Impacts Of Illegal Immigration: Crime
Except for when an illegal alien does something really horrific, such
as when illegal aliens killed Denver Police Officer Don Young and Los
Angeles County Deputy David March, or when one dragged his girlfriend
to death behind his car, we rarely hear about the crime being
committed specifically by illegal aliens.
There are a number of reasons why. A large part of the reason is that
the overwhelming majority of the MSM generally believe that illegal
immigration is a "victimless crime" and, as such, it is not worthy to
do any real reporting on. Some more is due to the fact that illegal
aliens are often silent on family violence and afraid to report crime
within their communities leaving much of the crime totally unreported.
It is also due to the fact that the MSM rarely make any distinction
between crimes committed by US citizen perpetrators and illegal alien
perpetrators. In fact, they seem to go out of their way to not let us
know. Then too, the FBI and Justice Dept. just don't track it.
As much as I do not like siding with the MSM, in their defense,
establishing the residency of a perpetrator often takes much longer
and with the ever decreasing news cycles there is just no time to
check and get it confirmed. The end result is that most crimes being
committed by illegal aliens are simply not reported as being committed
by an illegal alien because by the time the perpetrator's residency is
actually identified it is usually "old news." However, that does not
excuse the MSM from reporting the facts in high profile cases where
there are numerous follow-on stories. Nor does it excuse them from
doing investigative reporting on the collective number of crimes being
While the murders of Officer Young and Deputy March and the recent
horrific dragging death were national news, few know about illegal
alien Cornelio Rivera Zamites molesting and then strangling to death
four year old Esmerelda Nava. Yet such horrible things are fairly
common and are happening more and more frequently.
Putting things in their proper perspective, most crime is actually
down and since 1993 violent crime has been sharply trending down,
except for the last few years as well as an up-tick in 2006 which may
or may not be attributable to illegal aliens. As we'll see latter,
NOBODY really knows – or at least they aren't saying.
In any case, the overall favorable results are mostly due to a
corresponding "get tough" policy with its increased expenditures. This
has resulted in a large increase in the adult correctional population,
over the same time period, especially for violent crimes, and also
includes a dramatic surge in the number of illegal aliens
As we continue to look at the violent crime being committed by illegal
aliens, keep the steep rise of incarcerated violent prisoners in mind
and note that the slope of the curve increases after 1989.
As noted by the Bureau of Justice Statistics, State prison population
by offense type, "Over half of the increase in State prison population
since 1995 is due to an increase in the prisoners convicted of violent
In any case, despite what the MSM reports, or doesn't report as the
case may be, a correlation between illegal aliens and crime can be
gleaned from comparing a National Index Crime Rate map with a map of
the percentage of the unauthorized population as a the total foreign-
born population in the state.
Note that if California was split in two, southern California would
probably be in the top category as well.
Chart of the estimated unauthorized population as a % of the total
foreign-born population,
from the Hew Hispanic Center - Unauthorized Migrants: Numbers and
Regarding the increased crime fighting expenses referenced a few
paragraphs earlier, since the early 1980s there have been massive
increases in expenditures as reported by the Justice Department as
detailed in the following charts:
Charts from US Dept of Justice, Bureau of Justice Statistics
How much of that is consequence of illegal alien crimes is largely
unknown because NOBODY IS TRACKING IT. However, we do know that a
large portion of the surging prison population is due to illegal alien
criminals – a subject addressed later in this section. Also note the
correlation with the increase in the illegal alien population since
Chart from Hew Hispanic Center
Unauthorized Migrants: Numbers and Characteristics
At this point it is worth noting that the Hew Hispanic Center uses
rather conservative numbers, as does the Census Bureau. There are
strong indications that the numbers are actually far higher. The Wall
Street investment firm Bear Stearns published a report, The
Underground Labor Force is Rising to the Surface, in January 2005
which claims that the illegal alien population is double the official
government estimates and was closer to 20 million, at that time.
In October, 2006, Virginia Deane Abernethy, Ph.D. and Chairman of the
Population-Environment Balance of the Vanderbilt University School of
Medicine published a report, Census Bureau Distortions Hide
Immigration Crisis - Real Numbers Much Higher where she claims that
"7.2 million aliens enter illegally each year" and notes that the
"Census Bureau is a willing participant to misinforming the public on
the state of the nation." Information from US Border Report –
Migration Across the Mexican Border also supports much higher
Regardless, if either alternative estimate is correct, even partially,
the correlation would be even stronger.
In any case, while a notable percentage of illegal aliens are
committing a lot of crime, as we shall soon see, it must be stressed
that the vast majority of illegal aliens are decent people who work
hard and are only trying to make a better life for themselves and
their families, something you or I would probably do if we were in
their place. With the exception of ID theft, for most illegal aliens
their only crime is breaking the immigration laws of the United States
and being in the country illegally.
Nevertheless, it is also fact that a disproportionately high
percentage of illegal aliens are criminals and sexual predators. That
is part of the dark side of illegal immigration and when we simply
allow the "good' in we get the "bad" along with them. Ignoring the
fact that just being an illegal alien already makes one a criminal,
the question is, how much really "bad" is acceptable and what price
are we willing to pay in terms of the collateral damage being
inflicted by simply allowing all of them in?
This section will concentrate on violent crimes committed by illegal
aliens against people. The following section will detail the SEXUAL
CRIME being committed by illegal aliens. While most sexual crime is
violent as well, there is just too much horrific crime being committed
by illegal aliens to cover it all in one section. In any case, I do
not mean to minimize the tremendous devastation upon Americans and
society in general from a significant number of additional property
and other crimes being committed by illegal aliens.
As an example of a rapidly growing crime that has a high illegal alien
participation, causing many months if not years of misery for the
victim, see the GAO's report IDENTITY FRAUD – Prevalence and Links to
Illegal Alien Activity, as well as Identity Theft is a Serious
Immigration Issue and Illegal Aliens Steal Identities To Get American
If you happened to be the victim of identity theft by an illegal alien
you probably don't think it was a "victimless" crime. If you haven't
been the victim of ID theft but would like to know what the fuss is
all about, see: 10-year-old girl victim of ID theft, Two women, one ID
and plenty of problems, As victim of identity theft, I wish several
things would happen, and Illicit Use of Social Security Information
Rises. Also note Faye Bowers' article in the Christian Science
Monitor, An Illegal Immigration Link to Identity Theft, to see how
easy and cheap it is to get the documents stealing YOUR
Additionally, there is a plethora of other criminal activities with a
high illegal alien participation, including such crimes involving
cocaine, methamphetamine, home invasion, auto insurance fraud, life
insurance fraud, food stamp fraud, mortgage fraud, auto theft, drug
trafficking, prostitution, more prostitution, and, of course,
counterfeiting documents.
As we will see, many illegal aliens are not just your casual
immigration violating, ID theft and fraud committing, law breaker.
Many are recidivists – a.k.a. career criminals, like Juan Leonardo
Quintero, who was previously deported after being convicted of
indecency with a child, but who later came back and then just recently
killed a Houston cop in cold blood, leaving a widow and five now
fatherless children.
Keep "previously deported" in mind as you will be seeing that
reference a lot in this paper.
Also, many crimes are gang related with the growing Mara Salvatrucha
(MS-13) gang being notoriously brutal in carrying out its criminal
activities – a topic independently covered in the GANG CRIMES section.
As detailed by Edwin Rubenstein in Criminal Alien Nation, criminal
illegal aliens are a growing threat. In summary, he reports:
In 1980, our Federal and state facilities held fewer than 9,000
criminal aliens but at the end of 2003, approximately 267,000 illegal
aliens were incarcerated in U.S. correctional facilities, as follows
•46,000 in Federal prisons
•74,000 in state prisons
•147,000 in local jails
The article also notes that approximately 27% of all prisoners in
Federal custody are criminal illegal aliens and the majority (63%) of
those are Mexican citizens. However, the large Mexican component is
mostly due to the fact that the majority of illegal aliens are from
Mexico and the incarceration rate is only slightly above the Mexican
representation (~57%) of the illegal aliens in the overall illegal
alien population, although a more recent crossing analysis indicates a
much higher Mexican content.
The article goes on to state that in fiscal 2004, the Federal govt.
spent $1.4 billion to incarcerate criminal aliens. This total included
$280 million of reimbursements made to state and local governments
under the State Criminal Alien Assistance Program [SCAAP] - a
Department of Justice program managed by the Bureau of Justice
Assistance (BJA) - but SCAAP funds cover less than 25% of the full
cost of incarcerating criminal aliens, leaving the balance of 75% to
be picked up by the local jurisdiction.
It is worth noting that all the incarceration costs, some $5.6 billion
in 2004, are ultimately paid for by the taxpayers. Throughout this
paper, it is worth noting the costs being imposed on society for
illegal aliens as you will see that the costs will continue to
accumulate, often dramatically so. It is also worth noting that with
proper border security and immigration enforcement there would be few
illegal aliens and little of those costs would be incurred thus
allowing a cost-benefit analysis.
The GAO issued a report, number GAO-05-337R, entitled Information on
Criminal Aliens Incarcerated in Federal and State Prisons and Local
Jails on May 9, 2005, prepared for the Subcommittee on Immigration,
Border Security, and Claims. It noted:
"At the federal level, the number of criminal aliens incarcerated
increased from about 42,000 at the end of calendar year 2001 to about
49,000 at the end of calendar year 2004--a 15 percent increase. The
percentage of all federal prisoners who are criminal aliens has
remained the same over the last 3 years--about 27 percent. The
majority of criminal aliens incarcerated at the end of calendar year
2004 were identified as citizens of Mexico. We estimate the federal
cost of incarcerating criminal aliens--BOP's cost to incarcerate
criminals and reimbursements to state and local governments under
SCAAP--totaled approximately $5.8 billion for calendar years 2001
through 2004. BOP's cost to incarcerate criminal aliens rose from
about $950 million in 2001 to about $1.2 billion in 2004--a 14 percent
And interestingly notes:
"Federal reimbursements for incarcerating criminal aliens in state
prisons and local jails declined from $550 million in 2001 to $280
million in 2004, in a large part due to a reduction in congressional
This illustrates the failings of your government as the Federal
Government is responsible for securing the borders but allows more and
more illegal aliens to violate the sovereignty of the United States.
However, when the illegal aliens commit crimes and are arrested, they
are paying less and less of the state and local costs of incarcerating
them. That's something you might want to ask your state's
congressional members about. Although notable, the public cost of
incarcerating illegal aliens is trivial alongside the carnage they
imposed on their victims. Remember, incarcerated illegal alien
perpetrators committed crime before being incarcerated. So the
question is "How much crime?"
To give you an idea of "how much crime," as noted in Illegal Alien
Crime Wave in Full Swing, in April 2005, the GAO released a report on
a study of 55,322 illegal aliens incarcerated in federal, state, and
local facilities during 2003. It found the following:
Of the 55,322 illegal aliens studied, researchers found that they were
arrested a total of 459,614 times, averaging about 8 arrests per
illegal alien.
•They were arrested for a total of about 700,000 criminal offenses,
averaging about 13 offenses per illegal alien.
•49% had previously been convicted of a felony, 20% of a drug offense;
18% a violent offense, and 11%, other felony offenses.
•81% of the arrests occurred after 1990
•56% of those charged with a reentry offense had previously been
convicted on at least 5 prior occasions.
•Defendants charged with unlawful reentry had the most extensive
criminal histories. 90% had been previously arrested. Of those with a
prior arrest, 50% had been arrested for violent or drug-related
Note the last two points – they mean the perpetrators were "previously
deported." Regardless, ALL those crimes would have never happened,
i.e. were preventable, with serious deportation of the illegal aliens
already here and proper border security to prevent both entry and re-
In reviewing those numbers, note that the study only sampled about 21%
of the incarcerated illegal aliens. To get the full extent of the
collateral damage, we need to extrapolate the average number of
offenses out across all 267,000 incarcerated illegal alien criminals.
Doing so results in some 1,288,619 crimes!
Don't the MSM and illegal alien supporters continually tell us that
illegal immigration is a "victimless crime" and that they are only
here to do the work Americans don't want to do? Since each crime has a
victim, 1,288,619 sounds like a lot of victimization to me. Maybe they
are also referring to doing the "work" that American criminals don't
want to do. Also keep in mind that the 1,288,619 crimes are only the
ones committed by the hard core illegal alien criminals that were
finally caught and incarcerated. The ones not caught and the new
criminals crossing daily are committing more crime each and every day.
One of the problems in identifying the involvement of illegal aliens
in crime, is that NOBODY TRACKS IT as a particular demographic
statistic. While the INS keeps track of all sorts of demographic data
for the illegal aliens that were actually arrested and deported and
puts it in the Yearbook of Immigration Statistics, the judicial system
does not track it. As noted in Cop murder spotlights crisis of killer
aliens - No government agency tracks crimes by illegals, not even
attacks on police so nobody really knows how many illegal alien
criminals there are or how many crimes they are actually committing.
Many simply fall through the cracks.
If we assume illegal aliens commit crime at the same rate as citizens
in the general population, an assumption that may grossly
underestimate their involvement as we will see later, we can estimate
the number of crimes being committed by illegal aliens. To do this, we
note the number of illegal aliens in the population and apply the
percentage representation in the population to the total number of
crimes committed.
The current population of illegal aliens ranges from a generally
accepted low of 12 million to a few estimates in the 25-30 million
range. For the purposes of this discussion, I will use a relatively
lower estimate of 15 million in a population of 300 million which is a
5% representation. It is worth noting that many official government
figures use a bit lower number. If in fact accurate, a lower number of
illegal aliens in the general population would actually increase their
disproportionate involvement, something that is probably occurring
anyway as we shall see latter.
According to FBI's Uniform Crime Reports (UCR), Crime in the United
States (CIUS) 2005, for the Estimated Number of Arrests and applying a
straight 5% illegal alien participation component we now get:
CRIMES (actual arrests) Number In USA by illegal aliens
Total 14,094,186 704,709
Murder & non-negligent manslaughter 14,062 703
Forcible rape 25,528 1,276
Offenses against family & children 129,128 6,456
The last column is the estimated criminal collateral damage being
inflicted by illegal aliens for 2005 as a straight proportional
percentage basis of the population. Similar collateral damage would
have been inflicted in 2006 and you can expect about as much in 2007.
Using a simple cost-benefit analysis, is this much crime acceptable to
save ten cents on a head of lettuce?
You probably wouldn't think so if you were one of the 704,709 victims.
Again, keep in mind, this is the collateral damage being inflicted PER
YEAR with a 5% participation rate. If the number of illegal aliens is
greater than 15 million the number of crimes goes up. If the
participation rate is greater, the number of crimes goes up.
In trying to figure out who is actually committing the crimes and
whether the 5% straight participation is valid, interestingly, as
noted in The Tarpit blog, Hispanics/Latinos, by far the largest
component of illegal aliens, become "White, Caucasian, or Other"
perpetrators in Arizona. The same thing in Colorado, Florida, New
Jersey, New Mexico, and probably other states as well. Even the FBI
doesn't seem to want to know as neither the nationality of the
perpetrator nor a Hispanic/Latino category is even present in either
their Uniform Crime Reports or Victims and Offenders Supplement.
When I inquired of Justice Department as to why they didn't want to
know if Hispanics or foreign nationals were committing any crime,
their response was:
"The Uniform Crime Reporting Program was mandated by Congress to
collect and publish the crimes that are reported to police agencies
for statistical purposes, not investigative purposes.
The elements of race and ethnicity built into the UCR Program adhere
to the guidelines established by DIRECTIVE NO 15, RACE AND ETHNIC
guidelines are set by the Office of Management and Budget, and as
federal agency in the capacity of overseer of the UCR Program, the FBI
is required to abide by those guidelines. For UCR purposes there are
four racial categories: White; Black; American Indian or Alaskan
Native; and Asian or Pacific Islander. The term Hispanic is an
indicator of ethnicity, and the UCR Program does not currently collect
information on ethnicity."
I also asked the Justice Department what categories the foreign
national terrorists and the 2,752 Americans killed by foreign
nationals on 9-11-2001 fell into but did not get a response.
While the Justice Department tracks nearly every conceivable aspect of
crime, evidently, Congress only wants to know what crimes "White,
Black, American Indian, and Asian" Americans are committing
Interestingly, however, ethnicity is very important for establishing
minority status and preferences but totally unimportant for
determining who is committing crimes. Crimes being committed by
illegal aliens, aka foreign nationals, are not tracked.
While we are on the subject of the FBI's Uniform Crime Reports (UCR),
Jim Kouri notes in Crime Statistics and the Itsy Bitsy Yellow Polka
Dot Bikini:
"Yet the public is generally unaware that the UCR system is
essentially a voluntary system; there is no federal legislation that
requires States or local jurisdictions to report their crime data to
the FBI.
The voluntary nature of the UCR, of course, affects the accuracy and
completeness of the data. Although the FBI devotes a great deal of
attention to the quality of the data it publishes in CIUS, it cannot
mandate agencies to provide data on time (or at all)."
Thus, if anything, the FBI underreports crime.
In any case, it would appear that other than what the INS reports when
foreign nationals are deported, NOBODY IS TRACKING CRIMES COMMITTED ON
US SOIL BY FOREIGN NATIONALS. Given the serious of the crimes and
large participation by mostly Hispanic, illegal alien, a.k.a. foreign
national, criminals it almost seems as if the various government
agencies don't want you to know. Also, I could not find any
investigative reporting by the MSM on the issue. If even a small
number of those 704,709 crimes were committed against members of the
media or politicians maybe we would have heard something but the
silence is deafening.
As noted in a September 2006 article, Cop murder spotlights crisis of
killer aliens, in WND
"While no government agencies specifically track crimes by illegal
aliens, there have been some efforts to quantify the loss. Last
December, Mac Johnson set out to investigate the number of homicides
perpetrated by illegal aliens. Since the federal government would not
provide any useful information, he contacted all 50 statehouses. Three
months later, he had fewer than a dozen responses. Only one state,
Vermont, provided any useful information.
He then set out to statistically estimate the number of murders by
illegal aliens based on available crime data and conservative
estimates of the actual number of illegal aliens in the country –
which, of course, nobody really knows.
He found that between 1,806 and 2,510 people in the U.S. are murdered
annually by illegal aliens. If he's right, that would represent
between 11 percent and 15 percent of all murders in the U.S.":
Using the mean of Mr. Johnson's range, that means there are 2,158
murders committed annually by illegal aliens – crimes that never would
have happened if they weren't here. This is part of the collateral
damage of tolerating illegal immigration.
Note that at 2,158 murders that would be 15.3% of all the murders
reported by the FBI, which would be about three times the
representation of illegal aliens in the general population. Whether
illegal aliens are committing three times as many of the other crimes
as well is unknown because NOBODY IS TRACKING IT. Regardless, keep
that "three times" in mind because it will come up again.
At this point it is worth noting that Representative King states in
Biting the Hand That Feeds You , referenced in the INTRODUCTION and
often quoted all over the internet, that illegal aliens are
responsible for 4,380 murders. I believe Congressman King based his
numbers on two GAO reports (d05337r and d05646r) on the number of
incarcerated illegal aliens and the total number of incarcerated
prisoners and applying the resulting percentage to the FBI's reported
number of crimes. Based on this estimate, illegal aliens would be
responsible for about 31% of the murders, a rate that is about 6.2
times their representation in the population. While there are
indications that this number may be more accurate, nobody really knows
Returning to the FBI's crime list and a straight 5% prorated share
committed by illegal aliens, some 704,709 yearly crimes, each of these
crimes has both a personal and economic impact. You can easily imagine
the personal devastation on the individual and families as they ask
"why me?" Since all these crimes would not have happened if there were
no illegal aliens in the country, the unfortunate answer is that
"because we as a nation and people have tolerated, and in many cases
aided and abetted, illegal immigration."
The economic burden which these crimes impose on their victims and
society have costs. As noted earlier there has been a tremendous
increase in the law enforcement budgets and each caught criminal needs
to be incarcerated at about $25,000 per year. How much more law
enforcement is spending as a direct consequence of illegal aliens is
unknown but reviewing the expenditure graphs, note that the rate of
the expenditures increases after around 1989 which correspond with the
large increase in the illegal alien population.
In any case, with 267,000 illegal aliens incarcerated, as of 2003,
just the incarceration costs at $25,000 per inmate per year is $6.7
BILLION per year. I'll take a wild guess that you didn't realize we
were spending that much. Do you have any better ideas on what we could
be spending $6.7 billion a year on rather than providing three meals a
day and color TV to a bunch of illegal alien prisoners? While you
think about that, here is anther one to ponder: how much money would
we have saved since 1980 if there were still only 9,000 incarcerated
illegal aliens rather than 267,000?
As extensive as these direct costs are, there are also indirect costs
imposed on the victims, including loss of income and property,
uncompensated hospital bills, and treatment for resulting emotional
and psychological trauma.
As noted in the abstract of the report Victim costs of violent crime
and resulting injuries, by Miller, Cohen, and Rossman:
"This DataWatch estimates the costs and monetary value of lost quality
of life due to death and nonfatal physical and psychological injury
resulting from violent crime. In 1987 physical injury to people age
twelve and older resulting from rape, robbery, assault, murder, and
arson caused about $10 billion in potential health-related costs,
including some unmet mental health care needs. It led to $23 billion
in lost productivity and almost $145 billion in reduced quality of
life (in 1989 dollars). If associated deaths and cases resulting in
psychological injury only are included, costs average $47,000 for
rape, $19,000 for robbery, $15,000 for assault, and $25,000 for arson.
Considering only survivors with physical injury, rape cost $60,000,
robberies $25,000, assaults $22,000, and arson $50,000. Costs are
almost $2.4 million per murder. Lifetime costs for all intentional
injuries totaled $178 billion during 1987-1990."
Note that those costs are in 1989 dollars. Using the CPI index to
adjust for 2006 dollars, multiply those numbers by 1.62 which means
each rape costs society an average of $76,140 and each murder costs
some $3.9 million. Thus just the 2,158 murders committed by illegal
aliens burdened our society with $8.4 BILLION in costs.
The report tabulates the various costs for each crime as follows:
You may find similar summarized totals from the Justice Dept. in a
summary Cost of Crime.
Again, applying the CPI increase, the total costs in 2006 dollars
would be $289 BILLION. If illegal aliens were responsible for just 5%
of it then that would be $14.4 BILLION.
For a comprehensive look at the cost of crime, see a report by
Professor David Anderson, The Aggregate Burden of Crime, which reports
that the net annual burdened costs of crime is actually far higher.
The report notes that in 1999 the costs exceeded $1 trillion. In 2006
dollars that would be $1.62 TRILLION. 5% of that would be in excess of
Thus if illegal aliens are responsible for 5% of the crime, the costs
are somewhere between $14.4 and a minimum of $81 billion, per year. A
higher representation yields proportionally higher costs. Also, any
overrepresentation of involvement means that both numbers go up
proportionately. As an example, we have seen that illegal aliens are
involved in murders at a rate that is three times representation.
Regardless of the actual number, keep in mind that these are YEARLY
Other studies note that career criminals cost society $1.6 million
each, over and above the costs of incarcerating them. Given that there
are about 270,000 career illegal alien criminals currently
incarcerated in federal, state, and local jails that results in a cost
of $432 BILLION. If so, that is $1,440 for every man, woman, and child
in the United States. How much lettuce would that buy?
While there are already some 270,000 incarcerated illegal aliens,
there are estimates that another 80,000 to 100,000 illegal aliens who
have been convicted of serious crimes still walk the streets. As
previously noted, based on studies, those illegal alien criminal will
commit 13 offenses per illegal alien. For this group, crime pays.
A January 2004 article in the Washington Times, Illegal Criminal
Aliens Abound in U.S., by Jerry Seper notes:
"About 80,000 illegal criminal aliens, including convicted murderers,
rapists, drug dealers and child molesters who served prison time and
were released, are loose on the streets of America, hiding from
federal immigration authorities.
"Keeping our law-enforcement officers in the dark doesn't make
America's streets safer for anyone," said Rep. Charlie Norwood,
Georgia Republican. "At a time when our officers are faced with
arresting and re-arresting the same 80,000 criminal aliens over and
over again, we should be giving them greater access to data and more
Making matters more difficult for federal authorities are several
municipalities that have passed ordinances prohibiting their
employees, including police officers, from enforcing federal
immigration laws.
Known as "sanctuary laws," the ordinances are in place in varying
degree in major cities such as Los Angeles, San Francisco and Houston.
Immigration opponents argue that the laws encourage illegal
immigration. Some, including the District-based Federation of American
Immigration Reform, have charged that sanctuary laws offer shelter for
would-be terrorists by allowing illegal immigrants to establish
themselves as residents."
A January 2007 article, Illegals Become Repeat Criminals, also by
Jerry Seper in The Washington Times reports:
"Criminal aliens set free on the streets of America -- instead of
being deported after serving their time - are being rearrested as many
as six more times by U.S. authorities, according to a government audit
released yesterday.
But the Justice Department's Office of Inspector General said it did
not know how many of 262,105 illegals in the audit, who had been
charged with a crime and then released, had been rearrested.
... During fiscal 2005, Justice distributed $287.1 million in SCAAP
payments to 752 state, county and local jurisdictions -- nearly 70
percent of which went to 10 jurisdictions: the states of California,
New York, Texas, Florida, Arizona, Illinois and Massachusetts; New
York City; and two California counties, Los Angeles and Orange.
The report also said investigators identified an official "sanctuary"
policy for two jurisdictions that received at least $1 million in
SCAAP funding: Oregon, which received $3.4 million, and the city and
county of San Francisco, which received $1.1 million and has
designated itself a "city and county of refuge."
In addition, an executive order issued in New York City limits the
enforcement of immigration law by local authorities, the report said.
The audit defined "sanctuary" as a jurisdiction that may have state
laws, local ordinances or departmental policies limiting the role of
local authorities in the enforcement of immigration laws.
The audit also examined the level of cooperation among federal, state
and local authorities, but found "conflicting views between ICE and
local jurisdictions as to what actions constitute full cooperation."
Congress did not define 'fully cooperate,' nor did our review of
immigration legislation disclose any specific steps that localities
are required to take to help effect the removal of criminal aliens
from the United States," the audit said.
The report also found that among 164 state and local agencies
•30 jurisdictions do not generally ask those arrested about their
immigration status.
•17 said they do not inform ICE when they have someone they suspect
may be an illegal alien in custody. Some agencies said they do not
inform ICE about possible illegals in custody because they don't think
ICE will respond.
18 jurisdictions do not alert ICE before releasing undocumented
criminal aliens.
Without a doubt, illegal aliens who are deported return, and those
that are caught and incarcerated commit more crime when released. And
the sanctuary policies of many cities and municipalities facilitate
both. How frustrating this must be for DHS, ICE, and various law
enforcement agencies who are trying to protect Americans from being
molested, raped, killed, and murdered.
Making matters worse, if that is possible, most of the numbers for
criminal illegal aliens actually underestimate the impact or
involvement of criminal illegal aliens as the FBI is probably
underreporting the crime and the data does not include:
•The cost of criminal aliens for whom states and localities are not
reimbursed under the SCAAP program.
•Criminal aliens who have become citizens are not included.
•U.S. born criminal children of illegal immigrants are not included
As noted by Heather MacDonald in a must read 2004 article, The Illegal-
Alien Crime Wave:
•In Los Angeles, 95% of some 1,500 outstanding warrants for homicides
are for illegal aliens. About 67% of the 17,000 outstanding fugitive
felony warrants are for illegal aliens.
•A confidential California Department of Justice study reported in
1995 that 60% of the bloody 18th Street Gang, with an estimated
membership at 20,000 in California, are illegal aliens. Police
officers say the proportion is probably much greater. The gang
collaborates with the Mexican Mafia, the dominant force in California
prisons, on complicated drug distribution schemes, extortion, and
drive-by assassinations, and is responsible for a number of murders,
assaults, or robberies every day in LA County.
•The Columbia Li'l Cycos gang, which uses murder and racketeering to
control the drug market around L.A.'s MacArthur Park, was about 60%
illegal in 2002, says former Assistant U.S. Attorney Luis Li. Frank
"Pancho Villa" Martinez, a Mexican Mafia member and illegal alien,
controls the gang from prison, while serving time for felonious
reentry following deportation.
However, as this section has noted and as Ms MacDonald so poignantly
notes "Good luck finding any reference to such facts in official crime
analysis." This is the stuff that NOBODY in the government or MSM is
tracking and reporting on.
That must read, interim report from the House Committee on Homeland
Security, A Line in the Sand: Confronting the Threat at the Southwest
Border details the criminal activity and violence taking place along
the Southwest border and notes that the region has been experiencing
"an alarming rise in the level of criminal cartel activity, including
drugs and human smuggling ... " and continues "The border also is the
site of violent criminal enterprises. These enterprises are carried
out by organized crime syndicates and include the smuggling of drugs,
humans, weapons, and cash across the US-Mexico border."
The report notes that in 2005, Federal drug seizures were a total of
1,129,275 pounds of cocaine and 6,866,465 pounds of marijuana. Most of
that was along the southern border. Additionally, the report further
states that Federal law enforcement estimates that only 10-30% of
illegal aliens are actually apprehended and only 10-20% of the drugs
are seized.
A particularly troublesome observation of the report is:
"While many illegal aliens cross the border searching for employment,
not all illegal aliens are crossing into the United States to find
work. Law enforcement has stated that some individuals come across the
border because they have been forced to leave their home countries due
to their criminal activity. These dangerous criminals are fleeing the
law in other countries and seeking refuge in the United States."
Still think we don't need to control our borders? As noted by Mike
Cutler in A Very Bad Sign for America, things are really getting out
of hand. Need more proof? How about a January 2007 report, Guardsmen
overrun at the Border, where it was noted:
"A U.S. Border Patrol entry Identification Team site was overrun
Wednesday night along Arizona's border with Mexico. According to the
Border Patrol, an unknown number of gunmen attacked the site in the
state's West Desert Region around 11 p.m. The site is manned by
National Guardsmen. Those guardsmen were forced to retreat.
The Border Patrol will not say whether shots were fired. However, no
Guardsmen were injured in the incident.
The Border Patrol says the incident occurred somewhere along the 120
mile section of the border between Nogales and Lukeville. The area is
known as a drug corridor. Last year, 124-thousand pounds of illegal
drugs were confiscated in this area."
The Border patrol says the attackers quickly retreated back into
Rather than engage the drug-running illegal aliens who wantonly and
with force are violating our borders to smuggle their addicting drugs
in, we retreat. In their defense, however, most likely the National
Guard retreated because that was their orders regarding their "rules
of engagement."
For more information on this "incident," go to Mexican Gunmen Involved
in Arizona Border Incident Actually A Uniformed Mexican Force where it
is reported that they were probing the border.
Why is there so much action on the border? As previously noted,
Federal law enforcement estimates that only 10-20% of the drugs are
seized and that they seized 1,129,275 pounds of cocaine. Giving them
the benefit of doubt, if 20% of the drugs are seized that means
4,517,100 pounds made it through. While some experts say 80-90% of the
cocaine comes across the US-Mexico border, if just 50% came across the
southern border that would be 2,258,550 pounds. With a street value
conservatively estimated at $2,000 per uncut ounce, that is $72.2
BILLION in cocaine.
That cocaine is heading into your state, city, neighborhood and
schools and is probably enough to get most of the teenagers in the
United States hooked. For those of you in illegal alien sanctuaries
across the USA, your elected officials are aiding the illegal aliens
criminals to spread the poison.
Unfortunately, it doesn't stop at just cocaine. There is the big buck
business of methamphetamines. For more horror stories, see the
comprehensive special report METH AND THE DRUG LORDS - BIG-TIME
OPERATIONS from The McClatchy Company's California newspapers. One
interesting difference, however, is that the Mexican drug cartels are
making much of that poison it in the good ole USA.
Compared to cocaine and methamphetamine, marijuana is a much less
lucrative "business" but nevertheless many, many tons of it are being
smuggled in. As an example, a recent article, Border Patrol Agents
Intercept Drug Smugglers on Horseback, notes that ICE agents in the
Tuscon area seized "529 pounds of marijuana -- which has an estimated
value of $529,000, according to figures from the National Drug
Intelligence Center, that is a fairly average seizure in the Tucson
Sector, the busiest along the southern border for drug seizures.
The article notes that "From Oct. 1 through Jan. 31, agents have
seized 299,154 pounds of marijuana, more than 2,400 pounds a day. The
totals represent a 31 percent increase from the same time period in
fiscal year 2006, when the pounds of marijuana seized shattered
previous records."
At the current rate, and using the a generous 20% drug seizure rate,
that means that the Border Patrol will seize 897,462 pounds but allow
3,589,848 pounds through. The street value of that marijuana is $3.6
billion. And that is just in the Tuscon area of the border.
Still think we don't need to secure the border? Home much crime in the
US do you think is a direct result of all those drugs?
To see what all that drug money is funding and what is coming our way
see Drug Trade Fuels Violence on Nuevo Laredo's Streets where it was
noted "In Laredo, life is different ... Here we are prisoners. In our
city, we learn to live with the devil."
In fact it is getting so bad along the southern border that KVIA news
reported: Threat to US citizens forces Mx officials to lock down town,
TX Sheriff boosts security.
For more information on what is going on at the southern border, see
the AP report Assaults on border agents in southwestern Arizona
increasing and Ranch Rescue USA for numerous references on the
escalating violence and serious incidents that are routinely occurring
on the southern border because there is no physical security.
Many of the cops in the southwest are getting very frustrated over the
situation. As noted in a March 2005 article by William La Jeunesse of
Fox News, Border States Grapple With Alien Criminals:
"Many police officials in states along the U.S.-Mexican border say
they are fed up with the number of illegal aliens populating American
prisons, many of them incarcerated for violent crimes such as murder,
rape and robbery.
Almost one in six inmates in Arizona, for example, is a Mexican
"It is a phenomenon that law enforcement recognizes as a major
problem," said one undercover detective, who specializes in street
gangs and goes by the name "Paco."
"We have to put drug users and violators in there, babysit them, and
now we have to babysit illegal aliens," said Maricopa County, Ariz.,
Sheriff Joe Arpaio whose jails are 4,500 inmates over capacity.
Most Mexicans cross the border looking for work, but competition is
fierce for jobs requiring uneducated, unskilled labor. Many illegal
immigrants find themselves far from realizing their dreams.
"We come over here to find a better life," said inmate Tony Perez, a
convicted drug dealer. "Not all of us are here to sell drugs or to do
bad things, despite a few that do. But then again, doesn't everybody
else from every other country?"
Arpaio's Phoenix jails house 1,200 criminal aliens, including Perez,
who by law should have been deported. But because of federal
bureaucracy and an overburdened system, only the most dangerous felons
are actually sent home.
Even when deportation is ordered, about 60 percent of orders are
Christian Higuera, who is serving time for assault, has fathered an
illegitimate child, born in Arizona. He said he hopes he will be
allowed to stay with his child, an American citizen, once he gets out
of jail."
I would imagine that criminals with such attitudes make the job even
more frustrating than the "previously deported" and "repeat offender"
aspect of illegal alien criminals.
We often hear from the MSM, illegal immigration supporters, and
liberals in general, that illegal immigration is a victimless crime.
Tell that to the relatives of the following victims:
Mary Nagle, a wife and mother of two, who was raped and murdered by an
illegal alien who came to her home to power wash her porch. If that
wasn't bad enough, the perpetrator used Mary Nagle's own cell phone to
call her sisters and friends describing how he sexually abused her.
Read about the tragic story here and here.
The two Catholic nuns who were on a walk saying their rosary when they
were attacked by illegal alien Maximilano Esparza who raped both and
killed one by strangling her with her rosary beads.
Terry and Lisa Dilks of Urbandale, Iowa, who were murdered by two
illegal aliens. Both perpetrators had previously been arrested on drug
charges and turned over and subsequently released by federal
immigration agents.
The 10 killed and 4 wounded victims of illegal alien Muslim fanatic
and sniper John Lee Malvo.
Kimberley Hope who was killed while feeding her neighbor's dogs by
illegal alien Daniel Gonzalez Berumen who simply wanted her car.
Vinessa Hoera was a young single mom, only 23, when she was kidnapped,
raped and brutally murdered by an illegal alien from Guatemala.
Tracy Owen, a 23 year old, very pregnant woman of Nashville, who was
murdered because a couple of drunk, illegal aliens thought they had
struck her in a car-pedestrian traffic accident. In fact, they had not
but shot her five times believing they had.
Norfolk Police Officer Sheila Herring who was shot by illegal alien
Mario Roberto Keen as she responded to a disturbance at a sports bar.
Keen had previously been sentenced to five years in prison in 1990 for
selling cocaine and had been previously deported. Keen attempted to re-
enter the United States in New York in 1997, but was reportedly barred
from entering. Obviously, he found another way.
Officer Tony Zeppetella, 27, of the Oceanside, CA, police department,
was murdered by illegal alien gang member Adrien George Camacho when
he stopped him for a traffic violation. Camacho pulled out a gun and
shot the officer. Camacho then pistol-whipped the injured officer
before shooting him again, killing him with the officer's own gun. At
the time, Camacho had a criminal history that includes five previous
felony convictions had been previously deported several times.
Fort Worth Officer Dwayne Freeto was killed by drunken driver while
helping a stranded motorist. The speeding car struck Freeto's parked
cruiser, causing it to burst into flames burning Officer Freeto to
Police Officer Brandon Winfield, a 12-year veteran on the Houston
police force with five children who was killed by illegal alien Juan
Leonardo Qunitero who had been previously deported for molesting a 12-
year-old girl. Officer Winfield thought he was assisting a disabled
motorist when he was murdered in cold blood.
For more cops killed by illegal aliens go to Officer Down News –
although you will have to do some digging to establish the residency
of the perpetrator.
And those are just a few of the Americans who recently died at the
hands of illegal aliens.
There are currently over 400,000 unaccounted for illegal alien
criminals with outstanding deportation orders. Those are just the ones
apprehended. At least one fourth of these are hard core criminals.
NOBODY knows how many more there are, however, they are numerous and
roaming your neighborhood, wanting to prey on you and your family.
Read more about it here.
In fact, the criminal activity in the illegal alien community is now
so bad that illegal aliens are being held for ransom and as slaves by
other illegal aliens and smugglers are kidnapping illegal aliens from
other smugglers!
While it is a fact that most illegal aliens are generally law abiding,
it is also a fact that a significant percentage of illegal aliens have
no respect for the rule of law and our legal customs. Many come with
anti-American attitudes and philosophies that are totally "alien" to
our culture, a subject addressed later in this paper in the CULTURAL
DIFFERENCES section. The end result is an ever-growing lawlessness
among large portions of the illegal alien communities.
As previously noted, this report does not go into the property crimes
being committed by illegal aliens. While violent crimes against one's
person are the most serious, if your identity or car is stolen by an
illegal alien you won't be too happy about it.
As a small example of property crimes, in 2003, according to the
Arizona Department of Motor Vehicles, some 57,600 cars were stolen in
just Phoenix alone. The owner losses are estimated to exceed $864
million. Most of the stolen cars ended up in Mexico and were never
recovered. How many of those cars were stolen by illegal alien car
thieves versus resident car thieves is unknown but you can be
confident that illegal aliens had a disproportionately large part of
Although somewhat dated, The Center for Immigration Studies' report
Federal Immigration Law Enforcement: Procedures and Complaints
documents the growing criminal element in the growing tide of illegal
immigration, as well as the deportation obstacles in our broken
immigration policies.
To have an appreciation of how hard it is to keep out some of these
violent illegal alien criminals with our current porous borders, read
the Dept. of Justice's special report on the story of Rafael Resendez-
Ramirez, who on December 16, 1998, entered the home of Dr. Claudia
Benton in West University Place, Texas, sexually assaulted her, and
then beat her to death in her bedroom. Ramirez had a long history of
entering the United States illegally, committing crimes here, and
being voluntarily returned or involuntarily deported to Mexico. See
the report at: Part1 and Part 2.
For more information on crimes committed by illegal aliens and the
personal impact it has had on individual citizens see:
•Immigrations Human Cost
•Victims of Illegal Aliens
•Crime Victims of Illegal Aliens
•Escaping Justice
•Predatory Aliens
•Victims of Illegal Aliens Memorial
•Ohio Jobs & Justice PAC – Victims of Illegal Aliens
•Crimes involving immigrants from around the world, both legal and
Go to Fallen Heroes for information on a few more cops killed by
illegal aliens.
Are you now getting an idea that illegal aliens are committing a lot
of crime and it is costing a lot of money?
Unfortunately, it gets even worse. As noted in some of the personal
references in this section, as well as some of the links at the end of
this section, a particularly horrendous aspect of the collateral
damage of tolerating illegal aliens are the sexual crimes being
committed against American women and children, a subject which is
independently covered in the following section, SEXUAL CRIMES.
When visiting any of the links and sites listed in this report, keep
in mind that NOBODY is tracking and reporting the crimes on a national
basis and these are just the tip of the iceberg.
For additional information on the criminal side of illegal aliens see
the links listed immediately below. However, first start with the MUST
READ A Line in the Sand: Confronting the Threat at the Southwest
As you peruse the following links, the question we need to be asking
ourselves and all our government officials is:
How many violent crimes being committed by illegal aliens is
acceptable collateral damage to save ten cents on a head of lettuce?
Next Section: Impacts of Illegal Immigration: Sex Crimes
Previous Section: Impacts Of Illegal Immigration: Terrorism
For more information on crimes committed by illegal aliens see the
stories below.
•The Illegal-Alien Crime Wave
•Illegal Aliens in Federal, State, and Local Criminal Justice Systems
•The Crime of Illegal Aliens
•Illegal Aliens Linked to Rise in Crime Statistics
•The Truth About Illegal Immigration, The U.S./Mexican Border Has
Become a Sieve of Death
•Crime & the Illegal Alien
•Illegals: The Crime Rampage
•The End of Innocence
•Illegal Alien Crime Wave: Coming to a Neighborhood Near You
•Terror on the streets
•Crime & the Illegal Alien -The Fallout from Crippled Immigration
Enforcement, Illegal Alien Killers, Rapists, and Robbers
•Border Breakdown
•Illegal Immigration Linked To Crime
•Illegal, 17, runs down hero cop
•Neighbor (illegal immigrant) charged in death of Bellevue woman in
•Criminal Aliens, Gang Members, Fugitives and Other Immigration
•Tim Kaine and illegal-alien crime
•Crime & The Illegal Alien
•Chinese Organized Crime and Illegal Alien Trafficking: Humans as a
•Day Laborers – Wanted
•Serial rapist admits to being here illegally
•The Crime of Illegal Aliens
•Illegal Aliens in Federal, State, and Local Criminal Justice Systems
•The Internationalization of Criminal Justice
•Crime & the Illegal Alien - The Fallout from Crippled Immigration
•Kidnapped Infant Taken as Retribution (Illegal Alien smugglers)
•Illegal immigrant gets 33 years in rape, thefts
•Fear and Bondage in America
•Illegal Alien "Ma Barker" Captured by Feds
•Illegal immigrant arrested in Branson also wanted for murder in South
•FBI Testimony to House International Relations Committee
•Hispanic Minuteman-Cop Fights Corruption & Illegal Immigration
•Nationwide Illegal Alien Worker Leasing Conspiracy Uncovered
•44 arrests in immigrant-smuggling probe, ICE Apprehends More Than
•Illegal Alien Kills Actress
•9 illegal aliens arrested in Nashville – Feds seize 55 KG of Cocaine,
weapons, and 1.1 Million Dollars
•Border Narcotics, Smuggling, Stolen Vehicles, Illegal aliens &
•Illegal Aliens Linked to Rise in Crime Statistics
•Mexican National Described as One Man Crime Wave
•Crime: Mexico's No. 1 export - 'Minutemen' founder provides inside
look at violent Hispanic gang MS-13
•ICE deports illegal alien convicted of kidnapping, 1st degree sex
crime - Man is one of more than 600 criminals deported from
Minneapolis area this fiscal year
•Smugglers terrorize illegals to pay fees
•One of Mexico's "Most Wanted" Criminals Captured in Ohio
•Deported illegal who shot officers killed - California patrolmen
fired on as they sat in their cruiser
•Feds Charge 55 Suspects in Major Human Smuggling Network
•Feds Nab 31 Koreans and Two NYPD Cops for Human Trafficking
•Agents Nab Illegal Alien DUIs in Federal Operation
•Feds Capture Illegal Alien Murderer, "Mexico's Most Wanted", Gunman
Sought In Killing Of Deputy, K-9 Officer
•Plea for gang violence crackdown
•Three migrants killed by gunmen in southern Arizona
...and I am Sid Harth