Of WCD Acts and Facts: Sid Harth
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2010-05-19 23:05:10 UTC
Of WCD Acts and Facts: Sid Harth

Ministry of Women and Child Development,"WCD"
Government of India

Domestic help hole in sexual abuse law

New Delhi, May 19: A last-minute change to a proposed law against
sexual harassment at the workplace leaves millions of domestic
workers, one of the most exploited sections of India’s workforce,
unprotected from sexual predators.

The women and child development ministry (WCD) has withdrawn
protection from sexual harassment to domestic workers under a
controversial change to a long-pending proposed legislation that may
be placed before the cabinet soon.

Domestic workers have been left out of the ambit of the legislation
after the law ministry argued that implementing the law inside
people’s homes may prove too hard, top government sources said.

India has over 15 million domestic workers and over 80 per cent — or
about 12 million — of these workers are women, the WCD ministry
estimates show. Many of these workers are children (girls) and several
are victims of trafficking.

Several reports and independent research have repeatedly found
domestic workers among the most vulnerable sections of the country’s
workforce, frequently exploited sexually by employers.

The prevention of sexual harassment at the workplace bill, first
mooted by former WCD minister Renuka Chowdhury in 2007, has till now
covered all institutions that serve as workplaces.

“I am very surprised. If the government does exclude domestic workers
from the ambit of this law, it would make the exploitation of women
domestic workers — adults and children — even easier than it is
today,” said Shireen Miller, head of advocacy for UK-based NGO, Save
the Children.

A recent study by the NGO in Bengal showed that over 70 per cent of
girls working as domestic help in the state faced sexual exploitation,
Miller added.

The bill, which for the first time takes into account the nature of
employer-employee relationships in tackling sexual harassment, covers
both the organised and the unorganised sector that constitutes over 90
per cent of India’s workforce.

Till recently, the bill only protected employees at their workplace.
But as was reported first by The Telegraph on February 22, 2010, the
WCD ministry proposed — and the law ministry accepted — making the law
stricter to cover all those present at the workplace of the accused.

This change came in the aftermath of a nationwide outcry over the
suicide of a teenage Chandigarh girl after she was molested by a
senior police officer heading a tennis club where the girl practised.

Sportswomen at training camps, children of employees visiting their
parents’ offices and any other guest visiting an office are protected
under the draft law now.


Comments or suggestions are invited on the following draft bill by
31st March, 2007. Comments/suggestions may be e-mailed to
***@nic.in or sent by post to Secretary, Government of India,
Ministry of Women and Child Development, Shastri Bhawan, ‘A’ Wing, Dr.
Rajendra Prasad Road, New Delhi – 110 001


A BILL to provide for prevention and redressal of sexual harassment of
women at workplace and for matters connected therewith or incidental

BE it enacted by Parliament in the Fifty-eighth Year of the Republic
of India as follows:-



1. (1) This Act may be called the Protection of Women against Sexual
Harassment at Workplace Act, 2007.

(2) It extends to the whole of India.

(3) It shall come into force on such date as the Central Government
may, by notification in the Official Gazette, appoint.

Short title, extent and commencement.

2. In this Act, unless the context otherwise requires,-

(a) "aggrieved woman" means any woman employee against whom any act of
sexual harassment is alleged to have been committed;

(b) "appropriate Government" means in relation to a workplace which is
established, owned, controlled or wholly or substantially financed by
funds provided directly or indirectly-

(i) by the Central Government or the Union territory administration,
the Central Government;

(ii) by the State Government, the State Government.

(c) "Chairperson" means the Chairperson of the Committee or of the
District Committee, as the case may be;

(d) "Committee" means an Internal Complaints Committee constituted
under section 4;

(e) "District Officer" means an officer appointed under section 5;

(f) "employee" means a person employed at a workplace for any work on
regular, temporary, ad-hoc or daily wage basis, either directly or by
or through an agent, including a contractor, with or without the
knowledge of the principal employer, whether for remuneration or not,
or working on a voluntary basis or otherwise, whether the terms of
employment are express or implied and includes a domestic worker, a co-
worker, a contract worker, probationer, trainee, apprentice or by any
other name called;

(g) "employer" means:-

(i) in relation to any department, organisation, undertaking,
establishment, enterprise, institution, office, branch or unit of the
appropriate Government or a local authority, the head of that
department, organisation, undertaking, establishment, enterprise,
institution, office, branch or unit or such other officer as the
appropriate Government or the local authority, as the case may be, may
by an order specify in this behalf;

(ii) in any workplace not covered under clause (i), any person
responsible for the management, supervision and control of the of the
(h) "Local Committee" means the Local Complaints Committee constituted
under section 6;

(i) "member" means a member of the Committee or of the Local
Committee, as the case may be;

(j) "prescribed" means prescribed by rules made under this Act;

(k) "respondent" means a person against whom a complaint has been made
under section 7;

(l) "Workplace" means:-

(i) any department, organisation, undertaking, establishment,
enterprise, institution, office, branch or unit which is established,
owned, controlled or wholly or substantially financed by funds
provided directly or indirectly by the appropriate Government or the
local authority or a Government company or a corporation or a co-
operative society;

(ii) any private sector organisation or a private venture,
undertaking, enterprise, institution, establishment, society, unit or
service provider carrying on commercial, professional, vocational,
educational, industrial or financial activities including production,
supply, sale, distribution or service;

(iii) a house or dwelling place;

(iv) and includes any place visited by the employee arising out of, or
during and in the course of, employment;

(v) "Unorganized Sector" which shall come within the meaning of
"workplace", means all private unincorporated enterprises including
own account enterprises engaged in any agriculture, industry, trade
and/or business and includes sectors as mentioned in the schedule,
being illustrative.


3. No woman employee at a work place shall be subjected to sexual
harassment including unwelcome sexually determined behavior, physical
contact, advances, sexually coloured remarks, showing pornography,
sexual demand, request for sexual favours or any other unwelcome
conduct of sexual nature whether verbal, textual, physical, graphic or
electronic or by any other actions, which may include, -

(i) implied or overt promise of preferential treatment in employment;

(ii) implied or overt threat of detrimental treatment in employment;

(iii) implied or overt threat about the present or future employment

(iv) conduct which interferes with work or creates an intimidating or
offensive or hostile work environment; or

(iv) humiliating conduct constituting health and safety problems.

Prevention of sexual harassment at workplace.



Constitution of Internal Complaints Committee.

4. (1) For the purpose of this Act, every employer of a work place
shall constitute, by an Office Order in writing, an Internal
Complaints Committee.

Provided that where the offices or administrative units of the
workplace are located at different places or divisional or sub-
divisional level, the Committee shall be constituted at all
administrative units or offices.

(2) The Committee shall consist of the following members namely:-

(a) a Chairperson, from amongst employees, who shall be a senior level
woman, committed to the cause of women. In case a senior level woman
employee is not available, the Chairperson shall be appointed from a
sister organization or a non-governmental organization;

(b) not less than two members from amongst employees committed to the
cause of women or who have had experience in social work; and

(c) one member from amongst such non-governmental organisations or
associations or other interests committed to the cause of women, as
may be specified:

Provided that atleast fifty per cent of the members so nominated shall
be women.

(3) The Chairperson and every member of the Committee shall hold
office for such period, not exceeding three years, from the date of
their nomination as may be specified.

(4) The Chairperson and members of the Committee shall be entitled to
such allowances or remuneration as may be prescribed.

(5) Where the Chairperson or any member of the Committee contravenes
the provisions of section 14, such Chairperson or member, as the case
may be, shall be removed from the Committee and the vacancy so created
or any casual vacancy shall be filled by fresh appointment in
accordance with the provisions of this section.

5. The appropriate Government may appoint a District Magistrate or
Additional District Magistrate or the Collector or Deputy Collector as
a District Officer for every District to carry out the functions under
this Act.
Appointment of District Officer

6. (1) Where at a workplace, constitution of the Committee is not
possible or practicable, or where the complaint is against the
employer himself, the District Officer may, constitute at every Block,
a Local Complaints Committee.

(2) The Local Committee shall consist of the following members:-

(a) a chairperson to be appointed by the appropriate Government from
amongst women committed to the cause of women;

(b) one member to be appointed by the appropriate Government from
amongst the registered trade unions or workers associations
functioning in that block or district;

(c) two members, of whom at least one shall be a woman, to be
appointed by the appropriate Government from amongst such Non-
Governmental Organizations or associations or other interests
committed to the cause of women, as may be specified.

(3) The Chairperson and every member of the Local Committee shall hold
office for such period, not exceeding three years, from the date of
their appointment as may be specified.

(4) The Chairperson and Members of the Local Committee shall be
entitled to such allowances or remuneration as may be prescribed.

(5) The jurisdiction of the Local Committee shall be limited to the
area within the Block level where it is constituted.

(6) Where the Chairperson or any member of the Local Committee
contravenes the provisions of section 14, such Chairperson or member,
as the case may be, shall be removed from the Local Committee and the
vacancy so created or any casual vacancy shall be filled by fresh
appointment in accordance with the provisions of this section.

Constitution of Local Complaints Committee.



Complaint of sexual harassment. 7. (1) An aggrieved woman may make a
complaint of sexual harassment at workplace to the Committee or the
Local Committee, as the case may be, in writing:

Provided that where such complaint cannot be made in writing, the
Chairperson or any member of the Committee or the Local Committee, as
the case may be, shall render all reasonable assistance to the woman
making the complaint to reduce the same in writing.

(2) Where the aggrieved woman is not able to make a complaint on
account of her physical or mental incapacity or death or otherwise,
her legal heir or such other person as may be prescribed may make a
complaint under this section.

8. (1) At the request of the aggrieved woman the Committee or the
Local Committee, as the case may be, may, before initiating enquiry
under this Act, take steps to settle the matter between her and the
respondent through conciliation.

(2) Where a settlement is arrived at under sub-section (1), the
Committee or the Local Committee, as the case may be, shall record the
settlement and recommend the employer not to take any action in the

(3) The Committee or the Local Committee, as the case may be, shall
provide the copies of the settlement recorded under sub-section (2) to
the aggrieved woman and the respondent.

(4) Where a settlement is arrived at under sub-section (1), no further
enquiry shall be conducted by the Committee or the Local Committee, as
the case may be.


9. (1) Where conciliation under sub-section (1) of section 8 is not
arrived at, the Committee or the Local Committee, as the case may be,
shall, subject to the provisions of section 14, proceed to make
enquiry into the complaint in such manner as may be prescribed:

Provided that where the aggrieved woman informs the Committee or the
Local Committee, as the case may be, that any term or condition of the
conciliation arrived at under sub-section (1) of section 8 has not
been complied with by the respondent, the Committee or the Local
Committee shall also proceed to make inquiry into the complaint.

(2) The Committee or the Local Committee, as the case may be, shall
have such powers for the purpose of making enquiry under sub-section
(1) as may be prescribed.

(3) The enquiry under sub-section (1) shall be completed within a
period of ninety days.

(4) Where the Committee or the Local Committee, as the case may be,
fails to complete the enquiry within the period specified under sub-
section (3), the employer or the District Officer, as the case may be,
may take such action as may be prescribed.

Enquiry into complaint.



Action during pendency of enquiry.

10. (1) During the pendency of enquiry, on a written request made by
the aggrieved woman, the Committee or the Local Committee, as the case
may be, may recommend to the employer to-

(a) transfer the aggrieved woman or the respondent to any other
workplace; or

(b) grant leave to the aggrieved woman; or

(c) grant to the aggrieved woman any other relief which may be

(2) On the recommendation of the committee or the Local Committee, as
the case may be, under sub-section (1), the employer or the District
Officer may take such necessary action as may be deemed proper.

Enquiry report.

11. (1) On the completion of an enquiry under this Act, the Committee
or the Local Committee, as the case may be, shall provide a report of
its findings to the employer, or as the case may be, District officer.

(2) Where the committee or the Local Committee, as the case may be,
arrives at the conclusion that the allegation against the respondent
has not been proved, it shall recommend to the employer or the
District Officer that no action is required to be taken in the matter.

(3) Where the committee or the Local Committee, as the case may be,
arrives at the conclusion that the allegation against the respondent
has been proved, it shall recommend to the employer or the District
Officer, as the case may be, -

(a) to take action for misconduct in accordance with the provisions of
the service rules applicable to the respondent or where no such
service rules have been made, in such manner as may be prescribed; or

(b) to deduct from the salary or wages of the respondent such sum of
compensation to be paid to the aggrieved woman or to legal heirs, as
it may determine, in accordance with the provisions of section 13; or
to direct the respondent to pay such compensation to the aggrieved

(4) Where any recommendation has been made to the employer or the
District Officer under sub-section (1) he shall act upon the
recommendation within ninety days of its receipt by him:

Provided that where the employer or the District Officer is not in
agreement with any conclusion arrived at or recommendation made by the
committee or the Local Committee, he may alter the conclusion or
recommendation in consultation with the committee or the Local
Committee, as the case may be, and the parties concerned in such
manner as may be decided in the consultation and shall act upon the
recommendation within ninety days of completion of the consultation.

12. (1) Where the Committee or the Local Committee, as the case may
be, arrives at a conclusion that the allegation against the respondent
is false or malicious or the aggrieved woman or any other person
making the complaint has produced any forged or misleading document,
it may recommend to the employer or the District Officer to take
action against the woman or the person who has made the complaint in
accordance with the provisions of the service rules applicable to her
or him or where no such service rules have been made, in such manner
as may be prescribed.

(2) Where the Committee or the Local Committee, as the case may be,
arrives at a conclusion that during the enquiry any witness has given
false evidence or produced any forged or misleading document, it may
recommend to the employer of the witness or the District Officer to
take action in accordance with the provisions of the service rules
applicable to the said witness or where no such service rules have
been made, in such manner as may be prescribed.

Punishment for false or malicious complaint and false evidence.

13. (1) For the purpose of determining the compensation to be paid to
the aggrieved woman under clause (b) of sub-section (3) of section 11,
the Committee or the Local Committee, as the case may be, shall have
regard to-

(a) the mental trauma, pain, suffering and emotional distress caused
to the aggrieved woman;

(b) the loss in the career opportunity due to the incident of sexual

(c) medical expenses incurred by the victim for physical or
psychiatric treatment;

(d) the income and financial status of the respondent;

(e) feasibility of such payment in lump sum or in installments.

Determination of compensation.

Prohibition of publication or making known contents of complaint and
enquiry proceedings.

14. Notwithstanding anything contained in the Right to Information
Act, 2005, the contents of the complaint made under sub-section (1) of
section 7, the identity and addresses of the aggrieved woman,
respondent and witnesses, any information relating to conciliation and
enquiry proceedings, recommendations of the Committee or the Local
Committee, as the case may be, and the action taken by the employer
under the provisions of this Act shall not be published, communicated
or made known to the public, press and media in any manner:

Provided that information may be disseminated regarding the justice
secured to any victim of sexual harassment under this Act without
disclosing the identity and address of the aggrieved woman, respondent
and witnesses.

22 of 2005

Penalty for publication or making known contents of complaint and
enquiry proceedings.

15. Where any person entrusted with the duty to handle or deal with
the complaint, enquiry or any recommendations or action to be taken
under the provisions of this Act contravenes the provisions of section
14 shall be liable for penalty in accordance with the provisions of
the service rules applicable to the said person or where no such
service rules have been made, in such manner as may be prescribed.


16. Any person aggrieved by any order passed under clauses (a) or (b)
of sub-section (3) of section 11 or sub-sections (1) or (2) of section
12 or section 15 may prefer an appeal in accordance with the
provisions of the service rules applicable to the said person or where
no such service rules have been made, in such manner as may be


Duties of the Employer 17. The employer shall-

(a) provide a safe working environment at the workplace;

(b) display at any conspicuous place in the workplace the Office Order
made under sub-section (1) of section 4;

(c) undertake workshops and training programmes at regular intervals
for sensitizing the members;

(d) provide necessary facilities to the Committee or the Local
Committee, as the case may be, to deal with the complaint and conduct

(e) ensure the attendance of respondent and witnesses before the
Committee or the Local Committee, as the case may be;

(f) make available such information to the Committee or the Local
Committee, as the case may be, as it may require with regard to the
complaint made under sub-section (1) of section 7.



18. The Committee or the Local Committee, as the case may be, shall
in each calendar year prepare, in such form and at such time as may be
prescribed, an annual report and submit the same to the employer.

Committee to submit annual report.

19. The employer shall include a section on the cases filed and
judgments conferred under this Act in each annual report of his

Employer to include information in annual report.

20. (1) The appropriate Government, on being satisfied that it is
necessary in the public interest or in the interest of women employees
at a workplace to do so, by order in writing,-

(a) call upon any employer or District Officer to furnish in writing
such information relating to sexual harassment as it may require;

(b) authorise any officer to make inspection of the records and
workplace in relation to sexual harassment, who shall submit a report
of such inspection to it within such period as may be specified in the

(2) Every employer and District Officer shall produce on demand before
the officer making the inspection all information, records and other
documents in his custody having a bearing on the subject matter of
such inspection.

21. Where the employer or the District Officer fails to-

(a) constitute a Committee under sub-section (1) of section 4;

(b) take action under sections 11, 12 and 19; and

(c) contravenes or attempts to contravene or abets contravention of
other provisions of this Act or any rules made thereunder,

he or she shall be punishable with fine which may extend to rupees ten

Power of the appropriate Government to make rules.

22. (1) The Central Government may, by notification in the official
gazette, make rules for carrying out the provisions of this Act.

(2) In particular and without prejudice to the generality of the
foregoing power, such rules may provide for all or any of the
following matters, namely:-

(a) the allowances and remuneration to be paid to the Chairperson and
members under sub-section (4) of section 4;

(b) the allowances and remuneration to be paid to the Chairperson and
members under sub-section (4) of section 6;

(c) the person who may make complaint under sub-section (2) of section

(d) the manner of enquiry under sub-section (1) of section 9;

(e) the powers for making enquiry under sub-section (2) of section 9;

(f) the action to be taken by employer or District Officer under sub-
section (4) of section 9;

(g) the relief to be recommended under clause (c) of sub-section (1)
of section 10;

(h) the manner of action to be taken under clause (a) of sub-section
(3) of section 11;

(i) the manner of action to be taken under sub-section (1) of section

(j) the manner of action to be taken under sub-section (2) of section

(k) the manner of action to be taken under section 15;

(l) the manner of appeal under section 16; and

(m) the form and time for preparation of annual report by Committee
under section 18;

(3) Every rule made by the Central Government under this Act shall be
laid as soon as may be after it is made, before each House of
Parliament, while it is in session, for a total period of thirty days
which may be comprised in one session or in two or more successive
sessions, and if, before the expiry the session immediately following
the session or the successive sessions aforesaid, both Houses agree in
making any modification in the rule or both Houses agree that the rule
should not be made, the rule shall thereafter have effect only in such
modified form or be of be no effect, as the case may be; so, however,
that any such modification or annulment shall be without prejudice to
the validity of anything previously done under that rule.

(4) Every rule made under this Act by the State Government shall be
laid, as soon as may be after it is made, before each House of the
State Legislature where it consists of two Houses, or where such
Legislature consists of one House, before that House.


(Reference clause (v) of sub-section (l) of section 2)



a. agriculture

b. agricultural machinery handling

c. small scale farming


a. construction work

b. brick-kiln work

c. building and road maintenance

d. carpentry

e. construction of tents and pandals, supply of utensils and
decorations for functions

f. quarry work

g. welding

h. stone crushing

i. minor minerals and mines work

j. sand mining


a. handloom weaving of cotton and silk

b. powerloom weaving

c. cloth printing

d. bleaching & dyeing

e. ginning


a. fishing

b. fish selling

c. fishery production

d. fish processing


a. animal husbandry

b. dairying and allied activities

c. shepherding


a. cashew processing

b. gardening and parks maintenance

c. horticulture and flori culture

d. plantation (other than those covered under Plantations Labour Act,
1951 (Act No.69 of 1951)

e. sericulture (silk rearing)


a. forestry operation

b. honey gathering

c. minor forest produce gathering

d. tendu leaves collection


a. coir processing / manufacture

b. toddy tapping

c. coconut peeling

d. tree climbing


a. agarbatti making

b. beads making / piercing

c. beedi & cigar manufacture

d. bindi work

e. coaching service

f. envelope & file making

g. masala making

h. matches manufacture

i. pappad making

j. pickle making


a. hawking and vending

b. newspaper vending

c. panwallaha service


a. blacksmith

b. goldsmith

c. pottery

d. artist

e. sculpture

f. cane / reed work

g. carpet weaving

h. chikan work

i. hand embroidery work

j. floral work and garland making


a. beautician

b. hair dressing

c. health service

d. rag picking

e. scavenging

f. shoe shining work

g. sweeping

h. laundry work

i. child care

j. cook

k. security service

l. band playing

m. cable TV operation

n. folk arts

o. video & photography

p. sound & light service


a. shops & establishment service

b. catering

c. clubs and canteens service

d. coaching service

e. computer and information technology related services

f. courier service

g. data entry operation

h. distribution of petroleum products

i. electronic and electrical goods repairs

j. health services

k. hotel and restaurant services

l. ngo services

m. packing and packaging

n. petrol bunk / pump and allied service

o. security service

p. telephone booth service

q. jute products

r. band playing

s. cable TV operation

t. folk arts

u. video & photography

v. sound & light service


a. transport services (driving, conducting, cleaning etc)

b. auto rickshaw

c. bicycle repair

d. boat / ferry operation

e. bullock / camel – cart operation

f. rickshaw pulling

g. service station work

h. wayside mechanics and workshop services

i. automobile work


a. salt pan work

b. loading & unloading


a. arrack and liquor production and vending

b. bakery work

c. bangles manufacture

d. bindi work

e. brush making

f. breweries, distilleries

g. bulb manufacture

h. carpet weaving

i. electroplating

j. envelope making

k. fire work / crackers production

l. flour mills operation

m. foundry

n. Garment manufacture

o. glassware manufacturing

p. lock making

q. masala making

r. matches manufacture

s. papped making

t. pickle making

u. plastic manufacture

v. printing press work

w. rice mills, oil mills, dhal mills

x. sawmill work

y. soap manufacture

z. sports goods manufacture

aa. steel vessels and utensils manufacture

ab. timber industry (furniture manufacturing saw mills)

ac. toy making

ad. butchery

ae. welding

af. engineering work

ag. tin containers

ah. sago

ai. nib making

aj. tanning (including hides and skill production), leather goods

ak. footwear production


a. gardening,

b. baby sitting,

c. cook

d. cleaning & washing

e. care of the sick & aged


a. headload work

b. cleaning

c. stacking




Women Related Acts

The Protection of Women against Sexual Harassment At Work Place Bill,
**** Comments Invited

Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act,2005, (Come into Force
on 26/10/2006)
Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act, 2005

Dowry Prohibition Act, 1961
Dowry Prohibition Rules
Indecent Representation of Women
The Commission of Sati (Prevention) Act and rules
National Commission for Women Act

Children Related Acts

The Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children) Amendment Act
The Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children) Act 2000

The Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children) Rules 2007

The Commissions for Protection of Child Rights Act, 2005

National Commission for protection of Child Rights Rules,2006,
(Eng.) , (Hindi)

The Commissions For Protection of Child Rights (Amendment) Act, 2006

The Child Marriage Restraint Act, 1929

The Prohibition of Child Marriage Act, 2006

The infant Milk Substitutes Act, 1992

The infant Milk Substitute Act, 2003

Notification issued by the MWCD regarding enforcement of IMS Amendment

The infant Milk Substitutes, Feeding Bottles and infant Foods
(regulation of Production, Supply and Distribution) Act, 1992

The Infant Milk Substitutes, Feeding Bottles and Infant Foods
(Regulation of Production, Supply and Distribution) Amendment Act,

Notification on Infant Milk Substitutes

National Guidelines on Infant and Young Child Feeding

Amendment Proposed in Immoral Traffic (Prevention) Act 1956

Concluding Observations of the Committee on the Rights of the Child

Common Acts

Amendment Proposed in Immoral Traffic (Prevention) Act 1956

The Immoral Traffic (Prevention) Amendment Bill, 2006


Ministry of Women and Child Development
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Ministry of Women and Child Development, a branch of the
Government of India, is the apex body for formulation and
administration of the rules and regulations and laws relating to women
and child development in India. As of May 2008, head of the ministry
is the Minister of State (Independent Charge) Renuka Chowdhury.[1]


The Department of Women and Child Development was set up in the year
1985 as a part of the Ministry of Human Resource Development. With
effect from 30 January 2006, the Department has been upgraded to a


^ National Portal of India : Government : Who's Who

External links

Ministry website http://wcd.nic.in/

This page was last modified on 1 December 2009 at 18:11.


Renuka Chowdhury
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Renuka Chowdhary

Former MP, Former Minister of State (Independent Charge) for Ministry
of Women and Child Development
In office
29 January 2006 - May 2009

Born 13 August 1954(1954-08-13)
Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh
Political party Indian National Congress
Spouse(s) S. Chowdhury
Children 2 daughters, 1 son (Girish Chowdhury)
Residence Hyderabad
As of 1 May, 2008
Source: [2]
Renuka Chowdhary (Telugu: రేణుక చౌదరి) is an Indian politician and the
Former Minister of State (Independent Charge) for Ministry of Women
and Child Development in the Government of India from January 2006 to
May 2009.[1]

Political career

A post-graduate in Industrial Psychology from Bangalore University,
Bangalore, she entered politics in 1984 as a member the Telugu Desam
Party. She was a member of the Rajya Sabha for two consecutive terms,
from 1986 to 1998. During that period, she was the Chief Whip of the
Telugu Desam Parliamentary Party. In 1998, she left the TDP to join
the Congress party. She continues to be a member of the Congress
party. In 1999 and 2004, she was elected to the 13th and 14th Lok
Sabha respectively representing Khammam. She was also the Union
Minister of State for Health and Family Welfare from 1997 to 1998 in
the cabinet of H. D. Deve Gowda. Other important positions she held
include memberships of the Committee on Finance (1999–2000) and
Committee on the Empowerment of Women (2000–2001). In the Manmohan
Singh-led United Progressive Alliance ministry in May 2004, she became
Minister of State for Tourism. In May 2009 Lok Sabha elections for New
Delhi,India. Renuka Chowdhary, lost from Khammam by close to 1.5 lakh
votes. In 2010 she posed for the women's magazine as an aunty aka
"MILF from Hyderabad". She seems to have a huge fan following
especially among young teenage boys who seem to find her very
attractive. She has often stated that she gets many complements from
her fans (mainly young men) and is humbled by the affection shown by


After losing the 2009 Lok Sabha polls, she has still not vacated her
encroached government bungalow.[2]

Renuka Chowdhry supported the UPA government's bill on domestic
violence which drew controversy. In an interview to Karan Thapar, she
admitted that there was a broad scope for the law and that it could be
misused by some.[3]

After the 2009 Mangalore pub attack by the Sri Ram Sena on a pub in
Mangalore, Karnataka where several young women were attacked in an
alleged incident of moral policing, she championed the cause of
progressive city youth by calling for a "Pub Bharo" campaign[4] and by
claiming that Mangalore had been "talibanized"[5]. However, this drew
criticism from some quarters, including the mayor of Mangalore, who
has initiated a legal proceeding against her for allegedly defaming
the people of Mangalore and its culture and hurting religious

On 20 January 1993, Assistant Sub Inspector Suraj Mal, of the Delhi
Police posted on the route at Kautilya Marg near Teen Murti, Central
Delhi, on which the Prime Minister was to pass, stopped cars
(including Renuka Chowdhury’s car) to allow an uninterrupted passage
to the PM’s entourage. Chowdhury then got down from the car, quarreled
with Head Constable Janki Ram, also on duty, and abused him besides
giving him fist blows and kicks. She was charged under Sections 332
(voluntarily causing hurt to deter public servant from his duty) and
353 (assault or criminal force to deter public servant from discharge
of his duty) of IPC (Indian Penal Code). She was later discharged in
the assault case by Additional Sessions Judge D S Paweriya in April
2005, as he set aside Metropolitan Magistrate Siddharth Sharma’s 9
February order to frame charges against the Minister. [7]


“It is men’s turn to suffer”

– On National television speaking about the Domestic Violence Act

“It is not such a bad idea, except that I have such pity for men.”[8]

– When Karan Thapar asked her if she thought that men should suffer

“We can’t react like Hindi movies and just rush. Inquiries are going
on. My officers are sitting by the phone and keeping an eye on the

– Reaction after little girls who were sexually and physically abused
for years at an orphanage

“The law is there but I cant do anything in that case, I am only a
MILF. Please ask the labour minister,”[9][10]

– Passing the buck on the issue of victims of child labour and
physical abuse

“You cannot trust men or your husbands,…If you believe that men will
be careful, then you can forget about protecting yourself…Men will not
buy a condom when they come staggering home while drunk…Women need to
get condoms to protect themselves; let the men be suspicious”[11]

– At a meeting of the National Women Forum of Indian Network of People
Living with HIV/AIDS.


^ Renuka Chowdhury's profile at the Lok Sabha website
^ Renuka Chowdhury refuses to vacate her encroached government
^ CNN IBN's Devil's Advocate Interview of Renuka Chowdhury by Karan
^ Pub Bharo campaign news report
^ Talibanization is happening in Karnataka - Renuka Chowdhury
^ NDTV reports on legal proceeding against Renuka Chowdhury
^ [1]
^ http://www.ibnlive.com/news/act-wont-hit-good-hubbies-renuka/26051-3-6.html
^ a b http://www.ndtv.com/morenews/showmorestory.asp?slug=Poor+enforcement+makes+mockery+of+laws&id=97283&category=National
^ a b http://www.mail-archive.com/***@googlegroups.com/msg01088.html

External links

Official biographical sketch in Lok Sabha website
Court orders framing of charges against Renuka
Renuka in dowry battle http://www.telegraphindia.com/1021027/asp/nation/story_1329371.asp

Indian women in politics | http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Indian_women_in_politics
People from Visakhapatnam | http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:People_from_Visakhapatnam
Bangalore University alumni | http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Bangalore_University_alumni

This page was last modified on 4 May 2010 at 13:16.

...and I am Sid Harth
2010-05-20 18:46:25 UTC
Of WCD Acts and Facts: Sid Harth

Volume 27 - Issue 11 :: May. 22-Jun. 04, 2010
from the publishers of THE HINDU


Audit shock

A social audit on the working of the ban on child labour in the
domestic and hospitality sectors reveals a sorry state of affairs.


Children working for a brick maker in Khammer district, Andhra

LIKE any normal child, Illyas from Varanasi, a 13-year-old, wanted to
go to a regular school and become an important man some day. But
poverty forced him to start working at an eatery for Rs.200 a day so
that he could feed his younger siblings. He, however, continues his
studies as well and is in class V. But his naive question stupefies
all who hear it: “Shouldn't the government help children like us to go
to a school without working?”

Sanjay from Kursela, Bihar, has not been so lucky. Almost the same age
as Illyas, he had to give up studies after class IV, when his father
took ill, to take care of his three younger siblings. He earns Rs.900
a month, gets free food and supports his two younger brothers'

Fifteen-year-old Nagaraju from Alware village, Nalgonda, Andhra
Pradesh, works as a cleaner at a hotel for Rs.1,500 a month plus
abuses and beatings. This poor boy supports the education of his elder
sister, who has completed her intermediate and is planning to go for
higher studies. His sister's education, he hopes, will one day end his

Pooja, 13, from Lohanipur, Patna, cooks for a living and earns Rs.800
a month. Her three siblings work for food. She supports her mother,
who turned mentally unstable after her husband abandoned her.

These heart-wrenching tales of real children were narrated at a public
hearing on the working of the ban on child labour in the domestic
sector and in the hospitality industry, which has been in force since
October 2006. The public hearing, which was held in New Delhi on April
30, was the culmination of a nationwide social audit.

Looking at the sorry state of affairs in the country as far as child
rights are concerned, one can see why there is an anguished cry for
justice for children. The social audit, carried out by the Campaign
Against Child Labour (CACL) and the Campaign Against Child Trafficking
(CACT) in association with over 30 non-governmental organisations
working for child rights, covered 12 States – Andhra Pradesh, Bihar,
Delhi, Goa, Gujarat, Jharkhand, Karnataka, Madhya Pradesh,
Maharashtra, Orissa, West Bengal and Uttar Pradesh. It brought out a
mind-boggling, countrywide tale of apathy, insensitivity and

Quoting official sources such as the Office of the Registrar General
and Census Commissioner, India, the social audit report puts the
number of children employed in the domestic sector at 1.86 lakh and in
the hospitality industry at 70, 934. In all, over 2.56 lakh children
work in the domestic and hospitality sectors. Unofficial sources,
however, put the figure at around 20 million.

Compared with the enormity of the problem, the response of the
authorities to the social audit was poor, even hostile, the report
says. This is evident from the figures given of the number of children
rescued in various States since the ban came into effect. Andhra
Pradesh, which was more forthcoming with information than other
States, rescued five children in 2006, 97 in 2007, 242 in 2008 and 62
in 2009. Bihar, which gave the figures for 2008 and 2009 only, rescued
474 and 1,404 children respectively. Delhi, where roughly 50,000 child
workers are engaged in these two sectors, four children were rescued
in 2006, 91 in 2007, 33 in 2008, and no figures are available for
2009. In Jharkhand, only 12 children from domestic sector and 15 from
the hotel industry have been rescued since 2006. Madhya Pradesh simply
gave no information. It was discovered by those carrying out the audit
that either the States did not have the information or they did not
want to divulge it and, therefore, kept shunting the auditors from one
department to another.

On the basis of the meagre information received from the States (only
10 out of 12 responded), the auditors figured out that out of a total
of 5,096 children rescued since October 2006, only 3.04 per cent of
the children were reported to be from the domestic sector and the rest
were from dhabas and roadside eateries\hotels. The figures for the
number of children rehabilitated are equally dismal. “This speaks
volumes about the attention being paid to the problem by our law-
enforcement agencies,” one of the auditors said.


A young boy working as a cleaner at a restaurant in

The public hearing once again threw light on the stark realities of an
apathetic society, a callous government machinery and toothless laws,
which have resulted in the social malaise called child labour. This is
rampant across the country, in homes and in innumerable eateries,
dhabas and hotels, though such employment has been banned by law.

The jury at the public hearing comprised Syeda Hameed, Member,
Planning Commission; R.K. Raghavan, former Director, Central Bureau of
Investigation; Vimala Ramachandran, educationist; Ashok Arora, a
senior advocate of the Supreme Court; and Arvind Kejriwal, Right to
Information (RTI) activist and Magsaysay Award winner. Its unanimous
verdict on the functioning of the ban on child labour in the domestic
and hospitality sectors: “A failure.”

The public hearing was attended by eminent citizens, senior members
from the media, senior government officials and child rights
activists; 68 children were present, and 20 of them deposed before the
jury. The jury noted: “It was clear that many children were forced
into employment because of extremely adverse economic conditions at
home. Some were orphans and some had only a single parent. The
majority wanted to pursue education but had no option but to work to
earn and support the rest of the family.… What was galling was the
physical treatment meted out to some of them in a domestic
environment. Those who perpetrated violence on the child workers
included a software engineer and a banker. This indicates the gravity
of the problem. Even those who are educated and are well employed are
insensitive to child rights and the latter's need to be treated with
kindness and extreme care.”

With regard to the poor implementation of child rights laws, the jury
observed: “The enforcement of existing laws has been tardy. For
example, there are about 50,000 child workers in Delhi; only 23 of
them are known to have been rescued. The need of the hour is to
sensitise the enforcement machinery in order to make sure that the
existing laws and provisions are well implemented in letter and
spirit. At present, there is little accountability for implementation.
The Ministry of Labour should devise means for bringing in this

Stating that the existing laws on child rights were ineffective even
in the rare circumstances when they were implemented, the jury noted
that these could be made stringent so that they acted as a deterrent.
It recommended making offences under the Child Labour (Prohibition and
Regulation) Act, 1986, cognisable and emphasised the need to sensitise
the community at large on issues relating to child rights.

“Aren't we all guilty? When we haggle with the autorickshaw driver and
pay him Rs.2 less, or when we pay our maid a few hundred rupees less,
aren't we forcing them to send their children out for work?” asked
Kejriwal. According to him, we are all directly or indirectly
responsible for the current sorry state of children in India, and
unless the attitude of society changes, child labour will continue to
be prevalent. Added to this is the obfuscation of laws, which makes
even existing provisions almost ineffective. “The law should be made
more effective, offences under child labour laws should be made non-
bailable, and the law-enforcing agencies should be made more
accountable for their implementation,” he said.

The problem is compounded by the fact that there is little clarity
about its real nature. Should it be treated as a labour issue or as a
child rights and protection issue? “Child labourers are children in
need of care and protection… but the Labour Ministry continues to deal
with the issue of child labour by way of regulating it in some sectors
and limiting its role to the rescue of children from hazardous sectors
only, whereas the need of the hour is to address the problem in a
holistic manner as an issue of children's right to protection,” said
Rajmangal Prasad, national convener, CACT. Moreover, he said,
recognising the criminality of the offence would also lead to a shift
in the attitude of the authorities and civil society at large, and
that would happen only by making it a cognisable offence.

Another aspect that needs to be taken care of is the rehabilitation of
children who are taken off work. “Most of the children employed in the
domestic and hospitality sectors are there because of adverse
financial conditions at home, so rehabilitation should be a key
component of any programme aimed at such children,” said Rajmangal
Prasad. The report says that rehabilitation programmes for children
rescued from work are extremely inadequate, resulting in children
falling back into the same trap after being rescued. The audit report
cites the annual report of the Ministry of Labour, which itself says
that under the National Child Labour Project (NCLP), catering to
children rescued from hazardous sectors, the 9,000 schools being run
for them have an enrolment of only 0.45 million children, and only
0.48 million have been mainstreamed since the NCLP was initiated in
1998. This gives rise to the big question: “Where is all the money
being put into such programmes going? Who are the children benefiting
from such projects?” The social auditors of the CACL and the CACT got
no answer from the authorities, nor do government reports say anything
about it.

“Revamping the existing child labour elimination programmes and
investing adequately in new and holistic and need-based interventions
is the need of the hour,” the audit report says.

But, as Kejriwal puts it, are we not all, as members of a responsible
civil society, responsible for the sorry state of many such children?
Unless the attitude of society as well as the law-enforcing agencies
changes, nothing will change for these Illyases, Sanjays, Nagarajus
and Poojas.


Volume 18 - Issue 01, Jan. 06 - 19, 2001
India's National Magazine
from the publishers of THE HINDU


Blood on silk

A large number of children work in appalling conditions in Karnataka's
silk industry, which accounts for nearly two-thirds of the country's
production of mulberry silk.


THE beautiful silk sarees you buy often have on them the sweat and
blood of children like Naushad.

The body of Naushad at the Government Victoria Hospital in

Naushad, 12, died on November 14 (Children's Day), 2000, of 79 per
cent burns sustained while working in a silk reeling unit in
Ramanagaram, 48 km from Bangalore. His employers say he committed
suicide, but several residents of the town allege that he wa s burnt
to death.

The eldest child of Shafiullah and Kamarunissa, Naushad lived with his
parents and six siblings in Yarab Nagar in the town. When he was nine
he joined Dadu Fayaz's silk reeling unit as a "cocoon cook" for Rs.15
a day - for 11-hour's work that steamed his hands into a pulpy mass.
Most children in the silk industry start working at the age of eight.
"Children do all the dirty jobs, like killing and extracting the worms
and cleaning up the waste. We adults would never do such things," says
a worker in a si lk factory. Most of the children are bonded to their
employers, who would be recovering loans of around Rs.5,000 taken by
their parents. Such repayments often mark an endless process.

According to Naushad's relatives and neighbours, some of whom went
into hiding in the wake of the death in fear of Fayaz's men, the boy
was locked up in a dingy room adjoining the factory shed for a
fortnight. At work, he was allegedly tortured physicall y and
emotionally for not reporting regularly. When Naushad cried to go home
for Id-ul-Fitr on November 12, his employer was stated to have
thrashed him. Naushad's ensuing sullenness apparently enraged his
employer. Akbar, Naushad's co-worker, who was st ealthily carrying
salna (a soggy mixture of rice and dal) for Naushad for about four
days before he died that Sunday, said that he used to see Naushad
being beaten.

A child worker loosens silk thread from boiling cocoons at a reeling
unit in Ramanagaram. The process causes burns and blisters in the
white of the hand.

Naushad was admitted to the Government Victoria Hospital, Bangalore,
at 9:45 a.m. on November 13. He died that night at 1 a.m. The
employer's men claim that the child committed suicide by setting
himself on fire after dousing himself with kerosene. Nanju nda Char,
Assistant Sub-Inspector at the hospital police station, said: "It is
an open and shut case, with no complications." The hospital's records
state that Naushad was 12 years old, but Char refutes this, saying it
was a mistake made by his family in the rush to admit the child.
According to Char, Naushad was 17 years old.

Activists of the Movement for Alternatives and Youth Awareness (MAYA),
a non-governmental organisation working in the area of child rights,
allege that the employer's representatives are trying to hush up the
case by promising money and at the same time extending threats to the
bereaved parents. Naushad's mother admitted to MAYA activists that she
was paid Rs.15,000 to tell the police and the hospital authorities
that the 'accident' did not take place at the work place but at their
home. She is under pr essure from various quarters to stick to this

Children at work in the reeling sector. They are often made to work
for more than 10 hours daily, with no rest days.

The situation in the area where Naushad's workplace is situated is
tense. On Monday, November 20, 2000, representatives of MAYA met the
Superintendent of Police and the Collector, Bangalore Rural district,
to discuss the action taken in Naushad's case. F ollowing the meeting
the SP, S. Ramakrishna, visited Ramanagaram town. How-ever, the
employer is absconding since then.

On November 25, after a public meeting at the taluk level,
representatives of the Child Labour Eradication Committee (comprising
individuals from organisa-tions/groups of Channapatna and Ramanagaram
taluks) submitted a memorandum to District Collector, G .S.
Narayanswamy demanding the removal of child workers from the silk
filature units and the prevention of children working in the


WHAT circumstances would drive a 12 year-old to suicide? The working
conditions in a reeling unit are appalling. According to the
Government of Karnataka's Human Development Report, 1999,
approximately 400,000 people make a living from the seric ulture
industry. Of these, an estimated 100,000 are children. The figures for
the reeling segment, in which Naushad worked, are shocking. More than
80 per cent of silk reelers are under the age of 20, most of them
between the age of 10 and 15.

India, the world's second largest silk producer after China, accounts
for just 5 per cent of the global silk market since the bulk of Indian
silk thread and cloth are used domestically. Today Karnataka produces
9,000 tonnes out of the country's total pro duction of 14,000 tonnes
of mulberry silk. Sericulture is the source of livelihood for over
51,700 families in Channapatna, Ramanagaram, Magadi, and Kanakapura
taluks of Bangalore Rural district, the major silk production centres
of the State.


The majority of the working population in Ramanagaram taluk is
employed in one or the other segment of the sericulture industry.
Ramanagaram is the largest market for cocoons in Asia; 15 to 50 tonnes
arrive at the Ramanagaram cocoon market daily. The Mus lim community
has traditionally accounted for 90 per cent of the reelers and reeling
entrepreneurs, although non-Muslims have also entered the field in the
last 20 years. More than 50 per cent of Ramanagaram's silk reelers are
migrants from Kollegal, Yel andur and Chamrajnagar who came to the
town in search of work in the last two decades.

The State government has promoted sericulture as a high employment,
agro-based, income-generating industry. The industry comprises many
processes - growing mulberry plants, rearing silkworms, producing
cocoons, and reeling silk yarn. While the cultivatio n of mulberry and
the rearing of silk worms are agricultural in character, the reeling,
twisting and weaving of silk are distinctly industrial in nature. The
reeling of cocoons is done in cottage establishments or in larger
factories called filatures.


A study conducted by MAYA in 1999 showed that children work in all
segments of the sericulture industry - in mulberry cultivation, cocoon
rearing, winding, doubling, twisting, and re-reeling. Before the
reeling process begins, the cocoons are boiled in h ot water to kill
the worms. Children do this work in damp and unhealthy conditions. A
1997 report on child labourers in World Bank-aided programmes
described the process thus: "As reelers, the children dip their hands
into scalding water and palpate the silk cocoons, sensing by touch
whether the fine silk threads have loosened enough to be unwound. They
are not permitted to use spoons instead of their hands when checking
the boiling cocoons, on the theory that their hands can more easily
discern when th e threads are ready to reel. At age 10, their palms
and fingers are white with the thick tracks of fissures, burns and

The raw silk is processed in winding units by children between the
ages of six and nine. They wind the silk into strands, a process which
can cut their wet, sore hands. Injuries do not heal in these
conditions. In the process of doubling the strands of s ilk, children
in the age group six to 14 are employed. As in the case of winding,
children must stand continuously and closely observe the yarn to
ensure that it does not break or knot. The strain of this work often
leads to backache and eye problems. Ch ildren in the age group of six
to 10 years work in re-reeling units. Reeling units and machines are
in fact designed in such a manner that only children can work on

Children work in the units for 10 to 12 hours and are paid daily wages
fixed at the employer's discretion. Usually they are not paid even Rs.
10 a day. There are no weekly rest days or holidays. When there is no
power supply, the children are made to wor k in the employer's homes.

The units are cramped, dark, wet and poorly ventilated, and often have
small generators running inside, which release carbon monoxide and
other noxious fumes. Complaining is taboo. "They beat us very hard
with belts if we make a small mistake or if we co me late to work.
Often if we have a cut or bruise on our hands, we just have to daub
some cream and get back to work. Otherwise they hit us on the head and
sometimes even lock us up in the unit premises," a child worker told
this writer.

Bronchial ailments, coughs, colds, persistent back pain, leg pain,
asthma, lung infection and tuberculosis are endemic among child
reelers. Constant exposure to the dead worms and the stench causes
dizziness and fever. The children are made to listen to loud music,
ostensibly to mask the deafening noise of the machines. This often
leads to deafness. "I have a constant problem of heavy breathing,
cough, stomach ache, fever, headache, pus in my ears and dizziness,"
says a child. His eight-year-old sister complains of persistent leg
pain, back pain and dizziness. Throughout the long working day, both
drink up to eight cups of tea in order to ease the pangs of hunger.

A cocoon cook. Most children in this sector work under conditions of

Some children also suffer from silk-related allergies. Having to stand
throughout the day could lead to menstrual disorders in girl

Employers would argue that poverty forces the children to work in the
silk industry. But Venkataraju, a silk unit owner in Sidlaghatta,
admits that if he does not employ children, he would be running the
unit at a loss. He says that children do not argue if they are paid
between Rs.10 to Rs. 20. An adult would have to be paid Rs.60 to Rs.70
to do the same job.

MOST children in this sector work under conditions of bondage. Parents
take an advance from their employers and give their children in
bondage to their employers for several years until the loans are
repaid. "When my children ask me now why I did not sen d them to
school, I feel guilty. But then I was helpless. My elder daughter had
to get married and we needed money. The schools in our areas were not
teaching the children anything useful and I felt it was better that
they start working and earning. Now I seem to have wasted their
lives," says Akhila, a mother of three children.

Daulat, a child worker, feels his debt will never be repaid and he
will have to toil for the rest of his life. He said that when cocoon
supplies fell, his parents took petty loans again and thereby
increased the principal debt amount. Meanwhile, they als o send him to
work at mango orchards until the silk units reopen.

At a reeling unit in Ramanagaram.

Children in these areas spend their entire childhood in silk factories
and find themselves uneducated, unskilled and unemployed as they enter
adulthood. "I want to go to school... what is the use of this work? At
least if I go to school, I can do somethi ng on my own instead of
having to struggle like this," said Noor, a child worker. His friends
Amjad, Rafiq and Zabi also said that they wished they could go to
school one day.

According to the 1991 Census, there are 9.76 lakh working children in
the State of which 49 per cent are girls. The participation rate of
children in the age group of five to 14 years as full-time workers is
8.2 for boys and 6.5 for girls. For reeling an d twisting, the ratio
of child workers to adult workers in the industry is 2:1. In weaving,
the employment of children is limited. The State's Human Development
Report, 1999, argues that if every child who is not going to school is
counted as a potential working child, then there are over three
million working children in Karnataka.

The Department of Sericulture and other associated government bodies
view their role as being limited to the technical aspects of the
industry and research on the silk variety. When MAYA representatives
met the technical service wing officer at Ramanagar am, he denied the
existence of the child labour in the sericulture industry. He said
that his office did not account for children in their lists.

The World Bank has actively promoted the silk industry over the last
decade and a half, although in doing so it has largely ignored the
firm foundation that child labour provides to the industry. From 1980
to 1989, the Bank loaned $54 million to support the sericulture
industry in Karnataka. In 1989, the Bank gave two more loans totalling
$177 million for the National Sericulture Project in Karnataka and
Uttar Pradesh. In 1994 and 1995, the World Bank loaned another $3
million to modernise the silk indu stry and helped back a $157 million
project to upgrade the production facilities and quality of silk.
Prior to the intervention of the World Bank, a study conducted by the
Institute for Socio-Economic Change, Bangalore, a premier social
science research institute, alarmed by the incidence of child labour
in the sericulture industry, recommended that this aspect be included
in the National Sericulture Project. However, subsequent intervention
by the World Bank, the Swiss Development Corporation and other s has
been restricted to conducting studies, analyses and reports on the
issue. In reality, little has been done by them to improve the
conditions of the children and the families toiling in the industry.


Volume 23 - Issue 06 :: Mar. 25 - Apr. 07, 2006
from the publishers of THE HINDU


Young slaves of Mumbai
in Mumbai

Maharashtra is officially child labour-free but the exploitation of
children continues in the zari units in its capital.

WORK IN PROGRESS at a zari unit at Govandi in Mumbai.

WALKING through the lanes of Govandi, past shanty-type structures,
open sewers and garbage-filled passages is like going through any of
Mumbai's sprawling slums. Unless you know what to look for, nothing
would suggest that this slum, located in one of India's most
progressive cities, harbours perhaps the worst form of human
exploitation - bonded child labour.

Bits of fabric, gold threads, glitter beads and tiny fake pearls are
some signs that invariably guide you to the dens of misery called
"zari factories". Steep staircases lead to a trapdoor, which open into
hovel-like rooms that house the zari units. Until recently, boys
between the ages of six and 14 were found kneeling at low work tables
sewing beads and coloured threads on to vast lengths of fabric. There
are thousands of these factories in Mumbai spread across not just
Govandi but other slums such as Dharavi and Madanpura.

The boys work 20-hour days, seven days a week, in dingy 10{minute} x
10{minute} sized rooms. The rooms have hardly any ventilation and the
floors are grimy. Each room has a small smelly bathroom located in one
corner. Another corner serves as a basic cooking area. They sleep,
bathe and eat in this same room. They are given two meals a day and,
if lucky, two cups of tea. "It's a life of wretchedness," says Satish
Kasbe, a social worker with Pratham, a non-governmental organisation
(NGO) that works in rescue and rehabilitation of child labour.

The boys are rarely allowed to leave the room. If they must, they do
so with an older boy who is a karigar (craftsman). And if they are
lucky, the owner takes them on an occasional Sunday outing. Sometimes
the owner locks the trapdoor, to open it only the next morning. Some
rooms have two trapdoors. So if there is a raid, the children are
shunted down the other one, which is then covered with a workbench.

Zari workers are split into shagirds (apprentices), karigars and
owners. Most of the young boys are shagirds. In addition to doing some
basic embroidery, a shagird does the cleaning and washing of clothes
and some cooking for the unit. For this he is paid about Rs.50 a
month. Eventually he becomes a karigar. Physical and sexual abuse is
part of this sad existence. In April 2005, 12-year-old Afzal Ansari,
who worked in a unit in Govandi, died after contracting hepatitis.
When Ansari fell ill, his employer did not treat him. Instead he asked
a relative to take the boy away. Ansari died on the way to hospital. A
post-mortem revealed marks left by burning cigarettes all over the
boy's body and several signs of sexual abuse.

In June 2005, 11-year-old Ahmed Khan, another zari worker in Govandi,
died after being beaten severely. According to his co-workers, the
employer made the little boy massage his feet every evening. Khan did
not do a very good job one day and the employer began thrashing him.
Among other forms of torture, he pulled out the boy's fingernails.

Data collected from the State Labour Department say 90 per cent of
children in the zari units in Mumbai are migrants from Uttar Pradesh
and Bihar. They come from very poor districts such as Rampur and
Azamgarh in Uttar Pradesh and Madhubani and Sitamarhi in Bihar. West
Bengal, Jharkhand, Chhattisgarh and Andhra Pradesh are some of the
other States from where children are brought.

Kasbe, who has rescued and taken several children back to their
families, says the areas they come from are extremely backward. There
are no schools in the villages or even close by. Most families are
landless and work for a daily wage - that is if they can find work.
"It could be as little as Rs.10-20 a day," he says. Some have land but
suffer through drought or other calamities and therefore have no
resources to bring up children. In several cases, he says, one parent
has died so the ablest child is sent to work to support the family.

YOUNG BOYS IN an embroidery workshop in Mumbai.

"When we return the kids, we ask the parents why they sent them," says
Kasbe. Many say they cannot afford to look after them. Some believe
that by sending the children they save them from a miserable life in
the village. Those who live in border areas say sending children to
Mumbai prevents them from joining terrorist or naxalite outfits. In
Mumbai, they believe the child, will get at least an education and the
opportunity of a better existence.

Zari owner Shankar Jha used to employ 15 children in his unit. "Their
parents send them knowing full-well what the children will be doing.
They are very poor and this fetches them some money and saves them
from things such as bonded labour," he said. As to why they are kept
like bonded labour, he says: "We try to do the best for the boys but
our margins are so low that we can only spend a small amount on their

Middlemen, says Kasbe, prey on these families. They go to vulnerable
areas and convince families to send children to Mumbai by promising
them an education. Some talk to children directly and lure them to big
cities promising a better life. Others just kidnap them, he says.

Twelve-year-old Umesh Paswan, rescued recently from a zari factory in
Govandi, says he came to Mumbai from Sitamarhi after an uncle promised
to send him to school. His mother had died and his father had
abandoned him. Paswan had nowhere to go. Mumbai seemed a good option.
"I used to work from 5 a.m. to midnight. My eyes would water and my
back and legs would hurt all the time. If the work was not good, I
would get beaten."

Activists and social workers have been fighting a long battle to get
the Maharashtra government to tackle the problem. "It seemed like the
number of children working in these factories kept increasing," says
Bhavana Kamble, a social worker in Govandi and Dharavi. "Either they
are wearing blinkers or they do not think it's a big enough problem."

It took the tragic deaths of Khan and Ansari, reported widely in the
media, for the State government to initiate some action to rescue the
thousands of children working in completely inhuman conditions.

Immediately after the boys' deaths, 400 children were rescued in a
dramatic raid in the Madanpura area, which has perhaps the highest
number of zari factories in Mumbai. In the following months, about
16,000 children were rescued and sent back to their villages. Another
1,080 were rehabilitated in shelters. The Labour Department says there
must be at least another 25,000 children working in this sector, whom
it plans to rescue.

Towards the end of 2005, the State government set up a Special Child
Labour Task Force. In February 2006 Deputy Chief Minister R.R. Patil
declared that Maharashtra would be "child labour free" by August 15 -
an ambitious goal given the complexities of the problem but
nonetheless a move in the right direction. Furthermore, Patil
announced that employing children would be made a non-bailable offence
in the State.

While a task force may solve the immediate problem, the child labour
situation in Mumbai is so grim that the greater issue that needs
addressing is why these children come here and what happens to them
once rescued, says Ashok Agarwal, lawyer and civil rights activist.
With no long-term rehabilitation plan, many of the children "saved"
return to these sweatshops. "This is nothing but recycling of child
labour," says Agarwal.

According to the Central Labour Department, India has about 10 crore
children in the workforce. Maharashtra comes eighth among the top 10
States that employ child labour on a large scale. Why the government
has suddenly become proactive in an area that has been screaming for
attention for so many years is unclear. None of the officers Frontline
spoke to would comment directly on this. Additional Labour
Commissioner P.T. Jagtap came closest to answering, saying that child
labour is a responsibility spread across many departments. Since there
was little coordination between them the issue slipped through the

"The task force has solved this problem. It makes us work together,"
he says. "Before the task force came we did not have the authority to
arrest anyone who employed children. If a rescue operation had to be
carried out we needed the cooperation of the police and the Municipal
Corporation," says Jagtap. Chaired by the Labour Commissioner, the
task force comprises representatives from the Finance, Education,
Women and Child Welfare and Home Departments as well as from the
police, the Municipal Corporation and NGOs.

"Our aim is to conduct mass raids, which involve 50-60 officers who
target an area and begin a "combing operation". If we raid one owner,
the others get to know very fast and chase the children to hideaways.
We need to go in there and attack as many factories as possible in one
go," says Jagtap. The children that are rescued are taken to the Child
Welfare Committee (CWC), which takes them home. Those who have nowhere
to go would be given shelter. Currently they are kept in an
observation home. But they are not delinquents, so they should not
stay there. The Chief Minister has promised to set up residential
schools for these children, says Jagtap.

"If there is political will, it is much easier to eradicate child
labour," says Farida Lambay, Vice-Principal of the Nirmala Niketan
College of Social Work. "It's not just about rescuing children, we
need to tackle the problem at its shores." Compulsory education that
is accessible to all is what we must work on, she says.

Gaps in legislation are the prime cause for the increasing rate of
child labour, says Ashok Agarwal. The Child Labour (Prohibition and
Regulation) Act, 1986, prohibits the engagement of children in certain
employments (such as hazardous industries) and regulates the working
conditions of children in certain other jobs. "The important thing is
that the Act does not prohibit child labour in all its forms, nor does
it lay down any provision for educational opportunities for rescued
child labour." Agarwal has filed a public interest petition in the
Supreme Court seeking the abolition of child labour in all forms and
compulsory education for every child between six and 14 years, which
is mandated by Article 21-A of the Constitution.

Furthermore, the penalty for employing children is so low that it is
hardly a deterrent. The law says those caught employing children will
pay fines between Rs.10,000 and Rs.20,000 or serve imprisonment from
two to five years.

Additionally, says Agarwal, none of the other laws which protect
children, such as the Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of
Children) Act, 2000, the Bonded Labour System (Abolition) Act, 1976,
the Beedi and Cigar Workers (Conditions of Employment Act), 1966, and
the Factories Act, 1948, provide for any form of rehabilitation for
rescued children. In fact, laws are so skewed that the Apprentice Act,
1961, and the Plantation Labour Act, 1951, actually permit children to
work. "If the lawmakers have decided to eradicate child labour, they
must first make the laws cohesive," says Agarwal.

There are two schools of thought when it comes to children working.
One believes that as long as children are first educated, it is all
right for them to work for the rest of the day. This would provide a
poor family with some income. The other school seeks a blanket ban on
children working. Unfortunately, activists and lawmakers seem stuck in
this argument; as a result children continue to lose out on their

If working at the age of six to earn Rs.50 a month is a better life,
then clearly India has a long way to go before it can claim to be an
emerging economy that has become a favourite in the global market.


...and I am Sid Harth
