2010-08-31 11:40:31 UTC
« Boss, we Have a Problem: Sid Harth
Boss, we Have a Problem: Sid Harth
31/08/2010 //0
B: Just after finishing his daily, oops, double daily, oops, make it a
tripple daily ‘kriya yoga’ exercise. Read: taking a not so short nap.
“What’s it A? Not another of your ever increasing, oops, ever
intriguing problem, is it? Just go away and leave me alone.”
A: ” Sorry, Boss. Pardon my French, Boss, silli vous play. Not a
problem. This time we have an idea.”
B: “Why A, that’s an improvement. Who are we, I mean you and I kind
two wes, oops, wicked wes?”
A: “Boss, you crack me up.”
Ho, Ho, Ho and double Ho-Hos later. “No boss, I mean ‘we’ as in an
editorial we, first person singular pronoun.”
B: “Stop that grammar, oops, gammatical, oops, grammatical-dramatical
hocus pocus. You, A, ain’t no Panini, the famous Sanskrit grammarian.
Oops, add to that, famous Panini and Patanjali Sanskrit grammarians
and Lexicographers.”
“They wrote and rewrote several ‘ghantus and nighantus’” Sanskrit
words for word lists and expanded word lists respectively.
“Altogether, they wrote several famous ghantus and nighantus.”
A: “Boss, your knowledge about words, oops, ‘ghantus and nighantus’
excites me. I love all those Sanskrit ‘ghantus and nighantus.’ As a
matter of fact, I am going to buy all those strange, oops, strange and
sexy Sanskrit words. I love Sanskrit and anything and everything about
Sanskrit. So help me God.”
B: “A, gaddhe, Nobody loves no Sanskrit. For godssake, Sanskrit is a
dead language. Nobody who is anybody speaks it, nor do they read and
write it, oops, all except some crazy Hindu Brahmin, oops, make it
crazy American ‘firangi’ and some more Canadian crazy Sanskritists.”
A: ” For instance, which American crazy of all American crazies
speaks, reads and writes Sanskrit, Boss?”
B: “Why, oops, those goddamned lights gone again.”
The End
Welcome to Issue #17 of The Daily Feed. If this email was forwarded to
you by a friend, you can subscribe on this page. You can read previous
editions of The Daily Feed on our blog.
Today I have writer’s block so what better subject to write about than
finding the cure. In previous editions of The Daily Feed I’ve written
about the importance of creating new, unique and useful content to get
traffic from search engines. It’s tough to come up with an on-topic
page of great content every day for your blog or website, so here are
a few tips to overcome writer’s block.
CopyBlogger says the best way to overcome writer’s block is to start
digging through famous quotes and draw inspiration from them. Many
quotes can be the seed for an entire blog entry. Wikiquote is a great
resource for finding quotes. In fact the quote on the home page today
would make a fine blog entry: “The price of hating other human beings
is loving oneself less.” ~ Eldridge Cleaver ~
Hemingway, one of my favorite authors, wrote a lot about his own life
experiences. If you’re run out of things to write about, one approach
is to go and have some fun or go out and have an adventure. Clamber
down into a canyon you’ve never been in to go fishing. Or walk up to 3
random strangers in the mall and ask them a question. That should
quickly fill your literary fuel tank.
There are the usual cliche’s of “Carry a notebook with you” or “go and
get some excercise – the blood flow to your brain will increase
creativity”. Well what if you weren’t carrying the darn notebook with
you and now you’re working to a deadline? Or it’s 2am and the
neighbors might call the cops if they see you out running right now.
That’s the situation I find myself in on this Tuesday morning at
2:22am pacific standard time.
The very best advice I’ve ever read on overcoming writer’s block is
the following from Gary Bencivenga, a former Madison Avenue ad exec:
“I discovered that “writer’s block” is just a symptom of a rather
easily cured malady—”LRS,” or Lazy Research Syndrome. It took me a
while to realize that the best copywriters are the most tenacious
researchers. Like miners, they dig, drill, dynamite, and chip until
they have carloads of valuable ore. John Caples advised me once to
gather seven times more interesting information than I could possibly
That’s all for today’s edition. Click here to send an email to my
personal email address and tell me what you would like to read about
in upcoming editions of The Daily Feed.
Mark Maunder
Feedjit Founder & CEO
Categories News, Views and ReviewsLikeBe the first
Boss, we Have a Problem: Sid Harth
31/08/2010 //0
B: Just after finishing his daily, oops, double daily, oops, make it a
tripple daily ‘kriya yoga’ exercise. Read: taking a not so short nap.
“What’s it A? Not another of your ever increasing, oops, ever
intriguing problem, is it? Just go away and leave me alone.”
A: ” Sorry, Boss. Pardon my French, Boss, silli vous play. Not a
problem. This time we have an idea.”
B: “Why A, that’s an improvement. Who are we, I mean you and I kind
two wes, oops, wicked wes?”
A: “Boss, you crack me up.”
Ho, Ho, Ho and double Ho-Hos later. “No boss, I mean ‘we’ as in an
editorial we, first person singular pronoun.”
B: “Stop that grammar, oops, gammatical, oops, grammatical-dramatical
hocus pocus. You, A, ain’t no Panini, the famous Sanskrit grammarian.
Oops, add to that, famous Panini and Patanjali Sanskrit grammarians
and Lexicographers.”
“They wrote and rewrote several ‘ghantus and nighantus’” Sanskrit
words for word lists and expanded word lists respectively.
“Altogether, they wrote several famous ghantus and nighantus.”
A: “Boss, your knowledge about words, oops, ‘ghantus and nighantus’
excites me. I love all those Sanskrit ‘ghantus and nighantus.’ As a
matter of fact, I am going to buy all those strange, oops, strange and
sexy Sanskrit words. I love Sanskrit and anything and everything about
Sanskrit. So help me God.”
B: “A, gaddhe, Nobody loves no Sanskrit. For godssake, Sanskrit is a
dead language. Nobody who is anybody speaks it, nor do they read and
write it, oops, all except some crazy Hindu Brahmin, oops, make it
crazy American ‘firangi’ and some more Canadian crazy Sanskritists.”
A: ” For instance, which American crazy of all American crazies
speaks, reads and writes Sanskrit, Boss?”
B: “Why, oops, those goddamned lights gone again.”
The End
Welcome to Issue #17 of The Daily Feed. If this email was forwarded to
you by a friend, you can subscribe on this page. You can read previous
editions of The Daily Feed on our blog.
Today I have writer’s block so what better subject to write about than
finding the cure. In previous editions of The Daily Feed I’ve written
about the importance of creating new, unique and useful content to get
traffic from search engines. It’s tough to come up with an on-topic
page of great content every day for your blog or website, so here are
a few tips to overcome writer’s block.
CopyBlogger says the best way to overcome writer’s block is to start
digging through famous quotes and draw inspiration from them. Many
quotes can be the seed for an entire blog entry. Wikiquote is a great
resource for finding quotes. In fact the quote on the home page today
would make a fine blog entry: “The price of hating other human beings
is loving oneself less.” ~ Eldridge Cleaver ~
Hemingway, one of my favorite authors, wrote a lot about his own life
experiences. If you’re run out of things to write about, one approach
is to go and have some fun or go out and have an adventure. Clamber
down into a canyon you’ve never been in to go fishing. Or walk up to 3
random strangers in the mall and ask them a question. That should
quickly fill your literary fuel tank.
There are the usual cliche’s of “Carry a notebook with you” or “go and
get some excercise – the blood flow to your brain will increase
creativity”. Well what if you weren’t carrying the darn notebook with
you and now you’re working to a deadline? Or it’s 2am and the
neighbors might call the cops if they see you out running right now.
That’s the situation I find myself in on this Tuesday morning at
2:22am pacific standard time.
The very best advice I’ve ever read on overcoming writer’s block is
the following from Gary Bencivenga, a former Madison Avenue ad exec:
“I discovered that “writer’s block” is just a symptom of a rather
easily cured malady—”LRS,” or Lazy Research Syndrome. It took me a
while to realize that the best copywriters are the most tenacious
researchers. Like miners, they dig, drill, dynamite, and chip until
they have carloads of valuable ore. John Caples advised me once to
gather seven times more interesting information than I could possibly
That’s all for today’s edition. Click here to send an email to my
personal email address and tell me what you would like to read about
in upcoming editions of The Daily Feed.
Mark Maunder
Feedjit Founder & CEO
Categories News, Views and ReviewsLikeBe the first