2010-04-22 10:24:04 UTC
Sanskrit Literature Review: Sid Harth
All CSL Volumes by Sanskrit Author (in Sanskrit alphabetical order)
Appayya Dīkṣita, Nīlakaṇṭha Dīkṣita, Vedānta Deśika. Ātmārpaṇastuti,
Śāntivilāsa, Dayāśataka & Haṃsasaṃdeśa (“Self-Surrender,” “Peace,”
“Compassion,” and “The Mission of The Goose”: Poems and Prayers from
South India). Yigal Bronner & David Shulman. Foreword by Gieve Patel
Aug 2009
Amaru, Bhartṛhari and Bilhaṇa. Amaruśataka, Śatakatraya &
Caurapañcāśikā (Love Lyrics). Greg Bailey & Richard Gombrich OUT NOW
Aśvaghoṣa. Buddhacarita (Life of the Buddha). Patrick Olivelle OUT NOW
Aśvaghoṣa. Saundarananda (Handsome Nanda). Linda Covill OUT NOW
Āryaśūra. Jātakamālā (A Garland of the Buddha’s Past Lives) (volume
one of two). Justin Meiland OUT NOW
Āryaśūra. Jātakamālā (A Garland of the Buddha’s Past Lives) (volume
two of two). Justin Meiland Aug 2009
Kālidāsa. Abhijñānaśākuntala (The Recognition of Shakúntala—Bengali
Recension). Michael Coulson
Kālidāsa. Abhijñānaśākuntala (The Recognition of Shakúntala—Kashmir
Recension). Somadeva Vasudeva OUT NOW
Kālidāsa. Kumārasaṃbhava (The Birth of Kumára). David Smith. Foreword
by U.R. Ananthamurthy (to be published in the second edition) OUT NOW
Kālidāsa. Mālavikāgnimitram (Málavika and Agni·mitra). Dániel Balogh &
Eszter Somogyi Aug 2009
Kālidāsa. Raghuvaṃśa (Raghu's Lineage) (two volumes). Dominic Goodall
and Harunaga Isaacson
Kālidāsa. Vikramorvaśīya (How Úrvashi Was Won). Velcheru Narayana Rao
& David Shulman Aug 2009
Kālidāsa, Dhoyī, and Rūpa Gosvāmin. Meghadūta, Pavanadūta & Haṃsadūta
(Messenger Poems). Sir James Mallinson OUT NOW
Kṛṣṇamiśra. Prabodhacandrodaya (The Rise of Wisdom Moon). Matthew
Kapstein Aug 2009
Kṣemendra. Kalāvilāsa — see under by Nīlakaṇṭha, Kṣemendra, and
Kṣemendra. Bodhisattvāvadānakalpalatā (The Magical Vine of the
Bodhi·sattva’s Many Lives). Isabelle Onians
Kṣemendra and Harijīvanamiśra. Samayamātṛkā (“A Bawd’s Life”) and
Palāṇḍumaṇḍana (“The Ornamental Onion”). Isabelle Onians
Govardhana. Āryāsaptaśatī (Seven Hundred Elegant Verses). Friedhelm
Hardy Aug 2009
Cintāmaṇi Bhaṭṭa. Śukasaptati (The Parrot’s Seventy Tales). Csaba
Jayadeva. Gītagovindakāvya (The Gita·govínda: Love Songs of Radha and
Krishna). Lee Siegel OUT NOW
Jinaratna. Līlāvatīsāra (The Epitome of Queen Lilávati) (volume one of
two). R.C.C. Fynes OUT NOW
Jinaratna. Līlāvatīsāra (The Epitome of Queen Lilávati) (volume two of
two). R.C.C. Fynes OUT NOW
Daṇḍin. Daśakumāracarita (What Ten Young Men Did). Isabelle Onians.
Foreword by Kiran Nagarkar (to be published in the second edition) OUT
Dāmodaragupta. Kuṭṭanīmata (The Bawd’s Counsel). Csaba Dezső & Dominic
Dhoyī. Pavanadūta — see under Kālidāsa, Dhoyī, and Rūpa Gosvāmin.
Nārāyaṇa. Hitopadeśa (“Friendly Advice”) and Vikramacarita (“King
Víkrama’s Adventures”). Judit Törzsök OUT NOW
Nīlakaṇṭha, Kṣemendra, and Bhallaṭa. Kaliviḍambana, Kalāvilāsa &
Bhallaṭaśataka (Three Satires). Somadeva Vasudeva. Foreword by Mani
Shankar Aiyar (to be published in the second edition) OUT NOW
Nīlakaṇṭha Dīkṣita. Śāntivilāsa — see under Appayya Dīkṣita,
Nīlakaṇṭha Dīkṣita, Vedāntadeśika.
Padmagupta. Navasāhasāṅkacarita (Nava·sáhasanka and the Serpent
Princess). Somadeva Vasudeva
Ballāla. Bhojaprabandha (In the Court of King Bhoja). Gary Tubb
Bāṇa. Kādambarī (Princess Kadámbari) (volume one of three). David
Smith Aug 2009
Bāṇa. Kādambarī (Princess Kadámbari) (volume two to three of three).
David Smith
Bāṇa. Harṣacarita (The Deeds of King Harsha). Robert A. Hueckstedt
Bilhaṇa. Caurapañcāśikā — see under Amaru, Bhartṛhari and Bilhaṇa.
Budhasvāmin. Bṛhatkathāślokasaṃgraha (The Emperor of the Sorcerers)
(volume one of two). Sir James Mallinson OUT NOW
Budhasvāmin. Bṛhatkathāślokasaṃgraha (The Emperor of the Sorcerers)
(volume two of two). Sir James Mallinson OUT NOW
Bhaṭṭa Jayanta. Āgamaḍambara (Much Ado About Religion). Csaba Dezső
Bhaṭṭi. Bhaṭṭikāvya (Bhatti’s Poem: The Death of Rávana). Oliver
Fallon OUT NOW
Bhartṛhari. Śatakatraya — see under Amaru, Bhartṛhari and Bilhaṇa.
Bhallaṭa. Bhallaṭaśataka — see under by Nīlakaṇṭha, Kṣemendra, and
Bhavabhūti. Uttararāmacarita (Rama’s Last Act). Sheldon Pollock.
Foreword by Girish Karnad OUT NOW
Bhavabhūti. Mālatīmādhava (Málati and Mádhava). Michael Coulson
Bhānudatta. Rasamañjarī & Rasataraṅgiṇī (“Bouquet of Rasa” and “River
of Rasa”). Sheldon Pollock OUT NOW
Bhāravi. Kirātārjunīya (The Hunter and the Hero). Indira Peterson
Bhāsa. Ūrubhaṅga — see under Harṣa and Bhāsa.
Māgha. Śiśupālavadha (The Slaying of Shishu·pala). Paul Dundas
Murāri. Anargharāghava (Rama Beyond Price). Judit Törzsök OUT NOW
Merutuṅga. Caturviṃśatiprabandha (Twenty-four Chronicles) (two
volumes). Somadeva Vasudeva
Ratnākara. Haravijaya (Triumph of Shiva). David Smith
Rūpa Gosvāmin. Haṃsadūta — see under Kālidāsa, Dhoyī, and Rūpa
Vararuci. Caturbhāṇī — see under Śūdraka, Śyāmilaka, Vararuci and
Vālmīki. Rāmāyaṇa I: Bālakāṇḍa (Ramáyana I: Boyhood). Robert P.
Goldman. Foreword by Amartya Sen (to be published in the second
edition) OUT NOW
Vālmīki. Rāmāyaṇa II: Ayodhyākāṇḍa (Ramáyana II: Ayódhya). Sheldon I.
Pollock OUT NOW
Vālmīki. Rāmāyaṇa III: Araṇyakāṇḍa (Ramáyana III: The Forest). Sheldon
I. Pollock OUT NOW
Vālmīki. Rāmāyaṇa IV: Kiṣkindhākāṇḍa (Ramáyana IV: Kishkíndha).
Rosalind Lefeber OUT NOW
Vālmīki. Rāmāyaṇa V: Sundarakāṇḍa (Ramáyana V: Súndara). Robert P.
Goldman & Sally J. Sutherland Goldman OUT NOW
Vālmīki. Rāmāyaṇa VI: Yuddhakāṇḍa (Ramáyana VI: War) (two volumes).
Robert P. Goldman & Sally J. Sutherland Goldman
Vālmīki. Rāmāyaṇa VII: Uttarakāṇḍa (Ramáyana VII: The Final Chapter).
Sally J. Sutherland Goldman
Viśākhadatta. Mudrārākṣasa (Rákshasa’s Ring). Michael Coulson.
Foreword by Romila Thapar (to be published in the second edition) OUT
Viṣṇuśarman. Pañcatantra (Five Discourses on Worldly Wisdom). Patrick
Olivelle OUT NOW
Vedāntadeśika. Dayāśataka & Haṃsasaṃdeśa — see under Appaya Dīkṣita,
Nīlakāntha Dīkṣita, Vedāntadeśika.
Śūdraka. Mṛcchakaṭikā (Little Clay Cart). Diwakar Acharya. Foreword by
Partha Chatterjee OUT NOW
Śūdraka, Śyāmilaka, Vararuci & Īśvaradatta. Caturbhāṇī (The Quartet of
Causeries). Csaba Dezső & Somadeva Vasudeva Aug 2009 Śyāmilaka.
Caturbhāṇī — see under Śūdraka, Śyāmilaka, Vararuci and Īśvaradatta.
Somadeva Bhaṭṭa. Kathāsaritsāgara (The Ocean of the Rivers of Story)
(volume one of seven). Sir James Mallinson OUT NOW
Somadeva Bhaṭṭa. Kathāsaritsāgara (The Ocean of the Rivers of Story)
(volume two of seven). Sir James Mallinson OUT NOW Somadeva Bhaṭṭa.
Kathāsaritsāgara (The Ocean of the Rivers of Story) (volumes three to
seven of seven). Sir James Mallinson
Someśvaradeva. Kīrttikaumudī (Moonlight of Glory). Somadeva Vasudeva
Harijīvanamiśra. Palāṇḍumaṇḍana — see under Kṣemendra and
Harṣa. Ratnāvalī (“The Lady of the Jewel Necklace”) and Priyadarśikā
(“The Lady Who Shows Her Love”). Wendy Doniger. Foreword by Anita
Desai (to be published in the second edition) OUT NOW
Harṣa and Bhāsa. Nāgānanda (“How the Nagas Were Pleased”) and “The
Shattered Thighs” (Ūrubhaṅga). Andrew Skilton OUT NOW
Titles of Unknown or Uncertain Authorship
Gāthāsaptaśatīsāra, Bhāvadīpikā & Dhvanigāthāpañjikā (Lyrical Verse
Explained). Somadeva Vasudeva
Divyāvadāna (Heavenly Exploits: Buddhist Biographies from the
Dívyavadána) . Joel Tatelman OUT NOW
Mahābhārata I: Ādiparvan (Maha·bhárata I: The Beginning). Adam Bowles
(volume one of three), Paul Wilmot (volume two of three), Simon
Brodbeck (volume three of three)
Mahābhārata II: Sabhāparvan (Maha·bhárata II: The Great Hall). Paul
Wilmot OUT NOW
Mahābhārata III: Vanaparvan (Maha·bhárata III: The Forest) (volume one
of four) William J. Johnson, (volume two of four) Justin Meiland,
(volume three of four)
Mahābhārata III: Vanaparvan (Maha·bhárata III: The Forest) (volume
four of four). William J. Johnson OUT NOW
Mahābhārata IV: Virāṭaparvan Maha·bhárata IV: Viráta. Kathleen Garbutt
2007 OUT NOW
Mahābhārata V: Udyogaparvan (Maha·bhárata V: Preparation For War)
(volume one of two). Kathleen Garbutt. Foreword by Gurcharan Das OUT
Mahābhārata V: Udyogaparvan (Maha·bhárata V: Preparation For War)
(volume two of two). Kathleen Garbutt OUT NOW Mahābhārata VI:
Bhīṣmaparvan (Maha·bhárata VI: Bhishma) (volume one of two) Including
the “Bhagavad Gita” in Context. Alex Cherniak. Foreword by Ranajit
Mahābhārata VI: Bhīṣmaparvan (Maha·bhárata VI: Bhishma) (volume two of
two). Alex Cherniak Aug 2009
Mahābhārata VII: Droṇaparvan (Maha·bhárata VII: Drona) (volume one of
four) OUT NOW
Mahābhārata VII: Droṇaparvan (Maha·bhárata VII: Drona) (volume two).
Vaughan Pilikian Aug 2009
Mahābhārata VII: Droṇaparvan (Maha·bhárata VII: Drona) (volumes three
to four of four). Vaughan Pilikian
Mahābhārata VIII: Karṇaparvan (Maha·bhárata VIII: Karna) (volume one
of two). Adam Bowles OUT NOW
Mahābhārata VIII: Karṇaparvan (Maha·bhárata VIII: Karna) (volume two
of two). Adam Bowles OUT NOW
Mahābhārata IX: Śalyaparvana (Maha·bhárata IX: Shalya) (volume one of
two). Justin Meiland OUT NOW
Mahābhārata IX: Śalyaparvana (Maha·bhárata IX: Shalya) (volume two of
two). Justin Meiland OUT NOW
Mahābhārata X–XI: Sauptikaparvan & Strīparvan (Maha·bhárata X–XI: Dead
of the Night & The Women). Kate Crosby Aug 2009
Mahābhārata XII: Śāntiparvan (Maha·bhárata XII: Peace) (volumes one &
two of five). Kate Crosby
Mahābhārata XII: Śāntiparvan (Mokṣadharma) (Maha·bhárata XII: Peace:
The Book of Liberation) (volume three of five). Alexander Wynne OUT
Mahābhārata XII: Śāntiparvan (Mokṣadharma) (Maha·bhárata XII: Peace:
The Book of Liberation) (volumes four to five of five). Alexander
Mahābhārata XIV: Āśvamedhikaparvan (Maha·bhárata XIV: The Horse
Sacrifice). Greg Bailey Aug 2009
Mahābhārata XV–XVIII: Āśramavāsikaparvan, Mausalaparvan,
Mahāprasthānikaparvan & Svargārohaṇaparvan (Maha·bhárata XV–XVIII:
Final Departures). Tamar Reich
Vikramacarita (“King Víkrama’s Adventures”) — see under Nārāyaṇa.
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Bhatti’s Poem: The Death of Rávana by Bhaṭṭi.
Oliver Fallon
The Birth of Kumára by Kālidāsa.
David Smith
“Bouquet of Rasa” and “River of Rasa” by Bhānudatta.
Sheldon I. Pollock
The Emperor of the Sorcerers (volume one) by Budhasvāmin.
Sir James Mallinson
The Emperor of the Sorcerers (volume two) by Budhasvāmin.
Sir James Mallinson
The Epitome of Queen Lilávati (volume one) by Jinaratna.
R.C.C. Fynes
The Epitome of Queen Lilávati (volume two) by Jinaratna.
R.C.C. Fynes
Five Discourses on Worldly Wisdom by Viṣṇuśarman.
Patrick Olivelle
“Friendly Advice” and “King Víkrama’s Adventures” by Nārāyaṇa.
Judit Törzsök
Garland of the Buddha’s Past Lives (volume one of two) by Āryaśūra.
Justin Meiland
Gita·govínda: Love Songs of Radha and Krishna by Jayadeva.
Lee Siegel
Handsome Nanda by Aśvaghoṣa.
Linda Covill
Heavenly Exploits (Buddhist Biographies from the Dívyavadána)
Joel Tatelman
How Úrvashi Was Won by Kālidāsa.
Velcheru Narayana Rao & David Shulman
“How the Nagas Were Pleased” and “The Shattered Thighs” by Harṣa and
Andrew Skilton
“The Lady of the Jewel Necklace” and “The Lady Who Shows Her Love” by
Wendy Doniger
Life of the Buddha by Aśvaghoṣa.
Patrick Olivelle
The Little Clay Cart by Śūdraka.
Diwakar Acharya
Love Lyrics by Amaru, Bhartṛhari & Bilhaṇa.
Greg Bailey & Richard Gombrich
Maha·bhárata II: The Great Hall
Paul Wilmot
Maha·bhárata III: The Forest (volume four of four)
William J. Johnson
Maha·bhárata IV: Viráta
Kathleen Garbutt
Maha·bhárata V: Preparations for War (volume one of two)
Kathleen Garbutt
Maha·bhárata V: Preparations for War (volume two of two)
Kathleen Garbutt
Maha·bhárata VI: Bhishma (volume one of two) Including the “Bhagavad
Gita” in Context
Alex Cherniak
Maha·bhárata VI: Bhishma (volume two of two)
Alex Cherniak
Maha·bhárata VII: Drona (volume one of four)
Vaughan Pilikian
Maha·bhárata VIII: Karna (volume one of two)
Adam Bowles
Maha·bhárata VIII: Karna (volume two of two)
Adam Bowles
Maha·bhárata IX: Shalya (volume one of two)
Justin Meiland
Maha·bhárata IX: Shalya (volume two of two)
Justin Meiland
Maha·bhárata XII: Peace: “The Book of Liberation” (volume three of
Alexander Wynne
Messenger Poems by Kālidāsa, Dhoyī, and Rūpa Gosvāmin.
Sir James Mallinson
Much Ado About Religion by Bhaṭṭa Jayanta.
Csaba Dezső
The Ocean of the Rivers of Story (volume one of seven) by Somadeva.
Sir James Mallinson
The Ocean of the Rivers of Story (volume two of seven) by Somadeva.
Sir James Mallinson
The Quartet of Causeries by Śyāmilaka, Vararuci, Śūdraka &
Csaba Dezső & Somadeva Vasudeva
Rákshasa’s Ring by Viśākhadatta.
Michael Coulson
Ramáyana I: Boyhood by Vālmīki.
Robert P. Goldman
Ramáyana II: Ayódhya by Vālmīki.
Sheldon I. Pollock
Ramáyana III: The Forest by Vālmīki.
Sheldon I. Pollock
Ramáyana IV: Kishkíndha by Vālmīki.
Rosalind Lefeber
Ramáyana V: Súndara by Vālmīki.
Robert P. Goldman & Sally J. Sutherland Goldman
Rama’s Last Act by Bhavabhūti.
Sheldon I. Pollock
Rama Beyond Price by Murāri.
Judit Törzsök
The Recognition of Shakúntala by Kālidāsa.
Somadeva Vasudeva
“Self-Surrender,” “Peace,” “Compassion,” and “The Mission of the
Goose”: Poems and Prayers from South India by Appayya Dīkṣita,
Nīlakaṇṭha Dīkṣita, Vedānta Deśika.
Yigal Bronner & David Shulman
Three Satires by Nīlakaṇṭha, Kṣemendra, and Bhallaṭa.
Somadeva Vasudeva
What Ten Young Men Did by Daṇḍin.
Isabelle Onians
Bhatti’s Poem: The Death of Rávana
By Bhaṭṭi
Translated by Oliver Fallon
Download Excerpts
To the dry bones of grammar Bhatti gave juicy flesh in his poem,
telling the greatest Indian story in clear elegant Sanskrit. Composed
in the seventh century CE, in South India, “Bhatti’s Poem: The Death
of Rávana” is both a poetic retelling of Rama’s adventures, and a
compendium of grammatical and rhetorical examples for students. Its
finest passages stands comparison with the best of Sanskrit poetry.
This is the perfect companion to Pánini’s groundbreaking grammatical
treatise, the “Eight Books” (Aṣṭādhyāyī), studied intensely for the
millennium before Bhatti, just as it is today by linguisticians
worldwide. Bhatti’s study aid to Pánini’s abstruse text gives examples
disguised as the gripping, morally improving “Ramáyana” story. His
systematic illustration of the canon of figures of speech is an
important text in the history of Sanskrit poetics. One canto even
gives a pleasant, accessible taster of the Prakrit language. In
Bhatti’s own words: “This composition is a lamp to those whose eyes
have language as their goal.”
The story goes that Bhatti’s outdoors grammar class was one day
interrupted by an elephant ambling between him and his pupils. By
Hindu law this intrusion cancelled class for a year. Lest vital study
time be lost, Bhatti composed his poem to teach grammar without
textbooks. Ever since, “Bhatti’s Poem: The Death of Rávana” has been
one of the most popular poems in Sanskrit literature.
566 pp. | ISBN-13: 978-0-8147-2778-2 | ISBN-10: 0-8147-2778-6 |
Co-published by New York University Press and JJC Foundation
The Birth of Kumára
By Kālidāsa
Translated by David Smith
Foreword by U.R. Ananthamurthy (To be published in the second edition)
Download Excerpts
View Text-critical Notes and Foreword
Forward by U R Ananthmurthy
This greatest of court epics describes events leading up to but not
including the birth of Kumára (also known as Skanda or Karttikéya),
the war god destined to defeat the demon Táraka. The gods attempt to
deploy Kama, the Indian Cupid, to set the ascetic supreme deity Shiva
on fire with love for Uma (also known as Párvati), the daughter of the
god of the Himalayan mountain range. Kama’s mission fails and the
enraged Shiva turns his flaming third eye on the love god, burning him
to ashes. Next Párvati herself turns to intense asceticism in order to
win spiritual power and thereby the husband for whom she longs. She
succeeds and the climax of the poem is Shiva and Párvati’s marriage
and cosmic lovemaking, and Kumára’s divine conception.
To win Shiva’s love, Párvati lives outdoors come rain or shine:
Excessively heated by twofold fire:
by the sun in the sky and by fires fed by fuel,
at the end of the hot season drenched with fresh showers
she along with the earth gave off rising steam.
Pausing a moment on her eyelashes,
beating against her lower lip,
breaking up in the fall
on to the protrusion of her breasts,
slithering into the three folds of skin below,
the first drops of water
eventually reached her navel.
360 pp. | ISBN-13: 978-0-8147-4008-8 | ISBN-10: 0-8147-4008-1 |
Co-published by New York University Press and JJC Foundation
About the Translator
David Smith is Reader in Indian Religions at Lancaster University. He
is the author of Ratnákara's Hara·víjaya: An Introduction to the
Sanskrit Court Epic, The Dance of Siva: Religion, Art and Poetry in
South India and Hinduism and Modernity.
About the Foreword Writer
U.R. Ananthamurthy is a leading writer and critic. He was the winner
of Jnanpith award in 1994 and was former President of the Sahitya
Akademi. His prolific works encompass many genres, including novels,
short stories, plays, poems and essays.
“Bouquet of Rasa” and “River of Rasa”
By Bhānudatta
Translated by Sheldon I. Pollock
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View Rasikaranjani Manuscript
View Udaipur Miniatures
Bhanu is probably the most famous Sanskrit poet that no one today has
ever heard of. His “Bouquet of Rasa” and “River of Rasa,” composed in
the early sixteenth century, probably under the patronage of the Nizam
of Ahmadnagar in western India, attracted the attention of the most
celebrated commentators in early modern India. Some of the greatest
painters of Mewar and Basohli vied to turn his subtle poems into
pictures. And his verses, such as this one,
You stayed awake all night and yet
it’s my eyes that are throbbing;
you were the one who drank the rum
and yet it’s my head that’s splitting;
and in the bower buzzing with bees
it was you who stole beauty’s fruit,
yet I’m the one the Love God wounds
with his arrows that burn like fire
were prized by poets everywhere: Abu al-Fazl, the preeminent scholar
at Akbar’s court, translated it into Persian, and, Kshetráyya, the
great Andhra poet of the next century, adapted it into Telugu. Many
writers have described the types of heroines and heroes of Sanskrit
literature (the subject of the “Bouquet of Rasa”) or explained the
nature of aesthetic emotion (that of the “River of Rasa”), but none
did so in verse of such exquisite and subtle artistry.
442 pp. | ISBN-13: 978-0-8147-6755-9 | ISBN-10: 0-8147-6755-9 |
Co-published by New York University Press and JJC Foundation
About the Translator
Sheldon I. Pollock is William B. Ransford Professor of Sanskrit and
Indian Studies, Columbia University. He has also translated
Ramáyana II:áyana-II:-Ayódhya-v-15.html
Ayódhya and Ramáyana III:áyana-III
The Forest of the Ramáyana :-Forest-v-22.html
Rama’s Last Act.’s-Last-Act-v-66.html
He is the author of The Language of the Gods in the World of Men:
Sanskrit, Culture, and Power in Premodern India and editor of
Cosmopolitanism and Literary Cultures in History: Reconstructions from
South Asia.
About the Manuscript
The commentary on the Rasatara?gi?? of Bh?nudatta is the Rasikarañjan?
of Ve?idatta Bha???c?rya (18th century?). It is British Library IO San
1703a (two additional copies were used in the CSL edition: Oriental
Institute, Baroda, mss. nos. 839 (inc.) and 10805).
The album of Rasamañjar? paintings was produced in Udaipur probably c.
1650 if not a little earlier. The bulk is preserved in the National
Museum (NM), New Delhi; a half-dozen additional leaves have been
located in museums and private collections in Europe and the US, and
are identified in the edition.
The Emperor of the Sorcerers (volume one)
Cantos 1-17
By Budhasvāmin
Translated by Sir James Mallinson
Companion Volumes The Emperor of the Sorcerers (volume two)
Translator’s Insights
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Budha·svamin tells the astonishing epic tale of the youthful exploits
of prince Nara·váhana·datta. It is indeed a great story, as its
Sanskrit title declares. Epic in scope and scale, it has everything
that a great story should: adventure, romance, suspense, intrigue,
tragedy and comedy. The reader is taken from royal palaces to flying
sorcerers’ mountain fastnesses via courtesans’ bedrooms and merchant
ships. The frame story narrates Nara·váhana·datta’s progress
culminating in his enthronement as Emperor of the Sorcerers, winning
twenty-six wives along the way. Unfortunately, the surviving
manuscripts of the text break off while he is in pursuit of his sixth
wife. Volume One’s adventures end with his lute contest and marriage
to Gandhárva·datta. The fast and witty narrative eschews lengthy
description and provides fascinating insights into ancient India.
I said, ‘I’m worried because I don’t know how to interact with a young
woman. You must quickly turn me into a man-about-town!’ He replied,
‘The saying that horses are tamed in the hour of battle has today
proved to be true! One cannot become a man-about-town by instruction.
It’s like spiritual liberation-mastered through repeated practice. But
I’ll tell you in brief: copy whatever her ladyship does.’
452 pp. | ISBN-13: 978-0-8147-5701-7 | ISBN-10: 0-8147-5701-4 |
Co-published by New York University Press and JJC Foundation
About the Translator
Sir James Mallinson translates and edits Sanskrit literature for the
JJC Foundation, co-publishers (with NYU Press) of the Clay Sanskrit
He also translated The Emperor of the Sorcerers (volume two),
Messenger Poems,
The Ocean of the Rivers of Story (volume one of seven),
The Ocean of the Rivers of Story (volume two of seven).
The Emperor of the Sorcerers (volume two)
Cantos 18-28
By Budhasvāmin
Translated by Sir James Mallinson
Companion Volumes The Emperor of the Sorcerers (volume one)
Translator’s Insights
Download Excerpts
Volume two of Budha·svamin’s “The Emperor of the Sorcerers” begins
with the merchant Sanu·dasa telling the story, an epic in itself, of
how he acquired Gandhárva·datta, his daughter whose hand
Nara·váhana·datta, the hero of the book, has just won in a lute
contest. In this and the tales of how the prince comes by his next two
wives, the reader’s tour of ancient India continues, extending to the
far south and beyond, to magical islands of gold, before heading north
to Varánasi. Along the way, we learn of, among other things, flying
sorcerers, transvestite ascetics clad in skulls, the finer points of
gambling with dice, the perils of trading by sea, the rivalry between
fate and human effort and the difference between town and country
mice. Sadly, the surviving manuscripts of the texts break off while
our hero is in pursuit of only the sixth of his twenty-six wives.
Look at those bamboos on the other bank of the river. A strong wind is
blowing in our direction from the opposite bank and bends them over to
this one. Get a good grip on a bamboo which is neither too thin, too
bendy, too rotten, nor too dry. When there is a lull in the wind and
the bamboo straightens up, get down gently on the other bank. Any man
who hangs on to a piece of bamboo that is rotten or dry or otherwise
unsound will fall and his body shall turn to stone. This is called the
“bamboo path.” It is as terrifying as the path to the next world, but
is quickly and easily crossed by men who are able and intrepid.
467 pp. | ISBN-13: 978-0-8147-5707-9 | ISBN-10: 0-8147-5707-3 |
Co-published by New York University Press and JJC Foundation
About the Translator
Sir James Mallinson translates and edits Sanskrit literature for the
JJC Foundation, co-publishers (with NYU Press) of the Clay Sanskrit
Library. He also translated The Emperor of the Sorcerers (volume one),
Messenger Poems, The Ocean of the Rivers of Story (volume one of
seven), and The Ocean of the Rivers of Story (volume two of seven).
The Epitome of Queen Lilávati (volume one)
Cantos 1-7
By Jinaratna
Translated by R.C.C. Fynes
Download Excerpts
The Epitome of Queen Lilávati tells the stories of the lives of a
group of souls as they pass through a series of embodiments on their
way to final liberation from the continual cycle of death and rebirth.
It abounds in memorable incidents and characters, such as Dhana, the
rich merchant who attempted to justify cheating in trade, Padma·ratha,
who while invisible attempted to seduce the ladies of the royal
household, and Vasun·dhara, the bogus holy man who was caught in a
compromising position with a female dog. The purpose of these stories,
which are related to Queen Lilávati and her husband King Simha by the
teacher-monk Sámara·sena, is to promote the ethic of Jainism, which
holds that strict adherence to a nonviolent way of life is the key to
liberation from the troubles of the world. In the end, Queen Lilávati,
King Simha and the other leading characters attain perfect knowledge
and liberation.
He was able to enter the palace among the throng of people, and,
gaining the women’s apartments, the criminal violated the women. In
his turn, the King found that they lacked sexual desire. Suspecting an
intrusion, he interrogated the chamberlain, who said that he had seen
no one at all. Then plumes of smoke were raised from wheat flour
scattered over the ground. Having rubbed away the lampblack from his
eyes, Padma·ratha became visible and was captured.
543 pp. | ISBN-13: 978-0-8147-2741-6 | ISBN-10: 0-8147-2741-7 |
Co-published by New York University Press and JJC Foundation
About the Translator
R.C.C. Fynes is Principal Lecturer, Faculty of Art and Design, De
Montfort University. He is the author of The Lives of the Jain
He has also translated the
The Epitome of Queen Lilávati (volume two)
for the CSL.
The Epitome of Queen Lilávati (volume two)
Cantos 8-21
By Jinaratna
Translated by R.C.C. Fynes
Companion Volumes The Epitome of Queen Lilávati (volume one)
Download Excerpts
Jina·ratna, Jain scholarmonk, completed his poem in the year 1285CE in
western India, in Jábali·putra, modern Jhalor in the state of
Rajasthan. As its title suggests, “The Epitome of Queen Lilávati” is
an epitome of a much larger work, “The Story of the Final Emancipation
of Lilávati,” composed in 1036 by Jinéshvara, also a Jain monk. While
Jinéshvara was a reformist of lax monasticism, and his original was
considered highly conducive to liberation, Jina·ratna wrote his
epitome at the request of those who wished to concentrate on its
narrative alone. The primary purpose of Jain narrative literature was
to edify lay people through amusement; consequently the stories are
racy, and in some cases the moralising element is rather tenuous. The
main feature of Jain narrative literature is its concern with past and
future lives. There developed a genre of soul biography, the
histories, over a succession of rebirths, of a group of characters who
exemplified the vices of anger, pride, deceit, greed and delusion.
From then on, in the morning, in the afternoon, in the evening, at
midnight, at every moment, the King would have her sing and dance, as
if it were a new thing. Every day, the King gave to her divine food
and unguents and divine ornaments and clothes, finer than his own. And
as the King continued to give her manifold objects of desire, gold and
such, he did not see behind or in front, as if blinded by his heart’s
desire. Thereupon, the ministers spoke together, “This kingdom will be
utterly ruined, since on the destruction of the treasury there will be
certain destruction of the King’s army.”
650 pp. | ISBN-13: 978-0-8147-2742-3 | ISBN-10: 0-8147-2742-5 |
Co-published by New York University Press and JJC Foundation
About the Translator
R.C.C. Fynes is Principal Lecturer, Faculty of Art and Design, De
Montfort University. He is the author of The Lives of the Jain Elders.
He has also translated The Epitome of Queen Lilávati (volume one) for
the CSL.
Published 2008
Please select a volume
Life of the Buddha
Maha·bhárata V: Preparations for War (volume one of two)
Maha·bhárata V: Preparations for War (volume two of two)
Maha·bhárata VI: Bhishma (volume one of two) Including the “Bhagavad
Gita” in Context
Maha·bhárata VIII: Karna (volume two of two)
Published 2007
Please select a volume
“Friendly Advice”
“King Víkrama’s Adventures”
Handsome Nanda
“The Lady of the Jewel Necklace”
“The Lady Who Shows Her Love”
Maha·bhárata IV: Viráta
Maha·bhárata VIII: Karna (volume one of two)
Karna (volume one of two)
Maha·bhárata IX: Shalya (volume two of two)
The Ocean of the Rivers of Story (volume one of seven)
Rama’s Last Act
Published 2006
Please select a volume
The Epitome of Queen Lilávati (volume two)
Five Discourses on Worldly Wisdom
Maha·bhárata II: The Great Hall
Maha·bhárata VII: Drona (volume one of four)
Messenger Poems
Ramáyana III: The Forest
Ramáyana V: Súndara
Rama Beyond Price
The Recognition of Shakúntala
Published 2005
Please select a volume
The Birth of Kumára
The Emperor of the Sorcerers (volume one)
The Emperor of the Sorcerers (volume two)
The Epitome of Queen Lilávati (volume one)
Heavenly Exploits (Buddhist Biographies from the Dívyavadána)
Love Lyrics
Maha·bhárata III: The Forest (volume four of four)
Maha·bhárata IX: Shalya (volume one of two)
Much Ado About Religion
Rákshasa’s Ring
Ramáyana I: Boyhood
Ramáyana II: Ayódhya
Ramáyana IV: Kishkíndha
Three Satires
What Ten Young Men Did
brahmasatyajagatmithyaa: Sid Harth
Sa for Sanskrit Pop: Sid Harth
Sudharma, Sanskrit Newspaper: Sid Harth
Indian Philosophy: Sid Harth
Of Aryas and Anaryas: Sid Harth
Hindu Superstition: Sid Harth
Indian Black Magic: Sid Harth
dhammam saranam gassami: Sid Harth
Of God, Godmen and Good men: Sid Harth
Caste, Cast in Stone: Sid Harth
Saraswati's Disappearance-ActI: Sid Harth
Hindu Worldview: Sid Harth
I Write, Therefore I am: Sid Harth
dhammam saranam gassami: Sid Harth
...and I am Sid Harth
All CSL Volumes by Sanskrit Author (in Sanskrit alphabetical order)
Appayya Dīkṣita, Nīlakaṇṭha Dīkṣita, Vedānta Deśika. Ātmārpaṇastuti,
Śāntivilāsa, Dayāśataka & Haṃsasaṃdeśa (“Self-Surrender,” “Peace,”
“Compassion,” and “The Mission of The Goose”: Poems and Prayers from
South India). Yigal Bronner & David Shulman. Foreword by Gieve Patel
Aug 2009
Amaru, Bhartṛhari and Bilhaṇa. Amaruśataka, Śatakatraya &
Caurapañcāśikā (Love Lyrics). Greg Bailey & Richard Gombrich OUT NOW
Aśvaghoṣa. Buddhacarita (Life of the Buddha). Patrick Olivelle OUT NOW
Aśvaghoṣa. Saundarananda (Handsome Nanda). Linda Covill OUT NOW
Āryaśūra. Jātakamālā (A Garland of the Buddha’s Past Lives) (volume
one of two). Justin Meiland OUT NOW
Āryaśūra. Jātakamālā (A Garland of the Buddha’s Past Lives) (volume
two of two). Justin Meiland Aug 2009
Kālidāsa. Abhijñānaśākuntala (The Recognition of Shakúntala—Bengali
Recension). Michael Coulson
Kālidāsa. Abhijñānaśākuntala (The Recognition of Shakúntala—Kashmir
Recension). Somadeva Vasudeva OUT NOW
Kālidāsa. Kumārasaṃbhava (The Birth of Kumára). David Smith. Foreword
by U.R. Ananthamurthy (to be published in the second edition) OUT NOW
Kālidāsa. Mālavikāgnimitram (Málavika and Agni·mitra). Dániel Balogh &
Eszter Somogyi Aug 2009
Kālidāsa. Raghuvaṃśa (Raghu's Lineage) (two volumes). Dominic Goodall
and Harunaga Isaacson
Kālidāsa. Vikramorvaśīya (How Úrvashi Was Won). Velcheru Narayana Rao
& David Shulman Aug 2009
Kālidāsa, Dhoyī, and Rūpa Gosvāmin. Meghadūta, Pavanadūta & Haṃsadūta
(Messenger Poems). Sir James Mallinson OUT NOW
Kṛṣṇamiśra. Prabodhacandrodaya (The Rise of Wisdom Moon). Matthew
Kapstein Aug 2009
Kṣemendra. Kalāvilāsa — see under by Nīlakaṇṭha, Kṣemendra, and
Kṣemendra. Bodhisattvāvadānakalpalatā (The Magical Vine of the
Bodhi·sattva’s Many Lives). Isabelle Onians
Kṣemendra and Harijīvanamiśra. Samayamātṛkā (“A Bawd’s Life”) and
Palāṇḍumaṇḍana (“The Ornamental Onion”). Isabelle Onians
Govardhana. Āryāsaptaśatī (Seven Hundred Elegant Verses). Friedhelm
Hardy Aug 2009
Cintāmaṇi Bhaṭṭa. Śukasaptati (The Parrot’s Seventy Tales). Csaba
Jayadeva. Gītagovindakāvya (The Gita·govínda: Love Songs of Radha and
Krishna). Lee Siegel OUT NOW
Jinaratna. Līlāvatīsāra (The Epitome of Queen Lilávati) (volume one of
two). R.C.C. Fynes OUT NOW
Jinaratna. Līlāvatīsāra (The Epitome of Queen Lilávati) (volume two of
two). R.C.C. Fynes OUT NOW
Daṇḍin. Daśakumāracarita (What Ten Young Men Did). Isabelle Onians.
Foreword by Kiran Nagarkar (to be published in the second edition) OUT
Dāmodaragupta. Kuṭṭanīmata (The Bawd’s Counsel). Csaba Dezső & Dominic
Dhoyī. Pavanadūta — see under Kālidāsa, Dhoyī, and Rūpa Gosvāmin.
Nārāyaṇa. Hitopadeśa (“Friendly Advice”) and Vikramacarita (“King
Víkrama’s Adventures”). Judit Törzsök OUT NOW
Nīlakaṇṭha, Kṣemendra, and Bhallaṭa. Kaliviḍambana, Kalāvilāsa &
Bhallaṭaśataka (Three Satires). Somadeva Vasudeva. Foreword by Mani
Shankar Aiyar (to be published in the second edition) OUT NOW
Nīlakaṇṭha Dīkṣita. Śāntivilāsa — see under Appayya Dīkṣita,
Nīlakaṇṭha Dīkṣita, Vedāntadeśika.
Padmagupta. Navasāhasāṅkacarita (Nava·sáhasanka and the Serpent
Princess). Somadeva Vasudeva
Ballāla. Bhojaprabandha (In the Court of King Bhoja). Gary Tubb
Bāṇa. Kādambarī (Princess Kadámbari) (volume one of three). David
Smith Aug 2009
Bāṇa. Kādambarī (Princess Kadámbari) (volume two to three of three).
David Smith
Bāṇa. Harṣacarita (The Deeds of King Harsha). Robert A. Hueckstedt
Bilhaṇa. Caurapañcāśikā — see under Amaru, Bhartṛhari and Bilhaṇa.
Budhasvāmin. Bṛhatkathāślokasaṃgraha (The Emperor of the Sorcerers)
(volume one of two). Sir James Mallinson OUT NOW
Budhasvāmin. Bṛhatkathāślokasaṃgraha (The Emperor of the Sorcerers)
(volume two of two). Sir James Mallinson OUT NOW
Bhaṭṭa Jayanta. Āgamaḍambara (Much Ado About Religion). Csaba Dezső
Bhaṭṭi. Bhaṭṭikāvya (Bhatti’s Poem: The Death of Rávana). Oliver
Fallon OUT NOW
Bhartṛhari. Śatakatraya — see under Amaru, Bhartṛhari and Bilhaṇa.
Bhallaṭa. Bhallaṭaśataka — see under by Nīlakaṇṭha, Kṣemendra, and
Bhavabhūti. Uttararāmacarita (Rama’s Last Act). Sheldon Pollock.
Foreword by Girish Karnad OUT NOW
Bhavabhūti. Mālatīmādhava (Málati and Mádhava). Michael Coulson
Bhānudatta. Rasamañjarī & Rasataraṅgiṇī (“Bouquet of Rasa” and “River
of Rasa”). Sheldon Pollock OUT NOW
Bhāravi. Kirātārjunīya (The Hunter and the Hero). Indira Peterson
Bhāsa. Ūrubhaṅga — see under Harṣa and Bhāsa.
Māgha. Śiśupālavadha (The Slaying of Shishu·pala). Paul Dundas
Murāri. Anargharāghava (Rama Beyond Price). Judit Törzsök OUT NOW
Merutuṅga. Caturviṃśatiprabandha (Twenty-four Chronicles) (two
volumes). Somadeva Vasudeva
Ratnākara. Haravijaya (Triumph of Shiva). David Smith
Rūpa Gosvāmin. Haṃsadūta — see under Kālidāsa, Dhoyī, and Rūpa
Vararuci. Caturbhāṇī — see under Śūdraka, Śyāmilaka, Vararuci and
Vālmīki. Rāmāyaṇa I: Bālakāṇḍa (Ramáyana I: Boyhood). Robert P.
Goldman. Foreword by Amartya Sen (to be published in the second
edition) OUT NOW
Vālmīki. Rāmāyaṇa II: Ayodhyākāṇḍa (Ramáyana II: Ayódhya). Sheldon I.
Pollock OUT NOW
Vālmīki. Rāmāyaṇa III: Araṇyakāṇḍa (Ramáyana III: The Forest). Sheldon
I. Pollock OUT NOW
Vālmīki. Rāmāyaṇa IV: Kiṣkindhākāṇḍa (Ramáyana IV: Kishkíndha).
Rosalind Lefeber OUT NOW
Vālmīki. Rāmāyaṇa V: Sundarakāṇḍa (Ramáyana V: Súndara). Robert P.
Goldman & Sally J. Sutherland Goldman OUT NOW
Vālmīki. Rāmāyaṇa VI: Yuddhakāṇḍa (Ramáyana VI: War) (two volumes).
Robert P. Goldman & Sally J. Sutherland Goldman
Vālmīki. Rāmāyaṇa VII: Uttarakāṇḍa (Ramáyana VII: The Final Chapter).
Sally J. Sutherland Goldman
Viśākhadatta. Mudrārākṣasa (Rákshasa’s Ring). Michael Coulson.
Foreword by Romila Thapar (to be published in the second edition) OUT
Viṣṇuśarman. Pañcatantra (Five Discourses on Worldly Wisdom). Patrick
Olivelle OUT NOW
Vedāntadeśika. Dayāśataka & Haṃsasaṃdeśa — see under Appaya Dīkṣita,
Nīlakāntha Dīkṣita, Vedāntadeśika.
Śūdraka. Mṛcchakaṭikā (Little Clay Cart). Diwakar Acharya. Foreword by
Partha Chatterjee OUT NOW
Śūdraka, Śyāmilaka, Vararuci & Īśvaradatta. Caturbhāṇī (The Quartet of
Causeries). Csaba Dezső & Somadeva Vasudeva Aug 2009 Śyāmilaka.
Caturbhāṇī — see under Śūdraka, Śyāmilaka, Vararuci and Īśvaradatta.
Somadeva Bhaṭṭa. Kathāsaritsāgara (The Ocean of the Rivers of Story)
(volume one of seven). Sir James Mallinson OUT NOW
Somadeva Bhaṭṭa. Kathāsaritsāgara (The Ocean of the Rivers of Story)
(volume two of seven). Sir James Mallinson OUT NOW Somadeva Bhaṭṭa.
Kathāsaritsāgara (The Ocean of the Rivers of Story) (volumes three to
seven of seven). Sir James Mallinson
Someśvaradeva. Kīrttikaumudī (Moonlight of Glory). Somadeva Vasudeva
Harijīvanamiśra. Palāṇḍumaṇḍana — see under Kṣemendra and
Harṣa. Ratnāvalī (“The Lady of the Jewel Necklace”) and Priyadarśikā
(“The Lady Who Shows Her Love”). Wendy Doniger. Foreword by Anita
Desai (to be published in the second edition) OUT NOW
Harṣa and Bhāsa. Nāgānanda (“How the Nagas Were Pleased”) and “The
Shattered Thighs” (Ūrubhaṅga). Andrew Skilton OUT NOW
Titles of Unknown or Uncertain Authorship
Gāthāsaptaśatīsāra, Bhāvadīpikā & Dhvanigāthāpañjikā (Lyrical Verse
Explained). Somadeva Vasudeva
Divyāvadāna (Heavenly Exploits: Buddhist Biographies from the
Dívyavadána) . Joel Tatelman OUT NOW
Mahābhārata I: Ādiparvan (Maha·bhárata I: The Beginning). Adam Bowles
(volume one of three), Paul Wilmot (volume two of three), Simon
Brodbeck (volume three of three)
Mahābhārata II: Sabhāparvan (Maha·bhárata II: The Great Hall). Paul
Wilmot OUT NOW
Mahābhārata III: Vanaparvan (Maha·bhárata III: The Forest) (volume one
of four) William J. Johnson, (volume two of four) Justin Meiland,
(volume three of four)
Mahābhārata III: Vanaparvan (Maha·bhárata III: The Forest) (volume
four of four). William J. Johnson OUT NOW
Mahābhārata IV: Virāṭaparvan Maha·bhárata IV: Viráta. Kathleen Garbutt
2007 OUT NOW
Mahābhārata V: Udyogaparvan (Maha·bhárata V: Preparation For War)
(volume one of two). Kathleen Garbutt. Foreword by Gurcharan Das OUT
Mahābhārata V: Udyogaparvan (Maha·bhárata V: Preparation For War)
(volume two of two). Kathleen Garbutt OUT NOW Mahābhārata VI:
Bhīṣmaparvan (Maha·bhárata VI: Bhishma) (volume one of two) Including
the “Bhagavad Gita” in Context. Alex Cherniak. Foreword by Ranajit
Mahābhārata VI: Bhīṣmaparvan (Maha·bhárata VI: Bhishma) (volume two of
two). Alex Cherniak Aug 2009
Mahābhārata VII: Droṇaparvan (Maha·bhárata VII: Drona) (volume one of
four) OUT NOW
Mahābhārata VII: Droṇaparvan (Maha·bhárata VII: Drona) (volume two).
Vaughan Pilikian Aug 2009
Mahābhārata VII: Droṇaparvan (Maha·bhárata VII: Drona) (volumes three
to four of four). Vaughan Pilikian
Mahābhārata VIII: Karṇaparvan (Maha·bhárata VIII: Karna) (volume one
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Mahābhārata VIII: Karṇaparvan (Maha·bhárata VIII: Karna) (volume two
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two). Justin Meiland OUT NOW
Mahābhārata IX: Śalyaparvana (Maha·bhárata IX: Shalya) (volume two of
two). Justin Meiland OUT NOW
Mahābhārata X–XI: Sauptikaparvan & Strīparvan (Maha·bhárata X–XI: Dead
of the Night & The Women). Kate Crosby Aug 2009
Mahābhārata XII: Śāntiparvan (Maha·bhárata XII: Peace) (volumes one &
two of five). Kate Crosby
Mahābhārata XII: Śāntiparvan (Mokṣadharma) (Maha·bhárata XII: Peace:
The Book of Liberation) (volume three of five). Alexander Wynne OUT
Mahābhārata XII: Śāntiparvan (Mokṣadharma) (Maha·bhárata XII: Peace:
The Book of Liberation) (volumes four to five of five). Alexander
Mahābhārata XIV: Āśvamedhikaparvan (Maha·bhárata XIV: The Horse
Sacrifice). Greg Bailey Aug 2009
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Mahāprasthānikaparvan & Svargārohaṇaparvan (Maha·bhárata XV–XVIII:
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Bhatti’s Poem: The Death of Rávana by Bhaṭṭi.
Oliver Fallon
The Birth of Kumára by Kālidāsa.
David Smith
“Bouquet of Rasa” and “River of Rasa” by Bhānudatta.
Sheldon I. Pollock
The Emperor of the Sorcerers (volume one) by Budhasvāmin.
Sir James Mallinson
The Emperor of the Sorcerers (volume two) by Budhasvāmin.
Sir James Mallinson
The Epitome of Queen Lilávati (volume one) by Jinaratna.
R.C.C. Fynes
The Epitome of Queen Lilávati (volume two) by Jinaratna.
R.C.C. Fynes
Five Discourses on Worldly Wisdom by Viṣṇuśarman.
Patrick Olivelle
“Friendly Advice” and “King Víkrama’s Adventures” by Nārāyaṇa.
Judit Törzsök
Garland of the Buddha’s Past Lives (volume one of two) by Āryaśūra.
Justin Meiland
Gita·govínda: Love Songs of Radha and Krishna by Jayadeva.
Lee Siegel
Handsome Nanda by Aśvaghoṣa.
Linda Covill
Heavenly Exploits (Buddhist Biographies from the Dívyavadána)
Joel Tatelman
How Úrvashi Was Won by Kālidāsa.
Velcheru Narayana Rao & David Shulman
“How the Nagas Were Pleased” and “The Shattered Thighs” by Harṣa and
Andrew Skilton
“The Lady of the Jewel Necklace” and “The Lady Who Shows Her Love” by
Wendy Doniger
Life of the Buddha by Aśvaghoṣa.
Patrick Olivelle
The Little Clay Cart by Śūdraka.
Diwakar Acharya
Love Lyrics by Amaru, Bhartṛhari & Bilhaṇa.
Greg Bailey & Richard Gombrich
Maha·bhárata II: The Great Hall
Paul Wilmot
Maha·bhárata III: The Forest (volume four of four)
William J. Johnson
Maha·bhárata IV: Viráta
Kathleen Garbutt
Maha·bhárata V: Preparations for War (volume one of two)
Kathleen Garbutt
Maha·bhárata V: Preparations for War (volume two of two)
Kathleen Garbutt
Maha·bhárata VI: Bhishma (volume one of two) Including the “Bhagavad
Gita” in Context
Alex Cherniak
Maha·bhárata VI: Bhishma (volume two of two)
Alex Cherniak
Maha·bhárata VII: Drona (volume one of four)
Vaughan Pilikian
Maha·bhárata VIII: Karna (volume one of two)
Adam Bowles
Maha·bhárata VIII: Karna (volume two of two)
Adam Bowles
Maha·bhárata IX: Shalya (volume one of two)
Justin Meiland
Maha·bhárata IX: Shalya (volume two of two)
Justin Meiland
Maha·bhárata XII: Peace: “The Book of Liberation” (volume three of
Alexander Wynne
Messenger Poems by Kālidāsa, Dhoyī, and Rūpa Gosvāmin.
Sir James Mallinson
Much Ado About Religion by Bhaṭṭa Jayanta.
Csaba Dezső
The Ocean of the Rivers of Story (volume one of seven) by Somadeva.
Sir James Mallinson
The Ocean of the Rivers of Story (volume two of seven) by Somadeva.
Sir James Mallinson
The Quartet of Causeries by Śyāmilaka, Vararuci, Śūdraka &
Csaba Dezső & Somadeva Vasudeva
Rákshasa’s Ring by Viśākhadatta.
Michael Coulson
Ramáyana I: Boyhood by Vālmīki.
Robert P. Goldman
Ramáyana II: Ayódhya by Vālmīki.
Sheldon I. Pollock
Ramáyana III: The Forest by Vālmīki.
Sheldon I. Pollock
Ramáyana IV: Kishkíndha by Vālmīki.
Rosalind Lefeber
Ramáyana V: Súndara by Vālmīki.
Robert P. Goldman & Sally J. Sutherland Goldman
Rama’s Last Act by Bhavabhūti.
Sheldon I. Pollock
Rama Beyond Price by Murāri.
Judit Törzsök
The Recognition of Shakúntala by Kālidāsa.
Somadeva Vasudeva
“Self-Surrender,” “Peace,” “Compassion,” and “The Mission of the
Goose”: Poems and Prayers from South India by Appayya Dīkṣita,
Nīlakaṇṭha Dīkṣita, Vedānta Deśika.
Yigal Bronner & David Shulman
Three Satires by Nīlakaṇṭha, Kṣemendra, and Bhallaṭa.
Somadeva Vasudeva
What Ten Young Men Did by Daṇḍin.
Isabelle Onians
Bhatti’s Poem: The Death of Rávana
By Bhaṭṭi
Translated by Oliver Fallon
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To the dry bones of grammar Bhatti gave juicy flesh in his poem,
telling the greatest Indian story in clear elegant Sanskrit. Composed
in the seventh century CE, in South India, “Bhatti’s Poem: The Death
of Rávana” is both a poetic retelling of Rama’s adventures, and a
compendium of grammatical and rhetorical examples for students. Its
finest passages stands comparison with the best of Sanskrit poetry.
This is the perfect companion to Pánini’s groundbreaking grammatical
treatise, the “Eight Books” (Aṣṭādhyāyī), studied intensely for the
millennium before Bhatti, just as it is today by linguisticians
worldwide. Bhatti’s study aid to Pánini’s abstruse text gives examples
disguised as the gripping, morally improving “Ramáyana” story. His
systematic illustration of the canon of figures of speech is an
important text in the history of Sanskrit poetics. One canto even
gives a pleasant, accessible taster of the Prakrit language. In
Bhatti’s own words: “This composition is a lamp to those whose eyes
have language as their goal.”
The story goes that Bhatti’s outdoors grammar class was one day
interrupted by an elephant ambling between him and his pupils. By
Hindu law this intrusion cancelled class for a year. Lest vital study
time be lost, Bhatti composed his poem to teach grammar without
textbooks. Ever since, “Bhatti’s Poem: The Death of Rávana” has been
one of the most popular poems in Sanskrit literature.
566 pp. | ISBN-13: 978-0-8147-2778-2 | ISBN-10: 0-8147-2778-6 |
Co-published by New York University Press and JJC Foundation
The Birth of Kumára
By Kālidāsa
Translated by David Smith
Foreword by U.R. Ananthamurthy (To be published in the second edition)
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View Text-critical Notes and Foreword
Forward by U R Ananthmurthy
This greatest of court epics describes events leading up to but not
including the birth of Kumára (also known as Skanda or Karttikéya),
the war god destined to defeat the demon Táraka. The gods attempt to
deploy Kama, the Indian Cupid, to set the ascetic supreme deity Shiva
on fire with love for Uma (also known as Párvati), the daughter of the
god of the Himalayan mountain range. Kama’s mission fails and the
enraged Shiva turns his flaming third eye on the love god, burning him
to ashes. Next Párvati herself turns to intense asceticism in order to
win spiritual power and thereby the husband for whom she longs. She
succeeds and the climax of the poem is Shiva and Párvati’s marriage
and cosmic lovemaking, and Kumára’s divine conception.
To win Shiva’s love, Párvati lives outdoors come rain or shine:
Excessively heated by twofold fire:
by the sun in the sky and by fires fed by fuel,
at the end of the hot season drenched with fresh showers
she along with the earth gave off rising steam.
Pausing a moment on her eyelashes,
beating against her lower lip,
breaking up in the fall
on to the protrusion of her breasts,
slithering into the three folds of skin below,
the first drops of water
eventually reached her navel.
360 pp. | ISBN-13: 978-0-8147-4008-8 | ISBN-10: 0-8147-4008-1 |
Co-published by New York University Press and JJC Foundation
About the Translator
David Smith is Reader in Indian Religions at Lancaster University. He
is the author of Ratnákara's Hara·víjaya: An Introduction to the
Sanskrit Court Epic, The Dance of Siva: Religion, Art and Poetry in
South India and Hinduism and Modernity.
About the Foreword Writer
U.R. Ananthamurthy is a leading writer and critic. He was the winner
of Jnanpith award in 1994 and was former President of the Sahitya
Akademi. His prolific works encompass many genres, including novels,
short stories, plays, poems and essays.
“Bouquet of Rasa” and “River of Rasa”
By Bhānudatta
Translated by Sheldon I. Pollock
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View Rasikaranjani Manuscript
View Udaipur Miniatures
Bhanu is probably the most famous Sanskrit poet that no one today has
ever heard of. His “Bouquet of Rasa” and “River of Rasa,” composed in
the early sixteenth century, probably under the patronage of the Nizam
of Ahmadnagar in western India, attracted the attention of the most
celebrated commentators in early modern India. Some of the greatest
painters of Mewar and Basohli vied to turn his subtle poems into
pictures. And his verses, such as this one,
You stayed awake all night and yet
it’s my eyes that are throbbing;
you were the one who drank the rum
and yet it’s my head that’s splitting;
and in the bower buzzing with bees
it was you who stole beauty’s fruit,
yet I’m the one the Love God wounds
with his arrows that burn like fire
were prized by poets everywhere: Abu al-Fazl, the preeminent scholar
at Akbar’s court, translated it into Persian, and, Kshetráyya, the
great Andhra poet of the next century, adapted it into Telugu. Many
writers have described the types of heroines and heroes of Sanskrit
literature (the subject of the “Bouquet of Rasa”) or explained the
nature of aesthetic emotion (that of the “River of Rasa”), but none
did so in verse of such exquisite and subtle artistry.
442 pp. | ISBN-13: 978-0-8147-6755-9 | ISBN-10: 0-8147-6755-9 |
Co-published by New York University Press and JJC Foundation
About the Translator
Sheldon I. Pollock is William B. Ransford Professor of Sanskrit and
Indian Studies, Columbia University. He has also translated
Ramáyana II:áyana-II:-Ayódhya-v-15.html
Ayódhya and Ramáyana III:áyana-III
The Forest of the Ramáyana :-Forest-v-22.html
Rama’s Last Act.’s-Last-Act-v-66.html
He is the author of The Language of the Gods in the World of Men:
Sanskrit, Culture, and Power in Premodern India and editor of
Cosmopolitanism and Literary Cultures in History: Reconstructions from
South Asia.
About the Manuscript
The commentary on the Rasatara?gi?? of Bh?nudatta is the Rasikarañjan?
of Ve?idatta Bha???c?rya (18th century?). It is British Library IO San
1703a (two additional copies were used in the CSL edition: Oriental
Institute, Baroda, mss. nos. 839 (inc.) and 10805).
The album of Rasamañjar? paintings was produced in Udaipur probably c.
1650 if not a little earlier. The bulk is preserved in the National
Museum (NM), New Delhi; a half-dozen additional leaves have been
located in museums and private collections in Europe and the US, and
are identified in the edition.
The Emperor of the Sorcerers (volume one)
Cantos 1-17
By Budhasvāmin
Translated by Sir James Mallinson
Companion Volumes The Emperor of the Sorcerers (volume two)
Translator’s Insights
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Budha·svamin tells the astonishing epic tale of the youthful exploits
of prince Nara·váhana·datta. It is indeed a great story, as its
Sanskrit title declares. Epic in scope and scale, it has everything
that a great story should: adventure, romance, suspense, intrigue,
tragedy and comedy. The reader is taken from royal palaces to flying
sorcerers’ mountain fastnesses via courtesans’ bedrooms and merchant
ships. The frame story narrates Nara·váhana·datta’s progress
culminating in his enthronement as Emperor of the Sorcerers, winning
twenty-six wives along the way. Unfortunately, the surviving
manuscripts of the text break off while he is in pursuit of his sixth
wife. Volume One’s adventures end with his lute contest and marriage
to Gandhárva·datta. The fast and witty narrative eschews lengthy
description and provides fascinating insights into ancient India.
I said, ‘I’m worried because I don’t know how to interact with a young
woman. You must quickly turn me into a man-about-town!’ He replied,
‘The saying that horses are tamed in the hour of battle has today
proved to be true! One cannot become a man-about-town by instruction.
It’s like spiritual liberation-mastered through repeated practice. But
I’ll tell you in brief: copy whatever her ladyship does.’
452 pp. | ISBN-13: 978-0-8147-5701-7 | ISBN-10: 0-8147-5701-4 |
Co-published by New York University Press and JJC Foundation
About the Translator
Sir James Mallinson translates and edits Sanskrit literature for the
JJC Foundation, co-publishers (with NYU Press) of the Clay Sanskrit
He also translated The Emperor of the Sorcerers (volume two),
Messenger Poems,
The Ocean of the Rivers of Story (volume one of seven),
The Ocean of the Rivers of Story (volume two of seven).
The Emperor of the Sorcerers (volume two)
Cantos 18-28
By Budhasvāmin
Translated by Sir James Mallinson
Companion Volumes The Emperor of the Sorcerers (volume one)
Translator’s Insights
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Volume two of Budha·svamin’s “The Emperor of the Sorcerers” begins
with the merchant Sanu·dasa telling the story, an epic in itself, of
how he acquired Gandhárva·datta, his daughter whose hand
Nara·váhana·datta, the hero of the book, has just won in a lute
contest. In this and the tales of how the prince comes by his next two
wives, the reader’s tour of ancient India continues, extending to the
far south and beyond, to magical islands of gold, before heading north
to Varánasi. Along the way, we learn of, among other things, flying
sorcerers, transvestite ascetics clad in skulls, the finer points of
gambling with dice, the perils of trading by sea, the rivalry between
fate and human effort and the difference between town and country
mice. Sadly, the surviving manuscripts of the texts break off while
our hero is in pursuit of only the sixth of his twenty-six wives.
Look at those bamboos on the other bank of the river. A strong wind is
blowing in our direction from the opposite bank and bends them over to
this one. Get a good grip on a bamboo which is neither too thin, too
bendy, too rotten, nor too dry. When there is a lull in the wind and
the bamboo straightens up, get down gently on the other bank. Any man
who hangs on to a piece of bamboo that is rotten or dry or otherwise
unsound will fall and his body shall turn to stone. This is called the
“bamboo path.” It is as terrifying as the path to the next world, but
is quickly and easily crossed by men who are able and intrepid.
467 pp. | ISBN-13: 978-0-8147-5707-9 | ISBN-10: 0-8147-5707-3 |
Co-published by New York University Press and JJC Foundation
About the Translator
Sir James Mallinson translates and edits Sanskrit literature for the
JJC Foundation, co-publishers (with NYU Press) of the Clay Sanskrit
Library. He also translated The Emperor of the Sorcerers (volume one),
Messenger Poems, The Ocean of the Rivers of Story (volume one of
seven), and The Ocean of the Rivers of Story (volume two of seven).
The Epitome of Queen Lilávati (volume one)
Cantos 1-7
By Jinaratna
Translated by R.C.C. Fynes
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The Epitome of Queen Lilávati tells the stories of the lives of a
group of souls as they pass through a series of embodiments on their
way to final liberation from the continual cycle of death and rebirth.
It abounds in memorable incidents and characters, such as Dhana, the
rich merchant who attempted to justify cheating in trade, Padma·ratha,
who while invisible attempted to seduce the ladies of the royal
household, and Vasun·dhara, the bogus holy man who was caught in a
compromising position with a female dog. The purpose of these stories,
which are related to Queen Lilávati and her husband King Simha by the
teacher-monk Sámara·sena, is to promote the ethic of Jainism, which
holds that strict adherence to a nonviolent way of life is the key to
liberation from the troubles of the world. In the end, Queen Lilávati,
King Simha and the other leading characters attain perfect knowledge
and liberation.
He was able to enter the palace among the throng of people, and,
gaining the women’s apartments, the criminal violated the women. In
his turn, the King found that they lacked sexual desire. Suspecting an
intrusion, he interrogated the chamberlain, who said that he had seen
no one at all. Then plumes of smoke were raised from wheat flour
scattered over the ground. Having rubbed away the lampblack from his
eyes, Padma·ratha became visible and was captured.
543 pp. | ISBN-13: 978-0-8147-2741-6 | ISBN-10: 0-8147-2741-7 |
Co-published by New York University Press and JJC Foundation
About the Translator
R.C.C. Fynes is Principal Lecturer, Faculty of Art and Design, De
Montfort University. He is the author of The Lives of the Jain
He has also translated the
The Epitome of Queen Lilávati (volume two)
for the CSL.
The Epitome of Queen Lilávati (volume two)
Cantos 8-21
By Jinaratna
Translated by R.C.C. Fynes
Companion Volumes The Epitome of Queen Lilávati (volume one)
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Jina·ratna, Jain scholarmonk, completed his poem in the year 1285CE in
western India, in Jábali·putra, modern Jhalor in the state of
Rajasthan. As its title suggests, “The Epitome of Queen Lilávati” is
an epitome of a much larger work, “The Story of the Final Emancipation
of Lilávati,” composed in 1036 by Jinéshvara, also a Jain monk. While
Jinéshvara was a reformist of lax monasticism, and his original was
considered highly conducive to liberation, Jina·ratna wrote his
epitome at the request of those who wished to concentrate on its
narrative alone. The primary purpose of Jain narrative literature was
to edify lay people through amusement; consequently the stories are
racy, and in some cases the moralising element is rather tenuous. The
main feature of Jain narrative literature is its concern with past and
future lives. There developed a genre of soul biography, the
histories, over a succession of rebirths, of a group of characters who
exemplified the vices of anger, pride, deceit, greed and delusion.
From then on, in the morning, in the afternoon, in the evening, at
midnight, at every moment, the King would have her sing and dance, as
if it were a new thing. Every day, the King gave to her divine food
and unguents and divine ornaments and clothes, finer than his own. And
as the King continued to give her manifold objects of desire, gold and
such, he did not see behind or in front, as if blinded by his heart’s
desire. Thereupon, the ministers spoke together, “This kingdom will be
utterly ruined, since on the destruction of the treasury there will be
certain destruction of the King’s army.”
650 pp. | ISBN-13: 978-0-8147-2742-3 | ISBN-10: 0-8147-2742-5 |
Co-published by New York University Press and JJC Foundation
About the Translator
R.C.C. Fynes is Principal Lecturer, Faculty of Art and Design, De
Montfort University. He is the author of The Lives of the Jain Elders.
He has also translated The Epitome of Queen Lilávati (volume one) for
the CSL.
Published 2008
Please select a volume
Life of the Buddha
Maha·bhárata V: Preparations for War (volume one of two)
Maha·bhárata V: Preparations for War (volume two of two)
Maha·bhárata VI: Bhishma (volume one of two) Including the “Bhagavad
Gita” in Context
Maha·bhárata VIII: Karna (volume two of two)
Published 2007
Please select a volume
“Friendly Advice”
“King Víkrama’s Adventures”
Handsome Nanda
“The Lady of the Jewel Necklace”
“The Lady Who Shows Her Love”
Maha·bhárata IV: Viráta
Maha·bhárata VIII: Karna (volume one of two)
Karna (volume one of two)
Maha·bhárata IX: Shalya (volume two of two)
The Ocean of the Rivers of Story (volume one of seven)
Rama’s Last Act
Published 2006
Please select a volume
The Epitome of Queen Lilávati (volume two)
Five Discourses on Worldly Wisdom
Maha·bhárata II: The Great Hall
Maha·bhárata VII: Drona (volume one of four)
Messenger Poems
Ramáyana III: The Forest
Ramáyana V: Súndara
Rama Beyond Price
The Recognition of Shakúntala
Published 2005
Please select a volume
The Birth of Kumára
The Emperor of the Sorcerers (volume one)
The Emperor of the Sorcerers (volume two)
The Epitome of Queen Lilávati (volume one)
Heavenly Exploits (Buddhist Biographies from the Dívyavadána)
Love Lyrics
Maha·bhárata III: The Forest (volume four of four)
Maha·bhárata IX: Shalya (volume one of two)
Much Ado About Religion
Rákshasa’s Ring
Ramáyana I: Boyhood
Ramáyana II: Ayódhya
Ramáyana IV: Kishkíndha
Three Satires
What Ten Young Men Did
brahmasatyajagatmithyaa: Sid Harth
Sa for Sanskrit Pop: Sid Harth
Sudharma, Sanskrit Newspaper: Sid Harth
Indian Philosophy: Sid Harth
Of Aryas and Anaryas: Sid Harth
Hindu Superstition: Sid Harth
Indian Black Magic: Sid Harth
dhammam saranam gassami: Sid Harth
Of God, Godmen and Good men: Sid Harth
Caste, Cast in Stone: Sid Harth
Saraswati's Disappearance-ActI: Sid Harth
Hindu Worldview: Sid Harth
I Write, Therefore I am: Sid Harth
dhammam saranam gassami: Sid Harth
...and I am Sid Harth