2010-08-12 00:54:49 UTC
News, Views and Reviews: Sid Harth — WordPress.
Surprie,Surprise!: Sid Harth
I am getting tired of my current Avatar. “navanavonmilita” Sanskrit
for newly bloomed (flower, like a rose, a diaisy, a water lily, a
sunflower, a desert cactus bloom that blooms once in a twenty five
years when there is a fool moon under the skies full of stars, and
such poetic notions.
I am reincarnating myself to a new and much improved Avatar.
“cogito ergo sum.” Latin for “I think, Therefore I am.”
Truely, I think. Otherwise why would world care to read my various and
sundry posts in my blogs?
I have many blogs as I have many “Nome de Plume.” french for pen
mnames. Some were cute, others were clever and some just dumb.
One of my pen name was, toungue in cheek, style, “godotcom.”
As the dotcom ventures collapse so did my Avatar.
For some time, I used to like another cute version, “tikakar,” marathi
for a critic. It got quite a reception among California computer
coolies. They, at that time were in charge of Dejavue’s discussion
groups. As a matter of fact in those heady days everyone who was
anyone near a university computer terminal jumped on the idea to have
discussion groups related to their specific cultures.
Inthe beginning, the groups were formed on country basis. Afterwards
when it became very crowded with SPAM postings, vulgar language and
postings of vulgar pictures, it broke into several regional groups of
the original parent country.
India group divided into Either state groups and/or linguistic groups.
We had marathi, Kannada, Tamil, Telugu, Bengali and Gujarati groups.
North India’s Hindi speaking states decided to have their states and
chose to have groups like Rajasthan, Bihar, Punjab. They also had sub
groups like, Jammu-Kashmir.
Crossposting was unlimited and allowed. That means one could post in
one group and crosspost thesame message across a statelines and/or
This division did not suit some of the diehards. They, then broke away
and formed separate groups for religion, regional music, regional
issues and such.
Ultimately, this separation was found to be lacking a fresh thinking.
Some preferred moderated versions. Telugus wanted nothing to do with
Indian cultural issues. They prospered for a little while and died a
natural death soon.
Moderation device was a cumbersome process. One self elected person
would scutinize all the posts and use his own judgment as to what was
right and proper for that group. he had an agenda, most of the time.
That meant he could use his authority to kill some of the best posts
and nobody knew about his deeds.
Whatever they say about India, it is so vile a place that any
semblance of unity, as proclaimed by some jingoist, falls short of
I spent half my life in the good old USA. When four people from India
find themselves living in a city, as big as, say Chicago, New York and
San Fransisco, accidentally, they form a society.
This group sticks together for some time happily not minding their
Just as an example of this group, I cite my personal experience.
I, a marathi from Bombay meets a Sikh from Ludhiana. We become
friends. Sometime later, we find a Gujarati fellow and he joins group.
Now we are three happy Indians having a good time. later a Bengali
joins a group and we are, now, a foursome.
Just an example.
When a Pakistani Punjabi joins our group, our dear Sikh friend
resigns. When another Gujarati person arrives, our Gujarati member and
the newcomer resign and form their Gujarati association.
The process goes on and on till, your’s truly finds himself alone.
It is lonely at the top. Arn’t their more Marathi people? Yes. Most
certainly. They have their separate associations based upon their
region and or their profession, religion or their own kinds of diets.
Brahmins have nothing to do with meat eating marathas and fish eating
Saraswats and Goans, even when they speak the same language.
Jains have nothing to to with meat eating, fish eating and onions and
garlic eating marathi crowd.
I told you, Indians are a bunch of crazies.
So be it. Who needs them?
…and I am Sid harth
1 Votes
By navanavonmilita, on 11/08/2010 at 8:50 pm, under News, Views and
Reviews. . No Comments
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Surprie,Surprise!: Sid Harth
I am getting tired of my current Avatar. “navanavonmilita” Sanskrit
for newly bloomed (flower, like a rose, a diaisy, a water lily, a
sunflower, a desert cactus bloom that blooms once in a twenty five
years when there is a fool moon under the skies full of stars, and
such poetic notions.
I am reincarnating myself to a new and much improved Avatar.
“cogito ergo sum.” Latin for “I think, Therefore I am.”
Truely, I think. Otherwise why would world care to read my various and
sundry posts in my blogs?
I have many blogs as I have many “Nome de Plume.” french for pen
mnames. Some were cute, others were clever and some just dumb.
One of my pen name was, toungue in cheek, style, “godotcom.”
As the dotcom ventures collapse so did my Avatar.
For some time, I used to like another cute version, “tikakar,” marathi
for a critic. It got quite a reception among California computer
coolies. They, at that time were in charge of Dejavue’s discussion
groups. As a matter of fact in those heady days everyone who was
anyone near a university computer terminal jumped on the idea to have
discussion groups related to their specific cultures.
Inthe beginning, the groups were formed on country basis. Afterwards
when it became very crowded with SPAM postings, vulgar language and
postings of vulgar pictures, it broke into several regional groups of
the original parent country.
India group divided into Either state groups and/or linguistic groups.
We had marathi, Kannada, Tamil, Telugu, Bengali and Gujarati groups.
North India’s Hindi speaking states decided to have their states and
chose to have groups like Rajasthan, Bihar, Punjab. They also had sub
groups like, Jammu-Kashmir.
Crossposting was unlimited and allowed. That means one could post in
one group and crosspost thesame message across a statelines and/or
This division did not suit some of the diehards. They, then broke away
and formed separate groups for religion, regional music, regional
issues and such.
Ultimately, this separation was found to be lacking a fresh thinking.
Some preferred moderated versions. Telugus wanted nothing to do with
Indian cultural issues. They prospered for a little while and died a
natural death soon.
Moderation device was a cumbersome process. One self elected person
would scutinize all the posts and use his own judgment as to what was
right and proper for that group. he had an agenda, most of the time.
That meant he could use his authority to kill some of the best posts
and nobody knew about his deeds.
Whatever they say about India, it is so vile a place that any
semblance of unity, as proclaimed by some jingoist, falls short of
I spent half my life in the good old USA. When four people from India
find themselves living in a city, as big as, say Chicago, New York and
San Fransisco, accidentally, they form a society.
This group sticks together for some time happily not minding their
Just as an example of this group, I cite my personal experience.
I, a marathi from Bombay meets a Sikh from Ludhiana. We become
friends. Sometime later, we find a Gujarati fellow and he joins group.
Now we are three happy Indians having a good time. later a Bengali
joins a group and we are, now, a foursome.
Just an example.
When a Pakistani Punjabi joins our group, our dear Sikh friend
resigns. When another Gujarati person arrives, our Gujarati member and
the newcomer resign and form their Gujarati association.
The process goes on and on till, your’s truly finds himself alone.
It is lonely at the top. Arn’t their more Marathi people? Yes. Most
certainly. They have their separate associations based upon their
region and or their profession, religion or their own kinds of diets.
Brahmins have nothing to do with meat eating marathas and fish eating
Saraswats and Goans, even when they speak the same language.
Jains have nothing to to with meat eating, fish eating and onions and
garlic eating marathi crowd.
I told you, Indians are a bunch of crazies.
So be it. Who needs them?
…and I am Sid harth
1 Votes
By navanavonmilita, on 11/08/2010 at 8:50 pm, under News, Views and
Reviews. . No Comments
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