Satish Kumar
2011-07-19 19:25:34 UTC
When Bhadve do Bhadwai what do they sell after they have
oversold their own holes?
You are hankering for that for your mother and sisters no doubt.oversold their own holes?
His Holeness Dayashankar Joshi is addicted to fantasies about
committing "Back Hole Balaatkaar" upon fellow netizens, their mothers
and their sisters. He needs psychiatric care. But so afraid is His
Holeness Dayashankar Joshi about withdrawal pains from trying to kick
his addiction that he would rather jump off the Kenton Bridge or gulp
down a bottle of toilet bowl cleaner than seek psychiatric care.
If His Holeness Dayashankar Joshi is not comfortable with his court-
appointed psychiatrist at Cygnet Hospital, he should heed Hansa
Joshi's advice to go to another psychiatrist. Unfortunately, Hansa
Joshi is yet to persuade His Holeness Dayashankar Joshi to pay a visit
to a psychiatrist at the Northwick Park Hospital which has an
excellent psychiatric ward.