Obama's Nobel Prize
Does U.S. President Barack Obama deserve to have won the 2009 Nobel
Peace Prize?
This is a non-scientific user poll. Results are not statistically
valid and cannot be assumed to reflect the views of Washington Post
users as a group or the general population.
By Hal Straus | October 9, 2009; 7:35 AM ET | Category: National
radbwana wrote:
One should not forget that it is the Swedes who give the Nobel Prizes
for science, etc. Norway gives the peace prize as nothing more than a
socialist political statement.
Obama getting the Nobel for his international groveling is comparable
to Nevile Chamberlain having received it (which he didn't) for signing
Britain over to the Nazis with the stroke of a pen.
Such Norwegian "phoney baloney"is only taken seriously by the liberals
-- Chris Matthews must be having another one of those Obama tingles
running up his leg.
Perhaps the President can give the prize money to his former client,
Posted by: radbwana | October 9, 2009 7:54 AM
World events are moving SO quickly. Far from being a do-nothing
President, From Day One, Obama has tried to win with ideas, logic and
reason instead of bluster, threat and swagger. Isn't the the kind of
world we all want to live in? Ghandi said, "Be the change you wish to
see in the world." Obama is walking the walk.
Only time will tell if the Nobel Committee was wrong with its timing.
We'd better hope they were right.
Posted by: iachimo | October 9, 2009 7:57 AM
This has to be the stupidest thing I've seen in the news all year.
I mean, the guy has accomplished exactly NOTHING in regard to
ANYTHING. And he gets this now-worthless "prize".
Ridiculous. If I were President Obama, I would be shocked and
Posted by: ZZim | October 9, 2009 7:58 AM
A new low and embarrassment - nominated within weeks of the
inauguration - the liberal obsession and cult of personality knows no
limits - the hero worship is nothing short of nauseating - US
President for 9 months with zero accomplishments other than an
uncontrollable, radical obsession of the left with the 'divine'
President - Continental Europe and the shamelessly political Nobel
Committee always do their best to shame America, promote weakness,
promote the left, and have clearly done well in picking Obama - in the
past they had much more credibilty selecting candidates with actual
accomplishments or who have survived torture i.e. the Dalai Lama or
even President Carter who decades after ACTUAL accomplishments
recieved the award. Obama? Nothing other than ambivalence and
apologizing on behalf of America - so pathetic its beyond words. Nice
way to intervene a faltering administration.
Perhaps he can skip some other rules and qualify for canonization and
sainthood in his first term also.
Also nice to see a President diss and decide not to see a real
laureate, Dalai Lama, and for his weakness and capitulation, he is
awarded a Nobel Peace prize himself. Pathetic.
Posted by: vipermd | October 9, 2009 7:58 AM
After the shameful leadership and performance that we and the world
have endured for eight years, the contrast is eminently refreshing,
which is what this European beacon is signaling. It recognizes that
America _does_ have better angels in its nature.
Posted by: Pangraz | October 9, 2009 7:58 AM
In order to answer this question honestly, you need two pieces of
1. The bio's from the other 200 nominees so that you can appraise and
compare each.
2. The criteria for choosing the "winner". Is it based on
accomplishments over a lifetime? accomplishments over the past year?
Or is it based on perception of possible accomplishements in the
Posted by: MDLaxer | October 9, 2009 8:05 AM
Obama has ALREADY done a tremendous amount simply by changing the
PARADIGM. We can no longer just run out and "kick butt" somewhere and
then run back behind our borders.
the only way to get along in this ever-shrinking world is to have a
much broader view. We are truly "ALL in this together." It's nice to
now feel a part of this wonderful, complicated world, rather than just
it's detached ruler...
Posted by: mmck | October 9, 2009 8:06 AM
Dear Washington Post,
I suppose President Obama received this endorsement of the path
towards peace -- he has expressed. It would be better if we were
further along that path before congratulating ourselves.
But, your graph displaying the votes here really does distort the
results. You know better than this -- quit giving FOX and its cohorts
ammunition to say you are biased. Seriously. Fix this!
Thanks. --SRS
Posted by: srswart | October 9, 2009 8:08 AM
Congratulations President Obama! You are a true WORLD Leader.
Posted by: pgl911rs | October 9, 2009 8:08 AM
Osiclaims acorn acorn socialism socialism....
there - we have the right wing response, since they cannot be happy
for America when it means supporting our president. Something I
believe they called treason when people questioned the previous
resident when his administration roke myriad laws and lied to start
One of the things that the world and many Americans found so
disturbing about the bush cabal was their total disregard for the
entirety of the flow of history and their disregard for the
internation system of conflict resolution created by the United States
in the 20th century. A system and set of ideas and ideals followed by
every American president from FDR to Clinton. Every one regardless of
party or ideology played from the same rulebook. A rulebook drafted
from the foundation of American values and ideals. bush thought all
the rules - those ones, the ones in the Constitution, the ones in
American law, simply did not apply to him if he wanted to do something
outside the rules. THAT is why the nobel commitee was moved to present
this award to President Obama. He has moved in a short time, a time
when he is also fixing the system of finance left in tatters by
conservatives, while he is fixing the health care system left in
tatters, the environmental policy of the US also left in tatters,
moved in that short time to place the United States foursquare and
center back in a place of leadership and moral authority stemming from
our adherence to our own system of laws and values. He is leading by
example, not by dropping bombs on anyone who dare disagree with him. A
much stronger and far reaching way to affect democratic change and
bring peace.
of course the rightards are frothing at the mouth because they do not
understand American values. they do not understnad American history.
they do not understand much of anything except screaming slogans in
unison and hating whenever the United States succeeds. That and a good
public tea bagging - they love that.
Posted by: John1263 | October 9, 2009 8:08 AM
A knee-jerk reaction to this news isn't worth much. It takes a little
research to understand the rationale of the Nobel peace prize
1. The committee said that for 108 years it had sought to stimulate
precisely the international policy and attitudes for which Obama is
now the world's leading spokesman.
That is to say, the prize is intended as both a representation of what
the committee has been promoting and also a much-needed endorsement of
Obama, a push in the direct direction.
2. On the other hand, the other candidates were less than impressive.
The Guardian for example notes: "Speculation over potential winners
had focused on Zimbabwe's prime minister, Morgan Tsvangirai, a
Colombian senator and a Chinese dissident, along with an Afghan
women's rights activist."
3. Those who want achievements instead of speeches and efforts, should
be reminded that the world's most intractable problems are in Obama's
lap through no doing of his own, but yes through the doings of the
previous American president. He can try but if he doesn't succeed,
it's not his fault.
Posted by: FedUp1 | October 9, 2009 8:10 AM
HAHA, way to go Nobel Committee, this is just going to drive the
repubs batty!!.. just look at what they're posting on this site.. I
can only imagine what is going on over at wingnut central command, aka
The Dirty FOX, their heads must be exploding!!.. hahahahahahahahaha..
Posted by: VietVet68 | October 9, 2009 8:10 AM
This is obviously a political statement. He has good intentions but
hasn't accomplished much. Takes away from other more formidable people
who have won this award after accomplishing real change.
Posted by: DRo1 | October 9, 2009 8:11 AM
How disrespectful to mention Ghandi and Obama as being on the same
level. I won't even go into how wrong that is on how many levels.
Anyone who does, knows nothing of either man.
No one should be given a prize for what his hopes are; who doesn't
hope for peace? The prize should go to someone who has actually
accomplished something toward that end.
The Nobel prize has just been rendered meaningless. Meaningless. One
more thing that has been stripped away from my kit bag of idealism.
Thanks for nothing.
Posted by: kil_auren | October 9, 2009 8:12 AM
I congratulate the Nobel Prize Committee for this bold and correct
choice to award President Obama the Nobel Peace Prize. His vision,
leadership, and initiatives to promote peace and harmony among
countries and peoples mired in war and violence deserved nothing
This is a great day for America and the world!
Posted by: ejazahmed32 | October 9, 2009 8:15 AM
The Nobel Peace Prize has become a joke. Obama deserves it as much as
Paris Hilton deserves it for international "relations!"
Posted by: joeblotnik49 | October 9, 2009 8:15 AM
The right wing-roar has started. At least they didn't give it to Bush.
Posted by: Billy96 | October 9, 2009 8:16 AM
your graph is quite silly.
makes it look like Obama is certainly the Chosen One here in
Washington Post land.
This Nobel prize bunch of people are all just liberal nothings. The
prise is nothing spectacular.... at least that is how I see it.
I can think of many people then, that REALLY deserve this prise....
for instance the guy down the street from me in my neighborhood of
Broadlands Virginia. He volunteers his time all year every year to do
for disadvantaged people, mostly seniors, income tax forms (a huge
headache and about to get worse). He does thousands for free.
Posted by: rdb2 | October 9, 2009 8:17 AM
Yes, Obama deserves the prize and the committee has expressed the hope
of the world that rational thought and genuine respect for other
cultures will lead us to peace.
Posted by: bjscot | October 9, 2009 8:18 AM
Congratulations Mr. President. Your racist Republican enemies will
never forgive you for this. You're supposed to be a failure. They're
ones who have failed.
Posted by: cllrdr | October 9, 2009 8:19 AM
Nobel Committee did a fantastic thing. They send message to all world,
multilateralism, respect and working together is the way of the
future. Not destructive weapons everyone without one is trying obtain.
It is Prtesident Obama's passion for World Peace which Nobel Committee
honored. Prsident Obama has brought Iran, North Korea, and Israel to
the negotiating table instead of the belligerent rhetoric like "Axis
Evil" "Dead or Alive". President Obama is saying let us resolve our
issues and work on significant and dangerous golobal issues together,
then only we can solve them.
Vision, working towards solving global problems with mutual respect
and cooperation is what Noble Committee recognized. I am proud that
our President won it and all of us should be.
Posted by: Maya2 | October 9, 2009 8:20 AM
The Washington Post should be ashamed of itself for even placing this
poll in the paper. Instead of fomenting trouble with all its right-
wing readers, the WaPo could, and should have, stuck with reporting
the news. It is so sad to see what was once a fine paper reduced to
tabloid journalism and Fox news shenanigans.
The courteous response to the selection of President Obama as the
recipient of the Nobel Peace prize is a simple, "Congratulations, sir.
Your bring honor to the United States of America and to all for which
it stand."
Posted by: marmac5 | October 9, 2009 8:20 AM
When I heard the news this morning I actually thought it was a paraody
The Nobel committee has really lost a lot of credibility....
Posted by: oldnova | October 9, 2009 8:23 AM
This is an embarrassment to the Nobel Committee. Why don't we just
rename the prize the Nobel Fanboy Prize?
By no rational criteria has Obama achieved anything in his entire life
and professional career worthy of a Nobel Peace Prize. Even the ardent
Obama acolytes cannot claim with a straight face that he deserves this
prize at this stage of his presidency. This truly diminishes the
Posted by: WashingtonDame | October 9, 2009 8:23 AM
No doubt Obama benefitted from not acting like George Bush. The path
this country was on from 2001-2008 was toward an unending war with
Islam (all 1.3 billion of them). Obama has taken steps to talk us down
from a war footing to a more reasonable position that may enable us to
focus on the terrorists who are a real threat rather than painting all
Muslims with the same brush. Congratulations Mr. President. You may
save the world from a terrible period of war which results in millions
of deaths and expends all our nation's discretionary income that can
be used for higher purposes to meet the needs of our citizens.
Posted by: cdierd1944 | October 9, 2009 8:25 AM
This is Orwellian. Obama is expanding the war in Afganistan. He is
miffed that the Europeans will not support his Afgan war. Nothing has
been accomplished since he took office;the Israelis mock and ignore
him, Iraq is a mess, he is coy about Gitmo and torture therefore this
prize is meaningless. This is more Obama baloney just like his soaring
rhetoric in his speeches that make him think he has actually done
Posted by: jsands2 | October 9, 2009 8:26 AM
Congratulations Mr. President!
For all you right wing idiots out there I've got this to say in
response to your ugly childish behavior - nanny nanny boo-boo, stick
your head in dodo! Now, we are on a level playing field, I have
lowered myself to your standard - ain't it pretty? Shall we continue?
You do realize we won't accomplish anything by this behavior don't
Get back in your caves and let the rest of us carry on!
Posted by: Kathy5 | October 9, 2009 8:26 AM
Premature a little? I mean, for goodness sakes, even the Church waits
until someone has passed to make them a saint. Perhaps they'll make a
exception for Obama, though. As a Democrat and patriotic American, I'm
embarrassed beyond belief.
Posted by: rhwest | October 9, 2009 8:27 AM
For those of you who were asleep, sick or off of the planet for the
past nine years, Bush and Cheney conducted cowboy diplomacy which
treated the world like a bunch of school yard bullies. That part of
the world that did not hate us, had no respect for us. We now have a
president who is intelligent, reasonable, and realizes that we are a
part of the world. He has caused a tsunami in how the world views us
and how we can move ahead.
Posted by: roscym1 | October 9, 2009 8:29 AM
One should heed the disclaimer as to the poll's statistical validity.
The rants of the malcontented (as represented by the comments posted
here in the Post) are a better representation of the true feelings of
the sample, and certainly not of the populace as a whole. Bitterness
Posted by: Geezer4 | October 9, 2009 8:29 AM
Congratulations, Mr. President! And as a bonus, you know that the
right wing whack jobs (Krauthammer, Gerson, Rove, Hannity, O'Reilly,
Boortz, Coulter, Malkin) will be spinning like tops over this!
Well done!
Posted by: mlipsius | October 9, 2009 8:29 AM
The Post should take down this poll, as the Nobel Peace Prize is not a
public contest. The Nobel Committee has stated their reasons for
awarding the Peace Prize to President Obama. The opinion of others is
irrelevant to the award, and this poll will only attract those seeking
to further divide the country and embarrass the President. Take it
down and let the country enjoy this most refreshing moment on the
world stage.
Posted by: chuckwarnock | October 9, 2009 8:31 AM
All I can say is...
Obama has done absolutely NOTHING!
This guy gets more mileage from hope speeches than anyone else in the
history of the world.
It's ironic that he has done even less than Bush for world peace.
The Nobel Peace prize is now at a new low in terms of relevance.
Posted by: postfan1 | October 9, 2009 8:33 AM
By starting at a base of 45% (as of this reading), your graphic
grossly misrepresents the results of your poll. The "no" bar is four
times as big as the "yes" bar, giving the visual impression that the
vote must have gone 80-20 against Obama's Nobel. On the contrary, as
of now the vote is 53-47 against. Whoever produced this graphic should
re-read Edward Tufte's "The Visual Display of Quantitative
Posted by: threefab | October 9, 2009 8:33 AM
It is time for the United States of America to regain her status in
the eyes of the world as the leader, not the ruler of this planet.
King George W. will live in infamy forever as the USA leads the march
to freedom and prosperity. Congradulations! President Obama.
Posted by: neolib | October 9, 2009 8:34 AM
Those who say Obama has accomplished nothing so far simply lack the
necessary understanding of world politics. Successes (and there are
already quite a few despite the stupid SNL "nothing accomplished"-
chorus) on the international arena, many more to be exptected in the
future, are and will never be easily accessible, particularly not to
those who still think America can "win" wars in countries like Iraq
and Afghanistan. What is already distinguishing Barack Hussein (yes!)
Obama from G.W. Bush is a deep grasp of the realm and challenges of
international affairs, and there's is much more to be expected in the
future if the american public gives him a chance to draw deliberately
from his potential.
Posted by: observer62 | October 9, 2009 8:35 AM
Congratulations Mr. President.
Hey Wapo, might want to adjust the scale of your poll graph. It makes
4 percentage points look like 60 and it's sending the tinfoil hat
teabagger crowd even further off the edge.
Posted by: mack1 | October 9, 2009 8:36 AM
The prize shouldn't be seen in the context of the last nine months,
but of the last nine years.
It's just such a nice change to have a US president who doesn't think
his job is to stir up war and trouble on behalf of the American
armaments industry.
The prize is for Obama's effort to bring a giant rogue state back into
the international fold.
I guess that just gives America's crazed Republicans twice as much
reason to be angry about it.
But they're angry about everything all the time anyway. Let them
froth, the world no longer wishes to deal with them ... in fact that's
the real message of this prize.
Posted by: JenDray | October 9, 2009 8:36 AM
Jack and squat. Nuff said.
Posted by: dtestard | October 9, 2009 8:37 AM
Milli Vanilli would be proud.
Posted by: kingsra | October 9, 2009 8:38 AM
I voted for Obama and believe he won the Nobel peace prize only
because his rational view of the world is so much a relief when
compared to the irrational views held by George W. Bush.
Unfortunately, in my mind, that is not sufficient to justify the prize
even though we welcome the change.
Posted by: ianmac37 | October 9, 2009 8:39 AM
Someone made comment that the graph is misleading, but it really isn't
if you know how to read a graph.
This type of graph highlights the difference, not the complete number
of votes and is appropriate when viewing percentages.
Posted by: gconrads | October 9, 2009 8:39 AM
SNL should be interesting this week.
Posted by: lkirk | October 9, 2009 8:40 AM
Wonderful! If we can all contribute to change we will see and say more
Posted by: realitygirl2 | October 9, 2009 8:40 AM
why is graph not drawn to scale? The vote is 51 - 49 no and the graph
looks like an overwhelming number of "voters' said no
Posted by: spitts1 | October 9, 2009 8:41 AM
The graph is purposely designed to make it appear that there are a
huge number of no votes and demonstrates obvious bias.
Posted by: fingersfly | October 9, 2009 8:41 AM
When was he nominated is the key question here. If her were nominated
just two weeks into the office, the win is ridiculous and we should be
embarrassed. If the vote were just days ago, the win is ridiculous and
we should be embarrassed. How could anyone in their right mind think
this novice--author, president, two-year senator, deserve the Nobel
Prize...simply that he can deliver a speech! OMG!
Posted by: jobro2 | October 9, 2009 8:42 AM
radbwana, with the over the top imagery, is a Moron. Are the black
helicopters circling your Mother's basement?
Posted by: mjwies11 | October 9, 2009 8:42 AM
Of course Obama deserves it. Now the question is, with such pedestrian
polls and distorted graphic representations, does The Post deserve my
Posted by: DC_Grrl | October 9, 2009 8:43 AM
The award completely removes any validity to the Nobel Peace Prize.
The Nobel committee awarded their prize to a "perceived rock star",
based on their liberal beliefs. This unfortunate award will cheapen
future awards to those really deserving.
Posted by: topgun97365 | October 9, 2009 8:44 AM
As a middle of the road European, not a right-wing American, I thought
it was a parody skit too. When scientists truly earn their Nobel prize
through years of very hard work and coming up with discoveries of real
value to society, the Peace Prize is given to someone who has achieved
absolutely nothing as yet. This has not only devalued the Peace Prize
but the Nobel Prizes in their entirety. They have lost their
credibility which is a shame for those who truly deserve recognition
for years of hard work. And to a man who hasn't even got the guts to
meet the Dalai Llama.
Posted by: pandas1 | October 9, 2009 8:44 AM
I too WISH for peace and goodwill among men...
Where's my Nobel?....
What a joke.
Posted by: kentuckythunder | October 9, 2009 8:45 AM
I guess those beers with that Boston COP and Gates (the racists
professor) were more meaningful than I thought.
Name one (not 20, not 10, not 5, not 3) f--ing thing this imbecile has
done to promote world peace. What an embarrassment to the entire Nobel
organization and to all those who genuinely deserve it.
Forget that - we know that's BS. Name one ACCOMPLISHMENT this putrid
administration has had, with full control of both houses no less. This
Posted by: Bcamp55 | October 9, 2009 8:45 AM
This is a clear recognition of the deviation from the past eight years
of both internal and external terrorism perpetrated by the previous
administration. The award is truly a challenge Obama has to strive to
live up to. The world will certainly be a better place at the end of
it all based on the coperation of Iran and other nations. The
international community is getting less polarized.
Posted by: Andy27 | October 9, 2009 8:46 AM
I do wonder if all the people writing and voting here do actually read
this (or another) newspaper, too - or just occupy the space to pretend
the right-wingers are more than they are...
Posted by: KorneliaKoronetz | October 9, 2009 8:46 AM
I congratulate the Nobel Prize Committee for this bold and correct
choice to award President Obama the Nobel Peace Prize. His vision,
leadership, and initiatives to promote peace and harmony among
countries and peoples mired in war and violence deserved nothing less.
This is a great day for America and the world!
...a American expat from Australia
Posted by: dv8cowboy2 | October 9, 2009 8:47 AM
Pacifism combined with socialism is entirely different than bringing
peace to any great extent worldwide worthy of such a recognition. I
guess the committee felt sorry for Odrama's lack of ability to bring
the Olympics to Chicago so they handed him a consolation prize.
Stokely Carmichael would have been a better choice.
Posted by: euripedes | October 9, 2009 8:47 AM
You have got to be kidding! He has accomplished zero (yet)! He may be
a great President, but we cannot tell that after just 8 months.
Awarding the prize that has gone to Mandella, Tutu, Mother Teresa,
etc., to Obama because he has "potential" is very unfortunate.
Posted by: Revcain777 | October 9, 2009 8:49 AM
Your readers may not have gotten the memo, but they actually do not
have a vote in all of this. The Nobel Peace Prize is determined by
people who are taking a longer view of things than the bitterly
divided and largely uninformed American populace, who allow their
opinions to be shaped by nitwits like Glenn Beck and Rush Limbaugh.
From the perspective of someone who lives in the Middle East, I can
say that the overwhelming consensus of people here is that Obama has
made a huge difference in making the U.S., once again, a champion in
the interests of peace. He richly deserves this honor, and gives us
every reason to hope for more accomplishments in the future.
Posted by: jwm8 | October 9, 2009 8:49 AM
Of course he deserves it.
Congratulations Mr President - now with Gods will, Sir, stay the
We are all numb bone tired of war.
Posted by: PeterBTaylor | October 9, 2009 8:51 AM
Posted by: rangerjoe1971 | October 9, 2009 8:51 AM
I didn't realizing they were now awarding a Nobel Prize for Rhetoric.
Posted by: kilgore_nobiz | October 9, 2009 8:52 AM
Amusing--an online poll by a bunch of keyboard kommandos second-
guessing the Nobel committee. Can we please allow President Obama his
Posted by: marciamac1 | October 9, 2009 8:52 AM
I'm looking at the graphic here and cannot figure out what you guys
are trying to show?
The tiny slice of blue is supposed to be 50% and the huge slice of red
is supposed to be 50% and the scale at the bottom is......
Posted by: Tomcat3 | October 9, 2009 8:53 AM
This is so funny that even Matt Lauer was trying not to laugh. I
thought that the Peace Prize was awarded to someone who had actually
achieved something. This is obviously being given for what he says he
will do. I want to develope a cure for cancer. Can I have my Nobel
prize now?
Posted by: VaBroker | October 9, 2009 8:56 AM
Does Obama deserve to win? What kind of question is that? Does the US
deserve a president of such intelligence and high principles? Guess
what, Americans, you need to wake up, turn off Fox News and the like
[and the junky Fox shows that retard your minds] and realize that most
of the world respects and esteems President Obama for the hope he
inspires and the changes he can bring if given sufficient support. He
is such a change from the old politics that it is breathtaking. Thank
you, Nobel committee.
Posted by: insighter | October 9, 2009 8:56 AM
Yes & No. I voted yes (whats with the graph?). He does deserve the
prize for taking a ginormous (gigantic/enormous) step towards peace
involving the whole world. People had concrete peace results within a
community. The President has took that step towards world peace.
Bringing all nations to the table to talk. Thats a achievement itself.
Yes its only talk with no results, just yet. But its a huge step he
took towards world peace.
Posted by: joe0341 | October 9, 2009 8:57 AM
First, Congrauluation to our President Obama!, I think it shows there
are far too few people working and speaking toward peace in this
world, with so little to choose from, I think President Obama is a
fair choice and hope he does more for peace in the years to come.
Cherish Life,
Larry J. King
Posted by: snitchonmurder | October 9, 2009 8:58 AM
I think this shows how the world (Norway at least) still looks to the
United States for leadership. It may also show just how upset some
people were at the direction of the United States under George Bush
and how much they welcome the change under Obama, even it is mostly
words so far.
Posted by: Dadmeister | October 9, 2009 8:58 AM
This action spoils for me the value of the Nobel prize. The award
reminds me of how we chose the King and Queen in my high school class
-- it was strictly a popularity context.
Posted by: JerryB2 | October 9, 2009 9:00 AM
Posted by Erick Erickson (Profile)
Thursday, October 8th at 10:26PM EDT
When I was a teenager, my friends and I joked about NAMBLA, the North
American Man/Boy Love Association.
Until I was in my twenties, I thought my friends had just made it up.
Surely there was no such organization that campaigned
to allow open sexual relations between boys and men — a concept that
did not just involve statutory rape, but offended
the profound decency of a moral public.
Sadly, NAMBLA is very real and today steps right out of the darkest
pits of immoral human behavior and straight
into the White House. Sean Hannity has been all over this story and we
are just now coming to terms with how sick and demented
the thinkings and associations of White House Safe Schools Czar Kevin
Jennings are.
To be sure, the left wing Media Matters, which is run by former
conservative turned homosexual activist and left-wing icon David
is screaming from the rooftops that Sean Hannity is lying.
Hannity is not lying. Kevin Jennings is a profoundly sick and immoral
human being — a proponent of statutory rape, an opponent of the Boy
Scouts of America, and a zealous advocate of NAMBLA.
He is Barack Obama’s Safe Schools Czar. He is a supporter of men who
openly and vocally support pedophilia.
Media Matters threw out a few talking points to defend Van Jones. But
Media Matters is giving a full throated, aggressive defense
of Kevin Jennings. Why? Well, to paraphrase Wonkette, gay is the new
Van Jones was just a black guy. With a black President, resources did
not need to be brought to bear to defend him. Kevin Jennings,
however, is not just a gay man, but a man who believes in the full gay
rights agenda, where men and boys can have sexual relationships
free of prudish moral people frowning. Jennings has championed
NAMBLA’s causes and lauded a pedophilia advocate.
He even wrote the forward to a book called “Queering Elementary
Education.” That’s right, Jennings wrote the forward to a book
that, in its own description advocates the aggressive homosexual
agenda among elementary school students. From the book:
“queering education happens when we look at schooling upside down and
view childhood from the inside out.” No irony is intended
apparently in that description. Americans of moral decency should be
stunned to know the President of the United States would put in charge
of “safe schools,” a man who encourages predatory relationships
between young boys and grown men.
Barack Obama has done exactly that. Has he no shame
Posted by: springco1 | October 9, 2009 9:00 AM
What a joke.
He won because he's NOT George Bush, which is a pretty pathetic way to
win it. If I were the Dali, Kissinger, Lech Walesa, MLK's foundation,
Mandela, Mother Teresa, Doctors Without Borders, UNICEF, good lord,
need I go on...I would be throwing mine in the trash.
Of course Carter and Gore will keep theirs as they fall squarely into
the same category as Obama.
I'm betting Bill Clinton is on oxygen and going into permanent
Posted by: flintston | October 9, 2009 9:02 AM
I wouldn't think it such an honor to be included in the list of fools
and incompetents that have received this award. Totally meaningless.
Posted by: Lilycat1 | October 9, 2009 9:02 AM
The vote was taken when Obama was only a couple of weeks into his
presidency. What had he done then? Won an election by being marketed
by Axelrod as a "new, better presidential product." Not really closed
Gitmo with a flourish of his pen?
First, Gore. Now, Obama. Confirms the Nobel is awarded for chicanery.
Posted by: judithod | October 9, 2009 9:03 AM
President Barack Obama deserves the Nobel Peace Prize since he has
moved faster than any U.S. President in history to make the world's
leaders, and citizens of various countries, understand that we share
one planet and peace is an absolute necessity, if we're going to
survive. President Obama also deserves the Nobel Peace Prize for
quickly reversing the war mongering policies of his predecessor, which
almost irreparably damaged the position of the United States as a
leader on the world stage. Congratulations, President Obama - I salute
Posted by: Caliguy55 | October 9, 2009 9:03 AM
You have got to be kidding me....What has he done!!!!!
The Leader has done nothing but apologize for America's international
actions over the last 100 years. Actions we should never apologize
for, we saved millions of europeans from speaking German and now this
idiot apologizes.
He is super critical of most decisions made by past administrations,
yet he expands on their ill-conceived policies.
This is an embarassment for this country!
Posted by: mmixon27 | October 9, 2009 9:03 AM
In the 21st century, peace makes more sense than war. Ask a soldier,
or the soldiers mother and children if war makes sense. War causes
more war. In the eyes of the world, the US is the gravest danger, the
most aggressive, the only nation to inflict the horrors of nuclear war
on any population. I am grateful that Obama has pointed more of us
toward peace. Now he must earn the prize. Sorry Military Industrial
Complex - you are so 19th Century!
Posted by: Too2much | October 9, 2009 9:05 AM
President Obama deserves the Nobel Peace Prize for just removing the
Republican War Criminals from power, Bush "The Moron" to be followed
by Old Man McCain and his idiotic choice of Palin "I can see Russia
from my house" moron! Just that alone qualifies, it is a better world
for all humans everywhere! For those who hate President Obama, tell me
one President in recent history, even FDR, who has inherited a greater
nightmare of economic, financial and foreign policy fiascos left by
Bush-Cheney than President Obama? At least with President
Posted by: kemcb | October 9, 2009 9:05 AM
This is a JOKE. What success have his peace overtures had. And get rid
of Nuclear weapons/; it'll never happen. Saying you wish it will NOT
make it so. North Korea has kicked sand in his face, Iran test
launches a missile right after Mr. Obama puts them to task for a
secret nuclear facility. He gets dumped by Hugo Chavez, and does
nothing to defend his honor or our country. He is as useless as Jimmy
Carter was. Giving him the Nobel Peace would be the same as giving it
Nevil Chamberlain when he conceded the Sudetenland region of
Czechoslovakia to Germany in hopes of peace - and then the world
watched as the Germany army then roll in to Poland anyway. Strength
ensures peace; not the starry eyed dreams and concessions of this
Posted by: Starbuck61 | October 9, 2009 9:06 AM
I can see it now. Next year the co-winners will be the leaders of Iran
and North Korea for showing remarkable restraint and not blowing up
the world!!!
Posted by: lackmanh | October 9, 2009 9:06 AM
The only thing I have seen that he has done is break the United States
of America.
Raising the national debt by 5 trillion.
Starting another war instead of ending the one he said he would. Told
lies about health care, flu pandemic, and terriorist, maybe by bowing
down to a foreign leader did it.
Posted by: Vic5440 | October 9, 2009 9:06 AM
Um... what has the President done to deserve this now worthless prize?
Posted by: ghostman | October 9, 2009 9:07 AM
From the Nobel website, how Alfred Nobel described the Peace prize in
his will: "...the person who shall have done the most or the best work
for fraternity between nations, for the abolition or reduction of
standing armies and for the holding and promotion of peace
I do not believe President Obama has earned the prize based on Nobel's
own requirements. He may someday deserve it. I believe this particular
award was not for achievement, but is a pure political statement (they
virtually said so when they said they hope it helps). I believe it
also demonstrates an infatuation with a man who has yet to demonstrate
his potential as President. Let us see in 2-4 years if President Obama
can truely earn this accolade.
Posted by: marlendale | October 9, 2009 9:07 AM
Should have gone to TOTUS instead of POTUS!! That's who really
deserved it!"-)
Posted by: jcvitucci | October 9, 2009 9:09 AM
Let's see: Obama has been in office for eight months with no foreign
policy achievements, unless you count rhetoric, and gets a Nobel Peace
Prize. Ronald Reagan sets in motion the ending of the Cold War without
a shot being fired and the Nobel committee gives its prize to
If anyone doubted that the Nobel committe is filled with a bunch of
European leftists that doubt is now gone.
Posted by: bobkelly1 | October 9, 2009 9:09 AM
Obama was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for what he has already done.
He has acknowledged that the US is one nation among many. He is
promoting that words of diplomacy and respect are far more effective
then threats and bluster. In the short time he has been in office he
has done far more to promote world peace then any President in our
history. He has also acknowledged the danger posed by global warming
and has stated his support in fighting climate change.
Those who can't see that are wearing blinders in their determination
that the failed policies of the Bush administration should be
Only the blind or the incredibly obstinate see value in the old Bush
Posted by: reiley | October 9, 2009 9:10 AM
Pathetic! No other word can describe it. Has anyone else ever been
awarded that distinction while having military fighting on foreign
I'm wondering how all those unemployed in this nation feel about it,
while the unemployment rate increases!
Posted by: SeniorVet | October 9, 2009 9:13 AM
I loved the graph with the tiny blue 50% and the huge 50%.
When Jimmy Carter won the Nobel Prize,a committee member called it "a
kick in the leg" to the United States.
This prize continues to be an important piece of information.
Posted by: BobPolicy | October 9, 2009 9:15 AM
It is hard to vote definitively yes or no. My vote is "not sure.' I
certainly have hopes that his track record will live up to what I
believe the award is intended to recognize, but nmy reaction at the
news was WHAT!!??
I know he is trying to get the country on the path toward a more
positive influence for peace in the world and to have the US act as a
partner with other nations. The jury is still out, in my mind, as to
whether his efforts are suficient at this time to warrant such an
award. - rolandel
Posted by: rolandel | October 9, 2009 9:15 AM
President Obama did not ask for this and was not seeking to obtain the
Nobel Peace Award. He was chosen by someone who thought he deserved
it. So why do we have so much negativity towards him for receiving it.
Stop hating. I say congratulations Mr. President.
Posted by: brendah1 | October 9, 2009 9:17 AM
I think, more than anything, this prize was meant as a slap in the
face to our previous President and his supporters. I think he and they
deserved it. And I hope this "slap" has a good hard sting for them.
Posted by: rjciardo | October 9, 2009 9:18 AM
The Nobel Peace Prize has been awarded to recipients whose works are
aspirational. This is certainly true for President Obama. In addition,
his short presidency has already impacted to the good how America is
viewed in the world. Am I proud to have a president who wins this
award over one who participates in a hoax to engage in a preemptive
war? Of course. The decision is the Nobel Committee's to make. How
nice it would be if we the electorate could see it as a bit of grace
that removes the tarnish from America. And to the Washington Post:
Please fix your bar graph so it does not appear so biased.
Posted by: jswift426 | October 9, 2009 9:20 AM
I was puzzled when Gore won the nobel peace prize. But now I can
easily say that the nobel peace prize is a hoax and a political tool.
What next? Nobel Peace Prize for Ahmadinejad because he took a stand
against Bush and Cheney.
Posted by: trumeau | October 9, 2009 9:22 AM
Of course, I am surprised as others are on hearing this news. But
thinking about the President-- the type of campaign he conducted, his
efforts in just eight months to reach out to the rest of the world--
on that alone, this honor is deserved.
Even if one reacts hawkish in a situation-- making peace should be the
ultimate goal. The United States has nationals living all over the
world. We must when possible lead by example.
This is a great day for peace! And a great day for the president. Yes,
my congratulations to him are well deserved.
Posted by: Victoria5 | October 9, 2009 9:22 AM
Of course, I am surprised as others are on hearing this news. But
thinking about the President-- the type of campaign he conducted, his
efforts in just eight months to reach out to the rest of the world--
on that alone, this honor is deserved.
Even if one reacts hawkish in a situation-- making peace should be the
ultimate goal. The United States has nationals living all over the
world. We must when possible lead by example.
This is a great day for peace! And a great day for the president. Yes,
my congratulations to him are well deserved.
Posted by: Victoria5 | October 9, 2009 9:23 AM
I understand that Obama was nominated for the Nobel since Spring. Pray
tell, what did he do besides criticize America's past by then.
But we should share the President with the world. Maybe he could
resign the Presidency and become Idol-Of-The-World instead. God knows
nothing that he has done has benefited working Americans.
Posted by: sperrico | October 9, 2009 9:23 AM
Whether he deserves it or not - the award is a good thing.
Better to give the unhinged loonies on the right something shiny, but
largely symbolic and meaningless, to focus their rage on -- time they
spend whining because most of the world disagrees with them is less
time for them to spend mucking up health care, financial oversight
legislation, cap and trade, and any number of other things that
Come to think of it, is there any way we might convince the Nobel
committee to award Obama something on a weekly basis?
It would be win-win.
Rushbo and friends would get a consistent supply of fuel for their
outrage mills, while the rest of us can focus on solving problems
those they enabled for a generation created.
Posted by: zonk1 | October 9, 2009 9:24 AM
This is one President, that will cause thousands of sleepless nights
for the wicked, the extreme racists and the greedy.
The Lord Almighty has upheld President Obama, knowing how wicked some
of His children are. The Lord knows that when He sent His Son here to
correct the evils of the Romans & some Jews, the "crucified Him.
So He is guiding this President. Can't you see? Cant't you understand?
Can't you change from your wicked & hatred ways for God's sake?
Posted by: olafaux | October 9, 2009 9:24 AM
CINC - Normally used as Commander In Chief, in this case I think
Cheerleader In Chief is more appropriate.
Award are given for Accomplishments. NOTHING HAS BEEN ACCOMPLISHED.
Posted by: brownst38 | October 9, 2009 9:24 AM
It is unfortunate that the Nobel Peace Prize has been reduced to
nothing more than a political pawn. It is obvious that the EU so
desperately wants Obama's socialization of America to come to fruition
that they will degrade the NPP to this in an attempt to legitimize his
efforts. The EU wants to reduce America to a socialized country in
order to level the playing field. They are fully aware that it has
been our history as a capitalist country that has led us to be the
world leaders that we. Now in their efforts to bring about a new world
order they are trying to get "their guy in America" more credit in
order to hopefully get him reelected and more time to bring about the
final goal. We can only pray that America's citizens will see this for
what it truly is and reject it's legitimacy. Sad and unfortunate for
any future recipients as now the prize will surely ring hollow going
Posted by: cdresp | October 9, 2009 9:25 AM
Wow this is awsome! Its awsome how some of you ignorant pubecsent so
called Americans try to tare down a man that has dedicated his life to
the betterment of this countries people. Some of you in your ignorance
have already given the reasons why he deserves this honor. His years
of hard work in the community before he became a polotician, thank you
PANDAS1. Some of you say he hasn't done anything to deserve this, all
I have to say to you is reading is fundamental. Stop going off what
these radio host, Bias networks... Say. The is a long list of good
Obama has accomplished and is accomplishing as I write this. It drives
me crazy that how ignorant we can be as Americans. Someone, anyone
that happens to read this after I post, Do a list of some of your
argument as to why he does or does not deserve this medal. Make it in
list for so that it's not a book to read, like some of us have already
writen. All I keep hearing is Acorn, socialisit ok fine, what else you
Posted by: Teflon | October 9, 2009 9:26 AM
This is one President, that will cause thousands of sleepless nights
for the wicked, the extreme racists and the greedy.
The Lord Almighty has upheld President Obama, knowing how wicked some
of His children are. The Lord knows that when He sent His Son here to
correct the evils of the Romans & some Jews, the "crucified Him.
So He is guiding this President. Can't you see? Cant't you understand?
Can't you change from your wicked & hatred ways for God's sake?
Posted by: olafaux | October 9, 2009 9:26 AM
Absolutely ludicrous that obama would get a Nobel prize for attempting
to ruin America. His scheme to try to change the face of America into
a socialist nation is being rewarded by similar socialist countries.
It's like rewarding someone for bad behavior.
The mid term elections continue to creep closer but will it be in time
to save America from the liberal agenda?
The revolt against obama continues to grow.
Posted by: spiris333 | October 9, 2009 9:27 AM
Now that our troops have suffered and died for Mr. Obamma so he could
win the Nobel Peace Prize, he can now send them some help.
Now we all know why he has been stalling.
Wow that is a I, My good example.
Posted by: T-Tom | October 9, 2009 9:27 AM
I have to ask -- has this question been asked of any other Nobel Prize
recipient? Anyone could predict it would be a magnet for foaming-at-
the-mouth rabid extremists and closet racists, and lead to an exchange
that is the antithesis of the reasoned discussions for which Obama
received the award.
Posted by: jgrudin | October 9, 2009 9:27 AM
It is a farce to even pretend to honour somebody who, according to one
of the posted comments, has done even less than Bush for peace. The
World known that Obama is only there to please the neo-cons of the
White House. Even the Secretary Gates is reported to have said that he
will follow Obamas advise as if Obama is either his equal or
subordinate. Somebody has also written that this is a joke of the
Nobel Prize Committee. Obama is continuing with the mass killing of
Muslims. Look at the plight of the Palestinians in the hands of his
Middle East overlords whom he does not possibly dare even look up into
the eyes. Let the Nobel Committee, the EU, the Tony Blair, etc., feel
happy to their hearts content. The Muslim race is no cheap instrument.
Yes, if Obama can bring about peace in the Arab-Israeli conflict only
and quickly enough, he may earn the respect due to a President of the
United States of America.
Posted by: anwar2get | October 9, 2009 9:28 AM
WaPo, please fix your graph!
Posted by: schencks84 | October 9, 2009 9:28 AM
Considering the scope and intent of the award it is entirely
appropriate. Obama has altered the world's perception of the US and
its trustworthiness as confirmed by a recent international survey that
had the US rise 19 places in 6 months to place 1st as the most admired
Since little has changed except the leadership that dramatic
improvement in world confidence that a peaceful and reasonable hand is
at the tiller. That will have a greater positive impact on world peace
and cooperation between the US and world World community than most
people in the US could believe.
Well done selection committee and President Obama!
Posted by: km6xz | October 9, 2009 9:28 AM
Obama trashes the USA and I guess that's what makes him an appealing
choice. He may talk a good game but please show us some
accomplishments. George Bush actually did far more in his fight
against AIDS through AFRICARE than any Pres. has ever done and it's
hard to find anyone giving him credit for that. This guy is in office
2 weeks after a do-nothing career as a Senator and gets nominated for
the Nobel. It's become worthless.
Posted by: golfing1 | October 9, 2009 9:29 AM
I'm so thoroughly enjoying reading these comments. If only to watch
the right wingers go nuts at their rejection. Now they're acting like
the last-picked kids on the playground: pretending like it didn't
matter and they didn't want the prize anyway.
What a complete and utter rebuke of Bush and his neocon thuggery. This
is a world breathing a sigh of relief that Cheney, Rumsfeld and co.
have finally made their belated exit offstage. Good riddance, Nobel
Committee says. And they're applauding the direction of diplomacy and
realpolitick of Obama. And like the insecure immature idiots they are,
the rightwingers are here putting down the Nobel Committee, Finland,
Europe and whomever else they can blame for not seeing things their
way. Somehow they are still shocked that the rest of the world never
saw things their way, never did and never will.
Posted by: Pupster | October 9, 2009 9:29 AM
This is one President, that will cause thousands of sleepless nights
for the wicked, the extreme racists and the greedy.
The Lord Almighty has upheld President Obama, knowing how wicked some
of His children are. The Lord knows that when He sent His Son here to
correct the evils of the Romans & some Jews, they "crucified Him. The
wicked Romans were so afraid, of losing the grips on slavery, sex sins
other nasty behaviors that they died while still alive.
So He is guiding this President. Can't you see? Cant't you understand?
Can't you change from your wicked & hatred ways for God's sake?
Posted by: olafaux | October 9, 2009 9:30 AM
Nominations for the Nobel Peace Prize had to be submitted by Feb 1.
Obama took office on Jan. 20.
Two questions:
1) What did Obama do in 11 days that qualified him to win the Nobel
Peace Prize?
2) Who in Hades nominated him?
Posted by: ahashburn | October 9, 2009 9:31 AM
Winning this award is another "validation" to the President that his
agenda is "on the right track", to moving our country and the world in
a "much better" direction then before.
Congratulations Mr.President!!!!
Posted by: rayven-t | October 9, 2009 9:31 AM
President Obama derserves the Nobel Peace prize for the manner in
which he has conducted himself in the face of right wing,gun toting
rabid,swamp rat racists that incite harm against this President of the
United States. He deserves a Peace Prize from this country.
Posted by: allowme1 | October 9, 2009 9:32 AM
Teflon- why dont you make a list of what he HAS done. What has he
accomplished. Looking into his past. Why dont you explain to the
American people why he deserves this award over the other people who
were up for it. We are waiting to hear from you......
Posted by: conniewhite | October 9, 2009 9:34 AM
This makes me want to throw up on my shoes! It devalues the Nobel
Peace Prize. The man has been in office only 8 months and has spent a
lot of time running around the world "apologizing" for the US. He
devalues the sacrifices of our country. He's spewed out a lot of
"talk" from his telepromptor but has yet to really do anything!!
Posted by: jodalin | October 9, 2009 9:35 AM
Well the Country needed something to laugh about and the teleprompter
provided it. Mark many of us as ..who cares and does this force him to
push for real jobs creation?
The Peace Prize is a joke as most of us prefer Clinton's Piece Prize.
Posted by: NeoConVeteran | October 9, 2009 9:36 AM
To those of you who are negative about Obama winning the prize: You
probably have had nothing positive to say about him anyway. SO,
I consider the source of the comments. It's getting to the point that
the negatives are only worth paying attention to because they are
He won the election. He won the Nobel Peace Prize (regardless who
gives it). It seems to me that there is a lot of sour grapes going
around. I'd say get over it, but it seems that you can't. It's amusing
to me that you will have 3 more years to be stressed out about him.
This kind of stress is not good for your health. They say laughing is
At least he's trying which is more then I can say for some of those on
the Right.
Posted by: mcdonalsherry | October 9, 2009 9:37 AM
Mr. Nobel's intent was to award this prize for significant and actual
accomplishments. This year, they awarded it to the potential for "hope
and change". Yes, this award has lost significant credibility.
Posted by: bob1wilco | October 9, 2009 9:37 AM
I have lost absolute credibility for such highly regarded prize.
Hundreds of people have died, are in captivity, or living under
oppression because of their life-long "extraordinary efforts to
strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation between peoples." I
believe those are worthy of such or any recognition.
Posted by: arrgos2 | October 9, 2009 9:37 AM
The bar on your chart says that more approve than don't, but the
alphanumerics giv a different picture, something needs fixed.
To SENIORVET, the unemployment rate has actually slowed and has
improved in many areas. And, sir, I am also a senior vet, have lived
through every war this country has fought since WWII and have Never
been so afraid for this country as I was during the Bush years when US
diplomacy consisted of threats by Bush and his administration. I think
Bush's policies were especially detrimental to our troops, with
endless rotations, inadequate equipment and a blatant lack of planning
for what to do for the the rest of the war once the first battle,
Baghdad, had been won. Obama has only had 7 months to fix 7 years of
malfeasance (or to use Bush's own word, "miscalculation") by the
previous administration. I for one am pleased to see reason once again
applied to our relations with other nations, and a more considered
approach to our own problems in this country. I salute your service.
Posted by: papasoji | October 9, 2009 9:37 AM
The words of president Obama are echoing across the world. The
brazilians won the elections saying "Yes we can!". That alone is a
massive achievement.
But most of all, he changed the global message of fear and terror into
one of corporation, hope and possibilities.
I think he is doing a great job and I wish him all the best in these
challenging times!
Posted by: politics4me1 | October 9, 2009 9:38 AM
The first question that came to my mind is, "Who made the nomination
before he'd even gotten his feet wet with diplomacy?" He should turn
this down because in his international "America is a bad country and
I'm sorry" tour he has not managed to make peace in the very country
he is so ashamed of. He will accept it with more, "I, I, I, me, me,
me" statements that he is so famous for. This is a farce.
Posted by: bovinehams | October 9, 2009 9:38 AM
The Nobel Peace Prize
However many holy words you read, however many you speak, what good
will they do you if you do not act on upon them?
Words may show a man's wit but actions his meaning.
~Benjamin Franklin
As I grow older I pay less attention to what men say. I just watch
what they do. ~Andrew Carnegie
Without continual growth and progress, such words as improvement,
achievement, and success have no meaning.
~Benjamin Franklin
As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest
appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them.
~John F. Kennedy
In prayer it is better to have a heart without words than words
without a heart.
~Mohandas Gandhi
Talking isn't doing. It is a kind of good deed to say well; and yet
words are not deeds.
~William Shakespeare
Well done is better than well said.
~Benjamin Franklin
The vision must be followed by the venture. It is not enough to stare
up the steps - we must step up the stairs.
~Vance Havner
The words printed here are concepts. You must go through the
~St. Augustine
A promise is a cloud; fulfillment is rain.
~Arabian Proverb
An idea not coupled with action will never get any bigger than the
brain cell it occupied. ~Arnold Glasow
Trust only movement. Life happens at the level of events, not of
words. Trust movement.
~Alfred Adler
Remember, people will judge you by your actions, not your intentions.
You may have a heart of gold - but so does a hard-boiled egg.
~Author Unknown
When deeds speak, words are nothing.
~African Proverb
Talk doesn't cook rice.
~Chinese Proverb
Let all the brothers, however, preach by their deeds.
~St. Francis of Assisi
After all is said and done, a lot more will have been said than done.
~Author Unknown
Talk is Cheap
~English Proverb
You see that a man is justified by his works and not by faith alone.
~James 2: 18, 24
I consistently strive to teach my children that “actions speak louder
than words”. I explain that their wishes and desires, although well
intended; mean nothing until they do something.
Now, the Nobel committee, in giving one of the highest honors in the
world, has just set an example for not only my children but for
children all over the world that talk is enough.
This is a mockery to past laureates.
~Judy Marshall
October 2009
Posted by: jmheartnurse | October 9, 2009 9:39 AM
nice graph. no propaganda here
Posted by: loudountaxrevolt | October 9, 2009 9:39 AM
Very interesting how completely the link to this poll disappeared from
the online front page so quickly after it became clear how the results
were running!
Posted by: MrsWhatsit | October 9, 2009 9:39 AM
Is not the question more than a little presumptuous, 1. I do not know
the criterion for selection and 2.I do not know who were the others
under consideration. Both would be needed to make a reasonable
response to your question. I have read some of the posted comments and
it would appear to me that some of the comments are more against the
man then about the selection.
Posted by: davscott933 | October 9, 2009 9:39 AM
It is my understanding that the President did not "win", but was
"awarded" the prize...much like a bonus given to you from your
employer...deserving or not. In addition, I could not help but notice
that after casting my vote, the graphic scale indicated 49% yes and
51% no; however, the graph lines seemed much more disproportionate for
only a 2% spread with emphasis on “no”…
Posted by: jonbwnfd | October 9, 2009 9:40 AM
Well, now we all know why he was in Scandadavia, not for the Olympics,
but for the lobbying of the Nobel Peace Prize . He can now use, "Not
what you do for your country, but what you do for me", as his slogan.
Posted by: gerry11 | October 9, 2009 9:40 AM
To the first commenter and your diatribe against Presiden Obama: as
you very correctly noted, Chamberlain did not receive the Nobel Peace
prize. The Nobel committee is wise indeed.
Posted by: no1buckigirl | October 9, 2009 9:43 AM
It is not a matter of ideologies. He has done nothing to earn this
prize. He is a great father and husband but a lousy leader. To
Allowme1: George Bush put up with a great deal more of angry,
downright hate-filled rhetoric than President Obama has and he has
maintained his dignity. He didn't become smug ("I won" - Obama) and he
has refused to attack his successor in spite of the fact that people
are still blaming him for Obama's present failures (did you read the
article blaming the loss of the 2016 olympics on him?) It's not that
the president might not EVENTUALLY deserve this award, it is that it
is premature.
Posted by: bovinehams | October 9, 2009 9:44 AM
This award makes no sense to me.
It comes on a day when Foreign Minister Lieberman of Israel states
that there will no peace agreement between the Israeli's and the
What has President Obama accomplished besides giving great speaches?
The award would be justified once he accomplishes something!
Posted by: mwhoke | October 9, 2009 9:45 AM
If you are as disgusted as me, you need to check out this post:
Posted by: offersave | October 9, 2009 9:46 AM
Like the Organ Grinder's Monkey need to have his overinflated ego
stroked some more.
Posted by: panielsen | October 9, 2009 9:47 AM
Adolf Hitler was nominated in 1939 by Erik Brandt, a member of the
Swedish Parliament. Brandt retracted the nomination after a few days.
[8] Other infamous nominees included Joseph Stalin and Benito
Posted by: johnchambers | October 9, 2009 9:48 AM
Why does the graph make the vote look so lopsided?
Posted by: subwayguy | October 9, 2009 9:48 AM
Yes, he does. President Obama neither got us into the mess in Iraq/
Afghanistan nor voted to do so. He has done much to repair the USA's
international reputation after the the debacle of the past eight years
and, as such, the United States has just been named the most respected
nation in the world, up from #7 a year ago when Dub-ya was president.
Posted by: womanfortruth | October 9, 2009 9:49 AM
After chaoctic Bush with two wars, everything seemed pleasant. Whole
world started to relax the exit of Bush and his cronies. Obama was a
hope for the people of the world. He also acted towards peace building
relationship with communities and nations. World leaders started to
gather around him on several issues. He certainly deserves the Peace
prize. I hope this gives him an impetus to achieve world peace.
Posted by: afsar | October 9, 2009 9:50 AM
Okay, so the teleprompter won an award that now holds the prestige of
an MTV Music Award. Can the President now get on with actually DOING
something about the pressing issues that face THIS country?
BTW, when the hell did Toastmasters merge with the Nobel Committee?
Posted by: Ogman | October 9, 2009 9:50 AM
I see alot of you are seeing through the rights agenda to keep us
living in fear. To you conniewhite I say NO. Just like I tell my
children, you have the ability to figure it out on you own, I've put
my work and time in researching, so you can figure it out on your
own...It's all in black and white.
Posted by: Teflon | October 9, 2009 9:51 AM
Obama does not just deserv e to win, but represents the very fabric of
this award. Now, all he has to do is make sure Bush, Cheney, Condi,
and Rove are in prison (perferably Guantanomo) for the absolute
destruction they have caused this country. Republicans are a waning
party, and someone should provide this administration the pin to pop
that bubble and send them and all their negativity straight to you now
Posted by: ohb4usa | October 9, 2009 9:51 AM
I think the man deserves the prize, but it TOO early.
It would have been more fitting to give it after his policies had had
time to bear fruit.
Posted by: edouardprisse | October 9, 2009 9:51 AM
I think the man deserves the prize, but it is TOO early.
It would have been more fitting to give it after his policies had had
time to bear fruit.
Posted by: edouardprisse | October 9, 2009 9:52 AM
The graph is not lopsided .. the numbers are. Read the posts and you
will see the posts are against the idea not for.
Posted by: T-Tom | October 9, 2009 9:53 AM
It is interesting how we as human beings cry out for equal playing
field opportunities when it comes to us, but when this playing field
is open to others we cry out "foul." President Obama has opened the
eyes of our global community with a message of hope to those who had
been disenfranchised for decades, encouraging them to garnish their
dreams, their rights, and stand to be counted with the words of "Yes
We Can." This movement has been embraced by billions of citizens in
our global society. How dare we think that he is not worthy. He
continually make unpopular decisions for the betterment of human kind,
as did JFK, Gandhi, Martin King, and others... In the words of Janet
Jackson, the entertainer, I ask you, what have you done lately?
Posted by: jlmoranjr | October 9, 2009 9:54 AM
One of the earlier comments was "He is leading by example, not by
dropping bombs on anyone who dare disagree with him."
Using the same logic, ACORN is equally deserving?
Posted by: johnchambers | October 9, 2009 9:55 AM
People love him. Deal with it.
Posted by: BigHustla | October 9, 2009 9:55 AM
Oh how it amuses me how people are freaking out over this. Wait,
people or sheeple? It seems everyone is feigning the exact same
outrage. Ah well.
Posted by: XanderB | October 9, 2009 9:55 AM
Let me get this straight - Obama -the one term Senator from corrupt
Chicago politics, the 9 month rookie US Pres who has quadrupled our
deficit, weakened our defenses, is ashamed of the US but then flip-
flopped when it came time to sell the Olypics committee on the
greatness of the US (I guess the Olym Commitee believed him during his
first apology tour), took pressure off terrorists, is killing our
soldiers in Afgan. by non-decision, usurps the constitution with each
radical Czar appointment...this Obama won the NPP? I knew when Gore
won it with his hack science project that the NPP was nothing more
than a cracker jack prize. What a freakin' joke!
Posted by: NO-bama | October 9, 2009 9:57 AM
Congratulation Mr. President. Now tell us exactly how much in foreign
aid (payola) to Norway this little award is going to cost the American
Or maybe better yet, you can during your acceptance speech, list off
all the wonderful things you have accomplished in the last 9 months
that other candidates haven't been able to eclipse with a lifetime of
BTW genius, make sure that teleprompter is fired up and ready to go.
You would want to embarrass the Nobel committee by looking like a
total imbecile.
Posted by: Bcamp55 | October 9, 2009 9:57 AM
This decision by a committee is nothing more than an effort to spit in
the face of George W. Bush another time. President Obama has
absolutely no accomplishments on the diplomatic and foreign policy
fronts. This prize has been awarded for utopian rhetoric, not real
accomplishments. Get the Iranians to halt their nuclear weapons
program, Mr. President, and then we can take your prize seriously.
Posted by: rwe123 | October 9, 2009 9:57 AM
My first question was "what war did Obama end"?
But then I realized this was the Nobel folks flipping the bird to Bush
and his pals, Republican Neo-Cons, who have done much to de-stabilize
our security and the world's during the Bash Admin.
Ha ha ha. I love it.
Stew in your juices, losers!
Posted by: tony_in_Durham_NC | October 9, 2009 9:57 AM
radbwana wrote:
"One should not forget that it is the Swedes who give the Nobel Prizes
for science, etc. Norway gives the peace prize as nothing more than a
socialist political statement."
So when Henry Kissinger got the award in '73, he was getting the
socialist stamp of approval?
Stay consistent, big boy.
Posted by: krjames | October 9, 2009 9:57 AM
My memory may be wrong, but isn't this prize the same PC, PR, fluff
given to that famous scientist Albert Gore for his work in saving the
Posted by: jstratt2 | October 9, 2009 9:57 AM
Since when has peace become a liberal concept? The world seems somehow
much more peaceable lately. I do not credit the presence of Obama in
the White House for this as much as the absence of Bush. Nevertheless,
peace is NOT a liberal concept, nor should it be. It is what we all
should seek. That Obama has been an instrument of peace is a good
thing for liberals and conservatives alike.
Posted by: marcelcarroll | October 9, 2009 9:58 AM
Sour grapes; President Bush never won the Nobel Peace Prize.
Posted by: smp55 | October 9, 2009 9:58 AM
Not only does President Obama deserve the Nobel Peace Prize, he
deserves the admiration and support of the people and politicians in
the U.S.A.
Way to go, Mr. President!! You are an inspiration to me and millions
more who voted for you and those around the world who respect and look
to you for much needed hope in their lives.
I am so relieved to have Barack Obama as President of the United
States! :)
Posted by: MrsLfromTexas | October 9, 2009 9:59 AM
what an absolute JOKE!!!!
Posted by: NO-bama | October 9, 2009 9:59 AM
Can't we just say "score one for America" and share a mom
ent of pride in this before cynicism and divisiveness take over?
Posted by: valandsend | October 9, 2009 9:59 AM
You got to be kidding me. This vote by the election committee makes a
mockery of the whole process. What's next, an Academy Award for the
Obama girls becuase they want to grow up to be actors! Oh, to be s SNL
writer this week.
Posted by: bbarbee2 | October 9, 2009 9:59 AM
It's so strange that some of you are are commenting that the current
president is having to deal with problems created by the last
presidency. This has always been the case. And you trying to say that
all of the US problems were created in the last 8 years? Certainly
not, because that's absurd.
The only thing that is certain is that the next president will be
working to fix things that perceivably did not go well during Obama's
presidency. Quit pointing a finger and focus on the problems of today.
No one is always right.
Posted by: TitanTn | October 9, 2009 9:59 AM
Obama was about to launch a full-scale war in Afghanistan to please
the Defense industries who make campaign contributions to Democratic
members of Congress who can't run or win without their support. The
only thing that Obama is concerned about is running and winning and he
respects any industry who supports Democratic candidates so they can
win and keep a Democratic majority. Whenever he fails, or does
something to please industries that normally support Republicans, he
always says he is being bipartisan. What a total crock. He doesn't do
anything but talk and when he does he doesn't tell us anything. This
is the consummate diplomat in case you were wondering what this kind
of ineffective leadership means to Norwegians. I personally wouldn't
care what Norwegians thought. I would care a lot what the people in
the United States thought or what the peopleof Afghanistan thought.
Posted by: eyemakeupneeded1 | October 9, 2009 9:59 AM
If Obama can win this for talking pretty can his speech writer is next
in line for Nobel Prize in Literature?
Posted by: Ram_K | October 9, 2009 9:59 AM
Congratulations Mr. President. Thank you for changing the world's
image of America. You deserve this and we rejoice in it with you.
Posted by: 1rakat | October 9, 2009 9:59 AM
Are we so egotistical that when our president garners a praise or an
honor we cannot think of it as a national honor? Is there one United
States of America? Or, are there 300+ million United States of
Posted by: hanrm0415 | October 9, 2009 10:00 AM
I love this because it rankles the repugs! Who deserves it more than
Obama? He's done more for world peace than Bush could have ever even
thought in his pea size brain!
Posted by: blarsen1 | October 9, 2009 10:00 AM
Posted by: pkaiser1 | October 9, 2009 10:00 AM
Will the right wing never get tired of blasting President Obama. You
lost get over it. At least he has a measure of intelligence as opposed
to a former president. If the right wing would work with the president
instead of listening to a++holes such as Rush who hopes he fails
things could get done. We sent these people to Washington to work for
the Americans not to act like little brats who when the game isn't
going their way they take their ball and go home.
Posted by: deljaramillo | October 9, 2009 10:00 AM
one only has to look at an actual list of actual Nobel prize
recipients, something few here have actually done, mentioning onlly
the most famous winners. well there were far more dubious choices
before and obama is well deserving he has definetly changed the tone
in world politics like no one else currently. just who exactly
compares to him right now on the world stage? who? its his time, our
time...congratulate and salute him...and help him achieve his/our
goals for peace and prosperity...enough knee jerk reactions are you
all so blinded by your hate...
Posted by: ronnieron1 | October 9, 2009 10:00 AM
I'm still laughing my Azz off over this JOKE!!!
bad the jokes on the American people.
Posted by: NO-bama | October 9, 2009 10:01 AM
Alfred Nobel is rolling in his grave.
The committee has run amuck!
Jimmy Carter has done more to encourage terrorism than to promote
peace, history will show Obama has and is coddling and cultivating the
Posted by: Obama_TRAITOR_in_Chief | October 9, 2009 10:01 AM
This is no more ludicrous than a murderer (Edward Kennedy) being
"knighted" or jimma carter (THE U.S.S.A.s worst president)receiving it
before BH O'Carter. All three "awards" were given by ultra liberals,
none were deserved, and all three recipients are frauds and shams.
Posted by: IQ168 | October 9, 2009 10:02 AM
Who designed the bar graph? The difference between the "yes" votes and
the "no" votes is two percentage points, yet the "no" bar is three
times as long as the "yes" bar.
In fact, "yes" is 49% and "no" is 51%: the graph is supposed to
illustrate reality, not. . . well, just what DOES it illustrate?
Posted by: cmcintyr | October 9, 2009 10:02 AM
First Al Gore & now this. The Nobel Committee has lost all
Posted by: JEM28 | October 9, 2009 10:02 AM
A proud day for the United States of America. Congratulations
President Obama, this award is very much deserved!
Posted by: tbranen | October 9, 2009 10:03 AM
Nobel prize fail...
Posted by: Phil6 | October 9, 2009 10:03 AM
While we can speculate on the reasons for the award and disagree on
what an appropriate basis for granting such an award is, what is so
disappointing is that for so many pundits and partisans it is just
another opportunity to dump on the President. The rush to taint and
trash the honor is unseemly. If you look at the articles, blogs and
comments this morning, the chattering crowds are tripping over
themselves to be the first to p*ss on this. Jeez, grow up.
Posted by: Georgia10 | October 9, 2009 10:03 AM
Oh, yes, Obama deserves it, for all he has done in all its glory. He
should have won it three or four times by now. They should have given
it to him back when he was a state legislator in Illinois, and when he
was a law clerk in Chicago. He has earned it many times over. He
should win one each day when he gets up in the morning, and after he
brushes his teeth and when he has a cup of coffee. He has transformed
the world into better place where the lion and the lamb can sit down
together and chat over a can of beer. It's now a place where we can
all hold hands and sing his praises. Now that the prize committee has
recognized his genius, we should look forward to him getting it again
next year and the year after that, too. Man is this guy good!
Posted by: ttj1 | October 9, 2009 10:04 AM
No! And please stop pulling the race card every time someone has
something negative to say about the president. The vote was made three
weeks after he took office. What the hell had he done at that point to
bring peace? Move furniture in and out of the White House? See
whatever you want to see, the truth stopped being relevant a long time
Posted by: mytwocentstoday | October 9, 2009 10:05 AM
"the guy has accomplished exactly NOTHING in regard to ANYTHING."
He's managed to push the remaining reactionary rightwing whackos
insane. Listen to their mini-minds exploding all over the country,
Pop! Pop! Pop!
All they've got is Fear, Hate, Distortion and Division. No prize for
Posted by: thebobbob | October 9, 2009 10:06 AM
Posted by: notbhaven | October 9, 2009 10:06 AM
It's easy to understand why Americans are so surprised by the Nobel
Committee's decision...they get their news from our right-wing slanted
media. Imagine living in a country where the papers didn't continualy
repeat obviously false smears -- deather, birther, Nazi, etc -- as if
they were legitimate "points of view."
Imagine if Truth, not faux "balance" were the underlying principle!
Imagine you're looking at the US from outside our spin-bubble, and
this makes prefect sense.
Congratulations President Obama! And may your good efforts expand and
Posted by: watt | October 9, 2009 10:07 AM
Congratulations Mr Pres.
You are the first black US Pres in history and now the first black US
President in history to have ever won the Nobel Peace Prize for doing
ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to deserve it! I guess the NBPP commitee loved the
fact that you degrade America at every turn, weaken our stance on
terrorism, give aid to our enemies (Hamas), kill our economy with your
asinine economic spending spree, and kill our soldiers in Afgan with
your powerful non-decisison making capabilities - I can see why they
gave you the NBPP - anyone that can weaken America that much in 9
months is a hero in their eyes. Congrats! I pray you are a one term
Posted by: NO-bama | October 9, 2009 10:08 AM
Interesting, not many, including news outlets, asked if President
Obama "deserved" Joe Wilson.
I think it is a good result, because it simply whips Obama's
detractors in to more of a frenzy. It is good news because it offsets
much of the ridiculous venom and demagoguery hurled at this President,
who has meanwhile worked with focus, and good results, amid very
difficult circumstances.
Posted by: kenhyde | October 9, 2009 10:08 AM
Haa Haa. That's a good one. Now, who REALLY won?
Posted by: IQ168 | October 9, 2009 10:08 AM
I understand that the olympic games will not be held in the future,
but that medals will be awarded on the basis of what the judges think
you might accomplish.
I also heard that a mexican meth lab operator was being awarded the
nobel prize for chemistry.
Posted by: rlkidd58 | October 9, 2009 10:09 AM
What a joke - if BO has any sense he'd decline the award
Posted by: grass | October 9, 2009 10:10 AM
I am a great admirer of President Obama.
Last year I winced when ASU made comments about President Obama's body
of work lying in front of him. But that was for an honorary degree
from a minor school.
This is about the Nobel Prize! I've been suspicious of the past few
winners -- I guess they've jumped the shark on this one.
They should have waited a few years, within a few years we'll see a
lot fewer wars, a lot more wet teams and targeted assassinations, and
a lot of electric cars on the road. But none of that has happened yet.
Posted by: bbb444 | October 9, 2009 10:10 AM
Sorry, But this is a joke! What a waste ! Give credit where it is do.
Was this bought and paid for? Yeah it is a socialist thing.Next to
Carter he is the worst Prez.
Posted by: getreal121 | October 9, 2009 10:10 AM
there is no honor in a prize that was once given to Al Gore for his
hack science - The Nobel Peace Prize is nothing more than a cracker-
jack prize...fitting for this Pres.
Posted by: NO-bama | October 9, 2009 10:11 AM
I am an Indian.I think that President Obama has not contributed
sufficiently to worldpeace to receive the precious award.He is
different and progressive in attitudes,but his efficiency to execute
his ideas are not proved so far.
Posted by: kkabdulsalam | October 9, 2009 10:11 AM
Gore, Obama - dead level comparison!
wind and smoke.......
Posted by: jdiehl6 | October 9, 2009 10:12 AM
Great poll(?). I voted "NO" - and the system wouldn't take it - NOR
let me see the results. So, I voted "YES" and it took it immediately
and showed me the results. Imagine my surprise! Is ACORN running the
Posted by: IQ168 | October 9, 2009 10:13 AM
What are the chances of another person like Obama coming along to
rescue the world after W brought it to an economic, political and
environmental collapse? Slim to none. The Nobel committee recognizes
that. He has done much more already for world peace than anyone else
after staying just 9 months in the office. This award will give him
the political and moral capital to accelerate his efforts towards
world piece.
Posted by: manofwisdom | October 9, 2009 10:13 AM
Funny how this comes a few days before our government makes a crucial
decision as to whether to wreck our healthcare or not.
Isn't this the same peace prize that was also awarded to Arafat?? I
got a better idea, lets make a gold statue of Obama so that every
Friday liberals from all walks of life can come and pray.
This man is a sick joke of a president and the people that praise him
are even sicker!!
Posted by: emmitfitzhume | October 9, 2009 10:13 AM
Congratulations, Mr. President.
I am proud of the work you have started (though we should have a
private chat sometime about that thing in Afghanistan).
I am proud that you have established the foundation for a new way
forward that is based on cooperation and engagement.
Most of all, I am proud to be an American this morning, and every day,
and that you are setting the standard in international leadership.
Thank you.
Posted by: ennepe68 | October 9, 2009 10:14 AM
The Nobel Prizes just became off little importance.
Posted by: smiggs1 | October 9, 2009 10:14 AM
This has to be a punk on Barack by Aston Kutcher..........
They must give these awards based on lip service. Obama DID give a
nice speech in Berlin apologizing for Americas's mistakes and such.
That kind of drivel goes over big with Europeans.
Other than that, the guy is as useful as a poopy popsicle.
He has done squat to deserve anything remotely resembling praise.
Posted by: MosinM9159 | October 9, 2009 10:15 AM
I thought the concept and logic behind receiving an "award" was that
there have to be recognized accomplishments?? Where are they?
Crafty politicians are the committee members for making Obama a Obama must bend to the will of other nations and pull out
troops from Afganistan (and possibly Iraq) otherwise he looks even
more undeserving than we know he is already.
Posted by: Exiledpatriot | October 9, 2009 10:15 AM
I voted for Obama, I support him and I admire his vision and values,
but I can NOT say that he deserves the Nobel Peace Prize. It's not
even close. Even if his actions in the last nine months qualify him
for the prize, which I think is a still a stretch, he was only in
office 12 DAYS before the nomination deadline!!!!!! Maybe the
obviously politically-motivated, agenda-centric Nobel Peace committee
should have waited at least a year. This really seems like a "slap in
the face" to past winners.
Posted by: Juraco | October 9, 2009 10:15 AM
If they think he was worthy of the Nobel Peace prize by Feb 1st, he
should be King of the World by New Year's Day.
Posted by: ddmail | October 9, 2009 10:16 AM
I tried to take the poll vote No, but it will not take it,but I;l be
da---if I vote yes just to see what it does
Posted by: getreal121 | October 9, 2009 10:18 AM
The Nobel Prize for Al Gore for his extremist manipulation of
statistics and exaggeration of every possible conclusion in that
terrible movie, An Inconvenient Truth, passed over a truly worthy
nominee, Irena Sendler.
Now we get B.H.Obama, who so far has done nothing but talk, talk,
talk, talk; providing no leadership but letting everyone else in his
party take the heat for chaos; getting the Nobel Prize for peace. His
policies will bring real war, and the end will not be good for anyone.
Posted by: eagleEd | October 9, 2009 10:18 AM
It has been really, really fun to watch the heads of the Right Wing
Nuts explode, over this announcement.
They, who cheered when America lost the Olympics, are now in "boo hoo"
mode over the Nobel Peace Prize Award to The President of the United
Predictable as it is... it's been a joy to behold their reaction.
Gotta Luv It.
Congratulations, President Obama. Keep up the good work!
Posted by: eryanwhite | October 9, 2009 10:19 AM
Are you kidding me? The Nobel Prize has really lost it's credibility
and prestige from this day forward. It should be awarded to men or
women who have devoted a LIFETIME to achieving peace, not some pop
star version of it.
Posted by: sah2 | October 9, 2009 10:19 AM
Apparently making pretty speeches is enough to win a Nobel prize,
whereas actually liberating millions of Muslims in Iraq and
Afghanistan, significantly degrading a global terrorist organization,
forcing another country to abandon its nuclear program and providing
unprecented levels of aid to Africa to fight AIDS is not? These are
all things that President Bush actually ACCOMPLISHED.
Posted by: Illini | October 9, 2009 10:20 AM
The folks on ABC's This Week got it right last Sunday. They said of
Obama and were quoted at :
Obama tried to get Dave Paterson out of the race [for governor] in New
York, and he says no.
They tried to get Andrew Romanoff out of the race for Senate in
Colorado; he says no.
They try to get Joe Sestak out of the race in Pennsylvania for Senate;
he says no.
The argument is that “no harm in trying,” that is the job of the White
Then George Will said:
That’s just at home, Abroad…
He has said to Israel, “stop the settlements;” they didn’t.
He said to the Palestinians “engage the Israelis;” they didn’t.
He said to Saudi Arabia “some gesture please toward Israel;” they
He said to Iran do this, that, and the other thing; they obviously
To Honduras he said “Please restore your president;” they didn’t.
To India and China, “Please restrain your greenhouse gases;” they
To NATO, “Please take some of our Gitmo terrorists;” they won’t.
“NATO, please send troops to Afghanistan;” they won’t.
Saying “No” to the president is getting to be a habit….
Posted by: rmm-boston | October 9, 2009 10:21 AM
My vote goes to Don Rumsfeld and Dick Cheney.
Posted by: theworm1 | October 9, 2009 10:22 AM
I am one of many delighted and encouraged about the future for our
country and world because of President Obama's actions and tireless
pursuit of peace and stability. I lament voices of doom that threaten
our country's progress. My hope is that more Americans will use their
influence for good; that they will recognize and advocate fair
treatment and peaceful relations for all Americans and all world
Posted by: Eleanor-JusticeForAll | October 9, 2009 10:22 AM
Bill Clinton's head must be close to exploding, given how much time
and money he's dedicated to the Clinton Global Initiatives over the
last eight years.
Posted by: Illini | October 9, 2009 10:23 AM
I am beginning to wonder whether a background in Chicago politics is
more detrmintal to a president's ability to lead than a background in
radical Moslem education, which is what schooling in Indonesia is
like. Obama's stepfather brought him to Indonesia and educated him
there during his tender years.
Indonesia slaughters Christians, mostly ethnic Chinese Christians, who
are the minority in Indonesia. There are websites created by ethnic
Chinese in Indonesia that detail this carnage. In fact, to seek
political asylum in Indonesia, all one has to do is prove one is an
ethnically Chinese Christian and has been threatened or harmed by
Muslims because the State Department recognizes in its country
conditions database that Christians are persecuted with the full
support of the Indonesian government. So how's that for a great
international background?
Actually, since my family comes from Chicago, I fear a leader's
exposure to Chicago politics and the influence from that quarter more
than I do a politician's exposure to Indonesian education and
prejudices. Chicago's ethnic hatreds and prejudices are far worse in
their own way than Indonesian prejudices because there is no way for
anyone to seek political asylum from persecution perpetrated by
Chicago politicians.
Posted by: eyemakeupneeded1 | October 9, 2009 10:23 AM
Congrats go out to my great President. What idiot doesn't want to
stand for peace, when our sons and daughters are at war. Shame on
those who differ. Yes, we can. Go my President, may God continue to
bless and protect you and your family. All love to President Barack
Posted by: lexus1 | October 9, 2009 10:23 AM
Posted by: mpwynn | October 9, 2009 10:23 AM
Apparently the right wing in this country has difficulty using "The
President of the United States" and the word "Peace" in the same
sentence. This is sad. Such negativity is not helpful - how many of
those complaining have children in Iraq or Afghanistan???
The "graph" shown here with the results of the "Peace Prize Is Bad"
poll is so skewed, that it finally confirms my feelings about the W.
Post in the last few years. Peace? Who wants Peace???
Posted by: JoyceV | October 9, 2009 10:23 AM
What has President Obama actually accomplished that makes him
deserving of this award? I believe he may well have good intentions
and his vision may be sincere. Perhaps in time he may attain some
accomplishments that would support a nomination for this award. But he
has not actually accomplished anything to date, especially when you
consider that he was only in office a few weeks before he was
nominated for this award. First it was Al Gore, and now this - the
Nobel Peace prize can no longer be recognized as a serious award.
Posted by: LonghorninVA | October 9, 2009 10:23 AM
...and I am Sid Harth