2010-04-23 12:42:17 UTC
Pagan, Whodunit?: Sid Harth
Pagan and paganism
Origin of the word "Pagan."
Origin of the term:
There is general agreement that the word "Pagan" comes from the Latin
word "pagans." Unfortunately, there is no consensus on the precise
meaning of the word in the fifth century CE and earlier. There are
three main interpretations. 1 None has won general acceptance:
Most modern sources by persons who consider themselves Neopagans or
Pagans interpret the word to have meant "rustic," "hick," or "country
bumpkin" -- a pejorative term. The implication was that Christians
used the term to ridicule country folk who tenaciously held on to what
the Christians considered old-fashioned, outmoded Pagan beliefs. Those
in the country were much slower in adopting the new religion of
Christianity than were the urban dwellers. Many rural dwellers still
followed the Greek state religion, Roman state religion, Mithraism,
various mystery religions, etc., long after those in urban areas had
Some believe that in the early Roman Empire, "paganus" came to mean
"civilian" as opposed to "military." Christians at the time often
called themselves "miles Christi" (Soldiers of Christ). The non-
Christians became "pagani" -- non-soldiers or civilians. No
denigration would be implied.
C. Mohrmann suggests that the general meaning was any "outsider," --
a neutral term -- and that the other meanings, "civilian" and "hick,"
were merely specialized uses of the term. 2
By the fifth century CE, its meaning evolved to include all non-
Christians. Eventually, it became an evil term that implied the
possibility of Satan worship. The latter two meanings are still in
widespread use today.
There is no generally accepted, single, current definition for the
word "Pagan." The word is among the terms that the newsgroup
alt.usage.english, calls "skunk words." They have varied meanings to
different people. The field of religion is rife with such words.
consider: Christian, cult, hell, heaven, occult, Paganism, pluralism,
salvation, Witch, Witchcraft, Unitarian Universalist, Voodoo, etc.
Each has at least two meanings. They often cause misunderstandings
wherever they are used. Unfortunately, most people do not know this,
and naturally assume that the meaning that they have been taught is
universally accepted. A reader must often look at the context in which
the word is used in order to guess at the intent of the writer.
Many Wiccans, Neopagans, and others regularly use the terms "Pagan"
and "Paganism" to describe themselves. Everyone should be free to
continue whatever definitions that they wish. However, the possibility
of major confusion exists -- particularly if one is talking to a
general audience. When addressing non-Wiccans or non-Neopagans, it is
important that the term:
Be carefully defined in advance, or that
Its meaning is clearly understandable from the content of the text.
Otherwise, the speaker or writer will be discussing one group of
people, while the listeners or readers will assume that other groups
are being referred to.
The first of seven definitions: Pagans consist of Wiccans and other
We recommend that this should be the primary definition of "Pagan,"
for the simple reason that many Wiccans and other Neopagans embrace
the term for themselves. "Paganism" in this sense refers to a range of
spiritual paths. These are generally Neopagan religions based on the
deities, symbols, practices, seasonal days of celebration and other
surviving components of ancient religions, which had been long
suppressed. For example:
The Druidic religion is based on the faith and practices of the
ancient Celtic professional class;
Followers of Asatru adhere to the ancient, pre-Christian Norse
Wiccans generally trace their roots back to the early Celtic era in
Other Neo-pagans follow Hellenismos (ancient Greek religion), Religio
Romana (ancient Roman religion), Kemetism (ancient Egyptian religion)
and other traditions.
Some Neopagan religions, like Wicca and Druidism, are Earth centered.
They emphasize living in harmony with the Earth and observing its
cycles. Others, like Hellenismos and Religio Romana, are deity
Some typical quotations which demonstrate this meaning of "Pagan"
"Witchcraft, or Wicca, is considered part of the occult, but has
little relationship to Satanism. Wicca is pagan (pre-Christian, as
opposed to anti-Christian) and is currently gaining popularity." 3
"Witches do not worship the devil...Witches are more interested in
magical arts and the divinity of nature...Wiccans are considered
pagans because they worship several nature gods instead of a single
god." 4
"The World Christian Encyclopedia estimates 6 million Americans
profess to be witches and engage in practices like these. They are a
sub-group of over 10 million persons the encyclopedia says call
themselves pagans, who practice "primitive" religions such as
Druidism, Odin worship and Native American shamanism." 5
In this sense, "Pagan" refers to a group of religious traditions, and
should be capitalized, as are Christianity, Islam and Judaism.
The second of seven definitons: Pagans are people to hate:
Religious and social conservatives sometimes use "Pagan" as a general
purpose "snarl" word to refer to cultures or religions that are very
different from the speaker's. There is no general consensus as to
meaning. It can be seen directed at any religious or cultural group
that the speaker hates. Some examples:
Dr. John Patrick, professor at the University of Ottawa, Canada was
discussing at a conference the number of abortions performed
worldwide. He said: "Gods and goddesses are beginning to re-inhabit
the Western world. Infant sacrifice -- there are 52 million a year. It
is paganism." 6
Dr. Richard Swenson, director of the Future Health Study Center said
at the same conference: "We went into post-Christian and neopaganism
very quickly...We want the culture to change, we want some spiritual
sanity, but we need to understand that this is a pluralistic and even
neopaganist society." 6
Jerry Falwell appeared as a guest on Pat Robertson's "700 Club"
program on 2001-SEP-13. He said that God became sufficiently angry at
America that he engineered the terrorist attack on New York City and
Washington-- presumably to send Americans a message. He said:
"I really believe that the Pagans, and the abortionists, and the
feminists, and the gays and the lesbians -- all of them who have tried
to secularize America -- I point the finger in their face and say 'you
helped this happen.' "
Pat Robertson responded: "Well, I totally concur..." 7
Falwell did not elaborate on how a religious group such as Pagans
contributed to the secularization of the U.S.
[We sent a series of Emails to Falwell's office asking exactly to whom
he was referring with the word "Pagans." They declined to respond.
Since he died in 2007-MAY, we suspect that the question will never be
answered.] More details.
References used:
The following information sources were used to prepare and update the
above essay. The hyperlinks are not necessarily still active today.
James J. O'Donnell, "PAGANUS," Classical Folia 31(1977) 163-69. Online
C. Mohrmann, "Encore une fois: paganus," 'tudes sur le latin des
chr'tiens (Rome, 1958-1965), 3.277-289; orig. pub. in Vigiliae
Christianae, 6 (1952), 109-121. Quoted in Ref. 16.
Rob Tucker, IPCA REPORT (Spring 1989) Volume 2 #1. P. 8 The Institute
for the Prevention of Child Abuse, 25 Spadina Rd, Toronto ON M5R 2S9,
McDowell & Stewart, "THE OCCULT", Here's Life Publishers, (1992) P.
Sharon Rufus, "WHO ARE THE WITCHES?", Fate (1986 AUG), P. 59: quoted
by Nelson Price in "NEW AGE, THE OCCULT AND LION COUNTRY", Power Books
(1989), P. 98:
From speeches delivered at the Bioethics in the New Millennium
conference, Deerfield IL., 2000-JUL-22. Reported by Jordan Lite in
"Bioethicists Man the Pulpit," Wired News, at:
"PFAW President, Ralpy G. Neas, Addresses Divisive Comments by
Religious Right Leaders," People for the American Way, at:
Pagan and paganism
Five more definitions of "Pagan."
Pagan and paganism
Five more definitions of "Pagan."
Third of seven definitions: Pagans are ancient polytheists:
The term "Pagan" is sometimes used to refer to ancient polytheistic
religions. The Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary defines "pagan"
as: "belonging to a religion which worships many gods, especially one
which existed before the main world religions." 1
The Hebrew Scriptures (Old Testament) contain many references to the
societies surrounding the Israelites -- Babylonians, Canaanites,
Philistines, etc. These are commonly referred to as Pagans:
There are allegations that these societies engaged in human
sacrifices: II Kings 3:26-27: "...the king of Moab...took his eldest
son that should have reigned in his stead, and offered him for a burnt
offering upon the wall."
Psalms 106:37-38: "Yea, they sacrificed their sons and their
daughters unto devils, And shed innocent blood, even the blood of
their sons and of their daughters, whom they sacrificed unto the idols
of Canaan: and the land was polluted with blood."
Their altars were often referred to as "high places:" II Kings 16:4:
"And he sacrificed and burnt incense in the high places, and on the
hills, and under every green tree."
Surrounding tribes were viewed as committing idolatry by worshiping
golden images of animals: II Kings 17:16: "And they left all the
commandments of the LORD their God, and made them molten images, even
two calves, and made a grove, and worshipped all the host of heaven,
and served Baal."
Ancient faiths of ancient Celtic, Egypt, Greece, Norse, Rome, and
other cultures are frequently referred to as Pagan religions. Even
though many of these religions had strict social and sexual behavioral
codes, their followers were often portrayed as hedonist and immoral:
1 Peter 4:3: "For the time past of our life may suffice us to have
wrought the will of the Gentiles, when we walked in lasciviousness,
lusts, excess of wine, revelings, banquetings, and abominable
A recent example of this definition is: Referring to sun wheels and
obelisks: "...These symbols of pagan sun worship were associated with
Baal worship, or Baalim, which is strongly condemned in scripture. So
why are they so prevalent in the Roman Catholic Church, if they are
associated with paganism and apostasy?" From an anti-Catholic essay on
a conservative Protestant Christian web site. 2
Fourth of seven definitions: Pagans are those who follow Aboriginal
Paganism is occasionally used to refer to animism -- the belief that
all natural objects and the universe itself have souls. Animism is
common among primitive cultures. 3 Their beliefs are based upon direct
perception of the forces of nature and usually involve the use of
idols, talismans and taboos in order to convey respect for these
forces and beings. Many native, aboriginal religions from all of the
continents in the world fit this definition.
Fifth of seven definitions: Pagans are followers of non-Abrahamic
A rare use of "Pagan" is to describe a person who does not follow an
main Abrahamic religion. That is, their faith does not recognize
Abraham as a patriarch. The individual is neither Christian, Muslim,
Baha'i nor Jew. Pagans under this definition would include Agnostics,
Atheists, Buddhists, Hindus, Humanists, Scientologists, Taoists,
Wiccans, etc. About 45% of the people of the world are Pagans, by this
Sixth of seven definitions: Pagans are those who don't belong to any
of the main world religions:
The Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary gives an alternative
definition of the word "pagan" as: "relating to religious beliefs
that do not belong to any of the main religions of the world" 1 This
definition is rather vague, because it does not describe how a "main
religion of the world" is defined. If it is any religion with more
than, say, 1% of the world's population (i.e. 65 million members),
then: Aboriginal religions, Atheism, Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism,
Islam, Taoism would be non-pagan, whereas Judaism, Sikhism,
Confucianism, the Baha'i Faith, Wicca, Zoroastrianism etc. would be
pagan. I doubt that many members of the latter religions would be
happy with their classification.
Seventh of seven definitions: Pagans are Atheists, Agnostics,
Humanists, etc:
The term "Pagan" was once widely used by Atheists, Agnostics,
Humanists, etc. to refer to themselves. The word was also used by
others to describe these groups. The usage dropped after the rise of
Neopaganism in the middle of the 20th century, and is rarely seen
References used:
The following information sources were used to prepare and update the
above essay. The hyperlinks are not necessarily still active today.
"Definition: pagan," Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary, at:
"Pagan sun worship and Catholicism: The Pagan sun wheel, the obelisk
and Baal," Michael Scheifler's Bible Light Home Page, at:
"Animism," WordNet Search, at:
Copyright © 2000 to 2010 by Ontario Consultants on Religious Tolerance
Originally written: 2000-JUL-28
Latest update: 2010-JAN-10
Author: B.A. Robinson
Pagan and paganism
Which are the most common definitions?
Conclusions. Recommendations. Books
How common are the various meanings of "Pagan"?
On the Internet itself: Wiccans and other Neopagans have made
extensive use of the Internet; they probably have more web pages per
capita than followers of any other religion. Using the search string
"Pagan," the Google search engine found about 459,000 hits on the
Internet in the year 2000. 1 We found that: The first 14 hits all
referred to Wicca or another Neopagan religion.
24 of the first 27 hits referred to a Neopagan faith tradition.
In 2010, the same search word found almost 24 million hits, with
similar results on the first few dozen hits.
In conservative Christian search engines: We used the same search
string on Goshen. It was perhaps the largest conservative Christian
search engine when the first draft of this essay was written. 2 It
found ten web sites which referred to Paganism. Some were broken
links; others had no apparent references to Pagans. But others did:
Five referred to ancient polytheistic religions, such as the faiths
of Babylonians, Celts, Romans, etc. during biblical times and in the
early history of Christianity:
An anti-Roman Catholic essay which described the use of sun wheels
and obelisks of ancient Pagan religions within Roman Catholicism. 3
One condemned Christmas' practices as "merely variations of the
ceremonies invented by the corrupt pagans of yesterday." It refers to
the Christian concept of the Trinity as deriving from "Pagan Babylon."
"The religion of pagan Babylon did not was passed on
down, to 'Mystery Babylon,'...[the] mother of abominations of the
earth." 4
One promotes Christian observance of Halloween: "...someone is bound
to ask why we allow our children to act out a ritual rooted in pagan
and satanic beliefs..." 5
One referred to the Pagan cultures surrounding the early Christian
movement. 6
Another anti-Roman Catholic essay discusses Jesus' mother Mary. It
notes that the titles "Mother of God" and "Queen of Heaven" came from
Pagan cultures that surrounded the early Christian movements. It says
that the concept of the perpetual virginity of Mary is also Pagan,
being derived from the worship of "Ashtoroth, also known as Isis,
Diana, Venus, Vesta, Samariums, Istarte and Helen...".
One probably refers to Neopagans: The author writes that "all belief
systems except atheism, paganism and satanism have had their roots
from certain scriptures..." 7 Presumably, the author is not referring
to ancient polytheistic religions because various cultures from
Babylon to Rome had religious writings. He might possibly be referring
to Aboriginal religions, which typically use an oral tradition.
Various secular news sources attributing unusual meanings to "Pagan":
The vast majority of references to Pagans and Paganism in the secular
media relate to Wiccans and other Neopagans. Some exceptions were:
Paganism = secularization + New Age religion, + politically liberal
thinking + others:
According to U.S. Newswire:
The National Clergy Council and Operation Save Our Nation have
scheduled for 2000-OCT-28 a "Jericho March" of 100 religious
"intercessors" around Capitol Hill and the White House. President of
the Council, the Rev. Rob Schenck said:
"The concept behind this Jericho March is to 'tear down' the walls of
the new 'Washington Paganism' -- the secularization, New Ageism and
postmodern amoralism -- epitomized in the Clinton-Gore Administration,
in the morally weak leadership in the Congress, and in the liberal
members of the Supreme Court."
Paganism = ancient polytheists:
According to John Silber writing in the Boston Herald:
"This opposition [to Christmas trees], then and now, rests on a
recognition of the pagan origin of the Christmas tree. Indeed, as
columnist Kimberley Strassel has noted in The Wall Street Journal, the
Prophet Jeremiah specifically condemned as pagan the practice of
cutting down trees, bringing them inside and decorating them." 8
Paganism = Non-Abrahamics:
According to a Pagan news service:
"Vatican officials have labeled Europe a "Pagan country." The comment
was prompted by a statistic from Austria that 43,632 Austrians
formally renounced their Roman Catholic affiliation in 1999, whereas
only 3,387 converts joined the Church.
Pagans = members of a motorcycle club in West Virginia:
The Miami Herald carried an article about the "Pagans Motorcycle
Club." The term "Pagan" here seems to have the connotation of outlaw
bikers, and is not related to any religious group. 20
Most Internet references to Paganism refer to Wiccans and other
Conservative Christians often use the term Pagan to refer to ancient
Polytheistic religions.
Other meanings of "Paganism" appear to be rarely used in contemporary
We recommend that the terms "Pagan" and "Paganism" never be used in
speech or written form, unless:
They are precisely defined in advance, or
A known and homogenous audience is being addressed.
Otherwise mass confusion will occur. Even if it is carefully defined,
listeners or readers' interpretation of the text will probably be
distorted. They will carry over some of the baggage associated with
their own definition of "Pagan." In place of "Pagan," we suggest that
you use the actual name of the religious group that you are referring
to: (e.g. Animism, Asatru, Buddhism, Druidism, Hinduism, Native
American Spirituality, Wicca, etc.) to avoid ambiguity.
The term "Neopagan" has a unique definition and can be used without
confusion among those who know its meaning. However, not everyone is
aware of what it means.
A search of the Amazon data base for "Paganism":
The following books are the result of a book search at the
web site -- the world's biggest online bookstore.
A highly recommended book with stories by over 50 Pagans:
Laura Wildman, Ed., "Celebrating the Pagan soul," Citadel. (2005).
Read reviews or order this book safely from online book
Caroline Tully, one of the contributors to the book, writes:
"Gardnerian High Priestess and Cherry Hill Seminary instructor, Laura
Wildman, has collected amazing stories from a diverse set of
practitioners, each with their own individual perspective on what it
means to be Pagan in the modern world. With over fifty contributors -
including famous names like Starhawk, Macha NightMare and Oberon Zell-
Ravenheart, as well as a plethora of less well-known but just as
gifted writers - this book has something that will appeal to everyone.
The book is divided into five sections; Earth: Community - the roots
that nourish, the families we create, the coming home; Air: The
learning process - teachers, mentors, students and inner guides; Fire:
magical transformation - from Wow! To Oops!; Water: the seasons and
the cycles of life; and Spirit: The God and Goddess in our lives. The
reader can dip into the book anywhere - you need not start at the
beginning - and find honest, creative, thought-provoking stories about
joy, awe, triumph, failure, consternation, love, loss and sorrow, that
stand out as being written by deeper-than-average thinkers. A ripe
collection of wisdom-fruit from people who really live their Paganism.
Highly recommended."
References used:
The following information sources were used to prepare and update the
above essay. The hyperlinks are not necessarily still active today.
The Google search engine had indexed 1.06 billion web pages in the
year 2000. They have indexed many billions by 2010. See:
The Goshen search engine appears to have moved to:
"Pagan sun worship and Catholicism: The Pagan sun wheel, the obelisk
and Baal," Michael Scheifler's Bible Light Home Page, at:
Steve Hancock, "Who says Christmas is wrong?" at:
David Keating, "Boo...Who?," at:
Rev. Paul Howden, "Annunciation to the Virgin Mary, 2000," at:
David Rivera, "Controlled by the calendar: The Pagan origins of our
major holidays," at:
John Silber, "Anti-Christmas stance isn't rooted in fact," Boston
Herald, 2000-DEC-28. See:
Halloween, Samhain, All Saints' Day
Facts and misinformation
The Halloween season of OCT-31 to NOV-2 each year is unique. It
A Neopagan Sabbat: Samhain, usually celebrated on or near the
evening of OCT-31. It was originally a celebration of the final
harvest of the growing season among the ancient Celts. It was also
their new year celebration. Today, it is mainly celebrated by Wiccans
and other Neo-Pagans
Three Christian holy days: All Saints' Day (a.k.a. All Hallows'
Day) on NOV-1. The holiday was first celebrated on 609-MAY-13 CE when
Pope Boniface IV dedicated the Pantheon in Rome to the Virgin Mary.
The date was later changed to NOV-1 by Pope Gregory III who dedicated
a chapel in honor of all saints in the Vatican Basilica. Pope Gregory
IV (827-844) later extended the feast to the whole church. The Eastern
Orthodox churches celebrate All Saints Day in the springtime -- the
Sunday after Pentecost.
All Souls' Day (a.k.a. the Day of the Dead) which is normally
celebrated on NOV-2. When NOV-2 is a Sunday, as it was for the years
2003 and 2008, the celebration is held on the following Monday. This
is a day for prayer and almsgiving in memory of ancestors who have
died. Believers pray for the souls of the dead, in an effort to hasten
their transition from Purgatory to Heaven. It is primarily celebrated
by Roman Catholics. The day is believed to have been selected by "St.
Odilo, the fifth abbot of Cluny...France because he wanted to follow
the example of Cluny in offering special prayers and singing the
Office of the Dead on the day following the feast of All Saints." 1
Some Protestants celebrate Reformation Day. This is the anniversary
of 1517-OCT-31 CE, the day that Martin Luther's published his 95
theses. These were criticisms of beliefs and practices of the Roman
Catholic church, particularly related to the sale of indulgences. He
is widely believed to have published them in a dramatic manner, by
nailing them to the door of Castle Church in Wittenberg, Germany.
Actually, that may never have happened. There is some evidence that he
did write a letter to his superiors attacking the sale of indulgences;
the 95 theses were merely appended to the letter. This triggered the
Protestant Reformation, leading to a decades-long war in Europe,
enmity between Catholics and Protestants, and the eventual fracture of
Christianity into thousands of individual faith groups.
A secular celebration, Halloween on the evening of OCT-31. In some
areas, if OCT-31 falls on a Sunday, Halloween is celebrated on the
evening of OCT-30. Stores love Halloween. It is the festival when the
largest amount of candy is sold. It is second only to Christmas in
total commercial sales. The total sale of costumes, candy and other
Halloween material reached almost $7 billion in 2003. 2 A 2008 survey
by the National Federation in the U.S., revealed that the average
person was spending $66.54.
There is probably more misinformation circulated about these festivals
than about any other yearly celebration.
Halloween topics covered:
Opinions about Halloween: By the public
By religious groups
Analysis of websites dealing with Halloween: Four web sites
More of the same
Accurate web sites on Halloween
Evangelical Christian beliefs about Halloween
How Evangelicals celebrate the season
Hell houses, Judgment houses. revelation walks, etc.
Neopagan beliefs about Halloween
Halloween customs and traditions
Hoaxes about Halloween: "Razor blades in the apples" hoax
Ritual abuse and sacrificing black cats
The myth of Samhain: Celtic god of the dead
Vaguely related sections in this web site:
The Goth culture
Vampyres and vampires
Interesting web sites related to Halloween:
The Neverendingwonder Radio Empire broadcasts halloween songs,
comedy, musicals, etc. via the Internet. See:
"Bev" et al., have an essay on the "Day of the Dead," at:
Cards: Many web sites allow you to send Halloween cards to friends: has Halloween cards with a difference. They have 250 free
eCards from which you can choose. For each free card sent via Email,
Care2 makes a donation to an environmental nonprofit to save a square
foot of rainforest! That's 929.030 square centimeters! Did I mention
they are free? See:
Halloween Greeting Cards at:
123 Greetings at: at:
Halloween Horrors at:
Dana's Designs supplied icons for our Halloween essays. Thanks, Dana.
The Fright Catalog has been named "best overall" for Halloween
shopping by the Wall Street Journal! See:
Glow Inc. sells glow-in-the-dark powders and paints, particularly to
the Fun House and Halloween community. See:
Halloween Express has an immense variety of adult, kids, TV & movie
and other costumes. See:
Halloween Manor offers a wide variety of costumes for children,
teens, and adults. See:
Haunted Fog has foggers (machines that generate fog), lighting
products, flyers, Halloween E-Cards, tombstones and many other
The Holiday Spot at is a place to "celebrate the
holidays." They have a well-written history of Halloween at: has a list of links to online suppliers of Halloween
costumes, decorations and party supplies. See:
Pure Costumes carries "... a large selection of Halloween costumes
for adults, kids, teens, pre teens - tweens, and plus size, as well as
wigs, masks and accessories. See:
References used:
The following information sources were used to prepare and update the
above essay. The hyperlinks are not necessarily still active today.
Isaac Bonewits describes "The real origins of Halloween." It is a
carefully researched essay at: He has other
well researched essays at:
Geraldine Sealey, "Satan's Big Day? Culture Wars Don't Take a Holiday
on Halloween," ABC News, 2003-OCT-31, at: This
is now offline.
"Samhain on the Cauldron" discusses the history of Halloween and the
Pagan celebration of Samhain. See:
David Beaulieu, "Origins of Halloween, All Hallows' Eve,",
"Halloween: Myths, monsters and devils" analyzes the many errors in
four essays about Halloween at:
Elspeth Sapphire has a pleasant and accurate description of Halloween
Pagan origins, Christian adaptation, & secular status
"Many Americans celebrate both Christmas and Xmas. Others celebrate
one or the other. And some of us celebrate holidays that, although
unconnected with the [winter] solstice, occur near it: Ramadan,
Hanukkah and Kwanzaa." John Silber 1
Some have traced the Christmas tree back at least as far as the
Prophet Jeremiah who wrote the book Jeremiah in the Hebrew Scriptures
(Old Testament). Opposition to the Christmas tree was strong in past
centuries. The early Christian Church in the third century strictly
prohibited the decoration of their houses with evergreen boughs. The
decorated Christmas tree only caught on in the mid-19th century.
Modern-day opposition continues: some condemn the Christmas tree
because they believe it to be a Christian symbol; others condemn it
because they believe -- incorrectly -- that the custom of cutting down
a tree, erecting it in the home and decorating it is a Pagan custom. 1
For many people today, it is primarily as a secular symbol of hope
for the New Year and the future return of warmth to the earth. Its
future is assured in spite of opposition.
Objections to the Christmas Tree:
In the past, there have been many objections to Christmas trees:
The Prophet Jeremiah condemned as Pagan the ancient Middle Eastern
practice of cutting down trees, bringing them into the home and
decorating them. Of course, these were not really Christmas trees,
because Jesus was not born until centuries later, and the use of
Christmas trees was not introduced for many centuries after his birth.
Apparently, in Jeremiah's time the "heathen" would cut down trees,
carve or decorate them in the form of a god or goddess, and overlay it
with precious metals. Some Christians feel that this Pagan practice
was similar enough to our present use of Christmas trees that this
passage from Jeremiah can be used to condemn both:
Jeremiah 10:2-4: "Thus saith the LORD, Learn not the way of the
heathen, and be not dismayed at the signs of heaven; for the heathen
are dismayed at them. For the customs of the people are vain: for one
cutteth a tree out of the forest, the work of the hands of the
workman, with the axe. They deck it with silver and with gold; they
fasten it with nails and with hammers, that it move not." (KJV).
In Europe, Pagans in the past did not cut down evergreen trees, bring
them into their homes and decorate them. That would have been far too
destructive of nature. But during the Roman celebration of the feast
of Saturnalia, Pagans did decorate their houses with clippings of
evergreen shrubs. They also decorated living trees with bits of metal
and replicas of their God, Bacchus. Tertullian (circa 160 - 230), an
early Christian leader and a prolific writer, complained that too many
fellow-Christians had copied the Pagan practice of adorning their
houses with lamps and with wreathes of laurel at Christmas time.
The English Puritans condemned a number of customs associated with
Christmas, such as the use of the Yule log, holly, mistletoe, etc.
Oliver Cromwell preached against "the heathen traditions" of Christmas
carols, decorated trees and any joyful expression that desecrated
"that sacred event." 2,4
In America, the Pilgrim's second governor, William Bradford, a
Puritan, tried hard to stamp out all "pagan mockery" at Christmas
time. 4 Christmas trees were not used by Puritans in colonial times.
However, if they were, they would certainly have been forbidden.
In 1851, Pastor Henry Schwan of Cleveland OH appears to have been the
person responsible for decorating the first Christmas tree in an
American church. His parishioners condemned the idea as a Pagan
practice; some even threatened the pastor with harm. But objections
soon dissipated. 2
Even today, the complaints continue:
At Christmas 2000, the city manager of Eugene OR ordered that
Christmas trees could not be erected on city properties because he
considered them Christian religious symbols. He felt that their
presence would violate the principle of church and state. 1 This is
just one of countless conflicts that have surfaced at Christmas time
over religious and quasi-religious observances.
Some Fundamentalist Christian groups oppose Christmas trees and even
the celebration of Christmas for their members. This includes the
Jehovah's Witnesses and, until recently, the Worldwide Church of God.
Part of the opposition is because the custom of decorated trees
originated in Paganism. They also oppose trees because of a literal
interpretation of the quotation from Jeremiah.
Origins of the Christmas Tree:
Pagan traditions: Many Pagan cultures used to cut boughs of evergreen
trees in December, move them into the home or temple, and decorate
them. 7 Modern-day Pagans still do. This was to recognize the winter
solstice -- the time of the year that had the shortest daylight hours,
and longest night of the year. This occurs annually sometime between
DEC-20 to 23. They noticed that the days were gradually getting
shorter; many feared that the sun would eventually disappear forever,
and everyone would freeze. But, even though deciduous trees, bushes,
and crops died or hibernated for the winter, the evergreen trees
remained green. They seemed to have magical powers that enabled them
to withstand the rigors of winter. Not having evergreen trees, the
ancient Egyptians considered the palm tree to symbolize resurrection.
They decorated their homes with its branches during the winter
solstice. 3
"The first decorating of an evergreen tree began with the heathen
Greeks and their worship of their god Adonia, who allegedly was
brought back to life by the serpent Aessulapius after having been
slain." 5
The ancient Pagan Romans decorated their "trees with bits of metal
and replicas of their god, Bacchus [a fertility god]. They also placed
12 candles on the tree in honor of their sun god" 2 Their mid-winter
festival of Saturnalia started on DEC-17 and often lasted until a few
days after the Solstice.
In Northern Europe, the ancient Germanic people tied fruit and
attached candles to evergreen tree branches, in honor of their god
Woden. Trees were viewed as symbolizing eternal life. This is the
deity after which Wednesday was named. The trees joined holly,
mistletoe, the wassail bowl and the Yule log as symbols of the season.
All predated Christianity. 5
Christmas traditions: One Christmas tradition was that St. Boniface
(675? - 755; a.k.a. Winfred) cut down a deciduous tree in the presence
of some newly-baptized Christians. The tree was an oak -- once sacred
to the former Pagans. It miraculously split into four pieces,
revealing an evergreen tree growing from the center of the oak stump.
This symbolized the death of Paganism and the establishment of
Christianity. 3
Another is that Martin Luther (1483 - 1546) was so impressed by a
forest scene that he allegedly cut down a small fir tree, took it
home, and decorated it with lighted candles. This is probably a myth,
because the earliest documented record of a Christmas tree in Germany
is dated to almost 60 years after his death.
History of the Christmas Tree:
The Christmas tree tradition dates back to Western Germany in the 16th
century. They were called "Paradeisbaum" (paradise trees) and were
brought into homes to celebrate the annual Feast of Adam and Eve on
DEC-24. 4 They were first brought to America by German immigrants
about 1700. Christmas trees became popular among the general
population about 1850. 2
President Franklin Pierce (1804-1869) arranged to have the first
Christmas tree in the White House, during the mid-1850's. President
Calvin Coolidge (1885-1933) started the National Christmas Tree
Lighting Ceremony on the White House lawn in 1923. 4
Today, the Christmas Tree has become accepted by Christians, by people
of other faiths, and for those who do not follow an organized
religion. It has become a popular late-December tradition and part of
our present-day culture. As Gail Quick, University of South Carolina -
Beaufort's dean of university relations, commented on the occasion of
a community tree-lighting ceremony.: "This Christmas event every year
is the glue that holds this community together - this and the July 4th
fireworks. This always makes me feel good. Some of us still believe in
Santa Claus." 6
References used:
The following information sources were used to prepare and update the
above essay. The hyperlinks are not necessarily still active today.
John Silber, "Anti-Christmas stance isn't rooted in fact," Boston
Herald, 2000-DEC-28. See: Note: The
Islamic holy month of Ramadan is based on a lunar calendar that moves
each year relative to the Gregorian calendar. Thus it just happens to
be celebrated near Christmas at this time.
Diane Relf, "Christmas Tree Traditions," Virginia Cooperative
Extension, 1997-AOR, at:
"Christmas tree: Pointing towards heaven," at:
"What is a tree?," at:
"Should Christians celebrate Christmas?," at:
William Dean, "Christmas tree lighting sparks holiday spirit,"
Carolina Morning News on the Web, at:
"The Christmas Tree as a Symbol of Pagan Baal Worship," The Ellen
White Research Project, at:
"Tertullian," Wikipedia, at:
David Beaulieu, "Christmas Tree Decorating: The History of the
Christmas Tree," Landscaping,, at:
Turtulian, "On Idolatry," XV.
The Christmas Story, as interpreted by conservative Christians:
Essentially all conservative theologians believe in the inspiration of
the Bible authors and the inerrancy of the Bible itself. This leads
them to regard the birth stories in the Gospels of Matthew and Luke to
be absolutely accurate in every detail. The Gospels of Mark and John,
and the various epistles by Paul and other authors do not refer to
Jesus' birth as being unusual in any way. But it is not necessary that
most writers of the Christian Scriptures (New Testament) mention the
virgin birth and other special events at Jesus birth. The fact that
Matthew and Luke did so is sufficient proof. One need only read the
early chapters of these two gospels to obtain an accurate account of
the events surrounding Jesus' birth. We won't provide a further
analysis here, because the story in Matthew 1:1 to 2:12 and Luke 1:5
to 2:20 are easily accessible and easy to understand. More details.
The Christmas Story, as interpreted by liberal Christians
Among many liberal theologians, many (if not most) components of the
stories should be regarded as myth. There are many elements in the
Gospels relating to Jesus' birth which they believe did not happen.
Common beliefs among religious liberals are:
Gospel of Q: This gospel was written circa 50 CE, probably before any
of the books that became the Christian Scirptures (New Testament).
Although it has been lost, theologians have been able to reconstruct
its text. It does not mention Jesus' birth as being in any way
special. One can assume that the Christians at the time had not yet
developed a birth myth.
Writings of Paul: These were probably written a few years after the
Gospel of Q, and pre-dated the remaining gospels by up to 5 decades.
He makes reference to Jesus' birth in two passages. In both cases, the
virgin birth and the miracles associated with the birth were not
mentioned. Jesus was presented as having a normal birth: Galatians
4:4: "But when the time had fully come, God sent forth his Son, born
of woman, born under the law."
Romans 1:3: "...Jesus Christ our Lord, which was made of the seed of
David according to the flesh."
Mark: This gospel was written by an unknown author circa 70 CE. He
apparently knew nothing about miraculous events associated with Jesus'
birth, and thus did not record any in his writings. If he were aware
of them, he certainly would have mentioned them.
Matthew: This was written by another unknown author, probably a Jew
who lived remote from Palestine. He wrote the Gospel circa 80 CE,
presumably after some of the early Christian movements had invented
miraculous traditions associated with Jesus' birth. Most of the
elements associated with this myth appear to have never happened:
Matthew 1:1: The author traces Jesus' genealogy from Abraham. He lists
Jacob as being Jesus' grandfather. This conflicts with Luke, who lists
Eli. Jesus' line is traced through Solomon, son of David. Luke traces
the Messianic line through Nathan, son of David. The author lists 28
generations between David and Jesus; Luke says it was 41.
Matthew 1:18: The virgin conception of Jesus by Mary is an obvious
myth. The Gospel of Q does not mention it. St. Paul not only does not
mention it, but implies that Jesus' birth was normal. The author of
the Gospel probably invented the virgin birth so that the story of
Jesus' could compete with the magical conception of many heroes and
gods in surrounding Pagan religions: e.g. Horus (circa 1550 BCE),
Zoroaster (1000 - 1500 BCE?), Krishna (circa 1200 BCE), Indra (circa
750 BCE), Buddha (circa 600 BCE), Mithra (circa 500 BCE), Quirrnus
(circa 550 BCE), Attis (circa 200 BCE), Adonis (born in Bethlehem many
centuries before Jesus).
Matthew 1:22: The author cites a passage in an ancient Greek
translation of Isaiah. The translation was an error: it substituted
"virgin" for "young woman." Matthew and Luke probably felt compelled
to go along with the expectation that Jesus' mother was a virgin.
Matthew 2:1: The story of the Magi coming to Palestine to give homage
to the King of the Jews appears to have been freely adapted from the
story of Mithra's birth. He was mythical Persian savior, also
allegedly born of a virgin on DEC-25, who was worshiped many centuries
before Jesus' birth
Matthew 2:7: Herod inquired as to the exact time that the star
appeared. According to Matthew 2:16, this was to learn exactly when
Jesus was born, so that he could have all of the male children of a
suitable age in the Bethlehem area murdered. Since he later ordered
all of the children under 2 years of age slaughtered, Jesus must have
been living with his parents in Bethlehem for many months by the time
that the Magi arrived - perhaps at least a year. If Jesus had been
just born, then Herod would have ordered only newborn infants killed.
This conflicts with Luke 2:39 which states that when Mary was ritually
purified 40 days after the birth, that the family returned to Nazareth
immediately afterwards.
Matthew 2:9: The story element which has the Magi following a star is
obvious mythical. Any star or super-nova or comet or alignment of
planets would obviously be tens or hundreds of millions of miles away
from earth. In order to serve as a marker for the house in Bethlehem
where Jesus was, it would have to be only a few hundred feet above the
Matthew 2:11: The author presents Joseph and Mary as being residents
of Bethlehem, living in a house. This conflicts with Luke's account
which describes Jesus' parents as residents of Nazareth and only
temporary visitors to Bethlehem
Matthew 2:13: The author describes the family fleeing to Egypt. No
record of this is seen in Luke. It was apparently added to the gospel
in order to match the prophecy in Hosea 11:1 that the Messiah must
come out of Egypt.
Matthew 2:16: Herod's extermination order is certainly a myth, as
described above.
Matthew 2:23: Joseph and Mary bypassed Judea and settled in Nazareth.
The prophecy that "He will be called a Nazarene" does not exist in the
Hebrew Scriptures.
Luke: This gospel was written by an unknown author circa 90 CE. He
was probably the only writer in the Christian Scriptures who was not
born a Jew. Originally, it was believed that the author of Luke and
Acts was a physician. But recent analysis of the text indicates that
his medical knowledge was typical of any educated person of his era.
The Christmas story that we see portrayed in plays and pageants is
most often taken from this gospel. Matthew's mention of the Magi is
then tacked onto the end. Some suspicious elements from Luke's birth
story are: Luke 3:38: As noted above, Luke's genealogy cannot be
reconciled with Matthew's.
Luke 1:26: The description of the virgin conception is, as described
above, an attempt to make a mistranslated prophecy from the Hebrew
Scriptures come true. Alternatively the author might have incorporated
a birth tradition invented by his religious group in order to make
Jesus appear to be a great hero or god, like those of the surrounding
religions in the Mediterranean.
Luke 2:1: The census never happened.
Luke 2:2: Even if a census did occur at the time of Jesus' birth, the
people would not have been required to return to their ancestral home.
That would be a totally impractical arrangement. If it happened this
way, all work throughout the Roman Empire would stop. Some people
would have had to travel for months to return to their ancestral home.
The transportation infrastructure could not possibly have handled the
flood of travelers.
Luke 2:5: Joseph would not have taken Mary with him, even if he had
to go to Bethlehem to register. Only men were enumerated or taxed, so
there was no necessity for her to accompany Joseph. Mary's pregnancy
was in its 9th month at the time. She would not have been in a
condition to travel.
Luke 2:8: The author seems to have invented the shepherds; the latter
do not appear in Matthew.
Luke 2:39: The author describes Joseph and Mary as being residents of
Nazareth. This is probably true, but conflicts with Matthew's story
which has them living in Bethlehem, and only deciding to go to
Nazareth because it would be too dangerous to remain in Judea.
Luke 2:39: Luke describes them as going directly from Bethlehem to
Nazareth. This conflicts with Matthew's account which has them fleeing
to Egypt and only returning after Herod died. At least one of these
accounts must be wrong.
John: This gospel was written by one or more authors circa 100 CE.
The writers would have certainly been aware of the birth stories of
Matthew and Luke. But they seem to have rejected the stories as myths,
and not worthy of being incorporated into their gospel.
After removing all of the fantasy and myth from the birth stories, we
are left with the following probable facts: "Jeshua was born to Mary
and Joseph, in Nazareth in the fall circa 4 BCE." But it would be a
mistake to reject all of the other events associated with the
Christmas season, just because they never happened. We can still enjoy
the stories as beautiful myths and legends, which have inspired
Christians for centuries.
Another analysis.
The following information sources were used to prepare and update the
above essay. The hyperlinks are not necessarily still active today.
A.N. Wilson, "Jesus", Sinclair-Stevenson, London, UK (1992), Pages
73-83. You can read reviews of this book or order it safely from
J.S. Spong, "Resurrection: Myth or Reality?", Harper Collins, San
Francisco CA (1994), Page 8-9. Review/order the book
J.S. Spong, "Born of a Woman: A Bishop Rethinks the Birth of Jesus",
Harper San Francisco, CA, (1992), P. 74-79. Review/order the book
Kenneth E. Nahigian, "A Virgin-Birth Prophecy?" at:
B.G. Walker, "The Woman's Encyclopedia of Myths and Secrets," Harper &
Row, (1983) Review/order the book
Hilke Dokter, "The Messiah's True birth date" at:
A countdown of the months, days, hours, minutes and seconds remaining
until Christmas is at:
Kenneth E. Nahigian, "A Virgin-Birth Prophecy?" at:
Robin L. Fox, "The Unauthorized Version: Truth and fiction in the
Bible," Knopf, New York, NY (1992) Review/order the book
W. Keller, "The Bible as History," Morrow, New York NY (1981) Review/
order the book
Anon, "Does the Bible Indicated that Christ was Born on December 25?,"
The World Ahead, 1997- OCT/NOV
M. J. Borg, Ed., "Jesus at 2000," Westview Press, (1997), Page 2.
Review/order the book
Inerrancy: Is the Bible free of error?
All points of view.
The word "inerrancy" is used to refer to a text that is considered
accurate, truthful, and totally free of error. A text that contains
mistakes is errant.
The term is often used by conservative theologians:
In Judaism to refer to the Torah,
In Christianity to refer to the Hebrew and Christian Scriptures
(a.k.a. the Old and New Testaments),
In Islam to refer to the Qur'an, and
In other religions to refer to their own holy books.
The Torah, Hebrew/Christian Scriptures, and Qur'an do not agree on
many topics including the nature of God; creation and origin of life,
the world and the rest of the universe; various scientific topics;
morality and ethics; personal salvation; the afterlife; abortion
access; equal rights for gay, lesbian, bisexual, transsexual, and
transgendered persons; same-sex marriage; and many other cultural
Because the holy books of the world differ from each other, only one
of them -- at most -- can be inerrant. Some people suggest that none
are inerrant.
Since all of the people who are affiliated with a religion are members
of a minority religions, most people's holy book cannot be inerrant.
If they believe that their holy book is inerrant, they are probably
wrong. Perhaps all are wrong.
Topics dealing with inerrancy in this section:
Most of the following essays deal with inerrancy from a Christian
A brief overview; quotations; historical impacts of belief in
A more detailed introduction to inerrancy
What is the impact of biblical inerrancy, authority, etc. on North
American culture?
More material on biblical inerrancy: What is biblical inerrancy?
Terms associated with inerrancy -- authority, infallibility,
The linkage between biblical inerrancy and inspiration
Problems with infallibility
Why inerrancy is critical; problems with inerrancy
Biblical inerrancy: beliefs, references: What Americans believe.
Web sites dealing with inerrancy and errancy.
Is inerrancy important?: Arguments yes and no
What the Bible says about its own Inerrancy
Inerrancy, as interpreted by: Fundamentalist and other evangelical
Mainline and liberal/progressive Protestants
The Roman Catholic Church
Contrasting beliefs among different Christian groups
Why we cannot prove biblical inerrancy or errancy
Harmonizing apparent biblical conflicts
Twelve tests of biblical inerrancy/errancy: Part 1: Four indicators
of errancy
Part 2: Five more indicators of errancy
Three indicators that are currently inconclusive
A final indicator of errancy based on biblical ambiguity
Did the Holy Spirit inspire the authors of the Bible?
Books on biblical errancy, inerrancy, reliability, etc.
Classroom video: provides a theology program (TTP) which explains various
historical beliefs from a conservative Protestant perspective. One
free video is Session 8 - Inerrancy. See:
References used:
The following information sources were used to prepare and update the
above essay. The hyperlinks are not necessarily still active today.
"Literal and figurative," Worldwide Church of God, at:
Dave Miller, "Why I Believe in the Inerrancy of the Scriptures"
S.B. Ferguson et al, "New Dictionary of Theology", Inter-Varsity
Press, Downers Grove, IL (1988), Pages 337-339.
"Homosexual ordination vote widens gap between Presbyterian factions,"
ReligionToday, 2001-JUN-20, at:
Millard J. Erickson, "Christian Theology," Baker, (1985), Page 241.
Steven Ibbotson, "Biblical Authority," Prairie Bible Institute,
(2000), at:
"Inerrancy and Infallibility of the Bible," Believe web site, at:
Bishop John Shelby Spong, "Q&A on the Bible as a weapon of control,"
weekly mailing for 2007-OCT-31. You can subscribe to these mailings
Christian beliefs; biblical inerrancy
Did the Holy Spirit inspire the Bible's authors?
"With regard to the Bible, inspiration denotes the doctrine that the
human authors and editors of canonical scripture were led or
influenced by the Deity with the result that their writings many be
designated in some sense the word of God." 1
Inerrancy and inspiration of the Bible are two closely related
Historically, Christians have generally believed the entire Bible to
be inerrant -- free of error -- in the books' original, autograph
versions. However, the entire Bible was written by a group of very
human authors. The only way in which fallible humans could have
written so much inerrant text would have been for them to have been
inspired by God. Given biblical inerrancy, one can assume that God
must have overseen the creation of the Bible's text in some way, and
pro-actively prevented the authors from committing any error.
Fundamentalists and other Evangelicals Christians still follow the
traditional belief. Liberal Christians have generally abandoned belief
in both inerrancy and inspiration of the Bible. Instead, they analyze
the Bible as a historical document using techniques of "higher
References to inspiration in the Bible:
In the Gospel of John, Jesus is recorded as referring to scripture as
being fixed -- presumably because it comes from God:
John 10:35 "If he called them gods, unto whom the word of God came,
and the scripture cannot be broken..." (KJV)
The Book of Acts refers to God speaking through the mouth of David:
Acts 4:24-25: "...Lord, thou art God, which hast made heaven, and
earth, and the sea, and all that in them is: Who by the mouth of thy
servant David hast said, Why did the heathen rage, and the people
imagine vain things?"
Paul describes the process of inspiration by the Holy Spirit in one of
his Epistles:
1 Corinthians 2:9-13: "But as it is written, Eye hath not seen, nor
ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things
which God hath prepared for them that love him. But God hath revealed
them unto us by his Spirit: ...Now we have received, not the spirit of
the world, but the spirit which is of God; that we might know the
things that are freely given to us of God. Which things also we speak,
not in the words which man's wisdom teacheth, but which the Holy Ghost
teacheth; comparing spiritual things with spiritual." (KJV)
Paul refers to the Hebrew Scriptures as the "word of God," not of men:
1 Thessalonians 2:13: "For this cause also thank we God without
ceasing, because, when ye received the word of God which ye heard of
us, ye received it not as the word of men, but as it is in truth, the
word of God, which effectually worketh also in you that believe."
A key proof text used by conservative Christians to support their
belief in inspiration is in one of the Pastoral Epistles. It states
that all of the Scriptures are "theopneustos" in the original Greek --
"breathed out by God:"
2 Timothy 3:16: "All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is
profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction
in righteousness." (KJV).
A second popular verse which supports the concept of inspiration is in
one of the General Epistles:
2 Peter 1:20-21: "Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the
scripture is of any private interpretation. For the prophecy came not
in old time by the will of man: but holy men of God spake as they were
moved by the Holy Ghost. (KJV)"
The 2 Timothy verse was written circa 64 CE by Paul, according to most
conservative Christians or circa 100 to 150 CE by an unknown author,
according to most liberal theologians. The 2 Peter verse was written
circa 67 CE by Peter, according to most conservative Christians or
circa 125 to 150 CE by an unknown author, according to most liberal
theologians. The remaining citations listed above were also composed
in the first century or the first half of the second century. All were
written centuries before the canon of the Christian Scriptures (New
Testament) was officially established. Still, the word "scripture" in
these passages is now generally interpreted by conservative Christians
to refer to the entire Bible -- Hebrew Scriptures and Christian
Scriptures combined.
Types of inspiration:
Various Christian groups have different beliefs concerning the
mechanism by which inspiration took place:
"Automatic writing" theory: The Oxford Companion to the Bible states
that Philo of Alexandria (20 BCE to 40 CE) "proposed what might be
termed the 'mantic theory' of the inspiration of the scriptures, in
which the human author becomes possessed by God and loses
consciousness of self, surrendering to the divine spirit and its
communicatory powers." 6 This is not a popular belief today.
"Dictation theory:" This is the belief that the Holy Spirit pre-
determined each word that the authors wrote. The "authors" were thus
performing the function of a secretary. The words recorded are thus
considered the actual, authoritative words of God. 1 The First Vatican
Council of 1868-1870 reflects this point of view by stating: "they
have God as their author."
Texas Pastor, Johnny Ramsay, writes that the Scriptures "contain the
very words (not ideas, notions, advice or concepts) that the Almighty
wanted mankind to clearly know. Holy men of God spake as they were
moved by the Holy Spirit. It was truly not the word of men but the
Word of God!" 4
This belief is difficult to support, because a close reading of the
Bible shows many different writing styles. According to most mainline
and liberal theologians: The book of Isaiah and the Gospel of John
were clearly written by two authors.
Much of the Pentateuch is a combination of texts from authors who
followed four different traditions.
Paul wrote with "long, complicated sentences," in a highly educated
Greek style. Mark used "short, action-packed sentences," in a common
form of Greek. 2 This is not particularly obvious in most English
Bibles because translators have often homogenized the writing styles.
But the writing techniques of the different authors is clearly seen in
the original Greek texts.
"Negative assistance" theory: Jacques Bonfriere (1573-1642)
suggested that the authors expressed their thoughts in their own style
and words, while the Holy Spirit only intervened asn needed, in order
to prevent them from making any mistakes. There are many variations of
this belief, called by various names, such as: Concept Inspiration,
Neo-orthodox Theory of Inspiration, Partial Inspiration, Verbal
Plenary Inspiration, etc. 3
Other theories of inspiration include: That the Holy Spirit provided
the precise ideas, thoughts and concepts to the authors, who then
wrote it down in their own words using their own writing style.
That the authors were inspired by the Holy Spirit so that their
normal powers of observation and writing were heightened. They were
thus able to describe their religious thoughts with greater accuracy
than normal, but not to the level of inerrancy. The term Inspiration
as Illumination has been used to describe this concept.
That God did not directly inspire the writers of the Bible. The texts
are not inerrant, but were written by authors with a "high degree of
religious insight." 3 They were inspired in the same way that great
artists and musicians have been considered inspired.
Beliefs of Jews concerning the Hebrew Scriptures:
The famous Hellenistic Jewish theologian and philosopher, Philo of
Alexandria, referred to the Hebrew Scriptures as: "sacred books",
"sacred word", and of "most holy scripture." 5
Flavius Josephus (A.D. 37-95 CE) is believed to have been the first to
use the word "inspiration" (in Greek: epipnoia) to refer to the Hebrew
Scriptures. 7 According to New Advent:
"He speaks of twenty-two books which the Jews with good reason
consider Divine...The belief of the Jews in the inspiration of the
Scriptures did not diminish from the time in which they were dispersed
throughout the world, without temple, without altar, without priests;
on the contrary this faith increased so much that it took the place of
everything else." 7
Beliefs of liberal Christians:
Liberal Christians generally reject the concepts of biblical inerrancy
and inspiration. They view the Bible as a collection of books written
by religious, military, and political leaders whose purpose was
promote their own beliefs or the beliefs of their faith group. They
see concepts in the Bible that violate contemporary religious and
secular ethics. Examples are mass murders and genocides; oppression of
women; acceptance of human slavery; torture of prisoners, murder of
non-combatants, rape, execution of religious and sexual minorities;
polygyny, owning of concubines, burning some prostitutes alive;
executing brides who were not virgins, etc. They feel that there is so
much material in the Bible that is obviously opposed to the will of
God, that the concept of inspiration is untenable.
Can the God's inspiration of the Bible be proven?
At least three proofs have been offered to prove that the Bible could
not have been written by humans without the direct inspiration of God.
Needless to say, none have been accepted by religious liberals or
Prophecy: Various modern-day writers have counted many hundreds of
prophecies in the Hebrew Scriptures (Old Testament) alone.
Conservative Christians generally state that all of the 200 or so
prophecies in the Hebrew Scriptures that foretold the life of Jesus
Christ came true; they had a 100% accuracy. Hundreds of other
prophecies not related to Jesus have already come true. This could not
have happened unless the authors of the Bible were inspired by God.
But at lest one skeptic believes that not one "real" prediction has
conclusively come true. He has very stringent rules for what defines a
"real" prophecy. He points out that the Jesus life story was written
after the Hebrew Scriptures were completed. Thus, the writers of the
Christian Scriptures could easily have created non-existent events in
Jesus' life to match the prophecies in the Hebrew Scriptures. 11
Bible codes: A research team at Hebrew University in Jerusalem,
headed by Eliyahu Rips used a Equidistant Letter Sequence (ELS)
analysis method to search for hidden Bible codes in the Book of
Genesis. They found many names, birth dates and death dates imbedded
in Genesis of famous Jews who lived millennia after the book was
written. Other researchers examined the entire Pentateuch and found
descriptions of recent world events and predictions in our future. At
first, it appeared as if the codes were a positive proof of biblical
inspiration. This belief is still being circulated as such a "proof."
10 What isn't being reported widely is that other researchers have
found similar secret hidden codes in Moby Dick and various other long
pieces of text.
Archaeological data: In his book "The new evidence that demands a
verdict," Josh McDowell quotes a number of archaeologists who maintain
that biblical accounts are in total agreement with the archaeological
record: Nelson Glueck: "It may be stated categorically that no
archaeological discovery has ever controverted a biblical reference."
F.F. Bruce: " may be legitimate to say that archaeology has
confirmed the New Testament record."
McDowell and others make the point that it is inconceivable that a
book covering thousands of years of history could be this free of
error unless it was written under the inspiration of God. However,
religious liberals and secularists probably agree with the opposite
conclusions of a growing group of biblical archaeologists like Philip
Davies who wrote:
"The gap between the Biblical Israel and the historical Israel as we
derive it from archaeology is huge. We have almost two entirely
different societies. Beyond the name 'Israel' and the same
geographical location, they have almost nothing in common." 9
It is doubtful whether religious conservatives and liberals will reach
a consensus over the inspiration of the Bible soon.
Classroom video: maintains a theology program (TTP) which explains various
historical beliefs from a conservative Protestant perspective. One
free video is Session 6 - Inspiration of Scripture. See:
References used:
B.M. Metzger & M.D. Coogan, "The Oxford Companion to the Bible,"
Oxford University Press, New York, NY, (1993), Pages 302 to 304
"Is the Bible inspired? And what does that mean?," International Bible
Society, at:
M. J. Sawyer, "Theories of Inspiration" at:
Johnny Ramsey, "Precious Bible - Inspired, inerrant, infallible,"
Brown Trail Church of Christ, at:
Philo of Alexandria, "De vita Moysis," iii, no. 23.
Op Cit., B.M. Metzger & M.D. Coogan, Page 304.
"Inspiration of the Bible," Replicated at:
Josh McDowell, "The new evidence that demands a verdict," Nelson,
(1999), Pages 61 & 62. Read reviews or order this book safely from online book store
Philip Davies, "What separates a Minimalist from a Maximalist? Not
much," Bible Archaeology Review, 2000-MAR/APR Vol. 26, #2, Pages 24 to
27; 72 & 73.
F.L. Walker, "A whisper of thunder," at:
Tim Callahan, "Bible prophecy: Failure or fulfillment?," Millennium
Press, (1997). Read reviews or order this book safely from
online book store
Is the Bible free of error?
Books dealing with
biblical errancy & inerrancy
The following books deal with apparently conflicting passages in the
Bible and with apparent conflicts that the Bible has with archaeology
and other sciences. The books arrive at different conclusions:
That the Bible is inerrant, or is generally accurate, or is riddled
with errors.
That its authors were inspired by God, or that they were each trying
to promote their own belief systems:
Books promoting inerrancy:
G.L. Archer, et al., "When critics ask: A popular handbook on Bible
difficulties," Baker, (1999). Read reviews or order this book safely
from the online book store
G.L. Archer, "New International Encyclopedia of Bible Difficulties,"
Zondervan, (2001). "Clear, scholarly answers to apparent discrepancies
in the Bible, confirming that the Bible is the inerrant Word of God."
Read reviews or order this book
Baptist Sunday School Board, "The Proceedings of the Conference on
Biblical Inerrancy," (1987). Read reviews or order this book
Craig Blomberg, "The Historical Reliability of the Gospels,"
InterVarsity Press, (1987). "Examining the history of Gospel
criticism, the persistent allegations of inconsistency among the
Gospels, and the information provided by extrabiblical sources, Craig
Blomberg makes a strong and comprehensive case for the historical
reliability of these texts." Read reviews or order
Ron Brooks, et al., "When Skeptics Ask: A handbook of Christian
evidence," Baker, (1995). Contains: "arguments for the existence of
God, the problem of evil, miracles, the person Jesus, the Bible and
its reliability, apparent 'contradictions' in the Bible, archaeology
and the Bible, science and evolution, what happens when we die, the
issue of truth, and morals." Read reviews or order
Daniel Fuller, "The Unity of the Bible: Unfolding God's plan for
humanity," Zondervan, (1992). It takes "the Bible as a coherent and
unified whole, in order to understand the unified teachings of the
Bible." Read reviews or order
Geisler, "Inerrancy," Zondervan, (1980) Contains "essays by fourteen
leading evangelical scholars on a wide range of topics related to the
doctrine of the inerrancy of the Bible." Read reviews or order
G.L. Gleason, "Encyclopedia of Bible difficulties," Zondervan (1982).
Read reviews or order this book
John Haley, "Alleged Discrepancies of the Bible," Whitaker House,
(Reprinted 1996). Originally written in the 19th century, it
harmonizes hundreds of apparent inconsistencies in the Bible. Read
reviews or order
J.C. Laney, "Answers to tough questions from every book of the Bible:
A survey of problem passages and issues," Kregel Publ., (1997). Read
reviews or order this book
Erwin Lutzer, "Seven reasons why you can trust the Bible," Moody,
(2001). The book examines proof of the authenticity of the Bible. Read
reviews or order
Josh McDowell: "Evidence that demands a verdict: Historical evidences
for the Christian faith," Thomas Nelson, (1999-MAR). Read reviews or
order this book
"The new evidence that demands a verdict: Fully updated to answer the
questions challenging Christians today," Nelson, (1999). This book is
considered by many conservative Christians to be the best book of its
type. Skeptics have a field day criticizing it. Read reviews or order
Josh McDowell & Don Stewart, "Tough questions skeptics ask," Tyndale
House, (1986). Read reviews or order this book
Henry Morris III, "Many Infallible Proofs: Evidences for the
Christian Faith," Master Books, (Reprinted 1988). "...covers many
areas such as prophecy and fulfillment including examples and
statistical data, history, astronomy, geology and many other topics."
Read reviews or order
Ralph Muncaster, "Is the Bible really a message from God? Examine the
evidence," Harvest House, (2000). "...packs a powerful punch of highly
compelling and abundant evidence that the Bible must have been
divinely inspired." Read reviews or order
Jeffery Sheler "Is the Bible true? How modern debates & discoveries
affirm the essence of Scriptures," Harper SanFrancisco, (2000) "...the
Bible emerges affirmed but not unscathed, a credible but complex
chronicle of humanity's encounter with God." Read reviews or order, the world's biggest online bookstore, lists these books on
biblical inerrancy:
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As of 2009-APR, Amazon offers free shipping for orders over $25.00
Books promoting errancy:
Gail Evans, "The firstborn of God: Resolving the contradictions in
the Bible," iUniverse Publ., (2000). The author feels that there are
two threads running through the Bible which "advocate two completely
different religious, social, economic and political philosophies....
[One promotes] equality and democracy. [The other promotes] an
autocracy. Read reviews/order this Book safely from
Lloyd Graham, "Deceptions and Myths of the Bible," Citadel Press,
(1989). Describes how many stories in the Bible originated from other
Middle Eastern religions. Read reviews or order
R.H. Green, "The born again skeptic's guide to the Bible," Freedom
from Religion Foundation, (1999) Read reviews or order this book
C. Dennis McKinsey, "The Encyclopedia of Biblical Errancy,"
Promethean Books, (1995). "...the most comprehensive critique of the
Bible ever written....[a] thoroughly-researched expos? of the Bible's
errors, contradictions, and fallacies." Read reviews or order this
Thomas Thompson, "The Bible in history: How writers create a past,"
Pimlico, (2000). The book views "the Bible as a body of literature
that reflects the philosophical and moral views of its authors." Read
reviews or order, the world's biggest online bookstore, lists these books on
biblical errancy:
Unfortunately, there are few books on this topic, so fills
up the image with unrelated books.
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Hebrew Scriptures (Old Testament)
The Documentary Hypothesis on the identity of the Pentateuch's
History of the Documentary Hypothesis:
Both Judaism and Christianity assumed that the Pentateuch -- the first
five books of the Hebrew Scriptures (Old Testament) were written by
Moses, as the Bible itself states. However, in recent centuries,
alternative authorship has been proposed. The documentary hypothesis
is now accepted by essentially all mainline and liberal theologians.
11th Century CE: Isaac ibn Yashush suggested that the list of the
Edomite kings in Genesis 36 was added by an unknown person after Moses
died. For this assertion, he became known as "Isaac the Blunderer." 1
15th Century: Bishop Tostatus suggested that certain passages were
written by one of the prophets, not by Moses.
16th Century: Andreas van Maes suggested that an editor added
additional material to some of Moses' writings.
17th Century: Thomas Hobbes prepared a collection of passages that
seemed to negate Moses' authorship.
18th Century: Three investigators (Witter, Astruc and Eichhorn)
independently concluded that doublets in the Torah were written by two
different authors. A doublet is a story that is described twice, as
in: the two creation stories in Genesis
two descriptions of the covenant between God and Abraham
two stories about the naming of Isaac
two stories about the renaming of Jacob
two versions of the Ten Commandments (Exodus 20 & Deuteronomy 5)
two accounts of Moses' striking the rock at Meribah
These doublets appeared to contradict each other. In most cases, one
referred to God as Yahweh while the other used the term Elohim.
19th Century: Scholars noticed that there were a few triplets in the
Torah. This indicated that a third author was involved. Then, they
determined that the book of Deuteronomy was written in a different
language style from the remaining 4 books in the Pentateuch. Finally,
by the end of the 19th Century, liberal scholars reached a consensus
that 4 authors and one redactor (editor) had been actively involved in
the writing of the Pentateuch.
20th Century: Academics have continued to refine the Documentary
Hypothesis by identifying which verses (and parts of verses) were
authored by the various writers. They have also attempted to uncover
the names of the authors. In 1943, Pope Pius XII issued an encyclical
Divino Afflante Spiritu in which he urged academics to study the
sources of Biblical texts. Recent archaeological discoveries and new
linguistic analysis tools have facilitated the research into the
Belief in the documentary hypothesis was triggered by a number of
factors, such as:
Anachronisms, like the list of the Edomite kings
Duplicate and triplicate passages.
Various passages portrayed God in different ways.
The flood story appears to involve the meshing of two separate
The belief, centuries ago, by archaeologists and linguists that
writing among the ancient Hebrews only developed after the events
portrayed in the Pentateuch. Thus, Moses would have been incapable of
writing the first five books of the Hebrew Scriptures.
These factors led theologians to the conclusion that the Pentateuch is
a hybrid document which was written well after Moses' death, and much
later than the events portrayed. The authors and redactors are
unknown. As it happens, their belief about Moses being illiterate is
probably wrong. Archaeological evidence has since been found which
shows that all of the major civilizations surrounding the Hebrews were
literate at the apparent time of the Exodus. So one can assume that
Moses knew how to read and write.
Writing by various authors, according to the documentary hypothesis:
J: a writer who focuses on humanity in his writing
might possibly have been a woman. His/her writing shows much greater
sensitivity towards women than does E
regularly used "JHWH" as God's name
describes God in anthropomorphic terms: God formed Adam from clay; he
walked and talked with Adam and Eve in the garden; he spoke to Moses.
lived in the southern kingdom of Judah, during an early period of
Israel's history when they followed a nature/fertility religion. May
have been a member of the Judean court.
wrote a more or less complete story of the history of the Israelites
from a Judean perspective
J was probably written between 848 BCE (when King Jehoram gained
power in Judah) and 722 BCE when the Assyrians destroyed the northern
kingdom Israel and took its people into exile. Some scholars date J to
the 10th century BCE.
E: a writer who writes about religious and moralistic concerns
in all probability was a man
consistently used "Elohim" as God's name
lived in the northern kingdom of Israel
wrote a more or less complete story of the history of the Israelites
from the perspective of the northern kingdom, including that version
of the Ten Commandments in Exodus 20
probably wrote between 922 and 722 BCE
may have been a priest from Shiloh who viewed Moses as his spiritual
ancestor. 2
D: a writer who lived after J and E, because he was familiar with
later developments in Israel's history. He lived at a time when the
religion of ancient Israel was in its spiritual/ethical stage, about
622 BCE.
wrote almost all of book of Deuteronomy, as well as Joshua, Judges, 1
& 2 Samuel and 1 & 2 Kings. A second writer edited the original text
after the destruction of Jerusalem by the Babylonians in 587 BCE. He
added the last two chapters to 2 Kings and inserted short passages
elsewhere to reflect the change in circumstances brought about by the
Babylonian attack.
lived in Judah - probably in Jerusalem
was probably a Levitical priest - perhaps Jeremiah
P: a writer who focused his writings on God
added material from a priestly perspective. It discusses priests'
lives, religious rituals, dates, measurements, chronologies,
genealogies, worship and law.
was a priest who identified Aaron as his spiritual ancestor
views God as a distant, transcendent deity, less personal than in J
and E; sometimes harsh and critical. The words "mercy," "grace" and
"repentance" do not appear in his writing; they appear about 70 times
in J, E, and D.
was displeased with the work of J and E and wrote P as an alternative
rejected the concepts of angels, dreams and talking animals that are
seen in J & E
believed that only Levites who were descended from Aaron could be
lived after J, E and D because he was aware of the books of the
Prophets which were unknown to the others. Lived when the country's
religion reached a priestly/legal stage, before the destruction of
Jerusalem in 587 BCE.
patterned his writing after the topics in J and E.
R: a redactor who was an Aaronid priest and thus definitely a male
joined the writings of J, E, P and D together into the present
We have prepared a copy of the first ten chapters of Genesis which
identifies the passages by J, P and R. Each of the authors' writings
is shown in text of a different color. In the case of the creation
stories, the first legend was written by P. Part way through chapter
2, J takes over and describes a second story. In the case of the
Noachian Flood, from Genesis 6:5 to 8:22, the redactor has taken a
different approach. He alternates between short passages from P and J.
One can start at Genesis 6:5 and read the contribution of J; it is a
complete story. One can then restart at the beginning and read P's
text. Again, P has written a consistent account - one that differs
significantly from J.
How the Pentateuch evolved, according to the documentary hypothesis:
Friedmann 3 suggests that when the Assyrians conquered the northern
kingdom in 722 BCE, many refugees streamed south into Judea, bringing
their sacred writing "E" with them. Subsequently, E and J were
combined into a single document, referred to as "JE."
D was written perhaps a century later. It was conveniently
"discovered" in the temple by the priest Hilkiah in 622 BCE, shortly
after it was written. D was then joined with JE
P was written before the death of King Josiah in 609 BCE, probably
during the reign of King Hezekiah. It was written as an alternative to
R combined J, E, P and other documents together into the first four
books of the Hebrew Scriptures. To this, he added D's writings, the
book of Deuteronomy, to complete the Pentateuch. By the time that he
did the editing, the JE, D and P documents were in wide circulation.
Each was supported by various factions. R saw his task as attempting
to join these sources together into a more or less cohesive, single
document. Friedmann suspects that Ezra was the redactor.
Of course, the various writers often incorporated into their writings
earlier material obtained from Pagan sources outside of Israel and
Judah. "From the texts found in Mesopotamia, it is clear that types of
literature parallel to what is in the Old Testament existed during the
period from the third to the first millennia BC. We know of law codes,
creation stories, primeval histories, epic stories and the like from
various periods of Mesopotamian history." 4 One might add a flood
story with many parallels to the Noachian flood.
Misuse of the Documentary Hypothesis:
By the year 1919, when the German Nazi party was founded, the
Documentary Hypothesis was widely accepted among German theologians.
The Nazis used the Hypothesis to promote their beliefs that the Hebrew
Scriptures (Old Testament) was a collection of legends, myths, hero
stories, and fictional material. According to author Ken Collins:
"The Nazis promoted a revised form of Christianity called Deutsches
Christentum, in which they replaced the Old Testament with Germanic
myths and legends. Deutsches Christentum never caught on with the
public, but since it epitomized the beliefs of the leadership of the
Nazi party, it contributed to the martyrdom of a number of famous
German Christians." 5
R.E. Friedman, "Who Wrote the Bible?" Harper Collins, San Francisco,
CA, (1997).
Ibid, Page 79
Ibid, Page 87-88
P.C. Craigie, "The Old Testament: Its Background, Growth & Content,"
Welch Publ. Co, Burlington ON Canada, Page 121.
Ken Collins, "The Torah in modern scholarship," at:
Two definitions of "Pagan."
How Is "Goth" 1,000 Years Old?
Main Entry: pa·gan
Pronunciation: \ˈpā-gən\
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English, from Late Latin paganus, from Latin,
civilian, country dweller, from pagus country district; akin to Latin
pangere to fix — more at pact
Date: 14th century
1 : heathen 1; especially : a follower of a polytheistic religion (as
in ancient Rome)
2 : one who has little or no religion and who delights in sensual
pleasures and material goods : an irreligious or hedonistic person
3 : neo-pagan
— pagan adjective
— pa·gan·ish \-gə-nish\ adjective
...and I am Sid Harth
Pagan and paganism
Origin of the word "Pagan."
Origin of the term:
There is general agreement that the word "Pagan" comes from the Latin
word "pagans." Unfortunately, there is no consensus on the precise
meaning of the word in the fifth century CE and earlier. There are
three main interpretations. 1 None has won general acceptance:
Most modern sources by persons who consider themselves Neopagans or
Pagans interpret the word to have meant "rustic," "hick," or "country
bumpkin" -- a pejorative term. The implication was that Christians
used the term to ridicule country folk who tenaciously held on to what
the Christians considered old-fashioned, outmoded Pagan beliefs. Those
in the country were much slower in adopting the new religion of
Christianity than were the urban dwellers. Many rural dwellers still
followed the Greek state religion, Roman state religion, Mithraism,
various mystery religions, etc., long after those in urban areas had
Some believe that in the early Roman Empire, "paganus" came to mean
"civilian" as opposed to "military." Christians at the time often
called themselves "miles Christi" (Soldiers of Christ). The non-
Christians became "pagani" -- non-soldiers or civilians. No
denigration would be implied.
C. Mohrmann suggests that the general meaning was any "outsider," --
a neutral term -- and that the other meanings, "civilian" and "hick,"
were merely specialized uses of the term. 2
By the fifth century CE, its meaning evolved to include all non-
Christians. Eventually, it became an evil term that implied the
possibility of Satan worship. The latter two meanings are still in
widespread use today.
There is no generally accepted, single, current definition for the
word "Pagan." The word is among the terms that the newsgroup
alt.usage.english, calls "skunk words." They have varied meanings to
different people. The field of religion is rife with such words.
consider: Christian, cult, hell, heaven, occult, Paganism, pluralism,
salvation, Witch, Witchcraft, Unitarian Universalist, Voodoo, etc.
Each has at least two meanings. They often cause misunderstandings
wherever they are used. Unfortunately, most people do not know this,
and naturally assume that the meaning that they have been taught is
universally accepted. A reader must often look at the context in which
the word is used in order to guess at the intent of the writer.
Many Wiccans, Neopagans, and others regularly use the terms "Pagan"
and "Paganism" to describe themselves. Everyone should be free to
continue whatever definitions that they wish. However, the possibility
of major confusion exists -- particularly if one is talking to a
general audience. When addressing non-Wiccans or non-Neopagans, it is
important that the term:
Be carefully defined in advance, or that
Its meaning is clearly understandable from the content of the text.
Otherwise, the speaker or writer will be discussing one group of
people, while the listeners or readers will assume that other groups
are being referred to.
The first of seven definitions: Pagans consist of Wiccans and other
We recommend that this should be the primary definition of "Pagan,"
for the simple reason that many Wiccans and other Neopagans embrace
the term for themselves. "Paganism" in this sense refers to a range of
spiritual paths. These are generally Neopagan religions based on the
deities, symbols, practices, seasonal days of celebration and other
surviving components of ancient religions, which had been long
suppressed. For example:
The Druidic religion is based on the faith and practices of the
ancient Celtic professional class;
Followers of Asatru adhere to the ancient, pre-Christian Norse
Wiccans generally trace their roots back to the early Celtic era in
Other Neo-pagans follow Hellenismos (ancient Greek religion), Religio
Romana (ancient Roman religion), Kemetism (ancient Egyptian religion)
and other traditions.
Some Neopagan religions, like Wicca and Druidism, are Earth centered.
They emphasize living in harmony with the Earth and observing its
cycles. Others, like Hellenismos and Religio Romana, are deity
Some typical quotations which demonstrate this meaning of "Pagan"
"Witchcraft, or Wicca, is considered part of the occult, but has
little relationship to Satanism. Wicca is pagan (pre-Christian, as
opposed to anti-Christian) and is currently gaining popularity." 3
"Witches do not worship the devil...Witches are more interested in
magical arts and the divinity of nature...Wiccans are considered
pagans because they worship several nature gods instead of a single
god." 4
"The World Christian Encyclopedia estimates 6 million Americans
profess to be witches and engage in practices like these. They are a
sub-group of over 10 million persons the encyclopedia says call
themselves pagans, who practice "primitive" religions such as
Druidism, Odin worship and Native American shamanism." 5
In this sense, "Pagan" refers to a group of religious traditions, and
should be capitalized, as are Christianity, Islam and Judaism.
The second of seven definitons: Pagans are people to hate:
Religious and social conservatives sometimes use "Pagan" as a general
purpose "snarl" word to refer to cultures or religions that are very
different from the speaker's. There is no general consensus as to
meaning. It can be seen directed at any religious or cultural group
that the speaker hates. Some examples:
Dr. John Patrick, professor at the University of Ottawa, Canada was
discussing at a conference the number of abortions performed
worldwide. He said: "Gods and goddesses are beginning to re-inhabit
the Western world. Infant sacrifice -- there are 52 million a year. It
is paganism." 6
Dr. Richard Swenson, director of the Future Health Study Center said
at the same conference: "We went into post-Christian and neopaganism
very quickly...We want the culture to change, we want some spiritual
sanity, but we need to understand that this is a pluralistic and even
neopaganist society." 6
Jerry Falwell appeared as a guest on Pat Robertson's "700 Club"
program on 2001-SEP-13. He said that God became sufficiently angry at
America that he engineered the terrorist attack on New York City and
Washington-- presumably to send Americans a message. He said:
"I really believe that the Pagans, and the abortionists, and the
feminists, and the gays and the lesbians -- all of them who have tried
to secularize America -- I point the finger in their face and say 'you
helped this happen.' "
Pat Robertson responded: "Well, I totally concur..." 7
Falwell did not elaborate on how a religious group such as Pagans
contributed to the secularization of the U.S.
[We sent a series of Emails to Falwell's office asking exactly to whom
he was referring with the word "Pagans." They declined to respond.
Since he died in 2007-MAY, we suspect that the question will never be
answered.] More details.
References used:
The following information sources were used to prepare and update the
above essay. The hyperlinks are not necessarily still active today.
James J. O'Donnell, "PAGANUS," Classical Folia 31(1977) 163-69. Online
C. Mohrmann, "Encore une fois: paganus," 'tudes sur le latin des
chr'tiens (Rome, 1958-1965), 3.277-289; orig. pub. in Vigiliae
Christianae, 6 (1952), 109-121. Quoted in Ref. 16.
Rob Tucker, IPCA REPORT (Spring 1989) Volume 2 #1. P. 8 The Institute
for the Prevention of Child Abuse, 25 Spadina Rd, Toronto ON M5R 2S9,
McDowell & Stewart, "THE OCCULT", Here's Life Publishers, (1992) P.
Sharon Rufus, "WHO ARE THE WITCHES?", Fate (1986 AUG), P. 59: quoted
by Nelson Price in "NEW AGE, THE OCCULT AND LION COUNTRY", Power Books
(1989), P. 98:
From speeches delivered at the Bioethics in the New Millennium
conference, Deerfield IL., 2000-JUL-22. Reported by Jordan Lite in
"Bioethicists Man the Pulpit," Wired News, at:
"PFAW President, Ralpy G. Neas, Addresses Divisive Comments by
Religious Right Leaders," People for the American Way, at:
Pagan and paganism
Five more definitions of "Pagan."
Pagan and paganism
Five more definitions of "Pagan."
Third of seven definitions: Pagans are ancient polytheists:
The term "Pagan" is sometimes used to refer to ancient polytheistic
religions. The Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary defines "pagan"
as: "belonging to a religion which worships many gods, especially one
which existed before the main world religions." 1
The Hebrew Scriptures (Old Testament) contain many references to the
societies surrounding the Israelites -- Babylonians, Canaanites,
Philistines, etc. These are commonly referred to as Pagans:
There are allegations that these societies engaged in human
sacrifices: II Kings 3:26-27: "...the king of Moab...took his eldest
son that should have reigned in his stead, and offered him for a burnt
offering upon the wall."
Psalms 106:37-38: "Yea, they sacrificed their sons and their
daughters unto devils, And shed innocent blood, even the blood of
their sons and of their daughters, whom they sacrificed unto the idols
of Canaan: and the land was polluted with blood."
Their altars were often referred to as "high places:" II Kings 16:4:
"And he sacrificed and burnt incense in the high places, and on the
hills, and under every green tree."
Surrounding tribes were viewed as committing idolatry by worshiping
golden images of animals: II Kings 17:16: "And they left all the
commandments of the LORD their God, and made them molten images, even
two calves, and made a grove, and worshipped all the host of heaven,
and served Baal."
Ancient faiths of ancient Celtic, Egypt, Greece, Norse, Rome, and
other cultures are frequently referred to as Pagan religions. Even
though many of these religions had strict social and sexual behavioral
codes, their followers were often portrayed as hedonist and immoral:
1 Peter 4:3: "For the time past of our life may suffice us to have
wrought the will of the Gentiles, when we walked in lasciviousness,
lusts, excess of wine, revelings, banquetings, and abominable
A recent example of this definition is: Referring to sun wheels and
obelisks: "...These symbols of pagan sun worship were associated with
Baal worship, or Baalim, which is strongly condemned in scripture. So
why are they so prevalent in the Roman Catholic Church, if they are
associated with paganism and apostasy?" From an anti-Catholic essay on
a conservative Protestant Christian web site. 2
Fourth of seven definitions: Pagans are those who follow Aboriginal
Paganism is occasionally used to refer to animism -- the belief that
all natural objects and the universe itself have souls. Animism is
common among primitive cultures. 3 Their beliefs are based upon direct
perception of the forces of nature and usually involve the use of
idols, talismans and taboos in order to convey respect for these
forces and beings. Many native, aboriginal religions from all of the
continents in the world fit this definition.
Fifth of seven definitions: Pagans are followers of non-Abrahamic
A rare use of "Pagan" is to describe a person who does not follow an
main Abrahamic religion. That is, their faith does not recognize
Abraham as a patriarch. The individual is neither Christian, Muslim,
Baha'i nor Jew. Pagans under this definition would include Agnostics,
Atheists, Buddhists, Hindus, Humanists, Scientologists, Taoists,
Wiccans, etc. About 45% of the people of the world are Pagans, by this
Sixth of seven definitions: Pagans are those who don't belong to any
of the main world religions:
The Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary gives an alternative
definition of the word "pagan" as: "relating to religious beliefs
that do not belong to any of the main religions of the world" 1 This
definition is rather vague, because it does not describe how a "main
religion of the world" is defined. If it is any religion with more
than, say, 1% of the world's population (i.e. 65 million members),
then: Aboriginal religions, Atheism, Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism,
Islam, Taoism would be non-pagan, whereas Judaism, Sikhism,
Confucianism, the Baha'i Faith, Wicca, Zoroastrianism etc. would be
pagan. I doubt that many members of the latter religions would be
happy with their classification.
Seventh of seven definitions: Pagans are Atheists, Agnostics,
Humanists, etc:
The term "Pagan" was once widely used by Atheists, Agnostics,
Humanists, etc. to refer to themselves. The word was also used by
others to describe these groups. The usage dropped after the rise of
Neopaganism in the middle of the 20th century, and is rarely seen
References used:
The following information sources were used to prepare and update the
above essay. The hyperlinks are not necessarily still active today.
"Definition: pagan," Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary, at:
"Pagan sun worship and Catholicism: The Pagan sun wheel, the obelisk
and Baal," Michael Scheifler's Bible Light Home Page, at:
"Animism," WordNet Search, at:
Copyright © 2000 to 2010 by Ontario Consultants on Religious Tolerance
Originally written: 2000-JUL-28
Latest update: 2010-JAN-10
Author: B.A. Robinson
Pagan and paganism
Which are the most common definitions?
Conclusions. Recommendations. Books
How common are the various meanings of "Pagan"?
On the Internet itself: Wiccans and other Neopagans have made
extensive use of the Internet; they probably have more web pages per
capita than followers of any other religion. Using the search string
"Pagan," the Google search engine found about 459,000 hits on the
Internet in the year 2000. 1 We found that: The first 14 hits all
referred to Wicca or another Neopagan religion.
24 of the first 27 hits referred to a Neopagan faith tradition.
In 2010, the same search word found almost 24 million hits, with
similar results on the first few dozen hits.
In conservative Christian search engines: We used the same search
string on Goshen. It was perhaps the largest conservative Christian
search engine when the first draft of this essay was written. 2 It
found ten web sites which referred to Paganism. Some were broken
links; others had no apparent references to Pagans. But others did:
Five referred to ancient polytheistic religions, such as the faiths
of Babylonians, Celts, Romans, etc. during biblical times and in the
early history of Christianity:
An anti-Roman Catholic essay which described the use of sun wheels
and obelisks of ancient Pagan religions within Roman Catholicism. 3
One condemned Christmas' practices as "merely variations of the
ceremonies invented by the corrupt pagans of yesterday." It refers to
the Christian concept of the Trinity as deriving from "Pagan Babylon."
"The religion of pagan Babylon did not was passed on
down, to 'Mystery Babylon,'...[the] mother of abominations of the
earth." 4
One promotes Christian observance of Halloween: "...someone is bound
to ask why we allow our children to act out a ritual rooted in pagan
and satanic beliefs..." 5
One referred to the Pagan cultures surrounding the early Christian
movement. 6
Another anti-Roman Catholic essay discusses Jesus' mother Mary. It
notes that the titles "Mother of God" and "Queen of Heaven" came from
Pagan cultures that surrounded the early Christian movements. It says
that the concept of the perpetual virginity of Mary is also Pagan,
being derived from the worship of "Ashtoroth, also known as Isis,
Diana, Venus, Vesta, Samariums, Istarte and Helen...".
One probably refers to Neopagans: The author writes that "all belief
systems except atheism, paganism and satanism have had their roots
from certain scriptures..." 7 Presumably, the author is not referring
to ancient polytheistic religions because various cultures from
Babylon to Rome had religious writings. He might possibly be referring
to Aboriginal religions, which typically use an oral tradition.
Various secular news sources attributing unusual meanings to "Pagan":
The vast majority of references to Pagans and Paganism in the secular
media relate to Wiccans and other Neopagans. Some exceptions were:
Paganism = secularization + New Age religion, + politically liberal
thinking + others:
According to U.S. Newswire:
The National Clergy Council and Operation Save Our Nation have
scheduled for 2000-OCT-28 a "Jericho March" of 100 religious
"intercessors" around Capitol Hill and the White House. President of
the Council, the Rev. Rob Schenck said:
"The concept behind this Jericho March is to 'tear down' the walls of
the new 'Washington Paganism' -- the secularization, New Ageism and
postmodern amoralism -- epitomized in the Clinton-Gore Administration,
in the morally weak leadership in the Congress, and in the liberal
members of the Supreme Court."
Paganism = ancient polytheists:
According to John Silber writing in the Boston Herald:
"This opposition [to Christmas trees], then and now, rests on a
recognition of the pagan origin of the Christmas tree. Indeed, as
columnist Kimberley Strassel has noted in The Wall Street Journal, the
Prophet Jeremiah specifically condemned as pagan the practice of
cutting down trees, bringing them inside and decorating them." 8
Paganism = Non-Abrahamics:
According to a Pagan news service:
"Vatican officials have labeled Europe a "Pagan country." The comment
was prompted by a statistic from Austria that 43,632 Austrians
formally renounced their Roman Catholic affiliation in 1999, whereas
only 3,387 converts joined the Church.
Pagans = members of a motorcycle club in West Virginia:
The Miami Herald carried an article about the "Pagans Motorcycle
Club." The term "Pagan" here seems to have the connotation of outlaw
bikers, and is not related to any religious group. 20
Most Internet references to Paganism refer to Wiccans and other
Conservative Christians often use the term Pagan to refer to ancient
Polytheistic religions.
Other meanings of "Paganism" appear to be rarely used in contemporary
We recommend that the terms "Pagan" and "Paganism" never be used in
speech or written form, unless:
They are precisely defined in advance, or
A known and homogenous audience is being addressed.
Otherwise mass confusion will occur. Even if it is carefully defined,
listeners or readers' interpretation of the text will probably be
distorted. They will carry over some of the baggage associated with
their own definition of "Pagan." In place of "Pagan," we suggest that
you use the actual name of the religious group that you are referring
to: (e.g. Animism, Asatru, Buddhism, Druidism, Hinduism, Native
American Spirituality, Wicca, etc.) to avoid ambiguity.
The term "Neopagan" has a unique definition and can be used without
confusion among those who know its meaning. However, not everyone is
aware of what it means.
A search of the Amazon data base for "Paganism":
The following books are the result of a book search at the
web site -- the world's biggest online bookstore.
A highly recommended book with stories by over 50 Pagans:
Laura Wildman, Ed., "Celebrating the Pagan soul," Citadel. (2005).
Read reviews or order this book safely from online book
Caroline Tully, one of the contributors to the book, writes:
"Gardnerian High Priestess and Cherry Hill Seminary instructor, Laura
Wildman, has collected amazing stories from a diverse set of
practitioners, each with their own individual perspective on what it
means to be Pagan in the modern world. With over fifty contributors -
including famous names like Starhawk, Macha NightMare and Oberon Zell-
Ravenheart, as well as a plethora of less well-known but just as
gifted writers - this book has something that will appeal to everyone.
The book is divided into five sections; Earth: Community - the roots
that nourish, the families we create, the coming home; Air: The
learning process - teachers, mentors, students and inner guides; Fire:
magical transformation - from Wow! To Oops!; Water: the seasons and
the cycles of life; and Spirit: The God and Goddess in our lives. The
reader can dip into the book anywhere - you need not start at the
beginning - and find honest, creative, thought-provoking stories about
joy, awe, triumph, failure, consternation, love, loss and sorrow, that
stand out as being written by deeper-than-average thinkers. A ripe
collection of wisdom-fruit from people who really live their Paganism.
Highly recommended."
References used:
The following information sources were used to prepare and update the
above essay. The hyperlinks are not necessarily still active today.
The Google search engine had indexed 1.06 billion web pages in the
year 2000. They have indexed many billions by 2010. See:
The Goshen search engine appears to have moved to:
"Pagan sun worship and Catholicism: The Pagan sun wheel, the obelisk
and Baal," Michael Scheifler's Bible Light Home Page, at:
Steve Hancock, "Who says Christmas is wrong?" at:
David Keating, "Boo...Who?," at:
Rev. Paul Howden, "Annunciation to the Virgin Mary, 2000," at:
David Rivera, "Controlled by the calendar: The Pagan origins of our
major holidays," at:
John Silber, "Anti-Christmas stance isn't rooted in fact," Boston
Herald, 2000-DEC-28. See:
Halloween, Samhain, All Saints' Day
Facts and misinformation
The Halloween season of OCT-31 to NOV-2 each year is unique. It
A Neopagan Sabbat: Samhain, usually celebrated on or near the
evening of OCT-31. It was originally a celebration of the final
harvest of the growing season among the ancient Celts. It was also
their new year celebration. Today, it is mainly celebrated by Wiccans
and other Neo-Pagans
Three Christian holy days: All Saints' Day (a.k.a. All Hallows'
Day) on NOV-1. The holiday was first celebrated on 609-MAY-13 CE when
Pope Boniface IV dedicated the Pantheon in Rome to the Virgin Mary.
The date was later changed to NOV-1 by Pope Gregory III who dedicated
a chapel in honor of all saints in the Vatican Basilica. Pope Gregory
IV (827-844) later extended the feast to the whole church. The Eastern
Orthodox churches celebrate All Saints Day in the springtime -- the
Sunday after Pentecost.
All Souls' Day (a.k.a. the Day of the Dead) which is normally
celebrated on NOV-2. When NOV-2 is a Sunday, as it was for the years
2003 and 2008, the celebration is held on the following Monday. This
is a day for prayer and almsgiving in memory of ancestors who have
died. Believers pray for the souls of the dead, in an effort to hasten
their transition from Purgatory to Heaven. It is primarily celebrated
by Roman Catholics. The day is believed to have been selected by "St.
Odilo, the fifth abbot of Cluny...France because he wanted to follow
the example of Cluny in offering special prayers and singing the
Office of the Dead on the day following the feast of All Saints." 1
Some Protestants celebrate Reformation Day. This is the anniversary
of 1517-OCT-31 CE, the day that Martin Luther's published his 95
theses. These were criticisms of beliefs and practices of the Roman
Catholic church, particularly related to the sale of indulgences. He
is widely believed to have published them in a dramatic manner, by
nailing them to the door of Castle Church in Wittenberg, Germany.
Actually, that may never have happened. There is some evidence that he
did write a letter to his superiors attacking the sale of indulgences;
the 95 theses were merely appended to the letter. This triggered the
Protestant Reformation, leading to a decades-long war in Europe,
enmity between Catholics and Protestants, and the eventual fracture of
Christianity into thousands of individual faith groups.
A secular celebration, Halloween on the evening of OCT-31. In some
areas, if OCT-31 falls on a Sunday, Halloween is celebrated on the
evening of OCT-30. Stores love Halloween. It is the festival when the
largest amount of candy is sold. It is second only to Christmas in
total commercial sales. The total sale of costumes, candy and other
Halloween material reached almost $7 billion in 2003. 2 A 2008 survey
by the National Federation in the U.S., revealed that the average
person was spending $66.54.
There is probably more misinformation circulated about these festivals
than about any other yearly celebration.
Halloween topics covered:
Opinions about Halloween: By the public
By religious groups
Analysis of websites dealing with Halloween: Four web sites
More of the same
Accurate web sites on Halloween
Evangelical Christian beliefs about Halloween
How Evangelicals celebrate the season
Hell houses, Judgment houses. revelation walks, etc.
Neopagan beliefs about Halloween
Halloween customs and traditions
Hoaxes about Halloween: "Razor blades in the apples" hoax
Ritual abuse and sacrificing black cats
The myth of Samhain: Celtic god of the dead
Vaguely related sections in this web site:
The Goth culture
Vampyres and vampires
Interesting web sites related to Halloween:
The Neverendingwonder Radio Empire broadcasts halloween songs,
comedy, musicals, etc. via the Internet. See:
"Bev" et al., have an essay on the "Day of the Dead," at:
Cards: Many web sites allow you to send Halloween cards to friends: has Halloween cards with a difference. They have 250 free
eCards from which you can choose. For each free card sent via Email,
Care2 makes a donation to an environmental nonprofit to save a square
foot of rainforest! That's 929.030 square centimeters! Did I mention
they are free? See:
Halloween Greeting Cards at:
123 Greetings at: at:
Halloween Horrors at:
Dana's Designs supplied icons for our Halloween essays. Thanks, Dana.
The Fright Catalog has been named "best overall" for Halloween
shopping by the Wall Street Journal! See:
Glow Inc. sells glow-in-the-dark powders and paints, particularly to
the Fun House and Halloween community. See:
Halloween Express has an immense variety of adult, kids, TV & movie
and other costumes. See:
Halloween Manor offers a wide variety of costumes for children,
teens, and adults. See:
Haunted Fog has foggers (machines that generate fog), lighting
products, flyers, Halloween E-Cards, tombstones and many other
The Holiday Spot at is a place to "celebrate the
holidays." They have a well-written history of Halloween at: has a list of links to online suppliers of Halloween
costumes, decorations and party supplies. See:
Pure Costumes carries "... a large selection of Halloween costumes
for adults, kids, teens, pre teens - tweens, and plus size, as well as
wigs, masks and accessories. See:
References used:
The following information sources were used to prepare and update the
above essay. The hyperlinks are not necessarily still active today.
Isaac Bonewits describes "The real origins of Halloween." It is a
carefully researched essay at: He has other
well researched essays at:
Geraldine Sealey, "Satan's Big Day? Culture Wars Don't Take a Holiday
on Halloween," ABC News, 2003-OCT-31, at: This
is now offline.
"Samhain on the Cauldron" discusses the history of Halloween and the
Pagan celebration of Samhain. See:
David Beaulieu, "Origins of Halloween, All Hallows' Eve,",
"Halloween: Myths, monsters and devils" analyzes the many errors in
four essays about Halloween at:
Elspeth Sapphire has a pleasant and accurate description of Halloween
Pagan origins, Christian adaptation, & secular status
"Many Americans celebrate both Christmas and Xmas. Others celebrate
one or the other. And some of us celebrate holidays that, although
unconnected with the [winter] solstice, occur near it: Ramadan,
Hanukkah and Kwanzaa." John Silber 1
Some have traced the Christmas tree back at least as far as the
Prophet Jeremiah who wrote the book Jeremiah in the Hebrew Scriptures
(Old Testament). Opposition to the Christmas tree was strong in past
centuries. The early Christian Church in the third century strictly
prohibited the decoration of their houses with evergreen boughs. The
decorated Christmas tree only caught on in the mid-19th century.
Modern-day opposition continues: some condemn the Christmas tree
because they believe it to be a Christian symbol; others condemn it
because they believe -- incorrectly -- that the custom of cutting down
a tree, erecting it in the home and decorating it is a Pagan custom. 1
For many people today, it is primarily as a secular symbol of hope
for the New Year and the future return of warmth to the earth. Its
future is assured in spite of opposition.
Objections to the Christmas Tree:
In the past, there have been many objections to Christmas trees:
The Prophet Jeremiah condemned as Pagan the ancient Middle Eastern
practice of cutting down trees, bringing them into the home and
decorating them. Of course, these were not really Christmas trees,
because Jesus was not born until centuries later, and the use of
Christmas trees was not introduced for many centuries after his birth.
Apparently, in Jeremiah's time the "heathen" would cut down trees,
carve or decorate them in the form of a god or goddess, and overlay it
with precious metals. Some Christians feel that this Pagan practice
was similar enough to our present use of Christmas trees that this
passage from Jeremiah can be used to condemn both:
Jeremiah 10:2-4: "Thus saith the LORD, Learn not the way of the
heathen, and be not dismayed at the signs of heaven; for the heathen
are dismayed at them. For the customs of the people are vain: for one
cutteth a tree out of the forest, the work of the hands of the
workman, with the axe. They deck it with silver and with gold; they
fasten it with nails and with hammers, that it move not." (KJV).
In Europe, Pagans in the past did not cut down evergreen trees, bring
them into their homes and decorate them. That would have been far too
destructive of nature. But during the Roman celebration of the feast
of Saturnalia, Pagans did decorate their houses with clippings of
evergreen shrubs. They also decorated living trees with bits of metal
and replicas of their God, Bacchus. Tertullian (circa 160 - 230), an
early Christian leader and a prolific writer, complained that too many
fellow-Christians had copied the Pagan practice of adorning their
houses with lamps and with wreathes of laurel at Christmas time.
The English Puritans condemned a number of customs associated with
Christmas, such as the use of the Yule log, holly, mistletoe, etc.
Oliver Cromwell preached against "the heathen traditions" of Christmas
carols, decorated trees and any joyful expression that desecrated
"that sacred event." 2,4
In America, the Pilgrim's second governor, William Bradford, a
Puritan, tried hard to stamp out all "pagan mockery" at Christmas
time. 4 Christmas trees were not used by Puritans in colonial times.
However, if they were, they would certainly have been forbidden.
In 1851, Pastor Henry Schwan of Cleveland OH appears to have been the
person responsible for decorating the first Christmas tree in an
American church. His parishioners condemned the idea as a Pagan
practice; some even threatened the pastor with harm. But objections
soon dissipated. 2
Even today, the complaints continue:
At Christmas 2000, the city manager of Eugene OR ordered that
Christmas trees could not be erected on city properties because he
considered them Christian religious symbols. He felt that their
presence would violate the principle of church and state. 1 This is
just one of countless conflicts that have surfaced at Christmas time
over religious and quasi-religious observances.
Some Fundamentalist Christian groups oppose Christmas trees and even
the celebration of Christmas for their members. This includes the
Jehovah's Witnesses and, until recently, the Worldwide Church of God.
Part of the opposition is because the custom of decorated trees
originated in Paganism. They also oppose trees because of a literal
interpretation of the quotation from Jeremiah.
Origins of the Christmas Tree:
Pagan traditions: Many Pagan cultures used to cut boughs of evergreen
trees in December, move them into the home or temple, and decorate
them. 7 Modern-day Pagans still do. This was to recognize the winter
solstice -- the time of the year that had the shortest daylight hours,
and longest night of the year. This occurs annually sometime between
DEC-20 to 23. They noticed that the days were gradually getting
shorter; many feared that the sun would eventually disappear forever,
and everyone would freeze. But, even though deciduous trees, bushes,
and crops died or hibernated for the winter, the evergreen trees
remained green. They seemed to have magical powers that enabled them
to withstand the rigors of winter. Not having evergreen trees, the
ancient Egyptians considered the palm tree to symbolize resurrection.
They decorated their homes with its branches during the winter
solstice. 3
"The first decorating of an evergreen tree began with the heathen
Greeks and their worship of their god Adonia, who allegedly was
brought back to life by the serpent Aessulapius after having been
slain." 5
The ancient Pagan Romans decorated their "trees with bits of metal
and replicas of their god, Bacchus [a fertility god]. They also placed
12 candles on the tree in honor of their sun god" 2 Their mid-winter
festival of Saturnalia started on DEC-17 and often lasted until a few
days after the Solstice.
In Northern Europe, the ancient Germanic people tied fruit and
attached candles to evergreen tree branches, in honor of their god
Woden. Trees were viewed as symbolizing eternal life. This is the
deity after which Wednesday was named. The trees joined holly,
mistletoe, the wassail bowl and the Yule log as symbols of the season.
All predated Christianity. 5
Christmas traditions: One Christmas tradition was that St. Boniface
(675? - 755; a.k.a. Winfred) cut down a deciduous tree in the presence
of some newly-baptized Christians. The tree was an oak -- once sacred
to the former Pagans. It miraculously split into four pieces,
revealing an evergreen tree growing from the center of the oak stump.
This symbolized the death of Paganism and the establishment of
Christianity. 3
Another is that Martin Luther (1483 - 1546) was so impressed by a
forest scene that he allegedly cut down a small fir tree, took it
home, and decorated it with lighted candles. This is probably a myth,
because the earliest documented record of a Christmas tree in Germany
is dated to almost 60 years after his death.
History of the Christmas Tree:
The Christmas tree tradition dates back to Western Germany in the 16th
century. They were called "Paradeisbaum" (paradise trees) and were
brought into homes to celebrate the annual Feast of Adam and Eve on
DEC-24. 4 They were first brought to America by German immigrants
about 1700. Christmas trees became popular among the general
population about 1850. 2
President Franklin Pierce (1804-1869) arranged to have the first
Christmas tree in the White House, during the mid-1850's. President
Calvin Coolidge (1885-1933) started the National Christmas Tree
Lighting Ceremony on the White House lawn in 1923. 4
Today, the Christmas Tree has become accepted by Christians, by people
of other faiths, and for those who do not follow an organized
religion. It has become a popular late-December tradition and part of
our present-day culture. As Gail Quick, University of South Carolina -
Beaufort's dean of university relations, commented on the occasion of
a community tree-lighting ceremony.: "This Christmas event every year
is the glue that holds this community together - this and the July 4th
fireworks. This always makes me feel good. Some of us still believe in
Santa Claus." 6
References used:
The following information sources were used to prepare and update the
above essay. The hyperlinks are not necessarily still active today.
John Silber, "Anti-Christmas stance isn't rooted in fact," Boston
Herald, 2000-DEC-28. See: Note: The
Islamic holy month of Ramadan is based on a lunar calendar that moves
each year relative to the Gregorian calendar. Thus it just happens to
be celebrated near Christmas at this time.
Diane Relf, "Christmas Tree Traditions," Virginia Cooperative
Extension, 1997-AOR, at:
"Christmas tree: Pointing towards heaven," at:
"What is a tree?," at:
"Should Christians celebrate Christmas?," at:
William Dean, "Christmas tree lighting sparks holiday spirit,"
Carolina Morning News on the Web, at:
"The Christmas Tree as a Symbol of Pagan Baal Worship," The Ellen
White Research Project, at:
"Tertullian," Wikipedia, at:
David Beaulieu, "Christmas Tree Decorating: The History of the
Christmas Tree," Landscaping,, at:
Turtulian, "On Idolatry," XV.
The Christmas Story, as interpreted by conservative Christians:
Essentially all conservative theologians believe in the inspiration of
the Bible authors and the inerrancy of the Bible itself. This leads
them to regard the birth stories in the Gospels of Matthew and Luke to
be absolutely accurate in every detail. The Gospels of Mark and John,
and the various epistles by Paul and other authors do not refer to
Jesus' birth as being unusual in any way. But it is not necessary that
most writers of the Christian Scriptures (New Testament) mention the
virgin birth and other special events at Jesus birth. The fact that
Matthew and Luke did so is sufficient proof. One need only read the
early chapters of these two gospels to obtain an accurate account of
the events surrounding Jesus' birth. We won't provide a further
analysis here, because the story in Matthew 1:1 to 2:12 and Luke 1:5
to 2:20 are easily accessible and easy to understand. More details.
The Christmas Story, as interpreted by liberal Christians
Among many liberal theologians, many (if not most) components of the
stories should be regarded as myth. There are many elements in the
Gospels relating to Jesus' birth which they believe did not happen.
Common beliefs among religious liberals are:
Gospel of Q: This gospel was written circa 50 CE, probably before any
of the books that became the Christian Scirptures (New Testament).
Although it has been lost, theologians have been able to reconstruct
its text. It does not mention Jesus' birth as being in any way
special. One can assume that the Christians at the time had not yet
developed a birth myth.
Writings of Paul: These were probably written a few years after the
Gospel of Q, and pre-dated the remaining gospels by up to 5 decades.
He makes reference to Jesus' birth in two passages. In both cases, the
virgin birth and the miracles associated with the birth were not
mentioned. Jesus was presented as having a normal birth: Galatians
4:4: "But when the time had fully come, God sent forth his Son, born
of woman, born under the law."
Romans 1:3: "...Jesus Christ our Lord, which was made of the seed of
David according to the flesh."
Mark: This gospel was written by an unknown author circa 70 CE. He
apparently knew nothing about miraculous events associated with Jesus'
birth, and thus did not record any in his writings. If he were aware
of them, he certainly would have mentioned them.
Matthew: This was written by another unknown author, probably a Jew
who lived remote from Palestine. He wrote the Gospel circa 80 CE,
presumably after some of the early Christian movements had invented
miraculous traditions associated with Jesus' birth. Most of the
elements associated with this myth appear to have never happened:
Matthew 1:1: The author traces Jesus' genealogy from Abraham. He lists
Jacob as being Jesus' grandfather. This conflicts with Luke, who lists
Eli. Jesus' line is traced through Solomon, son of David. Luke traces
the Messianic line through Nathan, son of David. The author lists 28
generations between David and Jesus; Luke says it was 41.
Matthew 1:18: The virgin conception of Jesus by Mary is an obvious
myth. The Gospel of Q does not mention it. St. Paul not only does not
mention it, but implies that Jesus' birth was normal. The author of
the Gospel probably invented the virgin birth so that the story of
Jesus' could compete with the magical conception of many heroes and
gods in surrounding Pagan religions: e.g. Horus (circa 1550 BCE),
Zoroaster (1000 - 1500 BCE?), Krishna (circa 1200 BCE), Indra (circa
750 BCE), Buddha (circa 600 BCE), Mithra (circa 500 BCE), Quirrnus
(circa 550 BCE), Attis (circa 200 BCE), Adonis (born in Bethlehem many
centuries before Jesus).
Matthew 1:22: The author cites a passage in an ancient Greek
translation of Isaiah. The translation was an error: it substituted
"virgin" for "young woman." Matthew and Luke probably felt compelled
to go along with the expectation that Jesus' mother was a virgin.
Matthew 2:1: The story of the Magi coming to Palestine to give homage
to the King of the Jews appears to have been freely adapted from the
story of Mithra's birth. He was mythical Persian savior, also
allegedly born of a virgin on DEC-25, who was worshiped many centuries
before Jesus' birth
Matthew 2:7: Herod inquired as to the exact time that the star
appeared. According to Matthew 2:16, this was to learn exactly when
Jesus was born, so that he could have all of the male children of a
suitable age in the Bethlehem area murdered. Since he later ordered
all of the children under 2 years of age slaughtered, Jesus must have
been living with his parents in Bethlehem for many months by the time
that the Magi arrived - perhaps at least a year. If Jesus had been
just born, then Herod would have ordered only newborn infants killed.
This conflicts with Luke 2:39 which states that when Mary was ritually
purified 40 days after the birth, that the family returned to Nazareth
immediately afterwards.
Matthew 2:9: The story element which has the Magi following a star is
obvious mythical. Any star or super-nova or comet or alignment of
planets would obviously be tens or hundreds of millions of miles away
from earth. In order to serve as a marker for the house in Bethlehem
where Jesus was, it would have to be only a few hundred feet above the
Matthew 2:11: The author presents Joseph and Mary as being residents
of Bethlehem, living in a house. This conflicts with Luke's account
which describes Jesus' parents as residents of Nazareth and only
temporary visitors to Bethlehem
Matthew 2:13: The author describes the family fleeing to Egypt. No
record of this is seen in Luke. It was apparently added to the gospel
in order to match the prophecy in Hosea 11:1 that the Messiah must
come out of Egypt.
Matthew 2:16: Herod's extermination order is certainly a myth, as
described above.
Matthew 2:23: Joseph and Mary bypassed Judea and settled in Nazareth.
The prophecy that "He will be called a Nazarene" does not exist in the
Hebrew Scriptures.
Luke: This gospel was written by an unknown author circa 90 CE. He
was probably the only writer in the Christian Scriptures who was not
born a Jew. Originally, it was believed that the author of Luke and
Acts was a physician. But recent analysis of the text indicates that
his medical knowledge was typical of any educated person of his era.
The Christmas story that we see portrayed in plays and pageants is
most often taken from this gospel. Matthew's mention of the Magi is
then tacked onto the end. Some suspicious elements from Luke's birth
story are: Luke 3:38: As noted above, Luke's genealogy cannot be
reconciled with Matthew's.
Luke 1:26: The description of the virgin conception is, as described
above, an attempt to make a mistranslated prophecy from the Hebrew
Scriptures come true. Alternatively the author might have incorporated
a birth tradition invented by his religious group in order to make
Jesus appear to be a great hero or god, like those of the surrounding
religions in the Mediterranean.
Luke 2:1: The census never happened.
Luke 2:2: Even if a census did occur at the time of Jesus' birth, the
people would not have been required to return to their ancestral home.
That would be a totally impractical arrangement. If it happened this
way, all work throughout the Roman Empire would stop. Some people
would have had to travel for months to return to their ancestral home.
The transportation infrastructure could not possibly have handled the
flood of travelers.
Luke 2:5: Joseph would not have taken Mary with him, even if he had
to go to Bethlehem to register. Only men were enumerated or taxed, so
there was no necessity for her to accompany Joseph. Mary's pregnancy
was in its 9th month at the time. She would not have been in a
condition to travel.
Luke 2:8: The author seems to have invented the shepherds; the latter
do not appear in Matthew.
Luke 2:39: The author describes Joseph and Mary as being residents of
Nazareth. This is probably true, but conflicts with Matthew's story
which has them living in Bethlehem, and only deciding to go to
Nazareth because it would be too dangerous to remain in Judea.
Luke 2:39: Luke describes them as going directly from Bethlehem to
Nazareth. This conflicts with Matthew's account which has them fleeing
to Egypt and only returning after Herod died. At least one of these
accounts must be wrong.
John: This gospel was written by one or more authors circa 100 CE.
The writers would have certainly been aware of the birth stories of
Matthew and Luke. But they seem to have rejected the stories as myths,
and not worthy of being incorporated into their gospel.
After removing all of the fantasy and myth from the birth stories, we
are left with the following probable facts: "Jeshua was born to Mary
and Joseph, in Nazareth in the fall circa 4 BCE." But it would be a
mistake to reject all of the other events associated with the
Christmas season, just because they never happened. We can still enjoy
the stories as beautiful myths and legends, which have inspired
Christians for centuries.
Another analysis.
The following information sources were used to prepare and update the
above essay. The hyperlinks are not necessarily still active today.
A.N. Wilson, "Jesus", Sinclair-Stevenson, London, UK (1992), Pages
73-83. You can read reviews of this book or order it safely from
J.S. Spong, "Resurrection: Myth or Reality?", Harper Collins, San
Francisco CA (1994), Page 8-9. Review/order the book
J.S. Spong, "Born of a Woman: A Bishop Rethinks the Birth of Jesus",
Harper San Francisco, CA, (1992), P. 74-79. Review/order the book
Kenneth E. Nahigian, "A Virgin-Birth Prophecy?" at:
B.G. Walker, "The Woman's Encyclopedia of Myths and Secrets," Harper &
Row, (1983) Review/order the book
Hilke Dokter, "The Messiah's True birth date" at:
A countdown of the months, days, hours, minutes and seconds remaining
until Christmas is at:
Kenneth E. Nahigian, "A Virgin-Birth Prophecy?" at:
Robin L. Fox, "The Unauthorized Version: Truth and fiction in the
Bible," Knopf, New York, NY (1992) Review/order the book
W. Keller, "The Bible as History," Morrow, New York NY (1981) Review/
order the book
Anon, "Does the Bible Indicated that Christ was Born on December 25?,"
The World Ahead, 1997- OCT/NOV
M. J. Borg, Ed., "Jesus at 2000," Westview Press, (1997), Page 2.
Review/order the book
Inerrancy: Is the Bible free of error?
All points of view.
The word "inerrancy" is used to refer to a text that is considered
accurate, truthful, and totally free of error. A text that contains
mistakes is errant.
The term is often used by conservative theologians:
In Judaism to refer to the Torah,
In Christianity to refer to the Hebrew and Christian Scriptures
(a.k.a. the Old and New Testaments),
In Islam to refer to the Qur'an, and
In other religions to refer to their own holy books.
The Torah, Hebrew/Christian Scriptures, and Qur'an do not agree on
many topics including the nature of God; creation and origin of life,
the world and the rest of the universe; various scientific topics;
morality and ethics; personal salvation; the afterlife; abortion
access; equal rights for gay, lesbian, bisexual, transsexual, and
transgendered persons; same-sex marriage; and many other cultural
Because the holy books of the world differ from each other, only one
of them -- at most -- can be inerrant. Some people suggest that none
are inerrant.
Since all of the people who are affiliated with a religion are members
of a minority religions, most people's holy book cannot be inerrant.
If they believe that their holy book is inerrant, they are probably
wrong. Perhaps all are wrong.
Topics dealing with inerrancy in this section:
Most of the following essays deal with inerrancy from a Christian
A brief overview; quotations; historical impacts of belief in
A more detailed introduction to inerrancy
What is the impact of biblical inerrancy, authority, etc. on North
American culture?
More material on biblical inerrancy: What is biblical inerrancy?
Terms associated with inerrancy -- authority, infallibility,
The linkage between biblical inerrancy and inspiration
Problems with infallibility
Why inerrancy is critical; problems with inerrancy
Biblical inerrancy: beliefs, references: What Americans believe.
Web sites dealing with inerrancy and errancy.
Is inerrancy important?: Arguments yes and no
What the Bible says about its own Inerrancy
Inerrancy, as interpreted by: Fundamentalist and other evangelical
Mainline and liberal/progressive Protestants
The Roman Catholic Church
Contrasting beliefs among different Christian groups
Why we cannot prove biblical inerrancy or errancy
Harmonizing apparent biblical conflicts
Twelve tests of biblical inerrancy/errancy: Part 1: Four indicators
of errancy
Part 2: Five more indicators of errancy
Three indicators that are currently inconclusive
A final indicator of errancy based on biblical ambiguity
Did the Holy Spirit inspire the authors of the Bible?
Books on biblical errancy, inerrancy, reliability, etc.
Classroom video: provides a theology program (TTP) which explains various
historical beliefs from a conservative Protestant perspective. One
free video is Session 8 - Inerrancy. See:
References used:
The following information sources were used to prepare and update the
above essay. The hyperlinks are not necessarily still active today.
"Literal and figurative," Worldwide Church of God, at:
Dave Miller, "Why I Believe in the Inerrancy of the Scriptures"
S.B. Ferguson et al, "New Dictionary of Theology", Inter-Varsity
Press, Downers Grove, IL (1988), Pages 337-339.
"Homosexual ordination vote widens gap between Presbyterian factions,"
ReligionToday, 2001-JUN-20, at:
Millard J. Erickson, "Christian Theology," Baker, (1985), Page 241.
Steven Ibbotson, "Biblical Authority," Prairie Bible Institute,
(2000), at:
"Inerrancy and Infallibility of the Bible," Believe web site, at:
Bishop John Shelby Spong, "Q&A on the Bible as a weapon of control,"
weekly mailing for 2007-OCT-31. You can subscribe to these mailings
Christian beliefs; biblical inerrancy
Did the Holy Spirit inspire the Bible's authors?
"With regard to the Bible, inspiration denotes the doctrine that the
human authors and editors of canonical scripture were led or
influenced by the Deity with the result that their writings many be
designated in some sense the word of God." 1
Inerrancy and inspiration of the Bible are two closely related
Historically, Christians have generally believed the entire Bible to
be inerrant -- free of error -- in the books' original, autograph
versions. However, the entire Bible was written by a group of very
human authors. The only way in which fallible humans could have
written so much inerrant text would have been for them to have been
inspired by God. Given biblical inerrancy, one can assume that God
must have overseen the creation of the Bible's text in some way, and
pro-actively prevented the authors from committing any error.
Fundamentalists and other Evangelicals Christians still follow the
traditional belief. Liberal Christians have generally abandoned belief
in both inerrancy and inspiration of the Bible. Instead, they analyze
the Bible as a historical document using techniques of "higher
References to inspiration in the Bible:
In the Gospel of John, Jesus is recorded as referring to scripture as
being fixed -- presumably because it comes from God:
John 10:35 "If he called them gods, unto whom the word of God came,
and the scripture cannot be broken..." (KJV)
The Book of Acts refers to God speaking through the mouth of David:
Acts 4:24-25: "...Lord, thou art God, which hast made heaven, and
earth, and the sea, and all that in them is: Who by the mouth of thy
servant David hast said, Why did the heathen rage, and the people
imagine vain things?"
Paul describes the process of inspiration by the Holy Spirit in one of
his Epistles:
1 Corinthians 2:9-13: "But as it is written, Eye hath not seen, nor
ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things
which God hath prepared for them that love him. But God hath revealed
them unto us by his Spirit: ...Now we have received, not the spirit of
the world, but the spirit which is of God; that we might know the
things that are freely given to us of God. Which things also we speak,
not in the words which man's wisdom teacheth, but which the Holy Ghost
teacheth; comparing spiritual things with spiritual." (KJV)
Paul refers to the Hebrew Scriptures as the "word of God," not of men:
1 Thessalonians 2:13: "For this cause also thank we God without
ceasing, because, when ye received the word of God which ye heard of
us, ye received it not as the word of men, but as it is in truth, the
word of God, which effectually worketh also in you that believe."
A key proof text used by conservative Christians to support their
belief in inspiration is in one of the Pastoral Epistles. It states
that all of the Scriptures are "theopneustos" in the original Greek --
"breathed out by God:"
2 Timothy 3:16: "All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is
profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction
in righteousness." (KJV).
A second popular verse which supports the concept of inspiration is in
one of the General Epistles:
2 Peter 1:20-21: "Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the
scripture is of any private interpretation. For the prophecy came not
in old time by the will of man: but holy men of God spake as they were
moved by the Holy Ghost. (KJV)"
The 2 Timothy verse was written circa 64 CE by Paul, according to most
conservative Christians or circa 100 to 150 CE by an unknown author,
according to most liberal theologians. The 2 Peter verse was written
circa 67 CE by Peter, according to most conservative Christians or
circa 125 to 150 CE by an unknown author, according to most liberal
theologians. The remaining citations listed above were also composed
in the first century or the first half of the second century. All were
written centuries before the canon of the Christian Scriptures (New
Testament) was officially established. Still, the word "scripture" in
these passages is now generally interpreted by conservative Christians
to refer to the entire Bible -- Hebrew Scriptures and Christian
Scriptures combined.
Types of inspiration:
Various Christian groups have different beliefs concerning the
mechanism by which inspiration took place:
"Automatic writing" theory: The Oxford Companion to the Bible states
that Philo of Alexandria (20 BCE to 40 CE) "proposed what might be
termed the 'mantic theory' of the inspiration of the scriptures, in
which the human author becomes possessed by God and loses
consciousness of self, surrendering to the divine spirit and its
communicatory powers." 6 This is not a popular belief today.
"Dictation theory:" This is the belief that the Holy Spirit pre-
determined each word that the authors wrote. The "authors" were thus
performing the function of a secretary. The words recorded are thus
considered the actual, authoritative words of God. 1 The First Vatican
Council of 1868-1870 reflects this point of view by stating: "they
have God as their author."
Texas Pastor, Johnny Ramsay, writes that the Scriptures "contain the
very words (not ideas, notions, advice or concepts) that the Almighty
wanted mankind to clearly know. Holy men of God spake as they were
moved by the Holy Spirit. It was truly not the word of men but the
Word of God!" 4
This belief is difficult to support, because a close reading of the
Bible shows many different writing styles. According to most mainline
and liberal theologians: The book of Isaiah and the Gospel of John
were clearly written by two authors.
Much of the Pentateuch is a combination of texts from authors who
followed four different traditions.
Paul wrote with "long, complicated sentences," in a highly educated
Greek style. Mark used "short, action-packed sentences," in a common
form of Greek. 2 This is not particularly obvious in most English
Bibles because translators have often homogenized the writing styles.
But the writing techniques of the different authors is clearly seen in
the original Greek texts.
"Negative assistance" theory: Jacques Bonfriere (1573-1642)
suggested that the authors expressed their thoughts in their own style
and words, while the Holy Spirit only intervened asn needed, in order
to prevent them from making any mistakes. There are many variations of
this belief, called by various names, such as: Concept Inspiration,
Neo-orthodox Theory of Inspiration, Partial Inspiration, Verbal
Plenary Inspiration, etc. 3
Other theories of inspiration include: That the Holy Spirit provided
the precise ideas, thoughts and concepts to the authors, who then
wrote it down in their own words using their own writing style.
That the authors were inspired by the Holy Spirit so that their
normal powers of observation and writing were heightened. They were
thus able to describe their religious thoughts with greater accuracy
than normal, but not to the level of inerrancy. The term Inspiration
as Illumination has been used to describe this concept.
That God did not directly inspire the writers of the Bible. The texts
are not inerrant, but were written by authors with a "high degree of
religious insight." 3 They were inspired in the same way that great
artists and musicians have been considered inspired.
Beliefs of Jews concerning the Hebrew Scriptures:
The famous Hellenistic Jewish theologian and philosopher, Philo of
Alexandria, referred to the Hebrew Scriptures as: "sacred books",
"sacred word", and of "most holy scripture." 5
Flavius Josephus (A.D. 37-95 CE) is believed to have been the first to
use the word "inspiration" (in Greek: epipnoia) to refer to the Hebrew
Scriptures. 7 According to New Advent:
"He speaks of twenty-two books which the Jews with good reason
consider Divine...The belief of the Jews in the inspiration of the
Scriptures did not diminish from the time in which they were dispersed
throughout the world, without temple, without altar, without priests;
on the contrary this faith increased so much that it took the place of
everything else." 7
Beliefs of liberal Christians:
Liberal Christians generally reject the concepts of biblical inerrancy
and inspiration. They view the Bible as a collection of books written
by religious, military, and political leaders whose purpose was
promote their own beliefs or the beliefs of their faith group. They
see concepts in the Bible that violate contemporary religious and
secular ethics. Examples are mass murders and genocides; oppression of
women; acceptance of human slavery; torture of prisoners, murder of
non-combatants, rape, execution of religious and sexual minorities;
polygyny, owning of concubines, burning some prostitutes alive;
executing brides who were not virgins, etc. They feel that there is so
much material in the Bible that is obviously opposed to the will of
God, that the concept of inspiration is untenable.
Can the God's inspiration of the Bible be proven?
At least three proofs have been offered to prove that the Bible could
not have been written by humans without the direct inspiration of God.
Needless to say, none have been accepted by religious liberals or
Prophecy: Various modern-day writers have counted many hundreds of
prophecies in the Hebrew Scriptures (Old Testament) alone.
Conservative Christians generally state that all of the 200 or so
prophecies in the Hebrew Scriptures that foretold the life of Jesus
Christ came true; they had a 100% accuracy. Hundreds of other
prophecies not related to Jesus have already come true. This could not
have happened unless the authors of the Bible were inspired by God.
But at lest one skeptic believes that not one "real" prediction has
conclusively come true. He has very stringent rules for what defines a
"real" prophecy. He points out that the Jesus life story was written
after the Hebrew Scriptures were completed. Thus, the writers of the
Christian Scriptures could easily have created non-existent events in
Jesus' life to match the prophecies in the Hebrew Scriptures. 11
Bible codes: A research team at Hebrew University in Jerusalem,
headed by Eliyahu Rips used a Equidistant Letter Sequence (ELS)
analysis method to search for hidden Bible codes in the Book of
Genesis. They found many names, birth dates and death dates imbedded
in Genesis of famous Jews who lived millennia after the book was
written. Other researchers examined the entire Pentateuch and found
descriptions of recent world events and predictions in our future. At
first, it appeared as if the codes were a positive proof of biblical
inspiration. This belief is still being circulated as such a "proof."
10 What isn't being reported widely is that other researchers have
found similar secret hidden codes in Moby Dick and various other long
pieces of text.
Archaeological data: In his book "The new evidence that demands a
verdict," Josh McDowell quotes a number of archaeologists who maintain
that biblical accounts are in total agreement with the archaeological
record: Nelson Glueck: "It may be stated categorically that no
archaeological discovery has ever controverted a biblical reference."
F.F. Bruce: " may be legitimate to say that archaeology has
confirmed the New Testament record."
McDowell and others make the point that it is inconceivable that a
book covering thousands of years of history could be this free of
error unless it was written under the inspiration of God. However,
religious liberals and secularists probably agree with the opposite
conclusions of a growing group of biblical archaeologists like Philip
Davies who wrote:
"The gap between the Biblical Israel and the historical Israel as we
derive it from archaeology is huge. We have almost two entirely
different societies. Beyond the name 'Israel' and the same
geographical location, they have almost nothing in common." 9
It is doubtful whether religious conservatives and liberals will reach
a consensus over the inspiration of the Bible soon.
Classroom video: maintains a theology program (TTP) which explains various
historical beliefs from a conservative Protestant perspective. One
free video is Session 6 - Inspiration of Scripture. See:
References used:
B.M. Metzger & M.D. Coogan, "The Oxford Companion to the Bible,"
Oxford University Press, New York, NY, (1993), Pages 302 to 304
"Is the Bible inspired? And what does that mean?," International Bible
Society, at:
M. J. Sawyer, "Theories of Inspiration" at:
Johnny Ramsey, "Precious Bible - Inspired, inerrant, infallible,"
Brown Trail Church of Christ, at:
Philo of Alexandria, "De vita Moysis," iii, no. 23.
Op Cit., B.M. Metzger & M.D. Coogan, Page 304.
"Inspiration of the Bible," Replicated at:
Josh McDowell, "The new evidence that demands a verdict," Nelson,
(1999), Pages 61 & 62. Read reviews or order this book safely from online book store
Philip Davies, "What separates a Minimalist from a Maximalist? Not
much," Bible Archaeology Review, 2000-MAR/APR Vol. 26, #2, Pages 24 to
27; 72 & 73.
F.L. Walker, "A whisper of thunder," at:
Tim Callahan, "Bible prophecy: Failure or fulfillment?," Millennium
Press, (1997). Read reviews or order this book safely from
online book store
Is the Bible free of error?
Books dealing with
biblical errancy & inerrancy
The following books deal with apparently conflicting passages in the
Bible and with apparent conflicts that the Bible has with archaeology
and other sciences. The books arrive at different conclusions:
That the Bible is inerrant, or is generally accurate, or is riddled
with errors.
That its authors were inspired by God, or that they were each trying
to promote their own belief systems:
Books promoting inerrancy:
G.L. Archer, et al., "When critics ask: A popular handbook on Bible
difficulties," Baker, (1999). Read reviews or order this book safely
from the online book store
G.L. Archer, "New International Encyclopedia of Bible Difficulties,"
Zondervan, (2001). "Clear, scholarly answers to apparent discrepancies
in the Bible, confirming that the Bible is the inerrant Word of God."
Read reviews or order this book
Baptist Sunday School Board, "The Proceedings of the Conference on
Biblical Inerrancy," (1987). Read reviews or order this book
Craig Blomberg, "The Historical Reliability of the Gospels,"
InterVarsity Press, (1987). "Examining the history of Gospel
criticism, the persistent allegations of inconsistency among the
Gospels, and the information provided by extrabiblical sources, Craig
Blomberg makes a strong and comprehensive case for the historical
reliability of these texts." Read reviews or order
Ron Brooks, et al., "When Skeptics Ask: A handbook of Christian
evidence," Baker, (1995). Contains: "arguments for the existence of
God, the problem of evil, miracles, the person Jesus, the Bible and
its reliability, apparent 'contradictions' in the Bible, archaeology
and the Bible, science and evolution, what happens when we die, the
issue of truth, and morals." Read reviews or order
Daniel Fuller, "The Unity of the Bible: Unfolding God's plan for
humanity," Zondervan, (1992). It takes "the Bible as a coherent and
unified whole, in order to understand the unified teachings of the
Bible." Read reviews or order
Geisler, "Inerrancy," Zondervan, (1980) Contains "essays by fourteen
leading evangelical scholars on a wide range of topics related to the
doctrine of the inerrancy of the Bible." Read reviews or order
G.L. Gleason, "Encyclopedia of Bible difficulties," Zondervan (1982).
Read reviews or order this book
John Haley, "Alleged Discrepancies of the Bible," Whitaker House,
(Reprinted 1996). Originally written in the 19th century, it
harmonizes hundreds of apparent inconsistencies in the Bible. Read
reviews or order
J.C. Laney, "Answers to tough questions from every book of the Bible:
A survey of problem passages and issues," Kregel Publ., (1997). Read
reviews or order this book
Erwin Lutzer, "Seven reasons why you can trust the Bible," Moody,
(2001). The book examines proof of the authenticity of the Bible. Read
reviews or order
Josh McDowell: "Evidence that demands a verdict: Historical evidences
for the Christian faith," Thomas Nelson, (1999-MAR). Read reviews or
order this book
"The new evidence that demands a verdict: Fully updated to answer the
questions challenging Christians today," Nelson, (1999). This book is
considered by many conservative Christians to be the best book of its
type. Skeptics have a field day criticizing it. Read reviews or order
Josh McDowell & Don Stewart, "Tough questions skeptics ask," Tyndale
House, (1986). Read reviews or order this book
Henry Morris III, "Many Infallible Proofs: Evidences for the
Christian Faith," Master Books, (Reprinted 1988). "...covers many
areas such as prophecy and fulfillment including examples and
statistical data, history, astronomy, geology and many other topics."
Read reviews or order
Ralph Muncaster, "Is the Bible really a message from God? Examine the
evidence," Harvest House, (2000). "...packs a powerful punch of highly
compelling and abundant evidence that the Bible must have been
divinely inspired." Read reviews or order
Jeffery Sheler "Is the Bible true? How modern debates & discoveries
affirm the essence of Scriptures," Harper SanFrancisco, (2000) "...the
Bible emerges affirmed but not unscathed, a credible but complex
chronicle of humanity's encounter with God." Read reviews or order, the world's biggest online bookstore, lists these books on
biblical inerrancy:
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As of 2009-APR, Amazon offers free shipping for orders over $25.00
Books promoting errancy:
Gail Evans, "The firstborn of God: Resolving the contradictions in
the Bible," iUniverse Publ., (2000). The author feels that there are
two threads running through the Bible which "advocate two completely
different religious, social, economic and political philosophies....
[One promotes] equality and democracy. [The other promotes] an
autocracy. Read reviews/order this Book safely from
Lloyd Graham, "Deceptions and Myths of the Bible," Citadel Press,
(1989). Describes how many stories in the Bible originated from other
Middle Eastern religions. Read reviews or order
R.H. Green, "The born again skeptic's guide to the Bible," Freedom
from Religion Foundation, (1999) Read reviews or order this book
C. Dennis McKinsey, "The Encyclopedia of Biblical Errancy,"
Promethean Books, (1995). "...the most comprehensive critique of the
Bible ever written....[a] thoroughly-researched expos? of the Bible's
errors, contradictions, and fallacies." Read reviews or order this
Thomas Thompson, "The Bible in history: How writers create a past,"
Pimlico, (2000). The book views "the Bible as a body of literature
that reflects the philosophical and moral views of its authors." Read
reviews or order, the world's biggest online bookstore, lists these books on
biblical errancy:
Unfortunately, there are few books on this topic, so fills
up the image with unrelated books.
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Hebrew Scriptures (Old Testament)
The Documentary Hypothesis on the identity of the Pentateuch's
History of the Documentary Hypothesis:
Both Judaism and Christianity assumed that the Pentateuch -- the first
five books of the Hebrew Scriptures (Old Testament) were written by
Moses, as the Bible itself states. However, in recent centuries,
alternative authorship has been proposed. The documentary hypothesis
is now accepted by essentially all mainline and liberal theologians.
11th Century CE: Isaac ibn Yashush suggested that the list of the
Edomite kings in Genesis 36 was added by an unknown person after Moses
died. For this assertion, he became known as "Isaac the Blunderer." 1
15th Century: Bishop Tostatus suggested that certain passages were
written by one of the prophets, not by Moses.
16th Century: Andreas van Maes suggested that an editor added
additional material to some of Moses' writings.
17th Century: Thomas Hobbes prepared a collection of passages that
seemed to negate Moses' authorship.
18th Century: Three investigators (Witter, Astruc and Eichhorn)
independently concluded that doublets in the Torah were written by two
different authors. A doublet is a story that is described twice, as
in: the two creation stories in Genesis
two descriptions of the covenant between God and Abraham
two stories about the naming of Isaac
two stories about the renaming of Jacob
two versions of the Ten Commandments (Exodus 20 & Deuteronomy 5)
two accounts of Moses' striking the rock at Meribah
These doublets appeared to contradict each other. In most cases, one
referred to God as Yahweh while the other used the term Elohim.
19th Century: Scholars noticed that there were a few triplets in the
Torah. This indicated that a third author was involved. Then, they
determined that the book of Deuteronomy was written in a different
language style from the remaining 4 books in the Pentateuch. Finally,
by the end of the 19th Century, liberal scholars reached a consensus
that 4 authors and one redactor (editor) had been actively involved in
the writing of the Pentateuch.
20th Century: Academics have continued to refine the Documentary
Hypothesis by identifying which verses (and parts of verses) were
authored by the various writers. They have also attempted to uncover
the names of the authors. In 1943, Pope Pius XII issued an encyclical
Divino Afflante Spiritu in which he urged academics to study the
sources of Biblical texts. Recent archaeological discoveries and new
linguistic analysis tools have facilitated the research into the
Belief in the documentary hypothesis was triggered by a number of
factors, such as:
Anachronisms, like the list of the Edomite kings
Duplicate and triplicate passages.
Various passages portrayed God in different ways.
The flood story appears to involve the meshing of two separate
The belief, centuries ago, by archaeologists and linguists that
writing among the ancient Hebrews only developed after the events
portrayed in the Pentateuch. Thus, Moses would have been incapable of
writing the first five books of the Hebrew Scriptures.
These factors led theologians to the conclusion that the Pentateuch is
a hybrid document which was written well after Moses' death, and much
later than the events portrayed. The authors and redactors are
unknown. As it happens, their belief about Moses being illiterate is
probably wrong. Archaeological evidence has since been found which
shows that all of the major civilizations surrounding the Hebrews were
literate at the apparent time of the Exodus. So one can assume that
Moses knew how to read and write.
Writing by various authors, according to the documentary hypothesis:
J: a writer who focuses on humanity in his writing
might possibly have been a woman. His/her writing shows much greater
sensitivity towards women than does E
regularly used "JHWH" as God's name
describes God in anthropomorphic terms: God formed Adam from clay; he
walked and talked with Adam and Eve in the garden; he spoke to Moses.
lived in the southern kingdom of Judah, during an early period of
Israel's history when they followed a nature/fertility religion. May
have been a member of the Judean court.
wrote a more or less complete story of the history of the Israelites
from a Judean perspective
J was probably written between 848 BCE (when King Jehoram gained
power in Judah) and 722 BCE when the Assyrians destroyed the northern
kingdom Israel and took its people into exile. Some scholars date J to
the 10th century BCE.
E: a writer who writes about religious and moralistic concerns
in all probability was a man
consistently used "Elohim" as God's name
lived in the northern kingdom of Israel
wrote a more or less complete story of the history of the Israelites
from the perspective of the northern kingdom, including that version
of the Ten Commandments in Exodus 20
probably wrote between 922 and 722 BCE
may have been a priest from Shiloh who viewed Moses as his spiritual
ancestor. 2
D: a writer who lived after J and E, because he was familiar with
later developments in Israel's history. He lived at a time when the
religion of ancient Israel was in its spiritual/ethical stage, about
622 BCE.
wrote almost all of book of Deuteronomy, as well as Joshua, Judges, 1
& 2 Samuel and 1 & 2 Kings. A second writer edited the original text
after the destruction of Jerusalem by the Babylonians in 587 BCE. He
added the last two chapters to 2 Kings and inserted short passages
elsewhere to reflect the change in circumstances brought about by the
Babylonian attack.
lived in Judah - probably in Jerusalem
was probably a Levitical priest - perhaps Jeremiah
P: a writer who focused his writings on God
added material from a priestly perspective. It discusses priests'
lives, religious rituals, dates, measurements, chronologies,
genealogies, worship and law.
was a priest who identified Aaron as his spiritual ancestor
views God as a distant, transcendent deity, less personal than in J
and E; sometimes harsh and critical. The words "mercy," "grace" and
"repentance" do not appear in his writing; they appear about 70 times
in J, E, and D.
was displeased with the work of J and E and wrote P as an alternative
rejected the concepts of angels, dreams and talking animals that are
seen in J & E
believed that only Levites who were descended from Aaron could be
lived after J, E and D because he was aware of the books of the
Prophets which were unknown to the others. Lived when the country's
religion reached a priestly/legal stage, before the destruction of
Jerusalem in 587 BCE.
patterned his writing after the topics in J and E.
R: a redactor who was an Aaronid priest and thus definitely a male
joined the writings of J, E, P and D together into the present
We have prepared a copy of the first ten chapters of Genesis which
identifies the passages by J, P and R. Each of the authors' writings
is shown in text of a different color. In the case of the creation
stories, the first legend was written by P. Part way through chapter
2, J takes over and describes a second story. In the case of the
Noachian Flood, from Genesis 6:5 to 8:22, the redactor has taken a
different approach. He alternates between short passages from P and J.
One can start at Genesis 6:5 and read the contribution of J; it is a
complete story. One can then restart at the beginning and read P's
text. Again, P has written a consistent account - one that differs
significantly from J.
How the Pentateuch evolved, according to the documentary hypothesis:
Friedmann 3 suggests that when the Assyrians conquered the northern
kingdom in 722 BCE, many refugees streamed south into Judea, bringing
their sacred writing "E" with them. Subsequently, E and J were
combined into a single document, referred to as "JE."
D was written perhaps a century later. It was conveniently
"discovered" in the temple by the priest Hilkiah in 622 BCE, shortly
after it was written. D was then joined with JE
P was written before the death of King Josiah in 609 BCE, probably
during the reign of King Hezekiah. It was written as an alternative to
R combined J, E, P and other documents together into the first four
books of the Hebrew Scriptures. To this, he added D's writings, the
book of Deuteronomy, to complete the Pentateuch. By the time that he
did the editing, the JE, D and P documents were in wide circulation.
Each was supported by various factions. R saw his task as attempting
to join these sources together into a more or less cohesive, single
document. Friedmann suspects that Ezra was the redactor.
Of course, the various writers often incorporated into their writings
earlier material obtained from Pagan sources outside of Israel and
Judah. "From the texts found in Mesopotamia, it is clear that types of
literature parallel to what is in the Old Testament existed during the
period from the third to the first millennia BC. We know of law codes,
creation stories, primeval histories, epic stories and the like from
various periods of Mesopotamian history." 4 One might add a flood
story with many parallels to the Noachian flood.
Misuse of the Documentary Hypothesis:
By the year 1919, when the German Nazi party was founded, the
Documentary Hypothesis was widely accepted among German theologians.
The Nazis used the Hypothesis to promote their beliefs that the Hebrew
Scriptures (Old Testament) was a collection of legends, myths, hero
stories, and fictional material. According to author Ken Collins:
"The Nazis promoted a revised form of Christianity called Deutsches
Christentum, in which they replaced the Old Testament with Germanic
myths and legends. Deutsches Christentum never caught on with the
public, but since it epitomized the beliefs of the leadership of the
Nazi party, it contributed to the martyrdom of a number of famous
German Christians." 5
R.E. Friedman, "Who Wrote the Bible?" Harper Collins, San Francisco,
CA, (1997).
Ibid, Page 79
Ibid, Page 87-88
P.C. Craigie, "The Old Testament: Its Background, Growth & Content,"
Welch Publ. Co, Burlington ON Canada, Page 121.
Ken Collins, "The Torah in modern scholarship," at:
Two definitions of "Pagan."
How Is "Goth" 1,000 Years Old?
Main Entry: pa·gan
Pronunciation: \ˈpā-gən\
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English, from Late Latin paganus, from Latin,
civilian, country dweller, from pagus country district; akin to Latin
pangere to fix — more at pact
Date: 14th century
1 : heathen 1; especially : a follower of a polytheistic religion (as
in ancient Rome)
2 : one who has little or no religion and who delights in sensual
pleasures and material goods : an irreligious or hedonistic person
3 : neo-pagan
— pagan adjective
— pa·gan·ish \-gə-nish\ adjective
...and I am Sid Harth