Post by DuÅ¡an VukotiÄ
March 25, 2010 • 8:00 am
Socio-economic Engineering – an Electoral roadmap for the Center Right
Social Engineering is commonly understood to mean:
efforts to influence popular attitudes and social behaviors on a large
scale, whether by governments or private groups.
Within the Indian political discouse, Social Engineering has been used
to refer to the calculus of caste in electoral politics. More
specifically to the political art of striking the right combination of
caste based entitlements or quotas for electoral succes.
Together with religion based Vote bank politics, caste based Social
Engineering has come to represent conventional political wisdom in
India on which most electoral strategy is formulated.
The common assumption underlying both religion based Vote bank
politics and caste based Social Engineering, is that members will
largely vote with the group in anticipation of group entitlements or
quotas unmindful of individual socio-economic interests.
This assumption has largely held true for the first six decades of
electoral politics in India.
But then the decade gone by has induced a new dynamic into this
calculus of the group. A growing economy has created new avenues and
opportunities where the socio-economic calculus for the Individual is
not necessarily in alignment with the erstwhile politics of the group.
While group entitlements offer the Individual’s family a safety net,
economic aspirations are taking the Individual beyond the comfort zone
of community, village and district.
The cognitive dissonance between
settling for the least common denominator within the group
personal advancement by seeking opportunities outside and beyond the
may not be a significant factor today, with the false comfort of the
security blanket offered by the Congress Party’s Liberal Left policies
like NREGA, Food Security etc.
But this cognitive dissonance is bound to grow with the passage of
time as the economy rebounds and grows.
It wont be long before this cognitive dissonance reaches a threshold
beyond which it starts to have a bearing on electoral politics.
Unlike Social Engineering, Socio-Economic Engineering is not a well
defined discipline of Political Science.
The Center Right movement in India can give it meaning with a focus on
this latent cognitive dissonance.
Socio Economic engineering could come to mean challenging the
conventional political wisdom on the calculus of vote bank and caste.
to be defined as the act of influencing Individuals to break away from
the group (religious Minority voting block, caste) in making electoral
Back in December of 2008, Offstumped had dissected the electoral
landscape in Uttar Pradesh from a socio-economic standpoint with the
2002 Census Household Income data as the basis. The key takeaway from
this analysis was the strong correlation between dominant income level
within a district and the dominant political players in that district.
(More details on the analysis below).
This correlation between household income and electoral preferences
gives a basis for the target demographic of Socio-Economic
A starting point for the Center Right in electoral politics would be
to identify that Voter with cross-over economic aspirations who can
potentially break away from his or her group.
Socio-Economic engineering by the Center Right would then come to mean
targeting the Individual with cross-over economic aspirations by
#1 creating incentives to break away from the group
#2 emphasizing discincentives in voting with the group.
Summary of Analysis on UP income levels and voting patterns
In this analysis household income was classified into 5 buckets
a) less than 250
b) between 250 and 500
c) between 500 and 1500
d) between 1500 and 2500
e) greater than 2500
While the districts in Uttar Pradesh where classified within six
levels – Level 0 to Level 5
Level 0 – districts where households with income less than 500
outnumber all other income groups
Level 1 – districts where households with income between 500-1500 are
the highest but also have more people with income less than 500 than
those with income greater than 1500 (more poorest of poor than middle
income or rich).
Level 2 – districts where households with income between 500-1500 are
not just the highest but also outnumber the poorest of poor and the
rich by a wide margin. (middle income districts where both the poor
and the relatively well to do are a minority)
Level 3 – districts where households with income between 500-1500 are
the highest but the relatively rich (income greater 1500) outnumber
the poor (income less than 500) consistent with the overall
characteristics of the state
Level 4 – districts where households with income greater than 1500
outnumber households with income between 500-1500
Level 5 – districts where 1500-2500 is the highest income group
overall in the state
At the aggregate state level it was also interesting to note that
Uttar Pradesh not only has the highest number rural households in the
middle income group of 500-1500 with 71 lakhs but more interestingly
the number of households with income greater than 1500 (60 lakhs) far
outnumbers the number of households with income less than 500 (30
An interesting insight from the analysis was the strong correlation
between dominant income level within a District and the nature of
electoral contest in the assembly seats within that the District in
the 2007 assembly elections.
3 Responses
sridhar krishna says:
March 25, 2010 at 8:53 am
A good effort. Just to indicate how big the gulf is – look at the
income levels used. Though you have not indicated the periodicity it
would be safe to assume it is per month.
on the other hand the income of the top percentile (or so) per day
would be more. These are the group that are active on the internet and
talk of “State of Union” address or “health Bill”. Shades of Marie
Though i dont want to be alarmist like Arundati roy and talk of
revolution the gap is certainly not shrinking but widening. unless
this is addressed as a priority nothing else would work in the long
rgds / sridhar
Ladder of Opportunity versus Safety of the Net « Offstumped – Center
Right Indian Politics says:
March 27, 2010 at 6:01 am
[...] Older » [...]
Pub Chick says:
March 27, 2010 at 1:04 pm
“with the false comfort of the security blanket offered by the
Congress Party’s Liberal Left policies like NREGA, Food Security etc.”
So you admit this NREGA gives a sense of comfort — true or false —
that being the case what’s the rationale for your following post
quoting Surjit Bhalla? I am really curious to know. You can’t have it
both ways — you either say it’s a fiscally ruinous scheme which lulls
people into false sense of security or say it’s not working on the
ground in any way at all. One excludes the other.
March 27, 2010 • 6:00 am
Ladder of Opportunity versus Safety of the Net
Part 2 of series on Socio Economic Engineering – an electoral roadmap
for the Center Right
Eminent economist Dr. Surjit Bhalla writing in the Business Standard
had this to say of the UPA’s flagship program – National Rural
Employment Guarantee Scheme (NREGA/NREGS/MNREG)
Despite tall claims, the NREGA programme is just a dud as most other
“in the name of the poor” expenditures – and as much of a dud as
predicted by Rajiv Gandhi
Despite repeated evidence for the last 20 years that “in the name of
the poor programmes” reach everybody but the poor, the well-meaning
socialist but not-so-realist Congress party renamed and expanded
existing food for work programmes under its own Congress brand as
NREGA, and now MREGA. (Ironically, but poetic-justice style, the
latter acronym also means “to die”!). It spends Rs 8,823 crore on the
programme in 2006-07 (and Rs 39,000 crore in 2009-10) and is able to
actually deliver only 14.7 per cent (Rs 1,270 crore) to the targeted
Dr. Bhalla is being very charitable in his description of the Congress
Party but his pithy remarks on NREGA highlight the false sense of
security and comfort underlying the Liberal Left policies of the UPA.
Social Engineering of the communal variety receieved a boost this week
with the Supreme Court’s interim order upholding Muslim Reservations
in Andhra. This is just the beginning, more can be expected if this
reaction from Abhishek Singhvi is anything to go by. It is clear that
the Congress Party wants to further its Liberal Left agenda by
expanding group entitlements or quotas on religious grounds.
This brings us back to the fundamental challenge for Socio-economic
Engineering -
how must it capture popular imagination of the aspirational voter to
motivate him or her to cross-over ?
If the core premise behind Social Engineering and Left Liberalism was
to convince the voter to settle for the least common denominator
within his or her group on the pretext of having the security of a
safety net
then the core premise behind Socio-Economic Engineering must be
to motivate the voter that there is no reason to settle for the least
common denominator within the group for even the highest of
aspirations will be within reach by climbing on to the Ladder of
There maybe merit in framing the popular debate between the Liberal
Left policies of the Congress and the policy of prescriptions of the
Center Right as a choice between the Ladder and the Net.
The Net may offer safety but then there is no getting out of the Net
once trapped.
There is nothing progressive about the Net for there is no avenue to
The Net only weighs you down as it gets burdened with more and more to
The metaphorical Ladder on the other hand is
by design progressive with opportunities to rise in each and every
by design inclusive and non-discriminatory for with every step an
individual takes to rise, an opportunity is created for the next to
rise and occupy
Pragmatism and realism would suggest that the Ladder of Opportunity
cannot stand alone without the Safety of the Net, leading one to ask
where lies the distinction between Socio-economic Engineering and
Social Engineering ?
That distinction will have to be made by emphasizing the primacy of
the Ladder over the Net
for if there was no ladder there would be no need to cast a wide net
for safety
It may also be asked how different is the metaphor of “Ladder plus
Net”for Socio-Economic Engineering from the “Growth with Distribution”
model touted by Rahul Gandhi.
More on that in the third and concluding part in this series on Socio-
economic Engineering.
37 Responses
Pub Chick says:
March 27, 2010 at 10:00 am
Surjit Bhalla is a money manager (and not a very good one if his
returns are to be taken into account). Since when did money managers
become eminent economists?
And you or your eminence seem to ignore the basic function of a social
net: to be a net that’s only purpose is to exist, regardless of its
efficiency. Simply because its existence encourages risk and growth in
other aspects of the economy.
cynicalcount says:
March 27, 2010 at 12:06 pm
How did you arrive at the conclusion that Surjit bhalla is a money
manager? Kindly educate us poor folks on how you concluded what bhalla
Pub Chick says:
March 27, 2010 at 12:37 pm
That’s he calls himself. It’s not even my definition. In case you did
not know, he owns and runs an investment firm called Oxus Investments
( ). Apart from being a money manager, he
writes for the Business Standard and has a talk show on TV. These
things don’t make anyone an Economist.
Pub Chick says:
March 27, 2010 at 12:54 pm
And by the way, why would you question something as obvious as Surjit
Bhalla’s occupation? I mean he says that every time he writes a column
or makes one of those annoying appearances on TV.
What’s with the overall hostile tone, darling? Don’t you like this
blog author being questioned or do you dislike my dislike for ugly
iHindu007 says:
March 28, 2010 at 5:14 am
“Since when did money managers become eminent economists?”
Since when did pub chicks become political analysts?
Pub Chick says:
March 28, 2010 at 8:00 am
Dearest horny boy, it takes no political analysis to say people who
are not economists by profession and have no eminence to show for that
profession which they don’t claim to practice are not eminent
iHindu007 says:
March 29, 2010 at 12:30 pm
Sreelatha Menon: Caderisation of rural India
The National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (NREGA) has converted many
villagers in India into card-holders, who will get a minimum of 100
days work every year. Since that is not happening so easily, the
strategy devised by civil society leaders is to unite the villagers
into cadres, on the lines of trade unions.
The drive, led by top activists, will create many a local Joan of Arc
who can at a moment’s notice get entire villages to take to the
streets, file petitions in courts and make it difficult for the state
to ignore their concerns.
Pub Chick says:
March 29, 2010 at 1:07 pm
Yes yes, can you please stop pasting someone else’s opinion/ source
and actually do your own analysis?
Or tell me why Surjit Bhalla is an eminent economist or how this post
of the blog author squares with his previous post? The author seems to
contradict himself and none of the horny boys seem to notice.
It’s not enough to criticize something darlings, you should at the
very least have the courage to be consistent within that framework —
and not pick two criticisms which contradict each other.
Mala says:
March 29, 2010 at 2:17 pm
@Pubchick – I suppose you have lot of time on your hands as you post
so regularly and frequently. I have a small doubt, if you find every
reader of this blog as ugly and horny, why are you here? I mean doesnt
it make better sense to go to some blog where handsome hunks post
messages and the author of the blog is always consistent? My IQ is
much lower than an eminent personality like you who I am sure will be
remembered as the next Albert Einstein in times to come but will be
obliged if you can reply your purpose of coming to his blog and
calling everyone names. Does calling others ugly make you feel happy
in life?
Pub Chick says:
March 29, 2010 at 2:44 pm
Mala, assume it does make me happy.
Now, will you explain the contradictions of blog author? And explain
why someone is an eminent economist or how the NREGA can’t fail and
succeed at the same time?
BabuJadhav(Jai Shri Ram) says:
March 29, 2010 at 9:14 pm
Surjit S. Bhalla is managing director of Oxus Research and
Investments, a New Delhi-based economic research, asset management,
and emerging-markets advisory firm. He taught at the Delhi School of
Economics and worked at the Rand Corporation, the Brookings
Institution, and at both the research and _treasury departments of the
World Bank. He has also worked at Goldman Sachs (1992-94) and Deutsche
Bank (1994-96). He is author of Imagine There’s No Country: Poverty,
Inequality, and Growth in the Era of Globalization(2002). His research
interests are fiscal policy (flat tax?), economic history (do
institutions cause growth?), and macroeconomic policy (the role of
exchange rates in economic development). He has been a member of
several government of India committees on economic policy, most
recently the committee on capital account convertibility. He is on the
board of India’s largest think tank and is an appointed member of the
National Statistical Commission of India. He is also a regular
contributor to
newspapers and magazines on economics, politics, and cricket.
And Karvy calls him “Dr. Bhalla is a well known and respected
economist” source:
Now Pub Chick, tell us why you think he shouldn’t be considered an
economist ?
On why NREGA is a failure, because :-
1) It wasting away hard earned money most of which ends up with Babus,
you Google away on this. I think PubChick lives on Babus kala dhan
that is why she supports NREGA scam.
2) And for thousands of crores it is wasting away, It provides only
TEMPORARY jobs for only 100 days, tell me Pub Chick will these people
and their children go into hibernation for the rest of 265 days ?
3) Money and effort is being used for silly things like planting
tress, rather than in construction of lakhs of schools delivering
skill development courses.
4) These people’s life and employment is dependent on continuous
supply of lakhs of cores. Once the money stop, they lose their job and
many would lose their life,
5) It is hampering the growth of Industry which is lot more
sustainable than NREGA(dependent of lakhs of cores of tax money) which
can provide employment to masses by artificially inflating the cost of
labor and making them less competitive than Vietnam China etc.
6) This money is doing NOTHING in terms of skill and entrepreneurial
development which is the need of hour. With their current skill set
the are simply unemployable in anything other than Agriculture which
we cannot reply upon.
So rather than teaching them how to fish, we are giving them fish for
100 days only.
I guess those 100 days are enough to make the poor vote for the same
people, and keep elites like Pub Chick in power.
While rest of 265 days the poor can contemplate killing themselves and
their children, at least our Pub Chick can drown on tequila.
On Pub Chick’s use of words like “horny” “ugly” :-
These are clearly a sign of Freudian Projection. Which is defined
as :- “is the unconscious act of denial of a person’s own attributes,
thoughts, and emotions, which are then ascribed to the outside world,
such as to the weather, the government, a tool, or to other people.
Thus, it involves imagining or projecting that others have those
So IMHO Pub Chick suffers from some inferiority complex related to her
physical appearance, you know feels “ugly” due social isolation
If feel sad and also concerned for her, because I have seen other
people on Internet who had similar trollish behaviour and would create
a cocoon of lies around themselves related to their physical
appearance and would taunt other random people calling them ugly and
whore etc.
She is obviously trying to project “ugliness” “hornyness” to make
herself feel better, to feel like she is not alone and there might be
people uglier and with more fetishes than her. She does that on
Internet because peoples true appearance is hidden and such Freudian
Projection in real life with real people with result into cognitive
But sadly, the trolls cannot keep up with lies. Often their true
pictures and videos would leak and reveal their true identity. I
remember a girl who tried to commit suicide when this happened to her.
So Pub Chick, for your own good please consult a good psychiatrist.
And remember you must not give up on life. And also no matter what the
world says, you must remain confident and believe that there is some
good inside you.
What is outside is irrelevant.
And you can always fall back on your pub and drown in tequila to
forget about these sad things, also you can always come here and troll
random people.
Pub Chick says:
March 29, 2010 at 9:43 pm
Karvy calls him an Economist? What’s next? Rediff? Or that RSS thing
called Organizer? He is not an eminent economist because he is not a
professional economist anymore and has no papers of any repute to
claim at any time. He is now a money manager because he calls himself
And whatever makes you think I claim NREGA is a success? I don’t have
the data to claim either way. I had just pointed out this blog’s
author had made contradicting criticism which can’t both be right. One
can’t claim no money is being spent and also claim it’s fiscally
ruinous. That takes no googling even.
Regarding your Freudian analysis, I suspect Wren & Martin may be more
offended than Freud. That’s alright, we shall work on that.
drummasala says:
March 29, 2010 at 10:31 pm
Jadhav Saheb,
This Pubchick has little IQ. She does not know what BP stands for? i.e
Blood Pressure.
She has negative attraction or fetish towards what she thinks are ugly
men. I think she had earlier fallen in love with one ugly man, who
dumped her. Thats why she has some grudge and thinks every man is
ugly. She definitely needs a psychiatrist.
way2go says:
March 29, 2010 at 11:35 pm
Hey People..just chyll…….. PUBCHIC is just drunk so no need to argue.
She should better find out Why Barkha Datt was awarded and what made
her an eminent journalist?
Maybe Barkha can explain her while both can enjoy in the Pub at the
same time.
offstumped says:
March 30, 2010 at 12:38 am
Dear Pub Chick
Dont know who is sponsoring you but thanks for keeping the comments on
this blog alive.
As far as Surjit S Bhalla’s economic credentials go a simple search on
Google Scholar would have settled the issue.
As far as your other comments on NREGA go
Observation #1 NREGA is a disaster by SS Bhalla’s yardstick because it
doesnt deliver on its promise
Observation #2 NREGA gives a false hope of safety
are distinct and unrrelated.
The first is an objective assessment of the scheme against its
promised goals.
The second is a subjective assessment of voter’s attitude towards NREA
from a electoral politics standpoint.
Hope that settles the issue for you.
Keep them coming.
Pub Chick says:
March 30, 2010 at 5:44 am
If you think those two observations are actually unreLated, what can I
say. Except to say I offer to draw a tautology cheat sheet for you.
And thanks for reinforcing the lack of eminence of our Bhalla with
that scholar link. There is not a dingle paper there worth the
mention. If I did miss something, let me know.
Targeting Middle India – Socio-economic Engineering Part 3 «
Offstumped – Center Right Indian Politics says:
March 30, 2010 at 6:27 am
[...] Targeting Middle India – Socio-economic Engineering Part 3 Third
and Concluding part of series on Socio-Economic Engineering (Part 1 &
Part 2) [...]
offstumped says:
March 30, 2010 at 6:56 am
Please enlighten with tautology and on your yardstick on “worthy of
Pub Chick says:
March 30, 2010 at 7:16 am
Sure, will do that when I get to a computer. But I must say it’s
rather astonishing that you state an obvious tautology with a straight
face and call it unrelated.
Pub Chick says:
March 30, 2010 at 10:31 am
Your observation #1 is dependent on actual disbursement and
utilization of the funds. Bhalla is basically saying NREGA is a
failure because it is not even good enough to use the fund it’s
allotted. He also throws some random Rajiv quotes on efficiency in the
middle of the original column — as I remember reading it in the print
version of his column.
Now your Observation #2 says it gives false hope and safety. In your
original post you even claim this is visible on the ground and even
credit this policy of changing electoral outcomes. For a policy to
actually translate to the hope and safety you claim, however false
they may be, observation #1 has to essentially be false. Since the
disbursement of the funds in some sense is what gives the false hope/
change. It is perfectly reasonable to assume those who do get that
sense are not the kind of people who read the entire legislative
paperwork or the latest story on this by The Economist (the one last
week). And your own post accepts to this reality.
So, unless observation #1 is absolutely false, observation #2 cannot
stand. And vice-versa. Now, please pick one of the above and not both
to criticize the NREGA.
Coming to our man Bhalla, I think the established way of ascertaining
someone’s eminence in a modern academic discipline is to hunt for
their citations and the h-index. On that, Bhalla scores a near 0. So,
it’s fair to say he is not an eminent economist. But I think the
looking into his research productivity and citation is meaningless
when he himself does not call him an economist! Forget an eminent one.
That should be your biggest hint.
Jai71 says:
March 30, 2010 at 11:39 am
Pub Chick,
You are IMO driving a logical argument – but not willing to look
beyond the words used per se. And also trying to be simplistic i feel.
A. NREGA is a failure because it did not meet / is not meeting the
goals it had for itself – low disbursement could be one of the issues
B. But NREGA has affected electoral outcomes – there are two aspects
you should look at:
a. To affect electoral outcomes, it is not necessary for NREGA to
actually be implemented FULLY. Implementation to the tune of the vote
swing should be sufficient (am sure you are aware how close the
electoral race is – and what % of votes the winner actually needs)
b. “Poor villager (NREGA recipient) being happy about NREGA” does NOT
mean NREGA SUCCESS! – Some of NREGA goals may have been met, but then
I hope a give away of this size also has some other goals!!
*** Disclaimer – I have only limited knowledge about NREGA and its
Mala says:
March 30, 2010 at 11:47 am
@Pubchick – I dont see the purpose of u logging to this blog except to
show your arguementative powers. Perhaps you have memorized wren and
martin as a child but why exhibit that talent here. Is this a forum to
show your language skills? Also be kind enough to show us some link
where Bhalla calls himself a money manager.
Pub Chick says:
March 30, 2010 at 12:17 pm
I think your larger disclaimer must have been about your ignorance of
the electoral sample space and significance parameters of variables. I
am ignorant on those aspects as well. Which is why I took this blog
authors’ assertion at face value for the purpose of this argument.
I have no idea of NREGA and its merits on the ground. My only point is
that this author was being intellectually dishonest by using two
contradictory criticisms.
Mala, I don’t know where you live. But I am sure Business Standard is
available in some form. Please buy a copy on a Sunday and read
Bhalla’s byline. And, why would I shy away from showing my
argumentative powers if I think this blog author is being self-
Jai71 says:
March 30, 2010 at 12:39 pm
Pub Chick,
You are unbelievable – so your ignorance is better than mine… wow!
What logic & argument!!
And as for intellectual dishonesty – please re-read my post.
Bottomline: NREGA affects electoral outcome (positively for Congress)
_IS_NOT_EQUAL_ to NREGA is a failure.
if you still dont get it – pl stop acting like you are some guru of
logical reasoning…
Pub Chick says:
March 30, 2010 at 12:44 pm
Jai, I am sorry I actually thought you were non-ugly.
Jai71 says:
March 30, 2010 at 12:51 pm
Hey Pub Chick!
I like what you are thinking…
Pub Chick says:
March 30, 2010 at 12:58 pm
Now get back to argumentation and ignore the argument.
cynicalcount says:
March 30, 2010 at 2:02 pm
I remember a year or two ago there was this troll called “Balaji” who
used to act in a fashion similar to this newbie troll “Pubchick”.
Maybe, Balaji has changed his gender. Good thing about them is they
keep the debates going with light/fun postings which are can provide
laughter for sometime atleast.
-Pubchick – Do you have a blog somewhere? I would like to get my daily
laughter quota from there if you dont mind.
BabuJadhav(Jai Shri Ram) says:
March 30, 2010 at 5:23 pm
Post by DuÅ¡an VukotiÄNow your Observation #2 says it gives false hope and safety. In your original post you even claim this is visible on the ground and even credit this policy of changing electoral outcomes.
Electoral gains can be cause of many reasons, one must remember that
those who handle the process of elections also handle the process of
disbursement of NREGA’s money.
And one mustn’t underestimate our Babudom’s capability to squeeze out
some honey for Buccha logs, may be PapaPub chick brings a lot of honey
or Daru for our PubChick to drown her depression and self
loathing ??
And whichever party helps to increase under the table and over the
table income, will get Officialdom’s protection
At the same time, some chillad can be thrown to the needy the same way
they are given chicken and daru before voting for our eminent Mannu.
And let us not underestimate ignorance of the masses, who votes simply
on the basis of promises made, especially when those are for Jaat and
Post by DuÅ¡an VukotiÄFor a policy to actually translate to the hope and safety you claim, however false they may be, observation #1 has to essentially be false. Since the disbursement of the funds in some sense is what gives the false hope/ change. It is perfectly reasonable to assume those who do get that sense are not the kind of people who read the entire legislative paperwork or the latest story on this by The Economist (the one last week). And your own post accepts to this reality.
Can’t help your ignorance or maybe daru that makes you see world in
black ‘n white, But lets work on it (you won’t need daru if only you
world work on your mental illness and physical situation).
The poor can get false sense of hope thanks to promises by Babus-Baba-
Mannu-Amma(s), that if they lose their current job or if agriculture
isn’t enough to drown the hunger that they can fall back on 100 days
At the same time, there MANY who managed to get job for only few days
and not 100 and many more didn’t get paid for work. So even those who
are getting work right now, may not get work in future or many not get
paid. So they are also libing on flase sense of hope
And lastly, this schme in not certainly not sustainable and might get
cancelled of amended in future, hence again it gives false sense of
hope to poor.
But at least our Pub Chick is getting her daru, right. ??
Now was it so hard to figure it out on your own ??, of course it was
but we will work on it Pub Chick and make your feel smart and Pretty.
So lets do a mantra because certainly this is too much work for your
sad brain, :-
Repeat following 20 times every 6 hours or when you feel very sad :-
“I am smarty, I am pretty, not horny, not ugly, THE WORLD is HORNY,
Post by DuÅ¡an VukotiÄSo, unless observation #1 is absolutely false, observation #2 cannot stand. And vice-versa. Now, please pick one of the above and not both to criticize the NREGA.
Experience cognitive dissonance ? Just do as your Psychologist told
you to do when this happens, don’t accept the reality and kindly
continue with your self righteous journey through your ass.
Post by DuÅ¡an VukotiÄComing to our man Bhalla, I think the established way of ascertaining someone’s eminence in a modern academic discipline
Since when was Economics was limited to “academic discipline” ?? Sure
there is need to teach and further its development, but this is done
with objective to apply this knowledge.
And Bhalla is involved in its application, his work requires the
knowledge of functioning if economies and how it can be exploited for
better returns.
So your way is simply the daru doing the thinking, it is certainly not
the established way. The established way of ascertaining eminence on
an individual is by the recognition of their knowledge ans skills by
their peers and recognized institution in the said field.
Post by DuÅ¡an VukotiÄis to hunt for their citations and the h-index. On that, Bhalla scores a near 0. So, it’s fair to say he is not an eminent economist.
Let me say that this is a big hint for everyone that Pub Chick is a
retard or simply ignorant.
Post by DuÅ¡an VukotiÄBut I think the looking into his research productivity and citation is meaningless when he himself does not call him an economist! Forget an eminent one.
Did he tell you personally that he is not an economist ?, and what do
you call people who have studied and apply the knowledge of economics
in different feild ?
His firm is involved in “economic research”, yet you are still spewing
our this drivel.
Lets see what his firm which is involved in economic research says
about Bhalla :-
“Dr. Surjit S. Bhalla is the Chairman of Oxus Investments. His profile
provides Oxus with a powerful mix of fund management, and applied
economic and policy research. His experience with premier policy
institutes such as the Rand Corporation, the Brookings Institution and
the World Bank offers useful input in formulating global macro
Since 1991, Dr. Bhalla has been directly engaged in financial markets.
Prior to establishing Oxus, he was Director and Chief Global
Strategist, Emerging Markets Deutsche Bank; Vice President and
Proprietary Trader Goldman Sachs; and Chief Investment Officer, World
Bank. He has been a consultant/advisor to Warburg Pincus since 1998.
He is on the board of a major think tank (NCAER), as well as Gargi
College, Delhi University. He has been a member of the Change and
Prosperity program at The Aspen Institute since 2002. He is also a
frequent contributor to media on issues related to government policy
and financial markets. He is also the author of a widely read
fortnightly column in leading financial newspapers.
___Dr. Bhalla holds a PhD in Economics from Princeton University____,
a Masters degree in Public Policy and International Affairs from the
Woodrow Wilson School, Princeton University and a Bachelors degree in
Electrical Engineering from Purdue University”.
So he have studied Economics and that do at one of the best
institution in the world, those who can use Google Scholar certainly
won’t be acting like a retard, in his work he applies his knowledge in
Economic research, recognized institution in field of economics like
Delhi School of Economics,Rand Corporation, World Bank,Goldman
Sachs,Deutsche Bank have recognized him and hence he is an EMINENT
Also he have written various papers, studies and books in the same
This is obvious enough for anyone who is endowed with even average
mental faculties, but certainly it is too much stress for a Pub Chik.
Post by DuÅ¡an VukotiÄThat should be your biggest hint.
It is a hint that our Pub Chick is suffering from some serious disease
preventing her/him the use of more than few brain cells.
I know how you feel Pub Chick, no worries there is more to the world
that Sex and Knowledge and Love. There is Daru.
And yes those Hindu Sri Ram Sena guys who left you high and dry and
ignored you as if you were some kind of stool even when you were
trying hard to lure even a blind to show some love.
They did this because they were Ugly and Horny and into Ugly and Horny
They couldn’t see the pretty in you.
But the Psecular Zakhir Naik sees the Pretty in you, so what he ues
the faciliy of bown paper bag. He is into Pubchik. Hes loves your.
And yes YOU ARE PRETTY, and you don’t need to devour those sleeiping
pills because there is someone who can see pretty in you.
And then there is always Daru, that you can fall back on.
Just repeat the mantra I taught you.
Pub Chick says:
March 30, 2010 at 7:44 pm
This is awesome. BabuJhadhav, I now nominate you my first project. I
take upon myself the task of making you non-ugly and non-stupid.
6 months.
Ashok says:
March 30, 2010 at 8:05 pm
Pub Chick seems to be paid by Congis to act as their full time
supporter on the web. They may have hired lot of others too. After
controlling TV and news paper media, now they want to control the web
too. Unless these “ugly” creatures are blocked, we cannot have
sensible discussion here.
BabuJadhav(Jai Shri Ram) says:
March 30, 2010 at 8:14 pm
@Pub Chick
Yup that is the attitude you need to survive in this hard environment,
especially with your physical _situation_
And yes the world is ugly and you are pretty,
In fact we need a internalBeauty Contest for Special People to remind
that there exist some internal beauty in people of your kind.
BTW, I can see noticeable difference in your behavior so it seems that
Daru and Zakir Naiks Brown bag therapy is working you.
And are you chaning the “I am Pretty and the rest Ugly” mantra ??
Pub Chick says:
March 30, 2010 at 8:23 pm
Ashok, who is Congis? I really would like to get paid for this though
— that would make for a novel that many many white boys will fawn
drummasala says:
March 30, 2010 at 8:31 pm
Because of pubchik, Offstumped has become very interesting. People
relieves their day to day tensions by reading pubchick’s posts. Keep
them coming.
BabuJadhav(Jai Shri Ram) says:
March 30, 2010 at 8:42 pm
@Pub Chick
You should stop the use of word “ugly” “horny”, remember you need to
do this to feel good about yourself.
And you need to feel good about yourself so that you don’t drastic
description to end your harsh life by cutting your wrist and such.
Guys make Pub Chick feel comfortable, by doing this you are doing
social service by helping an emo.
Therefore help make Pub Chick feel pretty, as far as her rest of the
drivel is concerned please ignore it as she is not in proper state of
mind to use more than fe brain cells.
Pub Chick says:
March 30, 2010 at 9:23 pm
Babu boy, here is first lesson. Stop speaking to others assuming
intellect over them. Now this mostly makes you non-ugly.
But it’s easier said than done. Watch me.
drummasala says:
March 30, 2010 at 10:21 pm
Pubchick, do you know any pubs for ugly horny men? I think you might
know lot of those.
March 30, 2010 • 6:27 am
Targeting Middle India – Socio-economic Engineering Part 3
Third and Concluding part of series on Socio-Economic Engineering
(Part 1 & Part 2)
Duetsche Bank Research released a report on February 15th 2010 titled
The Middle Class in India – Issues and Opportunities
Some highlights extracted from this report that are of relevance to
this discussion on Socio-Economic Engineering and targeting Middle
#1 -While there is no official definition of the middle class,
estimates range from 30 million to approximately 300 million people.
#2 Even using the most generous estimates of the group‟s size, the
middle class comprises less than 30 percent of the population
#3 The importance of the middle class lies in the fact that it is the
fastest growing segment of the population
#4 while the total population will increase almost 30% between 2005
and 2025, the middle class population will increase approximately 10
times or almost 1000% during this period
#5 the middle class might see less of a link between their priorities
(the CLSA survey found the number one political priority for the
middle class over the next 12 months was employment) and a new
government vs. the poor (who are typically more concerned with things
such as basic healthcare infrastructure or farm loan waivers that are
more directly linked to the government).
#6 A stronger political drive in the middle class would force or
enable the government to also focus on issues that are of concern to
The report also puts into perspective why the flawed Liberal Left
agenda of the Congress is meeting with electoral success
#1 The Gini coefficient (a measure of inequality where 100 = high
levels of inequality and 0 equals no inequality in an economy) is
rather low for India overall compared to other EMs at less than 35 but
has been increasing since economic liberalisation
#2 although the poverty rate has been reduced, the rich continue to
get richer in comparison
#3 As the middle class remains apathetic towards political
participation as is currently thought, then the trend of focusing on
poorer (often rural) voters to win elections could remain the dominant
political paradigm in India.
The Liberal Left agenda of the Congress has benefited from the twin
factors of Middle Class apathy and Demographic advantage by
simultaneously targeting the poor and the elite rich.
This simultaneous targeting of a Demographic majority by the Congress
can be best appreciated when viewed through the prism of what Rahul
Gandhi calls “Growth with distribution”.
“Growth with distribution” is not just about targeting the poor with
entitlements but it also about keeping the elite rich in power through
this unholy nexus between Crony Capitalism and Politicians.
Pratap Bhanu Mehta writing in the Indian Express today (clicking on
this link may lead to virus infection), alerts us once again to the
Congress’ strategy to consolidate power.
The Congress is widening its target demographic base by giving a new
definition to the Poverty Line to expand Entitlements and is giving a
religious twist to Backwardness to increase Quotas.
But then as Pratap Bhanu Mehta puts it hubris and complacency can
still trip the Congress but it will take bold imagination for an
alternative agenda to succeed.
Where is the Opportunity
As the Duetsche Bank Report says
#1 The growth of the middle class and the economic growth of India are
in a virtuous cycle.
#2 As the middle class grows and continues to increase domestic
demand, the economy will also continue to grow
#4 The growth of the middle class will force more businesses to expand
and also force new business to take root
The opportunity for the Center Right agenda lies in what the Deutsche
Bank Report calls
the key point in ensuring that the link between middle class growth
and economic growth continues to strengthen
And that is in
providing the right education and skills to the middle class and
creating enough opportunities in society to absorb these
Socio Economic Engineering could be the vehicle for the Center Right
movement to target Middle India with a “bold and imaginative” agenda.
A beginning must be made by
Step#1 – Giving a new broad definition to this fast growing
demographic segment called the “Middle Class”
Step#2 – Micro-targeting based on issues that directly relate to
economic priorities of the various sub-segments that make up this
broad Middle Class
Step#3 – Structuring an electoral agenda around the “Ladder of
Opportunites plus Safety Net” paradigm to address those priorities
22 Responses
Umesh says:
March 30, 2010 at 7:34 am
A moot point. Your views are very well taken. But, the problem is
that, u need to articulate the same in much more simplified fashion.
The Bottomline of ur argument deals with economics. But, this blog
attracts mostly Ideological people.
if you want to attract a different segment , you might need to write
in a much more lucid and simpler language.
Bottomline is, india understands money. You could write this in a
language ur ordinary IT professional or a simple trader in a
stationary shop understands better.
have to say, that ur comments are very incisive.
offstumped says:
March 30, 2010 at 7:38 am
Umeshji – point well taken, all debate is work in progress, will
refine the points over time with contextual examples.
arjun says:
March 30, 2010 at 11:26 am
BJP has to do the following;
1) Hold the base i.e 18% of the vote share.
2) Increase voteshare among SCs STs. Even a gain of 2-3% voteshare
would reduce Congress voteshare by the same amount. This ca be done by
consistently reaching out to SCs/STs and giving them prominent
position in the organisation.
3) Alliances with regional parties in key states to consolidate anti
Congress votes.
Pub Chick says:
March 30, 2010 at 12:42 pm
why are you worried about the BJP? Does the BJP worry about you? But
if you ugly or horny, no one will. The answer, my boy, is Unilever. Or
some other company that produces skincare products.
Maybe we should make the global CEO of Unilever India’s Prime Minister
by default. That will solve bad politics and ugly people. Two birds,
one stone.
Though, horniness might remain yet.
cynicalcount says:
March 30, 2010 at 2:05 pm
Pubchick – Why are you worried about Arjun or anyone else being ugly
or horny? Does the ugly or horny people worry about you? The answer my
boy or my girl is a good counsellor. Or some good reputed mental
Pub Chick says:
March 30, 2010 at 2:19 pm
Worry not darling, I shall help you too.
cynicalcount says:
March 30, 2010 at 2:34 pm
Unfortunately I would have to decline your offer Pubchick. Kindly
continue your rantings here. Good fun they are.
Pub Chick says:
March 30, 2010 at 2:41 pm
I am the one ranting? Okay!
BabuJadhav(Jai Shri Ram) says:
March 30, 2010 at 6:50 pm
@Pub Chick
You are still carrying around the grudge, that certainly isn’t good
for you.
You know how that affects your diet and BP and in turn your physical
This is a vicious cycle that you must come out of.
Repeat after me :-
“Sri Ram sena boys neglected me not because I am ugly even when I was
trying hard to lure them, but because _they_ are ugly and horny and
are into ugly and horny girls”
Say that :-
“I am Pub Chick, and I have inner beauty that my love Pseculars like
Zakir Naik can see”
Also :-
“My Daru loves me and makes me feel good about myself”
Guys let us sympathize with people with mental illness, lets make her
feel better about herself. Otherwise who knows she might give up and
devour sleeping pills leaving behind one ugly world that continuously
reminded her of her external appearance.
She compensates for lack of love and self confidence with use of
perverted word and indulges in Freudian Projection.
Poor PubChick, I think it is time for your Daru therapy. Remember
world is ugly, but you have inner beauty.
Fanatic_Hiindu says:
March 30, 2010 at 10:45 pm
If pubchick responds this will be fun . Incidentally, we Hindu
fanatics are enjoy our drink too along with a spice of Pink floyd.
Too bad the Christmas carols with the Paedophiliac touch does not
enthuse us well enough.
Jingle the bell , Pussy’s[Pun completely unintended] in the well
Where are you, My sweet[pinch of salt] little Pubby queen?
BabuJadhav(Jai Shri Ram) says:
March 31, 2010 at 12:28 am
She may call you horny and ugly, but trust me bro you attention has
given her a new life.
After the attack by the Boys of Sri Ram Sena, she was heart broken
that every one ignored her as if she didn’t exist.
What you have done is a pure social serivice, might have even saved a
Aapne Punya ka kaam Kiya hai.
I think at least today she don’t need to resort to intoxicant to put
her self to rest.
Sweet dreams, remember at least Fanatic_Hiindu likes you.
And yes chant your mantra.
BabuJadhav(Jai Shri Ram) says:
March 31, 2010 at 12:29 am
[Sweet dreams, remember at least Fanatic_Hiindu likes you.
And yes chant your mantra.]( <<<<<< Meant for dear Pub Chick)
Ketan says:
March 31, 2010 at 2:51 am
My suspicion is that Pub Chick and Babu are the same people, just what
while posting her comments as Babu, Pub Chick is making more typos
than usual to distract others.
Can any eminent impostorologist prove that Pub Chick and Babu are not
the same people?
psecular says:
March 31, 2010 at 4:04 am
Guys IGNORE pube-chic,the gender bender. It has hired someone to write
English paragraphs with some heavy words and is happily inserting
“ugly”, “horny” in between the sentences to show them off as her own.
Its plagiarizing shamelessly. Nevertheless, I observe that pube chics
obsession for Indians (fox & the sour grapes) and its fear of a
stronger India are real
Pub Chick says:
March 31, 2010 at 8:35 am
I am quite insulted that you think I am some random guy who can’t even
type. Plus, I am also flattered you think I plagiarize.
On balance, I guess I am.
Fanatic_Hiindu says:
March 31, 2010 at 10:03 am
ok, if anybody thinks I like pubchick, all I say is that, forget it.
I’ve much better taste.
Secondly, Pubchick thinks that he/she is the ulra-cool lady and us
Hindu extremists dont have a sense of Humour, so, I’m giving him/her a
taste of his/her own medicine.
It is interesting that he/she chose not to respond to me. Shows how
scared he/she is.
Other guys, Dont take it seriously. Let us wait and see if Pubchick
responds. I bet that he/she is too scared to do so, since, he/she met
someone of him/her own size who can beat him/her in him/her own game.
Ketan says:
March 31, 2010 at 11:15 am
Oh dear Pub Chick, please don’t feel insulted. And even if you did,
that was not the intent. It was implicit in my previous comment that
those typos were deliberate on your part.
To plagiarize would be to not just copy, but also claim that work to
be originally one’s own?
And why has Babu not yet responded expressing his feeling of shock/
jubilation at finally being recognized for what he is?
Fanatic_Hiindu says:
March 31, 2010 at 12:48 pm
I’m coming around to your view, Ketan. You might be right. Good
deduction. Cheers
BabuJadhav(Jai Shri Ram) says:
March 31, 2010 at 1:11 pm
@Fanatic_Hiindu @Ketan
Biraders, ugly folks like you and me cannot be as beautiful like our
Pub Chick. I doubt if you fully appreciate the beauty of Pub Chick.
May be you need some daru or some paper bag(for pub chick) to see her
rightnow I am busy and tired of typing from mobile phone. I will be
remind you of contrasting differences in beauty of ugky folks like us
hindus and beautiful people like Osama Zakir Naik and Pub Chick.
Ketan says:
March 31, 2010 at 2:21 pm
Now I have become even more convinced that you are Pub Chick
masquerading (hope, I got the spelling right!) as Babu.
The more you try to convince me otherwise, deeper will my suspicion
Just a few days back Babu/Pub Chick and I had reached this conclusion
that beauty lies in the eye of the beholder (at least Pub Chick did
not contest this maxim).
Truth is elective (not a typo). And, Pub Chick is spectacular.
cynicalcount says:
March 31, 2010 at 3:59 pm
@ketan – Please stop trivialising. I didnt expect this from you. Let
us all stop talking about this pubchick and discuss the issues related
to the topic of this post by Offstumped. It is better to laugh at
posts by pubchick rather than giving him/her any importance. Its like
how media gives importance to non-entities and makes them larger than
life. He/She is not worth even talking about and my request to you is
to stop mentioning that nick. Thanks.
BabuJadhav(Jai Shri Ram) says:
March 31, 2010 at 7:28 pm
Bhaiyon Naam Main Kya Rakha Hai, Bhavnao Ko Samjho.
I am certainly not worthy enough to be compared to Pub Chik.
Okay now, even I am tired of trolling a troll. And cynicalcount is
right, this tool is not deserving of any more of our attention. Sadly
I must admit my mistake for feeding this POS Pub Shit, I thought I
will keep this character busy but this really affected the process of
dialogue and debate.
Centre-right shouldn’t be trivialized by such nonsensical exchange of
intellectual excrete.
I am sorry.
@Pub Shit Hoe, before you work on me kindly work on your own arguments
that were raised by you regarding.(Silence was pretty deafening and
was an expose of your unmatched intellectual vanity) :-
1) Why do you think that Bhalla is not an economist when _Dr._ Bhalla
holds a PhD in Economics from _Princeton_ University.
2) Why do you think he is not an _eminent_ economist, with his
illustrious educational credentials :-
” Dr. Bhalla holds a PhD in Economics from Princeton University____, a
Masters degree in Public Policy and International Affairs from the
Woodrow Wilson School, Princeton University and a Bachelors degree in
Electrical Engineering from Purdue University”.”
========Occupational achievement :-=====================
“”Dr. Surjit S. Bhalla is the Chairman of Oxus Investments. His
profile provides Oxus with a powerful mix of fund management, and
applied economic and policy research. His experience with premier
policy institutes such as the Rand Corporation, the Brookings
Institution and the World Bank offers useful input in formulating
global macro strategies.
Since 1991, Dr. Bhalla has been directly engaged in financial markets.
Prior to establishing Oxus, he was Director and Chief Global
Strategist, Emerging Markets Deutsche Bank; Vice President and
Proprietary Trader Goldman Sachs; and Chief Investment Officer, World
Bank. He has been a consultant/advisor to Warburg Pincus since 1998.”
========His contribution to academia :-==================
“He is on the board of a major think tank (NCAER), as well as Gargi
College, Delhi University. He has been a member of the Change and
Prosperity program at The Aspen Institute since 2002. He is also a
frequent contributor to media on issues related to government policy
and financial markets. He is also the author of a widely read
fortnightly column in leading financial newspapers.”
Other than the numerous and well cited papers and books he have
written, (learn to use Google Scholar and comprehend what comes on the
screen before you. And please don’t blame the poor computer and the
world, because the problem lies between your keyboard and the chair.)
And lastly he is recognized by Media, Economic Institutions,
Educational Institutions and Governmental Insinuations(and that to the
very best / big / global ones at that)
3) Alleged contradictions in post regarding NREGA
Your fallacy have been well contradicted, either prove the refutation
wrong or accept that you are a well established retard deserving of no
4) By your own measure of ascertaining ones eminence in particular
field, Bhalla is very much eminent. You must agree that this
establishes your lack of intellect.
5) Why IYO is an Economist only limited to academic activities, why
cannot IYO a person be considered eminent for expertise/work/
achievement in the field of application of economics (which you are
too ignorant to know that this field exist and is really the objective
for the knowledge R&D by academia)
6) You said something about his skills and how he is not very good at
what he does, FYI in last 5 years his investments had higher returns
than say HDFC/Reliance Growth/DSPBR/IDFC/Birla Sun life/Fiedelity
Equity/ICICI Prudential/Tata Grown.
Hell returning as good as the index is considered to be a very good
investment (according to Buffet), but ROI on his investment were ~50%
better than index.
Hence in light of the stated facts it is very obvious that your
contribution to this blog is :- SHUNYA, in fact a 10 year old kid can
come up with better observations.
So take my advise, but yourself out of misery as you are trying to
hard to get attention in this world. Any further direct indirect
requests for hand-holding and attention will be ignored.
You can ask for attention from Psecs like Zakir Nalaiks and Osamas of
the world who will join you in the mission of psecular eradication of
ugly and horny non Psecular an non EvanJihadi-Psemitics.
Ram Ram
Posted: Wed, Mar 31 2010. 9:56 PM IST
Bachchan meets the worldThe actor is actually available for all kinds
of things, from interviews with rookie journalists to launching books
to becoming part of public service campaignsSidharth Bhatia
A huge picture on his blog shows Amitabh Bachchan with his mouth open,
in what looks like a roar, with a tiger in the background. This is
Bachchan expressing his support for the Save the Tiger campaign, but
it could be a double metaphor: his anger at his critics and his
proximity to Bal Thackeray, whose party symbol is the roaring tiger.
Such a misinterpretation would confirm Bachchan’s fears that many are
out to malign his good name. Recently, he has been criticized by Raj
Thackeray, the Congress and the media. On Twitter, people are
expressing their distaste for his support to various controversial
politicians and causes. Not surprisingly, Bachchan is feeling hounded
and is now hitting back on his blog.
When he went to attend a function on the Bandra-Worli Sea Link in
Mumbai last week, the local Congress objected to Bachchan’s
association with Gujarat as its tourism brand ambassador. How could a
Congress chief minister sit on the same dais with a man who was ready
to help the Bharatiya Janata Party, that too someone like Narendra
Modi? Chief minister Ashok Chavan, always on the lookout for ways to
please his Delhi bosses, tried to distance himself from Bachchan till
it was pointed out that the star had been officially invited.
Local political machinations were behind this so-called controversy.
Chavan is under siege from his coalition partner Nationalist Congress
Party and also from local Congress party bosses. A day or two later, a
recorded speech by Abhishek Bachchan on the occasion of Earth Day was
pulled out hours before Delhi chief minister Sheila Dikshit landed at
a function.
Bachchan is wondering if there is a “pattern” in all this. It would be
naive to think there isn’t, given the vehemence with which Congress
spokesperson Manish Tiwari went after the actor on television
channels. A bit rich this, considering that Bachchan became a Congress
member of Parliament after the 1984 elections in the wake of the anti-
Sikh riots in Delhi and elsewhere.
Bachchan’s other bête noire is the media which, for him, is
incompetent, arrogant, unprofessional and, most of all, against him
and his family. He regularly takes digs at journalists, sometimes by
name, and is at war with a large newspaper group whose tabloid paper
carried a report about Aishwarya Rai Bachchan being afflicted with an
illness that prevented her from getting pregnant.
So what does all of this make Bachchan? A crotchety old uncle, an
angry ageing man, an arrogant star who can’t stand being criticized?
The irony is that Bachchan is one of the most accessible stars in
Mumbai. His office never fails to reply to a message or a request, and
he is available for all kinds of things, from interviews with rookie
journalists to launching books to becoming part of public service
campaigns. So what gives with this newfound aggression? The truth is
that Bachchan has discovered that he can now access his fans directly.
His blog is popular, and he writes it every night. That has been an
empowering experience and he is encouraged by the response he gets
when he hits back.
But there is also little doubt that he has become touchy at being
questioned about his choice of friends—Amar Singh, Bal Thackeray,
Mulayam Singh Yadav and now Narendra Modi: This is, by any token, not
a guest list any man in public life would like to associate with.
By taking on the media and cohabiting with the likes of Thackeray and
Modi, Bachchan has won no friends. But the pettiness and hypocrisy of
the Congress has gone too far. On his part, Bachchan would do well by
shrugging off adverse comments instead of choosing to react to
everything. He has the right to speak out, but we expect more from our
greatest movie icon.
Sidharth Bhatia is a Mumbai-based senior journalist. Comment at
BJP-Sena to roll out big guns for AMC polls
Syed Rizwanullah, TNN, Apr 1, 2010, 05.57am IST
AURANGABAD: The Shiv Sena-BJP combine is all set to rope in national-
level party leaders to campaign for its candidates for the April 11
Aurangabad Municipal Corporation (AMC).
The Sena is also planning to introduce Aditya Thackeray, son of the
party's executive president Uddhav Thackeray, in the town by
organising his road show in the run-up to the polls.
Speaking to reporters here on Wednesday, Sena deputy leader and MP
Chandrakant Khaire and state BJP unit vice-president Haribhau Bagade
announced the list of big names being brought in to campaign. The BJP
big guns include its national president Nitin Gadkari and senior
leaders Gopinath Munde, Eknath Khadse, Vinod Tawde, Smriti Irani,
Poonam Mahajan and Sudheer Mungantiwar. The Sena list includes Uddhav
Thackeray, his son Aditya, Manohar Joshi, Subhash Desai, Anant Gite,
Anand Adsul and Vishwanath Nerurkar.
Congress candidate Abdul Sajed has already been declared elected
unopposed. Of the remaining 98 wards, the saffron combine is
contesting from 88 wards the Shiv Sena from 55 and the BJP from 33.
The duo has also declared that a strong warning has been issued to
rebels who have filed their nominations from crucial wards to withdraw
within two days and support the official nominees. If they fail to do
so, they will be sacked from the respective parties, the alliance
Some Sena rebels have been using pictures of the party's leaders in
their election material. "We will lodge complaints with the Election
Commission (EC) against such people," Khaire said.
The Sena-BJP leaders have also accused Congress leaders including
guardian minister Radhakrishna Vikhe Patil, industries minister
Rajendra Darda and minister of state for civic supplies Abdul Sattar
of misusing government machinery to influence voters and candidates.
"They have also lured many of our workers by offering them tickets,"
Khaire said.
Specifically naming Abdul Sattar, who had assaulted a Congress
activist following a row over party tickets, Khaire alleged, "He is
threatening many of our workers and also misusing the police machinery
for this purpose. We will approach the EC and draw its attention to
ministers' meddling in the election process."
"The combine is sure to retain its hold on the AMC by bagging at least
55 seats," district Sena unit president Ambadas Danve said.
Dismal conviction rate in rape cases in Maharashtra
Umesh Isalkar & Mihir Tanksale, TNN, Mar 31, 2010, 06.06am IST
PUNE: The poor annual rate of conviction in rape cases in Maharashtra
— barely 15-16 per cent as per statistics recently published by the
state criminal investigation department (CID) — has raised the hackles
of human rights activists in the city.
On an average, as many as 1,400 rape cases were registered each year
in the state between 2006 and 2009. While the conviction in these
cases has been pathetic, conviction in related areas like sexual
harassment and molestation is equally dismal even as these offences
are only rising every year, the report says.
Dilip Bhujbal, superintendent of police (law and research) of the CID,
told TOI on Monday that crimes against women in Maharashtra have been
on the rise over the last three years. He said the state government
has initiated measures to ensure more convictions in these cases. “A
comprehensive sensitisation programme for police officers is regularly
conducted at the Centre for Police Research (CPR) in Pune.
Besides, NGOs working against human trafficking and other crimes have
been roped in to train police officials,” he said.
Training in methods of collecting evidence to help victims during
trials, leading to conviction, is imparted during these programmes,
Bhujbal said.
According to the CID report, the state registered 1,500 cases of rape
in 2006, 1,452 in 2007 and 1,558 cases in 2008.
Human rights activists in the city have expressed serious concern over
the situation. According to an analysis done by Asim Sarode, who is
working on criminal justice reforms, the percentage of conviction in
all rape cases was 16.21 in 2006, 16.69 in 2007 and 15.25 in 2008.
On the reasons for the low conviction rate, Sarode said, “Sexual abuse
that does not amount to penile penetration should be included as a
crime. Rape victims must be given interim compensation when there is
prima facie evidence and final compensation after conviction.”
According to Sarode, only 8.43%, 5.95% and 7.37% cases of rape,
molestation and sexual harassment respectively were tried in 2008.
Private schools to face penalty for violating RTE: SIbal
PTI, Apr 1, 2010, 02.40pm IST
NEW DELHI: All private and minority schools have to reserve 25 percent
seats in elementary education for underprivileged children, and any
breach of the Right to Education act will fetch punishment, human
resource development minister Kapil Sibal said on Thursday.
Sibal told Times Now television that it was obligatory to set aside a
quarter of all seats for poor children from classes 1 to 8 but added
that the reservation would start in Class 1 only from 2011.
It would take eight years by the time the reservation extends to Class
8, he pointed out.
Asked if there will be penalty for not complying with the legislation,
the minister said: "It is now law, it can be statutorily enforced."
He said both aided and non-aided schools across the country have to
follow the legislation.
Sibal warned that schools will not be allowed to segregate students
from the disadvantage community in any form. "That is not acceptable
to us," he said.
The minister clarified that minority schools were not exempt from the
"We believe every minority institution would itself like to (go for
the reservation). There are disadvantaged sections in minority
communities too. The minorities will be part of the national
The government, he said, was "committed to root out the capitation
fee" from the education system. "I will not spare anybody who indulges
in this educational malpractice."
The minister said the legislation would succeed only if all the
stakeholders join hands. "(Educating the child) is a community effort.
We are not doing this ourselves. We are doing this for the unborn
The Right to Education act came into force on Thursday as a
fundamental right.
From today, every child has a right to education
PTI, Apr 1, 2010, 09.48am IST
Children of India are our future: Manmohan SinghNEW DELHI: Nearly
eight years after the Constitution was amended to make education a
fundamental right, the government today implemented a historic law to
provide free and compulsory education to all children in age group of
6-14 years.
The 86th Constitutional amendment making education a fundamental right
was passed by Parliament in 2002. The Right of Children to Free and
Compulsory Education Act, a law to enable the implementation of the
fundamental right, was passed by Parliament last year. Both the
Constitutional amendment and the new law came into force from today.
The new law makes it obligatory on part of the state governments and
local bodies to ensure that every child gets education in a school in
the neighbourhood.
Its implementation will directly benefit close to one crore children
who do not go to schools at present. These children, who have either
dropped out from schools or have never been to any educational
institution, will be enrolled in schools.
The Right To Education is being touted by the UPA government as
another major achievement after Right To Information Act and National
Rural Employment Guarantee Act.
At present, there are nearly 22 crore children in the relevant age
group. However, 4.6 per cent of these children (nearly 92 lakh) are
out of school, a ministry official said.
The school management committee or the local authority will identify
the drop-outs or out of school children above six years of age and
admit them in classes appropriate to their age after giving special
The Act makes it a right of every child to get education. The Act
makes it obligatory for the appropriate governments to ensure that
every child gets free elementary education.
The Act mandates that even private educational institutions have to
reserve 25 per cent seats for children from weaker sections.
Certain schools have already challenged the law in the Supreme Court
as being "unconstitutional" and violating fundamental rights of
unaided private educational institutions. However, HRD Minister Kapil
Sibal has said that legal process would not affect the implementation
of law.
The Finance Commission has provided Rs 25,000 crore to the states for
implementation of the Act.
As per the government's estimate, there will be a requirement of Rs
1.71 lakh crore in the next five years for implementation of the Act.
Sibal said that the government has arranged the required funds for
implementing the law.
The Act says no school can deny admission to a student and all schools
need to have trained teachers. In case of schools not having trained
teachers, they will have to comply with the provision within three
As per the new law, the schools need to have certain minimum
facilities like adequate teachers, playground and infrastructure. The
government will evolve some mechanism to help marginalised schools
comply with the provisions of the Act.
The government has already prepared model rules which have been
circulated to the states for preparing their own rules for
implementation of the Act. The Centre has also prepared separate rules
for the Union Territories which will be notified by the Law Ministry
next week.
As per the Model rules, the local bodies and the state governments
will undertake household surveys and neighbourhood school mapping to
ensure that all children are sent to school.
The rules say that the state governments or local authorities will
determine the neighbourhood schools by undertaking school mapping.
Such agencies shall ensure that no child is subjected to caste, class,
religious or gender abuse in the school.
The local authority will conduct a household survey and maintain a
record of all children in its jurisdiction. The record will contain
detailed information about the child and the parents and will specify
whether the child belongs to the weaker section or disadvantaged group
or having any disability.
The state government or local authorities will identify children with
disabilities and children from disadvantaged groups every year.
Unaided and private schools shall ensure that children from weaker
sections and disadvantaged groups shall not be segregated from the
other children in the classrooms nor shall their classes be held at
places and timings different from the classes held for the other
The new law will ensure that quality education is provided to children
of all community, including minorities and backward classes.
However, the reservation for weaker section will not be implemented
from this year as the admission season is almost over. It will be
implemented from 2011-12.
The state government and local authorities will establish primary
schools within walking distance of one km of the neighbourhood. In
case of children for Class VI to VIII, the school should be within a
walking distance of three km of the neighbourhood.
The government has prepared a short film on the new law which would be
aired on TV channels to create awareness.
I am what I am today because of education: PM
PTI, Apr 1, 2010, 09.55am IST
NEW DELHI: Prime Minister Manmohan Singh has said the government was
committed to ensuring that all children irrespective of gender and
social category have access to education and fund constraints would
not be allowed to hamper implementation of the Right to Education
Addressing the nation as the Right to Education Act went into force on
Thursday, he said "the government is committed to ensuring that all
children irrespective of gender and social category, have access to
"Our government, in partnership with state governments, will ensure
that financial constraints do not hamper the implementation of the
Right to Education Act" he said.
Adding a personal touch to the importance of education, the Prime
Minister recalled his own childhood days as someone born in a family
of modest means who had to walk a long distance to go to school. "I
read under the dim light of a kerosene lamp. I am what I am today
because of education," he said.
"I want every Indian child, girl and boy, to be so touched by the
light of education. I want every Indian to dream of a better future
and live that dream", Singh said.
Recalling the desire of Gopal Krishna Gokhale about 100 years ago when
he had urged the Imperial Assembly to confer on the Indian people the
Right to Education, Singh said about 90 years later the Constitution
was amended to enshrine the Right to Education as a fundamental
"Today, our government comes before you to redeem the pledge of giving
all our children the right to elementary education," Singh said adding
"this demonstrates our national commitment to the education of our
children and to the future of India ".
Pointing out that India is a country of young people, he said "it is
the belief of our government that if we nurture our children and young
people with the right education, India's future as a strong and
prosperous country is secure."
Singh said the government at the Centre, in states and union
territories and authorities at district and village levels must work
together as part of a common national endeavour to realise the Right
to Education and asked the states to join in this national effort with
"full resolve and determination".
Noting that success of any educational endeavour was based on the
ability and motivation of teachers and the implementation of the Right
to Education is no exception, he asked the teachers across the country
to become partners in this effort.
At the same time, Singh said it was also incumbent upon all to work
together to improve the working conditions of teachers and enable them
to teach with dignity, giving full expression to their talent and
Parents and guardians too have a critical role to play having been
assigned school management responsibilities under the Act, he said
adding "the needs of every disadvantaged section of our society,
particularly girls, Dalits, adivasis and minorities must be of
particular focus as we implement this Act."
QnA: Will the bill help eradicate illiteracy in the decades
Right to Education: HRD frames model rules for states
Akshaya Mukul, TNN, Jan 21, 2010, 02.57am IST
NEW DELHI: In a significant step towards notification of the Right to
Education Act, HRD ministry has finalised the model rules for states
for implementation of the new law.
The model rules finally define the concept of neighbourhood schools
and make it clear that there will no discrimination against the 25%
children from weaker and disadvantaged groups who will get
Also, the minimum qualification for teachers can be relaxed only by
the Centre and the period should not exceed three years. The
relaxation has to take place within five years of the commencement of
the Act. Each state will have to set up a state commission for the
protection of child rights and in the interim period they can have a
Right to Education Protection Authority. A State Advisory Council will
be the highest body to oversee RTE's implementation.
There has been considerable confusion about what neighbourhood schools
mean. As per the model rules finalised now, a neighbourhood school for
class I to V means an institution that exists within one kilometre.
For class VI to VIII, neighbourhood schools will be within three
kilometres. The rules also ask the states to upgrade the existing
class I-V schools to include classes VI-VIII.
The model rules also make it clear that in case there is no school
within the prescribed distance, the state government will make
arrangement for free transportation and residential facilities. States
have been asked to carry out a detailed school mapping for
establishing neighbourhood schools.
While reiterating that no discrimination on the basis of caste, class,
religion or gender be carried out by the states, especially against
the 25% reserved children, the model rules say that reimbursement to
be paid to schools for reserved students should only consist of
expenditure on students.
The model rules also state that the period of admission can be
extended six months from the date of commencement of the academic
year. Only schools run by a society, not-for-profit trusts and open to
government inspection can be given recognition. The schools should not
be used for commercial or residential purpose except for employees.
The important school management committee in all government-aided
schools should be reconstituted every two years. Seventy-five per cent
of the members consist of parents. Of the remaining 25%, one-third
will be elected members of local authorities, one-third teachers and
one-third local educationists. The committee will see the annual
accounts of expenditure and also bring to light deviation from the
right of the child, mental, physical harassment of children, denial of
admission and timely reimbursements to the children.
The rules also say that a three-year School Development Plan will be
chalked out about classwise enrolment, requirment of teachers and
physical requirement of infrastructure as well as additional financial
Why has Amitabh become persona non-grata?
Nikhat Kazmi, 29 March 2010, 09:54 PM IST
And I wonder. Am I hallucinating, or is there a pattern in all
this!!!?? This is the pertinent query that a much agitated Mr Amitabh
Bachchan poses in his blog on day 705. The cause for his agitation?
Sundry. The brand ambassadorship of Gujarat as a tourist destination
followed by a photo-op and handshake with Narendra Modi, the
salutation to Bal Thackeray in the midst of the MNS-MNIK face-off, the
The Worli Sea link controversy with the Congress, the Earth hour
blackout of Abhishek Bachchan….Yes, Amitabh Bachchan ko gussa phir
aata hai!
So why has the famous angry young man on celluloid during the golden
1970s turned into the angry old man, in real life, in 2010? That's
because the erstwhile superstar suddenly sees himself becoming persona
non-grata in certain circles which not only pertain to the political
sphere? Before Mr Bachchan decodes the `pattern' in this social
distancing and sudden alienation, he must answer the paramount
question: Is there a connection between art and politics or is an
artist above politics and political divides?
Ideal situation? Let's visualize a scenario where today, the actor
anchors a short film that sings paeans to Narendra Modi and his
contributions to Gujarat, blanking out the events of 2002. Tomorrow,
he hobnobs with Bal Thackeray and wins the title of a `true
Hindustani' from him, irrespective of the divisive politics of the MNS
and Thackeray's relentless politically insensitive rhetoric. Then, he
gets co-opted by the BJP who wants to promote him as the brand
ambassador for the Commonwealth Games. Later, he sashays with the Left
Parties as the mascot for Kerala tourism and shares the platform with
Bhai Amar Singh as he floats his new party or joins back the SP. And
finally, someday, he recites Nehru's tryst-with-destiny speech in his
famous baritone for a promotional film on the Congress centenary on
the behest of Sonia Gandhi. Maybe, someday, he'd even be a guest of
Shibu Soren who wants him to put the state of Jharkand center-stage on
the map of India or Mayawati, who wants him to garland her statute
with a garland of currency.
In our hypothetical ideal state, nobody would have a problem with
Bachchan's changing loyalties, because hey, he's representing himself
as a public personae rather than a political person who kowtows a
particular political ideology. He's representing himself as an artist
who spawns across four decades of Indian cinema with an iconic
filmography that stretches from Vijay Verma (the hero of most of his
blockbusters in the 1970s) to Auro, the 13-year-old hero of Paa. Does
anybody care what his personal political ideology is all about?
Sadly, life, art and society aren't about ideal states at all. They
never have been. Israel still follows an unofficial ban on the music
maestro Richard Wagner because he was supposedly an inspiration for
Adolf Hitler. This despite the fact that Hitler was born six years
after Wagner died. But, for many Israelis, the images conjured up by
Tristen and Isolde, Parcifal and other Wagner compositions are not of
operas alone. Instead, they are reminiscent of the Nazi leader's
progrom against the Jews. In a seminal article on Wagner's influence
on Hitler, the New Yorker asks the million dollar question: "Should an
artist be punished because he happened to fascinate a lunatic who was
born six years after he dies?" Rationally, no. Emotionally, maybe.
So, here's a lesson for Amitabh Bachchan. Before people begin to doubt
his ideological leanings with his `I-just-accept-invitations' rhetoric
and his fan following begins to diminish, he needs to enunciate his
politics. What are you, Mr Bachchan? Right-wing, centrist,
communalist, regionalist or are you liberal, secular, progressive?
Honestly, some of your hobnobbing does seem to have created dismay
amongst those who admire your art. And much as we'd like to believe
your `I'm just an actor' tirade, the lines have begun to blur.
Give us back our Vijay of yore: 'messiah of the underdog'. And we
promise to give you back our unquestioning respect.
Atheism is the best worshipJug Suraiya, 29 March 2010, 10:50 AM IST
In the British comedy Bedazzled there is a scene where the Devil,
played by Peter Cook, comes to earth and meets Dudley Moore, your
average man-on-the-street. Moore asks the Devil, “Why did you revolt
against God.”
“Come, I’ll show you,” says the Devil. He perches himself atop a
pillar box and tells Moore to kneel at its base. “Now, start
grovelling and praising me,” says the Devil.
Moore starts grovelling and singing the Devil’s praises. When he shows
signs of flagging the Devil goads him into grovelling more
obsequiously, praising him even more loudly.
After a while Moore says: “Hey, this is getting boring. Can’t we
change places for a while.”
“Exactly,” says the Devil. “That answers your question as to why I
walked out on God: worshipping Him is boring.”
God-worship is not just boring; it is the ultimate in trivialisation.
It infinitely trivialises the boundlessness of the cosmos that lies,
seamlessly, both outside and within us. God-worship reduces the
Creator – the First Principle, the Big Bang, the Singularity, whatever
you want to call whatever it is that started it all – to a Lalaji who
likes to surround himself with sycophantic yes-men, forever extolling
his virtues. Is the Force that created everything, from the gossamer
glow of the endless galaxies to the rainbow sheen of the dragonfly’s
wings, no more than that, a petty bossman who thrives on the most
undiluted flattery? God help us, and the universe, if he is.
And what does God-worship make of us, the devotees? In public, we say
that when we pray, when we petition God for a boon, it is for all
humankind, for all creation. We say we pray for world peace, for a
cure for cancer, for a solution to global warming and climate change.
And perhaps we do.
In the privacy of our innermost desires, however, our prayers are
almost invariably personal: Oh, God, help me to pass my exam, get a
good job, find someone suitable to marry, get my green card, win the
lottery of life.
There is absolutely nothing wrong in wishing for any or all of these
things. Indeed, they’re all good things which any sensible person
would wish for. But why make it God’s job to get you what you want?
Why give up your responsibility to make of your life what you can and
what you will?
A French sociologist has likened personal prayer and the giving of
votive offerings to bribery. He has noted that in countries where the
tradition of personalised God-worship is most entrenched –as in India,
and in Roman Catholic Italy – the incidence of bribery in everyday
life is also proportionately high. If God himself is a Babu who can be
bribed to do your bidding with a prayer and a few diyas or candles,
where’s the harm in slipping some currency notes to a bureaucrat or
politician or policeman to do what you want done? Doesn’t God himself
teach us to bribe? In which case, how can bribery and corruption be
bad things, if they’re God-given?
The atheist not only lives according to a higher code of ethics than
that sanctioned by a bribable God, but also inhabits a higher plane of
spirituality. This is far from being a paradox. God-worship, in which
typically the devotee seeks to get personal desires granted,
inevitably reinforces and entrenches the sense of self, of one’s
individual ego which is special and separate from all other created
beings and forms. God-worship is really self-worship, a deification
of one’s ego, and as such the hardest obstacle to overcome in the
journey of spiritual liberation.
The atheist realises that God did not create humankind in his image;
humankind created God in its own image: selfish, gullible and by
nature susceptible to flattery and bribes. Rather than pay lip service
to such a God, the atheist chooses to disown God and God-worship. And
in doing so, the atheist takes the first step on the path to freedom
from the silken bonds of maya.
BJP demands judicial probe in Hyderabad communal clashes
2010-03-31 22:30:00
Last Updated: 2010-04-01 04:08:59
Hyderabad: BJP on Wednesday demanded that the Andhra Pradesh
government order a judicial inquiry into the communal clashes in the
"We should know the truth about the clashes in the old city. BJP
demands a judicial probe into the incident to bring out the truth. We
feel the investigation should be conducted by a sitting judge of the
High Court," State BJP president and MLA G Kishan Reddy told reporters
Shoot-at-sight orders issued in Hyderabad as riots spread
He recalled that some Congress leaders had suspected that the clashes
could be an attempt to create trouble for Chief Minister K Rosaiah.
Asked about reports in a section of media that a minister from a
neighbouring state could be behind the incident, Reddy said a judicial
inquiry should bring out the truth.
He demanded that the government control the communal clashes with an
iron hand.
On the reported allegation of Congress MP L Rajagopal that the BJP
could be behind the communal incidents to safeguard its existence,
Reddy asserted that his party did not require any certificate from
someone like Rajagopal.
Hyderabad peaceful, curfew to be relaxed on Thursday
Sharply attacking the city-based Majlis Ittehadul Muslimeen (MIM), he
said the party violated laws freely several times in the past few
"MIM leaders openly abused and attacked Taslima Nasreen. They also
attacked government officials and were also involved in several other
such incidents. No concrete action has been taken against them," Reddy
Shoot-at-sight orders issued in Hyderabad as riots spread
Hyderabad: Communal riots spread to new areas in Hyderabad on Tuesday
even as shoot-at-sight orders were issued in the old city and curfew
was imposed in the areas under eight more police stations.
While curfew continued the old city without any relaxation, it was
imposed in new areas following fresh clashes. Hyderabad police
Commissioner A.K. Khan said on Tuesday evening that indefinite curfew
would be in force in Afzalgunz, Begumbazar, Shahinathgunz,
Tappachaputra, Asifnagar, Mangalhat, Kulsumpura and Habibnagar police
Fresh violence in Hyderabad; 8 hurt
Image: Security personnel patrol a street in curfew bound old city of
Hyderabad on March 30, 2010.
Text: IANS
Images: PTI
Shoot-at-sight orders issued in Hyderabad as riots spread
He also imposed prohibitory orders banning processions and rallies
across this Andhra Pradesh capital after clashes in new areas.
The indefinite curfew in the riot-hit old city of Hyderabad continued
on Tuesday without relaxation. All 17 police stations under the south
zone were brought under curfew on Monday night to control the
The communal violence, which was so far confined to the old city,
spread to other areas in the city, triggering tension. Groups
belonging to two different communities clashed in Musheerabad,
Bholakpur and Rani Gunj and other areas in central Hyderabad and its
twin city Secunderabad.
Curfew continues in tense Hyderabad
Image: Security personnel at the gate of Charminar while enforcing
curfew in the old city of Hyderabad on March 30, 2010
Hyderabad peaceful, curfew to be relaxed on Thursday
2010-03-31 22:50:00
Last Updated: 2010-04-01 04:11:21
Hyderabad: The situation in riot-hit parts of Hyderabad remained
peaceful on Wednesday and the police decided to relax curfew for two
hours on Thursday in some areas.
No untoward incident was reported from any of the curfew-bound or
other areas of the city since Wednesday night.
Shoot-at-sight orders issued in Hyderabad as riots spread
Police Commissioner A.K. Khan told reporters that curfew would be
relaxed for two hours in 17 police stations of the old city where
curfew was imposed Monday night following communal clashes.
'Only women and men over the age of 50 will be allowed to come out
during the relaxation,' said Khan.
However, there will be no relaxation in eight police station areas
where the curfew was clamped Tuesday night.
Stating that there would be no relaxation in any area on Friday, the
police chief appealed to people in the old city to buy essential
commodities for two days.
Stray incidents of violence were reported from some curfew-bound areas
adjoining the worst-hit old city but police and paramilitary forces
acted swiftly to bring the situation under control.
Khan appealed to people not to believe rumours being spread through
SMSes and warned that strong action would be taken against those
involved in circulating such SMSes.
The commissioner said those who created trouble during the Hanuman
Jayanti procession Wednesday were being identified through video
footage and they would be arrested soon.
BJP demands judicial probe in Hyderabad communal clashes
'The police have so far booked 67 cases and arrested 136 persons in
connection with various incidents of violence,' Khan said.
There was an eerie silence in the centuries-old markets around the
historic Charminar, which teem with thousands of shoppers and tourists
on any normal day. Only the sirens of police vehicles sporadically
broke the uneasy calm in the area, famous for pearls, jewellery,
bangles, bridal wear, garments and eateries.
Charminar, Mecca Masjid, Chowmahalla Palace and other monuments in the
old city wore a deserted look. Salar Jung Museum, which houses the
world's largest collection of artefacts by one man, was also shut.
On the other side of Musi River, Begumbazar, a major commercial hub
for wholesale grain markets and consumer goods, was also deserted.
Sporadic incidents of violence continued till late Tuesday even after
police brought eight more police station areas under curfew following
clashes in new city localities while police top brass issued shoot-at-
sight orders to policemen in the old city.
The communal clashes since Saturday has claimed two lives and left
over 150 people injured.
March 28, 2010 • 9:56 am
Day after Narendra Modi’s SIT deposition
Narendra Modi’s marathon 9 hour deposition before the Supreme Court
appointed Special Investigation Team, SIT is unprecedented.
Whether you are a diehard Modi advocate or a self-proclaimed
conscientious Modi detractor, the highly anticipated deposition has
set a new benchmark by which many an elected leader shall be judged in
the years to come.
The Congress Party justifiably can be expected score political points,
but it would be missing the deeper implications to its favored
dynasty’s much blotted record when in elected office, some of which
has never been put to Trial nor been subjected to reparations.
The politics apart, the day after the SIT deposition has revealed many
an aspect of what this non-trial has come to be.
A non-trial because no charges have been filed, not even a criminal
case has been made out, yet much of the public debate proceeds on the
presumption of guilt, principles of Justice be damned.
First is this online petition by Ehsan Jaffrey’s children which has
now started to make headlines – calling on the Chief Justice of Indian
Supreme Court not to a share a dias with Narendra Modi at an official
State function in honor of the visting Chief Justice of Zimbabwe.
No amount of empathy or sympathy can erase the loss suffered by Ehsan
Jaffrey’s family. Their ordeal demands justice and no civil society or
modern democracy should settle for anything less.
But this petition is not about Justice, it is about something much
If this petition was about Justice it would not be prejudging the
outcome of a yet to be conceived Judicial process against Narendra
The Jaffrey’s may have deep personal animosity towards Mr. Modi, they
may also have low confidence in the overall delivery of Justice for
2002 riot victims. But to conflate those sentiments and emotions and
to make demands on what those holding Constitutional Offices must do
and not do reflects a motivated campaign blinded by vengeance and
This is by no means a pursuit for Justice.
Back in 2007, Offstumped had observed that on Narendra Modi the
politcal maxim had become – “Why beat him when you can bait him” ?
The same must be said of this campaign for retribution – “Why try him
when you can trip him” ?
A glimpse of this campaign can also be seen in this supposedly news
analysis piece by Manoj Mitta in the Times Of India taking his cue
from highly discredited Teesta Setalvaad to suggest that the SIT
itself lacks credibility.
In closing it must be said that Salil Tripathi’s piece gave hope that
there can be a basis for reconciliation and closure, but this game of
baiting and tripping far from bringing justice and closure will only
widen the chasm.
15 Responses
sridhar krishna says:
March 28, 2010 at 11:01 am
The online petition is poorly drafted with many bloomers.
1. “Not long ago, the Supreme Court of India had called the Chief
Minister Narendra Modi a modern day ‘Hero’.” should have been Nero.
2. “An association of the chief justices of India and Zimbabwe with a
person who is being examined for his role in killing of innocent
people, under the directives of the Supreme Court will send out wrong
signals and undermine the process of justice in Gujarat.”
killing of innocent people, under the directives of supreme court –
sends a wrong message. It should have been examined under the
directives of the supreme court for his role in killing of innocent
It is not just about mistakes in English. When the Gujarat High Court
reprimanded Teesta Setalvad in the best bakery case she went to
Supreme Court to remove the obnoxious comments. The Supreme Court
quoted Justice Gajendragadkar while striking down the words and ruled
that the Judges should not make comments. This Judgement would
squarely apply to the wrongly quoted “Nero/Hero” comment.
It is unfortunate that in this country
1) a ruling prime minister had lost her election related case and
found her rule illegitimate but went on to declare emergency.
2) she again sought to impose an election (Assam) when nobody wanted
and this resulted in a gory murder of 3,000 muslims in Nellie.
3) another dynasty rigged elections in an already troubled state and
we are still feeling the ramifications.
4) another prime minister (in waiting) pointed to a random flight
during an election campaign and said that is the flight in which the
sitting PM was running away with the loot.
5) there were scores of politicians who were indicted in the Jain
6) a minister’s house was raided and the toilet was overflowing with –
of all things – money.
7) lakhubhai pathak’s case – Shri PVN
PVN’s acse of buying Sibhu Soren.
the lsit is endless. the president’s chair and the CEC is also not
beyond the specter of such accusations.
we are a Nation who get cheap thrill in the excesses of our leaders.
under these circumsatnces one lone voice against Modi loses its Moral
one can laud that voice if it is the first of such voices against all
simillar cases. would the same group look into the accusations against
the president and the CEC.
all said and done, they are doing a decent job of at least trying to
set right one scar on the face of india. hope somebody has it in them
to tackle the rest.
Pub Chick says:
March 28, 2010 at 11:21 am
Sridhar, Bloomers? That explains all else.
abir says:
March 28, 2010 at 4:01 pm
Since Mr Modi has appeared before the SIT now Sajjan kumar and Jagdish
Tytler (accused in the anti-Sikh riots) also should be brought to
Jyotindra Khandwalla says:
March 28, 2010 at 4:53 pm
A disturbing report in Economic Times today states the road for filing
FIR against Modi would open after SIT probe.
Pub Chick says:
March 28, 2010 at 5:26 pm
abir, are you saying legal action against people accused of other
crimes is contingent upon Modi facing legal action? Watch what you
wish for etc.
Prashanth says:
March 28, 2010 at 7:25 pm
Offstumped, please remove this pubchick, which is such a big nuisance.
She is just trying to divert all serious discussions. After having all
media for themselves, these pseudos are trying to infiltrate rightist
blogs as well.
Pub Chick says:
March 28, 2010 at 8:05 pm
Prashanth, you also seem insecure apart from being ugly and horny.
That’s alright. We shall work on it.
psecular says:
March 28, 2010 at 10:26 pm
pubechick is a gender bender, it keeps typing “ugly”, “horny” in its
sentences in various compbinations. Ignore it.
True, now that a bench mark of 9hr questioning marathon for riot
probes has been set, will the 1984 culprits who are alive (Rajiv is
dead anyways) be brought to attend such probes.
Why is Teesta “aatank”vaad being allowed to fester anti-Indian
elements. Am I missing some development or is it intentional ?. Why is
she roaming free in civilized society in spite of getting caught red-
handed for perjury and manipulation of witness statements in crucial
cases ?. She is the queen of the colony where anti-indian elements,
thoughts and practices are being spawned and sheltered. Is Gujarat
govt or some citizens for real justice doing something to fix the
meance of teesta “aatank”vaad
Ketan says:
March 29, 2010 at 12:54 am
Pub Chick,
After reading many of your comments, it seems you don’t use “ugly” &
“horny” in their conventional sense.
By “ugly” you seem to mean someone taking a leap of faith, or in other
words, reaching inferences not led to by the available data; missing a
link in chain of reasoning, etc.
Or am I reading too much into your comments?
And I could not gather at all what you mean by “horny”.
Firstly, what’s strange is that the list of Jaffrey’s petition does
not seem to contain name of any person actually present in the mob
that had killed the 68 people in her bungalow. She might have her
grievances with the office bearers, but in all her TV appearances, she
has hardly expressed anger at those who had actually committed the
crime. This dogged obsession with Narendra Modi to the exclusion of
those who actually committed the crime is, to repeat, strange.
The conjectural allegation that the entire judicial process’ fairness
is lost if the CJI shares dais with Modi is too imaginative to be
taken seriously.
The event was convocation of law students in a University in Gujarat,
so the choice of guests was quite apt – chief minister (representative
of the state where college is located) and the CJI (representative of
the judiciary with who the graduates were to get associated).
Independence of Judiciary is not compromised upon simply because both
Modi & CJI I had attended the same function in official capacities.
Moreover, it is not the CJI who is currently sitting over any of the
cases involving Modi. To imply that CJI by sharing dais with Modi will
influence his juniors who might hear cases involving Modi, is actually
a serious charge.
Applying that logic, the President of India who has historically been
aligned with the political adversary of Modi should not share dais
with any of the judges! Because promotions & appointments of certain
judges are carried out by the the CJI in consultation with the
president. That can influence the independence of the judiciary. Also,
none of the politicians must ever share stage with anyone from the
judiciary – you never know when someone from a political party will
commit a crime!
Raghavan was looking visibly irritated by enquiries about allegations
of Teesta against SIT’s fairness….
iHindu007 says:
March 29, 2010 at 12:54 am
I second Prashanth’s proposal. Can somebody show me what positive
content she has added to this site?
Ketan says:
March 29, 2010 at 12:55 am
…I don’t know if it matters, but Teesta is alienating many people, not
in the least, the CJI. This gives the impression that she does not
hope much from the final outcome of the entire judicial process, but
wants to gain as much victimhood as possible by making as many
allegations of unfairness & automatic victimization as possible.
Petitioning an official & trying to tell him how to spend time outside
his office is pretty gross.
Ketan says:
March 29, 2010 at 1:12 am
Offstumped, particularly, & others,
I have a small conflict of interest here in that I am finding a few
comments by Pub Chick very logical & pertinent to the agenda set by
Offstumped, though I must confess they have been numerically far in
I urge Pub chick to desist from making personal remarks that would not
have relation to the blog post. This I am urging with the idea that
the pot can indeed objectively call a kettle black, ideally without
being sanctimonious about it.
To others, I can only urge that though difficult, please do not
respond to the personal aspects of Pub Chick’s comments.
Of course, eventually choice is Offstumped’s as to what to do.
Anon says:
March 29, 2010 at 1:18 pm
Manoj Mitta is a usual name.
You must read Sunday’s M u m b a i M i r r o r to see how Teesta’s
press release made to the first page§id=edid=&edlabel=MMIR&mydateHid=28-03-2010&pubname=Mirror+-+Mumbai&edname=&articleid=Ar00100&publabel=MM
Pub Chick says:
March 29, 2010 at 3:02 pm
What I’d want explained really is what this Prashanth means by calling
me pseudos. What does that mean? I must assure him through you that I
am real and I am spectacular.
Ketan says:
March 29, 2010 at 4:55 pm
Pub Chick,
I find you spectacular.
But I can’t be your interloctor
Or interloctator
Or whatever!
[see, I rhymed so well ]
To find you spectacular, Prashanth’s vision will have to get deranged
to the same degree as mine (as beauty lies in the eye of the beholder;
though spectacle lies just outside it).
And though consistency is desired, I can try but, may not be able to
maintain it. Our opinions should change or at least the strength of
conviction behind them should each time we come across a new piece of
March 31, 2010 • 5:00 am
Narendra Modi for PM – Lazy op-ed by Sadanand Dhume
Sadananad Dhume, a columnist for the WSJ Asia, usually makes sound
arguments but this latest one by him on Narendra Modi can at best be
characterized as lazy.
It relies on Liberal Left cliches to make its point without offering
anything new by way of insight or analysis.
Dhume’s core point being
#1 – It will be difficult for BJP to attract allies willing to be
associated with Mr. Modi’s anti-Muslim image
#2 – India cannot afford to be led by someone who appears to believe
that only Hindus can be authentically Indian
#3 – The last thing India needs is a question mark over its reputation
as an oasis of secular democracy in a tough neighborhood
#4 - Leaders should also be free of even the slightest hint of blood
on their hands.
Now if Mr. Dhume had done a little more homework he would have
discovered that
#1 There is no substance to the canard that Mr. Modi believes only
Hindus can be authentically Indian. In fact if Mr. Dhume had paid any
attention to the media coverage of the 2007 elections the only kind of
identity Mr. Modi invoked was Gujarati pride.
#2 The campaign to deny Mr. Modi a visa was sponsored by those in the
United States with overt and covert links to Chicago’s Pakistani
Muslim Community. (Read Part 1, Part 2 and Part 3)
Sadanand Dhume’s column comes at the same time as the Congress Party
scoring self goals by likening Mr. Modi to Dawood Ibrahim and by
treating Amitabh Bacchan as a pariah and as an untouchable for being a
brand ambassador for Gujarat.
Mr. Dhume does have a point on the steep challenge Mr. Modi faces on
his acceptability gap visa-vis the Nehru-Gandhis.
But the rate at which Congress spokesperson like Manish Tiwari are
scoring self goals, Mr. Dhume may very will have to eat his words on
the immortality of that acceptability gap.
The litmus test for Leaders suggested by Mr. Dhume
“leaders should be free of even the slightest blood on their hands”
is disingenuous to say the least.
If we were to apply Mr. Dhume’s yardstick and hold other leaders
accountable for the failure of their Governments to protect, then Dr.
Manmohan Singh and Sonia Gandhi would also end up with blood on their
hands on account of the 13 attacks of Mass Terror between 2005 and
Incidentally Mr. Dhume did write an op-ed on Islamist Terror in India
a couple of weeks back in which he says
when elected politicians pander to fundamentalist Muslim leaders—as
is common in large parts of the country—the bureaucracy, the courts
and the press must hold them accountable
before stopping short of either taking names of either Politicians or
Parties or suggesting that one must carry the taint for life for
pandering to Islamists.
It is an open question at this time whether Mr. Modi has firm Prime
Ministerial ambitions or if the BJP intends to project him.
However Sadanand Dhume’s litmus test for disbarring him even before
the contest has begun rests on disingenuous logic.
This makes his case against Narendra Modi for Prime Minister both
shallow and prejudiced.
6 Responses
Jyotindra Khandwalla says:
March 31, 2010 at 4:01 pm
Modi has always preferred himseld to be CM – Common Man – and devoted
to development of Gujarat. He has always said his life is governed by
mission and not ambition. Until and unless he is given clean chit of
bill by SC, he would not allow himself to be persuaded by his peers in
the party and coalition to think of becoming PM.
In his yesterday’s blog, his You-tube video of his Gujarati address on
Doordarshan next day after Godhra incident speaks volume of his
courage and character. This video is by-lined in English and English
transcript is available of his Gujarati speech.
chetan sharma says:
March 31, 2010 at 6:37 pm
Modi has implemented his final solution, hopefully for the last time,
in Gujarat. The people of India do not wish to see that taint spread
through the rest of the country. It is better that he stays as the CM
– Con Man – of Gujarat and continue trying to evade justice until he
his finally brought to trial for his crimes against humanity.
It will be a cold day in hell and a sorry day for India if and when
Modi represents this great country.
Ketan says:
March 31, 2010 at 10:00 pm
I could not access the full article, guess, it requires subscription.
From the points you have quoted, I found only the first one of some
But I also believe, Modi has largely remained silent knowing whatever
he would have spoken would be distorted and only selectively reported
by the media. But as penetration of twitter and blogs is increasing,
it is becoming increasingly difficult for the media to continue to
distort. Probably, that is why now he has started coming out with
refutations of all the charges one by one. And needless to say, law is
taking its own course concurrently, which might totally absolve him of
guilt. There might come a time, when those accusing Modi will not be
taken seriously owing to lack of substance, & then fewer alliance
partners would want to distance themselves from Modi citing his
complicity/involvement in 2002 riots. I just hope media will report
these happening faithfully.
But one thing I fail to understand is why did you choose to address
points raised in an article that would be read by very few Indians and
which arguably does not have anything new to offer.
Chetan Sharma,
Which country are you referring to as “great”? And could you please
enlist a few criteria for greatness met by the said country? It would
also be nice if you could elaborate on the “taint”, the spread of
which you are afraid of.
Thanks in advance!
SlimShadee says:
March 31, 2010 at 10:02 pm
I love reading some of your posts and you come across as a fairly
intelligent person. So it’s rather surprising that you want to believe
that Modi was not involved in the 2002 genocide of Muslims. There were
lots of murmurs about his direct involvement immediately after the
incidents endorsed by many NGOs and certain people who were part of
the Gujarat administration. ( Read this to know what I am talking
And after the Tehelka sting operation everything was out in the open
about who was behind this dastardly act. Hardliners from the Sangh
Parivar are quick to say that these are all fabricated evidence which
is laughable really. There are hard facts my dear friend that
“Narendra bhai” not only let these killers loose, he also played with
the judicial system so that they went scot-free after the carnage. And
this by itself blots out all his other achievements, if any.
arjun says:
April 1, 2010 at 12:53 am
The same things can be said about Rajiv Gandhi and Sikh riots in 84.
But some people are selectively righteous and focus only on Gujarat.
Probably because Modi belongs to ideologically different political
This kind of intellectual dishonesty people can see through and that
is why Modi has so much support.
It is upto the people of Gujarat to decide whether Modi is a con man
or not. Not upto NGOs whose agenda and leanings are not above
psecular says:
April 1, 2010 at 1:38 pm
also kashmir & kashmir pandits, I see no one talking about them. More
these anti-nationals get unreasonably vociferous about Gujarat and
Modi, more will they create awareness in Hindus about the hatred the
minorities have for Hinduism and force Hinduism to become radical like
the minority religions.
April 1, 2010 • 5:00 am
Right To Education – BJP missing in action
Prime Minister Manmohan Singh addressed the nation today as the Right
to Education Bill came in to law.
It was surprising to note that there was no response from the
principal political opposition to the Prime Minister’s speech.
In fact on the whole subject of the “Right to Education” it was
surprising to note that there was no policy paper or point of view
published by the BJP on its website.
All one gets to find on the BJP’s website on the subject of “Right to
Education” are passing remarks in a press conference in 2009 and some
cursory references in a Rajya Sabha debate.
Its a different matter that the original bill – “The Free and
Compulsory Education Bill tabled of 2003″, was tabled by a BJP lead
The BJP has been missing in action on the policy debate ever since
neither having reviewed its policy stance from 2003 nor having offered
a credible alternative to the Congress sponsored legislation of 2009.
The Center for Civil Society, CCS has a comprehensive portal on
education tracing the debate on “Right to Education” from the 2003
bill through subsequent versions of legislation that eventually got
passed in 2009.
In fact Parth Shah of the CCS has a blistering article in the Mint
today on how the Right to Education act is the wrong way to go to
Parth Shah’s critique of RTE centers mainly on three issues
#1 It is a massive takeover of education by the Government at the
expense of private institutions
#2 It essentially has morphed into a Right to Employment act for
Teachers with no direct accountability to Parents/School Management
and wide latitude to to Teachers Unions and unspecified School
#3 The legislation is half baked in that the model rules of
enforcement have not even been framed and left to the state
It is surprising that the BJP that is seeking to reinvent itself as a
credible alternative to the Congress has failed to put up a policy
challenge to differentiate itself from the Congress on what is
essentially a Liberal Left sellout to lobbies and special interests
based on vast expansion of Government role in education including in
Private Schools.
The surprise is profound for the Sangh Parivar runs a large string of
private schools called “Sishu Mandirs” targeting the rural and urban
The lack of depth in its policy focus is one of many reasons the BJP
has failed to drive a sharp differentiation from the Congress leading
many to conclude that it is merely a B-team of the Congress.
As much as the BJP is critical of the Congress’ National Advisory
Council it must acknowledge the fact that the Congress has atleast
created a formal avenue to engage with outside policy experts even if
they are of the Liberal Left persuasion.
The absence of a similar forum within the BJP to engage with policy
experts is reflected in the poor quality of its political responses to
policy issues.
Engaging tired and retired journalists and bureaucrats (with the
notable exception of few eminent voices) is no substitute for a sound
body of policy research, knowledge and experise.
In fact the BJP’s policy incoherence must be directly attributed to
its failure to nurture Policy Institutions in its 6 years in office to
advance an alternative philosophy of governance and to create a body
of policy knowledge.
This entire episode highlights once again the fallacy of using
Identity as an Ideological label.
For political Hindutva of the 1990s neither offers a basis to
articulate the BJP’s position on the Right to Education Bill nor does
it help the BJP differentiate itself from the Congress on the Right to
Education Bill.
BJP’s claim that Integral Humanism is its guiding philosophy is also
For example Pandit Deendayal Upadhyay in his remarks on Integral
Humanism says that
When the state-acquires all powers, both political and economic, the
result is a decline of Dharma. In this way if the state has unlimited
powers, the whole society looks towards the state, for everything.
Officers of the government neglect their duties and acquire vested
interests. These are all signs of the preponderance of the powers of
Yet the BJP has no policy position on what must be called the largest
acquisition of political and economic power on Education by the State.
The reality is that the BJP has not even bothered to revisit Integral
Humanism since the 1960s nor has it attempted to make Integral
Humanism current and relevant .
This goes to highlight the damage political Hindutva has done to
intellectual faculties within the Party.
The result is the present state of the BJP where there is no coherent
ideological framework within the Party based on which policies can be
What is worse Hindutva has become a Litmus Test of sorts
#1 causing the Party to narrowly look within its ranks for Policy
#2 preventing the Party from engaging a wider pool of Professional
experts who are ideologically opposed to Left Liberalism but are not
necessarily of the saffron hue
As Mr. Nitin Gadkari looks beyond his political A-team he must
seriously consider constituting a Policy Advisory Council by seeking
participation from a wide pool of Policy Experts who are broadly
opposed to the Left Liberal prescriptions of the Congress.
4 Responses
Pilid says:
April 1, 2010 at 6:08 am
1. Agree with your critique about the BJP’s lack of engagement but I
am mystified why you are so upset about it since the problem is hardly
new or novel. On how many other issues, particularly domestic ones
affecting the general public, has the BJP offered coherent, well
considered, alternative policy positions or come out with policy
papers? I cannot recall many. Not price rise, not on the healthcare
bill, not on GM crops…On the WRB, it was engaged but offered no
alternative at all.
Since the BJP is prone to swinging to the Leftist drumbeat on many an
occasion, I am not sure whether the BJP is being a B-team of the
Congress or the Left.
The party would do well to take a leaf out of the CPM’s handbook and
come out with cogent proposals made from a right-of-center
perspective. But it would have to clear the profound ideological
confusion within ranks before there can be any prospect of such
change. Policy experts can only opine; their political backers have to
be supportive of the effort for it to succeed.
2. I don’t see the RTE act as govt. takeover. Takeover would mean
govt. also taking responsibility for running the schools but here it
does nothing of the sort. RTE Act gives govt. power to intervene
without the commensurate responsibility but this is hardly new. We
have seen this before in professional colleges and the same thing is
being extended now to schools.
3. Others have commented as well on the need for teachers’
accountability. The government is empowered to enforce accountability
under the Act; whether it will do so still remains to be seen. Since
implementation has only begun, the last word has not yet been said.
Teachers are held to account based on their service rules which could
mean that private schools will continue to have the autonomy to follow
their own accountability & disciplinary methods (which is probably a
good thing).
4. Agree that model rules are half baked which is the cause of all the
litigation but because of that, it might get resolved more quickly
than otherwise.
drummasala says:
April 1, 2010 at 6:26 am
Offstumped is right in saying this about BJP. I have one question
though, if BJP does all the things you mentioned:
1) Will this things reach to aam admi taking hostile media into
2) Even if it reaches, how many people will understand this taking lot
of illiterate population.
3) Even if people understand, will they vote for BJP?
I don’t believe. People will vote based on caste or good looking
candidates like prince charming (pub chick is one of the voter in this
If people could not vote out CON party even after 26/11, I don’t see
any chances even if BJP brings these things on RTI.
Umesh says:
April 1, 2010 at 9:01 am
If BJP needs to capture the Intellectual space. Then they need to be
involved in the debate.
I propose the following strategy.
a) Be gracious and accept that RTE is a good step.
b) Make the point that due to lack of resources 10 years back we could
not do it. Hopefully, things are better now.
c) Attack the flaws in the Bill
i) How is financing for the 25% quota come across. The Bill seems to
be clueless on this. State Govt’s are already crying foul. I dont seen
an allocation like MNREGA being mentioned here.
Without financial allocation this will be just pure paper, No action.
My two pence.
Please comment on this..
Sudhir says:
April 1, 2010 at 4:21 pm
@drummasala – I don’t think media not taking it up or illetrate
population not caring, should be reason enough for BJP not to explain
positions in detail.
There is a large chunk of literate audience out there, who can be
influeced too. I agree with Yoss on the broad point – BJP needs to
have an alternative view point on many of such cases – merely
accepting the government’s proposal or shouting rhetoric from the roof
top will not help.
- Sudhir
Real Time Commentary via Twitter
No Sachar or Mishra prescription can make a difference to this
backwardness perpetuated by competitive ghetto politics Offstumped on
Twitter 7 hours ago
This is the second instance where Muslim factional politics has lead
to power projection on the streets and ended up provoking riots
Offstumped on Twitter 7 hours ago
Hyderabad Riots and Muslim factional politics RT @ssudhirkumar best
accounts of why the riots actually happened.
Offstumped on Twitter 7 hours ago
Looks like Social Engineering will trip politics of Muslim vote bank
consolidation thanks to caste/class divide within Indian Muslims
Offstumped on Twitter 7 hours ago
Vidya Subramaniams reality check on Muslim quota
oped in Indian express confirms Muslim divide
MY Offstumped on Twitter 7 hours ago
And here is the real reason for avoiding Parliament Offstumped on Twitter 8 hours ago
RT @PRSLegislative 5 positions @ PRS PRS is looking for 5 motivated
individuals to join its team. For further details Offstumped on Twitter 8 hours ago
Why have the Parliament at all if debate is going to subverted to suit
the convenience of the Party in Government Offstumped on Twitter 8 hours ago
Syed Saleem Shahzad writes on Culture too
no it's not an April Fools day joke Offstumped on Twitter 9 hours ago
On Right To Education BJP is missing in action: Offstumped on Twitter 11 hours ago
If the BJP cannot differentiate itself from the Congress on half baked
legislations like RTE then it is no better than a B-Team of Congress
Offstumped on Twitter 16 hours ago
Surprised how the BJP allowed such a massive government takeover of
Education without the semblance of debate or challenge Offstumped on
Twitter 16 hours ago
Blistering critique from @ParthJShah RTE has become "Right to
Employment" to Teachers Offstumped on Twitter 16 hours ago
Must read @PrathJShah on Right To Education - The wrong way to school
Offstumped on Twitter 16 hours ago
As much as BJP mocks the National Advisory Council time it put in
place a Policy Advisory Council of outside experts Offstumped on Twitter 19 hours ago
More details on the 100 hours of Community Service for Youth here Offstumped on Twitter 20 hours ago
Speaking of Education Just got an email from Narendra Mod's Portal on
"Vanche Gujarat" a Community initiative of 100 hrs to promote Reading
Offstumped on Twitter 20 hours ago
CCS has a comprehensive portal on Right To Education starting with
2003 bill least BJP can do is co-opt policy experts
Offstumped on Twitter 20 hours ago
Gadkari blames UPA’s bad governance for price rise
March 31st, 2010
KOLKATA - Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) president Nitin Gadkari
Wednesday blamed “bad governance” of the United Progressive Alliance
(UPA) government for the spiralling prices of essential items.
History tells us that whenever the Congress is in power, prices go up,
Gadkari said at a party convention here.
The BJP chief said unless the present government is ousted, prices
would remain high.
“The commoners are facing serious problems due to skyrocketing prices.
This is due to bad governance of the UPA government,” he said.
BJP amends party constitution, to have more office-bearers
February 18th, 2010
INDORE - The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) has amended its constitution
to increase the number of posts of central office-bearers and simplify
the process of organisational elections.
The resolution to amend the constitution was moved by party vice-
president Balasaheb Apte at the meeting of the party’s national
council here Thursday, party sources said.
The move to increase the number of its office-bearers follows the
party’s decision to keep one-third posts at all levels for women.
Party sources said that following the amendment, the strength of
central office-bearers will go up from 29 to 37.
The party will now have nine general secretaries (seven earlier), 12
vice-presidents (nine earlier), and 15 secretaries (twelve earlier),
apart from a treasurer.
The national executive will now have 120 members, the sources said.
New BJP office bearers to meet April 2
March 24th, 2010
NEW DELHI - Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) president Nitin Gadkari will
meet his new office bearers on April 2 to chalk out the strategy for
the party’s campaign against rising prices.
“The April 2 meeting of office-bearers will discuss BJP’s anti-price
rise agitation and preparations for the April 21 rally in Delhi,” BJP
headquarters in-charge Shyam Jaju told IANS.
This will be the first meeting of party office bearers after Gadkari
announced his team March 16.
The meeting will be attended by senior party leader L.K. Advani,
Leader of Opposition in the Lok Sabha Sushma Swaraj and Leader of
Opposition in the Rajya Sabha Arun Jaitley, among others.
The BJP has planned a big rally in the capital against price rise
April 21 and the meeting is expected to discuss efforts to mobilise
people for it.
The meeting will also chalk out programmes for the future, a party
official said adding that Gadkari would distribute work among new
office bearers only after meeting them.
The announcement of the new team had led to criticism about its
composition from some party leaders from Bihar including Shatrughan
Sinha and C.P. Thakur. Gadkari told them not to raise their grievances
in the media.
Gadkari’s new team has 12 general secretaries, 11 vice-presidents (two
posts are vacant) and 15 secretaries. Women have been given 33 percent
representation in the national executive committee.
Horseplay in Harappa: Sid Harth
Troubled Tribal: Sid Harth
Indian Morality Meltdown: Sid Harth
Hindus'Tantrum: Sid Harth
I Write, Therefore I am: Sid Harth
Indian Morality Meltdown: Sid Harth
Sex and CD Scandal: Sid Harth
Not Required Indian, NRI: Sid Harth
Why 'Marathi'?
Telangana Tempest: Sid Harth
Of States and Statesmanship: Sid Harth
Sa for Sanskrit Pop: Sid Harth
Black Money Monster: Sid Harth
Superpower Syndrome: Sid Harth
Indian Power-Pow-Wow, Wow!: Sid Harth
26/11 Saga Continues: Sid Harth
Superpower Syndrome: Sid Harth
Of Justice and Injustice: Sid Harth
Sangh Parivar Pageant: Sid Harth
Stop this terroristic activities of Shiv Sena
BJP RIP: Sid Harth
Superpower Syndrome: Sid Harth
Sangh Parivar Pageant: Sid Harth
Sudharma, Sanskrit Newspaper: Sid Harth
Hindu Worldview: Sid Harth
Shimla Shenanigans: Sid Harth
...and I am Sid Harth