2010-04-23 14:31:47 UTC
Digg Digs Earthday: Sid Harth
Digg Dialogg: Earth Day Edition with President Bill Clinton
Digg Dialogg: Earth Day Edition with President Bill Clinton
We were honored to sit down with President Bill Clinton for a very
special Earth Day edition of Digg Dialogg. He tackled your top
questions on the environment, Earth Day and climate change. Watch the
full interview below!
The questions
The top questions submitted and voted on by the Digg community are:
How can we best engage our nation's youth on the issues surrounding
climate change? (+179 diggs, submitted by jerryjamesstone)
If you were President today, what different steps would you be taking
today to ensure environmental conservation that you hadn't taken when
you were President in the 90's? (+158 diggs, submitted by danielrh9)
For a country that sets the standard for so many things, how have we
fallen so far behind on issues like waste management and
sustainability? How can we change that? (+114 diggs, submitted by
What really happened to the electric car? (+110 diggs, submitted by
What do you say to people who think global warming isn't a real issue?
(+91 diggs, submitted by vfabella)
What steps are you personally taking to lessen your carbon footprint?
(+90 diggs, submitted by danielrh9)
+180 diggs +229 / -49
on 04/14/2010 How can we best engage our nation's youth on the issues
surrounding climate change?
Thread / Reply+158 diggs +189 / -31
on 04/14/2010 If you were President today, what different steps would
you be taking today to ensure environmental conservation that you
hadn't taken when you were President in the 90's?
Thread / Reply+135 diggs +174 / -39
on 04/14/2010 Do you think President Obama did the right thing by
compromising on off-shore drilling in spite of it's possible
environmental effects?
Thread / Reply+114 diggs +141 / -27
on 04/14/2010 For a country that sets the standard for so many things,
how have we fallen so far behind on issues like waste management and
sustainability? How can we change that?
Thread / Reply+113 diggs +151 / -38
on 04/14/2010 What really happened to the electric car?
Thread / Reply+93 diggs +122 / -29
on 04/14/2010 What do you say to people who think global warming isn't
a real issue?
Thread / Reply+93 diggs +149 / -56
on 04/14/2010 What steps are you personally taking to lessen your
carbon footprint?
Thread / Reply+81 diggs +107 / -26
on 04/14/2010 Could the resurgence of a nuclear power program be one
of the most important shifts in environmental and economic change?
Considering the lack of pollution, the lower dependence of foreign
oil, and job growth, do you see nuclear energy as an answer to a
better future for the United States?
Thread / Reply+73 diggs +88 / -15
on 04/14/2010 We know that trees absorb carbon dioxide. During the
1930s, the CCC hired unemployed men who planted 2.3 billion trees.
With our high unemployment today, why can't the federal government
hire a million people to plant 6 billion trees throughout the United
Thread / Reply+66 diggs +99 / -33
on 04/14/2010 Are there any plans to clean up the trash vortex that is
floating north of Hawaii?
Thread / Reply+41 diggs +60 / -19
on 04/14/2010 What can we do, from a governmental point of view, to
get US farmers to adopt environmentally friendly ways or farming, like
less use of pesticides and more organic farming?
Thread / Reply+27 diggs +66 / -39
on 04/14/2010 If could give just one actionable suggestion for people
to help combat climate change, what would it be?
Thread / Reply+26 diggs +41 / -15
on 04/14/2010 How may we divorce environmentalism from politics? And
who can the American people listen to? It seems that even the most
environmentally minded politicians aren't able to leave politics at
the door when discussing environmental issues (i.e. Al Gore's 20
minute non sequitur in the middle of An Inconvenient Truth about being
cheated in the election).
Thread / Reply+22 diggs +30 / -8
on 04/14/2010 Dear Mr President,
Why doesn't the government fund more innovative alternative energy
projects? There are a lot of interesting things going on that could be
aided by a genuine interest of the U.S government.
Thread / Reply+21 diggs +35 / -14
on 04/14/2010 Why do we constantly support fuel products based on food
crops when there is a worldwide food shortage which is only getting
worse? (Example: Corn Ethanol)
Thread / Reply+19 diggs +24 / -5
on 04/15/2010 You understand they eventually will, yes? :-)
Thread +17 diggs +24 / -7
on 04/14/2010 Bicycle infrastructure in major cities in the United
States lags far behind many European cities. Do you support expanding
bicycle infrastructure in order to limit emissions from transportation
sources – a major contributor to greenhouse gas emissions and make
cycling a more attractive and feasible option in the United States? If
so, how do you propose changing the transportation infrastructure in
major cities and metropolitan areas in this country to accomplish
Thread / Reply+17 diggs +30 / -13
on 04/14/2010 1. The issue of climate change is politically polarized,
thanks to 'An Inconvenient Truth' railing against Republicans. How can
we de-polarize it in order to get bi-partisan support for change.
2. How can we expect to protect the environment when the fossil fuel
companies have lobbied congress with tens of billions of dollars to
keep us addicted to oil?
Thread / Reply+14 diggs +29 / -15
on 04/14/2010 Do you believe that individuals or corporations will
need to make the largest sacrifices in order to protect our
Thread / Reply+13 diggs +14 / -1
on 04/15/2010 Dear President Clinton,
The US war on marijuana has created a situation in which millions of
acres of public land are now being taken over by criminals with no
oversight or accountability to their agricultural practices.
Indigenous species of plants are being threatened, uncontrolled
pesticides are being dumped on fragile ecosystems and conservation
workers are unable to safely conduct imperative scientific research.
In addition, industrial cannabis can more readily produce fiber than
cotton for clothes or paper for trees and its oil is on par with that
of soy or corn, only requiring less input.
Can we reasonably create a system of taxation, regulation and
oversight on the cannabis plant that would benefit instead of harm our
environment and our society?
Thread / Reply+13 diggs +27 / -14
on 04/14/2010 What invention do you think has made the biggest
difference to protect our environment or significantly reduce
Thread / Reply+10 diggs +24 / -14
on 04/14/2010 Ethanol has been called into question as a plausible
'alternative fuel source' for the future. What alternative fuels would
you like to see in the future? What do you believe to be the role of
the Federal Government in making those alternatives available?
Thread / Reply+9 diggs +22 / -13
on 04/14/2010 What do you think about sustainable farming, and how can
we encourage more of it?
Thread / Reply+8 diggs +19 / -11
on 04/14/2010 Dear Mr. President,
The past several decades have seen nuclear energy stagnate in the
United States. Given the pressing need for cleaner sources of energy
and action on climate change what role should nuclear energy play in
the USA?
Thread / Reply+7 diggs +13 / -6
on 04/14/2010 Why hasn't the United States moved away from oil based
plastics (which are virtually non-degradable) towards corn based
containers (biodegradable)? Thinking of comparative advantage, America
can grow corn like no other nation, and to move towards these
containers would be beneficial not only to the environment, but also
to our agricultural industry. Or do you think that special interests
(Oil industry) will disallow this change of materials to happen?
Thread / Reply+4 diggs +11 / -7
on 04/14/2010 Dear Mr. President,
Do any of these questions matter as long as money and lobbying rule
Washington? How come we can’t just end money being given to
politicians at all since it NEVER is in the interest of the people?
Thread / Reply+4 diggs +5 / -1
on 04/15/2010 How come the world's youth have such a limited influence
on political decisions taken around long-term environmental issues,
like climate change, when their generation will be affected more than
any other by the consequences of those decisions? What can they do to
make sure their concerns and ideas are given top priority by the
leaders of our planet?
Thread / Reply+4 diggs +22 / -18
on 04/14/2010 I was wondering: Does the carbon footprint of a
Recycling plant offset the positive aspects of recycling, rendering
Recycling Plants harmful to the environment as a whole?
Thread / Reply+4 diggs +9 / -5
on 04/14/2010 I have 2 questions that I imagine myself asking Clinton
(who I regard as a very smart fellow):
1. Why do you think many people refer to environmentalist as a
“special interest group?“ - why haven’t these concerns gone more
2. Is there a way to penetrate the fog of politics that prevents a
greater understanding of (and commitment to develop solutions to) long-
run environmental problems?
Thread / Reply+4 diggs +8 / -4
on 04/14/2010 incorporate it into the plot of the Avatar sequel, that
will surely reach billions
Thread / Reply+4 diggs +20 / -16
on 04/14/2010 What can small groups do on a community level to make a
collective impact on climate change? And how can we engage children on
a larger scale so that the efforts we make today can be carried into
Thread / Reply+4 diggs +7 / -3
on 04/14/2010 How do we explain science to people like this?
Thread / Reply+3 diggs +7 / -4
on 04/14/2010 What do you feel would be the most important steps for
everyday people to do in order to help preserve our environment?
Thread / Reply+3 diggs +5 / -2
on 04/15/2010 The destruction of our environment is ultimately rooted
in our consumption. We eat too much, we use, and destroy more land
than we require and we buy too many "things" (electronics, household
goods, fashions). This over-consumption leads to the destruction of
our wildlife, forests and oceans. Yet, our economic prowess is based
upon this principle of consumerism. What role could the government
have to shift our focus from this unsustainable system, while
maintaining our economic well-being?
Thread / Reply+3 diggs +8 / -5
on 04/14/2010 Mr. Clinton, hydroponic and aeroponic agriculture uses
1/20 or less of the water of conventional agriculture and produces no
runoff from fertilizer and pesticides, grows year round, amongst other
Shouldn't the environmental movement focus on soiless agriculture, in
addition to clean energy?
Thread / Reply+3 diggs +11 / -8
on 04/14/2010 Whats your option on America's stand point regarding the
Kyoto Protocol?
Thread / Reply+3 diggs +13 / -10
on 04/14/2010 Mr. President,
If you had to pose a concise argument to persuade a climate-change
denier to recognize that the threat is real, what would it be? Thank
Thread / Reply+2 diggs +7 / -5
on 04/14/2010 Do you think Jimmy Carter's 1977 speech on energy holds
any relevance toward solving the problems we face 30+ years later?
/ Reply+2 diggs +6 /
-4 eddyb123
on 04/14/2010 American consumption and waste is reaching unprecedented
levels. Do you feel that stricter regulation and taxes are needed to
save this planet from future disaster?
Thread / Reply+2 diggs +6 / -4
on 04/15/2010 How come young people have such a limited influence on
decisions taken around environmental issues, when their generation
will be affected more than any other by the consequences of those
decisions? What can they do to make sure their concerns and ideas are
given top priority by the leaders of the world?
Thread / Reply+2 diggs +4 / -2
on 04/14/2010 I believe we need to educate our children better through
the schools. Organizations like the Go Green Initiative are free,
comprehensive, and allow teacher autonomy. Will the American
government ever start utilizing programs like these to help? These are
volunteer organizations with dedicated people.
Casey Magnuson, Texas GGI Coordinator
Thread / Reply+2 diggs +6 / -4
on 04/14/2010 President Clinton during your Presidency you eliminated
Tariffs on imports from Asia causing a boom in goods imported from
Asia and highly praised economic growth for the USA. How do you feel
your foreign trade policy has effected the environment?
Thread / Reply+2 diggs +14 / -12
on 04/14/2010 What can be done about laws overprotecting large food
corporations and how can the government hold them more accountable for
actions that negatively impact the environment?
Thread / Reply+2 diggs +6 / -4
on 04/14/2010 The giant oil companies don't want any changes on the
present situation. How can we make any progress on the energy
policies, with this tremendous negative force working against ?
Thread / Reply+2 diggs +7 / -5
on 04/14/2010 Mr. President,
One of the keys to preventing climate change seems to be focused on
transportation. The US is a very Car-centric culture, but it seems
that it is a requirement of life in America.
Do you have any ideas as to how Americans might be able to combat
urban sprawl such that the American people would be more likely to use
and support public transportation?
Thread / Reply+2 diggs +4 / -2
on 04/15/2010 As the sitting president in 2000, What was going through
your head during Gore v Bush?
Thread / Reply+2 diggs +2 / -0
on 04/15/2010 What is your opinion on geothermal energy as an
alternative sourse of energy? Iceland proves that the technology is
out there and is working. If you had the power to do so, how would you
go about in rolling out geothermic energy worldwide and do you think
that it is even possoble?
Thread / Reply+2 diggs +3 / -1
on 04/15/2010 How do we focus attention on the environment and climate
change in the current political, social climate? It seems to us that
many, including members of our own family, are right now actively
promoting fear, strife, and anger against what they perceive is
holding them back or threatening their country, lifestyle and views.
Thread / Reply+2 diggs +6 / -4
on 04/15/2010 What would you say to a person who refuses to believe in
climate change?
Thread / Reply+2 diggs +2 / -0
on 04/15/2010 Mr President, Do you honestly feel that Former Vice-
President Al Gore is the best choice to represent the environment for
the United States? Can you honestly agree with his views? I mean to be
honest, the restriction set in place, by his efforts, to help fix the
ozone layer have helped to nearly cripple the HVAC industry due to the
price for freon used in our central air conditioning systems to sky
rocket. Many people can not afford the high cost to get their systems
charged due to the price of freon.
Respectfully submitted,
Thread / Reply+2 diggs +5 / -3
on 04/15/2010 Did it bother you when former President George W. Bush
used you as a napkin during your recent trip to Haiti? It seemed
disrespectful, not only to you but to the people of Haiti as well.
Thread / Reply+2 diggs +4 / -2
on 04/15/2010 What is your definition of "is"?
Thread / Reply+1 digg +1 / -0
on 04/14/2010 FANTASTIC Ideas!!!
Will you initiate a CCI type plan as a Federal WPA-ish jobs and funds
program to ensure Wind and Transmission lines implementation?
Will you support Commercial scale Solar Steam and PV generation with
Fed. Scale resources for Design Build programs?
Thread / Reply+1 digg +1 / -0
on 04/14/2010 What do you say to the nay sayers on environmental
Thread / Reply+1 digg +4 / -3
on 04/14/2010 If you were the American president today, what is the
first step you would take... to show the rest of the world America IS
serious about saving THIS planet.
Thread / Reply+1 digg +1 / -0
on 04/14/2010 Do you think electric cars are going to be the new
things in the future, with electric charge stations located at gas
Thread / Reply+1 digg +4 / -3
on 04/14/2010 Do you support President Obama's choice to open off-
shore drilling here in North America that will hopefully contribute to
the United States becoming less dependent on foreign oil? Also, I view
this as a temporary fix while we develop and implement new and
environmentally friendly energy sources.
Thread / Reply+1 digg +4 / -3
on 04/14/2010 What are the biggest issues facing President Obama now
regarding the creation of a sustainable energy policy that both
Republicans and Democrats can get behind. How can he break the log
jam? Does the argument need to be re-positioned so that Republicans
will jump on board the initiative?
Thread / Reply+1 digg +5 / -4
on 04/14/2010 You've hinted in the past that you understand how
economic growth makes real progress in reducing total carbon emissions
nearly or actually impossible. Are you ready and willing to lead the
conversation about getting unhooked from growth addiction and moving
to a steady state economy, in the interest of every environmental
Thread / Reply+1 digg +7 / -6
on 04/14/2010 Where were you before coming to do this Earth Day
Edition of Digg Dialogg; What mode of transportation did you choose?
Where will you be going after this interview and how?
Thread / Reply+1 digg +10 / -9
on 04/14/2010 Dear Mr. Clinton,
During your presidency, we experienced the insanity (both good and
bad) of the dot com boom. The growth in Information Technology was
both astounding and unsustainable. Since the early 2000s, this
enthusiasm and interest from the private sector as well as the
educational sector has stagnated. Very few students are majoring in
the IS/CS/IT field and it is leading to the decay of our technical
might. How do you think we might get students interested in this all
important field again? The thought of increasing H1B visas to support
technical growth is backwards thinking.
Thank You,
Dr. Michael Lapke
Thread / Reply+1 digg +1 / -0
on 04/14/2010 Could you propose to opponents of the environmental
movement that we act responsibly, with or without proof of
catastrophic climate change, simply because it's the right thing to
do? Our country used to have that kind of image. Profits shouldn't
stand in the way of right action.
Thread / Reply+1 digg +3 / -2
on 04/14/2010 Former President Clinton, to what level is your
foundation applying any of the learning you gained from your earlier
agricultural transportation activities in Mena, Arkansas and how does
that relate to your environmental activities specifically sustainable
farming and agricultural distribution models?
Thread / Reply+1 digg +9 / -8
on 04/14/2010 Do you feel you have more of an ability to impact issues
such as climate change and supporting sustainable agriculture in
developing nations after being President then you did when you were in
Thread / Reply+1 digg +3 / -2
on 04/14/2010 Over the last several decades, the United States has
attempted to wean its dependency from foreign oil. Little progress has
been made. Each heralded breakthrough turns out to be a trojan horse -
ethanol and subsidies for it has highlighted the food versus fuel
debate, the opening of the American coastline to drilling won't
produce enough oil to significantly reduce our imports, and clean
energy has not proved cost-effective in competing with foreign oil,
let alone coal. Given that these numerous attempts have ended in
failure, what changes do you foresee in either American policies,
culture and society, and government that may be necessary in order to
finally end our dependency on foreign oil?
Thread / Reply+1 digg +2 / -1
on 04/14/2010 Mr. President: The United Nations as well as many other
reputable organizations have definitively shown that more than any
other single source, our overproduction and over-consumption of
Animals (particularly Factory Farmed Animals) is the leading cause of
global warming, climate change and the devastating grain and water
shortages which are rapidly becoming the norm on our planet. Putting
aside, for the moment, the ethical issues of speciesism and the bias
we have towards non-humans and using their bodies, we also know that
switching to a plant-based diet and removing animal fats and proteins
from ours is better for our health. Knowing this, why aren't you (and
more Americans and world leaders) getting behind organizations like
EarthSave, who promote a kind and animal-free diet for the sake of our
planet, our individual health, and the greatest impact to quickly and
sustainably reverse climate change?
Thread / Reply+1 digg +7 / -6
on 04/14/2010 Which president so far has done the best to help the
Thread / Reply+1 digg +6 / -5
on 04/14/2010 Why is the United States incapable of ratifying the
environment treaty that it helped to write?
Thread / Reply+1 digg +5 / -4
on 04/14/2010 How do you feel about sustainable agriculture and how
can we better support this industry?
Thread / Reply+1 digg +13 / -12
on 04/14/2010 What do you think the state of our environment will be
in fifty years if we don't take appropriate steps to safeguard it now?
Thread / Reply+1 digg +12 / -11
on 04/14/2010 What is your take on GM foods and do you think there
should be stricter regulations or more intensive research on them to
ensure that they are truly beneficial to both humans and the
environment in the long run?
+1 digg +10 / -9
on 04/14/2010 I was a member of your Clinton Global Initiative
Conference last year at the University of Texas at Austin. I was
amazed by the selfless effort many of the college students in
attendance put into helping make the world a better place. Now that
the conference is into its third year, I was just wondering what you
personally thought was the most impressive student effort to help
better our world.
Thread / Reply+1 digg +2 / -1
on 04/14/2010 Mr. President,
I'd like to know if you support "fracking" in the US and how do you
feel about off-shore drilling exploration as a means to blind-side
Americans about peak oil?
+1 digg +7 / -6
on 04/14/2010 Stories highlighting an energy innovation rivalry
between U.S. and China has heated up in the media lately. What is your
perspective on joint R&D with other nations?
+1 digg +1 / -0
on 04/14/2010 Unfortunately many of the arguments on both sides of the
debate regarding environmental legislation are often based on
misunderstandings of scientific studies and a general lack of
scientific education. What steps do you think can be taken to better
educate both lawmakers and the public so that the science behind these
issues is not subverted and better-informed decisions can be made on
potential legislation?
+1 digg +9 / -8
on 04/14/2010 what can we do to ensure proliferation of nuclear power
as a clean energy source while protecting against nuclear weaponry? is
that even a viable goal?
+1 digg +5 / -4
on 04/14/2010 I'm from Hot Springs, Arkansas and am frustrated that
Arkansas and The South are so reluctant to accept energy efficiency
and renewable power. We are powered by energy monopolies, who have a
vested interest in not encouraging efficiency and the population seems
complacent. Why do you think this is and what can we do about it?
There are 1038 discussion posts here.
Global Warming, Indian Views: Sid Harth
The Truth About Global Warming: Sid Harth
...and I am Sid Harth
Digg Dialogg: Earth Day Edition with President Bill Clinton
Digg Dialogg: Earth Day Edition with President Bill Clinton
We were honored to sit down with President Bill Clinton for a very
special Earth Day edition of Digg Dialogg. He tackled your top
questions on the environment, Earth Day and climate change. Watch the
full interview below!
The questions
The top questions submitted and voted on by the Digg community are:
How can we best engage our nation's youth on the issues surrounding
climate change? (+179 diggs, submitted by jerryjamesstone)
If you were President today, what different steps would you be taking
today to ensure environmental conservation that you hadn't taken when
you were President in the 90's? (+158 diggs, submitted by danielrh9)
For a country that sets the standard for so many things, how have we
fallen so far behind on issues like waste management and
sustainability? How can we change that? (+114 diggs, submitted by
What really happened to the electric car? (+110 diggs, submitted by
What do you say to people who think global warming isn't a real issue?
(+91 diggs, submitted by vfabella)
What steps are you personally taking to lessen your carbon footprint?
(+90 diggs, submitted by danielrh9)
+180 diggs +229 / -49
on 04/14/2010 How can we best engage our nation's youth on the issues
surrounding climate change?
Thread / Reply+158 diggs +189 / -31
on 04/14/2010 If you were President today, what different steps would
you be taking today to ensure environmental conservation that you
hadn't taken when you were President in the 90's?
Thread / Reply+135 diggs +174 / -39
on 04/14/2010 Do you think President Obama did the right thing by
compromising on off-shore drilling in spite of it's possible
environmental effects?
Thread / Reply+114 diggs +141 / -27
on 04/14/2010 For a country that sets the standard for so many things,
how have we fallen so far behind on issues like waste management and
sustainability? How can we change that?
Thread / Reply+113 diggs +151 / -38
on 04/14/2010 What really happened to the electric car?
Thread / Reply+93 diggs +122 / -29
on 04/14/2010 What do you say to people who think global warming isn't
a real issue?
Thread / Reply+93 diggs +149 / -56
on 04/14/2010 What steps are you personally taking to lessen your
carbon footprint?
Thread / Reply+81 diggs +107 / -26
on 04/14/2010 Could the resurgence of a nuclear power program be one
of the most important shifts in environmental and economic change?
Considering the lack of pollution, the lower dependence of foreign
oil, and job growth, do you see nuclear energy as an answer to a
better future for the United States?
Thread / Reply+73 diggs +88 / -15
on 04/14/2010 We know that trees absorb carbon dioxide. During the
1930s, the CCC hired unemployed men who planted 2.3 billion trees.
With our high unemployment today, why can't the federal government
hire a million people to plant 6 billion trees throughout the United
Thread / Reply+66 diggs +99 / -33
on 04/14/2010 Are there any plans to clean up the trash vortex that is
floating north of Hawaii?
Thread / Reply+41 diggs +60 / -19
on 04/14/2010 What can we do, from a governmental point of view, to
get US farmers to adopt environmentally friendly ways or farming, like
less use of pesticides and more organic farming?
Thread / Reply+27 diggs +66 / -39
on 04/14/2010 If could give just one actionable suggestion for people
to help combat climate change, what would it be?
Thread / Reply+26 diggs +41 / -15
on 04/14/2010 How may we divorce environmentalism from politics? And
who can the American people listen to? It seems that even the most
environmentally minded politicians aren't able to leave politics at
the door when discussing environmental issues (i.e. Al Gore's 20
minute non sequitur in the middle of An Inconvenient Truth about being
cheated in the election).
Thread / Reply+22 diggs +30 / -8
on 04/14/2010 Dear Mr President,
Why doesn't the government fund more innovative alternative energy
projects? There are a lot of interesting things going on that could be
aided by a genuine interest of the U.S government.
Thread / Reply+21 diggs +35 / -14
on 04/14/2010 Why do we constantly support fuel products based on food
crops when there is a worldwide food shortage which is only getting
worse? (Example: Corn Ethanol)
Thread / Reply+19 diggs +24 / -5
on 04/15/2010 You understand they eventually will, yes? :-)
Thread +17 diggs +24 / -7
on 04/14/2010 Bicycle infrastructure in major cities in the United
States lags far behind many European cities. Do you support expanding
bicycle infrastructure in order to limit emissions from transportation
sources – a major contributor to greenhouse gas emissions and make
cycling a more attractive and feasible option in the United States? If
so, how do you propose changing the transportation infrastructure in
major cities and metropolitan areas in this country to accomplish
Thread / Reply+17 diggs +30 / -13
on 04/14/2010 1. The issue of climate change is politically polarized,
thanks to 'An Inconvenient Truth' railing against Republicans. How can
we de-polarize it in order to get bi-partisan support for change.
2. How can we expect to protect the environment when the fossil fuel
companies have lobbied congress with tens of billions of dollars to
keep us addicted to oil?
Thread / Reply+14 diggs +29 / -15
on 04/14/2010 Do you believe that individuals or corporations will
need to make the largest sacrifices in order to protect our
Thread / Reply+13 diggs +14 / -1
on 04/15/2010 Dear President Clinton,
The US war on marijuana has created a situation in which millions of
acres of public land are now being taken over by criminals with no
oversight or accountability to their agricultural practices.
Indigenous species of plants are being threatened, uncontrolled
pesticides are being dumped on fragile ecosystems and conservation
workers are unable to safely conduct imperative scientific research.
In addition, industrial cannabis can more readily produce fiber than
cotton for clothes or paper for trees and its oil is on par with that
of soy or corn, only requiring less input.
Can we reasonably create a system of taxation, regulation and
oversight on the cannabis plant that would benefit instead of harm our
environment and our society?
Thread / Reply+13 diggs +27 / -14
on 04/14/2010 What invention do you think has made the biggest
difference to protect our environment or significantly reduce
Thread / Reply+10 diggs +24 / -14
on 04/14/2010 Ethanol has been called into question as a plausible
'alternative fuel source' for the future. What alternative fuels would
you like to see in the future? What do you believe to be the role of
the Federal Government in making those alternatives available?
Thread / Reply+9 diggs +22 / -13
on 04/14/2010 What do you think about sustainable farming, and how can
we encourage more of it?
Thread / Reply+8 diggs +19 / -11
on 04/14/2010 Dear Mr. President,
The past several decades have seen nuclear energy stagnate in the
United States. Given the pressing need for cleaner sources of energy
and action on climate change what role should nuclear energy play in
the USA?
Thread / Reply+7 diggs +13 / -6
on 04/14/2010 Why hasn't the United States moved away from oil based
plastics (which are virtually non-degradable) towards corn based
containers (biodegradable)? Thinking of comparative advantage, America
can grow corn like no other nation, and to move towards these
containers would be beneficial not only to the environment, but also
to our agricultural industry. Or do you think that special interests
(Oil industry) will disallow this change of materials to happen?
Thread / Reply+4 diggs +11 / -7
on 04/14/2010 Dear Mr. President,
Do any of these questions matter as long as money and lobbying rule
Washington? How come we can’t just end money being given to
politicians at all since it NEVER is in the interest of the people?
Thread / Reply+4 diggs +5 / -1
on 04/15/2010 How come the world's youth have such a limited influence
on political decisions taken around long-term environmental issues,
like climate change, when their generation will be affected more than
any other by the consequences of those decisions? What can they do to
make sure their concerns and ideas are given top priority by the
leaders of our planet?
Thread / Reply+4 diggs +22 / -18
on 04/14/2010 I was wondering: Does the carbon footprint of a
Recycling plant offset the positive aspects of recycling, rendering
Recycling Plants harmful to the environment as a whole?
Thread / Reply+4 diggs +9 / -5
on 04/14/2010 I have 2 questions that I imagine myself asking Clinton
(who I regard as a very smart fellow):
1. Why do you think many people refer to environmentalist as a
“special interest group?“ - why haven’t these concerns gone more
2. Is there a way to penetrate the fog of politics that prevents a
greater understanding of (and commitment to develop solutions to) long-
run environmental problems?
Thread / Reply+4 diggs +8 / -4
on 04/14/2010 incorporate it into the plot of the Avatar sequel, that
will surely reach billions
Thread / Reply+4 diggs +20 / -16
on 04/14/2010 What can small groups do on a community level to make a
collective impact on climate change? And how can we engage children on
a larger scale so that the efforts we make today can be carried into
Thread / Reply+4 diggs +7 / -3
on 04/14/2010 How do we explain science to people like this?
Thread / Reply+3 diggs +7 / -4
on 04/14/2010 What do you feel would be the most important steps for
everyday people to do in order to help preserve our environment?
Thread / Reply+3 diggs +5 / -2
on 04/15/2010 The destruction of our environment is ultimately rooted
in our consumption. We eat too much, we use, and destroy more land
than we require and we buy too many "things" (electronics, household
goods, fashions). This over-consumption leads to the destruction of
our wildlife, forests and oceans. Yet, our economic prowess is based
upon this principle of consumerism. What role could the government
have to shift our focus from this unsustainable system, while
maintaining our economic well-being?
Thread / Reply+3 diggs +8 / -5
on 04/14/2010 Mr. Clinton, hydroponic and aeroponic agriculture uses
1/20 or less of the water of conventional agriculture and produces no
runoff from fertilizer and pesticides, grows year round, amongst other
Shouldn't the environmental movement focus on soiless agriculture, in
addition to clean energy?
Thread / Reply+3 diggs +11 / -8
on 04/14/2010 Whats your option on America's stand point regarding the
Kyoto Protocol?
Thread / Reply+3 diggs +13 / -10
on 04/14/2010 Mr. President,
If you had to pose a concise argument to persuade a climate-change
denier to recognize that the threat is real, what would it be? Thank
Thread / Reply+2 diggs +7 / -5
on 04/14/2010 Do you think Jimmy Carter's 1977 speech on energy holds
any relevance toward solving the problems we face 30+ years later?
/ Reply+2 diggs +6 /
-4 eddyb123
on 04/14/2010 American consumption and waste is reaching unprecedented
levels. Do you feel that stricter regulation and taxes are needed to
save this planet from future disaster?
Thread / Reply+2 diggs +6 / -4
on 04/15/2010 How come young people have such a limited influence on
decisions taken around environmental issues, when their generation
will be affected more than any other by the consequences of those
decisions? What can they do to make sure their concerns and ideas are
given top priority by the leaders of the world?
Thread / Reply+2 diggs +4 / -2
on 04/14/2010 I believe we need to educate our children better through
the schools. Organizations like the Go Green Initiative are free,
comprehensive, and allow teacher autonomy. Will the American
government ever start utilizing programs like these to help? These are
volunteer organizations with dedicated people.
Casey Magnuson, Texas GGI Coordinator
Thread / Reply+2 diggs +6 / -4
on 04/14/2010 President Clinton during your Presidency you eliminated
Tariffs on imports from Asia causing a boom in goods imported from
Asia and highly praised economic growth for the USA. How do you feel
your foreign trade policy has effected the environment?
Thread / Reply+2 diggs +14 / -12
on 04/14/2010 What can be done about laws overprotecting large food
corporations and how can the government hold them more accountable for
actions that negatively impact the environment?
Thread / Reply+2 diggs +6 / -4
on 04/14/2010 The giant oil companies don't want any changes on the
present situation. How can we make any progress on the energy
policies, with this tremendous negative force working against ?
Thread / Reply+2 diggs +7 / -5
on 04/14/2010 Mr. President,
One of the keys to preventing climate change seems to be focused on
transportation. The US is a very Car-centric culture, but it seems
that it is a requirement of life in America.
Do you have any ideas as to how Americans might be able to combat
urban sprawl such that the American people would be more likely to use
and support public transportation?
Thread / Reply+2 diggs +4 / -2
on 04/15/2010 As the sitting president in 2000, What was going through
your head during Gore v Bush?
Thread / Reply+2 diggs +2 / -0
on 04/15/2010 What is your opinion on geothermal energy as an
alternative sourse of energy? Iceland proves that the technology is
out there and is working. If you had the power to do so, how would you
go about in rolling out geothermic energy worldwide and do you think
that it is even possoble?
Thread / Reply+2 diggs +3 / -1
on 04/15/2010 How do we focus attention on the environment and climate
change in the current political, social climate? It seems to us that
many, including members of our own family, are right now actively
promoting fear, strife, and anger against what they perceive is
holding them back or threatening their country, lifestyle and views.
Thread / Reply+2 diggs +6 / -4
on 04/15/2010 What would you say to a person who refuses to believe in
climate change?
Thread / Reply+2 diggs +2 / -0
on 04/15/2010 Mr President, Do you honestly feel that Former Vice-
President Al Gore is the best choice to represent the environment for
the United States? Can you honestly agree with his views? I mean to be
honest, the restriction set in place, by his efforts, to help fix the
ozone layer have helped to nearly cripple the HVAC industry due to the
price for freon used in our central air conditioning systems to sky
rocket. Many people can not afford the high cost to get their systems
charged due to the price of freon.
Respectfully submitted,
Thread / Reply+2 diggs +5 / -3
on 04/15/2010 Did it bother you when former President George W. Bush
used you as a napkin during your recent trip to Haiti? It seemed
disrespectful, not only to you but to the people of Haiti as well.
Thread / Reply+2 diggs +4 / -2
on 04/15/2010 What is your definition of "is"?
Thread / Reply+1 digg +1 / -0
on 04/14/2010 FANTASTIC Ideas!!!
Will you initiate a CCI type plan as a Federal WPA-ish jobs and funds
program to ensure Wind and Transmission lines implementation?
Will you support Commercial scale Solar Steam and PV generation with
Fed. Scale resources for Design Build programs?
Thread / Reply+1 digg +1 / -0
on 04/14/2010 What do you say to the nay sayers on environmental
Thread / Reply+1 digg +4 / -3
on 04/14/2010 If you were the American president today, what is the
first step you would take... to show the rest of the world America IS
serious about saving THIS planet.
Thread / Reply+1 digg +1 / -0
on 04/14/2010 Do you think electric cars are going to be the new
things in the future, with electric charge stations located at gas
Thread / Reply+1 digg +4 / -3
on 04/14/2010 Do you support President Obama's choice to open off-
shore drilling here in North America that will hopefully contribute to
the United States becoming less dependent on foreign oil? Also, I view
this as a temporary fix while we develop and implement new and
environmentally friendly energy sources.
Thread / Reply+1 digg +4 / -3
on 04/14/2010 What are the biggest issues facing President Obama now
regarding the creation of a sustainable energy policy that both
Republicans and Democrats can get behind. How can he break the log
jam? Does the argument need to be re-positioned so that Republicans
will jump on board the initiative?
Thread / Reply+1 digg +5 / -4
on 04/14/2010 You've hinted in the past that you understand how
economic growth makes real progress in reducing total carbon emissions
nearly or actually impossible. Are you ready and willing to lead the
conversation about getting unhooked from growth addiction and moving
to a steady state economy, in the interest of every environmental
Thread / Reply+1 digg +7 / -6
on 04/14/2010 Where were you before coming to do this Earth Day
Edition of Digg Dialogg; What mode of transportation did you choose?
Where will you be going after this interview and how?
Thread / Reply+1 digg +10 / -9
on 04/14/2010 Dear Mr. Clinton,
During your presidency, we experienced the insanity (both good and
bad) of the dot com boom. The growth in Information Technology was
both astounding and unsustainable. Since the early 2000s, this
enthusiasm and interest from the private sector as well as the
educational sector has stagnated. Very few students are majoring in
the IS/CS/IT field and it is leading to the decay of our technical
might. How do you think we might get students interested in this all
important field again? The thought of increasing H1B visas to support
technical growth is backwards thinking.
Thank You,
Dr. Michael Lapke
Thread / Reply+1 digg +1 / -0
on 04/14/2010 Could you propose to opponents of the environmental
movement that we act responsibly, with or without proof of
catastrophic climate change, simply because it's the right thing to
do? Our country used to have that kind of image. Profits shouldn't
stand in the way of right action.
Thread / Reply+1 digg +3 / -2
on 04/14/2010 Former President Clinton, to what level is your
foundation applying any of the learning you gained from your earlier
agricultural transportation activities in Mena, Arkansas and how does
that relate to your environmental activities specifically sustainable
farming and agricultural distribution models?
Thread / Reply+1 digg +9 / -8
on 04/14/2010 Do you feel you have more of an ability to impact issues
such as climate change and supporting sustainable agriculture in
developing nations after being President then you did when you were in
Thread / Reply+1 digg +3 / -2
on 04/14/2010 Over the last several decades, the United States has
attempted to wean its dependency from foreign oil. Little progress has
been made. Each heralded breakthrough turns out to be a trojan horse -
ethanol and subsidies for it has highlighted the food versus fuel
debate, the opening of the American coastline to drilling won't
produce enough oil to significantly reduce our imports, and clean
energy has not proved cost-effective in competing with foreign oil,
let alone coal. Given that these numerous attempts have ended in
failure, what changes do you foresee in either American policies,
culture and society, and government that may be necessary in order to
finally end our dependency on foreign oil?
Thread / Reply+1 digg +2 / -1
on 04/14/2010 Mr. President: The United Nations as well as many other
reputable organizations have definitively shown that more than any
other single source, our overproduction and over-consumption of
Animals (particularly Factory Farmed Animals) is the leading cause of
global warming, climate change and the devastating grain and water
shortages which are rapidly becoming the norm on our planet. Putting
aside, for the moment, the ethical issues of speciesism and the bias
we have towards non-humans and using their bodies, we also know that
switching to a plant-based diet and removing animal fats and proteins
from ours is better for our health. Knowing this, why aren't you (and
more Americans and world leaders) getting behind organizations like
EarthSave, who promote a kind and animal-free diet for the sake of our
planet, our individual health, and the greatest impact to quickly and
sustainably reverse climate change?
Thread / Reply+1 digg +7 / -6
on 04/14/2010 Which president so far has done the best to help the
Thread / Reply+1 digg +6 / -5
on 04/14/2010 Why is the United States incapable of ratifying the
environment treaty that it helped to write?
Thread / Reply+1 digg +5 / -4
on 04/14/2010 How do you feel about sustainable agriculture and how
can we better support this industry?
Thread / Reply+1 digg +13 / -12
on 04/14/2010 What do you think the state of our environment will be
in fifty years if we don't take appropriate steps to safeguard it now?
Thread / Reply+1 digg +12 / -11
on 04/14/2010 What is your take on GM foods and do you think there
should be stricter regulations or more intensive research on them to
ensure that they are truly beneficial to both humans and the
environment in the long run?
+1 digg +10 / -9
on 04/14/2010 I was a member of your Clinton Global Initiative
Conference last year at the University of Texas at Austin. I was
amazed by the selfless effort many of the college students in
attendance put into helping make the world a better place. Now that
the conference is into its third year, I was just wondering what you
personally thought was the most impressive student effort to help
better our world.
Thread / Reply+1 digg +2 / -1
on 04/14/2010 Mr. President,
I'd like to know if you support "fracking" in the US and how do you
feel about off-shore drilling exploration as a means to blind-side
Americans about peak oil?
+1 digg +7 / -6
on 04/14/2010 Stories highlighting an energy innovation rivalry
between U.S. and China has heated up in the media lately. What is your
perspective on joint R&D with other nations?
+1 digg +1 / -0
on 04/14/2010 Unfortunately many of the arguments on both sides of the
debate regarding environmental legislation are often based on
misunderstandings of scientific studies and a general lack of
scientific education. What steps do you think can be taken to better
educate both lawmakers and the public so that the science behind these
issues is not subverted and better-informed decisions can be made on
potential legislation?
+1 digg +9 / -8
on 04/14/2010 what can we do to ensure proliferation of nuclear power
as a clean energy source while protecting against nuclear weaponry? is
that even a viable goal?
+1 digg +5 / -4
on 04/14/2010 I'm from Hot Springs, Arkansas and am frustrated that
Arkansas and The South are so reluctant to accept energy efficiency
and renewable power. We are powered by energy monopolies, who have a
vested interest in not encouraging efficiency and the population seems
complacent. Why do you think this is and what can we do about it?
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