set in a bad precedent and politicians will start
demanding the creation of new states just to further their political

Jai Telugu Jai Telugu Rastram
by Karteek on 10 Dec 2009
Dear friends, please understand, The great Potti Sri ramulu gave us
this state from Tamil Nadu not to fight amongst ourselves. We are
Telugu people and we need to be together. United as one. Let it be
Srikakulam or Nizamabad or Anantapur or Chittor, Andhra Pradesh - is a
telugu rastram and remember, "Desha bashalandu Telugu lessa". Dont
make a fun of our own people. There are other issues related to
development which needs to be sorted out. They need to be done by
means of Grama swarajyam. Fight against our own brothers is bad. Jai
Hind. Jai Telugu. Jai Andhra Pradesh. Maa telugu talli ki malle
poodanda.. Maa kanna talli ki mangala harathulu...

National parties don't know
by M.Krishna on 10 Dec 2009
Sonia gandhi has not taken considerations of three regions and
political leaders opinion,it's unilateral decision.Many Andhra,Seema
people settled in Hyderabd and they contributed a lot in Hyderabd
development.Who is she to take decisio sitting in Delhi,how can she do
andhrapradesh division,Did she know Telugu speking people sentiments.

Sonia should go back to Italy
by satish on 10 Dec 2009
India has lost freedom and independence the second time. Could not
find a leader in 1.2 billion people ? Should we import from Italy ?

C.M. Chandrasekhar
by Akhtar Hussain Kapadia on 10 Dec 2009
M. Channa Reddy, launched violent Telangana agitation in 1971 in which
over 400 people were killed in police firing, & assurance was given by
Congress if he gives up agaitation, would be made CM in future. When
Channa Reddy became CM of Andhra Pradesh, the same people asked now
for Telangana State and Channa Reddy silenced his critics by a magic
wand. Hence,Congress should not worry now, and repeat history, by
assuring Chandrasekhar Rao to be near-future CM and the ruckus will be
all over. I beleive that creation of any further states will lead to
dis-integration of India, and is not in the interest of the Great
Nation. Oh! God, save my BHARAT MATA from selfish politicians.


...and I am Sid Harth
Sid Harth
2009-12-12 18:09:23 UTC
Telengana fuels separate state demand for Jammu

Dinesh Manhotra

Jammu, December 11: Encouraged by the proposal of the Union Government
to carve out a separate state for Telengana region out of Andhra
Pradesh, the pro-Jammu parties here have decided to intensify the
ongoing struggle for re-organisation of the state.

Although various organisations have been demanding statehood for Jammu
region for the last 20 years, the mainstream political parties are
hesitant to come out openly in support. National Panthers Party (NPP)
of Prof Bhim Singh had raised the issue of re-organisation of Jammu
and Kashmir in 2002, but since the elections the party has not
effectively taken up this issue.

The Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh had constituted the Jammu State Morcha
(JSM) in 2001 to start a struggle in favour of statehood for Jammu
region, but the demand was strongly opposed by BJP at that time. All
organisations supporting the demand of statehood for Jammu were
included in the Morcha, but due to indifferent attitude of the BJP
leaders the RSS was ultimately forced to disband the Morcha.
Subsequently, some pro-Jammu organisation constituted the Jammu State
Morcha Progressive (JSM-P) to continue the struggle.

“The decision of the Centre to create a separate state for Telengana
region has given us inspiration to intensify our ongoing struggle,”
said Dr Varinder Gupta, chairman of the JSM-P. He added that his
organisation had convened an emergency meeting to discuss the latest

Gupta, who has been spearheading the agitation for statehood of Jammu
since 1990, said the aspirations of the people of this region would be
fulfilled only after a separate state is created. “Our case is strong
as compared to Telengana because Jammu region is culturally,
politically and geographically different from Kashmir,” he argued.

Dr Gupta lambasted BJP and Congress for adopting double standards on
this demand. “On the one hand these two national parties have been
advocating smaller states, but on the other they are opposing
statehood for Jammu,” he said.

MLA Bishnah, Ashwani Sharma, who has won two successive assembly
elections on statehood plank, also termed Telengana development as
encouraging. “This development has boosted our morale to intensify our
struggle against injustice and discrimination,” he said.

[The Tribune, India]

Posted on 12 Dec 2009 by Webmaster


...and I am Sid Harth
2009-12-12 21:14:28 UTC
Telangana decision taken keeping in mind turmoil there: Congress
PTI Saturday, December 12, 2009 20:09 IST

New Delhi: Congress today distanced itself from Andhra Pradesh chief
minister K Rosaiah's attack on Union home minister P Chidambaram over
the issue of creation of a separate Telangana, maintaining that the
decision was taken keeping in mind the turmoil in the region.

The AICC also attacked Uttar Pradesh chief minister Mayawati over her
demand for carving out two separate states - Harit Pradesh and
Bundelkhand from UP - saying she should have got a resolution passed
for it from the state assembly if she was serious on it.

"Chidamabaram's announcement was made at a time when there was turmoil
in the Telgana region over the demand for a separate state, and in
wake of the the continuing fast-unto-death of TRS chief K
Chandrsekhara Rao," party spokesperson Shakeel Ahmad said adding,
"There was a fear that some untoward incident may take place."

He was replying to a question on remarks of Rosaiah, who said he was
astonished, surprised and anguished by Chidambaram's statement on
initiating steps for creation of a new state.

"I feel that the government at that time did not anticipate that this
type of reaction would erupt in coastal Andhra and Rayalseema over the
announcement for Telangana's creation," he said when it was pointed
out that government's announcement has virtually put Andhra Pradesh on
the boil.

The Congress leader's remark came at a time when anti-Telangana
protests are continuing in the coastal Andhra and Rayalseema regions
of the state for last two days against the bifurcation move.

Ahmad said that Congress is "concerned" over the incidents in both the
regions and keeping a close watch on the developments.

He, at the same time, maintained that the Centre sticks to its stand
on the creation of Telangana, but added, "The resolution will have to
be passed by the state assembly there.

That will be the first step. The Centre will make any further move
only after that."

To a question whether Hyderabad will remain with Andhra Pradesh if
separate Telangana is carved out, Ahmad said, "There are different
views about it, and the government will have to take a decision as per
consensus if separate Telangana is formed."

He also attacked the opposition for criticising Congress' handling of
the situation saying, "The opposition is not talking responsibly" over
the issue.

Asked about Mayawati's demand for creation of Harit Pradesh and
Bundelkhand, the Congress leader said, "If she is really concerned
about making Bundelkhand and Harit Pradesh separate states, she should
have first got a resolution passed in the assembly, instead of writing
to the prime minister on it. States are not created by writing

"Mayawati thinks people in Bundelkhand would be elated with her
statement and this would give her some political advantage in
elections," he said asking, "If anybody is not capable of becoming
chief minister of the entire UP, should its parts be separated?"


...and I am Sid Harth
2009-12-12 21:16:14 UTC
Telangana crisis: BJP blames Congress, Telugu Desam Party
Saturday, December 12, 2009 14:55 IST Email

Hyderabad: The Andhra BJP today held ruling Congress and Telugu Desam
Party (TDP) responsible for the present political crisis in the state
following the decision to carve out separate Telangana.

"TDP had supported separate statehood before polls, but now it has
taken a 'U' turn after the Centre's announcement to initiate the
process for formingTelangana," BJP spokesperson N Ramachandra Rao told
reporters here.

Rao also accused Congress for creating hurdles in the smooth formation
of Telangana and said the ruling party should have moved a bill in the
state assembly as demanded by BJP to avoid this kind of political

"Creation of smaller states aim at good governance and development,
and not animosity between people of two regions," he said. Rao said
that the party's state office bearers meeting is being held today to
take stock of the current political situation in the state and chalk
out the further course of action as it has been favouring separate
statehood for Telangana region.

BJP party chief Bandaru Dattatreya and state affairs in-charge Prakash
Javdekar will also be attending the meet along with office bearers
from coastal Andhra and Rayalaseema regions.


...and I am Sid Harth
2009-12-12 21:18:57 UTC
T-20 resignations rock Andhra Pradesh
KV Ramana & Agencies / DNA
Sunday, December 13, 2009 2:30 IST

Hyderabad: Even as Andhra Pradesh plunged into a political crisis
following the mass resignations by 138 MLAs belonging to Andhra and
Rayalaseema regions, 20 ministers from non-Telangana areas decided to
submit their resignations to the chief minister K Rosaiah.

All these ministers met in a hotel on Saturday to arrive at a
collective decision. After an hour-long meeting, three ministers --
revenue minister Dharmana Prasada Rao, endowments minister Gade Venkat
Reddy and housing minister Shilpa Mohan Reddy -- were chosen to convey
the message to Rosaiah. According to sources, Rosaiah has asked the
ministers to reconsider their decision, and threatened that he too
would take an extreme decision if the ministers decide to quit.

"We're under pressure from our MLAs and people of the region to
protest the creation of Telangana. We have decided to quit," said
municipal administration minister Anam Ramanarayana Reddy.

Rosaiah's cabinet has 33 ministers, besides him. Of these, 12 are from
Telangana and 21 are from Andhra and Rayalaseema regions. While
Telangana's 119 MLAs, including the 12 ministers, are still with the
government, those from the other regions have been tendering their
resignations over the last three days.

Meanwhile, agitation in Rayalaseema and Andhra regions turned violent
as demonstrators
took to the streets to protest the Centre's decision in favour of a
Telangana state.

Students of Andhra Univeristy were lathi-charged as they tried to
stone buses and private vehicles. There were violent incidents across
the state and about 47 people have been arrested so far across
Rayalaseema and Andhra. Unlike in the Telangana agitation, the
protestors in Rayalaseema and Andhra regions are targeting business

While protestors damaged the HSBC BPO facility in Vizag on Friday,
demonstrators in Nellore attacked an export-oriented shoe making
facility of Apache, a Korean company.

There were similar attacks on various business establishments across
these two regions.

Telangana Rashtra Samiti (TRS) chief K Chandrasekhara Rao (KCR),
meanwhile, said there was no question of going back on a separate
Telangana state, and added that the protests in other regions against
it were stage-managed and sponsored by vested interests who had
invested money and acquired lands illegally in Hyderabad.

KCR said he trusted the UPA chairperson Sonia Gandhi and Prime
Minister Manmohan Singh to take the necessary measures for formation
of the state. "I have a lot of faith in Sonia Gandhi. And Manmohan
Singhji, who is at the helm of affairs today, is a fairly good person.
Having made an announcement on behalf of the Government of India, it
is up to them to solve the problem," Rao said, adding that he has been
invited to New Delhi for talks.

The entire resignations drama is also troubling N Chandrababu Naidu.
While about 45 TDP MLAs from non-Telangana regions have already put in
their papers, the Telangana MLAs too are now threatening to quit, in
protest againt the change in the TDP leadership's stand on supporting
Telangana. The MLAs, according to sources, have already informed Naidu
that the party should go ahead and support Telangana.


...and I am Sid Harth
2009-12-12 21:21:04 UTC
'Telangana state will get water for my crops'
Rajen Nair / DNA
Sunday, December 13, 2009 1:46 IST

Hyderabad: I am a farmer from Wardhannapet, in Telangana's Warangal
district. I own about 16 acres, out of which I grow Bt cotton on 10
acres and paddy in the rest.

When I was in my teens, I gave up schooling to help my father in the
field. In 1969, when I was in my mid-20s, I joined the farmers'
agitation for a separate Telengana state. I can never forget the
incident in which 360 people, mostly farmers and students, were killed
in police firing. Some farmers from my village lost their lives, and
their families lost their only bread-earners. I was arrested and had
to spend one week in the jail. Sometimes, the police would pick me up
from my house and leave me in the middle of dense forest, at the mercy
of wild animals.

I am elated that our long-lasting demand for a separate Telangana
state is going to be fulfilled. Right now, as a farmer I face
innumerable problems, but the major ones are water scarcity for
irrigation and lack of power.

Warangal and other places of Telangana are drought-prone areas, with
scanty annual rainfall. Farmers here have always faced water shortage
for irrigation. I have to depend on water from my bore well and from
tanks located in our villages. We have to dig the bore well up to 200
feet to source water. There are about 200 bore wells in our village
and four tanks in our district, all built during the Nizam period. But
due to scanty rainfall, the water in these tanks is not sufficient to
take care of the irrigation. Some of our water therefore comes from a
feeder line connected to Korvi river, which is 10 km from our village.

Some 150 km away is the Godavari River, and the Devadula lift
irrigation project. Water from the Godavari is supposed to flow to our
village through underground pipes, but it does not reach us as it gets
consumed by other drought-prone areas in Telangana. The Andhra
government has done nothing to sort out this problem. The Telangana
state, when formed, will have to address this problem, so that the
farmers of Warangal benefit from the Devadula project

The multi-purpose Nagararjuna Sagar Dam is situated on River Krishana
in Nalgonda district. It has two channels through which water is
distributed, one connected to Telangana and another to Andhra. The
Telangana share of the water is only 25 per cent, whereas Andhra gets
75 per cent of the water. I am sure that once Telangana becomes a
separate state, our share of water will increase.

Though AP boasts of major irrigation projects, sadly, the people in
Telangana do not reap the benefits. I would expect the new government
of Telangana to redress this inequality in distribution of water.

After 40 years of struggle, at last our dreams of a separate state of
Telangana is going to be fulfilled and I hope there will be no more


...and I am Sid Harth
2009-12-12 21:24:21 UTC
Gouravam for all
Sunday, December 13, 2009 1:44 IST

Hyderabad: Twenty six years ago in Andhra Pradesh, NT Rama Rao (NTR)
unseated a firmly-rooted Congress on the plank of 'Atma Gouravam' or
'self-respect' of Telugu people. It could not be more ironic that the
people of Telangana, who helped NTR win the election, were soon
reminded of their subjugation by a people who speak the same language.
It was a random remark in the Assembly by the then Speaker Yanamala
Ramakrishnudu, that the word Telangana was not to be uttered on the
floor of the House, that revived their sense of betrayal and push for

"The 1969 movement for a separate state was spontaneous, based on
discontent over backwardness. It was only in the 1980s and 90s that
the conceptual work was done.

Newly-evoked literary works and music helped form a Telanganism," says
Narayana Allam, member of the Joint Action Committee on Telangana.
This cultural identity for the region also became the basis for
seeking statehood, as a permanentremedy for the backwardness
perpetuated by successive governments.


Had the Mulki Rule, the Six-Point Formula or the GO 610 (which,
ironically, was issued by a non-Telangana chief minister NTR) -- all
guaranteeing preferential representation for the people of Telangana
in jobs -- been implemented in time and in their true spirit, the
regional imbalances would never have become such a big issue.

"Irrigation is one of our major grievances. In spite of major
catchment areas of Krishna and Godavari being in Telangana, the region
has been meted out a raw deal," explains Professor K Jaya Shankar,
Telangana Rashtra Samiti (TRS) ideologue. "Plus education, industries,
and jobs, of course. Out of the about 15 lakh jobs in the government
establishments in the state, those occupied by Telanganas is less than
3 lakh."

"And if Jalyagnam (a massive irrigation project launched by YSR) is
implemented, Telangana will lose its share in the river water
permanently," adds Prof M Kodandaram, president of the Telangana Forum
for Educated People.

"It is tragic that the Telangana people were really unaware of these
inequities and discrimination until recently when some intellectuals
started pointing out historical errors in policies. Those from Andhra
bought out the fertile belts in agricultural lands along the
irrigation canals and constantly harangued the Telangana people as
being lazy with Nawabi ways. This led to a build-up of anger that we
are ill-treated in our own land," says Allam.

The attitude of the Telugu film industry, which shifted base from
Chennai to Hyderabad after NTR came to power, compounded this sense of
humiliation. The industry, comprising almost entirely of coastal
Andhras, from artistes to producers, stereo-typified the villains in
Telugu films as belonging to Telangana. The bad men have been depicted
as speaking in Telangana slang, and as imbeciles who invariably get
out-smarted by those from the coastal region. This continued in spite
of several protests, and in spite of the fact that the Telangana
region has produced one out of the only two Gyanpeeth award winners
from the state -- the poet Dr Narayana Reddy who also happens to be a
popular film lyricist!

Added to this was the unwritten rule in all media publications that
slang from Telangana, or for that matter Rayalaseema, was taboo and
Telugu from the districts of Krishna and Guntur was the preferred
language for both newspapers and electronic media.

It was in reaction to this milieu that a cultural rebellion spread
through Telangana, leading to ostentatious celebration of essentially
Telangana festivals like Bathukamma and Bonalu and a revival of
literary works. Sometime last year, a district unit of the TRS,
'counseled' hoteliers to drop Andhra foods such as Idli Sambar from
their menus and add Telangana foods such as Jonna Roti and Ragi
Sankati. Lord Venkateswara and Durga were branded 'Andhra gods'
although hotels were allowed to continue using their names on

The fight for a social and cultural identity dovetailed into a demand
for inclusive development, and of just representation in jobs, called
'koluvulu' in Telangana Telugu. The latest flashpoint for koluvulu
came during the recent police recruitment in Hyderabad.

And yet, no one was more surprised than the Telangana agitators at the
sudden and unexpected yielding of the Congress party at the Centre.
While opinions vary, the popular perception is that it was the student
unrest that spread to the rural areas, as much as the fasting K
Chandrasekhara Rao's (KCR) sinking condition, that prompted the

Interestingly enough, most of the Telangana activists do not give much
credit to either TRS or to its leader's fast-unto-death. "Yes, he did
act as one of the triggers but we are sure it was the populist turn to
the agitation that got us this victory," says Rajesh Kota, a key
leader of the students' Joint Action Committee.

It's not without reason that the people are skeptical about the TRS.
KCR, a man who was first attracted to the NTR's TDP and continued in
Chandra Babu Naidu's TDP, has shown a propensity to resort to dramatic
attempts to revive his fortunes whenever he is in dumps. Generally
believed to have started TRS on the rebound after he was denied a
ministerial berth under Naidu, KCR led a resignation drama last year
by TRS leaders, leading to by-elections with just a few months to go
for the 2009 general elections.

Neither then nor in this year's general elections did TRS impress
people and its strength has been significantly reduced.

His repeated threats and lofty statements about bringing governments
down to their knees made even some of the Telangana people look at him
with cynicism. So much so that TV visuals of an emaciated KCR in
hospital notwithstanding, some people remarked rather uncharitably
that he is probably enacting another drama.

"TRS is now a party without a strong organisational structure. Unless
they get their act together, there is little chance that the party can
play a significant governing role in the new state," feels Allam.


But it has to be acknowledged that his fast-unto-death, a calculated
but risky strategy, paid off. The timing of the fast was crucial given
that Andhra Pradesh was in a limbo after YS Rajasekhara Reddy's sudden
death. Rosaiah's government had just weathered a storm in the shape of
ferocious advocacy from many MLAs and ministers for making YS Jagan
Mohan Reddy 'Jagan', son of the late YSR, the chief minister. TRS
recognised the opportunity to strike.

But the question remains if the Congress will carry through with its
promise. "We are prepared to deal with any let-down and we have plans
for a continuing student movement like that of the All Assam Students
Union, with student unions from all the universities in the region
coming together. We will take the fight out of the campus. But we want
to be not just fighters but future politicians and policy-makers for
our state," says Rajesh Kota.

Not surprisingly, these developments have sent shockwaves through the
people from coastal areas living and doing business in Telangana.
While almost all the nine districts have a significant 'settler'
population, with districts like Nizamabad at the top, it is Hyderabad,
the proposed capital of Telangana, which obviously rankles the most.

Telangana activists can't imagine a state without Hyderabad. "It is
like a body without the head," says Gaddar, the revolutionary
balladeer. Hyderabad has been the fountainhead of many a righteous
battle in the region for the past so many decades, he points out.

Hyderabad is a major IT destination; it's the pharma and bio-tech
capital of the country, and hosts some of the best educational
institutions. About 30 major, 300 medium and more than 1,000 small
organisations related to information technology and IT-enabled
services, are located in the city. Plus, there is a significant
representation of people from the coastal and Rayalaseema regions.
Even in cricket, the Hyderabad Ranji team for decades now has
presented a cosmopolitan picture. The latest Hyderabadi to win the
India Test cap, Pragyan Ojha, is actually from Orissa.

As a cosmopolitan metro, the city absorbed everyone, from Andhra
businessmen to thousands from northern India in the IT sector.
Hyderabad got and still attracts the best of investments, and
contributes about 30 per cent of the revenue to the exchequer.

So, for the non-Telanganas owning properties in Hyderabad, there are
strong material and emotional attachments that make it hard to
envisage an Andhra without Hyderabad. "I have lived here for 15 years
and my heart is here. This is home," says Sridhar Murthy, who is a
native of Visakhapatnam. But, "civil war" is the consequence that the
government would face if Hyderabad is separated from Telangana, warns
Prof Jayashankar.

What are the other complicating factors for Telangana? Caste equations
which saw many a battle between the dominant, land-owning Velamas,
Reddys and others in Telangana may be a factor but may not be too
threatening as "we have seen worse with the Andhra caste hegemony,"
according to Rakesh Dubbudu, an RTI activist. NTR did change caste
equations significantly bringing in more BC leaders, thus correcting
some of the imbalances in AP politics due to the Kamma-Reddy
domination, and the move benefited Telangana as well.

There will be other changes. The ownership of media, for instance, is
entirely with Andhras, and it remains to be seen how they will relate
to a Telangana state's sentiments. Even the film industry will have to
change its line, given the huge stakes in Hyderabad with mammoth
infrastructure built up in the last three decades.


...and I am Sid Harth
2009-12-12 21:26:20 UTC
No domino effect: Pranab
Sumanta Ray Chaudhuri / DNA
Sunday, December 13, 2009 2:24 IST

Kolkata: The Union finance minister, Pranab Mukherjee, on Saturday
ruled out the possibility of the Union government succumbing to all
demands for separate state that have been mushrooming in the Telangana

"The Telangana movement is a 60-year-old movement. There is no
question or justification to equate other statehood demands with that
of Telangana. Though there can be movements in support of the demand
for separate statehood elsewhere, it does not mean that the Union
government will succumb to all such demands." Mukherjee said at a
programme at Barasat in North 24 Parganas district here on Saturday.

Commenting on Telangana-specific issues, Mukherjee said that the Union
home minister, P Chidambaram has already stated that there are various
stages in the formation of a new state. "These are just the
preliminary stages," he added

"A state has to express its views because the President would like to
know it before recommending a Bill to be considered in Parliament,"
Mukherjee added.

Rubbishing any "domino effect" in this regard, the Union finance
minister categorically said that the UPA government's decision to look
into the demand for a separate Telangana state to be carved out of
Andhra Pradesh, doesn't mean it has agreed to demands from other
states too.

As regards to the Gorkha Janamukti Morcha (GJM) movement for a
separate Gorkhaland state, Mukherjee said that GJM has already placed
its demands before Chidambaram. "Their demands will be placed in the
Rajya and the Lok Sabha. If it is passed in the lower house, only then
will their demands will be placed before the President of India,
Pratibha Patil. However, these are quite long-drawn-affairs and cannot
take place overnight," he said.


...and I am Sid Harth
2009-12-12 21:28:07 UTC
How about 58 states?
Malini Nair / DNA
Sunday, December 13, 2009 1:48 IST

Hyderabad: Pin the following on the political map of India: Bhilistan,
Bhagelkhand, Kongunad, Rarh, Bisht Doab, Desh...Stumped? Here is where
you will find them: on a radical map of India redrawn by eminent
social scientist Rasheedudin Khan way back in 1973.

In a startling piece titled 'The Regional Dimension' published in
Seminar then, Khan had argued that India should be divided into more
manageable 'socio-cultural sub-regions ' instead of sticking to just
broad linguistic divisions. Thus, there would then be two Punjabi-
speaking states, three Telugu-speaking ones, (Rayalaseema, apart from
Telangana and Andhra), around 20 Hindi-speaking, and so on. Ideally,
he argued, India should have 58 states, each marked by "maximum
homogeneity within and maximum identity without."

Predictably, the idea remained an intellectual exercise. But in view
of the Telangana debate, it's worth taking another look at Khan's
seemingly outrageous suggestions.

Homogeneity, he said, should be established on these counts: language/
dialect, community composition, ethnic regions, demographic features,
area contiguity, cultural pattern, economy and economic life,
historical antecedents, political background and psychological make-

On every count, say Telangana agitators, their demand for a separate
state is viable. "We are a separate entity. There is nothing we share
with Andhra -- geography, history, language, culture, environment,
food habits, even our gods are different," says Pasham Yadagiri of the
Telangana Aaikya Kaaryacharana Committee. "We can be carved out
without any ado since the Fazal Ali State Reorganisation Commission
(SRC) had suggested the formation of a separate Telangana state way
back in 1956."

Those who have been studying India's federal structure say there is
very little reason to fear that further division of Indian states will
lead to the disintegration of its polity. The Constitution stayed
supple on the subject of creation of further states precisely because
the minds behind it foresaw demands for recognition of smaller
regional identities in future decades. Hence the provision for
baptising a state without an amendment. But what's crucial, they
caution, is to act before the demand for a state snowballs into a
terrible crisis, as the Telangana agitation has.

"The Centre has always believed that the recognition of regional
identities weakens the national identity and opens up some kind of a
Pandora's Box. That is not true. In my calculation even if all the
regional groups clamouring for statehood got what they wanted, we
would still have no more than 35 states. This is not some bottomless
pit," says Prof Balveer Arora of the Centre for Social Sciences,
Jawaharlal Nehru University, who specialises in centre-state relations
in India.

The demand to split states to ensure greater administrative efficiency
is not new. Way back in 1956, KM Panikkar, a member of the SRC, had in
a note of dissent pointed out the unwieldiness of the state of Uttar
Pradesh and the need to divide it for administrative efficiency.
Today, the current Congress-led government is leaning towards autonomy
for the poverty-stricken Bundelkhand region that UP and Madhya Pradesh
share. And following the Centre's capitulation on Telangana, there
have been louder demands for Harit Pradesh and further divisions of

"The record of smaller states like Punjab, Haryana and Himachal
Pradesh shows that states with smaller geographical area have
progressed better," says economist Dr Guljit Arora, author of
Globalisation, Federalism And Decentralisation: Implications For
Supporters of the Telangana movement say their demand is not just an
emotional outpouring but one based on very real issues, primary being
the use/misuse of its rich resources to feed the rest of Andhra while
its own districts remain starved of development. Unlike the 1969
agitation led by Chenna Reddy which revolved around the issue of
locals versus outsiders, this one, they say, is based on the mass-
based grievance that Telangana has been 'colonised' by Andhra.

"We have five rivers like Punjab does, so why are we not the Punjab of
the south?

Adilabad and Mahboobnagar are full of doabs, so why are lakhs of
people migrating out in search of employment elsewhere? Policies,
decisions -- nothing favours us in the current dispensation," says

UPA-I had come to power with the help of TRS and the promise of a
separate TRS. It dragged its feet on the promise, and it continued to
do so till the current agitation blew up in its face.

"UPA-II could have been proactive in approach. But all along they just
sat and hoped that the crisis would somehow go away on its own. Now,
by relenting under pressure, they have proved that extreme pressure
tactics is the only way to get the government to listen. This is
precisely why Vidarbha is not getting any attention: it just does not
have any political muscle," says Balveer Arora.


...and I am Sid Harth
2009-12-12 21:43:15 UTC
The birth of many states has been bloody
Sidharth Bhatia
Sunday, December 13, 2009 1:02 IST

Among political pundits and observers of the national scene, there is
a consensus emerging on the decision by the UPA government to grant
the demand for Telangana statehood. There is a virtual unanimity on
the view that Sonia Gandhi, president of the Congress has shot herself
in the foot. After her carefully calibrated handling of political
matters over the last few years she has finally faltered and made a
monumental mistake.

This error of judgment, say the wise ones, is on the same scale as
Rajiv Gandhi's decision to get the lock on the Babri Masjid opened or
intervening in the Shah Bano case and has the same potential to create
long term problems for the party as well as the country. Sonia Gandhi,
she of the inner voice and fine political acumen has shown she is
human after all.

Though the decision was handed down by the government, there is little
doubt that it was Sonia who was behind it. She was apparently
unconvinced by the pleas of her representatives from the other regions
of Andhra Pradesh not to give in to the blackmail of T Chandrashekhar
Rao whose hunger strike was causing sleepless nights to the local
administration. TCR is a known maverick who in the past was with the
Telugu Desam and even allied with the Congress, leaving when the late
Y S Reddy backtracked on the Telangana demand after committing to it.
But TCR's own position within his flock is tenuous and he is by no
means a major folk hero with the people of Telangana. Many observers
have argued that he would have been happy with an assurance of a
committee to study the demands and at best table a resolution on the
floor of the Andhra Pradesh assembly. This is the oldest trick in the
Indian political and administrative book--appoint one more committee
and buy time, hoping that in the end the matter fizzles out.

The history of the putative Telangana state is filled with such
tactics. Right from the time that it was dragged into the the unified
Andhra Pradesh state the people of the region have been fobbed off
with one assurance after another. As far back as the 1960s Telangana
was a hot button issue and if it had become dormant over the years,
with intermittent outbursts of violence, it was because the Congress
co-opted all its known leaders one after the other.

But the problem simmered on. Contrary to what is assumed, the fight
for a separate state is not because of merely a cultural assertion of
identity, but because the region strongly thinks it has been
shortchanged by politicians from other parts. Lack of development is
the key grievance here.

Some analysts have pointed out that governments should not give in to
the politics of blackmail. That would be true in an ideal world. But
right from the time when Andhra Pradesh was formed because Potti
Sriramulu went on a fatal hunger strike, violence has become the only
currency that works. Next May we will celebrate the 60th anniversary
of the formation of Maharashtra. Homage will be paid to the martyrs of
the Samyukta Maharashtra movement, who have a monument at Flora
Fountain commemorating their sacrifice. They died fighting for the
formation of the state and for the inclusion of Bombay city in
Maharashtra though Gujarat could have laid a claim to it too. Six
decades later both states are prospering.

The people of the new Telangana state, as and when it will be formed,
will see TCR and others as martyrs. The rest of the country is shocked
at the sporadic violence that is breaking out all over Andhra Pradesh;
the reaction is natural. The bigger "fear" is that there will be
demands for more such states all over the country. The spectre of the
Balkanisation of India looms; it is a ghost that has never really gone
away from the recesses of the Indian mind ever since the nation-state
was formed.

Should we be mortally scared that the country will break up? Are
scores of small states are surefire recipe for a future disaster? Will
the centre hold? These were the fears expressed even when the
linguistic states were formed, much against Jawaharlal Nehru's wishes.
If anything the Indian state has emerged stronger. Many small states
have sprung up after the first reorganisation--some, like Uttaranchal
have found their feet, others like Jharkhand have proved to be
failures. There is no one size fits all theory.

As for Sonia Gandhi, we do not know what her calculations were.
History could show that she took a hasty call; on the other hand she
may have finally decided to put a halt to the "death by committee"
route and finally taken a long-pending decision. It can never be a win-
win situation. But one way or the other, we can be sure that the
formation of the state of Telangana, whenever it does happen, does not
spell the end of India as we know it even if there is blood on the
streets today.


...and I am Sid Harth
2009-12-13 03:51:08 UTC
Protests against Indian state split
Published Date: 13 December 2009
By Omer Farooq in Hyderabad

STREET demonstrations and violence prompted the resignation of 20
government ministers yesterday in protest over India's decision to
carve a new state out of its southern region of Andhra Pradesh.
Trouble erupted after a surprise move by the federal government this
week when they capitulated to an 11-day hunger strike by a senior
politician, K Chandrasekhara Rao, who demanded the creation of the new
state, Telangana.

The 20 ministers who resigned say they want prime minister Manmohan
Singh to reverse the decision to divide the state.

Almost 150 politicians have stepped down over the past two days from
the state legislature.

"We want Andhra Pradesh state to remain united," said Ramanarayana
Reddy, one of the resigned ministers.

Rao has responded by saying, "there will be no turning back on

Supporters of the new state have complained their area in the north
was underdeveloped and ignored by powerful politicians from southern
Andhra Pradesh. Demands for a separate state have erupted sporadically
since the 1950s.

Protesters burned or damaged 25 buses and other vehicles and disrupted
train and bus services yesterday. Shops, businesses and schools were
closed for the day, a police statement said.

Three major towns – Anantapur, Chittoor and Nellore – were hit by the
violence. The region affected is about 250 miles south of Hyderabad,
the state capital, which lies in Telengana.

The federal government's decision has given hope to ethnic minority
groups across India who have pushed for states of their own, including
in the remote northeast, where separatist demands often boil over into

Last Updated: 12 December 2009 8:05 PM
Source: Scotland On Sunday
Location: Scotland


...and I am Sid Harth
2009-12-13 04:20:18 UTC
Statehood for Vidarbha demand by BJP post Telangana

Saturday, December 12, 2009, 5:09

Telangana gives thrust to demand for Vidarbha; BJP, Shiv Sena at odds
on statehood for Vidarbha

The Central Government’s green-signal to form the Telangana state out
of Andhra Pradesh has led to the revival of the demand for a separate
state of Vidarbha to be carved out of Maharashtra.

Interestingly, this demand for a Vidarbha state has brought to the
surface the sharp differences of opinion in the Opposition Shiv Sena-
BJP alliance in Maharashtra, which is now ruled by the Congress-led

While the state-level leaders of the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) are
unanimous in favouring the long-standing demand for a separate
Vidarbha, leaders of the Shiv Sena strongly oppose “splitting” of

The relations between and the BJP and the Shiv Sena have already been
strained because of what the Shiv Sena leaders believe is the BJP’s
desire to bring the Maharashtra Navnirman Sena (MNS), led by Raj
Thackeray, into the Opposition alliance.

Subhash Desai, senior leader of the Shiv Sena, told reporters that the
party is opposed to a separate state of Vidarbha and stressed that the
development of the Vidarbha region is quite possible even if the
region stays as a part of Maharashtra state.

Desai emphasized that the Shiv Sena will never support the creation of
Vidarbha, adding that the party’s supremo Bal Thackeray believes in
‘Sanyukta Maharashtra’ (a united Maharashtra) and the party will not
allow Maharashtra “to be broken into two parts.”

Meanwhile, Vilas Muttemwar, Congress leader and Member of Parliament
from Nagpur, has written to Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and Congress
president Sonia Gandhi demanding that the Central Government should
intervene in forming a separate Vidarbha state.

The demand for a separate Vidarbha state, Vilas Muttemwar pointed out
in his letter, is over 50 years old and that the demand has always
come up for discussion at the meetings of the State Reorganisation
Commission. The several requests made before the State Reorganisation
Commission have so far been in vain, he added.

Devendra Fadnavis, of the BJP, and the MLA from south-west Nagpur,
said the BJP, which had always supported the struggle for a separate
Telangana, will now fight for the creation of Vidarbha.

Fadnavis alleges that various governments in Maharashtra have
neglected the development of the Vidarbha region and also that the
natural resources of Vidarbha are being over-exploited, besides the
region suffering from backwardness and unemployment.

According to Eknath Khadse, Leader of the Opposition in the
Maharashtra Assembly, the BJP has always supported formation of
smaller states and cited as examples the states of Jharkhand,
Chhattisgarh and Uttarakhand.

Khadse said he will write to the Central Government requesting it to
speed up the process of forming the state of Vidarbha, which will,
according to him, bring relief to hundreds of thousands of people now
residing in the Vidarbha region.

Nitin Gadkari, Maharashtra state president of the BJP, who also hails
from the Vidarbha region, said a decision to back the struggle for the
state of Vidarbha had been taken at the national level of the party.
The BJP, Gadkari asserted, will make “every effort” to make the
Central Government to agree to the party’s demand for Vidarbha, adding
that, “after Telangana, it will certainly be Vidarbha.”

Ranjit Deshmukh, former president of the Maharashtra Pradesh Congress
Committee (MPCC), has announced that he will appeal to all political
leaders in the Vidarbha region to strive to gain a Vidarbha state.


...and I am Sid Harth
2009-12-13 09:57:34 UTC
Demand for separate Vidarbha gaining momentum
Sunday, December 13, 2009 14:42 IST

Nagpur: The issue of separate Vidarbha has gained momentum after the
dramatic developments over Telangana issue and senior Congress MP
Vilas Muttemwar seizing the opportunity has written to the prime
minister Manmohan Singh reiterating the need for creation of separate

Giving a befitting reply to those opposing the demand, Muttemwar told
PTI that a section of leadership was against it and talk of martyrdom
of 105 persons for the cause of united Maharashtra (Samyukta
Maharashtra agitation).

But has anyone thought of 7000 farmers suicide in Vidarbha from year
2004 ? he asked. Backwardness of region has put many obstacles in the
development of the region, he said.

How long the Shiv Sena will try to emotionally blackmail the people of
Vidarbha on Marathi language issue. Vidarbha is basically in Hindi
belt and was merged with Maharashtra when the then prime minister
Nehru urged the people of the then Central Province & Berar to

There is no logic in one state -one language formula. How can you
ignore there are now more than one Hindi speaking states like Uttar
Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Bihar, Chattisgarh, Jharkhand and others,
Muttemwar said.

Creation of Telangana will result in two Telugu states. Thus, there is
nothing wrong in having two Marathi speaking states (Maharashtra and
Vidarbha), he observed.


...and I am Sid Harth
2009-12-13 10:16:43 UTC
Mayawati writes to PM, seeks creation of separate Poorvanchal
PTI Sunday, December 13, 2009 13:09 IST
Last updated: Sunday, December 13, 2009 14:27 IST

New Delhi: After demanding creation of separate Bundelkhand and
Paschimanchal states, Uttar Pradesh chief minister Mayawati today shot
off a second letter to prime minister Manmohan Singh seeking carving
out of 'Poorvanchal' comprising eastern parts of the state.

"The CM has written a letter to the prime minister Manmohan Singh
requesting him to give Centre's permission for creation of separate
Poorvanchal state and expediting the constitutional procedure in that
regard," additional cabinet secretary Vijay Shanker Pandey told
reporters here.

Favouring carving out of smaller states, Mayawati had on Friday
written to Singh seeking the Centre's consent for the creation of
separate states of Bundelkhand and western Uttar Pradesh on the lines
of demand for a Telangana state.

The state government had earlier through a letter sent in March last
year had apprised the Centre of its clear opinion on carving out a
separate Poorvanchal state, Pandey said.

"The government had also expressed its clear opinion on this issue in
the state assembly on October 31, 2007. Once the permission is
received, the state government will get a resolution for Poorvanchal
state passed in the assembly and forward it to the Centre," he said.

Pandey said that the chief minister in her letter has said that
creation of Poorvanchal was necessary for better administrative
management and keeping in mind the expectations and aspirations of the
local populace.

"The chief minister has repeatedly stated that she was in favour of
smaller states and supports creation of a separate Poorvanchal state,"
he said.


...and I am Sid Harth
2009-12-13 10:31:10 UTC
225 MLAs will vote against Telangana resolution: Rajagopal
PT ISunday, December 13, 2009 12:58 IST
Last updated: Sunday, December 13, 2009 14:20 IST

New Delhi: In an apparent bid to scuttle the move to form Telangana,
Congress MP L Rajagopal today threatened to go on a hunger strike if a
resolution favouring the separate state was not introduced in the
Andhra Pradesh Assembly, which, he claimed, will be opposed by 225

Rajagopal, the Vijayawada MP who has resigned his Lok Sabha seat, said
he would join the movement for a unified Andhra Pradesh and against
creation of Telangana.

"The UPA Government has asked the state government to move a
resolution in the Assembly. The resolution should be moved. I will
meet Chief Minister (K Rosaiah) tomorrow in this regard. If the
resolution is not moved I have decided to go on a hunger strike," he
told a press conference here.

Rajagopal claimed that the resolution favouring bifurcation of Andhra
Pradesh would be defeated on the floor of the house by not less than
225 MLAs voting against it.

"Resolution should be moved...I am saying now that more than 225 MLAs
will oppose the resolution. Even MLAs from Telangana will oppose the
formation of a separate state. All Telugu-speaking people should be
united...only some divisive people want a separate state," he said.

"The outcome of the resolution will make it clear to the country what
the real situation is. They will come to know that the Andhra people
don't want the state to be split," he said.

Rajagopal also claimed that the Ministers, who had yesterday decided
to quit, have decided to continue in office.

Rajagopal evaded a direct reply to questions whether he resigned as a
sitting member of Lok Sabha expressing opposition to the formation of
a separate state of Telangana, but said there will be "by-elections to

"There will be by-elections to Vijayawada and I have told the high
command that it should field a candidate from Telangana so that the
broadmindedness of the Andhra people will be proved," he said.

Rajagopal also made it clear that he will not contest the seat in the

The Congress leader said he had submitted his resignation in the
"right and appropriate manner" and refused to disclose the contents of
his letter to Lok Sabha Speaker Meira Kumar.

Rajagopal said all the Telugu-speaking areas of Andhra Pradesh,
including Telangana, were one and they were unified from the erstwhile
Madras and Hyderabad states on the basis of language.

"Telangana means a place that belongs to those speaking Telugu. So all
the 23 districts of Andhra are Telangana. We don't want to weaken the
Telugu-speaking state. All Telugus should remain one. Why should we
weaken ourselves and lose the bargaining power in a federal system?"
Rajagopal asked.

The Congress leader said, "Telangana was part of Hyderabad and it is
not the other way around. No one can stake claim on it. The entire
state of Andhra Pradesh belongs to us all."


...and I am Sid Harth
2009-12-13 13:02:20 UTC
Hyderabad is part of Telengana, says Maoist leader Kishenji

Updated on Sunday, December 13, 2009, 17:54 IST

Kolkata: Maoist leader Kishenji has said Hyderabad is an integral
part of Telengana region and the city should be made the capital of
the new state when it comes into being.

"Hyderabad is a part of Telengana and will stay so. There is no
question of disassociating Hyderabad from Telengana," Kishenji, who
hails from Telengana, which has a substantial Naxal presence, told a
news agency phone from an undisclosed location last evening.

Asked why there was so much controversy over Hyderabad, Kishenji said,
"It is because of some retired and existing bureaucrats who own huge
chunks of land in the Greater Hyderabad region."

"Nearly 40,000 acres of land, a large portion of which is occupied by
vineyards, are in the hands of some retired and present bureaucrats,"
Kishenji said.

The Maoist leader expressed support for creation of Telangana and
accused the Congress of "depriving" people of the region of their
legitimate rights by "backtracking" from its move to bifurcate Andhra

Battling the backlash against creation of Telangana, the ruling
Congress in Andhra Pradesh yesterday appeared to backpedal the move
with Chief Minister K Rosaiah expressing his inability to take the
first step--that of moving a state Assembly resolution.

Kishenji alleged the Congress does not want to create a separate state
of Telangana and so they are creating disturbances in the state.

This is not the first time the Congress is going back on its words,
the Maoist leader said, adding, "It had denied the people of Vidarbha
a separate state earlier."

Asked if a new state would solve the problems of the people of
Telangana, he said, "This is a 50-year-old demand. Many people have
laid down their lives for the cause. It is time the government showed
respect to it."

He said a separate Telangana state was required to protect the
culture, religion and language of the people there.



...and I am Sid Harth
2009-12-13 13:05:04 UTC
Chiranjeevi meets Rosaiah
Updated on Sunday, December 13, 2009, 18:25 IST

Hyderabad: Praja Rajyam Party president K Chiranjeevi on Sunday met
Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister K Rosaiah and asked him to take steps
for maintenance of law and order in view of on-going protests over the
Telangana issue.

"People are feeling insecure. Please consult all parties concerned and
take steps to restore normalcy in the state," Chiranjeevi said in a
memorandum handed over to the Chief Minister at his residence here.

The PRP, he said, would extend all co-operation for maintaining peace
in the state.

After meeting Rosaiah, he told reporters that 11 of his 18 party MLAs
had submitted their resignation on the issue.

Asked whether he would also follow suit, Chiranjeevi said "as a
leader I belong to all regions. Sentiments of people of all regions
are important for me. Hence, I cannot resign from my post."

The actor-politician blamed the Centre and the state government for
the current political imbroglio.

"Any decision on Telangana should be taken only after consultations
with all concerned," Chiranjeevi said.



...and I am Sid Harth
2009-12-13 13:07:34 UTC
NTR's wife resorts to hunger strike, taken into custody
Updated on Sunday, December 13, 2009, 18:32 IST

Hyderabad: Laxmi Parvathi, wife of late Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister
N T Rama Rao, was taken into custody when she resorted to relay hunger
strike in support of united state here today.

Parvathi along with her supporters began relay hunger strike near the
samadhi of N T Rama Rao near state secretariat here in protest against
Central government's announcement that process for separate Telangana
would be initiated.

She held responsible both ruling Congress party and TDP for the
present political crisis prevailing in the state.

As she sat on hunger strike raising slogans in support of united
Andhra Pradesh, Nampally police took Parvathi and her supporters into
custody and shifted them to Nampally police station, police sources



...and I am Sid Harth
2009-12-13 13:19:43 UTC
BJP against bifurcation of MP

Shivpuri (MP), Dec 13 (PTI) Taking exception to Uttar Pradesh Chief
Minister Mayawati's demand of carving out separate Bundelkhand state
out of Uttar Pradesh and Madhya Pradesh, the BJP today said it does
not want the state to be bifurcated again.

"I don't agree with BSP president Mayawati's demand," state BJP chief
Narendra Singh Tomar told reporters here.

"We don't want Madhya Pradesh to be divided again," he said, adding
that the state had already formed a separate authority for the
development of Bundelkhand.

In 2000, Chhattisgarh was carved out of Madhya Pradesh.

On discontent in his party over allotting seats in the ongoing civic
polls in the state, Tomar said BJP is a big party and wishes of all
claimants to fight election can not be fulfilled.

The discontent among party men who were denied tickets is natural, he


...and I am Sid Harth
Sid Harth
2009-12-13 16:30:32 UTC
Telangana move splits AP parties on regional lines
TNN 11 December 2009, 12:31am IST

HYDERABAD: Andhra Pradesh on Thursday plunged into a political crisis
with the Congress high command setting the ball rolling to hive off a
separate Telangana. The move split the ruling party, TDP and PRP
legislators virtually on regional lines and 93 MLAs from the three
parties and at least five MPs cutting across party lines submitted
their resignations to the respective speakers in protest against the
Telangana development. ( Watch Video )

Even as chief minister K Rosaiah feigned ignorance of the
resignations, a Cabinet meeting late in the evening saw the Andhra and
Rayalaseema ministers take on their Telangana counterparts. Rosaiah,
whose weak administration was completely caught unawares by the
accelerating fury of the Telegana campaign, watched helplessly.

"Ironically, the same ministers had earlier in the day appealed to the
Congress MLAs who resigned to take back their resignations. The
Congress move on Telangana now has the political leaders of the three
regions at daggers drawn. It's chaos, it's mayhem," one ruling party
legislator said. "I don't know why Sonia Gandhi has shot herself in
the foot," he added.

Telengana Rashtra Samiti chief K Chandrasekhar Rao, whose 11-day fast
fuelled a surge of violent sub-nationalism, sipped coconut water late
on Wednesday to end his protest but remained in hospital under medical
advice. But across Hyderabad, jubilation broke out masking the serious
political uncertainities.

Of the 93 MLAs from Andhra and Rayalaseema regions who resigned, 53
belong to the Congress, 29 to TDP and 11 to PRP. The MPs who submitted
their resignations to Lok Sabha speaker Meira Kumar were Lagadapati
Rajagopal and Ananta Venkatarama Reddy (both Cong) and M V Mysura
Reddy, Harikrishna and K Narayaswamy, all of the TDP. More MPs from
both the parties are expected to follow suit.

The backlash to creating Telangana has put Congress on the backfoot
and brought about a complete volte face by the two opposition parties
on the separate state issue. Forced to kow-tow to angry party MPs from
Andhra and Rayalaseema, Congress president Sonia Gandhi told them in
New Delhi on Thursday that all views will be taken into account before
a final decision is taken on the creation of Telangana. Late Thursday
evening, a group of 22 Congress MPs were meeting with AICC observer
Veerappa Moily to discuss a way out of the impasse that threatens to
erode Congress's hold in AP.

"If an election is held soon, the Congress will be routed in all
regions, whereas the credit for Telangana will be taken by KCR who
would have no qualms in joining the BJP. In fact, the Congress staunch
ally the MIM was also thrown in a tizzy and late at night mulling over
whether Telangana would benefit it or would an independent state of

A resolution had to be adopted by the state legislature to legally
start the separation and the impending T resolution has plunged the
opposition TDP and PRP into complete chaos. After having touted their
support for Telangana until a day earlier (in the belief that it will
never be okayed by the Congress bosses), both TDP president N
Chandrababu Naidu and PRP chief Chiranjeevi on Thursday called the
decision to press for a resolution on Telangana unilateral. "The
Congress has not taken the people who are the main stakeholders, apart
from the political leaders, into confidence before announcing its
decision on Telangana.

It proposed to move the resolution without following due procedures
and guidelines and without holding a proper discussion in the house.
"My legislators resigned because they feared they could not face the
people in their respective constituencies," Naidu told the media even
as the resignation drama unfolded in the assembly on Thursday.

Prajarajyam's Chiranjeevi said the Congress "attitude is not
acceptable. If the state has to be divided, no region should suffer
loss and this issue should be resolved first," he told the media and
demanded a thorough and proper discussion on how to fulfil the
aspirations of people of the other regions before the resolution on
Telangana is passed. In New Delhi, the CPM expressed its strong
reservations against the division of Andhra Pradesh.

In the morning, the assembly convened at 9.00am and legislators from
the Andhra and Rayalaseema regions cutting across party lines were
seen discussing the previous day's development. At 11am, Congress MLA
J C Diwakar Reddy (from Tadipatri in Anantapur district) walked upto
the speaker and submitted his resignation and this opened the
floodgates. By 2pm, 93 of them had put in their papers.

Apart from Diwakar Reddy, prominent among those who submitted their
resignations from the Congress are D L Ravindra Reddy from Mydokuru
constituency in Kadapa district, E Pratap Reddy from Srisailam
constituency in Kurnool district, T G Venkatesh from Kurnool and A
Prabhakar Reddy from Surveypalli in Nellore district.

From the opposition TDP, D Umameshwara Rao from Mylavaram in Krishna
district, D Narendra Kumar from Ponnur in Guntur district, B
Gopalakrishna Reddy from Srikalahasti, P Keshav from Uravakonda in
Anatapur district were among the 29 who resigned. From PRP, Shobha
Nagi Reddy from Allagadda assembly constituency in Kurnool, K Rami
Reddy from Banaganapalle and V Geeta from Pithapuram in East Godavari
district were the prominent ones to resign.


...and I am Sid Harth
Sid Harth
2009-12-13 17:03:17 UTC
Andhra split opens up a Pandora's box
M J Akbar Sunday December 13, 2009, 01:27 AM

The public school of politics has only one subject in its tutorials:
Events. The big boys of Delhi have been playing truant, lulled by an
imposter's mantra. Two victories in five years convinced them that
delay is a solution.

Do not underestimate the siren call of procrastination. Fudge always
remains an option when you have to straddle irreconcilables like
partition and unity demands. There could still be an effort to delay
the process necessary for the creation of Telangana through simulated
disputes, like over the status of Hyderabad, which, geographically and
historically is the natural capital of Telangana.

If Delhi had been as worried over the climate change in Hyderabad as
it was over climate change in Copenhagen, it would have foreseen the
tsunami. But Union Home Minister P Chidambaram did not whisper the
word 'Telangana' until he was compelled to talk of nothing else. The
speed with which the government slipped from stonewall to capitulation
was bound to trigger anger in those who felt they had lost out. The
government had five years to manage reconciliation; it did nothing.
The Congress made a deal with

K Chandrashekhar Rao in 2004 in order to defeat Chandrababu Naidu, and
forgot the boatman once it had crossed the river. Complacency is a
criminal offence in public life. The verdict may be delayed, but will
not be denied.

In 2009, two constituencies tipped Congress into the comfort zone
where it was seemingly safe from the threat of foes and nagging of
friends - Andhra Pradesh and the Muslim vote. Within six months both
have sent a powerful message: Deliver or face the consequences.

Drift has boxed the government into a lose-lose situation. If Congress
had accepted Telangana a day before Rao began his fast, Rao would have
been history, rather than an historic figure. Delhi has also sent a
dangerous signal to half a dozen disparate stakeholders in a new map
of India: Mere crying won't help; in order to get milk you need to
pick up the kitchen knife and threaten murder or suicide. As also,
that milk comes in cartons rather than by the glass. The hills of
Darjeeling have ears, as do the sugarcane stalks of western Uttar

Behind all the sound, fury, mistakes and exultation, the promise of
Telangana marks a significant but largely unnoticed shift in the
dynamics of federalism. Language was the basis on which the States
Reorganization Commission, consisting of Sayyid Fazl Ali, H N Kunzru
and K M Pannikar re-fashioned India's internal geography. The untidy
parts were sorted out under public pressure - Maharashtra in 1960,
Punjab in 1966 - but once again on the basis of language. Only hill
regions and the North East were offered criteria that were at a slight

The shift came, logically enough, when the nation's priorities
changed. Once it was evident that no regional language, or culture,
was under threat from unitary pressures, language melted as a focal
point of identity. The new federal politics is determined by
economics. Telangana and the rest of Andhra speak the same language,
but have diametrically conflicting economic interests. Telangana, in
fact, accuses coastal Andhra of exploiting its resources. This
fundamental change was evident in 2000, when Uttaranchal, Jharkhand
and Chattisgarh were created. Parent and newborn shared the same
language. Indeed, the absence of fuss nine years ago is a template in
consensus building, in the difference between negotiation and
appeasement. Wounds were treated before gangrene could set in.

The seed of every demand lies in the perception of economic neglect,
in the belief of a people that they have been left out of the story of
rising India. Small then becomes sensible because big has proved to be

The ferment in the second decisive Congress constituency, Muslims,
also has everything to do with economics. The dialectic is faith-based
because Muslims have a nationwide presence rather than any specific
space. Dr Manmohan Singh has sought to pre-empt a crisis by promising
to table the Ranganath Mishra Commission report before the end of the
current session of Parliament, but that will be only the beginning of
his problems. The Commission has recommended 15% reservation in all
government jobs, educational seats and resources for minorities, 10%
of which is to be allotted for Muslims. Muslims will treat this as a
benchmark and demand to know what action has been taken. None so far;
since any action might fuel an equal and opposite reaction. Inaction
has served Congress well, for Muslims did not raise the matter in the
last elections since they understood the political fallout. But that
alibi has been used and cannot be recycled.

The Congress dilemma is familiar to those who win elections: A promise
that restores you, can always return to haunt you.


Most Discussed YD says:

December 13,2009 at 03:00 AM IST

In the last 62 years Congress has created all the problems, from
Kashmir to Tibet to Telangana. The policy is to promise blindly to win
and then create more problems to avoid action. Question is why only
few areas in every state were developed and others left out ? The
other habit of Congress is to seek help of local goondas to split
oppostion votes and when goondas want their pound of flesh Congress
create more problems. This old European adage 'divide and rule' but
those people who weave cowebs get entangled in it themselves.

Agree (4)

Chirag Patel says:

December 13,2009 at 03:10 AM IST

Outstanding article.Congress should better learn fast not to fool
people with electoral promises which they never meant to fulfil

Agree (1)

Santosh Prakash Kumar says:

December 13,2009 at 03:39 AM IST

Mr. Akbar, I think you raise good points, but in my opinion, there are
very few minority-by-force groups in India, perhaps only the tribes.
All other religious groups are minority by choice and have no more
claim to the mainstream than the 'majority'. The problems plaguing
those groups is the same as the ones in Hindus - livelihood,
healthcare, education etc. So reservations or special consideration
should be on the basis of economics ALONE, not religion.

I think the biggest fault of the Congress is its attempts at appeasing
Muslims/minorities for votes. But if someone takes a wrong stand for
some benefit, and does not act upon it, overall, we should be happy
about it. So if the Congress has shown inaction on the Ranganath
Mishra Commission report, it is for the better of India. Else, you'll
have the majority group feeling sidelined and parties like BJP and
Shiv Sena trying to appease them for their votes.

Agree (4)

Rakesh says:

December 13,2009 at 07:05 AM IST

Please don't bring in Political / Electoral Calculator to gauge these
events. All the new state which are formed has been the victims of
"Robbing Peter to Pay Paul" phenomenon. Where ever muslims/
christians/hindus are in India they first belong to that state. If
people in one state are suffering it doesn't mean that peole in
another state also suffer because suffering & joy are regional. We
cannot even consider job reservations as a deciding factor because
most government employees are in a dream of promotions if a new state
forms. I dont think NDA will rule the newly formed states in the north
for 50 years.
Its rather entirely an economic issue no matter who is in Delhi.


December 13,2009 at 07:11 AM IST

First everybody wants their own state,then everybody will ask for
indipendent state like Gorkha land,nagaland,maoist,greater
bengal,khalistan ,kashmir and many more.Reality is


Agree (1)

Disagree (1)

satyandra sharma says:

December 13,2009 at 07:41 AM IST

If public school contains- Events. Private's word is 'Sepration.' All
we need some 525 such fasts and we are 'Developed.' May be his fast
was unable to cut down food prices but will rise his purse. In a
country where reservation is offered to win elections(even in Hyd.) if
power is gained by giving some day's food why not. After all this you
have luxary of world class shefs in a posh colony banglow called CM
House. Enjoy KCR.
Why only congress faces such dilemmas. because 1 they are having wrong
people in wrong offices. A should be home minister is somewhere else.
FM is not FM. All we need our High Command remains High. Whatever the
price may be.
2 They are having some really good variety dress changers first Suits
And now Dhotis. This proves surf excel is working really well.
Dhoondte rah jaoge. get ready for Maharashtra, Karnataka & many

K H Mahadevan says:

December 13,2009 at 08:28 AM IST

13 Dec 2009 - Toronto
Dear Mr Akbar
I always read your articles and felt educated every time. Your
language command, logical way of writing and unbiased approach to
issues makes you one of the best Indian commentators. Keep up the good
Best Regards


Agree (1)

Sharda Bhargav - The Confiscated Soul says:

December 13,2009 at 08:39 AM IST

Serious matter.
Time to have a Re-reorganization commission.
With forethought and foresight all issues of languages, regions,
minorities, reservations etc, need to be resolved.

Agree (2)

sanjay says:

December 13,2009 at 09:29 AM IST

The Andhra incident points out to the fallacious decision making
process at the highest level in India. Firstly Govt is coerced to
split the state then it is coerced to reverse it's decision. Was any
thought applied to the consequences which would follow? Who is
accountable for so much loss of lives and property not to talk of the
psychological scars it has created.

sandeep bhatt says:

December 13,2009 at 11:17 AM IST

Though i respect your views,i think as far as uttarakhand is
concerned,the language spoken there is either garhwali or kumaoni(both
are pahadi languages)and has no similarity with UP's languages.
It should have been created way back in 1947 but when a new beginning
is started or when CM post is given to lure people,everything takes a
back stage.

Ziauddin Shafi says:

December 13,2009 at 11:39 AM IST

A promise is a promise - you break it at your own peril. Telangana has
drawn this point home - and it is to the Andhras' disgrace that they
are creating a simulated ruckus over the separation as well as the
status of Hyderabad. When you are stealing 25% of Telangana water over
and above what you are entitled to, and buying over parched land from
impoverished Telangana farmers at distress prices - naturally you
would like to hold on to all these spoils and put up a fight before
letting go of the land-water up for grabs. It was also oh-so-easy to
invest your come-easy money in and around Hyderabad, buying over all
the limping Nawabs' lands as well as grabbing endowment lands - why
would you let go of Hyderabad from your grip and let some upstart get
the better of you politically. If they act with some grace and
maturity, the Andhras and all others are welcome in Hyderabad and
Telangana - but it is futile to expect thieves would behave
gracefully. As for delivering on the promises made to the Indian
Muslims, the soft Hindutva of the Congress would be a natural
deterrent on the path. However they will have to smell the coffee
sooner than later, otherwise the BJP and the Muslims would beat them
at the hustings in the next round, whenever it might be.

Disagree (1)

shyam prasad says:

December 13,2009 at 11:48 AM IST

I have a lot of respect for MJ Akber, but this article is confusing.
MJ is not clear what he is writing about. How can the muslim bill be
equated with Telengana. I wish MJ sticks to his elier avtar of
reporter & not that of champion of various causes.

Agree (1)

Vinay says:

December 13,2009 at 11:50 AM IST

I never miss your articles.
I like your articles.
Its good that, you didnot take any sides on this issue.
Had you taken the side of telangana, or blabbered, negetive about
Hyderabad, i would have never read your article again.

Not only me crores of andhrites, across coastal andhra, would start
hating you.

We spent thousands of crores of our tax money to develop hyderabad,
and today, a drunker wants to be CM , so we are asked to leave

Thats a cruel joke.

Agree (2)

Disagree (0)

Recommend (1)

Saravanan says:

December 13,2009 at 12:22 PM IST

The best solution for the mess is ,leave the people to decide. Dont
Leave it to the Politicians because they will always try to make
advantage of the demarcations.Make plebiscite.

M V Chilukuri says:

December 13,2009 at 02:51 PM IST

I think "Telangana" issues needs in-depth insight into
issues which can be cancerous to governance and social development
rather than mere political pandora box, beyond which media cannot

Also, the split in the state will create a black hole in South India
which is beyond the political leadership ability to handle and

Pradeep says:

December 13,2009 at 05:09 PM IST

Jargon filled , biased.

AMAN SNH says:

December 13,2009 at 05:15 PM IST

Muslims make up over 15% of India's population. If India is to make
progress, then this community cannot be left out. However,
reservations are not the way forward. Reservations only create elites
within the community. The present reservations for all communities
should be scrapped, and instead we should follow the more equitable
method of affirmative action for all deprived communities.

Agree (2)

Disagree (1)

Amit Kumar Singh says:

December 13,2009 at 07:06 PM IST

The way politics is going through, in near future we will exceeding
the number of states the US has. Here, Mr. Akabar's comment ''Andhra
split opens up a Pandora's box'' is very true. I think the whole mess
is a failure of central leadership(Congress) in tackling the political
turmoil in AP- Telangana. The buck stops here, how The Congress and
other political parties stop the spread of the virus of devide or
seperate state will be remaining in store to be watched by.

Agree (1)

(Dr.) B.N. Anand says:

December 13,2009 at 07:38 PM IST

MJ's comments are always very relevant to what is happening in the
country these days. It defies any common sesnse as to why the UPA
govt. was in a slumber mode while AP was on the brink of fire over
Telengana issue. The UPA govt. had been postponing the Telengana issue
since 2004 and now suddenly bowed down to the blackmail of the fasting
leader. The govt. had so much time to sort out this issue and in fact
seemed to be blocking the formation of new state in AP as the
Telengana leaders quit the UPA-1 govt. It could have foreseen the
seriousness of the issue and prepared the ground to declare this
decision after having utilised the time to build a consensus in the
party. It has always been the case with the govt. when it takes hasty
decisions under pressure. There was no standby strategy to deal with a
brewing problem. Now the govt. is in real mess. If the govt. continues
with such governance , it will not be far off when the present mandate
of governance will be taken over by the uncertainty as congress MPs
start deserting the Congress party over this emotional issue. That is
surely going to create a crisis like situation in the country. That is
where the govt. could not show the vision of foreseeing the
consequences of postponing the issue for so long. It is going to be
very testing time to see how the govt. is able to carry out the
commitment which it has made to the Telengana leaders under pressure
rathwer than as a policy decision.


...and I am Sid Harth
Sid Harth
2009-12-13 17:07:28 UTC
Don't need to feel inferior anymore
Manoj Mitta Sunday December 13, 2009, 04:53 PM

On my visits to Hyderabad, my hometown, I often find myself looking
for a CD or DVD of an old, forgotten Telugu movie called Maa Bhoomi.
Though I come across a lot of old stuff going back to the '50s and
'60s, I have never been lucky enough to lay my hands on this
relatively recent 1979 movie.

The sudden announcement of the process of forming Telangana state has,
however, raised hopes in me that my search for Maa Bhoomi might end
soon. In more than one sense, given that Maa Bhoomi means "Our Land"
and I am a native of the Telangana region.

Since a major component of the campaign for Telangana statehood was to
give our distinct culture the space that is due to it, I am optimistic
that Maa Bhoomi, the first and probably the only ever feature film to
be made completely in our dialect, will be back in circulation.
Whatever little Telangana heritage is available in celluloid form
would anyway be precious to us and should now be in greater demand
than ever before.

But then, it is not only by default that Maa Bhoomi is so valuable.
Though I saw it as a teenager decades ago when it had a long run as a
morning show in one cinema hall in Hyderabad, I dare say that I would
appreciate it as much even today. I have vivid memories of the movie
capturing Telangana life against the backdrop of the armed struggle of
the '40s so powerfully that its obvious communist influence did not
seem to detract from its cinematic merit.

Many people of my background grew up feeling defensive about the
"crudities" of our dialect because of the manner in which they were
run down or derided in the "popular culture" of Andhra Pradesh,
defined by the more influential people from coastal districts.

Telugu cinema reflected this bias most blatantly as its heroes and
heroines invariably and unmistakably spoke the coastal dialect. If the
Telangana dialect made it to those films at all, it was heard from the
mouths of villains or comedians.

Maa Bhoomi was, therefore, a liberating and cathartic experience for
me, even if there was nothing "heroic" about the protagonist, a lowly
peasant, who joins the underground armed struggle because he could
anyway do nothing when the local zamindar forced his girlfriend into

I could relate to the smallest of the Telangana peculiarities woven
into its narrative: the manner in which the peasantry, for instance,
was shown addressing their social superiors with the egalitarian nuvvu
(equivalent to the Hindi tu), rather than with the honorific meeru
(like aap) apt to be used in coastal Andhra.

Maa Bhoomi made such a lasting impact on me not only because of its
cinematic quality but also because it pushed the envelope by letting
all its characters speak in the Telangana dialect. Come to think of
it, even its songs were in Telangana. One of the stirring songs
introduced Gaddar, who went on to become a legendary balladeer.

The language of Maa Bhoomi was a highlight in itself because a
distinguished Hyderabadi, Shyam Benegal, had already portrayed the
feudal life of the Telangana countryside in his famous 1973 debut film
in Hindi, Ankur.

The director of Maa Bhoomi too was a distinguished debutant, but,
remarkably, he was not a native of Telangana. It is, perhaps, a
measure of the inferiority complex suffered by the natives of
Telangana that it took somebody all the way from Bengal, Gautam Ghose,
to make this linguistic breakthrough on the silver screen.

Despite the critical and commercial success of this low-budget film
made with unknown actors, Maa Bhoomi failed to spawn a genre of
Telangana films, although the Telugu film industry went on to earn the
distinction of being the most prolific year after year. Its closest
successors seemed to be the few films that were made on Hyderabad's
fascination with its diaspora (Hyderabad Blues, Dollar Dreams,
Angrez), which were largely either in English or Hyderabadi Urdu (or
Dakhni, if you prefer to call it that).

Much of the psychological gains I made from Maa Bhoomi, however, came
unstuck a year later when T Anjaiah, a quintessential Telangana
speaker, became chief minister of Andhra Pradesh in 1980 and triggered
a whole lot of jokes about our dialect. There was a veritable industry
of "Anjaiah jokes" - much in the manner in which a decade later the
peculiar dialogue delivery of a yesteryears Hindi film villain from
Hyderabad sparked off "Ajit jokes" across the country.

Anjaiah's predecessors from the Telangana region, P V Narasimha Rao, J
Vengala Rao and M Chenna Reddy, escaped such ignominy because they
knew Telugu well enough to speak it in a manner that was acceptable to
people across the state.

While I chuckled at the Anjaiah jokes and shared them with others, I
was conscious that underlying them was a contemptuous rejection of the
Telangana dialect by the political mainstream dominated by people from
the coastal Andhra and Rayalaseema regions. This is evident even today
in the almost total absence of the Telangana dialect from TV news or
entertainment channels.

The breakthrough just made on the statehood therefore seems to give an
opportunity to Telanganites to come out of the cultural closet. The
prospect of having our own state is exciting as it will let us find
our voice, speak freely and unabashedly in our own dialect, without
looking over the shoulder to see if any "refined" Telugu speaker from
coastal Andhra is sniggering at us.

Egalitarian and earthy as the Telangana dialect is, there is an
Anjaiah lurking in each of us, however much we may be educated or
sophisticated. The revival of the old Hyderabad state will help us
rediscover, among other cultural treasures, our Telangana cuisine
which is so distinct from the notoriously hot Andhra counterpart.

Since my own rediscovery began with Maa Bhoomi, I fancy that when the
history of the Telangana state is written, the influence of this
arthouse film over at least my generation will merit more than a
footnote. I also sincerely hope that those who administer the new
state will take pointers from the film which will help them ensure
that it doesn't turn into Mao Bhoomi instead.


Sharda Bhargav - The Confiscated Soul says:

December 13,2009 at 06:10 PM IST

I don't think there is any restriction to speak freely, or preparing
the cuisine one likes.
All our rich heritage must be preserved.

Agree (2)

Vikram Pyati says:

December 13,2009 at 06:57 PM IST

India is a land of diversity and there are so many dialects that there
is couplet in Hindi which goes like this - "kos kos pe badle
paani, char kos par bani" - meaning, every yard the water changes
and every four yards the dialect. I am sure even within the Telangana
dialect there may be sub-dialects. So will the newly formed Telangana
state be sub-divided to accommodate these dialects? Like this there
have to be at least 100 states in India. The real problem is the
inferiority complex of the Telangana natives - as you have already
mentioned in the article. What stops people from Telangan to make
movies in their dialect? I can understand arguments relating to
development to justify creation of a new state, but this argument is
totally insane

Agree (1)


...and I am Sid Harth
Sid Harth
2009-12-13 17:32:47 UTC
I want a state too
Manas Gupta Friday December 11, 2009, 07:46 PM

Dear Mr Prime Minister,

I am 30 years old, fat, educated and I want my own state. To achieve
this objective I have decided to proceed on a fast immediately...
after my next pizza, that is. (Considering my body mass index and
fondness for trans fats, I have deemed this the most apt way to

I now intend to break bread only after my 2-bedroom flat in Noida is
declared a state. The state will be known as Snobbish Pradesh and its
capital will be Snootynagar -- which is what I will name my living
room. The official language will be heavily accented English spoken
with a lisp.

I have decided to go in for this drastic move after discrimination
against me based on my language, appearance, superior intellect and
personal hygiene. I request you to consider my case vis-a-vis Mr Rao
of erstwhile Andhra Pradesh.

My state abounds in man-made and (cow-made) resources, including
manure from my potted plants and state-of-the-art sanitary fittings. I
am also extending an open invitation to all fellow snobs. Make
yourself at home, provided you speak the language. (Else my partymen
will thrash you and prevent you from giving any railway exams). I
intend to stand for CM and am confident that the residents -- my wife,
my dog and the affectionate house mosquitoes -- will cast their vote
in my favour.

Mr Prime Minster, I appeal to you to consider my case at the earliest.
After Telangana, Snobbish Pradesh would become India's 30th state (if
Gorkhaland, Bundelkhand, Harit Pradesh etc don't beat me to it).
Thirty is such a nice, round number, don't you think? Since you are
handing states around, why not add one more?

While we are at it, let me bring to your notice that my pan-wala, my
dhobi and a rather irritable bull who sleeps on the middle of a
neighbouring road, all want their own states. They all allege
discrimination and are all threatening to go on fast.

I appeal to you sir, let's break up this country at the earliest.
Divide and rule is the new cool. Words like unity and national
integration have slipped into obsolescence. Why learn from the West.
We don't care about Germany uniting or half of Europe becoming
European Union. After all we are the smartest race in the world. Let's
have a new slogan: Be Indian, break India.


Todo-Modo Singh

Depressed in India says:

December 11,2009 at 08:15 PM IST

India has went to the dogs...

Agree (14)

Disagree (0)

Recommend (1)

(Reply to Depressed in India)- Anonymous says:

December 12,2009 at 03:22 AM IST

Hey guys, it is really impressive to such comments over the
disintegration policy that our nation is/will go through. But it is
really unfair on Telangana as well for being deprived of basic
amenities and water integration and many more. Instead of splitting
the regions into even smaller places, new strategies should be adopted
to keep the common man satisfied.

Agree (5)

Disagree (1)

(Reply to Depressed in India)- wibas says:

December 12,2009 at 11:18 PM IST

Your comment is humorous but raised important questions. I am from
Andhra Pradesh born and brought up in Hyderabad. I am so sad that my
fellow state people who speak the same language though of different
accent are fighting today. I don't understand why the telugu people
have no respect or love for their language. One British collector
loved our language so much that he helped us find the historical
treasures of our telugu including the works of a great poet. Equally
dishearting is how someone in Delhi can trigger the state split. I
think this tells how Indias were ruled by foreigners for so many

(Reply to Depressed in India)- Boby Mehta says:

December 13,2009 at 02:33 AM IST

If Indians want to end all this vulgarity which Nehru had started is -
end dynasty, bring back 1.5 trillion dollar back home, dilute
linguistic states, declare them as 'administrative units', very heavy
sentences, including death, to those people who encourage localism or
language issues, make English national language and all work done in
English and also English spoken, apart from English there is no common
language in India, no criminal or tainted people should be allowed to
stand for election and NO SPECIAL SECURITY FOR ANYONE. True limited
democracy and secularism, state must not indulge in religion and no
vote banks. No imported foreigners to rule India.

Agree (0)

Disagree (2)

Sharda Bhargav - The Confiscated Soul says:

December 11,2009 at 08:43 PM IST

But uncurtains serious message.
We know our state of economy.
More the states, more CMs, ministers, chairmen, secretaries, babus,
DGs, IGs, more..more drain.
Some new states, if created, will face unwilling staff who would go on
medical leave due to hard life in establishment of new state eg
Jhakhand and Chhattisgarh.
Any way government of the day is best judge of public interest.
Other CMs are already contemplating smaller states. It is hoped that
this does not reach the heights of Ladakh and the information freezes
on its way on mountain tops of Himalya.
Wait and see where we stop in disintegrating the integration.

Agree (22)

Disagree (1)

pravin says:

December 11,2009 at 08:52 PM IST


There seems to be some misunderstanding regarding the internal
rearrangement. It is to be noted that within the state there is no
uniformity in the geographical conditions. Coastal areas are fertile
and as consequence have strong agricultural economy. As a consequence,
there is disparity in the incomes of people from dry regions like
vidarbha, telangana etc. This is reflected in the overall
oppurtunities for growth access to education as well as resources of
the country. These regionwise agitation need to be addressed by
rearrangement. It should be recognised that 50 to 60 years down the
original formations need to be revisited. This is just a normal
process of readjsutments within India.

Agree (2)

Disagree (12)

Recommend (1)

(Reply to pravin)- Nagarjuna Pasam says:

December 12,2009 at 10:21 AM IST

I agree these regions are backward. I am myself born and brought up in
Telangana so i know what it is like and i can tell you that i am
strictly against Telangana. The reason is for 60 years if elected
represetnatives of TG cannot do anything why will they do something
when separate state is formed? My answer is, seperate state is not a
solution to the problems. It is the will and commitment on part of the
politicians to really do something for the people and region. KCR
takes 4 crores for a ticket in TRS party, why would he be interested
in developing the region? People like him cannot survive without a
divisive politics and raking up of emotions of people. It is a bad
signal we are sending to the people of the country that anybody can
hold the country to ransom and get what they want as suhail seth has
said. This is akin to what MNS is doing...the insider/outsider thing
which is imminent in TG and Hyderabad. These kind of people are really
dangerous to the integrity of the nation and are detrimental to the
unity and diversity of the country and have to be dealt with Iron
Hand. My answer is simple, division of state is not solution to any
problem, elect a representative who is committed, responsible and
willing to work for people instead of voting for people belonging to
your caste, religion and community. Only an action like this on part
of people will tackle the problems like this in future. It needs
powerful leaders who can control on issues like this, not somebody
incapable like Rosiah..who can neither speak nor act!

Agree (24)

Disagree (1)

Recommend (6)

(Reply to Nagarjuna Pasam)- vineeth says:

December 12,2009 at 08:41 PM IST

Well Said!!!!

(Reply to Nagarjuna Pasam)- pravin says:

December 12,2009 at 03:14 PM IST

Over emphasis on personalities/parties for development is what makes
these regions more backward.
It is observed that leaders from these backward areas do not have
enough clout/expertise/backup to bring developmental projects to their
areas how so ever their intentions. This is observed in many states
like UP, Maharashtra, MP etc. If one travels through Konkan region,
Western Maharashtra, Telangana to Andhra including places like Mumbai,
Vidarbha, one will definetly notice difference in the developmental
Rather than viewing the creation of these states as retrograde step,
they should be welcomed as next logical evolutionary stage for a
stronger India with resources distributed to every nook and corner.
(Forget those greedy people who have heavily invested in the real
estate of Hyderabad and want ten to twenty times return in short span
of five to six years.)

(Reply to Nagarjuna Pasam)- ram says:

December 12,2009 at 05:48 PM IST

if u are from telangana then you probably know that many promises were
made for telanagana by all governments but still the same conditions
exits, same 4.17% cultivatable land being irrigated which is less than
a canal irrigated land in a district of andhra region and lowest
literacy rate giving option for andhra and rayelasima for getting
whole some jobs making more people unemployed. A commission also
stated that telanagna should be seperated due to its economic
backwardness was given in 1955 which went neglected. 15 govts changed
till now where no body took initiative in this matter how do you make
people believe that a one more can make it possible. people lost their
hopes in either development or separating it for more concentration on
this matter.

Agree (2)

Disagree (0)

Recommend (2)

(Reply to ram)- Venkat says:

December 13,2009 at 12:44 AM IST

If Mr. Rao�s separate statehood dream can be realised by
adopting such tricks then i see no reason why your claim should not
get the approval. Infact the government should approve each and every
request they receive, why trouble people unnecessarily by putting them
through fasting & other painful acts.

Supreme act of sacrifice act by Mr. Rao for the people of Telangana is
quite commendable. Envy the people of Telangana, for they are blessed
with a leader who will lead them from darkness to light, without ever
fearing for his life. And it�s just a matter of time before
Mr. Rao turns this newly demarcated land into a developed state. If
anybody has doubts on his capabilities then request them to check with
the poorest person from his constituency ( i doubt if you will find
one), speak to some parents who have their kids in government schools,
speak to the women who delivered in the government hospital, speak to
the people running around government office to get status update on
their files, speak to the people who use the local transport....and
the list goes on....

Point is simple; if Mr. Rao�s constituency has not improved
then what you expect will happen to your future.... All the best
Telangana people

(Reply to Nagarjuna Pasam)- neeraj says:

December 12,2009 at 10:33 PM IST

your comment superb and sensible ;even i am born and brought up in
telangana i too oppose telangana;even the other regions of andhra
pradesh are not developed.

Agree (1)

Disagree (0)

Recommend (1)

(Reply to pravin)- Basant Singh says:

December 12,2009 at 03:44 PM IST

Division Division Division! Stop it. And don't call it reorganisation.
How many parts are justified based on language & culture? There
are 600+ dialects/languages in India. Will you divide it into 600

Agree (2)

Disagree (1)

(Reply to Basant Singh)- pravin says:

December 13,2009 at 12:34 AM IST

Great empires/countries came in to existence, survived and flourished
because of a radical strong administration to their predecessors and
wider participation. Hence 60 years down the line we need to revisit
our methods. At the time of earlier formation, there were not many
urban areas, infrastructure, connectivity, educated populace and flow
of information. Now development can be planned better and faster.
Telangana is being sought based on dry terrain, resource allocation
and economic backwardness. This is an administrative issue. Let us
share and not brush aside the legitimate requirements of backwad
regions. There is a need for implementing modern methods to be focused
on such areas to bring them on par with developed regions.

jyothi says:

December 11,2009 at 08:53 PM IST

dats not funny.....

Agree (2)

Disagree (11)

(Reply to jyothi)- kris says:

December 12,2009 at 02:36 AM IST

Truth hurts, be brave and take it on the chin like a man

Agree (4)

Disagree (0)

Recommend (1)

(Reply to kris)- rama says:

December 13,2009 at 01:30 AM IST

from her id, she looks like a girl...

Bhargav says:

December 11,2009 at 08:55 PM IST

Beautiful blog but, who are really to blame is the Prime minister or
the people of telangana. The basic cause of the protest may be
discrimination in development, funds allocation, unemployment. How far
these allegations stand ground ? No one really seem to have any kind
of data supporting the allegations. I doubt even Mr. KCR knows what
percentage of budget is allocated to Telangana. Every one is just
going by the gut feeling and no one not even government is publishing
the figures for its people.

Its people who are the creators of their future. Education can only
help solve this crisis. Again government has a role in education. Its
a vicious circle of people and government, no one knows who is
responsible but everyone knows who is the sufferer.

Agree (6)

Disagree (1)

Recommend (1)

Himanshu says:

December 11,2009 at 08:59 PM IST

I also want my own state. i heard they are giving away states just on
contemplation of hunger strike and i am contemplating one atleast for
tommorow as it is a saturday and i am too lazy to have food.

Agree (14)

Disagree (1)

Recommend (3)

turbulence says:

December 11,2009 at 09:03 PM IST

A hyperbole, in context, is justified to make a point but in this case
it seems to be entirely misplaced.
The article is not a satire, neither does it have humour! At best it
can be called an insensitive and indifferent analysis of reality,
regardless of it being for or against the issue at hand.

Agree (4)

Disagree (11)

Vikram says:

December 11,2009 at 09:04 PM IST

"Else my partymen will thrash you and prevent you from giving any
railway exams"

Also you should quickly rename Snootynagar to <<insert a somewhat
random name here preferably rhyming with Snootynagar >> and let loose
your dog on whoever calls it by it old name.

Agree (4)

Natasha says:

December 11,2009 at 09:08 PM IST

Very aptly said! from the looks of it the Govt can and will go to any
lenghts to 1)earn new vote banks; 2)retain the &quot;old and reliably
ignorant voters&quot;! At this rate external elements need not bother
about strategising to break India. Why hassle others when we are so
damn capable ourselves!

Agree (6)

Disagree (0)

Recommend (2)

Abhi says:

December 11,2009 at 09:12 PM IST

Dear Manas,
This is a brilliantly written letter and I am in total agreement with
it. However, I just wish the majority of our politicians (grade 5 drop-
outs)could detect/understand the overflowing sarcasm!!This is what
irritates me about our country... we have been too generous... the
brits ruled our asses for years, even before that some moguls ruled...
thanks to a bunch of people who united the nation in the fight for
freedom we could at least become an independent nation but all those
lives and efforts has been proved to be an absolute waste with
jackasses trying to get their own state which they have no idea what
they are going to do with after they get it...Even more sad and
shocking is the number of students involved in this (which indicates
an ineffective education system).
My conclusion is we are the biggest bunch of RACISTS...when 2
americans or any other country people meet, irrespective of what
province or state they come from they go like &quot;hey buddy, lets go
grab a beer&quot;... but when a maharashtrian meets a bihari he says
&quot;you mudblood (harry potter lingo)&quot;....
I call for the pledge that were bought up shouting out throughout our
school times &quot;All Indians are my brothers and Sisters&quot;....
Stop this divde and rule people... get a job and do your part to make
our country more harmonious..

Agree (5)

Disagree (1)

Jayant Rajimwale says:

December 11,2009 at 09:28 PM IST

Manasji alias Todo-Modo Singh Saheb
Your article deserves all threes- Good , Better, and Best. First part
is good second or middleone is better, LAST BUT ONE PARA IS THE BEST.
Remaining four lines are excellent. I want to praise more but you know
every language has got its limit . SO , Thank you

Agree (7)

Disagree (3)

hortense vaughan says:

December 11,2009 at 09:33 PM IST

One of the consequences of having more states is that there will be
more babus therefore more jobs, more people to bribe and therefore
more money being circulated: in these tough economic times creation of
new states can only have a positive effect

Agree (4)

Disagree (4)

Recommend (1)

(Reply to hortense vaughan)- John Doe says:

December 13,2009 at 03:30 AM IST

Very true...these politicians have followed the Koda model...when he
can make money with separate Jharkhand more states....why cant they?

Coolxyz says:

December 11,2009 at 09:33 PM IST

I really appreciate your content and awareness you are trying to get
to people. Make this content more popular and let it reach all our
great neighbourhood educated people.

Agree (1)

Disagree (1)

Soumitra Kandpal says:

December 11,2009 at 09:34 PM IST

Good one!!!!!! I hope the PM responds positively for the creation of
Snobbish Pradesh

Agree (2)

Siji says:

December 11,2009 at 09:37 PM IST

AWESOME message....!!Division on the basis of caste, community,
region, gender...u name it we Indians are an expert :-)...!!! Don't
know what really happened to 'Unity in Diversity', 'One India',
'United India'... they got lost in between all this drama...

Agree (5)

Disagree (1)

Recommend (2)

MKU says:

December 11,2009 at 09:55 PM IST

Your penchant for slapsticks is awesome&acirc;�&brvbar; no arguments
there. Wow...you said it man&acirc;�&brvbar;what a parody!! BTW
terrorism is not much different from these kinds of extortions&acirc;
�&brvbar;this just a beginning&acirc;�&brvbar;we are fated to be
plagued (not with swine flu this time) but with yet set of problems by
another type of terrorist group&acirc;�&brvbar;called &acirc;
��territoria-extremists&acirc;��. Truly&acirc;�&brvbar;I enjoyed
reading this article&acirc;�&brvbar;I was rolling in laughter! Kudos

Agree (5)

Disagree (1)

(Reply to MKU)- Alok says:

December 12,2009 at 05:02 AM IST

Not territorial-terrorism but a political one...do we have IPC in
force? Can't our govt issue strict warning that &quot;Our Constitution
guarantees all of you a freedom of speech, expressions and political
views..right to peaceful protest,rallys, procession etc. but does not
accord you a right to try to kill.. err.. starve yourself or blackmail
govt in such manner..such person will be taken into custody&quot;.
Simple wouldn't it be?

Agree (1)

Vishu says:

December 11,2009 at 10:02 PM IST

Well said Sir ... If this 'State-Divide-Spree' goes on then Its the
humilation of our great freedom fighters who dedicated thier lives to
unite India after Indo-Pak partition.And this way these politician,
who are after the Power &amp; money only, will be helping China (one
of the Chinese think-tank has put forth the idea of Disintegrating our
India) and Pak.

Agree (4)

Godse says:

December 11,2009 at 10:13 PM IST

Manas &acirc;��
I totally agree with you. As we know this is all about the greed for
power and money. Politicians of separatist nature are very smart about
finding out new ways to break the unity and create unrest in the
nation, sometime under the name of religion sometimes language or cast
and now this is a new way. Unfortunately such leaders are in the
massive majority in our country. It began with Uttaranchal, Zarkhand
and Chattisgardh and its going to continue till we reach your theory
of demanding own state size of our own house. Look at the turnover of
our leaders changing and creating their new political parties. I mean
really, is it really that difficult stay united, loyal and share the
power evenly?

Agree (2)

Disagree (2)

Mohammad Sajid Anwar says:

December 11,2009 at 10:27 PM IST

Coolest article ever read on Timesofindia.com.

Agree (6)

Disagree (2)

S C Vaid says:

December 11,2009 at 10:42 PM IST

Todo-Modo Singh ji ! when it will be possible for me to be your state
It will be pleasure to promote your cause intelligently and adopting
peaceful methods.

Agree (9)

Disagree (1)

December 11,2009 at 10:48 PM IST

Great article! you depicted the exact point. No plitician think about
national integrity, national interest or unity, they only think about
their own interest. They know if they can devide a state then they
will become the CM of the newly formed state. Sometimes I feel what
china said was correct. They said they can devide our country into
pieces. Now it is showing that they were correct! Even they don't need
to do any thing our own country men are enough to devide our country
into pieces. The Rao fellow divided (?) Andhra Pradesh, now GJM wants
to devide West Bengal. Now Mayawati wants to devide the UP into three
parts. If this continues, then every house will be a state. England
devided Bengal into two parts current Bangladesh and West Bengal. So
that they can conquer our country. Then they devide our country into
two parts so that we continue fighting. They always were successful.
Now they have gone. But a new conqueror has arrived! The politicians.
They can do anything for their benefit. They can divide state, beat
our own contry men. They always speak about languages, religions. They
are not good for anything. When our innocent country men will realize
this, I don't know. When they will realize this then only our country
will progress. Till then lets pray. May god help us and save our
country. Jai Hind!

Agree (4)

Disagree (3)

Himanshu says:

December 11,2009 at 10:50 PM IST

This Couldn't have been better than this , no more no less than a
tight slap on the parody of The New State. An apt article n a
tantamount message embedded within .

Agree (4)

Disagree (2)

premji jairam babaria says:

December 11,2009 at 10:57 PM IST

This demands seems to be strange.How can one demand that his 2 bed
rooms flat can be declared as a state.This sounds rediculous.Manas
Gupta seems to be a candidate for a menta asylum.If everyone asks like
him then entire India will be a mental asylum.Now it is possible that
English people may come back and make India again slave and divide
India in to five zones to rule.North,west,east,south and central zones
as it earlier existed and Pakistan and Bangladesh may become part of
India.Better we remain united in this hour of crisis.

Agree (2)

Disagree (7)

(Reply to premji jairam babaria)- Anoop, NY USA says:

December 12,2009 at 06:04 AM IST

Rightly said..! people are committing suicide for the cause of
telangana! per year there are atleast 5000 farmers commit suicide in
this regions. Inida is not all about IT, BT &amp; Pharma. 70% os its
citizens live in villages and mostly in the places like telangana..!
The author need to put a matured thought..!

Agree (1)

Disagree (1)

(Reply to Anoop, NY USA)- RJ says:

December 12,2009 at 11:07 AM IST

There are farmer suicides in Vidarbha too. Should we give them a state

Agree (5)

(Reply to Anoop, NY USA)- RJ says:

December 12,2009 at 11:08 AM IST

There are farmer suicides in Vidarbha too. Should we give them a state

(Reply to premji jairam babaria)- RJ says:

December 12,2009 at 11:06 AM IST

Before commenting foolishly, i suggest you look up words like satire
in dictionary and spare us the nonsense.

Agree (2)

Disagree (1)

Recommend (1)

Sandip Patel says:

December 11,2009 at 10:59 PM IST

Prime minister had stoped to react to humors like this. He has
recently new interest in drinking Chaimpain with president of US.

Agree (3)

(Reply to Sandip Patel)- INDERJIT says:

December 12,2009 at 03:55 AM IST

Looks like ur very sure it was not applesider.

Agree (1)


December 11,2009 at 11:02 PM IST

Before asking something, one should realize the consequences. People
should take side for a right cause. If you blindly follow politicians,
this is how you end up dealing with more politicians, and more
bureaucrats. These are the people who are sitting on your money. If
your local politician couldn't represnt your cause in the past, what
you expect now?

Agree (3)

Disagree (1)

Ashvini says:

December 11,2009 at 11:05 PM IST

A perfect write...should be ashamed of what we doing with our nation!

Agree (4)

Disagree (2)

vd says:

December 11,2009 at 11:09 PM IST

A completely idiotic article wherein the author shows a profound lack
of the basics of political common sense. And it isn't even funny...

The point to be noted is: wherever a demand for statehood arises out
of a genuine sense of local identity (as opposed to a created identity
such as that of caste or religion), and where sufficient resources
exists to satisfy such a demand, statehood should be conferred. Rather
than breaking up the country, this would lead to greater local
governance, less corruption, protection of local interests and
cultures, and even a stronger national fabric.

People sang this author's tune when the linguistic division was
carried out. History has shown it was a brilliant move which has only
added to the richness of india rather than to subtract from it.

Telengana is inevitable. Vidarbha and gorkhaland will follow suit.
Where the demand is artificial, states need not be split. It's the way
for india to move towards the future...

Agree (3)

Disagree (11)

(Reply to vd)- Abbas says:

December 12,2009 at 04:31 AM IST

Hello, please stop using rather strong language. What do you mean by
local?????? have you any family men in US of A?? What are they doing
there??? They are NOT locals he? Should they be kicked out?? Because
thats what you mean by Local!! Should millions of north Indians be
kicked out of Bombay as they are not locals?????
And to keep your sense intact, let me tell you rather sharply that
telangana is not the only underdeveloped area in AP!!!! Also if one
has to think locally , even north Andhra is not a part of AP right
because they speak telugu very very differently. And if you have
relatives in Vizag, should they be told they are not local??? Talk
sense and make sense of what you think. No doubt Telangana has trouble
but the dangerous thinking that many people like you have is what the
real problem is. Telangana woes will never get solved by having
prejudiced hatred on rest of the Indians who question its real
validity. There are people who put their life in Hyderabad. There are
lots of violent statements made by some &quot; locals&quot;. As if
they have birth right over hyderabad. Hyderabad belongs to all the
areas of Andhra and all telugus and Indians from all over. Stop this
nonsense of state bifurcations because few Idiots think so!!!!!!!

Agree (1)

AVP says:

December 11,2009 at 11:19 PM IST

Sir, have you ever been to the telangana region. Have you read
anything abt the region or the struggle behind this movement for a
separate movement?

Agree (2)

Disagree (9)

abhilasha says:

December 11,2009 at 11:48 PM IST

Thought u might njoy reading this....

Indian says:

December 11,2009 at 11:49 PM IST

Well Mr. Manas, you are a fat 30 yr old man who thinks its fashionable
to criticize the separate state movement in Telangana. It is obvious
from your post that your history is very poor. The Telangana agitation
is neither 10 days nor 10 yrs old, it has been going on for the past 5

When Telangana and Andhra were merged in 1956, Pandit Nehru clearly
stated that it is an alliance that can broken if Telangana people wish
so. 1969 agitation is well known to all and close to 400 students laid
their life down for a separate state. But Indira Gandhi brokered a
deal with Chenna Reddy and the dream of millions was shattered at that
time. Time and again, there have been protests and agitations for a
separate state but the Andhra and Rayalaseema leaders cunningly
subsided those.

I want you to realize the following points.
1. KCR is not Telangana and Telangana is not KCR. Do you think the PM,
Sonia and the Govt. gave into KCR's demands. Defnitely not. It was
because the students of OU and KU, the high court lawyers, teachers,
professors, govt. servants and common man who came out in large
numbers on to the streets and protested. The people want it more than
the leaders.The TRS party is just a means for achieving separate
2. When KCR accepted a glass of juice on the second day of fast, the
same people burned his effigies. It was clear that people had taken
the movement into their own hands. KCR, on knowing this, continued his
fast again.
3. Telangana demand is genuine considering that this region has been
vastly exploited and grossly neglected. Literacy rate is far less
compared to the rate in other parts of A.P. It is difficult for
majority of the people to even earn 2 square meals a day. Though
Krishna and Godavari flow through this region, we get just 15-20% of
the water resources. Agriculture sector has been badly hit. Majority
are living under the poverty line.
I can give 100 more reasons and counter all points raised by
'educated' people like you.

Agree (5)

Disagree (13)

Recommend (1)

(Reply to Indian)- kris says:

December 12,2009 at 02:40 AM IST

Blah,blah,blah,keep on going, true indian will listen to your blah
blah blah

Agree (2)

Disagree (1)

(Reply to Indian)- vj says:

December 12,2009 at 02:47 AM IST

Will the new state guarantee the problems of people to go away?

Agree (4)

(Reply to Indian)- Rajeev.B.G says:

December 12,2009 at 08:57 AM IST

Boss, everyone knws that usually a state or a country becomes
urbanised only near its capital..and majority of funds are utilized
for infrastructure projects in the vicinity of the capital city..Bt,
you can always channelize your STRIKing efforts towards demanding more
resources for the neglected districts rather than demanding a seperate
state..Dividing the states would only increase biase in the country
and fuel border disputes..so seperate state is nt really justified
even if you provide 1000 reasons..

Agree (5)

Disagree (0)

ssmoorthy says:

December 11,2009 at 11:50 PM IST

Mr.Manas Gupta is right in his own way.But aside the sarcasm or
satire,the past mistakes have to be corrected.India can be divided
into nearly 100 states each containing 10 to 20 million people,using
latitudes and longitudes.Labelling people as backward or scheduled
should be abolished,as this leads to discrimination.All the children
should be compulsorily educated upto 10th grade.Those wishing to go to
college should serve in State/Center defense or law and order
organisations for four years for which the government will pay for
their education and living expenses.Devanagari script will be national
script.Any language can be written in Devanagiri. Along with the
states reorganisation the whole approach to Indian people should
changed with government abolishing religion and castes from their
vocabulary.The Government is supposed to be secular.But a caste based
or religion based games are played.We should update INDIA.

Agree (2)

Disagree (7)


December 11,2009 at 11:57 PM IST

u r superb

Agree (5)

Disagree (3)

GB, from Telangana state. says:

December 12,2009 at 12:03 AM IST

Dear Todo Modo Singh, You are making fool of yourself, it is not funny
and you are insulting people of India. few basic things a)Do you know
Telangana has 35 + million people, lot more than many countries in the
world, it is not small state b) States within India is not breaking up
country, this is elementary c) in Democracy, if you beleive in it,
instead of insulting with the stupid commentary and sick jokes, one
has to listen to people with various demands d) re-organising of
country is good thing not bad thing e) don't insult panwala, dhobi
wala, they are people and they are not as stupid as you are..

Agree (4)

Disagree (18)

(Reply to GB, from Telangana state.)- RJ says:

December 12,2009 at 11:11 AM IST

You are the one being foolish here. Keep breaking up the country you

Agree (1)

Disagree (1)

(Reply to GB, from Telangana state.)- Kiran says:

December 12,2009 at 12:18 PM IST

Dont you think the high population you are talking about might
actually be the menace and cause for under-development?Why is the
population proliferating so much when there are no resources (as you
claim)for the people- If the govt is responsible for the area's under-
deveopment is it also responsible for the telangana people not using
birth control?
Do you really think division is going to help the state?- First
identify the menaces, which are the politicians,lack of education
etc..if you go to states like in the north-east then you would realise
that smaller states are necessarily not the most developed.
By dividing, the politicians are just being given a whole lot of new
buildings, resources and everything-all from your pocket remember
that.and they are not here for charity,please understand that too..Do
you realise that all these areas complement each other?the godavari
belt gives the food and telangana the minerals?without any rivers and
importing food from andhra, the prices of day to day stuff will also
sky rocket in the area,which will only further make the region more un-
If you speak of non-development, what is hyderabad?From where did the
funds come for developing hyd and give it a global status?
Stop believing these stupid politicians, and do a reality check.If
this continues, much to the dismay of Andhra Pradesh, all the projects
coming to hyd may go to chennai or bangalore!Then you can really think
of development for telangana without any revenue

Agree (0)

Disagree (1)

(Reply to Kiran)- gpkumar says:

December 12,2009 at 02:38 PM IST

dear kiran
do you know that at the time of the merger hyderabad state has the
surplus budget and andhra state has deficit after merging the surplus
funds of the hyderabad were used for the development of the andhra
region. the rivers you are talking has only 19% of the entire flow
area compared to 65% in teleangana area, this shows the injustice done
to the telengana region. the andhra people always talk about the
development of hyderabad but i would like to tell that hyderabd was
well developed since 400 years, even before merger there were about
200 large scale industries in hyderabad.
hyderabad was not developed by the andhra region people on the
contrary the andhra people were developed by hyderabad

feroz khan says:

December 12,2009 at 12:48 AM IST

Hey man great article represents great thought.At the earliest ,i m
sure, you will get your state because next to you i am gonna on two
hours journey without repast against mine family demanding for new
SUZUKI bike NINJA which that i know never gonna completed.So moral of
the issue if you want a better india break it and eat it as you
want .S o then we will be having more numbers of CM implication and
fondness of respective lagislators in more amount corruption which
they assume development (great).Salute to you for the great job by
your blog.

Agree (4)

Disagree (5)

(Reply to feroz khan)- Vodka says:

December 12,2009 at 10:16 AM IST

...Very well written with the pinch of homour, sarcasm and wittiness.
This demand certainly would create new history in the name of India.
Look at mayawati, KCR,.. all dese ppl who have seen the dreams of
ruling their states and now they r doing. Leave apart the Telangana
now...why not Gorkhaland now...why not Kashmir...and then many more
UPs. MPs,TNs etc etc etc.............
God save this country from dese enigmatic unity we have....now a new
option i have to bend the supreme of this country by burning buses...i
have never felt till 2 yrs back before that i belong to a particular
state......now it all comes to my mind.....God we need more Indiras
for dis country....

Agree (2)

Manoj says:

December 12,2009 at 02:07 AM IST

India is well on track to break the record of the States of USA!

Being a Sindhi an obvious thought comes to mind &acirc;�� How about a
state for the Sindhis? Way back in 1947 India magnanimously donated
the whole of Sindh to Pakistan and overnight bestowed the status of
&acirc;��refugee&acirc;�� on my forefathers. Technically without a
state I still remain one!

The counter-argument always put forth is that the Sindhis are one of
the affluent communities of India and then some would say - the world.
But what has that got to do with statehood? Should an enterprising
spirit be penalized? If that argument was valid...he Gujaratis too
shouldn&acirc;��t have a state.

Anyway reverting back, while the government is busy dishing out
states, I would humbly request for one for us Sindhis too. I also
believe Mr. LK Advani&acirc;��s services to the nation deserve an itsy
bitsy place in history. I am sure he can hope but will never make it
to be the PM, but with this...he could make the grade as the first CM
of Sindh and that itsy bitsy...

Further if it is going to be troublesome to accommodate us on the
Indian subcontinent I have another proposal, though quite wacky, which
can also be considered - Since Dubai has a good complement of my
brethren and given Dubai&acirc;��s current financial woes the
government could attempt a buy out the Emirate. Presto... with the
Sindhi &acirc;��cash&acirc;��, tax free environment the woes would
vanish and culminate in a world first Win-Win-Win (India-Arabs-
Sindhis) situation.

Now that&acirc;��s what I call &acirc;��enterprising&acirc;�� and
Dhado Sutho!

Saradhi Mudigonda says:

December 12,2009 at 02:27 AM IST

I feel the same and this one of the best article I ever read. I feel
real pitty to say that I'm from Hyderabad and it's selfish politician
getting benefit of the state division

Agree (1)

Sanjay says:

December 12,2009 at 03:16 AM IST

Can you for once use your little brain and try to analyse what was the
reason behind the request. What if you got ignored for the entire 60
years after independance? Will you be happy?. And one more thing, your
humour really sucks, its not even close to funny anywhere. Before
writing such lame articles, put some thoughts behind it

Agree (0)

Disagree (2)

(Reply to Sanjay)- RJ says:

December 12,2009 at 11:12 AM IST

If you find the articles lame, y dont you go elsewhere. no one is
forcing you to read. Northeast is the most neglected region in the
state. Telangana is far better off

Vinay says:

December 12,2009 at 03:55 AM IST

Hi Manas,

Superb article. A paragon of utter satire.

I second you. To become an Indian, primal thing is to break India.

We just cant banish integrity issue with such inane, violent act.

Its precise, we must learn from the west. Unity is the key.

Agree (1)

Laksha says:

December 12,2009 at 05:37 AM IST

It is indeed very sad to see some of the comments above. The
'Telegana' is one issue, it might have history and ligitimate reason
to demand regional identity. But what will follow after this would be
of grave concern for our country in the future. Any kind of unrest due
to this sudden wave of govt giving away statehood (whatever the
reason) would make unreasonable-undeserving groups to wish for
statehood for their own personal enrichments. Other groups are not
going to peek into the history or understand where it is coming
from...they will simply copy-cat and stupidly take it as one person's
starving forced the govt to take a decision..they are likely to think
that if Telegana can do it why can't they..just like Manas depicted
the consequence of this action on individuals and other movements.
This is the crux. Are we so blind not to see other anxilliary problem
lurking behind these separatists movement? Any average inelligence can
clearly see that it would be far more devastating for our
country..terrorism, security, tax payers' money, country's economy,
supression of poors and so many other problems. People please be
sensible...we are Indians first...progress/peace for India should be
our primary focus...what are you doing getting into scufle over
regionality..?? Look at the bigger picture and wake up before somebody
else grabs the opportunity to weaken our country because of our own
internal problems. Let's not fall pray to &quot;devide and rule&quot;
formula all over again.

Agree (2)

Anoop, NY USA says:

December 12,2009 at 06:02 AM IST

Absolute rubbish. Do you think that its a fashion for the people of
Telangana to commit suicide and kill themselves for a seperate state!
Pls give a damn to KCR, but what abt the sentiments of people. I am
people of telangana and I know how insecure the people feel over
there. The sheer arrogance and colonial attitude and continous
negligence of this area by the Andhra rulers have lead to this
situation. Have you ever visited this region before making a comment.
I wonder how can you judge the groud reality by being in AC rooms. How
can you forget the first principle if Jurno to not to publish your
personal opinions on public..! Seperating telangana will not make us
any less Indians...! Dont be emotional.>!

Agree (1)

Disagree (1)

Sampath says:

December 12,2009 at 06:55 AM IST

Dear Manas and other friends I want to make one thing clear that
politicians try few minutes or hours to understnad any issue before
talking or taking on to streets. However they may use that issue for
different reasons. By reading this blog and comments it is evident
that you people didn't spend even a minute to know where telangana is
or know about its people .In this world everybody feels releived when
somebody talks on behalf of them.This blog and comments shows how the
new generation of intellectuals talk without knowing an issue or even
try to know it.
As told by Indian above KCR was just a part of the fighters for
separate state but it was people who fought for that.You may feel why
separate state is required but there are 100 reasons to demand that.
Most important reason is it was under developed area before joining
Andhra Pradesh, so an agreement was agreed upon among all the leaders
for uplift of the area. Insted of uplipt it was exploited due to
minority of the legislators in Assembly.
If anybody want to know more reasons you can just search for telangana
online.Please try to know the issue before writing blongs or making

Agree (1)

Disagree (1)

ramk says:

December 12,2009 at 07:17 AM IST

Wait! Wait! you need to address this to the High Command. Even now the
entire leadership says High Command will take a decision. Will you
separate state have democratic traditions where you take decision or
will you rush to Delhi?

Anoop, NY USA says:

December 12,2009 at 08:48 AM IST

Manas, there are certain limits for sarcasm. You should not heart the
feeling of the people. Have you ever been to telangana??
Do you know of the fact that there are hundreds of farmer suicides every year in this region.
The two main rivers flows thru the length and breadth of this region but the very less water for irrigation when compared to Andhra
The farm loans allotted for a single largest district in Telangana is 10 times less than the smaller districts in Andhra (Adilabad and Krishna here)
Agitation is 50 long years old, and KCR is just a part of it.
Can you also see with sarcasm the suicides of students
The language of the Telangana is already been laughed at
The people feel insecure and neglected.
FYI, there were 3 CMs from this region, they dint rule even 5 years between them
Hyderabd is an integral part of Telangana with 400 years of grand history. Andhra people have come here just 40 yrs back. How can they claim it?
Its an identity crisis, acknowledge the problem even if you dont support it.
Agree (2)

Disagree (1)

parvathi says:

December 12,2009 at 09:07 AM IST

Very apt and funny post. Today's Divisions are made on threats and
black mails. Pat on the shoulders of following sheep, a convenient
vehicles for carrying some one's mega dreams innocently lured with few
strands of grass.

Anupam Gupta says:

December 12,2009 at 09:41 AM IST

I think its much more serious than this.
Congress should share some blame for first, coming up with the
&quot;brilliant&quot; idea of language based states in the first place
and then giving into individual demands on the basis of its political
On the other hand, there is strong argument for smaller states as they
are easier to govern and more receptive to individuals as compared to
huge states where ministers even dont know some districts.
On the balance, if the geographical region has been underdeveloped,
like Chattisgarh or Jharkhand were, then its a good argument for new
I do agree that criteria for state creation should not be based on
fasts but state should look within and see why people are forced on
such &quot;underhand&quot; means....

Agree (1)

Rajesh says:

December 12,2009 at 10:00 AM IST

Correctly you said with a great humor!
I also want my res/flat as a seperate but I am afraid that who is
going to be the CM??? Me or My Wife :)

Satbir Singh Bedi says:

December 12,2009 at 10:10 AM IST

Mr. Prime Minister, I do not want a separate state because I can never
go on hunger strike or fast unto death. I do not follow Gandhiji in
this regard. I want full meals and also want that all the citizens of
India should have full meals. I only want an India even if it remains
one State and all the states are merged. I have been hungry for 2 days
when my father lost a job. Nobody gave me any state and I broke my
fast after 2 days. I cannot go on hunger strike again. Mr. Prime
Minister, please consider my case also and do not break India but give
every person right to eat and provide for this right.

Agree (4)

Urvil Khakhar says:

December 12,2009 at 10:14 AM IST

Good form of sarcasm used to communicate a very important and urgent
message !

Kudos !

Agree (1)

Urvil Khakhar says:

December 12,2009 at 10:33 AM IST

Good form of sarcasm used to communicate a very important and urgent
message !

Kudos !

Agree (1)

Joe Anthony says:

December 12,2009 at 10:39 AM IST

FAST &amp; GET A STATE for you-This is the need of the hour. Let every
India do that. Who knows if Kasab goes into fasting he might get a
tiny state in and around the jail where he is put up now!

Agree (1)

publis says:

December 12,2009 at 10:55 AM IST

Dear Manas,
This is not expected from the person who is been with this section for
many years

How can you come like this. Writing such thing irresponsibly over the
most reputed newspaper, without even thinking what he is writing. Do
you really think that KC Rao needs more of a footage over a media or
it is just that u feel jealous abouthim that u not becoming famous by
writing such blogs over here. and u came up with this.

I would recommend you to read the history of India before writing

No offense meant here

Agree (0)

Disagree (2)

jai hind says:

December 12,2009 at 11:02 AM IST

I too will vote for you provided,
you give me a pensionable job with facility for going on strike and
Jai snootynagar

Agree (2)

Disagree (1)

walter crow says:

December 12,2009 at 11:22 AM IST

Dear Sir,
There is no end of division of the country.. If not checked in time,
we will be divided into as many as states as were at the time of
partition. The policy of appeasement for the sake of securing votes
will pave way for another partition of the country. Let us not forget
the old story of a farmer who on his death bed told his sons to bring
a stick each and told one by one to break, the sticks broke easily.
The farmer told them to make a bundle of sticks and again told them to
break the same, but the bundle did not break. There is wisdom in the
story. We are already separated on the basis of our political
loyalties, religions, languages, cast and creeds. Let us not divide

Agree (0)

Disagree (1)

Saran..Bangalore says:

December 12,2009 at 11:44 AM IST

Now the issue is not about Telangana or any other state, its all about
being united and moving forward with an undivided opinion to build a
strong nation INDIA. Our Todo Mojo Singh has ironically predicited the
state of our nation if these(KYR, Maywats) kind of politicians stick
to their own political interests and agitate for no good reason. I
feel sorry for the current situation in Andhra Pradesh (Andhra
+Telangana+ Rayalseema).Wish that people of Andhra support the state
with courage and intellect but not with agitations and suicides.
No offense meant what so ever ..

Alok says:

December 12,2009 at 12:03 PM IST

You're absolutely right, but this is not a new phenomenon... and it is
not because of who is at the helm of the ship when the storm appears.
The basic reason behind our failing nationalist thinking is the
falling standards of our values and education.. and not just in
schools but at home.
Over the time we have shrunk in our thinking from being a part of our
grand Bharat to being marathi/ gujarati/punjabi etc and further as the
districts chambyali/kangri/kinnauri to vermas/sharmas/aggarwals etc
and further and further till it is each man for himself and I agree
with you that it comes down to me and I want my kingdom and power
These partitions are not merely for administrative convenience, in
fact most of them turn out to be for political motives.. The political
animal is not the one who is thinking for people but for those who are
hailing him/her as the sovereign and like the mosquitoes they will
hover around them.
At a time when the humanity as a whole is concerned for human survival
we will stand with our heads buried in the ground and pretend that our
position is the right one...

gpkumar says:

December 12,2009 at 12:41 PM IST

dear manas
please use another way to show your writing skills. did you know any
thing about telangana the living conditions, the history, the
neglectance faced over the last 53 years, have you ever visited
telangana region or atleast heard about it before this movement .
whats wrong with the smaller states, bifurcation of the states doesnt
mean that we are not patriotic this is only for administrative purpose
if that is the case why they had made 28 states make it only one state
india. for your kind information the fazal ali commision (src)was
aganist the merger of the andhra and hyderabad states but it had been
merged aganist the wish of telaangana people with a gentlemen
agreement, but it was not implemented till date. over the last 53
years telanga people has lost more than that of in nizams rule. i
sincerely request people who does not know any thing about telangana
stop writing such articles and hurt the sentiments of telangana people

Agree (3)

Saran..Bangalore says:

December 12,2009 at 12:46 PM IST

Let's wish that India Stays united..mera bharat mahan

Agree (1)

Disagree (1)

Sharad says:

December 12,2009 at 01:11 PM IST

There are disparities in economic conditions etc everywhere, but just
creating states for that is not a solution.

I think one of the easiest politics is divisive politics and thats
what all our leaders have leart and are playing with it. The gains are
there to be seen, MNS from nowhere now has 11 MLAs, BJP from a very
small party came to power within a decade of stirring Ram mandir
issue. Congress has been playing the divide and rule card for decades.

There is no leader who really talks of national issues and what we
should do the integrate ourselves. I see only Baba Ramdev doing his
bit to integrate the country through Yoga.

Everyone wants to comment on 17 year old Babri masjid demolition
issue, but no one from govt wants to clarify to muslims why they
should not issue fatwa against national language.

India badly needs a nationalist movement and leaders who think of the
nation and have the guts to take non-popular decisions if its in the
interest of the country.

Agree (2)

Disagree (1)

(Reply to Sharad)- Sughosh Bansal says:

December 12,2009 at 05:00 PM IST

the history post reorganisation of States clearly establish that
creation of a separate State catalysis the development in till now
neglected area. See the development after Gujarat was carved out of
Bombay; or Haryana was created out of unified Punjab; or very recent
the rise of economy of Uttrakhand or even Chattisgarh. Uttrakhand
remained underdeveloped despite number of CMs hailing from there
(Sumitranandan Pant, Hemvati Bahuguna, C. B. Gupta to name a few).
Will some body explain why the areas of Vishkhapatnam and Vijaywada
have developed more than the interiors of Andhra Pradesh. Unless there
is a visible impact of spreading the development, these types of
unrest would always simmer. Further the more the size to manage, more
the inefficiency in management. But to reorganise the States on
liguistic basis in iteself was a historical blunder, we would be
committing a bigger blunder to create States under pressure. Creation
of States should be guided by more logical parameters than the
political pressures.

Naveen Luther says:

December 12,2009 at 02:27 PM IST

The letter should have addressed to Mrs.Sonia Gandhi and not to
Dr.M.M.singh as he has neither authority nor concerned about creating
state.Mrs.Gandhi does not know the consequences of creating or
amolgamation of states. There matters are looked after by her other
nominees consisting of Mr.Pranab Mukherjee, Mr.Chidambaram, Mr.Ahmed
Patel and Mr.A.Fernades, otherwise known as Congess high command.They
decide matters on their individual likes or dislikes. It looks,
Mr.Chidambaram nursed certain grieviences against Late Dr.Rajasekhara
Reddy the former Chief Minister of A.P.who used to vield a lot of
influence over Mrs.Sonia Gandhi and wanted to take a revenge against
him. But he could not succeed during his life time.Now he got the
oppurtunity and announced breaking of his state as could not break
Dr.Reddy.The other reason is the Govt., wanted to divert the attention
of the people from its economic mismanagement and abnormal price rise
of essential commodities, therefore A Lebharham report and devision of
a state has become very handy for them.Any how Mr.Chidabaram made a
good pudding for distribution to West Bengal, U.P.Bihar and
Maharastra.Good luck to him.

Agree (0)

Disagree (1)

Bhoomika says:

December 12,2009 at 02:33 PM IST

few days back Andhra had to be divided.. now yesterday there was a
news that Mayawati wants to divide UP into three parts.. man wht has
happened to India and its people.. after so much of hard slogging
India was set free from Britishers.. and now its people only want to
divide the whole nations into innumerable parts... these insane acts
show how week the democracy and politics of the country is that they
cant even handle and curb such serious issues whr the country is going
in the hands of devil.. i back ur write up.. Wake up India.. United we
stand Divide we fall...

Alefiya says:

December 12,2009 at 04:13 PM IST

The best part about all your blogs is the very serious message of
yours you wish to convey. Readers read your article,laugh and goes to
next pages, but i am sure very few of them would be suceeding to
understand why you are joking about it. Your sarcastic and sattirical
qualities are worth applauding for. I dont blame the readers as not
all are good at understanding sattire and sarcasm. But Sir, readers
like me wait for your blogs so as we could laugh, but more importantly
learn. Your approach is the modern one, like how they teach the
students in schools with the help of pictures,stories and jokes. Hats
Off !!!

Agree (0)

Disagree (1)

pk says:

December 12,2009 at 04:20 PM IST

Well written Mate, but on serious note, I think in the long run it is
better to have small states b'cos of efficient and unbiased
adminstration. See example of Punjab/Haryana before 1964 Haryana was
so neglected brother of Punjab and now it is close to punjab if not
better economically. More number of states doesn't mean that India
will disintegrate, these states will still be part of india n a better
functioning unit of this great nation..I hope this separation occurs
smoothly with out hurting each other any more..

Agree (1)

G.R. Athithan says:

December 12,2009 at 04:31 PM IST

Reorganisation/or division of big states or underdeveloped regions in
to a seperate state is not taboo in the name of National
integration ,rather it will help growth and development and boost to
national economical growth . Having said that, Accountability for
public spending should be made more stringent.

Rajeev Sharma says:

December 12,2009 at 04:43 PM IST

I liked your story. You can have a look on mine as well at
Luckily you write on TOI website and I on my own website. Have a look,
you might like it.



Kamakshi says:

December 12,2009 at 05:08 PM IST

actually true!!!... it was sort of shocking to see that fasting is an
easy way to creat a state of ur own.it felt like parents giving up to
a childs demands when he stubbornly has left eating..
This article is an actually a nice way of bringing up the agony of
this situation..

Rajesh Mehta says:

December 12,2009 at 05:47 PM IST

Did you know who should be blamed for asking smaller states when the
development mostly is remain on certain areas of the states and others
are ignored completely ? You need guts and ability to speak the truth.
There is no word was harshed again congress. If this was BJP
goverement, he would have taken no time to tear them apart about there
decisions. Getting smaller states will divide the country is biggest
joke I heard so far .. If this can spur development on other regions
as well on the states and benefit the people..who cares what you say..
Btw you got authority to write whatever..

aparna says:

December 12,2009 at 05:49 PM IST

hi manas..
it was a hilarious article..but above all i like the serious message
behind this...i wish u dont get your own state:)...lets pray for our
india(that only can save her now)

Dhiren Shah says:

December 12,2009 at 06:38 PM IST

Our fundamental rights: The right to equality. The right to freedom.
The right to freedom from exploitation. The right to freedom of
religion. Cultural and educational rights. The right to constitutional
remedies. The right to property...

True success of our attempt to Independence from British
administration will be when large human population gets these rights
in real. National integrity has nothing to do with no of states.
Reason for Re-Structuring of states should be based on research and
analysis if its good or bad for governance, economy, administration,
people. Besides everyone with citizenship is LOCAL in India. Better
educational levels should be taken up to look at ourselves as part of
nation and not region. It will take time but has to start.

sambhanushali says:

December 12,2009 at 07:02 PM IST

smaller states are no guarantee of development it is poltics of power
which leads to such movements

Agree (2)

Disagree (1)

Himanshu says:

December 12,2009 at 07:40 PM IST

Well this is an example of what our politicians think of INDIA as
country or i even doubt that they even think it to be a country or
want it to be one now.Their current deeds are foretelling what they
have in store for the people if they are unleashed.
They evince by their ignorance n greed what they have learned after
being slaved for more than 2 centuries(divide n rule). I guess they
are just profiteers who one day can even sell their motherland for a
few chunks of money.
It feels so helpless to see India full of such people for whom country
is nothing but a mint to print money. Shame on such politicians n
shame on their accomplices.

Kannan Kalindhi says:

December 12,2009 at 07:48 PM IST

We want our India united. That is our strength and success. Set aside
all religious, regional, and linguistic differences for that unity.

Agree (2)

Sameer says:

December 12,2009 at 10:28 PM IST

Is'nt managing smaller units an easier job (I am not from
Telangana...). I agree ki sentiments hurt hue honge; We should be
united, hum ek hain...par yaar agar alag chat ke niche rehke ek
muhalle mein rahen to it's better than brewing hatred towards each
other while living under a roof.
I mean look at smaller states (Haryana, Himanchal, Punjab, Kerela,
Chattisgarh, Uttaranchal..they are better governed than the biggies),
or smaller countries (most of the countries in Europe are very small
and are better governed as well are richer than biggies like UK,
France or Germany).
So koi nahi, lets make smaller units...par lets increase integration
between them; more fests, more industries in different parts of
country which employ different people, educationg children from a
state about art/literature/language/visionaries of other states,
compulsary 2 extra languages for every kid in school...&amp; probably
from different zones...
Baaki if this is the weekend you all are submitting applications for
alag states...it seems I'll miss out, as I am working this weekend :(
@ Manas: Hats off to you man, read a superb sattire after a long long
time...best of luck to your pan-wala, dhobi &amp; bull!

Agree (1)

Siddharth says:

December 12,2009 at 10:53 PM IST

Love the sarcasm!

Agree (3)

sampath says:

December 12,2009 at 10:54 PM IST

It is funny to hear that linking of seperate state to national
integrity, states are organized for proper adminstration. Telangana
will be part of India and same constitution will be applicable for the
people too. MNS like politicians are everywhere, they didn't came up
due to small state and Maharastra state is not a small state or it
didn't formed in recent times.One of the friend was saying rather than
state why cann't the people ask of separate package.
Let me explain thatin detail, 1956 gentle man agreement was agreed
among all the leaders and it was voileted within 1 year. This
agreement was honoured until 1969 and then the separate state
agitation started but Mr Chenna reddy yeilded to the CM post and
diluted the total movement. At that point of time govt. came up with
six point furmula and predential order and included in constitution
371-D. Then these consitutional rights were ignored and allotted the
local jobs to other regions. In 1985 govt came to know that 66000 jobs
allocated against the constitutional rights of the people of
telangana. Then they came up with GO 610 which clearly states that all
the employess to sent back to their respective regions within in 1
year. Even a single person was not sent till now. To know the status
of 610 GO and formed Girglani commission, which gave report in 2004
with all the details of how the 610 exploited and made
recommandations. Those recommandations thrown into trash bin

All the above explanatins are related to jobs only if I write
regarding the irrigation projets this space may not be enough.
If you were part of this region where you were ignored and exploited
each and everywhere stage of life, will you write the same blog

Agree (2)

girish balasubramanian says:

December 12,2009 at 11:03 PM IST

EUPHEMSTIC!!!! that is what i can say about the blog. while it is a
pity that those weilding the power have taken to divide and rule
policies, we the so called electorate of the world's biggest democracy
have become mere spectators to such acts. the article also points out
our inability to conter things. all that can be is atlesast let hope
that books have updated figures on the number of states and their
capitals. also lets hope that another chandrasekhar rao or mayawati do
not sit on fast unto death demanding a separate country. i think its
not long before this glorious 'country' of ours would be divided into
many more countries. i think our children in school would be taught
about diversity in unity and the pledge of our country would be
altered. i think even god is waiting for a superior force to help him
set things right in our so called glorious democracy.

Surinder Paul says:

December 12,2009 at 11:10 PM IST

The facilities should be provided and can be provided with out
breaking the country into pieces. We do not need more politicians,
CMs, and others to provide the facilities.

Menon says:

December 12,2009 at 11:48 PM IST

All these problems will cease if there are 4 or 8 regions as states
with straightline boundaries as in USA. Let there be a state
reotrganisation on that basis pronto. (I am writing tjis with full
knowlede that this will go on untill we have patriotic politicians)
Whats happening is petty politicians, to gain power, demand all this.
This particular Reddy or keddy or whatever could not even get seats in
his beloved Telengana.
These will stop when any rioting will be punishable not in book but in
fact also.

Vikram says:

December 13,2009 at 07:17 AM IST

I am appalled that ToI has given space for such an idotic article. You
have shown complete lack of understanding of the sufferings of
Telangana people. Remember that poking fun at people who suffer is not
humorous, but a disgrace. Shame on you, Mr. Author.

Agree (1)

Disagree (2)

(Reply to Vikram)- Shikhar says:

December 13,2009 at 12:44 PM IST

I am appalled that TOI is allowing idotic comments like yours. All you
people want to do is break country into little pieces. Shame on you
and your kind. Tomorrow you'll make Khalistan also.


...and I am Sid Harth
2009-12-13 20:32:16 UTC
Need for Andhra assembly resolution over Telangana: Siva Rao
PTI Sunday, December 13, 2009 18:32 IST

Guntur, (AP): Senior Congress leader and MP Rayapati Samba Siva Rao
today said that Andhra Pradesh Congress legislature party has
committed a mistake by authorising Congress chief Sonia Gandhi to take
a decision on sensitive issue of separate Telangana.

The five time MP from Guntur referring to "midnight unilateral
decision" of Congress Core Committee to concede the demand for the
formation of Telangana, said that they naturally expected that Sonia
would consult all the stakeholders before taking a decision.

"We are shocked and deeply disappointed at the hasty unilateral
decision", he told reporters at his residence. Sambasiva Rao remarked
that formation of a separate Telangana state is still in doubt and a
resolution by AP State Legislature is mandatory for the purpose.

He attributed the Congress Core Committee decision more to the
pressure from Congress leaders in Telangana than to the fast by
Telangana Rashtra Samiti (TRS) chief K Chandra Sekhar Rao.

Sambasiva Rao claimed that Sonia has assured Andhra MPs to reconsider
the Telangana decision and see to it that no injustice is done to any
region in Andhra Pradesh.


...and I am Sid Harth
2009-12-13 20:35:01 UTC
Congress in no hurry, will wait out Telangana crisis
KV Ramana / DNA
Monday, December 14, 2009 0:36 IST

Hyderabad: The Congress leadership has apparently decided to wait out
the protests against the Centre's decision to carve out a separate
state of Telangana from Andhra Pradesh.

Senior Congress leaders told DNA that the party has asked its MPs from
coastal Andhra and Rayalaseema to go back to their constituencies,
promising that nothing will be done in a hurry. The Centre, it is
learnt, feels that the protests will fizzle out in a week, giving the
government enough time to decide on what needs to be done next.

Sources said the central leadership of the party is in no mood to
negotiate or send an emissary to Hyderabad, where several party MLAs
have submitted their resignations, plunging the K Rosaiah government
into crisis.

On the demands for new states being raised in other parts of the
country, the government is going to sit tight, the sources said.
Senior leaders, including finance minister Pranab Mukherjee, have made
it clear that the movement for Telangana is different from other such

Party insiders said the crisis precipitated by the resignation of
Congress MLAs also seems to be headed towards a resolution, especially
with the possibility of president's rule in the state looming large.

Though there is no confirmation yet, many of the MLAs who had put in
their papers are in a mood to withdraw their resignations. "The
general fear is about president's rule coming into play. None of the
MLAs is in favour of that situation. Mostly, the withdrawals should
start happening shortly," a source in the party said. "Most of the
MLAs feel that they were successful in communicating their view on the
Telangana issue to the high command through mass resignations.
Withdrawing resignations would not harm their standpoint," the source

In another indication that the crisis may be nearing an end, the 21
ministers -- from coastal Andhra and Rayalaseema -- in the Rosaiah
government, who had offered to quit are yet to hand over their
resignations to the chief minister. According to those tracking the
developments, even Rosaiah, agitated with the behaviour of his cabinet
colleagues, had threatened to step down.

But for Telugu Desam Party (TDP), the worst is not over yet. The TDP
has virtually split into two, with party leaders from Telangana
accusing Chandrababu Naidu of changing his stand, and the MLAs from
coastal Andhra and Rayalaseema refusing to withdraw their

Meanwhile, protests against Telangana continued in parts of coastal
Andhra and Rayalaseema. Protesters have apparently decided to target
the central government property to express their displeasure against
the Centre's decision favouring the creation of Telangana.

On Sunday, the protestors in Anantapur burnt down two railway
stations. On Saturday, the protestors had burnt down a BSNL warehouse.
At least 24 people have been arrested, the police said.

Telangana, on the other hand, continues to remain peaceful. Students
of Osmania and Kakatiya universities, which were headquarters for
protests demanding Telangana, are busy preparing for the semester
exams scheduled to begin from December 22.

(With inputs from Javed M Ansari in New Delhi )


...and I am Sid Harth
2009-12-13 20:38:04 UTC
Telangana crisis has helped YSR Reddy's son
KV Ramana / DNA
Monday, December 14, 2009 0:28 IST

Hyderabad: Amid the turmoil over Telangana, a movement that has shaken
chief minister K Rosaiah's chair, much is being read into late chief
minister YSR Reddy's son YS Jaganmohan Reddy's silence.

The young MP, who was seen as a CM contender within hours of YSR's
death, has so far not said anything to quell the fires though leaders
from his Rayalaseema region have threatened drastic measures if the
Centre does not retract the pro-Telangana decision.
But there are rumours in political corridors that a majority of the
130 MLAs who sent in their resignations and 20-odd ministers who
threatened to quit over Telangana also figured in the list of 120 who
had put forth Jagan's candidature for chief ministership.

Thus, signatories to the pro-Jagan campaign have used the opportunity
to isolate Rosaiah. "It is very difficult to point fingers at Jagan as
there is no evidence. But, it is his camp that has refused to support
Rosaiah in these times of trouble," a senior Congressman operating out
of Delhi said.

"There is circumstantial evidence to show that the aggrieved Congress
MLAs and ministers are trying to destabilise Rosaiah. Knowing that
these MLAs and ministers were chanting the Jagan mantra till
yesterday, Jagan has done nothing to calm things down. Maybe he is
waiting for the high command to request him to intervene," another
Congress leader said.

But there are unconfirmed reports that finance minister Pranab
Mukherjee requested Jagan to urge the agitated Congress MLAs, MPs and
ministers to cooperate with Rosaiah in clearing the mess.

But, even if one concedes that Jagan has a role in the unrest in the
state, what is his game plan? "Considering the post-YSR drama in the
state, it is safe to assume that Jagan would try to prove to the high
command that he remains the trouble shooter in Andhra Pradesh affairs.
And, he would also prove to the masters that there is no alternate
leadership but for him. However, he would do so only on invitation," a
political analyst said.


...and I am Sid Harth
2009-12-13 20:43:24 UTC
Mayawati stuns with Poorvanchal push
Deepak Gidwani / DNA
Sunday, December 13, 2009 13:09 IST
Last updated: Sunday, December 13, 2009 14:27 IST

Lucknow: UP's political cauldron is on the boil over the demand for
smaller states. Sensing the mood, chief minister Mayawati dashed off a
letter to prime minister Manmohan Singh on Sunday stating that her
government was willing to carve out the new state of Poorvanchal (east
UP), provided the Centre gives the go-ahead. By putting the ball in
the Centre's court, the BSP has created a catch-22 situation for the

"The formation of the new state of Poorvanchal has become imperative
considering the need for better administrative management and the
aspirations of the people (of this region)," Mayawati said in the
letter to the PM. Besides Poorvanchal, the BSP chief had recently
written to the PM for the Centre's approval for two other new states
-- Bundelkhand (comprising areas of southern UP and Madhya Pradesh)
and Harit Pradesh (western UP).

Mayawati pointed out in her letter that her government had made its
stand over Poorvanchal known as early as on October 31, 2007 in the
Vidhan Sabha (legislative assembly), additional cabinet secretary
Vijay Shankar Pande told reporters.
The CM had also made an announcement to this effect at a BSP rally in
Lucknow on October 9, 2007, he said.

With her latest gambit, Mayawati has stumped her political opponents,
setting the political agenda for the 2012 assembly election. The
Telangana dispute has landed her a potent issue, virtually out of
nowhere, on a platter. The shrewd politician that she is, Mayawati is
sure to exploit the "smaller states" issue to the hilt in the run-up
to the next election.

The electoral importance of Poorvanchal does not beg exaggeration. It
is a politically volatile area comprising 27 districts, making it the
largest region compared to central UP, west UP and Bundelkhand. The
region has the largest chunk of Vidhan Sabha (147) and Lok Sabha (28)
seats, too. BSP holds the maximum number of these seats.
The BSP's main rival, the Samajwadi Party (SP), does not support the
creation of Poorvanchal. SP chief Mulayam Singh Yadav has often said
that smaller states are prone to political bullying by the Centre.
"Creation of smaller states adds to the problems of administration and
development rather than solve them," SP spokesman Rajendra Choudhary
said. "Uttarakhand, Chhattisgarh and Jharkhand are examples before
us," he said.

Both the Congress and BJP seem to have adopted a "wait-and-watch"
policy on the states issue. "Congress is not against smaller states.
In fact, our party manifesto talks of setting up a second States
Reorganisation Commission," UP Congress president Rita Bahuguna Joshi
said. "It should be left to this commission to decide which states
need to be divided," she said, quickly adding that this was her
personal view.

UP BJP president Ramapati Ram Tripathi toed the line. "Demand for new
states should be referred to a new commission," he said. "After
Uttarakhand, we don't think there is any need for further division of
UP," he said.


...and I am Sid Harth
2009-12-13 20:54:06 UTC
Telangana Part II
Mohan Guruswamy
Friday, December 11, 2009 1:17 IST

The second Telangana movement for a separate state seems to be in its
final act now, with K Chandrasekhara Rao (KCR) ending his "hunger
strike". This will see the culmination of the Telangana statehood
movement that actually began way back in 1956 when the composite
Andhra Pradesh was created by dismembering the old Hyderabad state and
joining its Telangana region with the Telugu speaking areas of the
erstwhile Madras Presidency.

At that time the people of Telangana expressed apprehensions about
being forced into a shotgun marriage with the Andhra region. The
Andhra region was much more developed and wealthier than Telangana,
with the British having invested a good deal in education and
infrastructure, while the Nizam of Hyderabad seemed more preoccupied
with accumulating a huge personal fortune. He was reckoned to be the
richest man in the world which took him to the cover of Time magazine
well before Mahatma Gandhi's experiments with truth placed him there.

Hyderabad blossomed into a beautiful and well laid out city but the
common people, like in other princely states, remained very poor.

Thus, in the aridness of the Deccan a fertile ground was created for a
popular communist movement which morphed into India's first armed
insurrection -- the first Telangana movement, which was terminated on
orders from Joseph Stalin himself. Stalin also saw in that Telangana
movement the glimmerings of Maoist dogma which postulated that the
villages will strangle the cities and take over the state. The
Communist Party of India then reverted to trade unionism which was
more lucrative than revolution in the hinterland. This was why Charu
Mazumdar who spawned Naxalism in India, denounced the CPI and CPM and
took to waging the Peoples War.

The apprehensions of the people of Telangana and the Hyderabad elite
in 1956 were not entirely unfounded. At that time Jawaharlal Nehru
assuaged them somewhat with safeguards like reservations in
educational institutions and government for the locally born. But most
of these assurances remained on paper and the people of Andhra gained
ascendancy over Hyderabad's and Telangana's social and economic life.

By the mid 1960s things were hotting up again. College canteens
reverberated with heated and passionate discussions on the
desirability of a separate state. Many of the more ideologically
committed joined the now resurgent Naxalite movement in the forests of
Telangana, inspired by Communist ideologues like Vempatapu
Sathyanarayana and Adhibatla Kailasam. When they were killed by
Jalagam Vengala Rao's reign of terror, Kondapalli Sitaramiah took over
and greatly expanded the Peoples War Group. In this manner the
original Telangana movement revived and by the late '60s was seized by
Congress dissidents like M Channa Reddy, a charismatic leader whose
commitment to a separate Telangana was only exceeded by his concern
for an office of profit. Under his leadership over 300 students lost
their lives but the hacks of the Congress party were satisfied with
the removal of Kasu Brahmananda Reddy and the promise of office.
But instead of Channa Reddy, Indira Gandhi found PV Narasimha Rao more

When the agitation revived it was in both parts of the state. The
Andhra side too now wanted a separate state. But in reality all they
wanted was the removal of Narasimha Rao. This done, the Congress Party
went back to business as usual, till the advent of KCR, who was a
deputy speaker under the Telugu Desam dispensation of Chandrababu
Naidu. KCR fell out with Babu and guess what he took to next?

Separate Telangana!

After a good show in the 2004 elections he too settled down to a good
life as a cabinet minister in the Manmohan Singh government, till
cries of betrayal turned his party against him. But by now YS
Rajasekhara Reddy was truly in charge and had marginalised all rivals.
In the 2009 elections the Telangana Rashtra Samithi (TRS), now in
alliance with the Andhra dominated TDP, CPM and CPI was reduced to a
mere two seats in the Lok Sabha and 10 in the assembly. Then the TRS
split once more. But the death of YSR and the elevation of Rosaiah,
another PV Narasimha Rao kind of boneless wonder, gave Congressmen an
opportunity to repeat history. So KCR was persuaded to go on a fast
and the Congress national leadership was arm-twisted into bowing to
the newly aroused sentiments of its Telangana leaders. Soon KCR will
realise that he will not be the chief minister of Telangana, and a
dyed-in-the-wool Congressman will take that position. And there will
still be room for another Congress CM in the truncated Andhra state.
But that still leaves us with the now resurgent first Telangana
movement, only the Communists are now called

Naxalites? C'est la vie!


...and I am Sid Harth
2009-12-13 21:03:28 UTC
Form states on basis of administrative feasibility: RSS

Agra, Dec 13 (PTI) The Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) today said it
favoured creation of new states on the basis of administrative
feasibility and not on linguistic criterion.

The size of the state, big or small, was immaterial, and
administrative feasibility should be the criterion for carving out of
new states, RSS chief Mohan Bhagwat told a rally here.

On the Copenhagen summit, he said the danger to the eco- system would
not have arisen if the world had followed the ancient Indian view that
man should live close to nature and protect it.

Bhagwat said it was strange that developed nations responsible for 60
per cent of carbon dioxide emissions were asking countries like India,
which accounts for just over one per cent, to reduce them by half.


...and I am Sid Harth
2009-12-13 21:05:31 UTC
File photo of TDP MLAs protesting against separate state of Telangana
in Hyderabad. PTI Photo Photograph (2)
Political backlash continues in AP, 4 TDP leaders launch fast

Hyderabad, Dec 13 (PTI) The political crisis in Andhra Pradesh
triggered by the Telangana issue showed no signs of easing today with
four TDP leaders launching an indefinite fast opposing bifurcation of
the state, even as ministers, who threatened to quit, maintained
silence on their move.

Telugu Desam MLAs Devineni Umamaheswara Rao (Mylavaram) and Chinnam
Ramakotaiah (Nuzividu), along with former Mayor of Vijayawada city
Panchumarthi Anuradha and party leader B Umamaheswara Rao sat on the
indefinite hunger strike in Vijayawada, the epicentre of the anti-
Telangana protests.

On the other hand, Ch Ramesh, TDP MLA from Karimnagar in Telangana
region, submitted resignation both from his assembly membership as
well as the party in protest against the TDP's "doublespeak" on

Suspense continued on the issue of resignation of more than 20
ministers, who had yesterday decided to quit opposing the formation of


...and I am Sid Harth
2009-12-13 21:09:02 UTC
AP assembly to be adjourned tomorrow ?

Hyderabad, Dec.13 (PTI) With demands for quickly introducing a
resolution for carving Telangana out of Andhra Pradesh hotting up, the
state Assembly is likely to adjourn sine die tomorrow when it re-
assembles after the week-end recess.

As emotions ran high and MLAs remained polarised along regional lines,
Sources said tonight the option of adjourning the House is under

So far, around 130 MLAs in the 294-member Assembly belonging to
Congress, TDP and PRP from non-Telangana regions have resigned against
creation of Telangana.

Chief minister K Rosaiah has already said a resolution on Telangana
would be moved in the Assembly only if there was consensus among all
parties ?-a clear indication that nothing was going to be done in a

The Assembly is expected to reconvene once the frayed tempers over the
Telangana statehood cools down.


...and I am Sid Harth
2009-12-14 00:23:45 UTC
Now, fresh calls for Seemanchal state
Dipak Mishra , TNN 14 December 2009, 12:20am IST

PATNA: Amid clamouring for more smaller states, the demand for
creation of a separate Seemanchal state — comprising Purnia, Araria,
Katihar, Kishanganj, Bhagalpur, Supaul and Khagaria districts — in
Bihar seems to be hotting up along with that of Mithilanchal.

Former Union minister Mohd Taslimuddin, who first raised the demand in
1992 has renewed the call for carving out Seemanchal. ‘‘It receives
strong approval whenever I meet people and attend public meetings,’’
said Taslimuddin. He said Seemanchal supporters have the proposed
state’s map. ‘‘Purnia will be our capital,” Taslimuddin said,
stressing that it was the right time to raise the issue. He justified
the demand saying the region would receive more funds for

Seemanchal lies near the borders with Nepal, Bangladesh and West
Bengal. Taslimuddin and his supporters argue that creating a state
along the border would also help in curbing activities like smuggling.
He said the move for Seemanchal state will start with the demand of
opening of a Patna HC bench at Katihar.

“In unified Bihar, Ranchi had a Patna high court bench. But now it has
gone to Jharkhand,’’ he said. During the early 1990s, Taslimuddin had
launched a campaign for Seemanchal’s creation. However, he appeared to
have dropped it when he joined hands with RJD chief Lalu Prasad and
was inducted into the ministry. Once considered the most influential
Muslim leader of north Bihar, Taslimuddin quit RJD after losing Lok
Sabha polls. He is yet to decide on his next political course. His
critics say Seemanchal demand’s revival was just a ploy to increase
his bargaining power.

Incidentally, the demands for new states in Bihar overlap each other.
The supporters of Mithilanchal say it would include parts of Saharsa,
Supaul, Bhagalpur and Madhepura districts. There is a demand for the
creation of Kantapur state carving out parts of West Bengal and Bihar,
including Kishanganj.


...and I am Sid Harth
2009-12-14 00:26:21 UTC
Division of Andhra Pradesh not acceptable: Congress MP
IANS 13 December 2009, 01:44pm IST

NEW DELHI: Vowing he would do anything for a united Andhra Pradesh, L.
Rajagopal, a Congress MP from Vijayawada, on Sunday said the division
of the coastal state for a proposed Telangana would not be allowed.

"We will not allow the division of Andhra Pradesh. Why should Andhra
be divided?" Rajagopal told reporters here.

Rajagopal and 130 legislators from the state assembly had submitted
their resignations in protest against the central government's nod to
creation of a separate Telangana state. A final decision on initiating
the process of statehood has been apparently delayed.

"The situation in Andhra Pradesh is very disturbing," Rajagopal said
voicing his concern.

"Now I have decided to join the movement (against division of the
state). Hyderabad (which is proposed to be the capital of Telangana,
when created) is the mother and the 22 districts of Andhra Pradesh are
her children. We will not betray our mother," he said.

"I wish that peace prevails in the state and that Telugu-speaking
people the world over and in Andhra Pradesh come and demonstrate their
unity," the Congress MP said, adding he was proud to be working under
the leadership of party president Sonia Gandhi.


...and I am Sid Harth
2009-12-14 00:30:25 UTC
Small states, big mistake?
Kingshuk Nag, TNN 13 December 2009, 02:13am IST

When Malik Kafur, Alauddin Khilji's favourite general sacked the
Yadava kingdom of Devagiri (present-day Aurangabad) and made inroads
into the Kakatiya kingdom at Warangal at the fag-end of the 13th
century, little did he realize that his incursions would change this
part of the world forever. Kafur was happy making away with gold-laden
horses and the Kohinoor. But in the series of invasions that followed,
Muhammad bin Tughlak set up his capital in the area before he was
forced to retreat north. This sowed the seeds of a Deccani (Dakhni)
culture, which reached its zenith in the 20th-century Hyderabad state
of the Nizams. It sprawled across present-day Maharashtra, north
Karnataka and Telangana. "A distinctive culture evolved. It was a
synthesis of north and south, of Hindu and Muslim traditions, and also
tribal culture as part of the area was populated with Gonds," says
former minister Basheeruddin Babu-khan. A new way of life came into
being with a distinct language, Dakhni, a synthesis of Urdu and
Telugu; food habits; music and festivals that included Id, Dussehra
and tribal feast days revolving around jungle cults.

Meanwhile, south of the Krishna river, the prosperous Vijayanagar
kings held sway. Their kingdom, in present-day north-central
Karnataka, controlled large parts of what is now Andhra Pradesh. The
kings were great proponents of culture and built magnificent temples
such as Lord Balaji's in Tirumala. Thus, they spawned a distinctive
way of life. "The two cultures were poles apart," says Bharat Kumar
who recently wrote a book on Telangana. From the 18th century, much of
the area under Vijayanagar came into British hands. Madras was their
regional headquarters. This brought English education to the region.
As well as an irrigation system. All of this accentuated the
differences with people in the Deccan region.

Unfortunately, the Nizams ran a military-feudal system, focused on
revenue collection rather than mass education and development. Soon,
the economic and cultural gap between the two peoples was enormous.
"There was no common meeting ground, except for the Telugu language.
But in Telangana the Telugu spoken was different and had no script.
The Telugu in parts of the erstwhile British dominion was Sanskritised
and classical," says a former state chief secretary.

Post-Independence, Sardar Patel used military action to ensure
Hyderabad state was integrated with India. Eight years later, his
successors ensured that parts of the erstwhile state were dismantled
and amalgamated into newly formed Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka and
Maharashtra. Andhra Pradesh itself was a union of the Telugu-speaking
area of Telangana and the other part that was under the British.
Interestingly, the creation of Andhra Pradesh ran counter to the
recommendations of the States Reorganization Commission. It advised
separate states. "But those were the heady days of integration and
states on linguistic basis. Language was considered the basis of
culture. So nobody thought that things could go amiss. Although things
did not go awry in that sense, it was an uneasy alliance between two
unequal economic partners," says the former chief secretary.

Problems were compounded by mounting differences over the years, not
least Telangana being an arid, resource-poor and landlocked region,
perched in the highlands. It has no minerals and its coal is of
dubious quality. The Godavari cuts through the area but it is
difficult to funnel water from the river to the fields. In recent
years, most Andhra farmers' suicides have occurred in this region. The
area has two major power and irrigation projects, at Srisailam and
Nagarjunasagar on the Telangana-Andhra border. But most of the water
and power goes to the non-Telangana part of Andhra Pradesh.
Landholdings are concentrated in the hands of the few, not the many,
so the Maoist movement has deep roots here. Activists for Telangana
say it is "an internal colony of the rest of Andhra".

They may have a point. Telangana has no native entrepreneurs but
carpet-baggers from the coastal parts of the state have moved in.
Right now, Telangana may never grow and develop unless the Centre
pumps crores into developing it. It is worth noting that Andhra
Pradesh's most productive areas, investment-rich Vishakhapatanam and
the K G Basin, will stay with Andhra. Which would leave a new
Telangana with just one asset - Hyderabad. But Brand Hyderabad is not
about the manufacturing sector. It is about IT and ITeS. Both require
human capital and are more mobile than manufacturing units. Such
sectors are sensitive to the slightest change in the ecosystem. If
Telangana comes into being, the image of Brand Hyderabad is bound to
be battered. "Telangana is not economically viable. But we can't say
that on the record," laments a Congress leader from Telangana.
Clearly, small may not always be beautiful.


...and I am Sid Harth
2009-12-14 00:32:36 UTC
Hyderabadi way is rooted in Telangana
13 December 2009, 02:11am IST

Hyderabad is bang in the middle of Telangana, it should go to
Telangana. The people of Hyderabad are either from Telangana or
migrated here from elsewhere. My family, for example, came here 400
years ago from the north.

Hyderabadi culture is certainly unique, but a lot of that culture is
evident in most districts of Telangana - the people speak a kind of
local Urdu, which I speak too. Exposure has meant that many non-
Telangana inhabitants of the region have also started speaking a bit
of this Urdu. And then there is the kind of Telugu we speak, or the
Telugu songs we learned as children - a mix of Telugu and Urdu - so
there is much Telangana influence too.

Of course, all cities, countries, and states are dynamic; they keep
changing and growing. Still, I would prefer to see Hyderabad
rediscover its original personality. There was hardly any history of
communal violence in the city (except in the days just before
Independence) because there were conscious attempts by the Nizams to
create a composite culture, and even earlier under the Golconda

The plural character of the place dates back to its founder Quli Qutb
Shah, who ruled from the fort-city of Golconda. When Golconda got too
crowded, it was hit so badly by a plague that the king had no choice
but to move to the plains. So he came down from the hill and built
Hyderabad city. It was here that he married Bhagmati, a local woman
who was basically a courtesan. As a prince, he would cross the river
even when it was in full spate to meet her. His father didn't protest
that he was meeting a Hindu courtesan. Instead, he built a bridge to
help him cross the river safely!

Quli Qutb Shah named Hyderabad ‘Bhagyanagar' for her. When he made her
his queen, she was named Hyder Mahal, from where the city got its
name. So, it's a very composite culture: Quli Qutb Shah himself was a
scholar of Urdu, Persian and Telugu. Both his poet laureates, Peddana
and Errana, wrote in Telugu. He too wrote in Telugu. Even later, till
the reign of the last Nizam, various groups of people had a lot of say
in Hyderabad. The Muslims predominated, but there was also the north
Indian nobility, Telugu nobility, Parsi Nawabs, Maharashtrian Rajas.

We, for example, my father and his children, used to wear the sherwani
and fez all the time. My family, my ancestor as far back as we can go
was Raja Raghunath, Aurangzeb's wazir-e-azam (grand wazir, or prime
minister). When he died, one of his two sons travelled south with
Nizam-ul-Mulk, the first of the Asaf Jahi dynasty, who was appointed
governor of the Deccan. So, our ancestor became part of the Nizam's

Besides ruling three districts of the Nizam's territory, our family
was also in charge of revenue collection, maal guzari; as a result,
our estate was called the Malwala Estate.

I have always spoken more Urdu than Hindi. Even today, I am more
comfortable with the Arabic script than Devnagiri. Even today we don't
greet our elders with namaste, we say adaab. This culture is so much a
part of us that when I first met my wife Pratibha, she asked me: "Are
you Muslim?" I said, "Well, you can tell from my name!"

The cultural plurality was such that this kind of ambiguity was
possible. This ambiguity still exists in old Hyderabadi families; even
the Andhra people who have settled in the region have absorbed some of
this culture.

I would hope that once Telangana state is created, this plurality will
be restored. Post-Independence, the people of Andhra have dominated
the economy; they have prospered while the people of Telangana
continue to be backward. One reason could be that the people of
Telangana were more laidback, possibly because of our culture - after
all it was a princely state! Many Telangana districts have Muslim
names (Nizamabad, Karimnagar, Mahbubnagar). This too reflects its
plural culture. You don't find that in the Andhra area.

Statehood for Telangana would hopefully restore the old plural
culture. But God knows if this will come to pass.

* Vijay Karan retired as Director of the CBI and also served as
Commissioner of Police, Delhi. He belongs to one of Hyderabad's oldest
families. He spoke to Parvati Sharma


...and I am Sid Harth
2009-12-14 00:38:11 UTC
Free from Bihar, burdened by scams
Sonali Das, TNN 13 December 2009, 02:05am IST

If and when it comes into being, Telangana has only to look to
Jharkhand for a list of don'ts. In the nine years since it was carved
out of Bihar to "empower its indigenous people", the state has been
rocked by scandal, political conspiracy, corruption and Maoist

Unlike its twin siblings Chhattisgarh and Uttarakhand - also born
November 2000 - mineral-rich Jharkhand has failed to reap the benefits
of micro-statehood. It has had four chief ministers - Babulal Marandi,
Arjun Munda, Shibu Soren and Madhu Koda - heading six governments in
nine years. It has constantly teetered on the brink of political
uncertainty. Soren and Koda, among others, are accused of corruption.

More than 40% of Jharkhand's population is SC and ST. This segment is
arguably as deprived today as a decade ago. Perhaps more so. In 2000,
only a few districts in the region were affected by Naxalism; today
the red rebels hold sway all over.

Things are so bad that Jharkhand is being forced to ask itself the
question: Would it have been better to stay with Bihar, especially
with Nitish Kumar as chief minister?

Perhaps. The new state's troubled politics has always divided it.
Right from the start, the single largest party in the 81-member
assembly never had a majority. Politicians were forced routinely to
bend every rule in the book to make the magic number and unscrupulous
Independent MLAs flitted from one alliance to another, becoming
cabinet ministers, or in Koda's case, chief minister.

Economist Ramesh Sharan says the political instability "has largely
let corruption go unchallenged (even though) corruption has a long
history in this region and the fodder and bitumen scams had their
roots in Jharkhand".

But R K Jha, former head of Ranchi University's political science
department, insists that Jharkhand's "bitter experience" cannot be
used to argue against smaller states. "Decentralization has worked in
Chhattisgarh and Uttarakhand," he points out. "It was the urge to end
Lalu Prasad's misrule that made people hanker for a separate state."

The new state's first chief minister, Babulal Marandi of the BJP,
demonstrated some vision but administration went downhill after that,
says Jha. The state has not prospered in any sector despite having a
budget surplus two years in a row. But money meant for development was
siphoned off and the state spent just Rs 1,500 crore till mid-October,
less than a quarter of what it could have.

"The nine-year experience has been extremely bitter," says academic-
turned-politician Ram Dayal Munda. "The idea of a separate state -
essentially for the rights of its own people - is lost today because
the people who managed it were not its own."


...and I am Sid Harth
2009-12-14 00:40:52 UTC
More suicides: 3 for Telangana, 2 for united Andhra
TNN 13 December 2009, 06:26am IST

HYDERABAD: The backlash against the separate Telangana decision
continued to rock the state with two persons committing suicide in
support of united Andhra. Six persons are said to have died of shock
unable to reconcile themselves to the bifurcation of the state, while
three persons ended their lives worried over the delay in formation of

A degree student S Janardhan committed suicide at Nijulapalle in
Chapadu mandal of Kadapa district late on Friday night in support of
united Andhra. Police said he consumed pesticide and jumped into the
waters of Kundu river.

A Samaikhya Andhra activist K Rangaswami Reddy, 40, died late on
Friday night at Narava village in Giddalur mandal of Prakasam
district. He consumed pesticide on Thursday in protest against the
separate T state and was admitted to a hospital.

Upset over the non-Telangana MLAs and MPs' agitation, Telangana
Vidyavanthula Vedika Yellareddy mandal president Akula Shiva Kumar,
23, committed suicide by jumping into a well in Thimmareddy village in
Nizamabad district in the wee hours of Saturday. In a suicide note
Shiva said he had decided to end his life in protest against the
united Andhra agitation.

Anguished over the MPs/MLAs lobbying to stall the separate state
process, 17-year-old intermediate student Sridhar hung himself at his
residence at Deshaipet village of Karimnagar district on Saturday. A
tribal Jatoth Somla, 36, climbed atop a tall tree and jumped to his
death in Peddavangara of Warangal district late on Friday night.


...and I am Sid Harth
2009-12-14 00:43:45 UTC
Many Hyderabadis not ready for the T-word
Swati Sucharita12 December 2009, 04:49am IST

The T-debate seems to have thrown most Hyderabadis into a severe
identity crisis, even though Telangana is yet to happen and Hyderabad
a long distance away from becoming part of the proposed new state.
Much of the discomfiture may have to do with apprehensions about what
will happen to business.

For cosmopolitan Hyderabadis like restaurateur Vikas Passary, it's the
looming uncertainty over business prospects which is bothering him. "I
am neither from Telengana or Andhra Pradesh, but that doesn't make me
any less attached to Hyderabad, where I have been staying for the last
four years. For outsiders like me, these are genuine business
insecurities. For example, I had an investor from UK, who was keen on
taking our restaurant brand to several food courts in Hyderabad, but
now he wants to adopt a wait-and-watch policy, and I can't blame him.
So, now my business plan is on hold for six months, and I am
helpless!," he rues.

Passary is not alone in his concerns on a day that saw official flip-
flop with the Union home secretary G K Pillai first saying that
Hyderabad would be part of Telangana and later denying having said

"Pillai has released the genie out of the bag by saying that Hyderabad
will go to Telangana. I am very concerned about my future prospects
here," says Amit Kumar, a techie who has joined up on the Facebook
campaign against separate Telangana.

Up from the 10,000 on Wednesday, the campaign has now nearly 12,400
members. And the members are livid after the home secretary's

"This is going to stir trouble," wrote Ravi Raju on the wall. "Delhi
thinks that they can do anything. Let's prove them wrong," wrote Rahul

For PR professional Jyotsna Angara, it's a further divisive trend that
is also worrisome." As it is, we rarely say we are Indian, we are
forever saying I'm Telugu or I'm Tamil or Marathi. Now these kinds of
regional divisions will only lead us further away from declaring that
we are Indian at the end of the day," she says.

Fashion designer Fatima Irfan is also wondering about the driving need
for this division, but would much rather see Hyderabad as a Union
Territory on the lines of say, Chandigarh, with an independent
identity; but certainly not a part of Telangana. "It sounds just not
so it!" she says.

Young singer Bhargavi Pillai is wondering how the TRS managed to hold
our lives to ransom the way it did in the past few days.

"I don't think the situation in the city would have been so bad had
YSR been alive, he would have managed to let the situation remain
under control of the government and not allow Hyderabad to slip out of
the hands of Hyderabadis."

There are others who are thinking on a refreshingly different pitch,
though. According to software professional Satya Naresh, "It's always
a good policy for better governance having smaller states, considering
how populous our states are. If the US with a population of 30 crore
can have 50 states, why can't india with a population of 1.17 billion
follow suit? This panic amongst people is just resistance to change, I
think all that will change is pincodes of areas."

He doesn't however support the ongoing agitation and methods followed
by TRS supporters, "They have forgotten the Gandhian idelology of
peaceful protests, it seems," adds the founder of matrimonial website


...and I am Sid Harth
2009-12-14 00:46:04 UTC
'Settlers' pitch for a separate Hyderabad
TNN 11 December 2009, 05:53am IST

HYDERABAD: The morning after the Government of India gave its green
signal for a separate Telangana state saw the birth of a new slogan,
‘Jai Hyderabad,' coined by the residents of the Andhra pockets of the
city. Demanding a Union Territory status for Hyderabad, they said they
would not bow down to politics of separation.

"If breaking 20 buses can weaken the state and Centre to accede to the
demand of a separate Telangana, then we can break 50 buses to ensure
that Hyderabad is separated from Telangana," said hotelier and
Kukatpally resident D Venu Gopal.

Residents of areas such as Kukatpally and Dilsukhnagar which are known
as "settler" areas for the large number of people from Andhra region
living here said that a decision on Hyderabad's fate cannot be taken
by ignoring an entire set of population that has made Hyderabad its
home for the last many years. "When did they (centre) take our
opinion," was the common refrain.

Take S S Rao's example. He says that though he hails from Vijayawada,
he made Hyderabad his home 25 years ago. "Like me, many people came
here because Hyderabad is the capital and had many jobs on offer.
Nobody will agree to Hyderabad becoming part of Telangana. It has to
be declared as a Union Territory," said Rao, looking disenchantedly at
a bunch of TRS workers zipping through Kukatpally Housing Board on
motorcycles waving pink flags and chanting ‘Jai Telangana.' The public
display of victory did not go down well with residents of several
areas. A realtor even quipped that this is like a boy-girl love affair
that climaxes before they tie the knot. "After the marriage, they come
to terms with reality. It is the same thing. The problems of the state
would be the same even after Telangana is formed so what are they
trying to achieve," he questioned. "This is depressing," said techie
Sudhir Pidugu, a product of Hyderabad Public School and IIT Kharagpur,
who hails from Rayalaseema, saying Hyderbad is no individual's
property to be so ‘gifted' away to one set of people. He asserted that
the Telangana movement did not have any mass support. "Was it because
it unleashed vandalism? We really miss YSR," Sudhir said.

Besides, the "settlers" wondered why their opinion was not sought in
the matter. A bunch of B Tech students, all from Andhra region who are
the second generation of families living in Hyderabad, was seen
discussing as to why they cannot be short-changed. "Hyderabad is
developed today by people of all regions of the state (Andhra,
Telangana and Rayalaseema). Let it become a common capital of Andhra
and Telangana or a Union Territory. Why should we let Hyderabad go,"
asked R Bhargawi, a student.


...and I am Sid Harth
2009-12-14 00:48:31 UTC
Advocates in a fix over bifurcation
TNN 13 December 2009, 06:21am IST

GUNTUR: Advocates in Guntur are in a fix over joining the protests
over bifurcation of the state. For lawyers from Guntur and Vijayawada
had led furious agitations demanding the setting up of a High Court
bench in the past and argued as to why should they oppose the
formation of the state which would give them a full-fledged High

"What is the point in opposing the bifurcation when we have got an
opportunity to have a new High Court once the state is separated,"
argued advocate M Bhagya Rao. However, the majority group led by Bar
Association president V Bramha Reddy has decided to join the protests
demanding the Centre to reverse its decision on bifurcation of the

Bramha Reddy said that the bifurcation would cause more damage to the

"Granting statehood to Telangana would lead to water wars resulting in
grave injustice to the people of Andhra and Rayalaseema regions.
Hence, we have decided to put the interests of the people of the
region ahead of our interests," he claimed. There are about 50,000
practising advocates in Andhra and Rayalaseema regions.


...and I am Sid Harth
2009-12-14 00:50:44 UTC
Violence breaks out in Anantapur
TNN 13 December 2009, 06:22am IST

ANANTAPUR: The swelling discontent on the Telangana decision took a
violent turn in Rayalaseema region on Saturday with Samaikhya Andhra
agitators setting a BSNL godown on the outskirts of Anantapur town on
fire while several students were injured in police lathicharge at Sri
Krishnadevaraya University (SKU).

The godown located close to the university bore the brunt as the
students poured petrol and set it ablaze. Optic fibre cables, wires
and other material stored in the godown were destroyed as the flames
leapt up to a height of 25 ft with the strong winds blowing across the
area. Fire services personnel fought hard to bring down the fire,
while the cops dispersed the mobs. The BSNL officials said the godown
suffered a loss of about Rs 2 crore.

Tension gripped the Itikyalapalli police station area near the SKU
campus when thousands of students staged a rasta roko demanding
immediate release of three students who were arrested earlier. The
students ransacked the police station, pelted stones on the cops and
forcibly took away the three students from the police custody.

Earlier, the police laticharged the protesting students near the main
gate of the campus when they blocked the Chennai-Anantapur road and
rained stones on them. Police cleared the road after caning the
students. A student B Venkatramudu was seriously injured and later
shifted to the Anantapur general hospital. Several others also
suffered injuries.

The student unions and employees unions of SKU objected to the entry
of police inside the campus and demanded immediate withdrawal of the
police forces. Earlier, the cops blocked the Anantapur-SKU road to
stop entry of the students into the town and united Andhra activists
towards the university. Despite the efforts of the police to ensure
free movement of traffic, the Hyderabad-Bangalore NH-7 was blocked at
several places with the agitators not allowing vehicles near Kodikona
and Palasamudram.

The irate students also damaged furniture at Jangalapalli railway
station, while the protesters ransacked the BSNL office and AP Transco
office at Gorantla and damaged the furniture. A car was set on fire at
the Kadiri exciseoffice and a jeep at Gooty in support of united
Andhra movement. All the government offices, educational institutions,
shops and business establishments remained closed on Saturday.


...and I am Sid Harth
2009-12-14 10:50:59 UTC
Gorkhaland demand brings Jaswant, Advani together
December 14th, 2009 - 4:30 pm ICT by IANS -

New Delhi, Dec 14 (IANS) The demand for a separate Gorkhaland state
to be carved out of West Bengal brought senior Bharatiya Janata Party
(BJP) veteran L.K. Advani and expelled party leader Jaswant Singh
together in parliament Monday.
Leader of Opposition Advani responded positively to Darjeeling MP
Jaswant Singh’s request in Lok Sabha Monday to support his demand that
the government take steps to end the hunger strike by activists
seeking the creation of Gorkhaland.

Recalling his three-decade long association with Advani and addressing
the BJP MPs as his “former colleagues” during zero hour, Jaswant Singh
said: “I appeal to my former colleagues to join me in my appeal to the

“In our manifesto, we have mentioned it (a separate Gorkhaland state).
In the evening a delegation will meet me,” Advani said in the house,
addressing Jaswant as “my colleague”.

Raising the matter during zero hour, Jaswant Singh asked the
government to appeal to the agitating Gorkha Janamukti Morcha (GJM)
activists to end their hunger-strike and shutdown in the region till
the talks between the GJM leaders and the central government are

The GJM has been spearheading a movement for a separate Gorkhaland
state to be carved out from parts of northern West Bengal.

Jaswant Singh said the people of Gorkhaland are nationalists who
sacrificed their lives for the country and now “they are emotionally

Dajeeling is one district that shares three international borders, he

“Listen to the voice of humans. Don’t separate them and don’t isolate
them,” the MP said.

The Left party MPs, however, protested Jaswant Singh’s move.


...and I am Sid Harth
Sid Harth
2009-12-14 18:15:22 UTC
Jaitley asks Cong to take lesson from NDA
TNN 13 December 2009, 09:47pm IST

RANCHI: Leader of the opposition in the Rajya Sabha, Arun Jaitley, has
advised the UPA government at the Centre to take lesson from the
administrative skills of the NDA governments while dealing with
demands for small states.

Supporting the concept of smaller states, Jaitley told mediapersons
here on Sunday that the Congress seems to have become arrogant after
the 2009 parliamentary elections. "The extent of the arrogance could
be gauged from the fact that the party does not even consult its own
leaders while taking major decisions, what to speak of the
opposition," he added.

Referring to the disturbances in Andhra Pradesh following the Centre's
nod for a separate Telangana state, Jaitley said that the NDA
government facilitated the formation of three new states on the basis
of consensus in 2000. "NDA took all the leaders into confidence before
drafting the legislation and enforcing the division of states. The
exercise triggered happiness and not violence," he said.

Jaitley, however, clarified that there must be a proper study before
accepting any demand. "Though the BJP, in principle, supports the
concept of smaller states, it doesn't mean that such demands should be
okayed without studying the actual need and implications of such a
measure," he added.

Speaking on the post-poll political scenario in Jhakhand, the BJP
leader claimed that the party would win the Assembly election with a
comfortable margin. "Only a front runner party can give a stable
government. When a ruling alliance gathers support from here and
there, the government is bound to suffer from ills like corruption and
inability to take decisions," he said.

Jaitley also criticised the poor economic policies of the Congress,
which, he claimed, had led to the skyrocketing prices of essential
commodities. "The rate of inflation reached 19.5% in the week that
concluded on Friday. The people are fed up with the poor economic
policies of the Congress," he added.


...and I am Sid Harth
Sid Harth
2009-12-14 18:52:02 UTC
Govt rules out imposition of President's rule in Andhra Pradesh
PTI 14 December 2009, 02:36pm IST

NEW DELHI: Government on Monday ruled out imposition of President's
rule in Andhra Pradesh, saying it was "absolutely foolish" to even
think about it.

"It is absolutely foolish," Union Law Minister and AICC in-charge of
Andhra Pradesh M Veerappa Moily said when asked whether the government
was considering the imposition of Article 356 in the state due to the
widespread disturbances after the Centre announced that a separate
state of Telengana will be formed.

To a query whether Andhra Pradesh chief minister K Rosaiah has been
asked to quit, Moily said, "There was no truth" in that.

The statement of the law minister comes in the backdrop of demands
that President's rule should be imposed in the state in the wake of
the crisis in Andhra Pradesh over the issue.

Moily said, "We would like to address the concerns of the people. We
want to take everybody on board".

Maintaining that there was no need to be "panicky", he said a
"solution will be found".

The law minister parried a question on whether a separate state of
Telengana would be formed. "I have no answer to that," he said.


...and I am Sid Harth
Sid Harth
2009-12-14 18:55:57 UTC
Is Hyderabad just a piece of land?
Kingshuk Nag Monday December 14, 2009, 07:12 PM

One of the first things that struck me when I came to live in
Hyderabad four and a half years ago was the obsession of those who
lived in other parts of Andhra Pradesh to migrate to the capital city.
This was not a tendency that was restricted to those who were in
search of opportunities but strangely enough extended to the "haves"
too. People would sell their home and hearth in other parts of the
state and come to the capital city. It was, as they say in Hindi,
people were running to Hyderabad bori bistar baandh ke. Once a vice
chancellor of an university in the coastal Andhra region and who
belonged to the area told me about how he was planning to migrate to
Hyderabad after his retirement which was a year away. I probed but
could not figure out what prompted his decision. Even his children did
not stay in Hyderabad.

This phenonmen appeared even more strange to me having moved to
Hyderabad from Ahmedabad. In Gujarat, the locals hardly look up to
that city, much less aspire to join the rank of Amdavadis. There many
urban centres in Gujarat and people living in places south of Vadodara
look at Mumbai aspiritationally rather than Ahmedabad. In fact, the
joke in Gujarat is that Mumbai is the capital of Gujarat.

But after living in Hyderabad for sometime I realised what attracted
the Telugus to Hyderabad like bees to honey. When Hyderabad became the
capital of the newly created Andhra Pradesh in 1956, other than the
erstwhile Nizam's city the rest of the state was backward with very
little opportunities. The only jobs were in the government and they
were in Hyderabad. So people started moving towards Hyderabad.
Remember that before Andhra Pradesh was formed, the capital of the
rest of Andhra was Madras that was part of the Tamil country (except
for 1953-56 when the capital was Kurnool). So the previous capital of
the people from Andhra was now in an alien land for them. As more and
more people migrated to Hyderabad, business and commerce began to grow
in the city and very soon its reputation as a city whose streets were
paved with gold began to spread in the state. The migrants after some
time ceased to think themselves as outsiders and began to invest their
money in the city in building houses and for those so inclined in
commercial investments like schools, colleges and hospitals. The
texture of Hyderabad began to change.

The big push however came a decade ago when Chandrababu Naidu took
over as chief minister. He began to assiduously build Brand Hyderabad
through a process that revolved around creating urban infrastructure
and attracting investments in IT and ITeS sectors based on these
assets created. It was a strategy that was a grand success, helped
undoubtedly by the fact that Naidu's successor Rajasekhara Reddy also
continued in the same path. The years of boom 2005-2008 consolidated
the process. Most of the investments in the city came from persons who
were earlier migrants.

It is precisely this reason - the fact that they have made so much
investment in the city which is their own home - that there is strong
opposition from the coastal Andhra people to Telangana. "Even if
Telangana is created why should Hyderabad go to the new state," is
their refrain. "Other than investments made in the city, Hyderabad is
just a piece of land. What would Hyderabad be without its business,
colleges and hospitals?" says intellectual Pulla Rao who belongs to
West Godavari district.

But Telangana wallahs who have always seen Hyderabad as the capital of
the region, wonder how can Hyderabad not be part of Telangana. As
somebody put it: "it is the mutton in mutton biryani" or the "head of
the human body" So how can it be separated from the rest of Telangana.
If Hyderabad has seen changes because of investments made by
'settlers' (the term used to describe migrants from other parts of
Andhra to the city), that is only because of the liberal spirit that
permeates the city that welcomes everybody, say Telanganawallahs. They
point out that during the time of the Nizams, people from as far as
Lucknow and even Aden and Saudi Arabia came to Hyderabad to make it
their home. "Hyderabad will always remain in Telangana. People from
the rest of Andhra who settled here can remain here, run their
business and live their life here. Nobody is stopping them," the
refrain of S N Reddy, a local businessman. "Hyderabad is not
Chandigarh, a newly created city that was made capital of both Punjab
and Haryana. Hyderabad is a pre existing city to which Andhra people
got access when Andhra Pradesh came into existence. Now how can they
think of laying claim to it? How can they think of taking it over,"
he asks.

Obviously both the sides have their strong and complelling arguments
that cannot be cast aside. The solution possibly lies in deferring
the creation of Telangana or slowing down the process till all the
concerns are addressed. It is quite clear that no new Andhra
investments will be made in Hyderabad. A few years should be granted
to allow the people from coastal Andhra to make their own schools,
colleges, hospitals and airports in their cities. "If I have my
international airport in Vishakapatnam why will I come to Hyderabad.
Today my problem is that there are no good medical faciltiies in
Vishakapatnam or Vijaywada?" says Pulla Rao. The second issue will be
to protect the investments already made by Andhra people in Hyderabad.
Though legally this is not a problem at all, how this will be worked
out at the ground level with passions flaring is yet to be seen. The
Telangana Rashtra Samiti (TRS) is not a well oiled military machine
with K Chandrasekhar Rao being the General whose command is followed.
In an amorphous body with disparate elements, Chandrasekhar Rao may
order his men to not hassle the people from Andhra but there is no way
that he can ensure that lumpen elements will give heed. This is
precisely what is bothering the people of Andhra especially the netas
and the realtors, who have huge investments in real estate. TRS also
has a vested interest in maintaining Brand Hyderabad, because in
backward Telangana, this is the only asset they have. But how they
will do it is something no Telangana neta either in TRS or the
Congress knows.


Sort by: Oldest | Most Recent | Most Discussed Ashok Gupta says:

December 14,2009 at 08:25 PM IST

Hyderabad, for all Andharians, is like Delhi for most of the North
Indians. Investments in Delhi or for that matter now NCR, are done by
almost all North Indians, be it Punjabi/ Haryanvi/ U.Pian/Himachali/
Rajasthanis etc etc.

The Hyderabad is a Town full of opportunities like Mumbai, whether it
is jobs/real estate/ business/right living. No Language problem in
Hyderabad even for North Indians. Hindi/ English/Urdu/ Telugu -all
languages are spoken and accepted by Hyderabadis. No discrimination on
the basis of Language/ No Regionalism/ No localwala's feeling in
Hyderabad. That makes Hyderabad a great city for living for all, and
by all Indians.

As the writer has righted pointed out even if the division of Andhra
Pradesh takes place, the shift from Hyderabad should be gradual, if at
all it is to be done.

Hyderabad is even more important because the diversion to other
southern states like T.N. Kerala/Karnatka, takes place from Hyderabad
only. This is a focal point for the south bound trains.

Other Towns like Vishakhapatnam/ Vijaywada/ Kurnool etc, needs to be
developed first by the State and Centre Govts, before going for such a
big decision. Nothing shold be done in a haste.

In my opinion, It is still not late. Majority of leaders should be
taken into confidence and the process of building the other Capital
should start, before carving out the new state.

Does the Congress have the guts to do it? This party normally has
believed in dividing the people and then come out with a solution to
claim the leadership.
BJP created Three states Uttrancha
l/ Jharkhand/ Chhatisgarh with in a short time and without any
hackles. Though they did not rule the states immediately after
Rest Later.


...and I am Sid Harth
2009-12-14 21:37:31 UTC
Andhra Cong MLAs defiant
HT Correspondents, Hindustan Times
Hyderabad, December 15, 2009

First Published: 00:47 IST(15/12/2009)
Last Updated: 02:33 IST(15/12/2009)

Congress legislators on Monday defied the party high command and
pressed ahead with their agitation against the proposed Telangana
state even as the 20 Andhra ministers who’d offered to quit on
Saturday decided not to press their resignations.

Andhra assembly Speaker N. Kiran Kumar Reddy, meanwhile, adjourned the
House sine die, putting the matter into cold storage for the time

But the thrust and parry continued. About 75 Congress MLAs from
coastal Andhra and Rayalaseema, including two ministers, resolved to
bring pressure on party MPs to quit their seats in Parliament,
ignoring appeals — issued in the name of Congress chief Sonia Gandhi —
by Andhra Pradesh Congress Committee president D. Srinivas to call off
their agitation.

Earlier, a few Congress MLAs from coastal Andhra embarrassed the
government and the party by jumping into the well of the assembly,
demanding status quo. “That’s the only way we can make the Centre
listen,” said Shailjanath (he goes by one name), Congress whip in the

In Delhi, the Congress, however, dismissed suggestions that its MLAs
were rebelling against the party.

“They are not against the party but against the bifurcation (of Andhra
Pradesh),” said Shakeel Ahmad, Congress spokesperson.HT learns that
the government is likely to issue another statement on Telangana in a
day or two to calm frayed tempers in Andhra Pradesh.

In contrast to their colleagues from coastal Andhra and Rayalseema,
Congress MLAs from Telangana, meeting at a city hotel, were the
picture of political correctness. They passed a resolution expressing
their gratitude to the UPA government at the Centre and also decided
to hold a grand public meeting in the city on January 16 to celebrate
the victory of the “Telangana people”. The day brought some relief to
beleaguered Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister K. Rosaiah.

“We have agreed to review our decision to resign at the request of the
chief minister,” said Anam Ramnarayan Reddy, state municipal
administration minister, speaking on behalf of the 20 ministers who
had earlier offered to resign.

However, he wanted a senior leader from the Centre “to explain the
issue to the people and clear the confusion”.


...and I am Sid Harth
2009-12-14 21:44:04 UTC
IT, pharma majors get Hyderabad blues
Prasad Nichenametla, Hindustan Times
Hyderabad, December 15, 2009

First Published: 00:24 IST(15/12/2009)
Last Updated: 00:25 IST(15/12/2009)

The political uncertainty in Andhra Pradesh over formation of a
separate Telengana state has Hyderabad’s industry organisations and
corporate firms, particularly those in the IT and pharmaceutical
sectors, worried.

“Till now, we have been able to address the concerns of our clients
but if the situation is not contained it would shake their confidence
and affect the future of industry here,” M. Narasimha Rao, president
of the Hyderabad Software Exporters Association and head of Infosys in
Hyderabad told HT on Monday.

“We’ve seen lot of calls from our clients who wanted to know what is
happening here. Today some of them postponed their visits, tomorrow it
would be orders and then future investments,” Rao said.

With global brands such as Infosys, TCS, Wipro, Tech Mahindra having
operations here, Hyderabad exported software worth about Rs 32,000
crore (Rs 320 billion) in the downturn year of 2008-09.

Former state chief minister Chandrababu Naidu, credited with IT and
pharma boom here shares the anxiety over Andhra Pradesh being split.

“We (the Telugu Desam Party government) put in every effort to build
this city’s infrastructure and industry — brick by brick. I went
around the world bringing investments. Now, the situation is such that
investments would disappear and industries would drift away,” he said.

The city’s pharma industry seems even more worried than the IT sector.

“Unlike the software industry, we make huge capital investments and
setting up a unit itself is a long process. Right now we are on top.
But these kinds of agitations and their aftermath would char the good
image we gathered through these long years,” said M. Nityananda Reddy,
managing director of Aurobindo Pharma and president of the Bulk Drugs
Manufacturers Association (BDMA) in Andhra Pradesh.

Dr Reddys, Aurobindo, Shanta Biotech, Suven Life Sciences, Matrix and
Indian Immunologicals are just some of the big names here. Drug
exports from Hyderabad were worth about Rs 13,000 crore (Rs 130
billion) last year.

“If the state is split, many investments flowing here could be
diverted to places in (coastal) Andhra and Rayalaseema (regions),
which are not so industrialised, except for pockets like Vizag” said
Y. Harischandra Prasad, president of the Andhra Pradesh CII
(Confederation of Indian Industry).


...and I am Sid Harth
2009-12-14 21:46:59 UTC
Bodo bandh hits Assam
Hindustan Times
Guwahati, December 15, 2009

First Published: 00:23 IST(15/12/2009)
Last Updated: 00:23 IST(15/12/2009)

Assam was affected by shutdowns called by various groups on Monday,
with the Bodoland agitation crippling four districts of the western
and northern parts of the state.

The United Democratic Peoples’ Front, backed by the Bodoland Peoples’
Front, the ruling Congress’ ally, called the 24-hour shutdown. The
four districts fall under the jurisdiction of the Bodoland
Territorial Council (BTC).

There were no reports of violence in the BTC areas. Vehicles were off
the roads, particularly on NH-31, which connects the Northeast with
the country. “Train services were not affected,” said Northeast
Frontier Railway spokesman S.


...and I am Sid Harth
2009-12-14 21:49:48 UTC
GJM strike disrupts traffic in Darjeeling Hills
Press Trust Of India
Gangtok, December 14, 2009

First Published: 12:29 IST(14/12/2009)
Last Updated: 12:37 IST(14/12/2009)

A 96-hour shutdown called by the Gorkha Janmukti Morcha in Darjeeling
Hills and adjoining areas today to demand a separate state disrupted
traffic between Sikkim and the rest of the country.

Only army vehicles and those of other emergency services were plying
on the national highway, which is the lifeline of the mountain state,
a police official at the inter-state border checkpost at Rangpo told

The GJM leaders had earlier announced in Darjeeling that vehicles
carrying tourists and passengers boarding trains from New Jalpaiguri
will be allowed to cross the highway.

The GJM has demanded that the Centre immediately table a bill in
Parliament for creation of Gorkhaland.GJM strike disrupts traffic in
Darjeeling Hills

Gangtok, Dec 14 (PTI) A 96-hour shutdown called by the Gorkha Janmukti
Morcha in Darjeeling Hills and adjoining areas today to demand a
separate state disrupted traffic between Sikkim and the rest of the

Only army vehicles and those of other emergency services were plying
on the national highway, which is the lifeline of the mountain state,
a police official at the inter-state border checkpost at Rangpo told

The GJM leaders had earlier announced in Darjeeling that vehicles
carrying tourists and passengers boarding trains from New Jalpaiguri
will be allowed to cross the highway.

The GJM has demanded that the Centre immediately table a bill in
Parliament for creation of Gorkhaland.


...and I am Sid Harth
2009-12-14 22:07:46 UTC
GJM drops bandh call after meeting Advani

Vinay Kumar


Gorkha Janmukti Morcha general secretary Roshan Giri (left), along
with a delegation, meets BJP leaders L.K. Advani and Sushma Swaraj in
New Delhi on Monday.

NEW DELHI: Paying heed to Leader of the Opposition L. K. Advani’s
appeal, the Gorkha Janmukti Morcha on Monday decided to drop its bandh
call in the Darjeeling hills.

GJM general secretary Roshan Giri said Mr. Advani and senior BJP
leaders Sushma Swaraj and Arun Jaitley urged a Morcha delegation here
that that the 96-hour general strike be called off for a normal
situation to prevail before the tripartite talks scheduled for
December 21 in Darjeeling.

Later, briefing journalists, Ms. Swaraj said the delegation was told
that the bandh, which was to begin on Monday, should be called off in
view of the fourth round of talks among the Centre, the West Bengal
government and the GJM, which is demanding the creation of a

“Emotional separation”

Earlier, in the Lok Sabha, Jaswant Singh, MP from Darjeeling, raised
the demand for a separate Gorkhaland, saying the people of the region
were already “emotionally separated” from the rest of West Bengal.

Mr. Singh, who was expelled from the BJP in August, also made a plea
to the GJM to participate in the talks and call off its strike.

Reaching out to Mr. Advani whom he described as “my former colleague
with whom I have had the pleasure of sitting for four decades,” Mr.
Singh sought his help in appealing for the withdrawal of the bandh
call. He reminded Mr. Advani of the mention of a separate Gorkhaland
in the BJP Lok Sabha election manifesto.

Responding, Mr. Advani said that since his name had been mentioned in
the context of the manifesto, he would only say that a GJM delegation
would meet him later in the day.

Pressing for the creation of Gorkhaland State, Mr. Singh said having
small States was not a matter of principle but a necessity for
administrative efficiency. “It is not separation. The valiant
nationalists [of Gorkha areas] are emotionally separated from the rest
of West Bengal. Geographically also they are distant,” Mr. Singh


...and I am Sid Harth
2009-12-15 01:22:16 UTC
TRS ready to wait till 2014 for Telangana

15 Dec 2009, 0450 hrs IST, TNN

HYDERABAD: In what may come as a big relief to the Congress caught in
a political whirlpool over its decision to carve out a separate state,
the Telangana Rashtra Samiti (TRS) has said that it is willing to wait
until 2014 for Telangana.

‘‘We would be very happy if it happens before that. But we know it’s
not that simple and thus willing to wait until 2014, when the next
general elections are due,’’ a top TRS leader told TOI. He said since
the Congress had committed itself to creating Telangana, there was no
need to pressure it.

TRS leader and Sircilla MLA K Tarakarama Rao, son of KCR, said the
Congress's decision is irreversible. ‘‘My father has made it clear
that Telangana is like an arrow that has left the bow. We are happy
that the Congress has kept its promise and are willing to give it time
to act on it,’’ he said.

Responding to the Congress’s stance that nothing can move on the issue
unless the AP assembly passes a resolution to that effect, Tarakarama
Rao referred to the Constitution and said the views of the state
assembly are necessary, but not binding on the Centre.

He also agreed that an assembly resolution would not be easy. ‘‘There
is regional polarisation in Andhra Pradesh. It’s a divorce which can
be amicable or bitter, as it is in this case. The Centre has to act
like a court and declare the divorce,’’ he said.


...and I am Sid Harth
2009-12-15 01:52:41 UTC
Why Telangana makes sense

15 Dec 2009, 0332 hrs IST, Abheek Barman, ET Bureau

The din and violence surrounding the government’s announcement that
it’ll finally push to carve out the state of Telangana from Andhra
Pradesh, has claimed a major victim: reason. Most arguments against
carving out Telangana are emotive, charged with hysteria, coloured
with political posturing.

The only remotely sensible argument against creating Telangana is that
it could set off an avalanche of competing demands for more new
states. But even that argument, as we shall see, holds little water
and can be dealt with reasonably.

Let’s not kid ourselves. Over the last 60-odd years, successive
governments have tinkered with state boundaries and carved out new
states from older ones. The last three — Chhatisgarh, Jharkhand and
Uttarkhand — were created less than 10 years ago, in November 2000.
India today has 28 states, compared to 14 shortly after it became a
republic. So let’s stop behaving as if this is an unprecedented
calamity that we’re suddenly faced with.

Folks who argue in favour of Telangana say that the region is
backward, something that’s hard to refute. Districts like Nalgonda,
Medak and Warangal are among the poorest in India. Glittering
Hyderabad is located in Telangana, surrounded by these districts.
Drive out from the city and it’ll take you less than an hour to reach
some of India’s most backward areas.

Yet, this is also the place where a lot of India’s mineral wealth is
concentrated. Miners like the Reddy brothers from the neighbouring
state of Karnataka have huge operations in Telangana. One of their
mining companies is now being investigated for — this is hard to
believe — changing the border between Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh to
benefit their mining interests.

Lots of resources, yet very few benefits coming to people on the
ground: that’s what proponents of Telangana argue. As a new state,
they say, the government of Telangana will have the political and
administrative drive to do better for voters. Instead of trying to
refute this argument logically, people in coastal Andhra and
Rayalaseema, both wealthier than Telangana, are on a rampage. Burning
state buses is no answer to an economic argument; it only leaves you
with fewer buses.

For many years, Jawaharlal Nehru refused to pay heed to any claim for
statehood based on linguistic or ethnic factors. His sole criterion
was economic: would a new state be better off after independence?
Would it be able to support itself better than before? Though Nehru’s
blindness to language or ethnicity was, well, a handicap the economic
arguments he so loved are very important. And most arguments for
Telangana’s statehood are economic.

But are the assumptions of folks who want Telangana state realistic?
Do people who live in newly carved out states do better than before?
Nine years after the creation of Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand and
Uttarakhand, there’s some reason to believe that, indeed, they do.

Among all the newly created states, Uttarkhand is probably an anomaly;
it wanted to peel off from Uttar Pradesh because it felt that its
parent was more backward than it was. So, it’s probably no surprise to
know that by 2006-07, the average person in the hill state made Rs
27,800, nearly double the Rs 14,663 made by the average UP-wallah.

Most of the stories coming out of Jharkhand are about Naxalism and the
fabulous wealth allegedly salted away by former chief minister Madhu
Koda. Yet some of Koda’s prosperity seems to haXve rubbed off on
Jharkhand, where the average person’s income two years ago was Rs
20,177 again, nearly double the average Bihari’s Rs 10,570.

It’s the same story in Chhattisgarh, where the average income was
nearly Rs 29,000, much more than the average Madhya Pradesh income of
Rs 18,051 two years ago. People in smaller, newer states are better
off than counterparts in their parent states.

Another argument against splitting existing states is that the new
ones are slow to mobilise their own funds from taxes or cesses and
depend heavily on central handouts. Ergo, to control New Delhi’s
finances, it’s better to go slow on new states.

Sure, a state like Chhattisgarh might take time to get its taxation
systems in place and need central handouts. But even a state like
Haryana, carved out of Punjab in 1966, needs funds from New Delhi.
Bengal, which has been partitioned several times, and therefore got
smaller, is hardly self sufficient.

Indeed many ‘established’ states like Bengal and Bihar are still so
slow to collect local revenues that matching funds from New Delhi
often go unused. All states, big or small, old or new have similar
powers to collect revenues. Their ability to do so doesn’t depend on
when they were created or their size, but by the efficiency of their
administration and the buoyancy of their economies.

The creation of Telangana might trigger cries to make more new states
like Vidarbha and Gorkhaland, or split Uttar Pradesh into three. The
best way to figure out what’s feasible, which demand merits attention
and which doesn’t, is to set up a group, like the States’
Reorganisation Commission and have it thrash things out with everyone,
and then take a call.

Finally, the Congress party which dominates this government, needs to
be internally consistent in what it stands for. As long ago as 2001,
the Congress Working Committee accepted the report of one of its study
teams and decided that it was in favour of creating two new states:
Telangana and Vidarbha. Then, the BJP-led NDA government was in power
and it mattered little what the Congress thought.

But in 2004 after its election victory, the common minimum programme
adopted by the first UPA coalition also agreed to work towards
statehood for Telangana. In the hurly burly of coalition politics, it
soon forgot this promise and lost an ally, the Telangana Rashtriya
Samiti (TRS) two years later.

Today, instead of dithering, the government should signal clearly that
it will work to create Telangana. And set up a group to examine the
demands for other new states. Remember, the United Sates, with about
one third our population, has 50 states, a number that’s only grown
over time.


...and I am Sid Harth

2009-12-14 00:20:48 UTC
President's rule looms over Andhra Pradesh
Jinka Nagaraju, TNN
13 December 2009, 05:12am IST

HYDERABAD: Andhra Pradesh chief minister K Rosaiah's fate was all but
sealed on Saturday when the prospect of President's rule loomed large
over a state completely polarized on regional lines. ( Watch Video )

Even as 20 ministers from the coastal Andhra and Rayalaseema regions
decided to quit his cabinet, a beleaguered Rosaiah pleaded and
promised to resign as chief minister instead. It was an attempt to
bring an honourable end to a crisis triggered by Congress leaders in
Delhi when they announced a separate Telangana would be created.

Sources in Delhi insisted Central rule was not imminent and strongly
denied Rosaiah had offered to resign.

"Rosaiah is in touch with the high command. He has to resign very soon
as there will be no government left if the 20 ministers resign. It is
all over for him," a minister told TOI.

Sources say that Rosaiah has not been able to obtain a clear directive
from the high command because Congress president Sonia Gandhi was away
in her Rae Bareli constituency till late on Saturday.

Once the Congress high command takes stock of the spiralling
situation, it is likely to give Rosaiah the go-ahead to step down,
place the state assembly in suspended animation and impose President’s
rule. As a decision from the high command is thought to be unlikely
before Monday, so the assembly will first be adjourned sine die,
sources added.

"In such a regionally charged atmosphere, there is no question of
Congress appointing another chief minister. And dissolution would mean
fresh elections, something the ruling party would not want at this
stage. If the assembly is placed under suspended animation, it can
always be revived when the situation improves," a Congress politician
told TOI.

There are 34 members in the council of ministers, including the chief
minister. Of them, 20 belong to Andhra and Rayalaseema regions while
13 are from Telangana. The 20 non-Telangana ministers, met in Taj
Deccan Hotel on Saturday afternoon and decided to quit the Cabinet.

"We have decided to put in our papers as the UPA government announced
going ahead on the process of creating Telangana without consulting
the other affected parties. Besides, there is tremendous pressure on
us to quit from our respective constituencies," municipal
administration minister Ramnarayana Reddy said.

Three ministers, Dharmana Prasada Rao, G Venkat Reddy and Shilpa Mohan
Reddy then drove down to the Secretariat and informed Rosaiah of their
decision. Taken aback by this development, Rosaiah urged them to not
to precipitate the crisis and said he would talk to the high command
and get back to them by the evening.


...and I am Sid Harth